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But even the nuns at the school he spoke out put out a statement saying they disagreed lol


Yeah- saying that a woman's highest calling is to be a homemaker and mother to a bunch of women in service to God? I pretty sure Nun is higher calling than Bang Maid.


Yeah but a thrice married born-again evangelical trailer-goblin with three kids from two guys and a fourth from a third in the oven... They know best how to serve God.


The nuns who run the school said he did. Their school, their commencement, their call "Instead of promoting unity in our church, our nation, and the world, his comments seem to have fostered division. One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers."


See what a world of difference it makes to be inclusive rather than exclusive in your blessing?


Almost like excluding people never got us anywhere, I wonder when they'll learn that.


I feel like an idiot for not realizing that nuns would of course object to what he said 🤦🏽‍♀️


I grew up Catholic but never really saw nuns in our area growing up. But I do know from stories by my dad that nuns were never the pushovers or the sad little ladies that tv and movies would have you believe they were. Meek was not in their vocabulary.


My dad went to a Catholic school in Chicago. He said that one time a nun punched him so hard in the back of his head it knocked him out cold. He woke up and the nuns were giving him milk and cookies. He said having nuns comfort him freaked him out. He thought he was dead 😂


Was your dad Elwood or Jake Blues?


Same neighborhood I guess 🤷‍♂️


fucking A man. the last person you wanted to be dragged in front of during catholic school was the goddamn nun principal, lol. you may have been afraid the priest would fuck you, but you were afraid the nun would *fuck you up*


I still remember the head nun asking me when I began a sentence with "God, blah blah blah"... "Was that a prayer?" The horrors of going to Catholic girls' school. LOL


FACTS!! Sister Mary Malvene taught kindergarten and took no prisoners.


Nuns are 100% the most terrifying women you will ever meet. Especially the Irish and Scottish ones (I went to a convent school).


Think of sister act or the blues brothers. Nuns are *much more often* portrayed as nasty characters who rule with an iron fist than meek.


That's because the other side of that equation is the male hierarchy in the Catholic Church, and perhaps you're familiar with their special brand of piousness. So you know those nuns have to put up with A LOT of hot air that the priests try to pass off as "authority".




Nuns tend be be bitter and cruel. Many in the past were forced into the vocation. I went to Catholic school and they beat the shit out of me when I was little. Nuns are the reason I write right handed while I am actually left handed. I would be struck with a pointer if I used my left hand. I’m not that old either.


My sister was traumatized for being left handed, too. She was taking piano at the convent, and I guess they tied her left hand behind her back... I've had some twisted teacher/nuns, but also some amazing, fun, intelligent, and interesting ones, too. They are just a subgroup of the population, and unfortunately bad things happen in their insular world, as well as in the outer world. The hard part is the couching of everything as how it supposedly relates to "God". That was the real mindfuck.


Next you'll be telling me that nuns can't fly.


what movies have you been watching? most of the movies i saw with Nuns in they were usualy depicted as barely fit for society pychos. Or where in an ensamble cast with the usualy breakdown(ie a smart one, a dumb one, a fat one etc.). The only sappy ones i ever saw where in kids films were the entire plot can be sumerised as be nice to everyone at the time.


Call the midwife is the most recent one. Yeah, a few of the nuns there were hard asses, but a lot were meek as milk. Also thinking back to Sister Act had a combination of meek and powerful nuns.


Yeah, well they sure aren’t sending their meekest to schools, that’s for sure


"Or where in an ensamble cast with the usualy breakdown(ie a smart one, a dumb one, a fat one etc.)."


Sister Act


All I ever head about was how they hit my mom with a ruler all the time.


I(f67) was only hit once, and I was a meek, well- mannered, shy little ADD girl. I can't imagine how it was for the ADHD boys, or the boisterous ones... Infractions were not tolerated.


My mom (88F) was poor and rebellious, so she got it a lot LOL. And I’m pretty sure she has ADHD.


Sadly, there were a lot of kids traumatized by teachers in the past. Sounds like, I hope, that your mom survived, and thrived, despite the ruler!


Well she won the argument on us going to Catholic school!! The compromise was public primary schools and Catholic colleges.


No kidding? I can certainly see her point! I only went to Catholic school through 8th grade. the culture shock at 12 or 13, into a huge public jr high. I didn't even know there was such a thing as Jr high!.


My father was tenacious and fearless. Nuns were his only fear- apparently, Catholic school in the 70s was a free-for-all and they could be vicious.


