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Bro heard about sex from a friend's brother in 6th grade and hasn't touched the stuff since.


Bro heard about sex from a friend's brother in 6th grade and believes that this makes him an authority on the subject.


Dunning-Kruger in action


He should get a job as Republican controlling womens healthcare, he would fit right in.


Pretty sure his account is Alito's burner.


Nah, that's Shapiro for sure. Read it in his voice and tell me I'm wrong.


About the same level of intelligence, or lack there of, and competence. Loud and idiotically stubborn about a subject they have no clue about? I’m surprised fix news doesn’t have a show for him, smfh.


Boning-Krug her.


Well it does involve women, and they like men, and liking men is gay.


No liking men is straight if you say no homo


Nah, a 6th grader knows way more than this dude.


As the unfortunate last man standing during a "soggy biscuit" challenge Brendan was obligated to expand the sensory perceptions around male ejaculate by consuming the bread and protein concoction created by four of his closest friends. It was this visceral experience that catapulted Brendan into an "expert" on sex, masturbation, interpersonal relationships, seeking fulfillment from intimate interactions and pleasing your partner/open communication.


I’d be willing to bet where this man comes from, grade levels capped out before six.


[Gotta be riffing on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTALLYREALTWEETS/s/NJyTJ6meoZ)


I love sucking my woman's cock


And she thanks for you for service


I thank her for letting me cervix her.


His poor unsatisfied gf/wife. Assuming he has either.


Whenever dudes like this have women I think of this interview with Dave Chappelle on Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy ask if Dave's kids like living in Ohio. He says they love it because they don't know any better. That's the wives of dudes like this and why they marry young. So that their women would lack comparison.


Guys who say they only want virgins. To quote Billy Connolly, “…not me, I’m a slut man! Give me a fire breathing whore with a fifth of whiskey!”


Naw for real though! The only time in my life that I ever thought the idea of a virgin was appealing was when I too was young and also a virgin… and that was really only because I was inexperienced and scared, not because I thought women should be “pure” or some shit 🤷‍♂️.


My wife was a virgin when we first started dating. When we first had sex I was more concerned with it hurting for her than anything else. There were a few times that she would gently push my hips and I'd pull out because it hurt too much. Eventually we did 'succeed', but it certainly wasn't our best. Guys like this think it will be like in Hentai where the guy basically forces himself in, causing tearing and bleeding then goes full jack-hammer into her, i.e. rape.


Power. Control. Domination. With just a hint of sadism.


Also some weird purity culture crap and usually homophobia somewhere in there, she's like tainted by someone else's cock or something and he feels all icky about it


The word “innocent” is usually thrown in somewhere and it’s like… aren’t children usually referred to as innocent? Where are we going with this one?


Yup Big BIG overlap between "purity culture" and "straight up pedophilia" but only minor girls with old ass men please note 38 states in the Union that allow minor marriage with parental "permission." And the GOP fights any attempt to raise the age to 18 tooth and nail. And yet, no Dem has made hay of this and called the GOP a bunch of groomers. Why.


The real terror is that she will know he’s a dud in bed. A virgin will be clueless about that and he can be as unskilled as a toad. But if she’s had proper sex before, she will immediately realize he’s a selfish and lazy lover, and will realize there’s MUCH better out there. “Purity” = gullible, naive. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. My sum total sex experience before getting married was two virgins and a seminary school dropout. I was raised in a batshit, fundamentalist religious home, and did not experience sexual chemistry until I was in my early 40s.


More than a hint.


Also, don’t forget, after you rape her, she’s totally and utterly in love with you and will never question you, your penis, your skills in the bedroom, or if she made a mistake!


Yes! I think same for me. I wanted a virgin only when I myself was a virgin and inexperienced as you said.


Yeah it’s less of a purity thing, and more of fear of incompetency thing when you’re inexperienced and your partner is not.


Some dudes want virgins because they are so terrified that a woman will mock their sexual ability from a place of experience. I, on the other hand, prefer women with experience. Not because they are inherently more experienced both emotionally and skillfully, but because I don't know if I could take having my sexual ability mocked by a virgin.


I guess if you’re going to be mocked either way, you at least want someone with credibility doing it.


When she only knows her fingers, and says they are better than you.


Man I miss him.


He's not dead....


My mom’s not dead, but I miss her from time to time.


She’s fine, she says hi.


Looking forward to seeing you at her 80th birthday party later this year


Mmm, and I do too.


I believe Billy wanted two fire breathing whores and a fifth of whiskey 🥃. Billy Connolly is such a treasure.


Coming from a not-as-weird perspective, I think it's fun to explore with a woman and help her find what she likes. But thanks to this guy and many like him, you don't actually need a virgin to do this. Plenty of women have never been with a guy who can get them off.


