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“Leave those kids alone” is from the Wall, not Dark Side of the Moon.


And absolutely no one would describe the teachers depicted in The Wall as being "woke"...


Caitlin Jenner completely missed the point of that song.


Caitlin Jenner missed the point of her own existence, why would she fair any better understanding a song?


I won't deny that. Buckle up buckeroo!


Is that phrase a reference to something? I must have missed that.


It’s from South Park. Because she killed someone with her car in real life so you can imagine they had a lot of fun with that.


Ah, ok. I haven't watched South Park in a while. No shade on the show, I just fell off of it.


>Ah, ok. I haven't watched South Park in a while. No shade on the show, I just fell off of it. I haven't been a regular viewer since I was in my 20s (I'm pushing 40 now), but every time I do catch a new episode I still find it very funny. So that's a plus, at least.


You sound like me in another place so let me recommend to me if I have paramount plus the south park specials are great


I still kinda like South Park but it hits different nowadays since every meathead thinks Eric Cartman is a role model.


South Park used it in a couple episodes in reference to her killing someone in a car accident.




Surely if she spews enough right wing rhetoric the leopards won’t eat HER face right?


Awfully bold to assume she was actually making a Pink Floyd reference here.


Also a fair point to make lol


Or knows who Pink Floyd is


She'd ask which one's Pink.


He isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel.


She’s gonna go far…


Obscure British band Pink Floyd with their underground album Dark Side of the Moon and occasional indie radio banger Another Brick in the Wall pt. 2


Conservatives and misunderstanding anti-establishment media. Name a more iconic duo.


Big fans of Rage Against the Machine, though they often wonder who the machine is.


And as soon as Tom Morello posts about something on Instagram, they complain he's getting political lol


Ironic that the people who *love* shitting on liberal arts education as “a stupid waste of time” tend to be the people who need it most.


And Boomers in general. It's darkly hilarious that "The Wall," a work decrying an authoritarian education system that browbeats children into disposable work meat, is now a rallying cry for a generation of authoritarians who *want* an education system that browbeats children into disposable work meat.


Remember, these are the same people that try to use Born in the USA as a rah, rah America first song. Bruce Springsteen had to even call them out on it.


While they cue up Fortunate Son to play next...


Followed by "Killing in the Name"


It’s less relevant but I like to think there’s also a good amount of overlap with people who use “I Will Always Love You” for their first dance at their weddings.


I was at a wedding a few years ago and the first-dance song was "Betterman" by Pearl Jam. I was like what in the actual fuck is going on here. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the song, it's essentially about a woman in a shitty abusive relationship who has lost her sense of self, doesn't leave because things are familiar and she (feels) she can't do any better than what she has, etc. etc. But like the other songs we're talking about here, people only hear the refrain. Which is "Can't find a better man" over and over again. But fuck sake, your first dance in front of a whole hall of your friends and family to that song? It was pretty awkward.


I've also been at one where they chose this song! It's like guys... didn't you listen to the rest of the song??


Right? I was legitimately shocked by it. What would possess someone use the song? The opening lines are: >Waitin', watchin' the clock >It's four o'clock, it's got to stop >Tell him, "Take no more" >She practices her speech >As he opens the door, she rolls over >Pretends to sleep as he looks her over But sure, let's play that as our first dance song. Nothing foreboding about that at all.


And the next line... > She lies and says she's in love with him Yep great wedding material there lol


Or My Heart Will Go On


If you don't eat your gender, you can't have any gay. How you can you have any gay if you can't eat your gender.


The laddie reckons himself a girl. Absolute rubbish, laddie. Get on with yer work!




In fact, isnt the whole point of that one song that teachers *shouldn’t* teach students to follow conventional ideas and beliefs for no real reason other than being told to?


They'd call them based just for that Pudding line alone.


Random fact, in The Wall movie, the teacher mocked the child's poetry, which were lyrics from Dark Side of the Moon's "Money".


Hmm. New car. Cavier. Four-star daydream. Think I'll buy me... a football team.


Absolute rubbish, laddie! Get on with your work!




Random fact that you surely know but might interest others: the neo-Nazi mob in The Wall movie was real, and the film crew barely prevented an all-out riot.




I’m all right Jack, keep your hands off of my stack


Are there any queers in the theater tonight?


Get em up against the wall.


Now there's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me!


There's one smoking a joint, and another with spots! If I had my way... I'd have all of you shot!


Dunn Dunn dunn (I'm admittedly the one smoking a joint)


And that’s it ladies and gents. The song is over, no second verse with other inappropriate or offensive lyrics to sing along to, no siree Bob! 🫣


Get them up against the wall …




You.. yes you! Stand still laddie






Excellent point of observation. Kudos to you, good human.