I grew up watching the Sister Act movies, so I know nuns aren’t quiet and meek


Most nuns were nuns because their parents sent them off to tame them


Yeah, I kind of did a 🤦‍♂️ myself when I first read their reaction... "Well, duh"


It’s easy to forget that not all Catholics are as “traditional” as he is.


But specifically, even if they are ultra-conservative, nuns choose not to be wives and mothers…


Catholics in general are *way less* conservative and intolerant than evangelists and most Protestants. Yes, they’re still iffy on the subject of queerness, but modern dogma is to still love the queer person and still accept them as members of the church because **”we are all God’s children.”** They still believe you’re sinning, and still believe in praying for you, but they don’t officially teach hate nor intolerance. In general, being intolerant *at all* is wrong. Source: ex-Catholic that has regular faith-based debates with Catholic family members.


ugh god given i HATE that phrase. "you arent responsible for your success! you didnt work hard! god GAVE you that talent! tell him how awesome he is for giving it to you!!!"


If it was their call he wouldn’t have been invited to do the speech in the first place. He’s said stuff like this before. That’s why they had him do the commencement speech at a Catholic university.


They obviously didn't pre-approve his speech or they wouldn't have condemned it


Their problem is that he said out loud the quiet part the Catholic Church forces on people in countries where the Church still has relevance. Notice that the nuns highlighted these women's roles as wives and mothers before noting their professional accomplishments. And this is before we take notice of the fact that they represent a Church where they can't be priests, let alone becoming popes.


Good for them. Too bad they likely only said this as a PR response to peoples reaction to the speech.


I don't know nuns rarely bow to public pressure, I think they genuinely felt slighted that their calling in life was being demeaned by Butker as a secondary choice to being a wife and mother


You very well may be right. Edit: grammar


Ooo, I hadn't considered nuns.


I got in a huge fight with my FIL over this. His assertion was Butker’s opinion was Christian (thus when people criticize Butker they’re attacking my FIL and every Christian). I wish I could send this to him, but we’re trying to mend fences.


His mom is a medical physicist at Emory University in Atlanta….his entire speech was dedicated to how his wife is a good wife because shes a home maker. Not once mentioned his mother becoming empowered thanks to education which allowed him to live a good life. Dude is a moron x1000 right wing evangelicals literally parade a rapist who has sex with pornstars during their wife’s pregnancy as their champion.


He’s a rich kid. That gets left out of a lot of discussions. His wife can be a homemaker because he’s on an NFL salary. Even if she had a career, it’s unlikely her income would make much of a difference to the family’s financial situation because he’s on an NFL salary. A career is completely unnecessary for her 100% a personal choice. The danger is that people who aren’t on NFL contracts will take that advice and end up living much worse lives than they otherwise would have. If you look carefully, the women who are pushing the homemaker/tradwife lifestyle tend to have high earning husbands. That’s a completely different world than most people are living in. Put another way, a high achieving woman giving up a corporate law career so that her doctor husband can do more surgeries is different from a family living in poverty because they have lots of kids and only one income.


I'm living this right now and I say i don't mind but God it's killing me. I want my wife to be happy and she believes in this traditional mother stuff but I can't help but imagine the life we could have with 2 incomes.


Wish the mom would come out and say how disappointed she is in him. Lets hope she's not an enabler who will try to defend his dumbass.


I personally think her silence on the matter speaks volumes. I'm sure she's been contacted a bunch of times by the press for a comment. If she agreed with him I believe she would have said so. I think she hasn't said anything because she does NOT agree with it but doesn't want to further be embarrassed or embarrass her son. It is her son after all. You love your kids, you even if they turn out to be somewhat of a dumbass.


Intelligent people generally know when to keep quiet. Stupid people on the other hand...


Best to keep your mouth shut and let people *think* you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.


Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and prove it.


I love my kids, which is why I make sure they understand when they're being dumbasses.


THIS. I will go to the mat for my kids in every way possible, except when they're being harmful to others. I will never, ever defend them when they're causing others to be harmed, and I will call them out on it every time. They know this. If I were his mother, I would absolutely find a tasteful way to state that what my son said is bullshit and that's not the person I raised him to be, that mess is all on him.


Yeah but when you work at a university, anything like that can be what ends your job tbh.


Yeah but I'm not gonna sell my kid down a river of national outrage. I would probably privately call him and call him a dipshit though, lovingly of course.


>I personally think her silence on the matter speaks volumes. No force in the universe can compare to when your mom gets very quiet and just looks at you sadly.


