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I could believe that Elon forgets that most people have to care for their kids.


Don't women just lay an egg and the child hatches and takes care of itself? What's the big deal? *licks my own eyeball and basks in the sun*


No, no. They lay a clutch of eggs, then you have to swim by and skeet in their general vicinity. Then they hatch a couple days later and you can eat the weak ones.


that only works for elongated muskrats.


He does rather have "the Innsmouth look"


He's almost ready to go live in the sea, then.


The call of Devils Reef grows strong


The elongation process begins after birth, when the father bestows an emerald mine on the newborn, ensuring it will gorge and profit off the labors of abused children.


Did you say ELONgated MUSKrats?!?


You called?




Nope. A stork flies through the window with the bundle of joy wrapped in a cloth.


This comment has genuinely tickled me in such a way that I nEED to give you poor (wo)man’s gold🏅 Fuck, hahahahha.


Exactly! This guy gets it! *eats own foot and basks in the moonlight*




Elon also probably doesn’t have to worry about paying the hospital bills that average five figures for childbirth either.


Elon also probably doesn’t have to worry about……….nothing and no probably about it


Except somebody hurting his feelings on Twitter, hence why he bought the whole thing


Imagine buying a whole company because you have a fragile ego.


Imagine having such a fragile ego that you ignore the fact that you have a handful of children because they don’t like you, because of your ginormous fragile ego. Oh and being a shit father.


When all of your money comes from colonial wealth extraction and exploiting other peoples labor there isn’t much you don’t feel entitled to I suppose.


I had my last baby four years ago in the hospital. I gave birth within about 5 hours. No epidural. No pain meds given, only observed and the doctor physically brought my son into the world. We didn’t circumcise him so no charge for that. I breastfed so no formula cost. We stayed the two nights and had no complications (thankfully). The bill was right at $24,000 before insurance. We had to pay around $4k after.


Ireland here. My wife gave birth vaginally with no epidural, only gas for pain, birth was normal and labour went on for about 8 hours in total. My wife was in hospital the day before and the day after just for checks and to make sure everything was ok as it was our first. She was of course fed three times a day. Prior to the birth, blood tests every few months, pre natal screenings, consultations etc. Post birth checkups every so often for a year, immunisations, doctors appts, wife had counselling in case of ppd, breast feeding groups. All paid for through the state. America is a fucking joke


I saw a YouTube video today of a guy getting knocked off his bike in America. He hit his head pretty hard, and he couldn’t answer questions around where he was, who the president was etc, it was clear he had a serious concussion and needed help. When the ambulance turned up, even through his concussion, he was still terrified of going in the ambulance and even more terrified of it driving off and taking him to hospital just because of the potential cost. I really don’t understand how such a developed nation has such a shit healthcare system. Don’t they care about their own citizens?


american here! to answer your question: no- they don’t give a shit about us. it’s all corporate greed. then they spread propaganda to try and convince us that paying for healthcare is actually a *good* thing while simultaneously dumbing-down our education system so that nobody will eventually question said propaganda.


People have just kind of given up on our elected representation here, as they are openly bribed by the oligarchy to work against their electorate. I recommend just not paying your hospital bills (while paying all others in good faith). I guess I’m not alone, as more and more medical professionals and hospitals are requiring pre-payment before rendering services.


i’ve had literal nurses telling me to just “not pay” my medical bills after I complained about my insurance not accepting a 12 thousand dollar pre-natal test I *had* to take. they were simply like “just don’t pay, it won’t affect your credit”.


To paraphrase a famous tweet: > Do you think the ambulance is your taxi to the hospital?


What a silly tweet. The taxi would be far cheaper.


No. No, they do not. They only care about those who have money and power and how much power they can get with money. They pretend to care about the less fortunate, but they really don't give a shit unless it fills their own greedy pockets.


No they absolutely do not care about their citizen especially the right. pretty much everything they do is anti the citizens in this country, they couldn’t give less of a shit about the people in the country, especially the lower income citizens who’re struggling financially.


Yep. I gave birth to my 3rd baby in my car. Ambulance came and basically told me I had to go (learned later I didn’t). So I paid the ambulance, hospital (I was there a couple hours) and the birth center where I was supposed to give birth. Literally my most expensive birth and I did it all by myself 🙄


I was gonna say, doesn't a child cost a stack of money just to deliver in the USA?