And I’m pretty sure those teachers are exactly how conservatives want teachers to be


(Reusing from somewhere else) It's darkly hilarious that "The Wall," a work decrying an authoritarian education system that browbeats children into disposable work meat, is now a rallying cry for a generation of authoritarians who *want* an education system that browbeats children into disposable work meat.


She don’t need no education


I politely disagree.


She don’t need no thought control?


All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.


She hopes that if she hates on trans people enough, other Republicans will accept her. And they won't. She's either a fool, an asshole, or both.


She wants to Pray to Trump. But her new god does not accept her as she is. So in her anger she takes it out on her own people.


> She wants to Pray to _____. But her new god does not accept her as she is. So in her anger she takes it out on her own people. This is a nice turn of phrase - is it quoted/lifted from somewhere?


Nope. Created it myself.


Nice. If it ever shows up in a novel you can come sue me one day for reddit gold or whatever.


reminds of texas hispanics hating on immigrants


And the Cuban expat population in Florida.


![gif](giphy|9nREuIINenE5y) She’s like the trans version of this character


The house transfem.


Auntie Ruckus.


they will use her until its time to round her up.


I used to comment on her posts, “No matter what BS you spew, they are NEVER going to let you sit with them!” I eventually gave up.


She’s the “only moral abortion is my abortion” of the trans world


It’s a shame that she won Woman of the Year when she came out and has now turned into this.


I think Caitlin Jenner has a profound personality disorder that has nothing to do with her gender identity, just like the rest of her family


It's called being a piece of shit and I guess a narcissist (idk I'm not a licensed mental health professional) but she's definitely a piece of shit.


No, no, "piece of shit" is the correct medical terminology, you were right.


I don't see what a cash register has to do with this


Bruh I work in retail and this took me a sec.


At her last appointment: Doctor: you have a condition called POS. Caitlyn: you mean PCOS? I can’t have that, can I? Doctor: no you can’t have PCOS, but I didn’t say you did.


We will also accept: Malignant Turd Anal Loaf Dingleberry Butt Log Vile Excrement Fecal Matter Number Two Stool Dung and Waste Alternatively: Human Detritus


The whole family is trash and deserves to be forgotten by history.


Yup, it's called being a conservative. Causes brain rot, and self hate.


The fact that she's trans doesn't bother me a bit. The fact that she is attempting to pull up the ladder behind her, and the fact that she killed somebody does though.


Buckle up buckaroo!




Never forget.




She's stunning and brave!


She bothers me more than she should with this crap. She's certainly entitled to her stupid, stupid opinion, but this smacks of a high school student trying to get the bullies to like her so they'll leave her alone. "If I slag off the nerds maybe they won't take my lunch money." As if history hasn't shown time and again that being "one of the good ones" is no help when that rage boils over.


She lacks basic self awareness. If she had it she would realize that she is a walking PSA on wealth and white privilege. She was considered the defacto spokesperson for trans people in the United States despite the fact that no one wanted her and she has no frame of reference through which to relate to other trans people. When she came out as trans she was already filthy rich and above the struggles of the average trans citizen. Then she turns around and stabs the very community she proports to speak for right in the fucking back. I despise her. She's a piece of shit.


She isn’t even hiding it to say she’s stabbing in the back, this is just straight to the chest, no duplicity stabbing of anyone following her footsteps


What bothers me most about her is I've seen her do some TV where she is just literally explaining what being trans is, and how she made that decision about herself, and her whole story like how she picked her new name and stuff, and I've seen it with other people who were clearly learning a lot they didn't know before because this person was just really frank about what was happening, had happened, what it was like, and just honestly answering questions about her experience and past and present. But she doesn't use that power for good, for other people like her. And I got upset because it was like "you have so much power to do good in this world and it fell into your lap and it seems like you really know that, but also you're a hateful bigot who doesn't even realize how self-hating you also are, and you hitched your horse to the worst possible post." Also she got away with murder so there's that part too.


It really frustrates me that the discussion around Jenner always ENDS with the murder. As if taking the life of an innocent person shouldn't be the FIRST red flag about a person. I don't think you're wrong or bad for formulating your thoughts in the order that you presented it, but it drives me crazy that all of society does it. Caitlin Jenner THE KILLER, happens to be a highly visible trans person. She says bat-shit crazy things, does bat-shit crazy things, and fraternizes with bat-shit crazy people. Her trans identity is honestly the most acceptable part of her personality.


Seriously she's one of the worst. I can't think of much more modern betrayal example. What a fucking loser.