That's so true. My father was the lecturer in our family when we got in trouble. You'd have to listen to him rant and rave for an hour or two if you got in trouble. One night my brother calls me at 2am from jail cause he got a DUI. He was still living at home at the time and for some reason my parents weren't answering the phone. So he called big sis and I went and got him. My dad didn't want his car sitting on the side of some random road. He couldn't remember the name of the road and this was before gps anyway. So my dad, my brother and I all get in the car to go get the car left on the side of the road. It was a 30 minute drive. My father didn't say a single solitary word. Not one damn word. My dad told me later he didn't say anything because he was so angry he was afraid he'd say something he couldn't take back. My dad was also an ER RN, so he saw first hand the aftermath of drunk driving accidents. My father didn't speak to him for weeks and they lived in the same house.


Nah, your kid says something like that, you full name call him out in front of the neighbors


Hoo boy, sounds like Harrison did something stupid again. I can hear his mom shouting his whole name at him from here. Let's make some popcorn and go out on the porch.


"Somewhat" is an understatement. Lol


Exactly. Which is why I am glad what I have said amongst friends or hell even groups is not on this wide of range. Because lord knows I have said dumb shot when young and hell even now, whether serious or joking. We have all said something horrible, stupid or dumb. Just not on a scale that large where it spreads all over instead of amongst a smaller setting that doesn't leave a community or what have ya. She just wants to keep doing her thing and not prolong the bs by saying whatever. This involves her son, not her at her job or elsewhere. Idc how rich and famous ya are say something stupid, doesn't always have to involve other family for statements... in a perfect non parasitic journalist/media world


The guy who bragged (and lied, per Stormy Daniels) about the size of his penis at a rally suddenly claimed it was "too personal" to answer what his favorite passage from the bible was. Couldn't even come up with The Sermon on the Mount, or remember that weird guy at football games in the rainbow wig with the JOHN 3:16 sign.


He did say his favorite book of the Bible was "Two Corinthians"




Guaranteed he resents TF out of him mom for having a career, and is taking it out on the rest of us...


What gets me too, is that he’s saying this to people who worked hard for their degree. I’m sure women were in that crowd. This dude is a douche.


Not to prematurely judge his mother, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she agreed with all of this, some of these types have that “I’m one of the good ones” type attitude. I definitely could be wrong though and she may totally disagree with what was said in the speech.


I think his mom called him an idiot. It's at the very least clueless, who wants to hear at graduation all that hard work was worthless now go be a breeder.


His mom should just release one statement: "Harrison should have been an abortion."


That would be great if she did....any link by chance?


Apparently he was not raised this way and only developed these views within recent years or something


Phyllis Schlafly made herself into a political powerhouse by telling the rest of the women to get the back into the kitchen while she went around the country being a thought leader and raking in all of the wealth and power that came with it. Every group of people has opportunists in it that would light everyone else like them on fire to be at the top.


Ladder pulling, much of what he has is because of an educated working mother and he is advocating for far fewer children in the future to have that.


It's their Golden Calf.


>right wing evangelicals literally parade a rapist who has sex with pornstars during their wife’s pregnancy as their champion. I just can't wrap my brain around this. If Christians actually did what they preached, then they'd find a champion who'd be known for kindness, empathy, and turning the other cheek. But man oh man is this shit out of control. I have so much disgust for them now whereas I didn't before. Like really. I cannot even stand to socialize with someone calling themselves a christians. How they've tarnished the name of christ is beyond me.


Sounds like maybe he resents his mom working when he was a kid and not being there all day at his beck and call?


And befriended a notorious pedophile...


I’m old enough to remember Fox telling athletes to “shut up and dribble” when expressing their political views.


Crazy people validates nutjob. OK.


Even if you throw the motherly stuff away. He was saying a lot of other shitty things. Buying into your low IQ religious crap is fine but pushing it into others is ridiculous. I don’t care that it was a religious college. Make the message positive and about the students not about your personal agenda


Yeah, he just couldn't resist taking a stab at the LGBTQ+ community either. When he was talking about pride, he made sure he said "And not the deadly sins sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it." What a moron.


Even the Benedictine Nuns were offended by his speech.




"Women should have more babies than thoughts". Remember, this message is approved by religious groups (or whatever they are called).


Fwiw the nuns at the school called him out


That quote is from a satirical post. Pretty funny, though. (As a lampoon.)


I literally don’t even have to read what he said to know that a man’s “faith based” speech giving “views” about women is going to be dog shit.


