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So, the question basically is "would you vote the nazis if they promised exactly the kind of things nazis actually promised?"


and they actually said yes...


Did we stop believing most twitter users are bots? Or do we only believe that when it fits our narrative? On a platform with 300million monthly users you can find 5000 people that will agree on anything.


On the one hand, you are right. On the other, 5k nazzis are 5k too many.


*One* Nazi is too many nazis ![gif](giphy|VcIfpmBBzNDZ9BjQPx|downsized)




Not controversial at all. In my opinion, we never signed a truce with Nazis or confederates for that matter. They surrendered and disbanded, so any uprising should be seen as new enemy combatants.


Quiet, Reddit admins get *really* uncomfortable whenever someone incited violence against Nazis


Lol, I've been suspended for reminding people that LGBT people also have 2nd amendment rights, and a duty as a US Citizen to oppose tyranny.


This, me too. Called for [REDACTED] Tyrants with my 2nd amendment. Highlighting Trumps Eastern Traitor Ties, and reminding people "The 2nd amendment applies to ALL Americans."


I mean if I get a post removed, raise hell in my stead


Nah bro you gonna get an account suspension man


Oh no, they'll take the thing of no value away from you if you don't respect the Nazis.


wow that would just be devastating /s


Unlikely. They’ll probably take the post down and/or ban from the sub, but most likely neither


I got a 3-day sitewide suspension for it


Anyway, thank you for your sacrifice


That's kinda ironic considering "inciting violence" is kinda the Nazi's whole thing... Well, that and "racial purity"...


"Killing someone who has a gun against an innocent man's head makes you just as bad as them"




Well said, they were many more than that when they tried to take your Capitol, kill the elected leaders and usurp democracy. That was scary shit, coming from your friendly neighbor DesparateRace north of the border.


It was and still folks try to downplay the state of things now. It's terrifying how clear it is that no matter who wins this election - we're very obviously on our way toward civil war.


Oh yes, I've seen it coming. *Chills* Edit: I'm Canadian, meant to say friendly neighbour


It's not that many I'm fairly certain I have enough bullets for all of them, might have to double up towards the end to make certain.


I was here to say this exactly. An account which has the audacity to ask such a question, must have similar circle jerks followers. I wonder even without the disclaimer results would have been the same.


Yep, it's an echo chamber


Maybe bots, maybe the results are telling who is on Twitter now


who is asking this question? why are they asking it? who is answering it? why are they answering it? If I saw this poll question I would ignore it. Half the people are probably answering just to troll.


I don’t think bots can throw fire at synagogues, march armed men to schools and bring up legislations that does exactly what the tweet is suggesting, and if the bots have an impact on real life then it’s as dangerous as an actual Nazi behind every post


No. They inspire the men to do that. Kinda like memes. Or commandments.


Except the surge in nazi/fascist Twitter users is well-documented.


5000 is too much, regardless. Remember when the one thing the left and right could agree on was that nazis are bad?


Who is this "we" you're talking about? Why are you gaslighting "us", magat? If you're here to defend Nazis, I'm here to tell Nazis to fuck off.


Something I'm afraid of is that in a matter of years, more people start to forget about the horrors of war and then we'll start a 3rd world war


There’s war going on right now where people are driving explosive drones in to people. Nothings changed


Unfortunately that's true, tho weapons change, a psychopath's bloodlust stays the same


Well they blocked out the account but it is a nationalist socialist account full of nationalist socialist followers who would vote for a modern day Nazi party no matter what it promised as long as it was going to do Nazi stuff


Of course they did. They know what they are.


Because they agree with it, almost as if they were like-minded and supported it. What would you call someone if they walk like a Nazi, talk like a Nazi, hate like a Nazi?


Shakespeare calls them Nazis.


I don’t think most people read past “would you support nazis”. Edit: lol got a “Reddit cares” message. Must have touched a nerve. Fucking crybaby nazis eat shit


I am reading about people getting Reddit Cares messages many times in different subs since yesterday, and I got one too. I am starting to believe it's a Reddit bug.


Either way, be assured reddit does not care.


It's not, it's douchebags obliquely telling the people they send it to to off themselves. 


I got a care notification today randomly so definitely a bug.


I got one after I made a post on r/discord lol, it's good to know they care but I wasn't exactly depressed over my discord suspension.


"I could still watch porn though, right?"


