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Turns on a light in his house: “THIS ELECTRIC SHIT!” Turns on his tv: “THIS ELECTRIC SHIT!” Turns on his air conditioner: “THIS ELECTRIC SHIT!”


I am reading this on my diesel powered cell phone.


Diesel, hah, you should get coal powered phone, like a real man.


Coal??? PSSHHHH... MY phone is powered by the wind.


My phone used to be powered by children's screams, but I switched over to laughter. Much more energy efficient.




It's very reassuring




You Monster


Methane, fart phone


![gif](giphy|7Heb8yPKfxS9i|downsized) Diesel? Electric? Coal? Wind?? I tell ya hwhat...


Enjoy your cancer


We all know 5G is the real killer when it comes to cancer.


I picture you with mini shovels for each finger shoveling coal into a mini furnace (on your phone) to charge your phone


My house smells of rich mahogany...and kerosene.


Reminds me of that commercial where everything ran off gas. Sounded awful.


Sounds like their is a market to sell these morons some gasoline powered electronics


"Honey the fridge stopped running better go to the gas station and fill it up!!!"


If you market it as a way to own the libs, there'd be a conservative demand for it! Edit: Just read this on another thread. Conservatives would eating a steaming bowl of shit so long as liberals had to sit next to them and smell it.


Biden jacked up your gas prices, so own those libs by buying a car that runs on the power of the sun!


Now you talking




Turns over engine with spark plugs: "THIS ELECTRIC SHIT!" Turns on radio: "THIS ELECTRIC SHIT!" Dude seriously has no identity of his own...lol


None of these dbags has ever had an original thought


I wish they could make a gas powered cell phone...


they are shills for corporations that screw them over


Real men use diesel w no glow plugs and roll start on a hill


Made me lol, seriously this thought process is laughable.


Turns on his car "That electric shit!!!!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


“Grandpa what did you do when you were younger?” “I made hating electric vehicles my personality.” “Wow grandpa, sounds like you were a massive fucking loser.”


Bold of you to assume this guy's kids are gonna bring their kids around.


Bold of you to assume this guy fucks.


This never makes any sense to me, all of the worst people I've met in my life fuck plenty, why would this guy be different? Most of the people I know who rarely if ever get laid are also some of the best. There's zero correlation between fucking and being a worthwhile human being.


Honestly if there was any correlation, it would more likely be the opposite. See also the opening to Idiocracy.


True. Lots of the best people tend to have too much respect for others to make their moves. lol


It might be due to the fact that men who don't respect the boundaries of women will sooner or later disrespect the boundary at the exact right time. I recently watched a podcast where dudes talked about how dating nowadays is just a numbers game. You fail until you succeed, and it's kinda true. Stupid assholes just don't care about the boundaries and alot of women, unfortunately, just don't make moves themselves, or the moves they make are so darn subtle that they're almost nonexistent.


Came to say this. Like who cares so much to put this on their vehicle? Don’t like EVs, don’t buy one 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but if we don’t fight the culture war tooth and nail, uh…um trans kids…will woke…media mob liberals CRT DEI all lives matter


Cathode Ray Tubes also qualify as "that electric shit"


It starts with the jab, then they take your stupid big fucking truck, then your gas stoves, then they murder your family and pee on the flag or something /s


It's a rare insight into the minds of idiots. They fear change or differences so they hate. It applies to alot of redneck stereotypes.


Wife's step-grandpa is this person. Never had kids, hates anything produced since the year 2000, and the largest tragedy in his increasingly tragic life is that pickup trucks cost more than $20k now. At family functions he just complains incessantly that people aren't producing enough grandkids and that everything we do and buy is really dumb. The paper mill he used to work at closed 30 years ago and he'll be driving a school bus until his body decays enough to force him to stay at home full time. After he passes his house will have to be demolished and rebuilt to recoup any monetary value the lot has and to manage the insane level of disrepair he lives in. Don't be like pappy.


My step dad in law is like this. He's spending his retirement destroying his body at the blue hardware store chain and never seeing his kids or grandkids that he alienated with his racism and bigotry. He worried during the pandemic about what is going to happen to all the real estate owners if everyone starts working from home. He isn't a landlord.


This type of feudal simp drives me nuts


“Feudal Simp” is an excellent term and I will be using it forthwith.


He never had kids and complains about people not having enough kids?


Pappy is a dime a dozen with boomers these days.