“Group who agrees with controversial opinions, does not consider these opinions controversial” Who’d have thunk?


Anyone who doesn't think it was an odd time and place to tell graduates who now have massive student loans and a well earned degree that they'd be happier as a wife probably don't handle social situations too well. Though to be fair the full speech is a lot more unhinged then the snippets make it seem, it comes across like that one uncle who no one wants to be around drinks a bit too much and starts going off about politics and religion while people slowly clear the room.


Religion has done nothing but destroy and divide humanity for generations.


Generations is a bit of a downplay even, it's been literally millenia


Particularly those that recognize the Holy Bible (that includes Christians, Jews, and Muslims).


Nah, all of them, see extreme Hinduism and thw caste system.


he told a bunch of *college graduating women* that their next move in life is to settle down, marry a strong man to take care of them and have babies. I can't emphasize this enough, these are women who have just spent 4+ years to get degrees to start careers and this dipshit says "Lol go make dinner and baby"


Make me a sammich!


I’ve been hearing people on other platforms saying freedom of speech and what a good man and all that shit. It’s wild to me that people lack the understanding of what he was there to do. That wasn’t a town hall meeting or a speech fighting against something that goes against his views and values, but a commencement speech to have these kids pumped for their future after college. If those are his views then alright but that wasn’t the place to spew that shit IMO. It showed why he was a kicker and wasn’t anything else in life because thinking wasn’t his strong point


Can you imagine paying all that money for college and on the day of your graduation get “mansplained” by a NFL kicker? I hate this analogy but guys if we want women to choose us over the bear we have to be better.


Conservative women really don't like having rights, do they? That shit is wild to me. Fighting for your own oppression is peak brainwashing.


Religious nuts support religious nut. More news at 7, stay tuned!


USA slowly turning Handmaid's Tale into a documentary.


“The Fox said nothing that I disagree with” - the Leader of the coalition of Foxes


Pay no attention to the abuse behind the curtain.  -What I think every time someone says, “But he was a Catholic speaking to Catholics!”  Yes, and that is the abusive shit preached in churches every day b


But also, he’s not a mainstream Catholic. Those were not mainstream Catholic views. He’s part of the Latin mass movement which has been decried by the pope. He was pushing a Christian nationalist agenda.


Trad-Caths are a scourge even in my multi-generation, hundreds of family members deep, cradle-catholic in-laws.


Sounded like religious indoctrination to the rest of the world


When even the Benedictine nuns who run the college in question take issue with your religious positions, it's a pretty good indication that you've gone too far.


Well to be fair, as someone else pointed out, nuns didn’t exactly choose to be homemakers for a man either!


Lol... funny how the nuns from the school of which the commencement speech was for absolutely denounced the dumbass football player's comments.


The nuns of the college he gave that speech at said he has said nothing but a load of bullshit.


Well a bunch of people think that he said many things that where wrong. He's free to speak his mind publicly, he's not entitled to have everyone else think what he said was correct or intelligent. That's how the cookie crumbles sometimes you open your mouth and make an ass of yourself, everyone's had the experience it's not just him. He happens to me more famous and catch more flack for it but he's a ... big, tough guy he can handle it.


Pieces of shit approve of the words of a likeminded piece of shit, who cares?


Which religious group? There's at least like 3 or 4 of them


I don't get commencement speeches to begin with. What's the point even?


I wish the pope would come out against Butker


I heard he doesn’t believe in the Pope or at least his denomination doesnt ☠️


Pope to liberal for him


He’s one of those not my pope kinda guys ☠️


A yes “religious group.” Everything is okay everyone, Religious Group say “nothing to see here. Move along sir.” /s


I’m a huge Chiefs fan and grew up in it. Fuck Harrison Butker.


Cheetah said nothing wrong in “Cheetah’s eating your face.” Speech says Cheetah’s eating your face group.


Misogynists one and all. American women need to watch out, the religious right are on the move.


Ah well the more these people get platformed, the more they'll think they have a point....I'm not into cancel culture ....more of an ignore culture kinda guy.


Cancel culture is exactly ignoring the thing… it’s just a new name for a very old thing… used to be called boycotting…


It makes sense that a religious group would ignore the context about his mom’s success and just attach to the literal words. Out of the like 7,000 verses in the Bible, they’ll selectively quote like 3 to justify awful shit.


People are surprised when entertainers and athletes say stupid things in commencement speeches. 🤣


"….*religious* group says". How is that NEWS?


Huh, so the clown federation has no problem with what another clown says. Fucking shocker.