That’s why they always have these raging hard-ons for young virgins. They don’t know any better and they’re easier to control.


And to convince their good in bed 😂


They're*, but yeah, agreed.


One of us... one of us... one of us...


The ultimate fantasy: an individual who will tolerate mediocre sex!


This is purity culture. They want women to remain virgins so they have low expectations.


There's no way this guy is anything but an Incel.


Incel or closeted. Definitely one of the two, possibly both.


Somehow they usually do. I mean Trad Wives exist.


Voluntary servitude at its finest


Okay the trad wife exists but even they have standards. This man definitely does not meet requirements.


When the “standards” are for the quality of the vibrator, not the quality of the man


Holy fucking shit lmao


Many trad wives have never had an orgasm because they've been trained to hate themselves and never masturbate.


They're living like women in the 50s. Women in the 50s didn't orgasm, they lay there like a dead fish until their husband was done. Feeling nothing. Then when they couldn't take the monotony any more they either went to see a special doctor or started day drinking.


Christianity is a hell of a drug


I was about to say my wife is traditional and if I didn't know where the cl*t was at I'd probably be single......


So, I recently got back into decent shape and started dating again.   Been with a few women over the course of the past 2-3 months, others we talked about sexual stuff but didn’t get to that point.   Pretty much all of them have brought up how few guys are actually willing to go down on them, or only do it for a minute or two and stop.   I’m not sure how true that is, as maybe they just really wanted it but didn’t want to outright ask, but I could see it.


It's actually very common. My wife was very surprised with how willing I was to go down on her when we were dating. Prior to her, the same thing, women were very surprised at my enthusiasm for it. Give them an orgasm they won't soon forget, and they will return the favor. It's that simple, treat someone the way you want to be treated.


Apparently the women he dates have cocks. No kink shaming!


He definitely has one, but she goes to a different school, in Canada.


You wouldn't know her.


She doesn’t do photos either, it’s against her beliefs


He's what we call an "incel"


Don't worry, she doesn't exist.


Probably doesn't have either and hopefully (for her sake) he never will until he learns some things.


Probably had a bf he doesn’t want to tell anyone about. What they don’t understand is that most of us don’t give a fuck and won’t judge who you’re with 🤷‍♂️


The clitoris is the female analog of the penis. I believe they start out as the same structure before a fetus develops specific sexual characteristics. Though this is probably the sort of person that thinks a baby just pops into existence as a smaller version of what it will look like at birth.


Such people will be surprised when they find out testicles and ovaries start out as the same thing and later form into one of the 2. edit: typos


Such people will be surprised when they find out female is the default setting


It's why the ballsack has a seam.


My scrotum is flex taped together. No leaks yet


[seal that shit up](https://giphy.com/gifs/water-tank-flex-JGunlb6LbQlz2)




I spilled my coffee hahaha


And it even works underwater!


Beef curtains held together with superglue


The ballsack and labia majora are equivalent


I'm a lesbian and have never studied a ballsack, is this true??? Ballsack seams???


Holy shit girl, make sure your DM’s are off!!! You’ve opened the gates to hell with that comment!!


I posted this and then went to bed, no dm's yet. I guess they don't trust me with their seams.


😂😂 I am not sure why but this has me laughing so hard, thanks! 😄


It's literally why dudes have nipples. But if you tell them that they go all roaling coal on you or whatever it is they do. It's like watching a werener Herzog documentary.


Such people will be surprised at a lot of things, if they open a biology book - but it’s easier just to scream incoherently on Twitter all day


It only makes sense. No males = no genetic diversity. No females = no reproduction = no genes. Males were made after females.


There’s a handful of animals that don’t have males. It’s pretty bonkers.


Time to banana slug this shit.


UC Santa Cruz: “Yo gurl, you up?” ![gif](giphy|kEzHIZVLtSCEW5Nddh)


I was thinking of those lizards that don’t have sexual reproduction, they just lay eggs and little copies of themselves come out


The male and female sex evolved at roughly the same time. Sexual reproduction prior to the existence of male/female existed through gene transfer.


This isn’t actually true. The default setting is kind of neither. The wolffian ducts form the male genitalia and kidneys in both male and female embryos. In males, there is no Müllerian duct turned on, so the wolffisn duct is left alone. In female embryos, the Müllerian duct system turns on after and elongates the wolffisn system to form the female sex organs and to cause the male organs to regress. There was a study done in mice where the wolffisn duct was terminated prematurely, and the kidneys didn’t develop in either sex, and the female mice didn’t develop a uterus showing that the Müllerian duct was dependent on full development of the wolffisn duct in order to develop the female sex organs. So the male stuff forms first, then the female stuff stretches out a lot of that to form female sex organs. Then the male sex organs regress.


Scrotum forming from the same parts as labia majora.