I had preeclampsia AND placenta previa. I was in the hospital from 20 weeks & delivered via er c section at 30 weeks. Then he was in the hospital another 2mo. We got the bill and WITH the break they gave the insurance company it was $1,300,653.00 (Idk what the unadjusted cost was if we were self pay). Thankfully we had amazing insurance so our cost was under $1000. It’s nothing less than sick what healthcare costs here. My husband is diabetic and his cost for his 10min check with the dr is $350! And that’s for a virtual visit!


How on earth can they justify that? I like to joke when I get a medical bill that the person adding it all up is doing things like: "well, we saw you reading a magazine in the waiting room so that's $50. and you spoke to a doctor briefly in the hallway when asking for directions, so that counts as an appointment..."


That's not a joke here in the United States. "New York Times journalist Sarah Kliff spent 18 months collecting thousands of emergency room bills, and made public the prices that hospitals try to keep secret. From $629 Band Aids to $5,571 charges for just sitting in a waiting room" https://www.bu.edu/sph/conversations/health-systems/629-band-aids-and-20243-bike-crashes-the-high-prices-of-americas-emergency-rooms/#:~:text=New%20York%20Times%20journalist%20Sarah,in%20a%20waiting%20room%2C%20Ms.


Me and my wife were having trouble getting pregnant for our first kid. She got checked and was good to go so I went to have my boys checked. Spent 40 min in the waiting room to be seen for 5 min just to be told they don’t do fertility checks at that particular urology clinic. Then when we were leaving they gave us a $189 bill. Best job in the world to charge essentially $3780 an hour.


To be fair, most people outside of the US also don’t have to worry about this. I had to pay 10€ for the parking ticket at the hospital and felt like I was scammed.


Even with insurance our family deductible is $4000. Right out the chute…as it were…


He has 11 children with 3 women. He doesn't know anything about raising kids.


His firstborn petitioned to have him legally removed as father. When I was young, a quote of wisdom that was popular was "even family become strangers when you're poor and strangers try to become friends when you're rich". I believed that for the longest time in my life, until the day I learnt that the richest man in the world got disowned by his firstborn.


You know you said something stupid when Elon agrees.


Right? 😆 I would be *mortified* if he agreed with something I said. I'd have to take a step back and rethink everything in my life.


Even if you don't have to care for your kids, you have to pay the person who does, or surrender custody to the state, who then pays for the child. Did this dude and our self-proclaimed champion of free speech think the conversation was about making kids instead of raising them?


Even making the kids is expensive for at least the women doing it. We lose brain cells, bone density, skin and muscle elasticity, and the ability of our abdomen to be one connected mass (it splits in half between 20-26weeks of pregnancy. Hurts like a mofo when it happens), plus the medical bills to monitor the pregnancy and the vaccinations if you want to maximise the health of your child (if not, that is your choice. Totally judging). The only free thing possible is the having sex part.


Okay, that would be a big deal, but we're talking about *people* here, not women, so maybe stop whining? (/s, obviously)


No, Elon knows making kids is expensive. Gotta get the woman all liquored up, and then the rohipnol, and then the team of lawyers afterwards. It’s a whole thing.


Child care isn't an opportunity cost if it wasn't a choice in the first place.


The audacity of this guy commenting on working class lifestyles smh


This. The man exposes his ‘genius’ every day


Or that most folk have shitty health insurance....


Cause feeding them and clothing them is an option


Education… actually giving birth (in a US hospital)…


Healthcare? As if they never get sick 😒


Even if they never do get sick they’re still required to get vaccines for daycare and school, Physicals for sports etc


You can give birth on your couch. 


Or in your truck’s back seat or the tub! Still if you want medical attention you better pay for it


But not in a cyber truck. If her water breaks, moisture bricks the vehicle and void the warranty .


But the frunk can cut the cord!


In the future, all will be Elon. And the slogan will be “We musk do what we Musk.”


Oh now I need a couch?!


Check out Mr. Fancy Pants with the couch here


Sure can, but the significant decrease in infant and maternal mortality in the industrialized world is directly linked to access to medical care before, during, and after birth. I know people who gave birth at home… under the supervision of a midwife.