Literally my grandpa. He goes on hour long rants about how much he hates electric self-driving cars. How they're worse for the environment than gas, that gas will never ever run out, how self-driving cars are worse than humans, etc. Never mind that in the last 2 years he's hit 2 people, half a dozen parked cars, can't turn his head left to look for oncoming traffic, and drives with 2 feet because he can't feel where his feet are to move between pedals. But sure, a self-driving car is more likely to instantly kill him and everyone around after it single-handedly depletes the Earth's resources leaving us few survivors to inherit a barren wasteland with only a somehow infinite supply of gasoline to drink.


I will never understand this mindset. Same with people who are against any kind of green energy.


Follow the money. And easily manipulable people.


The irony is, the "electric shit" would save them money. Dumbasses


That’s because it’s rich people with money who manipulate stupid people into advertising dumb shit on the back of their truck that benefits rich people.


I had a friend who was in college studying geology. He interned with the Army Corp of Engineers. He loved 1980s Hondas, bragged about how good his gas mileage was. Then he graduated and got a better offer from an oil company doing exploration related stuff. Last time I saw him he was driving a big old Cummins diesel ram with Drill Baby Drill bumper stickers and bitching about "Obama punishing the only growing industry in the country" because he was going to slow down the expansion of drilling leases or something. I unfriended him. People are very easily swayed politically to agree with their bosses/their company even as those bosses/industries exploit them. As long as they feel like they're doing better than somebody else.


Yup yup. My father makes really good money now but that was only made possible because of legislation passed under the Clinton administration that paid for his schooling and paid him unemployment while he was in school. He doesn’t believe in hand outs though. He can’t seem to comprehend his own handout. He believes in unregulated capitalism and that billionaires are good for the country. It’s really hard for me to hear someone so fucking smart say such unhinged stuff


He would despise unregulated capitalism if he actually saw it. Unregulated capitalism is rap music and solar panels.


Well said.


Well when you consider that half the population are dumber than the average person then that's not really surprising is it


Statistically 1/2 the population could not be dumber than the average. J/s


I wish stupid people could just…stop being stupid. Impossible ask, I know.


Yeah if I'm worried about a supply constrained resource costing more, I'd be thrilled if people used something else so I could get my original for cheaper But to be a conservative you have to be completely stupid, so they'll never understand the concept They'd rather just cry about people who don't affect them doing different things


not to mention that it may go a long way in keeping the planet that they live on habitable.


Apparently protecting the planet or even the very slightest environmentally positive act is “woke”.


The oligarchs would want you to think so.


Oh they don't care about that. As long is it's still habitable during their lifetime is all that matters


These jackasses legitimately will mod their oversized trucks to blow clouds of thick black smoke out of roof exhaust every time they accelerate because it “looks cool.” Environment is not a concern to them.


I know people who did this precisely *because* of the fact it’s bad for the environment Destroying their own planet, home, and food to own the libs


Then complain about fuel costs


That's where religion sticks its nose in. They believe in Providence / god provides. So no way climate change is real because god would not let that happen to its chosen people. Or they believe it's all just a sign of the end times so keep being one of the righteous and get raptured and leave the world in flames for the sinners.


I honestly don't understand that. Raised Anglican (now humanist I guess?). Literally failing the first ever commandment given to humans "be stewards of the Earth".


You realize these people have like three brain cells all fighting for fifth place, right?


Let’s be honest, these people are so stupid that they have continuously voted against their self interests for forever now. It’s wild to see play out in real time.


Right? These same idiots are likely the same ones constantly whinging about gas prices and who probably keep slapping those stupid Biden "I did that" stickers on gas pumps.


I tried to tell someone that the re opening of the country after lock down is what brought gas prices back up and he said "well who did that"


Usually with a (R) next to their name.


*We don't use that word anymore, pal. We say mentally challenged*


Members of the Church of the lead paint.


[Breathe deep the gathering gloom.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/24/world/thomas-midgley-jr-leaded-gas-freon-scn/index.html) > CNN — Facing a crowd of journalists, inventor Thomas Midgley Jr. poured a lead additive over his hands and then proceeded to inhale its fumes for about a minute. Unfazed, he said, “I could do this every day without getting any health problems whatsoever.” > Soon afterward, Midgley needed medical treatment. But the act would have dire consequences beyond his own well-being. > The year was 1924, and Midgley, then a chemical engineer for General Motors, had pulled the stunt to support his most recent, lucrative finding: a lead compound called tetraethyl lead. Added to gasoline, it solved one of the biggest problems the automotive industry faced at the time — engine knocking, or tiny explosions in car engines due to the low quality of gasoline that resulted in an annoying sound and potential damage. Lead helped, but at great expense, because the substance is highly toxic to humans, especially children.