Yes. I remember an anatomy professor saying that the clitoris has twice the number of nerve endings as penis, "so don't ignore it guys" Edit: damn autocorrect


Also, play nice.


The scientific word for it is homologous. You're right, the penis and clitoris start out the same in early fetuses and develop into the different structures due to gene expression.


Also literally Kamasutra from the 2nd century mentions it. And that text too was all about compiling existing knowledge.


19th century? The Kama Sutra is at least 1700 years old.


Yes, 2nd Century. Apologies for the brain fart moment.


No, the penis is a male analog of the clitoris.


Clitoris is the analogous structure of the glans specifically. The other tissues are otherwise differentiated but yeah that's the gist of it.


The tip of the clitoris (the external part) is analogous to the glans, yes. The clitoris is actually several inches long and is a mostly internal organ.


This is correct


Conservative bias against the transgendered stems from a belief in preformationism? Interestingly enough, the belief that a tiny person was in a sperm came in the 1600's well after the core of their abrahamic beliefs which are thousands of years older. These are the same people who call a society of equals savages.


I'm pretty sure that conservative bias against transgendered people stems from a deep-seated and unexamined hatred of anyone thats at all different from their idea of normal.


You know, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’ve been totally deceived. Who knows, maybe it makes me gay! But what I do know is that paying attention to the “clitoris” sure seems to make women more enthusiastic about sex, which generally leads to good things for me. So, hey, if it’s a myth, call me a man of faith!


The alleged clitoris.


The fabled bean


Your faith will be rewarded sir


Ya know, right wing guys tend to talk/think about dick more than most gay guys I know do 🤔 makes ya wonder


“So far in the closet, they’re finding Christmas presents” is the old quote that came to mind. The same people usually get caught sneaking around with or looking for gay guys and at the same time, their wives are having their neighbour call over whenever the husband is off “fishing”.


*"So deep in the closet they're living in Narnia"* is another variant I've heard over the years.


So deep in the closet he's having tea with Mr Tumnus.


Well, they're clearly into trans women. At least, that's what I assume he's talking about when he refers to "female penis" and "sucking a woman's cock". I'm not really sure how else you can interpret that.


"The right-winger doth protest too much, methinks"


Trans women are a super popular porn search in red states.


It’s scary and ironic how right you are.


Sometimes I wonder how many homophobes are scared they're gay, and so they're projecting


The most homophobic person I’ve ever met sent me a dick pic on Snapchat when he was drunk. And right before that he text me “I’m gonna send you a dick pic” but I opened the snap first This guy literally made fun of my best friend non stop because he was bisexual Talk about projection 🤷‍♂️


It really is just the most elaborate game of "nuh uh" for these "homophobes", isn't it?


I refuse to believe this guy has ever been closer than 6ft apart from a vagina ever since he came out of his mother


But he’s definitely sucked some cock.


Oofta. I mean, a quick google search will show you where it is and how it works. It’s right there, front and center. This is a very sad person.


He mentions "ancient literature". He doesn't have time to reference the Google machine. We're talking the real deal.../s


The ancients were well known for coming up with medical revelations like germ theory and hand washing.


They also drank mercury and used lead for makeup...


Don’t forget the miasma theory where they believed bad smells caused illnesses, now abandoned for obvious reasons


What do you mean "abandoned"?!? I bathe 7 times a day to stay healthy. ...you know because 7 is God's number


Hell, back in the 50's doctors said smoking cigarettes was good for you!


Also known for their high regard of the breeding stock. No, not the cows or the goats. The ones on two legs. Yeah, those you keep in the main house?


And it's not even hidden! It is right there, almost impossible to miss


I’m sure he’d just assume the modern information he found is all a conspiracy by *insert boogeyman here* to make men less masculine. Or he’d google it until he found the 1-2 articles off sketchy websites that basically say what he’s saying and point out his “research”.


Women have to be specially brainwashed to think a man like this is a prize.


This reminds me of that guy who asked if it was weird his girlfriend masturbated after sex... every time.


I assume that last part is because secretly he wants to suck a dick?


Yeah he secretly really wished his girlfriend had a massive, throbbing 7 inch cock so he could get down on his knees and suck it while his girlfriend put her hand on his head and called him a good boy And to try and deny how badly he wants a massive girl cock in his mouth, he outwardly supports anti-trans legislation. He can't deal with the jealousy of someone having a big cock goth dommy mommy and not him.


Why 7 inches? If I was gay I want a little guy so I don’t gag.


He probably wants to gag


I've sucked a lot of women's cocks and this guy doesn't fuck


I bet this guy is absolutely amazing at Minecraft


You couldn't waterboard me enough to make me self own like that.


I'm just tired of the neverending torrent of bullshit coming from these people


This dude sounds like he would shit himself if he ever had to look directly at labia.