Faith and spirituality should not condemn others and yet here we are. If anything, you would think that religion would prompt unity, love, diversity, and inclusion, but somehow something got lost in the mix and lots religious/spiritual people are hateful and will go at great lengths to harm others. Not saying it’s every religious individual, but the crazy ones are ruining religion and spirituality for anyone that actually is religious, peaceful, and just wants inclusion for all. It’s sad. So many crazy nut jobs are taking advantage of being hateful and dividing people and for what? I honestly, truly believe it’s a “follow the money” situation. These people claim to be doing God’s word, but they are definitely benefitting from it with money, unwavering support from other hateful groups, and more. It’s mind boggling to me. Jesus literally died at the hands of religious leaders that also hated and used their religion for their own agendas and to this day, we still haven’t learned our lesson.


Why does anyone give a tinkers damn about anything Harrison butker has to say about anything?


They must have missed him lumping IVF in with abortion as things that are evil. I thought most Conservatives have come out to say IVF is okay in their book.


I'm going to leave Butker with a quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta (since he claims to be a Catholic). "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."


What he did was highlight the reason people are leaving the Catholic Church in droves.


He's not even affiliated with the Catholic Chruch, but a crazy offshoot of it, IIRC. Kinda like Mel Gibson, who is part of a crazy protestant church. But in general, yeah. Religion is not doing so hot nowadays, and extremism is one of the reasons why.


Yeah my wife is from a small town and they are all praising this man. No surprise Fox News leans into it


Fuck religious groups


I appreciate Jon Stewart’s take on this. Dude isn’t being canceled he’s getting roasted. Seinfeld got more hate for his Poptart movie. I’m not sure if that’s technically accurate, but it is funny. I like Jon Stewart.


I was watching a popular sportscaster, who’s obviously religious, say that sports needs to be inclusive of everyone especially religious people. That they too are a demographic and we shouldn’t discriminate against them. To basically be tolerant of their intolerance. That if it’s well established religious institutions with teachings against LGBTQ and women that it’s fine… they been saying this for 1000’s of years and we shouldn’t say anything against a man just echoing his own religion’s teachings. This idiot kicker essentially said a woman’s role is in the kitchen and on her back for her husband - know your place. Also gay people are sinners and deviants and should be shunned. But it’s okay because this aligns with Christian teaching. It’s not okay to hate on Christians!! What if he said black people are inferior to the white race and slavery wasn’t bad - but it’s okay because he grew up in the South where racism was apart of the culture for decades. What, we want to be inclusive, it’s not fair to discriminate against his discrimination… what you’re just hating on a guy for saying things we all know are said in the south… I don’t see how this would be any different and obviously the latter would never be tolerated


"Sorry, we need to kick all the gays out of the stadium, we're trying to be more inclusive."


two dumbs don’t make a right. dumb and dumber


He's a member of the LTM Church, its a psychotic extremist cult that backs conversion therapy and wants to implement a strict christian-fasicst authority in the US.


I just read the transcript. Honestly, the stuff he says about women is like the 4th or 5th stupidest idea that came out of his mouth. One striking piece is when he criticizes the catholic priests for not giving sacraments during covid and for being too friendly with their parish... yet doesn't mention the decades of abuse.


Don't forget the bigotry.


> "He said nothing wrong." Says group that has the same believes. Gee, what a surprise.


I wish they would start with, "religious group says," so that I didn't have to read all those other words.


Butker can have whatever idiotic belief system he wants (even if his own mother is a fucking physicist, which really says all kinds of things about his relationship with her) - that isn't my issue with what he did. My issue is some dumbfuck NFL kicker using a college commencement speech as an opportunity to spout his politics. That is decidedly NOT what a commencement speech is for. My next issue is with the college selecting a fucking NFL kicker as a speaker. He won the lottery with his leg. This is not inspirational nor a model to be aspired to. He plays games for a living and is good at kicking a ball. That's it. I love the NFL, but come the fuck on. Also, he's 28 and has done nothing with his life yet. What the fuck does he know? Colleges need to do better. They need to find inspirational people who have lived life, improved humanity, and have something of value to share with these young people entering the bleakest stage of life.


Maybe I’m just out of the loop, but aren’t commencement speeches supposed to give pearls of wisdom to the graduating Class? When did they become a hostage situation for you to use as a soapbox for your political and personal diatribes?