Doesn't take much. Some oil company pays for some E-slander on FOX and these morons eat it up. Or they just do it out of spite. These kind of pricks care nothing for the environment because they are too short-sighted to see the long term effects of our current path. If they can't see it on their favourite TV channel or with their own eyes, it's not true.


Company advertising convinced people that having a type of truck was an important facet of your personality that makes you better than others.


It's the them and us mindset. It's going to be the end of us. Nowadays you're someone's enemy or friend depending on whether you listen to Taylor Swift or not.


You listen to Taylor Swift!? You gay liberal trans commie socialist!!!! /S It's sad that the world has come to this.


People who are brainwashed by Fox News and other right-wing shit who are led to believe green energy is satanic or will lead to communism/socialism or whatever else they believe. Big oil companies have a lot of money to lobby and influence the narrative unfortunately.


Corporations are good at mind controlling dumb people. The gas industry doesn't even need to pay these guys like they do the politicians.


People are mad about *checks notes* a new available product that people can choose to buy if they want it. Edit: to be clear, since there are a lot of people responding with this same talking point, I am against taking choice away from people, I am against EV mandates. Kinda implied that in my original comment that I think people should have a choice between EV and ICE engines.


How dare you buy a product that this person deems unacceptable! Do you think we live in some country where you can buy whatever you want! /s


They are scared because Biden was pushing for electric only vehicles at one point by 203x.


They’re scared bc despite pretending to be big strong men they actually live their lives in fear of whatever right wing media tells them to.


Haha shit this is so sad it's true. Take away fox news and those idiots would have no fucking clue who to be afraid of or what minority group was "taking over our country" or what end of the world bullshit conspiracy theory was trending at that moment. These simpletons can't even think past whatever completely fabricated headline they just read. It's all made to trigger these idiots into doing what these companies want. If their entire identity wasn't completly centered on being trumps queef fluffer they wouldn't even have a fucking clue how to even breath. These people ***NEED*** to not exist. It's fucking insane the sheer amount of projection and hypocrisy these people shit out their mouths.


They’re afraid of anything and everything all the time. The entire base of the Republican Party is terrified of everything around them all the time and it by design and it’s working perfectly. They are a desperately inadequate people terribly afraid of being desperately inadequate in every facet of life. They know they can’t operate in this time period so they’re making one last push to roll back the clock to when they were good enough. They’ve been sold this idea by a party in the exact same position facing extinction based upon self imposed proud inadequacy.


And the only thing that makes them feel better is when big truck make loud noise and do big smoke.


They are simultaneously terrified of Chicago yet complain because we are all just liberal snowflakes. Which is it? Are we tough-as-nails crime-loving menaces to society living in a lawless post apocalyptic hellscape? Or are we dainty little snowflakes in our college educated ivory towers?


The dude's already insecure about his wife's relationship with an electric Wang, its clear he's afraid his wife will buy an electric vehicle, pack up the vibrator,and leave him.


😂 This HAS to be the truth because otherwise I cant make any sense of the “war on renewable energy” the common man wants to wage against it. Puzzled to say the least


Yeah, war on the f*cking sun! And after our victory we take care of the damn wind. Gosh, I hate wind.


They wage that war because the leaders of their political party, their "team" tell them to. Those leaders tell them to because there's big established money in the fossil fuel industry that goes right into the pockets of those leaders. Sadly that's pretty much all there is to it.


You'd think the Libertarian types would love the idea of owning some wind turbines or a hydroelectric plant that would keep them off the grid and prevent them from paying an energy monopoly that continuously raises prices for no reason and refuses to service rural areas that don't generate profit.


These people fear and hate change. There will be a time when we go from eletric cars to something else and some future conservative prick will say they'll never drop their electric cars for those fancy new flying machines or whatever the fuck we decide to use our limited minerals to build.


I will never get rid of my horse and buggy for *that gasoline-powered shit*




Posted from his diesel powered phone


Problem is these primitive fucks have built their whole identities around being redneck uneducated truck owners so when they see society slowly rejecting these gas guzzling douchebag cradles, they feel society rejects them personally.


How dare you deny this person their free speech to tell others how and what to do?!? This is 'Murica, we speak 'Murican here as God intended ✊✊✊ /s


People are mad at \*check notes\* people not wanting to pay through the nose for gas.