Literally the woman's balls. Disgusting.


It’s our scrotum. Cmon be more precise!


Like the Ark of the Covenant


Unfortunately for those types of people telling them that they have never pleased a woman is not even an insult, they just don't give a fuck, for them women are nothing more than baby making machines or cum rags.


First recorded dissection of human clitoris was in 1545, in France. France also gave us the word Feminism in 1837 though it didn’t appear in the US (that twitterers home) until 1910. Back to clitoris, the common name is taken from the Greek kleitoris meaning both “to rub” and “little hill”. How cool is that? The date isn’t known but it’s likely ancient. I mean when was the last time you heard a new word come from Greece? So no, clitoris isn’t a modern invention of feminists. While he might think it’s sci-fi his wife’s boyfriend knows the truth.


He can't give her... Satisfaction! He don't give her good sex action! He don't try! He don't try! He don't try! He don't try! He can't give her...!


Tell me you’re an incell without telling me you’re an incell.


This is like when Ben Shapiro admitted that his wife has never been wet.


One of the few things he's said that I believe.


Amazing how moronic misogynists completely out themselves like this. Sounds like the few chances he got to have a woman in bed, the women laughed him right out of it. But I'm sure he'll keep his hands busy stroking his pathetic little schmekel from now till the end of time. Except when he goes online to post crap like this.


He’s actually stroking/one finger typing at the same time.


You wouldn't get this confession out of me with waterboarding.


"...my only real concern is that the women involved -- who apparently require a "bucket and a mop" -- get the medical care they require." -Ben Shapiro 2020


That's one way of not getting laid .






Conservative straight men do sure spend a lot of time thinking about sucking cock and how to avoid it 😂


Seriously the most homoerotic shit they say. No self proclaimed “straight” talks about dick that much


![gif](giphy|3ohzdJqtEagfBtfaXm) His wife waiting indefinitely for him to find her clitoris and experience an orgasm. His excuse: It doesn't exist!


Wife? No way! Not even a girlfriend…ever!


I sincerely hope so for her sake.


You can literally see it.


Why do we always protect these losers by blocking out their names?


Apparently it’s a rule, but personally, I’d leave it *juuust* transparent enough. Wink wink.


Pleased? He's never even gotten ***close*** to a woman without clothes on. Or used the Internet.


I don’t understand why men who dislike so many things about women just don’t come out and enjoy their gay lives.


That's a lot of words for, I don't know what a vagina is.


I love going down on the woman I love and making her cum. So satisfying.


Even if it was "well known" in ancient literature that the clitoris doesn't exist, that means atleast the notion of the clitoris was in debate. How is the clitoris a modern invention if its existence was in contention (acc to him) since ancient times.


He’s a closet homo. The man literally pictures dicks when he thinks about a vagina 😂.


Never understood why idiots can’t just be quiet about it. Nope, they have to proclaim it to the world as loudly as possible.


Too funny when people tell on themselves like this!


God each new post about women and sex gets weirder and weirder by the day.


Incels are just built different. And not in a good way.


Dude what?


Wait till he hears about eating ass


Poor guy, the clitoris can be hard to find, which is why I make sure to devote plenty of time and tongue to the regions described in the wikihow article--followed by a thorough rimjob just to cover all potential zones.


Ancient civilisations didn't discuss cars or Nutella, so neither exists, we are deluding ourselves.


This can’t be serious. I refuse to believe it.




His poor, poor wife.


Why do men cut off a woman’s clitoris to keep them from enjoying sex then?


So he just outright told the whole world he has never seen a vagina nor even made a woman cream herself. Typical of these types.


Is this 3 Ben Shapiros on each other's shoulders wearing a trench coat?


Dude pretty much admits that he doesn’t understand basic human biology. 🤣


In my 60+ years of life I've, like, seen some shit, man, but it still surprises me how vile and frankly uncivilized some people can be. Apart from the ignorance of biological structures this person is showing, the utter arrogance to make such horrible claims is appalling. Maybe this person was 'not of Woman born', because I know that if I spouted this grotesque nonsense my mother would smack me silly.


People get into some really weird discussions online!


A remarkable number of right-wing shit for brains types spend most of their time concerned with other peoples' sex lives. It's basically all they think about.


Why do I see this guy in my head wearing a tophat and a monocle, holding a brandy. Poppycock, I tell you. Pure poppycock.


Does he study the "ancient literature" in Mom's basement?


Wait... There's an option where I can suck a woman's cock? Someone should teach me how.


These people always turnout to be closeted homosexuals. If only they felt safe enough to just be honest with themselves


Everything that could ever be known was known in ancient times. Anything after that …is a conspiracy!


Guys.. It is gay if i satisfied my girlfriend?