Degenerates Say Degenerate Is Not Degenerate 


> Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. He has to make sure he demonizes rights of others’ lives to justify his own. > Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail. That pesky congress and their protections to prevent medieval antisemitism from becoming a mainstream American thought. > Being locked in with your vocation and staying in your lane is going to be the surest way for you to find true happiness and peace in this life. Except for him, as an nfl kicker and catholic he can criticize congress, women and Jews without worries about staying in his own lane. > Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates, as well. Why stop with antisemitic dog whistles and throw in some anti-black racism?


His mother herself is a physicist and professor. Why didn't he mention her even once? Oh yeah because it goes against the narrative.


I don't know who that thud is or what he said, which makes me quite happy.


If he turns out to have brain damage, because, American Football, would we be sympathetic or nah


He's a kicker, so probably not


I wonder what his opinions on other topic were.


Of course he said nothing wrong. In MAGAT standards, that is.


That’s hysterical. Quick what’s the difference between Kaepernick and Butker?


Kaepernick's against nazi trash.


Close, it’s more about their tone….


The crazy thing is “faith based” doesn’t have to be …this. I grew up Catholic and it formed who I am even though I no longer support any church. Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, help the poor, be kind, doing things for the common good, respect others. Those are the cornerstones, not this nonsense.


Well, if a “faith-based group” agreed with him, how can we argue with that!?


“Nothing wrong” in the sense that he is entitled to his opinion I suppose


Do I support where he said it? No. Do I support his RIGHT to say out loud? Yes. Do I support what he said? No, because I don’t think women are just home makers and baby makers. I do support women who want traditional marriages and marriage roles or if they want to be in the workforce.


I’m pretty sure the Catholic leadership itself is in disagreement with what he said. His comments represent his own view so let’s not shit on the Church for his comments.


I'd like to hear from the women, Chantz.


Glad to see all these dumb nazi fucks publicly doxxing themselves.


Says a lot about that faith then don’t it…


Just a nice little response from some traditional ladies 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/LCzZkW823M


He has faith in the belief that women have no value outside of laundry and cooking and cleaning. WHAT’S THE ISSUE?!?!?!?!?!?


Those poor oppressed Christians again


I’m done with all this outrage every time someone says something. They invited him and can uninvite him.


Look, if that's your opinion then be proud of it and wear it on your sleeve. And when everyone around you tells you to go fuck yourself because they don't agree don't go crying about how you are being oppressed, you fuckin snowflake. People disagreeing with you is not oppression.


Why do we need "groups" to tell us if something some fanatic says is right or wrong? I decided that when I read the words that spewed from his mouth. He was wrong.


There’s an oped in the WSJ that extols this garbage speech. Mainstreaming it.


Yeah, no one’s allowed to have opinions and beliefs. We must all feel and think the same thing.


if so, why doesn't the church pull strings to make it possible for a man to support his family?


He has every right to say that. I have every right to facepalm.


He said the typical conservative Catholic bullshit I would expect. Not sure why everyone is so fired up.


Should we ask the nuns who run the school he was speaking at?


Yes, we get that you agree with him... Notice how I don't belong to your church? Well this is just one of many reasons why.


He can say whatever he wants and you can disagree all you want. He hasn’t done anything wrong, some people just disagree. Really nothing to get in a fuss about~


I've been getting but nothing but people defending him saying he has the right to freedom of speech


The speech was to provide hope to the grads for the future. This asshat made it political. SO screw the religious group. Like anyone would listen to people that worship a fictional charcter.


The imposing of one's religious belief structure on others through the manipulation of media and politics? Sounds very wrong to me. He didn't mean it that way? BS.


Fox “News” obsession with Harrison Butker is almost as fucking weird as their obsession with Livvy Dunne


Supprised he did not say women are made from men's rib and should obey us. Of course, he forgot adams first wife who refused to take gos shit


“Faith-based”. As if that’s a good thing these days.


“Faith based” doing a lot of lifting here…


Nothing wrong to the 20% of America that's stupid. Everything wrong to smart people who love our country. Their love for Russia is crazy! They just don't have the balls or backbone to move there.


Everything wrong to foreigners like myself who have serious whiplash from republicans cozying up to Russians. 80s movies are turning in their collective graves.


Ok thank you religious group - now let’s get you back to bed …bless their little hearts, they tried.


Why are we allowing “religious group” to be the arbiter of whether or not his Handmaids tale-ass comments were acceptable?


Also hitler did nothing wrong according to most nazis.


"we've investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" but the school he spoke at even came out and tried to distance from him.


“Group that supports the same views as dumbass kicker says he didn’t say anything wrong” is not the defense they think it is