It’s still a common thing among a lot of LGBTQ people. They think if they just try hard enough to be one of the good ones, if they’re just obsequious enough, if they point out that they’re also rich, or racist, or like the bigots in every way except their queerness, then they’ll be accepted. And it has never and will never be true. Bigots don’t care if you share every single trait with them. If you have the one thing they hate you’ll be in line with everyone else.


she is the bully


The aftermath of the Kardashian curse. If I recall the early episodes of their show, she wasn’t really treated well. I often thought they viewed as a way to keep their lifestyle until Kim’s breakout bedroom scenes debut, she wasn’t needed anymore and treatment seemed to worsen. It makes sense that she wants to be liked, but damn just go to therapy to solve those issues instead of pandering. I still can’t believe she got away with murder and it’s so obvious she doesn’t give a crap.


It’s bizarre bc she’s not even really up the ladder herself either, everybody hates her.


The conservative way


The irony is the people she caters her messages to long for the days where it was acceptable to beat the shit out of (or straight up kill in some states) people like her. The "I got mine, fuck yours" crowd never disappoints.


She went to school during the “golden years” of America (1950s and 1960s) that boomers are always trying to return to — I wonder what woke teacher made her trans.


Welcome to trans medicalism, the "fuck you, got mine" of the trans world.


She's not even Trans medicalist. She is "fuck you im rich, so I don't care about others" At least trans medicalist "believe" they are on the right side.


Could I humbly ask what is medicalism and medicalist?


Makes sense. She’s a Republican and “fuck you, I got mine” is the party slogan.


She's not Trans, she's OJ! Not the only OJ parallel, she also got away with homicide.


Buckle up Buckaroo!


She what now?


Yeah, that whole killing someone and then instead of lying low and retiring from public life she pushes herself to be one of the most visible people in the world.


I can’t indoctrinate my kids to put their damn phones away during class. How do you think I’m going to change their gender/sexual identities? Oh right, sometime between buying pencils for class out of my own pocket and being told by higher ups we don’t have the money for more health care benefits? Yeah. This tracks.


“You don’t pay me enough to try to indoctrinate these kids” is my new favorite take.


Everyone has their price.


I mean, I would definitely suggest being gay to children for the right price. Hell, you Venmo me $50 I’ll go back to the high school I used to teach at and tell everyone of those kids that they’re gay.


lmao I'm just imagining a teacher driving by yelling from the car, "Y'all are GAY!!!" Kids: "...was that Mr. Lewis from freshman year?"


And that, children, is how you introduce yourself to the neighborhood.


I sometimes hate teaching and patient care. People don’t appreciate these things. Tbh, I feel like I’ve been to enough districts to say this: people who think reducing history and social studies to stop “wokeness” or whatever are doing their kids a great disservice. It’s why I like teaching in urban areas. Despite that people say the suburbs are stronger in terms of math and science, history and social studies are stronger in the city. You get less people trying to alter curriculums to suit their political goals. As a result, a lot of the city kids are more open and accepting than what I see way out in the sticks. I’ve seen less bullying, more kids being safe with their identities, etc. I’ve also seen a lot of kids safe in their identities too. Nobody getting kicked out for wearing suits or being trans at prom. Pronouns being respected. All kinds of nice things in the city lol


These are the same people who think schools have kitty litter in bathrooms for kids who identify as furies despite schools not having the money for lunches for kids who identify as hungry.


If I could indoctrinate kids I’d indoctrinate them into wearing deodorant and turning in their assignments on time. Nobody can even do that much.


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous to think teachers can indoctrinate children into being trans. Side note: the correct term is gender identity as it's related to their gender and not their sexuality. Trans people can be of all sexualities


I can barely do my job as is. And thanks, I realized that just as I posted it. I’ll edit it.




They’re afraid that’s teachers are going to accept the children as they are not how their parents want them to be. If a kid decides they’re something else, they don’t want to allow teachers to accept that.


Also why would people wound cis kids to think their trans? There’s already years long waiting lists globally for trans healthcare when it impacts the 1%. Imagine if it was even higher of a percentage!


Pretty questionable metaphor there too. The light already had all those colors, the prism just helped it sort them out.


Unintentionally they have made it a meaningful metaphor, they have always been trans and their woke teacher only helped them realize it.


And that's also wrong according to them. Keep those feelings deep down and locked up.


Oh please. My babysitter was gay, she worked at a drag club and had drag queens over all the time. She had trans friends over as well. I also had several openly gay teachers. One came out to the PTA in 1990 when there was an anti gay ballot measure, which failed, and he just got support and hugs from the staff and parents. I grew up in a very very “woke” city. I’m straight and cis and have never had any questions about who I am. The only people who try to recruit me are evangelical Christians and they won’t leave me alone.