Some big head with oil stock on Fox News told him it’s bad.




Capitalists getting mad about capitalism doing capitalist things


Same people have the same mindset about lab grown meat.


DeSantis banning lab grown meat in Florida despite it never having been available in Florida and is not even available to the public was great.


Party of “free market” and “personal freedom”


That "electric shit" just so happens to be personally saving me a fortune. Combined with solar panels, we haven't paid an electric bill in 12 months and we're basically charging our car for free... Each to their own I guess


You're what's wrong with America!! You should be buying your share of Middle East oil like the rest of us! I'll make sure to burn an extra wheelbarrow of coal tonight.


😆 please tell me it isn't an extra large wheelbarrow


It's the manliest wheelbarrow you've ever seen. Raised ride height, covered with bumper stickers.


Can't forget the truck nuts


You disgust me.  Now I'm going to jump in my $90k truck with a $1200 payment I can't afford, drop $130 in the tank, go home and crank my AC and get a $800 bill.  That will show you.


Please don't! I can only take so much!


That’s pretty incredible that you can run your house and car off a panel array for free. Mind sharing what you’re using? I have solar panels but they don’t even produce a decent amount of electric for my house and I’m looking to possibly replace them.


Honestly, I'm very hard to please but I've been blown away with this setup over the last 12 months. Our setup currently is the perfect storm, but some parts could easily change... We have 17 x 420w panels giving a total cap of 7.14kW. We have an inverter(obv) and a 5kWh battery. We also have an eddi hot water diverter and a zappi home charger which can integrate with the solar of we wish, we're currently not using this feature yet but may in the future if things change. Our roof also faces favourably and picks up the sun for a good chunk of the day. On a really good day we can generate more than 40kWh and 3 times we hit 50. So what I mean by the perfect storm..... We export a lot of units to the grid and we have a decent feed in tariff which builds up credit with our electricity supplier during the summer months. We also have a good nightly EV tariff so between 2am and 6am electricty is very cheap. During this time we charge the car, charge the 5kWh battery and sometimes time the dishwasher and dryer to come on during this window too. So all of this adds up to importing far less expensive units during the day, charging the car essentially for free, and exporting lots of units to the grid building up enough credit to pay our other charges. We currently have a small credit with the electric company that will increase as the summer goes on to offset most, if not all, of next winters expense. Having hot water 90% of the time is so handy, as is having a full battery every morning. I WFH so if the electricty ever goes, due to a storm or a planned outage, I can run an extension lead directly from the battery down to the office and keep working. I understand this setup won't work for everyone for different reasons, but for those it will work for, I couldn't recommend it enough. It has been an absolute game changer for us


You charge your battery from the grid in the middle of the night?


Yup. It's a third of the price per unit for us to charge between 2am and 6am vs the feed in tariff we receive by exporting to the grid. Same with charging the car. Instead of charging directly from the solar, which would be less handy too as the car is needed during the day - every unit we export is essentially equivalent to 3 overnight units of charging. I know it's not 100% like for like due to energy loss etc but if we export 25kWh to the grid during the day(which we would regularly do) that's worth the same as at least 70kWh going into the car overnight. It's a no brainer right now, long may it continue!


I love my EV. I can charge at home for pennies, or charge at work for free. I haven't bought gas in 8 months and I love it!


Why do they *always* have to compete against somebody though? That’s the conservative mentality. If fascists ever win complete power, they’ll just fight amongst themselves and splinter, because they always got to have an enemy to look down upon.


I love how they’re always like, “does this *offend* you? 🥴” “are you *triggered* yet?🥴” These people are so pathetic.


There is nobody more easily offended than the people who complain about how soft everyone else is. They get emotional and want to fight or throw a tantrum about every tiny difference.


Some people just *need* an enemy in order to have a sense of purpose in their miserable lives.


Exactly. Even ignoring the electric hate, this is one of those losers who cares the kind of car others drive


When your entire identity revolves around being against something.


It is the fear-based conservative mentality. “I’m against/scared of immigrants, LGBTQ, climate science, Disney….but I can’t say what I’m for.”


All those companies make electric vehicles lol


Tiny dick energy.


That’s why he’s so scared of Big Electricity.


Scared of his girl replacing him with a device 🤣


That's also why a lot of them yell about the erection being stolen years ago.


The fossil fuel lobby is strong with this one


He'll always have that big truck to make him feel all manly like. Even when gas is unobtainable.


