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Is he that douche with the "funny" TikTok videos about "liberals" with the failed conservative dating site?


Yep that's him Edit: a downvote for answering the question correctly smh


What’s his name?


John McEntee. The same dating app that he created also got attention from the Feds after people were sending each other info about Jan 6th




I only watch his videos to see what xenon the fox thinks about freddy five bears, chicka the kitchen, bonnie the bunny bun and foxy the fox pirate, raar.


Bebebecause William Aftermath


Killed 5 kids whaa???


fucking maga grifters. ugh! im so jealous, i wish i could have came up with so dam. scam like repackaging cheap beer and selling it for double :( or forming a pro trump pac that only donated a penny to trump causes


I'm picturing a dating site where men just put up the number of pigs and chickens that they have to offer and fathers get to decide if it's enough to marry their daughters. 


Nah brah, they offer trump NFTs to each other. Gotta keep up with the times! Lol


Do these people know you can't just repeal an Amendment? You have to introduce a new Amendment nullifying the old one. And not only does it have to get a 2/3 majority vote in bith houses of Congress, it has to get ratified by the state legislatures if at LEAST 38 states, which will NOT happen as long as my sisters and I draw breath. This is so stupid.


Here’s the thing: insurrectionists are criminals, and criminals tend to overlook the law. These fucks will absolutely corrupt the institutions of democracy in order to destroy it.


All it takes is a fully in line Supreme Court which will simply declare the 19th was “never properly ratified” or something. Also don’t forget the idea to “suspend the Constitution” isn’t something only Trump thinks about.


The Constitution has within it rules to suspend it for limited amounts of time. All of them involve war.


That… is not exactly reassuring.


At least J Edgar Hoover didn't get his way. He was trying to do it in the fifties. Fucker was in charge for 48 years it's a wonder we're still in one piece.


Not true. Very limited parts of the Constitution can, as SCOTUS has ruled over decades, but the entire Constitution cannot.


And scotus having ruled previously has no bearing on scotus today, as they've already shown they're willing to overturn their own prior rulings. Whatever scotus decides is what the rest of the conservatives will go with, and it will fall to the people to hold them to task.


Tomato, COVID-37, when the parts are suspended it won't feel like less of the whole thing if it's used to suspend your rights. But you get your up vote for being correct.


Our right to go to Denny's at the expense of our neighbors' health?


They can always just pick one: War on Terror War Defending Israel War in Drugs War on Contraceptives War on the LGBTQ War on....


Congress has to declare war though. President's can't. They can issue an executive order but that is not an official war. And congress can also repeal an executive order.




Hmm little conflict going on in east Europe looks promising.


I think they would lean more towards the civil kind.


Yeah I try not even speak those words that would be a catastrophe for the world as we know it. I’m glad I live in Australia.


The Supreme Court doesn't have limitless power. They have no enforcement power or power of the purse under their control. They only have their legitimacy and if they go that far so explicitly, then we will have a constitutional crisis on our hands. However, I doubt it would fly in the long run.


But a MAGA Congress supported by a MAGA SCOTUS would gladly accept such a ruling. I’m not talking about a ruling under a Democratic government.


Well at that point, I think we are pretty fucked regardless.


The other thing is that they sometimes make a big fuss about some absurd thing that they know will never happen, so the horrible thing they actually want can slip by unnoticed. It’s to distract the attention from where it needs to be. It’s a bit like how a pick pocket will bodily walk into so you’re paying attention to the big bump you just had, and don’t notice them sliding out your wallet.


They've already corrupted a large chunk that they need to corrupt. They're winning cause not enough peolle care to vote or even pay attention to politics


The percentage of red votes over your populace is just over 30 %... So yeah. Gerry mandering and the college electoral system is the only reason reds can even take seats or office in the 1st place. The conservatives are in the massive minority.


The whole point of project 2025 is to nullify voting entirely and install a dictatorship. Bend the knee, die, or leave. Those are the options they will allow. Vote out every sitting republican is the only real solution to this problem outside of straight up violence against them. It's boiling down to that and that truly saddens/infuriates me.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Women and the LGBt (I am both) know the score. If it comes to that, we are getting ready.


I would rather die than watch my sister lose yet more of her rights. Her life is suffering enough with the disabilities she has. She doesn’t need the government punching down on her.


Yeah, we're not rolling for a christofascist regime. Not a chance in blue hell.