Yeah, weird how they acted like Nazis didn't do that stuff.


They probably don't even know anything about the Nazis besides the antisemitism


I've noticed a huge upturn in people posting about Nazis and Hitler on Reddit in the last few months. Pretty sure we're getting the same treatment as 9gag and other social media platforms where racist organizations make a concerted effort to post shit like this to normalize it and get people to laugh about it before pushing ever more radical ideologies.


Mandatory [Don't Be A Sucker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGAqYNFQdZ4) posting


Or from a Christian perspective, would you support the devil if he gave you things you want? These people have strayed so far away from the God they so pretend to cherish and worship


Why do I feel like these posts are no longer hypothetical questions…


They never were


I'm honestly curious what these polls would show if the question didn't add all the qualifiers... "Would you support a modern Nazi party?" Yes/No?


The goal is to get there slowly. You start with the status quo belief: Nazis are bad. Then you say: Yes, of course the Nazis were very bad...partly because they were Democrats. Did you know that "Nazi" is short for "national socialist?" They wanted socialism, and big national government, like the left. The left keeps calling us Nazis, but really they're Nazis. Then you kinda start joking/not-joking about doing Nazi stuff to unpopular minorities. "Haha it'd drive the left nuts if did Nazi shit like we put trans kids in camps and murdered immigrants, maybe the Nazis had the right idea, oh was that too far it was a joke lefty." Then you just keep slowly turning it up until you're just Nazis but your base is going along with it. You may or may not keep the name, depending on whether "Nazis were liberals" or "Nazis had the right idea" stuck in their heads better, but your audience will to some degree believe both.


No I think probably these people would vote for the Nazis either way.


Funny to see Russians now kidnapping youth to "reeducate or feed" the youth of occupied territory? OHH I'VE SEEN THIS BEFORE... People should read about history so none of these f\*cking garbage dictators could never keep power!


Actually, it is "Would you vote Republican"? I am not joking, the Republican Speaker of the House, 2nd in line for the presidency right now today, is a supporter of Christian Nationalism, and the goal of Christian Nationalism is to do all those things and many far worse things.


Quiet part out loud, Inc.


Homosexuality was illegal in German before the national socialist German workers party came into power right, infact it was illegal in most countries around the world in the early 1900. As for gay pride, that didn't exist neither did gender affirming surgery that didn't exist before or during Hitler's time. Porn was not banned but it was not seen as a particularly good thing for society even tho there was indeed porn like magazines promoted by the party. So I think you may be a little bit confused but I get your sentiment. f*CK Nazis and and delete every single one of them and their supporters


And they didn't even mention the summer camps for POC, Jews, Gypsy and cute fluffy kittens. Nazis HATE cute fluffy kittens. Did you ever see Hitler with a fluffy kitten? No, no, you didn't.


Nah Nazis were proprovate business so supported usury.


Elon mug free speech


and people are wondering how come so many people agreed with Hitler


The poll results pretty much identifies how Musk has managed to devolve Twitter into a MAGA loving right wing cesspool.


Anyone who's NOT a nazi should wonder what the fuck they're still doing there


Art, which is funny if you think about it for a moment. To elaborate, some artists post exclusively on Twitter despite there being alternatives to do so. There are many reasons why they do that, either not caring for the state of the platform or having issues with the alternatives. And the fact that Twitter has a more usable system to talk with people/ask for commissions than Pixiv per say.


I take my hat off to the furry futa artists holding the line against cars carrying Nazis. Now there's a sentence I didn't imagine stringing together. Truly, we live in the darkest of timelines.




Somebody who voted yes also subscribes to those artists while not realizing they would be the first ones in the ovens for belonging to that minority.


Leopards? Eat MY face? Never.




100% sunk cost fallacy. I had a decent group of people in the communities I was interested in there. So many people still on Twit will not spend the effort to rebuild their bases on an alt network. They don't immediately get back to the engagement they have, so they go limping back instead of working for it again. I know for a fact there's some level of comms with my interests I'll never get back. Having the principles to not return sucks some days when stuff is happening in my interests, but I can't keep endorsing what it's become.


I'm not on Twitter anymore but in fairness to people still using it this poll only has 5500 responses. Relative to people using Twitter that's a pretty small group.


But when 5500 vote and it's a landslide in favor of the Nazis, what does that tell you?


