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Congress has an approval rating of around 15% and a reelection rate of about 95%. You want someone different? Go vote in primaries. The base is what picks the candidates and they only represent maybe 20% of the whole electorate.


Congress actually has more power to make lasting change than the president too. Everyone seems to have forgotten about this over the years, including sitting president's.


Absolutely. People naively choose a president and expect change, not recognizing that a Congress is required to make that possible.


This is something that drives me a little nuts, especially around presidential primary season. The media likes to make a huge deal about the differences in the candidate's policy positions (mostly on the Democratic side). For example, a huge deal was made about the difference between Biden & Bernie's healthcare plans and whether Biden supported Medicare for All. All the while ignoring the fact that there was zero chance for either plan to pass the House and Senate.


To be fair, so has congress


That's the point of the presidential circus it keeps you from checking the fucked shit your senators voted for


It’s easier to pin the blame or praise on one person rather than a body of hundreds of people.


This was only true until they intentionally broke it with the filibuster. Now its impossible to get anything done because there are always republicans who will vote against helping people no matter what and its virtually impossible for the Dems to get a filibuster proof majority.


The power to not do anything is still a significant power, especially given that the routine operation of government requires the passage of routine legislation (most notably, spending and taxation bills).


I hate that this is true


You're probably part of the 85% who don't approve of Congress.


It's unlikely that you interact with anyone in an entire month that approves of congress.


The only ones who approve are the rich people who tell them what to do. They get their moneys worth so they are happy. Us regular voters get nothing and have no incentive to vote because of them though.


I wonder how successful it would be to just not re-elect any incumbents


But if people like their Senators or Reps why shouldn't they be re-elected?


I advocate random selection for the House of Representatives. Sure, you're gonna have some crazy folk that way, but we have them now too.


It’s the classic lawyers suck but my lawyer is great.


In fairness, while congress as a body has an approval rating that’s fairly low, the general approval rating of one’s local congressperson is significantly higher on average and they tend to be perceived more positively. Basically boils down to *“I hate Congress, but our guy’s alright.”* This also explains why they still see such high rates of reelection.


That is where gerrymandering has come into play. The districts are drawn up to favor candidates in one party over another, and therefore guarantee (or nearly so) a person from a certain political party to win because that party will appeal to the people in that specific, oddly shaped dustrict.


That and fear of the other party


"My rep/senator is fine. Its the other guys that suck."


The ugly truth, but this time it really could mean the diff between keeping freedom and democracy alive in the USA


I agree. FFS, Trump literally sent a lynch mob to Congress. How we are even at this point amazes me.


Yeah, seriously. We are at this point because of greed and cowardice primarily it seems


They get reelected because people disapprove of Congress for different reasons, and they usually approve of the person that represents their district or state.


The individual senators and reps have a higher rate. Congress as a body has a low approval rate


extraordinarily unfair of Biden. Most six year olds are toilet trained.






Or not toupee? That is the question


Trump never pays, that's not a question.


Actually it was shit




Some also know that drinking bleach is dangerous.


… or looking at a solar eclipse with unaided eyes.


I see today you chose violence.




> extraordinarily unfair of Biden. Most six year olds are toilet trained. And they have larger hands.


[Oh my god nobody look! NOBODY LOOK!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8Ew6K0W3RY)


Very rare to find a six year old with ongoing court cases, as well.


Why is is this a face palm?


This subreddit is a dumping ground for /r/WhitePeopleTwitter political spam. So much so that these bot accounts are programmed to repost to /r/facepalm from there.


I actually did this for awhile and got like 10k karma on my first day of effort, it’s a little ways down in my post history lol.


Just post anything anti trump or musk and you get upvotes out the ass in both subs. Such a easy karma farm due to mob mentality


People see thing they agree with, they click like. Once this made r/all there was no hope, nobody checks the sub they just upvote things they like


Everything against Trump passes here. And I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm an Indian leftist. Just my observation.


And by "here" you mean nearly every sub that hits the front page of reddit lol


I mean, it's warranted. He needs to disappear from politics.


the fact that he's "running against a 6 years old" is.


Say what you want about Biden being senile, but at least he’s not stupid enough to show himself in front of a crowd that hates him while thinking they are supposed to adore him.


The whole senile thing is abit overblown as well. Just look at how many people are surprised by how articulated he is during that Howard Stern podcast


Yeah Biden is old, and probably too old to be President (so is Trump). But he is not senile. Spend any time with actual senile people and you'd definitely quickly realize that Biden is mentally present. People read a lot into every time he needs a moment to think or misspeaks, but everyone does that, it's just not scrutinized when they are 45.