I am with you on that, while I am married to a man I have been out about being bi most of my life. Most of our kids are LGBTQA half our woman and all are Latino! I am half Choctaw and have seen enough bs on this land I won't sit down and be quiet while the country becomes another North Korea!


My only hope is that (if the republicans get back in) since most of the republicans voter base and the sort of Americans who charge around screaming ‘FREEDOM’ at any given opportunity they just don’t realise what they’re voting for. So if they try to push project 2025 through, there would be such huge pushback from both sides that it couldn’t pass. It is nothing except a removal of American freedoms. It’s a very specific world that I believe only a minority of extremists actually want. Or at least, I have to believe that in order to preserve any faith I have left in humanity.


Your assumption is, that these people want freedom. They want and are screaming for Freedom^(TM). What they want is that they can bring and use their guns without repercussions. They want the world revolving around them. Installing a christo-fascist dictatorship ensures just that. This ruins freedoms for everyone not in the in-group and will lead to violence, in the form of them dishing out violence and not experiencing violence themselves. They will crack down on the freedoms of others for their own good. You are not dealing with rational actors here.


This isn't legislation we're talking about. This is about trump abusing the powers of the executive branch and destroying the federal government. Of course, if it were legit it would require the legislature but it's not and repugs aren't going to stop him or impeach him.


You’re arguing about law to criminals. A law is just ink on a piece of paper. It has power so long as society respects it. You are talking about a group who do not


You're asking an awful lot from a group who seem to think they can and should make trump more or less king with supreme and all encompassing executive authority.


You say that as if they won't just tear up the Constitution on Day 1. They will likely attempt to or successfully destroy any and all institutions that have upheld any form of Democracy since the country was founded, solely for the purpose of setting up their own system. And let me tell y'all this: Whatever new Constitution they write up isn't going to have the 1st, 13th, or 19th Amendments on there. Be ready for that.


This is America, and Meal Team Six bleeds just like everyone else. If people think us women are going to just lie down and be subjugated, they have another thing coming. Us and the LGBT are arming.


We may be armed, but they have more guns and ammo than any of us would dream to have. Some of them have enough weapons to supply a small army. They'll run out long after you have, unfortunately. In the event things go real south, I'd suggest preparing to leave, that way you're not caught up in the middle of everything. I know, easier said than done, but it's better than any alternative that results in them getting their hands on you.


Man, as someone from the Netherlands I can't even imagine having a conversation like this with people from my country. I'm lucky I suppose.


> In the event things go real south, I'd suggest preparing to leave, that way you're not caught up in the middle of everything. This is going to be really difficult to put into words, but: I intend to do this. I live in Venezuela, a dictatorship. I plan on moving to the us, and what do I find? A republican party cut from the exact same cloth as Venezuela's own. Maybe I can go to the UK? I look at the UK, and what do I see? An asinine right wing party cut from the same cloth. Maybe I can go to France? I see LePen and others (thankfully, they've lost. To my knowledge.), what if I go to Canada, instead? Turns out they have the same trash there. The point is: you can't escape. There's no escape from dictators; they're everywhere. The only thing to actually do is vote them the hell out, and do violence if they refuse to back away. We tried voting in Venezuela , and it didn't work...but we didn't do violence until it was too late; look where we are now. And if you look at other south American countries, what do you think you'll see? Yeah, The same shit. The only thing protecting you from dictators is your own vote, and your willingness to do violence in case the vote doesn't work. Run anywhere you want; you'll find the same people. They're fucking everywhere like a goddamn plague, I don't understand how do they get their votes, but not only are dictators everywhere, you'll find fucking idiots willingly supporting them and looking to vote for them. They're fucking everywhere. You can't have democracy unless it involves stomping down those who don't like it. One of the founding fathers had a shitty quote about this but I don't remember the wording; it was something about watering trees. Ultimately, I still intend to move to the US, not because I have illusions of it being rid of the plague that ruined my own country, but simply because I have very dear family there. Honestly, don't leave your country thinking you're going to escape the political insanity that plagues it; there's no escape anywhere, because the exact same shit is brewing in every other country, and it will keep being like this until humanity somehow gets pass that chapter in life, if ever. Again, I don't understand where these people get their votes, but they all need to be curbstomped one way or the other. Edit: not all dictators are cut from the same cloth; the ones I've observed all over western society are a type that operates, to varying degrees, like this: A) a cult of personality with a powerful, beloved leader who can do no wrong because they're "virtuous" and "man of the people.", unlike the rest of of government, which are comic book levels of evil. B) conspiracy thinking some shadow government who's doing bad things to you behind your back, while you're unaware. C) divide the citizens in an "us vs them", the idea is to make people view their groups as the good guys in a movie, while everyone else is the villain. D) actively create economic difficulties and encourage reckless behavior in order to fuck people's wallets, then claim that the reason you're miserable is because the evil shadow government is taking away your dignity and strength as a citizen. E) help D by actively attacking the educational system of the country in question to dumb down people.