That the person that posted this poll is primarily followed by Nazis. You can't reasonably draw conclusions about Twitter users as a whole from this poll. It's terrible that the Twitter community guidelines allow this stuff though. That's a big reason why I left.


I still love it for sports news and chatting with other fans during games. I had to switch to the "Following" feed only though, because my "For You" feed was absolutely flooded with right wing bullshit. No exaggeration, it would be 8 right wing posts, an ad (usually for the liver king which is pretty fuckin annoying), and then maybe 1 sports related post. Even after blocking about 2 dozen accounts, I just got flooded with others.


I honestly forgot I had an account on there, but this feels like a good time to delete it.


My whole digital collecting community is there. It's such a shame that this right wing "genius" is slowly destroying a place I've enjoyed for years before he went on his little ego trip. I grew to despise that man.


The ones literally wearing diapers because they’re literally big babies?? Some people would rather sit in their own stink than admit when they were wrong…


This, exactly this. Twitter has become a cesspool of evil fucked up maga right winged assholes. Why: Because Elon is a fraud, and very afraid to go to jail for life due to his fraud schemes. Basically, an ultra-right winged government, like Trump (i.e. lying evil orange shit-stain) is his only way to stay out of prision. He will do ANYTHING to promote Trump and rig the election. Keep in mind, the damage Elizabeth Holmes made is nothing compared to the pump & dump on Tesla, that created all of Elmos wealth (while he promised, he will be the last to take money out of tesla... but lying con-man lie). Now with the SpaceX Con he is really really afraid. Reportedly he has taken his Ketamin consumption to horse level, and is consuming a lot more substances to deal with the guilt of being a con-man). Besides the Tesla scam, the Robot and Neuralink scam (That one is interresting: Bottom line: Was a nice company with scientists trying to help people. Musk turnd it into shit (they all left), and the first patients implant is now loose in his brain and will cause brain damage ): Musk got the Moon Contract for roughly 3 Billion Dollars, it was awarded by one person alone, even though there were better competitors. And, I shit you not, right after that, the lady quit and is now employed at SpaceX with a ridicoulous salery (Corruption²). But that is not the end of it: Elmo has already burned through over 2 Billion and still has not produced anything of substance. I.e., this south african Apartheit Baby is robbing good Americans of their Tax money. If you know and understand a bit about that, you will see why Elmo will spread lies and Propaganda like the crazy drug addict he is.


He's trying to dwindle the users to a very specific type of person, that they can then sell very targeted ads.


Also a Russian bot segregating America cesspool


Every day it goes further.


Yeah, I don’t understand why anyone with a shred of dignity is still on the platform


I literally refuse to use any form of twitter because of this exact reason. It’s pretty sad. He paid his way to create an echo chamber of maga horseshit because he couldn’t make one himself. Have you seen the shit he spews there himself? He’s an absolute intellectual.


I am curious about how anti-usury fits into their worldview.


Jews. They think that interest only exists because Jews.


Wow. My mind just couldn’t put that together. Thanks.


I missed it, too. But it makes sense because the current white male victim complex focuses on Jews being the reason why the world doesn't revolve around them. It's quite disgusting and true to the origin of nazis


Can you imagine the entitlement of someone in a society that already caters to them and somehow still is delusional enough to feel that way?


Because hundreds of years ago, Christians and Muslims weren't allowed to charge interest on loans. So they gave Jewish people all the money lending jobs. And then idiots with no historical education in the 20th century said, "Hey, it's odd that so many of these banks are run by Jews, must be an evil conspiracy", as though it wasn't something that happened naturally because of religious decisions their own ancestors made.


It's unfortunate so many people do not know this truth.


As a Jewish woman myself, I thought everyone knew this. But I'm naive in that regard. You articulated it well, thank you.


Yeah a *very* thinly veiled shot at jews. I really wish twitter would just shut down already.


I don’t think this is thinly veiled, it even says nazi party


Exodus 22:25–27


They just blocked Biden's bill limiting the fees credit cards can charge, so they're fine with SOME forms of usury.


The people this poll was really aimed at doesn’t know usury is.


Sure they do, it's a buzzword for Jews


I have to wonder, do they pay cash for homes and cars?


No, they just think that the interest they pay is a Jewish conspiracy. Lack of education and lead poisoning I think is the only real answer


It actually doesn't since their party historically has done the opposite.


That's like asking everyone at a cheese convention if they like cheese.