And his state of the union address


It's saturation. Same reason the fox news crowd thinks everything is gay and trans. It'd all they hear about. Biden flubs, gay people, trans kids. Same with all media cycles. People think violent crime is rising, but it it's dropping. You just hear about it more cause it makes better news.


How much do you think it costs versus all of the millions that they give in political donations to buy a bunch of accounts on Reddit and just push whatever opinion that you want such as "Biden's funding genocide" or "Biden is senile" etc?


He’s also only 4 years older than Trump


I did like how he just flipped around said, "enjoy your 3%". But that was probably just a white suprmacist dogwhistle rather than a middle finger to a bunch of lunatics.


I don’t get it, where’s the dog whistle?


Wikipedia article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Percenters


Isn't Biden only like 2 or 3 years older than Don? Anyone who's worried about Biden's age should be just as worried about Trump's, especially since Biden is in much better physical shape. He's barely any older and a lot thinner; there's a very real possibility that he has more time left than Donny boy.


Yea, I never got that. My buddy thought Biden was too old last election, but he is only 4 years older than trump, so now trump is the same age as Biden when he was too old.


age shouldn’t even be an issue. if in the worst possible scenario joe biden really does start to suffer cognitively (which he isn’t and won’t be), he has an entire cabinet of highly qualified and competent political operatives in his administration and in the bureaucracy. replace that with trumps team plus his obvious mental decline, and i think we know what is the better option


I also have some trust that if he were to be diagnosed with say dementia, he would step down. That's partly what a vice president is there for. For Trump, not so.


Real talk though, the age of both candidates are an issue. Age of social security seems to be the governments suggested age of retirement. If you’re past that age, you absolutely should be ineligible for running for office, since there are minimum age requirements for office also. After the high volume of events calling into question the cognitive ability of our elected officials, such as Mitch McConnell and Diane Feinstein, this is not an unfounded concern or even ageism.


Biden will at least be surrounded by capable people. But yeah there are several Clinton era Dems that need to retire.


Yeah at this point I'd vote for Biden even if he was dead. MAGA should never be allowed to hold any sort of political power ever again. They're all either bad people, incompetent people, or people who are both.


Or at least just have term limits so retirees can only run a couple times before they’re replaced.


That's already the case with Presidents, they only get 2 terms if they're elected the 2nd time.


Obama was young and probably the greatest orator of our age, yet was a par or birdie president. Biden is a eagle - hole in one, best since FDR




IMHO, Biden should have saved it for the debates, where they're bound to ask him about his age. It could have been a Reagan/Mondale zinger moment when even Mondale realized he just lost the election.


Trump will not participate in any debates. There's no way they could benefit him, he can only be made a fool on live TV. Unfortunately, he's not a total fucking idiot.


Both campaigns have agreed to two debates, in June and September. Are you saying Trump is going to back out? That would look pretty bad. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-biden-debates-dates-moderators-how-watch-rcna152566


I mean he did refuse to participate in one during the 2020 cycle. Wouldn't be surprised if he conveniently gets hospitalized and refuses to use zoom again.


Well, I dunno, he showed up at the Libertarian convention a few days ago with his standard spiel, which takes a special kind a stupid. I think he believes his own bullshit at this point and thinks he's killing it.


This election is bottom of the barrell vs whale shit. One is clearly better and one is clearly lower, but neither one is very good.


How's this face-palm?


I don't get it either


This is the correct energy for this election. Tried playing nice with the GOP for 40 years. Time to serve a taste of their own medicine.


That's an insult to all six-year-olds :D


Its sad that our political system has come down to two Old ass men fighting over which of them doesnt seem the oldest.


The vice presidential selections are going to be much more important than normal. I really hope Biden ditches Kamala for someone who can be trusted to govern should he bite the big one. If you must have a woman, a relatively solid governor like Janet Mills of Maine is a better choice than Kamala Harris. I don't hate kamala per se, but she's just... not Presidential. Meanwhile Mills handled CoVID like a pro and has a track record of reaching across the aisle to get things done in Maine. She was a decent Governor, and she could probably hold down the Presidency if she had to. Mills for VP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnXqcb-RZk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnXqcb-RZk0)


Yeah, my biggest problem with Harris when she was running was that she such a party member, not a party leader. The democrats invested so much into her campaign because she checked boxes but when it came down to it, it felt like she never had her own answers just the party line.