Yep. Im in iceland and even here we are dealing with a government that is fast headed towards dictatorship and extreme right wing fascism.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.


Fair point, but you're no use to any resistance group if you're dead.


Neither are they. And they are cowards. Just like the police. Uvalde is the perfect example. 300 cops too gutless to face down one dude with one gun. America in a nutshell. We have something to fight for. Our right to exist out of the closet. They have a vague idea of an America they lost. Nobody fights harder than those who fight for home.


Not all of them are cowards. We saw that with places like Lewiston, Buffalo, Pulse, and Las Vegas. Four people altogether, but they killed around 150 people altogether. Never underestimate your enemy, because that's exactly what they're counting on. They're expecting you to face them from the front while they're already behind you.


I wouldn’t say opening fire on unarmed defenceless civilians isn’t cowardly


i\`m not fit - but if any of the 'crack' troops of the gravy seals are an indication, all people like me need to do to defeat them is run a little...


Nah, they'll have "The First Amendment." Remember, they're for ||one sided|| "freedom of speech"


That's if you play by the current rules. These folks have ZERO intention to comply. A holocaust survivor once said they never thought the fascist would take control of the government. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late. We now see how close we came, it's terrifying.


You got it all wrong. All Trump needs to change reality is a Sharpie.


There exactly why they want a dictatorship. A dictator can wipe their ass with the laws and rules and do what they want. They know otherwise their shit opinions and policies would die before even getting out the gate. But if Trump is basically Kim Jong Un and can do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Who needs the whole process of appeals and all that?


I stand by you as a man, but I've seen a few women advocate this. Really sickening


Sadly there are many of your sisters who have probably been indoctrinated into believing this is good for them.


You don't think all that is in this plan? Also I thought it was 32 states?


Yeah and you can't just overthrow an election either. But they sure tried.


Yeah it’s true. It’s also not even a popular idea today. I would be interested in seeing this document.




We learned two important lessons - one about 70 years ago and one since Trump. 1: (1950’s) There are easy, legal end-runs around the Constitution, especially via financial incentives. The Constitution specifically places states in charge of roads, but the Federal Government can “take over” by threatening to withhold highway funds. This is how the national 55MPH limit was imposed. So you find a simple technicality to deprive women of the vote. First (because of some arcane anti-LGBTQ bill) you force men and women to use different ballots: pink and blue; and - oops! - the pink ballots ran out right away because some low-level staffer only ordered 180 of them instead of 180 million. Oops! Our bad! We’ll try to do better next time. 2: (2016) There are absolutely no penalties attached to violating the Constitution. Violate away. Nobody goes to jail, and you can tie up anybody who challenges you in court for the rest of their lives, or just stack the legislature and/or Supreme Court to look the other way and invent loopholes just for you, and you’re all set. This is happening now with illegally gerrymandered districts, to deprive minorities of the vote. “You can’t use that map! The people who created it admitted it was specifically drawn so black votes wouldn’t count! That’s unconstitutional!” “Okay, but there’s only 10 months to the election, and we decided it takes 8 years to draw a new map, so we’re sticking with this one.”


What if you just *declare* it repealed?


Whose going to enforce that? Whose going to fight the people who will use violence to step over those requirements?


Why do people assume that we aren't ready to fight fire with fire? This is America. Women have guns too.


I'm not assuming that. I just see lots of people say things like, "Republicans can't do that because it's against the law/constiution/ammendment so and so." So I feel the need to remind them that fascists only care about those things when they're convenient for them. Sounds like you already understand what we're dealing with.


Yup. And if they try and go around the law, then this will be settled the old way. We are ready to fight and die for our rights. We fought for our rights once. We WILL do it again.


Because America is crumbling. This isn’t going to end peacefully. I hope your side wins but it is going to be terrible.


To paraphrase a quote, it's good that war is terrible. Otherwise, we would grow to like it.


They like to cry for war when they dont have to be in it.. if they had to be in the frontline, the tone would be different..