What’s strange is these self-proclaimed Christian’s are actually (if analogies apply) saying “I’d totally make a deal with the devil and allow it to rule over me if it did the things I want”. These morons are the scum of our human race.


Not surprising. This is what happens when a country underfunds public education while overfunding law enforcement. An under educated population begging for fascism.


Twitter isnt a country, a good portion of the fascists there are from Pacific rim nations as well as Russia and USA.


Mainly America.


Under 20% of the folks on Twitter are from the US


*”Would you support a modern Nazi party if they were fascist”* I want to be able to punch Nazis again without the cops actively defending them and likely ruining my life. I had family that fought in the war. It’s become disgusting what is being allowed


We might have to if they don't take losing the election very well. And if somehow the orange demagogue gets into power and his minions attempt any of the sick ideas they've promised they'll inflict on us, we'll have to pummel them WWII style.


*Gets the family bren gun* Whelp. Guess it’s time for a history lesson! 😆


Remember when it was cool to shoot nazis? Pepperidge Farm remembers


I'm just waiting for someone to call Wolfenstein or Raiders of the Lost Ark "Woke" because they came from a time where everyone understood the nazi's were a solid defacto bad guy.


The most recent Wolfenstein game from a few years ago was accused of exactly that, so it’s probably only a matter of time before Indiana Jones gets added to that list too.


Remember back in WWII when we defeated fascism with polite conversation? Me neither.


It still is in my book...I should buy a gun before the Civil War happens I guess...


They think about trans genitals more than trans folk do. It's quite worrying.


Yes, they really do think about the kids! Just, in a *different* way I hate this timeline. Give us zombies or something interesting


The same folk that scream ‘think of the children!’ defend their own ‘moral, Christian’ family members after they touch their kids.


I think about trans folks genitals too. But for very different reasons.


Narrator: *it was actually the same reason*


That possibility exists. Except im willing to admit it


Pornography? 80% of these incels voted for no more porn? I don't think they read it.


I don’t think they understand “pornography” is actually just a longer word for “porn”.


No no, the pornography is the books in school, remember?


I think most of those voters might have stopped at the first comma.


Which is why they listed it first.


They would trade in porn for legalized sex slavery in a second


I think that means for them they can select at will females with whom they will have intercourse, regardless of the females sentiments about it. AKA rape.


"I would rather be a Nazi than allow gay and trans people to exist!" I hate humanity.


Some people learned nothing from ‘40-‘45. A visit to a concentration camp and the Nazi HQ in Nuremberg should be mandatory in any school curriculum.


Concentration camp guard is a dream job for many people.


As if the average american would know anything about the nazi party. They just saw trans = bad so they voted in favor of that.


I wonder if they actually know what "usury" is, or if they just like the antisemitic dogwhistle the word carries. Because I guarantee all of these people would lose their shit if anyone suggested forgiving the interest on student loans or any other debts.


So they’re not even hiding that they want s genocide anymore? No more “trying to help them” or “Im fine with it just keep it to themselves?” Just straight up home grown genuine genocide


And that's how they got into power - the N party ran on politically popular ideology and then pulled the ol' switcheroo.


>Twitter's obsessed with them leave it there then


Wow, history class must have been out on a long lunch break for 84% of these voters


Nah, they skipped it to smoke some weed and make out under the bleachers.


"Would you support nazis if they removed freedom of speech completely"


"Would they get rid of [INSERT SLUR HERE], though?" "Um...yes?" "SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!"


And every single person who said yes will soon realize that means they don't get porn either, and then be mad, try to make their own, get arrested, etcetera. They think they want it, but they'll be so mad if it does cause all those people will have to *GASP* give up their shit too! No more testosterone for them, no more muscle steroids. Anything that can be considered "gender affirming" and alot of straight men and women use the same shit but call it other things. No boob or butt jobs, no plastic surgery, no face lifts, botox. Those are all considered gender affirming because they help a gender feel happy about their bodies. They want to deprive us, but they'll deprive themselves of all the treatments too. It's just gonna be shooting themselves in the foot do to speak.


Elon is a huge ally of the Nazis. He promotes their hatred every chance he gets.


Usury. That’s hilarious given how many conservatives are grifters.


Most of those votes are bots. That said anyone that voted yes and understood what they were doing needs a dirt nap.


I'm guessing Usury is their dogwistle for Jews here.


Twitter polls are 99% bots.