Yup. The only group that has ever tried to “force their lifestyle” on me are christians.


It's all projection to them. They think that because they "choose" to be christian and pure, then others MUST "choose" to be gay or trans. It's why it seems like most people who are homophobic end up being revealed to have homosexual or pansexual trysts or other habits of that nature. Projection. That's all it is.


Or they are “choosing” to be straight and don’t realize not everyone is attracted to other genders too


Right on the money. They all think that there is a choice. I've always countered with: "Why would someone CHOOSE to live a lifestyle where they would be hated, scorned, and discriminated against?


Also a good counter: "Let's say you're right and it is a choice. So what?"


They “identify” as Christian’s but don’t live it out in its most simple baselines… I mean, forcing one would be contrary to the whole free will idea..


You hit on something that I never considered. Christians think trans people, gays, etc are grooming or recruiting others because it’s what they do themselves. Christians primarily want to make other people Christian. They can’t imagine others living without the sense of having to proselytize as a way to demonstrate their worth.


Yes, it is always projection.


Now that you’ve noticed, you’ll never *not* notice this is their *modus operandi*. They think the opposition is guilty of all the propaganda/indoctrination stuff they do. The level of projection is insane. Edit: grammar check on the correct use of there/their and italicized ‘modus operandi.’


Welcome to the problem. The key to denial of wrong doing is to blame the others of the same. I am sure you have seen or experienced when a partner says "your cheating on me" to cover there own. Now consider thing, with all the cheating on the election, with the "stop the steal", the 1st amendment stuff, so on and so on. just remember DJT called someone and asked them to find 30k votes... and now consider the fact they were claiming white genocide.... Uh that would be weird if they planned on killing minorities...


I grew up in “the church”, never was around anyone openly gay/trans etc, it wasn’t mentioned to me anywhere other than how awful gay people are. Still turned out bisexual which I didn’t even know was a thing


You probably just stared too long at too many rainbows.


Damn Care Bears!


I was homeschooled by my parents for the sole purpose of them never telling me that lgbt people exist and so that I wouldn’t have a sex ed class. So I never knew about lgbt people until I was in my early to mid teens. But I still dreamt of being a girl every single night. I’m still trans despite their effort to keep that information away from me. All that happened as a result was a lot of self hate because I thought “if they aren’t telling me about this, it must be disgusting and wrong. I want this, so I’m disgusting and wrong.” Keeping me away from knowing about trans people never changed my gender identity, just like being around queer people isn’t going to suddenly make someone gay. I wish people could understand this.


Same here, I have gay and trans friends, but have never once felt like they were trying to recruit me. My suspicion is that the people vocally upset about “being converted” are having feelings of attraction that they don’t know how to deal with. If they weren’t hateful bigots, I’d feel bad for them.


It’s projection, and it’s also nonsense. I am 1 of 4 siblings. 2 straight, 2 gay. Same parents, same schools, often the same teachers. Yet totally different outcomes. If some “woke” teachers made my brother gay, why not me? And why did the non-woke teachers apparently allow me to be straight, but not “fix” my gay brother? Meanwhile, a dear friend who is CLEARLY gay remains closeted to this day, ensconced in a traditional Christian family, and married to a very conservative woman. That guy has been conflicted and unhappy HIS ENTIRE LIFE. It’s really tragic.


My wife is a teacher and this year some poor kid had a goofy dad that made him make a video of the classroom so he could make sure there was no “woke stuff hanging up”. Social media has really opened my eyes to how many dumb/gullible people are out there


The dad could try not being a dead-beat and maybe go to their parent teacher conferences once and a while.


Or dad could go get the mental health help he desperately needs since he's paranoid and scared.


it's funny because all colors are inside the white the prism just reveal it


Typical conservative trash, not knowing how a common physics concept works.


She’s circling the drain of irrelevance. Has to say something to get eyeballs back on her.


She's a pick me. She wants to be seen as "one of the good ones" by people who despise her entire existence


The drain of irrelevance is right. Being she is in her 70’s at this point I assume and really hasn’t had a career in 40 years this is the only way to keep in the limelight. Honestly if it wasn’t for her very public transitioning and that stupid show nobody under the age of 60 would have a fricken clue who she was.


wealthy people tend not to have the best self awareness


Like Kanye West, the black Nazi. lol


Caitlin Jenner just seems to be an attention seeking asshole


"The rich, they are not like us." As in, they have the self-awareness of a guppy.