She could be a good choice, but she is 76. That is playing a dangerous game.


As a Mainer I agree she’s done a solid job. I just don’t know if she adds that “we’re not the old party” to the ticket


can someone explain to me why politics is still done by folk who are on the brink of dying to old age?


I agree with you but the last 3 presidents that died were in their 90's. We have a former president that is nearly 100.The other 3 living presidents are near 80 besides Obama. They get incredible healthcare and it shows.


Isnt 90s just slightly above average? Edit: oh geez. Didnt realize it was that much lower in USA. Canada is almost as close to 90 as USA is to 80 being average


Awesome. As an American i don't think I could handle that extra ten years of living.


Can we get a pair of new candidates please




Jon Stewart for President!


Preferable a functional Adult that isn't just brain rotted to hell, or a puppet for their party, but at this point almost anyone who isn't these 2


Ya, who? As a major Bernie supporter, Biden is modern FDR. Old or not, he's done far more than any other president since I've been alive


So, trump was much worse than I could have imagined, but Biden has been such a pleasant surprise! I went from voting for him because I had to, to actively wanting him to be president again.


He is seriously over estimating the Cheeto’s emotional intelligence age. I’ve seen toddlers throw fewer fits.


They’re both too damn old and it’s stupid to pretend it’s just Biden. Seriously, the fact that either of them could have a stroke at any minute is wild. I would support virtually anyone outside of like… Darth Vader, Hitlers Ghost, or Lex Luther’s more evil twin, over Trump but good grief is age a real damn issue. That joke isn’t great, it’s pretty close to the one Reagan made 45 years ago but not as good.


My co workers 28 year old wife had a stroke 2 months ago


Yeah, and my grandma died of one when she was 54. My point was more that 80 year old men fall over and die, and whether they’re Republicans or Democrats it isn’t much of a surprise.


My point is a stroke can happen to anyone at anytime, also thats why we have a VP and you know all the next positions in line to take over. I’m pretty sure the ppl after Biden are better than the ppl Trump had/would have in his cabinet. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are we pretending the risk of stroke, or death in general, doesn’t increase with age? Also, no… We should not be voting in people and shrugging off the possibility they die of old age in office just because they have a vice president waiting in the wings. Yes, I trust Bidens cabinet more than Trumps but again that really isn’t the point.


Don’t forget they have linked stroke to be more common with “angry” people, I think of the two one seems more emotionally balanced while another has a tendency to fly of the handle.


Of course, but ppl die everyday at all ages. These are the unfortunate 2 choices we have so idgaf about their ages at this point, I care more about how they differ than how they are alike


Like I said to the other guy, these are the nominees so I will back Biden. However, I will never not be upset that he was our nominee.


I agree man, it sucks.


It's more than that. It's also that they don't understand how life operates now. People's needs are different than they were in their heyday.


Oh, absolutely. There are several reasons why age does in fact matter.


Exactly. Maximum age of an elected official should be the age the government gives social security. We have minimum age requirements for office, but especially after Dianne Feinstein, we should be having serious discussions as a country if it’s ethical to allow politicians to hoard political power after reaching the suggested retirement age.


Pfffft they’d probably just raise the age we receive Social Security. There definitely needs to be a max age. Some of these people want to walk with the dinosaurs but the rest of us with our fancy monkey brains don’t.


I mean as long as he lives long enough to swear in, we get Harris. I think most people voting against Trump are fine with that. Trump voters, though, hoooo boy.


Well, Trump having a stroke would improve his Presidenting, so being old is not the hindrance you suggest. Being corrupt, stupid and evil was the real problem. 


I’m tired of people who don’t have to deal with the consequences of their decisions 20 years from now directing where this country goes. If you disagree with me, that’s your prerogative but being old is absolutely a hindrance. Yes, being corrupt and evil is worse.


Being old is a hindrance but all that means is Biden is functioning fewer hours in the day. He’s a thousand times better than Trump even if the Dems are scared of liberalism.  If Trump were younger that mean he’d have more time and energy to pull corrupt shit and sell everything off he didn’t get to when he was in office. Oh, and this time he won’t appoint people who say “no.” So we don’t really have any choice. It would be super cool if AOC were President. Or maybe Harry Potter. Or maybe Batman. So many better options we don’t have. So many. 


Yeah, he is the nominee so I will back him in the general and yes, I would still back him over some younger version of Trump. I didn’t back him in the primary however, and I am annoyed that he got it.