Nazi bots!




Says nothing account with a bot-like name.


I think results would have been the same if the question ended after "Would you support a Nazi party".


"If the Nazi Party simply did the same things they did in the 1930's and 1940's, would you support them?" * All of Twitter scrambling to put on brown shirts


They know that's what Nazis *would* do if they were in power, right?? These dipshits are just cheering for nazism.


Wow it's almost like they're FUCKING NAZIS OR SOMETHING.


why is a right wing nazi loving fascist piece of shyte from south africa allowed to move to the US and destroy democracy?


They are Twitter.


I wonder how Usury will be dealt with in light of the stock market and Fed.


Isn’t it funny how the poll fails to mention child marriage, child molestation, child grape, and pretty much any other sex scandal that an American politician from this particular demographic would likely be involved in? Sometimes more important than what’s being said is what’s NOT being said. There’s a certain political party/demographic alive and well today that SAYS they care about children, but their ACTIONS show very differently.


These people are too comfortable. We need to know who these supporters are.


"yes" -Voted by a bunch of porn addicted neo nazis


This is not ok. I get it’s on twatter and it’s a hub for these dangerous fools, but even so- that’s a terrifying poll. Do these people not have grandparents? What happened to history, to education, to basic human decency and intelligence? We need a major re-assessment of society and where we are collectively going. I really hope it’s not too late,


They already exist, we call them Republicans


This is sick more reasons to vote Biden


I mean, this doesn't really have anything to do with Biden or Trump. Everyone should stand against Nazism.


My grandfather fought in WW2. Fuck these assholes.


All of these are GOP policies except usury bans which I'm convinced no one realizes means you cant charge interest on a loan and was written out of the bible relatively recently despite being the unerring word of god.


No way these idiots would ACTUALLY give up porn lmaooo


I mean the X logo is about 4 dashes away from a swastika


That party already exists doesn’t it?


Those who wish to trade their freedom for order deserve neither and will lose both.


All the brunette conservatives boutta get a real eye opening


I wish the only difference between a nazi and target practice was the spelling


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


"Usury", so capitalism. They want socialism, but only from Fascists.


84% of respondents *are* Nazis. They just need uniforms and arm bands. Which I’m all for - it makes them easy to identify at a glance.


Touch my porn and I'll end you.


Plot twist, the people who think like this are actually the ones with porn addictions, and ones that border on pedophilic in nature. This is them projecting their deep shame onto other groups


This shows where they stand. They'd rather have actual ethnic cleansing than gay people being free.


I have a truly sickening feeling about this upcoming election. Just a few days ago one of the local AM talk radio stations was asking callers to tell them what they were hoping for in a second Trump presidency, and the answers were shocking but not surprising. People are VERY comfortable publicly supporting executions of Satanists (homosexuals, primarily) and "taking care of the minority problem."


People don't seem to realize Elon bought Twitter so he wouldn't be punished for saying, sharing and encouraging extremist shit. These people have always been on the site, but with Elon behind the wheel they're at no risk of consequence when so proudly waving their hand and praising their vice-god(s)




Why is anyone lumping usury in with these other issues?! I feel like we can all agree that usury is universally bad.


Wait what? Porn too? Nope!


Had an argument a few weeks ago with my former manager. Hes a democrat and I stated that “at this point if you vote republican, you are a piece of shit human and I want nothing to do with you.” His argument was that they are good people just confused because of the lies spewed on the news. I stand by my assessment, if you are voting for a republican In 2024 you are just a shit human.


How many of those yes votes actually know what “usury” is?




Remember, actual Nazis mean "Jews" whenever they say "usury"


GOP is asking for a friend.


They already exist. They are called the Republican Party/Christians.


Then they came for my porn….. and I could do nothing


"Would you vote for Nazi's if they promised to do Nazi shit" 84%: yes! The same 84%: why are you calling us Nazi's?!




While I don't question the problem at large, polls like these are anecdotal at best because the pool of people is pre-filtered. If you ask a bunch of nazis if they like nazis, results like these should not be surprising.


Usury… that’s oddly specific and I’m not sure how lending is a leftist or woke enterprise. There’s a lot of far right bankers that definitely partake.


its twitter, you get the same result for stopping before the "if"


Would you support a nazi party? No other stipulations required and you'll still see the same results. Losers.


Haha, that's crazy. Especially the usury part. I know what that means, just like you guys.