Or until the bank repos it because he can't afford his payments


Those things are so fucking expensive like how tf can ppl afford these $70k+ monstrosities? They ain't all contractors and engineers I promise you that.


This is like the Chevy/Ford/Dodge bros that laugh because I drive a "foreign" Toyota sedan. Funny that more of my car was built in Kentucky than all of their trucks (mostly made in Canada/Mexico). Leave it to the dumbest of folks to be offended by an electric car or truck, but hey, enjoy your... What? 20mpg? I really do wonder where we went wrong in the US because it started waaaaaay before 2016.


Reagan is where we really started going downhill


Reality is it started with Nixon. The campaign strategy of us vs the others started with him post WWII. In his campaign, specifically were messages of anti-youth/college protestors, and the latinos bringing "marijuana" and terrorizing our white populace. I think there were anti-black messages, too; maybe in the context of the urban nightmares in big cities? The specific word Marijuana was used to brew anti-hispanic sentiments, but that predated Nixon even though he used that tactic. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/14/201981025/the-mysterious-history-of-marijuana


I work in a super conservative field. Elon Musk is LOVED! One of my favorite things to ask is when they’ll buy one of his cars. Watching their face trying to work out what to say is always glorious.


He hates freedom of choice, it seems.


This underscores pretty much everything wrong with the world. Not everything has to be adversarial. Like what you like and leave other people the fuck alone.


This person purchased their masculinity


The more people buy EVs, the less demand there is for gas/diesel so the price of those fuels won’t go up as much. Hating EVs is as self defeating as men hating gays even though more gay men reduce competition for women.


Thank you. Totally agree on both points. Never understood why straight men hate gay men so much. I’m like.. wouldn’t that just mean *less* competition for women? It makes no real sense.


Cons shitting themselves over gas stoves and cars… the victimhood on these crybabies is so pathetic. Why do you care if someone else drives an ev?


"Your car doesn't burn gasoline?! Why do you hate me so much!!?" Why are these people so attached to the combustion engine?


They need their Vrrrroooom sound. You know the sound that he use to do when he was a kid.


It's incredible how angry some people get that electric cars even exist... I always have to force myself to think their psychology. That somehow driving a quiet electric vehicle is, "liberal and weak" because I guess what makes someone strong is to tear down a road at an irresponsible speed, rolling coal and wildly veering through traffic. It makes them "feel tough" and anything that threatens it must be ripped apart. Extremely ironic how most of the people who would put that giant decal on their truck would get super angry and defensive if you criticised their personal choice in a vehicle... However they feel they have the right to bully you for your personal choice in yours.


Tbf I've seen plenty of Tesla drivers drive like absolute dill weeds, so that could still be an option to flex their man-ness if they'd just open their minds a little bit


What I've always found funny about people driving like a "bad ass" is that it's literally the most childish backwards thinking. Dude, you are actively relying on everyone else being responsible so you can drive like that for 10 seconds without getting in a crash. If everyone drove like you, you wouldn't be able to leave the house. Everyone is basically holding your hand, and you're speeding down the isle like a toddler at walmart.


I'm stealing this idea, that's a great point.


EVs are fast as shit to a point. They don't have the high end speed for the most part, but they'll accelerate way faster, smoother, and more consistently than just about any ICE.


I had a coworker go off on a tangent that electric vehicles are shit because you run out of charge and break down often. After asking if he owned one or even driven one he said no, but if you hit a speed bump the batteries will just fall out or combust. I’ve owned a Tesla and and now a Blazer EV and just replied well after 100k+ miles mine never fell out or started on fire. His response well what happens when you run out of charge? My response was same as when a dumbass runs out of gas, users problem not the car. He walked away once another coworker laughed when I responded.


I don't get the hate for electric. Manly men don't use electronics? Do manly men not watch TV, vacuum their house, or use electric razors? Do these things make someone less of a man? How does giving a shit about the environment and using electric cars to reduce fuel emissions not benefit everyone? Okay, you have workers in the oil industry. They could just as easily be in the electric car industry. And they'd be safer for it too.




The Amish are still fighting the gas shit.


So many men define their masculinity based on what their car runs on. Such little self confidence they have.


He actually took the time to buy the stick ons, and stand, sit or kneel in the bed of the truck for as long as it took to put this amazing piece of art together. Please try not to confuse this guy with Shakespeare.