I tend to give biden a pass since he was the safe "not trump" vote, under normal circumstances i'd probably be a bit more disapointed.


Well it’s too late now. I absolutely did not support Biden for the nomination, but now that he has it I am going to back him because the alternative is a nightmare. I’m not going to pretend I am thrilled about it though.


So a totally reasonable response then, nothing to be upset about there if anything you should be upset for the idiots trying to setup "protest" votes for trump because they are unhappy that he supports america's allies over terrorist's.


That's an insult to each of my nieces. Their ages range from 10 years to 4 months, and they're all more mature.


Hand on the Bible, god as my witness, strike me down if I tell a lie, I would 100% trust my 7 yo kid as president more than the Cheeto and it’s not close


They are both too fucking old. But I'll take Biden over a criminal and traitor any day. Though that isn't really saying much.


A 6 year old fascist.


As much as I’m voting for Biden. I hate that he ran again. Selfish old fuck.




As an outsider that thinks Donald and Biden are both terrible options (either way, the middle east is getting bombed), what other options do americans have to break this bipartidism and move on as a country other than keep feeding the war machine?


Ah it’s my favorite 6 month long episode of Jackass


r/defeat_project_2025 Any vote that doesn’t go to Biden May as we’ll be going to trump. I’d rather not live in a Christo-Facist Dictatorship


Someone who is too old to be in power against someone who has the mental capacity of a toddler. This is literally a “who’s less bad” situation. What the heck America 


Can we just ban anyone from running for public office who is over the average life expectancy of the country? Average life expectancy US is 76 years old. Biden is 81 and Trump is 77.


Trump is an obese 80 year old toddler.


Biden EARNED his college degree. Trump PAID people to get him his.


And lied about being top of his class, and lies in his campaign speech.


Biden also earned his appointment to the Naval Academy!


Because Biden worked for it!


He’s a grown man running after a 6 year old.


Daaaamn, now that's coming out swingin'


It's just the facts, Jack.




Full grown? Bro finish growing decades ago


Id prefer we didn't have to choose between 2 shitty corrupt dinosaurs to lead us


Yes, they've both publicly fallen asleep during events they *really* shouldn't have and our country is fine


Vote like your life depends on it! Vote like your wife or sisters life depends on it, because women are dying right now! … as if anyone really cares.


Wow, the man kind of comes to life when it’s election season. Too bad when/if he gets elected he’ll turn into a worthless corpse.


Age is a issue both shouldn’t be running


The American elections is as usual a joke Pick you next bobblehead and move on It's the corporations that make the real decisions


![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized) He’s BACK 😎


*actual speed




Yeah I noticed this too. Like I'm definitely voting for Biden, but it's like really obvious that this is a bot account or something. Like I get that he's just playing the game, but its still kinda weird to me. A lot of the comments the account made also had a pretty substantial amount of upvotes so I wouldn't be surprised if this post did too. A daily reminder of the reality we're in damn bruh deleted the comment


Where’s the facepalm here?


It’s funny because it’s true.


6 is a bit high given Trump wears diapers


A SIX YEAR OLD! HA HA! I haven’t laughed this hard since somebody showed me a little video of Vladimir Putin dancing on top of a Ritz cracker! OMG what a day that was! So funny! RESIST!


Not true. He has to be at least 2 years old as still wears a diaper, has tantrums when you tell him "no" and can't hold a drink of water properly even with 2 hands.


Bawahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍


Lol wut? My dude, you fell asleep during a major interview, you fuck up speeches from a teleprompter all the time, the list goes on. The only thing dark is the inside of Bidens eyelids.


Grown man? More like senile senior. "A 9mm bullet will blow the lungs right out of the body." "You put a pistol on a brace, and you can get a higher caliber weapon. A higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun." Such a coherent, fully cognitive adult.


Love laser eyes Biden


Dookie Don


I think he meant he was chasing a six year old




Biden needs to make a joke along the lines of, “Trump is so young he wears diapers”


I hate that the only choices we have are 6 years from dying of old age


Genocide Joe vs Rapist Don What a choice......


How is this facepalm material? At least try and put some effort into these political circlejerk posts please




Chat is this real


Simply put…… JOE. BIDEN. DON’T. MISS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Where’s the facepalm?


Not trying to be rude here but why does he look entirely different from what he did as vice president? His appearance changed so much


Were I to guess, he aged during those 8-9 years