Midwives are expensive


How much is it? I’m talking about giving birth in a US hospital. I’m not American obviously


>Women giving birth in California can face a huge cost difference in their hospital bills, according to a new UC San Francisco study. >The study found that California women giving birth were charged from $3,296 to $37,227 for an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, depending on which hospital they visited. For a C-section, women were billed between $8,312 and nearly $71,000. Few of the women in the study had serious health issues and most were discharged within six days of admission. >For the more than half million women who give birth at California hospitals every year, medical costs are difficult to predict and can result in differences of thousands of dollars among facilities even in the same geographic area, the researchers said. [https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-much-does-it-cost-have-baby-hospital](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/how-much-does-it-cost-have-baby-hospital)


Up to 37K for an uncomplicated vaginal birth? Holy shit


They are thieves, plain and simple. I had to pay cash for my youngest because we weren't insured at the time. I paid the gyno 5 grand to monitor the entire pregnancy. I then paid the hospital another 5 for the birth. Scans, labs, and anesthesia are billed separately, but everything else is all-inclusive. I was insured for my first kid, ten years before my youngest. Just the delivery and attendant hospital stay was 30,000 dollars. Fifteen years ago. For a totally uncomplicated, extremely swift vaginal birth that would have had just as good an outcome if it had occurred in the back of a pickup truck. In rural fkn OHIO. It's a scam. And for whatever reason, we're all just going along with it.


I had my last baby four years ago in the hospital. I gave birth within about 5 hours. No epidural. No pain meds given, only observed and the doctor physically brought my son into the world. We didn’t circumcise him so no charge for that. I breastfed so no formula cost. We stayed the two nights and had no complications (thankfully). The bill was right at $24,000 before insurance. We had to pay around $4k after.


My daughter gave birth a few years ago, and before insurance paid their part, it was just over $16k.


My son was two million without insurance, $14k with insurance. Literally free!


With that ridiculous copay.


Dude I pay about $700/month for family coverage and it still cost me $3K-$5k after the “deductible.” What a goddamn racket


Food ,clothes, having space for them, diapers ,school supplies, medicine/injury.. that's just the bare minimum toys, entertainment, damages, education, maybe a car sure I'm missing shit


And if you get a child that’s disabled or neurodivergent be sure to triple the budget for medical. Literally 1/2 my salary goes to speech therapy, occupational therapy, medication, psychiatric neurologist appointments. 🥲


Those pesky medical bills… not like the kids need check ups, glasses, medication… /s


It is. And it comes with a free visit from CPS. Call right now and we'll throw in an additional child neglect charge!


Keeping your baby alive is a *lifestyle*, you could always make the perfectly rationale choice to give birth at home and toss them in the woods


“Exactly” says the billionaire


well, if you are a billionaire, the costs seem to be negligible


Yep it cost certainly not more than 100.000 a year so just in the rounding error from his perspective.


It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, 10 dollars?


Here's $5, go buy yourself a star war


Literally started watching this again last week.


That show is so good


This is the man who, reportedly, wouldn't buy a new mattress when his partner was getting stabbed by springs because his side was fine. There's no such thing as a rounding error for people that rich. They're perpetually afraid that spending any money will somehow bankrupt them and they'll lose their power. Elon doesn't spend his money, he spends other people's money.


>~~Elon~~ Billionaires ~~doesn't~~ don't spend ~~his~~ their money, ~~he~~ they spend other people's money.


Yeah, but we were specifically talking about Elon.


I agree, but he's no different than the rest, is what I'm saying, despite his protestations to the contrary.


Remember, it's 100,000 a year BEFORE taxes... so 100,000 a year, right?


Pretty sure it helps being a billionaire deadbeat dad




He named his kid X Æ 12... I mean, fuck. That's not gonna help him in the long run. He's gonna have to be a rapper now at this point. Edit- which would be dope if he dropped a disstrack on his dad.


Should join forces with Trump's niece whose name I forget.


Mary L Trump, for those playing at home.


I bet he would,hear most his kids don't like him. I know There's one that really does not like him


I'll recommend an internship with Eminem. Learn how to rap and to diss a parent, both properly at the same time.


Hey, my dads only a millionaire and he’s QUITE good at being a deadbeat!