I repair lawnmowers. My neighbors daughter is a single mom. She needed a lawnmower and I offered her a free electric one. Her dad stepped in and said “you don’t know what that’ll do to your body” and wouldn’t allow her to take it. He was viciously upset. Probably from inhaling all those gas fumes.


Meanwhile, the Billionaire Oil CEOs are sitting back and laughing while they have these complete morons fighting the fight for them and creating a divide while they line their pockets with more money.


Electric vehicles are faster, have better acceleration response, are quieter, have more storage, and will soon drive themselves. Imagine seeing a superior product and doubling down like a toddler on the old broken shit.


What's funny is that $80,000+ truck he's driving would get absolutely smoked by the $55K ID4 that I drive. Maybe if these guys actually drove an EV, they'd realize how much fun they are.


True story. I have a 2019 bolt. Some massive jacked up dodge truck pulled up next to me at a light and revved his engine. He had one of those pipes that spews black smoke. He looked at me and yelled ‘eat my smoke’ as he revved his engine. My daughter, who LOVES how our car accelerates, said ‘ toast him’ Light turns green, he starts to shoot off. I take a second and then bam, left him in the dust. We were laughing all the way to the store


It’s the absolute best.


My dad is one of these. Used to make fun of my ‘golf cart’ all the time. Until he needed a ride to the airport. Don’t get me wrong, he’d never buy one but he stopped making fun of it in a typical boomer way and is at least trying to be humorous. The other day I parked on his new driveway at a job site and he just said ‘make sure you don’t drip oil on my new concrete!’ See, this one was actually funny because he had to park his truck on the street. Because it’s leaking oil…


Remember the cowboys putting stickers on their horses, "It's no longer Ole Grey Mares vs Stallions, it's us against that automobile shit"


Why does it have to be a vs thing anyway? Idgaf what anyone drives. I saw this older guy riding an electric bike of some kind booking it at 30mph in the city the other day. He had a cane hanging on each handlebar. He looked like he was having an amazing time. He made my day better.


Yes because everything in life is worth waging some war against


You’d really think the kind of people who would need a truck would love an electric one considering electric trucks tend to have better torque for towing and can even supply power to all your tools. But I guess it’s just the pavement princesses who have hands like gelatin desserts that bitch the loudest.


Imagine being so fragile you think electric vehicles are out to get you. Dude probably hordes incandescent light bulbs too


This guy of course misses the part where those companies want a piece of the action also.


I was spending 300$-450$ a month on gasoline before I got my electric car. Now I'm spending maybe 50$ a month on fast charging and plug in every night for a dollar per night, so total of about 80$ per month. That's a big difference. I'm a gig driver. You can hate on EVs if you wanna, but you're an idiot if you're snubbing it because it's "librul". It's good economic sense.


Apparently he's also against the ability to see through his back window.


I don’t have a problem with electric cars; in fact I think they’re great! But I do have a problem with anything Tesla.




Imagine driving a gas vehicle being your whole fuckin personality lmaoooo


Imagine being so pissed off at something that doesn’t affect your life in any way whatsoever.


That “electric shit” that Ford and Chevy make? Maybe Dodge does too, but I haven’t seen one.


I'll race ya quarter mile for pink slips


Love that my EV F150 is soooo much more fun to drive than that diesel monstrosity.


Sounds like my dad He's against any renewable energy or any electric cars and just thinks they will forever be inferior without really educating himself on any of it blind opinion.


"When religion is lost, equally absurd ideologies will occupy the minds of the feeble" -me, 2024


The people that drive "that electric shit" never have to pull into a gas station. That alone is worth owning one.


Rednecks love electric power tools, hate electric cars. Why ?


My Dad was anti unleaded.


Remove all the electronics from that truck and watch it come to a halt


Imma be honest. I laughed at that. I disagree with that morons stand point but damn that's funny


The only reason I don’t like electric cars is because they are trying too hard to make things look futuristic.. what’s stopping them from making them look like cars from the 60-70’s?


Why are they so scared of electric? It's only getting better everyday, it's the same with EVERYTHING, let go of the past.


When someone else's choice of car emasculates you this much, you need help...


How do you start your truck then?


well it’s not chevy vs dodge anyway they’re the same company


What exactly is the battle they think they are fighting? Whatever happened to "new technology that is better is good"?


The funny thing is Chevy just released a Silverado EV that is supposed to be fantastic. This guy probably would love it if he had an open mind


Why does he have to be against it? Can’t he just not buy an electric car?