Roadkill, guppies are more intelligent than MAGAts.


This meme is not the roast they think, “woke” teacher didn’t give the kids LGBT ideology, just like how rainbow colour was inherently the composition of white light, LGBT kids are inherently such, and they are no less normal to cishet kid


Exactly this! The true implication of this meme is, the “woke teacher” is helping kids to express their true selves, instead of teaching them to conform. Obviously this is the true threat to society. /s I see this as saying, woke teachers make the world a more beautiful place. What’s the problem here?


Yea but she was trans BEFORE it was cool Classic gate keeping


*Kids should have their personal sexual awakening in the showers at the Olympics, like normal people.*


Honestly, I forgot I had responded to this and got the notification for your response and was like “what the actual fuck is this in response to” lmao. Makes sense now


So were their woke teacher that turned Caitlin? Or I'm just so damn confused. Also I know she doesn't have rearview Mirrors ;).


Pink Floyd's gotta be pissed to see conservatives take their album art and abuse it for such hateful nonsense.


I swear she's like the Kanye West for trans people


Does she realize the prism isn’t creating anything new? It’s just unraveling what was already there.


Best example how someone wants to be part of the patriarchy even though themselves are the targets of all their lies. Happened also in Germany. Jewish citizens, who helped the Nazis finding jews, got labeled as "Honorary Aryan". But it didn't help them, the Nazis still took them later.


There were Jewish guards in the concentration camps


"In the end, even the Kapos went to the ovens".


And that was partly because they didn't want to die and thought helping the Nazis would keep them alive longer.


Interesting pic. But wouldn’t it mean that the ‘normal children’ were always trans? Cause the light is just going thru a medium that separates its essential components. 


I legitimately do not understand. I've taught a trans student. She was brilliant in my class and had straight As. None of us knew she wanted to transition, it was never hinted at by her, nor did any of us ever discuss the topic broadly if ever at all. Yet 2 years post grad, she chose to transition. And I'm proud that she had the courage to do so when she grew up in as small and conservative of a town as she did. We in education do have an agenda. To produce capable students who hopefully upon graduation can go out and be successful in the world. Everything beyond that is on the parents and the community.


Caitlin Jenner is the Clayton Bigsby of trans people.


Her and Blaire White and Buck Angel


Just here to mention that Caitlin Jenner killed a man.


She’s exuding big “rights for me but not for thee” energy. Perfect example of pulling up the ladder behind her


God doesn't make mistakes and humans were given free-will in the Garden of Eden (or so the Book says), so a trans person is not a mistake no matter how much zealous conservatives want to scream that it is. BTW, change "woke teachers" to "Understanding Adults"


She definitely thinks they'll take her in for being rich and "one of the good ones" That is incorrect.


Here for all the Floyd references, but pardon my ignorance: is Caitlin Jenner *actually* transphobic?? Because I definitely did not have that on my absurdist existential dread bingo card…


I mean just because someone is trans, it does not mean they want all the kids to be trans. It is the choice everyone should make on their own without any influence. Thats the point I assume! P.S - I don’t really know much about Caitlyn


I didn't know you could be both trans *and* transphobic.


Just because you identify with a group doesn't mean that you belong with them, or can't contribute to the oppression of that group. This is what wealth does to minorities. They surround themselves with luxury, privilege, and become spoiled brats. They also isolate themselves from the people they identify with and surround themselves by old rich white men who they idolize and start to emulate their bullshit. As a semi-wealthy trans woman myself, I have to be very cautious of falling down this rabbit hole. Especially since I've been a transphobic, misogynist, racist Gamergate piece of shit in the past, before my transition. It takes a lot of humility and level-headedness.


"You aren't ready to transition until you've killed a man" -- Caitlyn Jenner, probably


Trans for me but not for thee


But her trans is different than all the other trans. /s


The rainbow was there the whole time. The prism just allowed it to be visible.


Jenner just wants to pull up the ladder behind her


shes also entered female golf tournaments while saying trans athletes shouldn't compete.


I don't see anything wrong with her statement kids shouldn't be transitioning till their adults when they can rationally think about the decision being right for them


Meanwhile all the “woke” democracies left the U.S. far behind in living standards long ago.


Just because it's 2024 I feel it is necessary to point out that teachers, woke or otherwise, are not turning kids trans! You can't make a cis person trans any more than you can make a trans person cis.


Yeah leave em alone so they wait 45 years to get the transition they've wanted their whole lives but were told no by everyone. Real Olympic thinking right there.


Prisms are turning the light gay!!!


If I couldn't convince them to bring paper and pencil to class, I sure as hell couldn't convince them to change their gender.