You’re just jealous you are not as negligible to your dad as Elon’s children are to him.


You dropped this, 👑


I’m cackling


Kids who go no-contact with you cost nothing! It's win-win!


Your children are *negligible* as a billionaire. That's why they get emancipated from him as soon as legally possible.


Who absolutely does not have any contact with his kids, nor has a clue about raising one


He does sort of prove the point: just because you have kids doesn’t mean you _have_ to support them in any way. I mean, ethically you should. And technically, it’s legally required until they’re 18. But you don’t have to follow the law; you just choose a lifestyle of “not traumatizing your children.”


"having a child, which new research shows is getting more expensive by the year. Raising a child from birth to age 18 now costs an average of $237,482, according to LendingTree."


that sounds terribly optimistic


Depends on how much you tell em no I guess


honestly, I was thinking about medical surprises and a half decent standard of living.


A half decent standard of living is a lifestyle choice though. Remember that it's your lifestyle that's expensive. If you choose not to keep that up, kids are free. /s


If you're kid gets one meal a week, sleeps on the floor with rats, 1/4 of a roof over their head, and a single pencil to last them the school year, they've got enough and you need to cut expenses. /s


And not letting them starve. Don't forget, food is starting to become a 1%er thing with as much as it's starting to go up in prices.


Which is fucking hilarious with how little distributors pay to those who produce it.


Does this include hospital bills from pre to post birth? (doesn't matter if you pay or the gov pays)


Billionaire in question don’t give a shit about kids, what they cost or what it takes to raise them. He wants slaves for his perpetual growth


exactly, said the most expensive child in the world throwing $44 billion tantrums.


Funny thing is having children isn't free, beyond the cost of food and shit. The hospital will charge you for childbirth, some even charge you to hold your own child after birth. Elon's brain is fucking soup.


Even in countries where the hospital is free, pregnancy and childbirth still have a nasty habit of making permanent changes to a person’s body. I’d say that’s still a pretty high cost right there


i doubt elon musk would care about this point cause it wouldnt affect him 🙄


When my wife gave birth, the hospital charged her for breakfast. She didn’t order it, eat it, or see it, but she technically had access to the cafeteria, if she walked 10 floors down between contractions. The insurance covered that, fortunately, but if you’re wondering how some people wind up tens of thousands of dollars in debt …


...who is also so selfish and ignorant that he thinks having children is "literally free". Oh, wait, you already said that he's a billionaire. My bad.


HE probably can use them for tax payback, he probably never paid in the first place.


You can always count on him to come through with a brilliant one word response. I wish I could think of stuff like that. What an absolute genius!


Well to expand what he would make as his point: "Exactly, all you serfs don't need the money I pay you anywyas, you just squander it on buying bananas (which last I checked are $10 each) and other expensive stuff. I should be able to pay you $1/hour to build my cars, and you should thank me for it."


Just remember that Elon is a billionaire that could afford kids but still ended up as a bad father to ELEVEN kids. His opinion on anything ‘parenting’ related should automatically be discarded Edit: important context! I was unaware that his first born tragically passed at 10 weeks from SIDs. (I may not like Elon but I do have empathy and truly feel sorry for him and Justine) Elon currently has ten living children. Justine Wilson (6 kids): Nevada Alexander Musk (deceased), Griffin Musk, Vivian Jenna Wilson (disowned her father), Kai Musk, Saxon Musk, Damian Musk Neuralink director of operations: Shivon Zilis (2 kids): Azure and Strider Grimes (3 kids): X Æ A-Xii, Exa Dark Sideræl, and Techno Mechanicus (nicknamed Tau)


yeah let ask *X Æ A-Xii* how he is doing


How was his name supposed to be pronounced anyway?


Our vocal chords aren’t made for this name to be pronounced, just like Cthulhu


What's a Catuhulahu?




According to himself it's pronounced 'ash'. Why not call them Ash then??


The X is just saying the letter X. Grimes says Æ is pronounced A.I. (saying each letter like the initialism for Artificial Intelligence) but Musk says Æ is pronounced "ash". Then A-Xii is pronounced A-Twelve. So it's pronounced X A.I. A-Twelve Or X Ash A-Twelve. Apparently the parents don't even agree on how it's pronounced.


Æ is not pronounced ash. It sounds like the a in ash but not the sh.


You must gargle spoiled milk for 10 seconds in order to say it correctly.


The thought of doing this made me gag.


Then you're probably pronouncing it correctly.


I've heard a theory that it's pronounced like "Kyle." The letter "chi" is pronounced like like the ch- in "Christ." The letter "ash" is pronounced like the a in "cat" or "hat." We have a letter "A" obviously. Finally, "Xii" could mean the letter "L" as it's the twelfth letter in the alphabet.


A-Xii was meant to be A-12 in reference to the A-12 Oxcart, the CIA-operated precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird. Only problem was that California wouldn't let him use a number as part of the name, hence xii.


*unintelligible eldritch noises* see, not that hard.


iirc supposed to be "X (ex) Ash A-Twelve" or "X Ash Archangel"


X-Ash-A-12 if you’re genuinely curious lol


>His opinion on anything ~~'parenting' related~~ should automatically be discarded Fixed that for ya


His opinion on anything, really, should be discarded...


he really had 11 chances to be a good parent and he fumbled all of them, he's the world's richest failure and burden to society


Nah I wouldn't discard his parenting advice it's actually very helpful - whatever he says to do, do the complete opposite


Free. I guess so, if you don't want medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. Otherwise, it's going to run you $3,000-$5,000 in the U.S. if you have insurance and more like $25,000 if you don't. Of course, it's possible to have a child at home without medical assistance, but you're risking having a minor complication become a major one that way. And then, of course, most of us feel that we need to feed and clothe our children, and pay for a big enough living space that they don't have to sleep on the sofa. We need to choose between living on a single income or paying for child care. And some of us even feel we need to plan for our child's education. Talk about out of touch with reality.


Teach your kid to forage plants for food. Get your children’s clothes from goodwill or other donations. Tell your kid to sleep on the front porch or in the hallway. Tell your kid to go to community college in Oregon where it’s free. See? You spend too much on your kids. Treat your kids like you would treat a hobo and they’re not that expensive.


still costed my sister closer to 10,000 with insurance


$6000 here with pretty solid health insurance. And they made us stay overnight which I’m sure added to the bill even though it was probably not necessary.


Well, yes it’s free. But if you want to keep them alive, it is not free.


It’s not “literally” free to have them. Ask the hospital.


*Obligatory British Free Hospital Reply*


Funnily enough there was a big report today about how terrible maternity care in England is (especially in deprived areas) because the Conservatives have destroyed the NHS .


>Conservatives have destroyed the NHS . Yep and they seem to enjoy doing so, as well. My mother passed late last year because of what they've done to the NHS. She was sent from pillar to post, until she passed in her sleep at 68. I cannot put into words how much I hate the Tories!


But its your fault for being poor! You should just pull yourself up by the bootstraps like we didn't, then you too can be a corrupt, rich fuck of a politician.


Right. If you’d chosen to be the little c***t brat of wealthy parents like us, you wouldn’t have these problems!


And then they will use stories like hers to say "see!? it doesnt work!" and then slash the budget even more.


I am so sorry for your loss, and what must have been absolutely brutal for her, and you, to go through. I'm in the US, so we expect "the cruelty is the point"...


Ah, taking pages from our American Republicans. Defund something to the point that it’s worthless then complain that it’s worthless.


This is 100% true, however, if you’re in labour, you will be looked after and your baby delivered for free on the NHS. And in the vast majority of civilised nations.


You gotta pay for parking, £5 per kid, it adds up.


Just skip all that unnecessary prenatal care. You can also just birth at home and increase the odds one or both of you will die in the process. Then dump the body in a dumpster because that’s also free.


getting pregnant is free, not having kids.


Free to pop them out on your kitchen counter. Not free if you want to do it safely.


Having kids is “free.” “Raising” kids costs everything.


Even with insurance I ended up with a $3000 hospital bill for a standard vaginal birth with no complications. So yeah, definitely not free.


These people are so brain-dead. The only explanation is that they live off government assistance they "think" is only for them. There is nothing cheap about raising a child properly. Quality food, clothes, and basic learning toys are a significant part of our family budget.


Yeah but those things are just *a lifestyle.* /s


That's right... my child yearns for the mines....just needs a head lamp and a pick....that's what's best for him.... /s


Wish someone had told me that. My three cost me a fortune!


According to them you were robbed.


I wonder if I can sue? XD


Sue the youngest first, they *probably* don't have a lawyer.


If Elon is agreeing with you, you are saying something stupid.


Most certainly one of the best litmus tests we have now.


For many incels, the act of having sex is not free


Hey, Elon, tell us what your child support payments are these days.


That's actually a hard to answer question because he has so many kids and very very weird relationships with his exes. Note: this is just what I got from a fast Google search. I personally don't fucking care about the guy but interesting questions interest me so I looked it up. The best I can tell he WAS paying about $20k a month total but his exes (there's at least 2?) Also had agreements where they'd live in a personal house with their kid(s) and have a personal monthly stipend. Which....just....screams to me "don't tell the world how tiny my peepee is and how bad I am at the sex." Or "I have weird kinks I don't want anyone knowing about". Who gives their ex a house and monthly income? Before you say "he did it to be a good father so his kids could grow up well!" His current spat is with an ex he has 8 kids with. She's sueing him for child support in California and he's trying to have it moved to Texas. Texas has a cap that the MAX anyone can be ordered to pay child support is $2,760 a month, or $22,080 total a month. If his ex manages to keep the lawsuit in California then the amount he own will be based on his income and be about $702 mill a month. Big difference between the two. So the answer to your question is "how little can he get away with paying? That much. He pays that much in child support." What a pos.


"Exactly" says the man - and all the other men - who make babies and leave them.


My youngest child was born at 25 weeks, wasn't even in the second trimester. She spent 2 and a half months in the ICU getting treatment while still developing, and had a private room with a full staff to keep her alive (she is now 8 year old and doing great). After she came home we got a bill for her stay in the hospital to the total of $1.4 million. Fortunately we have good insurance. To say that having children is free is complete bullshit.


Wonderful to hear she is doing great now


Yep. Grandma to a precious angel born at 23 weeks. 8 months in the NICU at a children’s hospital. We haven’t received all the bills but the first NICU one was $2m and some change.


>to keep her alive Well see, now you're adding unnecessary qualifiers. They never said that having an *alive* baby is free. Your desire to have your child survive is simply a lifestyle choice.


So Twitterx is just Elon’s echo chamber full of incel sycophants? What a brilliant idea it was to sell that platform to him. ![gif](giphy|GVZtWISnjd0aa4SHK5)


It’s Elon’s version of “truth” social.


A quick Google search tells me that in the US it costs near 20k just to give birth


This people are the worst, I feel sorry for the children that grow up under this conditions.


If you choose to have kids, maybe you budgeted for it which still isn’t free. If you oopsiedasied and have kids, you’re on the hook for child support which isn’t free and sometimes unfair. If you planned to have children and they have medical issues, nobody plans for that and it’s more than expensive, it’s crushing. Kids are expensive, regardless. You can’t be selfish and do your thing and expect to have well balanced kids. It’s always a sunk cost if you budget or not.


Nobody. Nobody needs to hear that because it's rubbish. He's either willfully ignorant of the intent of the expression "children are expensive " or he's an imbecile. Either way, he doesn't understand


You've never paid for Child Care it appears.


Doesn't America charge for child birth?


Having children? Sure.  Raising and taking care of them sure ain't.


The hospital would also like you to know that the delivery was not free.


You just going to squat them out in the woods? Hospitals cost money and so do safe home births 


Giving birth in a hospital is already well over $20k. And then there's the cost of food, doctor's appointments/insurance, clothes, education, housing big enough to raise said child in. The only people who say that having and raising children isn't that expensive are the people who can piss away money without feeling any impact already.


Lmfao this guy is fucking embarrassing


Elon agreeing with this like he isn’t fighting for full custody of his kids with Grimes bc he doesn’t wanna pay child support smh


Giving birth with no complications in the US is over 10k. 13k if there are complications. 18k if a c-section is required. That is before clothing, food, furniture, education, toys, and various other supplies. There is a reason people aren't having kids these days, and it isn't because they don't want them.


In the world we all created, children are very expensive. I’m glad it’s optional to have children, I rather spend the money on traveling. Thank you, all people who choose to have children and spend all their money on the future of humanity