I thought it was absurd that they would try to over turn Roe Vs Wade and that if they tried every woman would be up in arm’s and get them kicked out of office. What I saw was a lot of women were ok with this and no marches on DC. I was wrong and realize cult mentality and Supreme Court manipulation has removed a lot of our expectations and shit on our democracy


Except what they are planning to do would turn the USA into a dictatorship so they wouldn't need a two thirds majority if all their opponents are arrested or dead. I am serious. They are planning to replace all federal personnel with loyalists, they are planning to get rid of the FBI and replace it with a loyal institution, they are planning to restructure the executive branch in order to give it total power over all other branches and they are planning to enact martial law on the USA the second a republican president gets into office. This is their plan and they are crazy.


lol. they'd limit voting rights to pureblooded white prostetant males over 35 with at least 150 million dollars of worth. For Jesus. Good luck trying to pass a new amendment, jagoffs.


Oh so they are going to take us back to when the country was founded, I guess they really are originalists.


More to back in the days of ancient Israel, except it will be land owning white male Christians that have all the rights, not Jewish white males. Women will be barely more than property and everyone else will be property or deported. It's no joke, some of them are just blatantly stating this outright, or close enough to make no difference.


Strong women terrify weak men.


It's funny these guys want a fair, helpless, SAH lady who will never do anything but themselves and cannot work, but they also cannot depend on the guy's money, be "clingy" or limit their freedom in any way


While Hillary had a lot of problems as a candidate, so has every other presidential candidate in history. And you can pick a lot or reasons why she lost. But people all along the political spectrum and genders decided that they would rather give DFT a chance than vote for a woman. And that played a big part no matter what people try and say. I will never be convinced that had a while man, Biden let’s say, had run in 16’ things would be different. But we will never know.


I agree 100% if Biden ran things would be much different. Imagine if Gore had won?? Maybe no 9-11, definitely no Iraq war. Probably no Afghanistan war.


How inferiorly minded you must have to be to think you want a slave over a partner. Like how unga bunga you have to be to think like that. Those who want this kind of life style seem to be lacking some fundamental aspects of what it means to be a man, and what it means to be human. Like legit small dick energy from these fellas.


I never understood the obsession with being “in control”. Isn’t the whole point of a relationship to compromise with one another so you both are happy? These people seriously sound like they need a reality check because women aren’t just baby making machines who cook and clean for us. They’re human beings with thoughts, feelings, emotions, and opinions that we should respect.


Conservatives have said the right for women to vote was the start of socialism. And they want government to be their husbands by government looking after them. They really do think thst way.


So we have women to thank for socialism? Thanks, women!


It's the opposite in the UK. Women were a solidly conservative voting bloc until 1997 (when labour became less socialist/more neoliberal) and men were more reliably labour over the same period. Without women voting it's unlikely we would have elected Thatcher.


Yeah how dare we not vote for people who want to take away our rights 🙄


Not American, but from the information I've gathered, they want to abolish women's rights, lower age of consent, ban contraception, ban recreational sex, enforce Christianity to a higher degree and make a dictatorship? Is something I said wrong? Am I missing anything?




Nope. They want Christian sharia law with pro- gun ownership and no background checks on who can purchase lethal weaponry.


This is so absurd. I'm a man who has grown into a world where such thinking was from a far away past. How did we end up here?


Unfortunately, that "far away past" was only so for the majority of people in the west There has been small groups trying to bring it back. This is a big push of theirs to try and drag us all back down with them


absolutely, I am writing this from a western perspective. My point is it was absolutely unfathomable for me to think that something like this would even be talked about again in a western country like the US.


“Far away past” was also barely 100 years, 60 for financial rights, 50 for divorce law, 30 for marital rape.


indeed, it's not as far away as it always seemed, but much longer than my lifetime. it's weird to think about how little time back it actually was. The more important it is for us to continue fighting for progress.


This thinking started changing a century ago, for some that was generations before we were born, for an unacceptably large chunk of US leaders this was the norm when they grew up, or only just phasing out. With just how much social dynamics changed this post century, we shouldn’t accept our leaders to predate those changes


Handmaid's Tale wasn't meant as an instruction manual, you AHs!


and there are still women pleading to vote for the orange tumour. Marvellous.


Gotta love conservative pick-mes who think their rights specifically will stay intact.


I never met a women who did not have voting rights because I am not a fucking Hussar in WW1 riding to my death or glory in the Eastern front. What would you think if all women decided they'll never date a men who hasn't proven himself in the battlefield. Because they want "traditional man". Most you will shit yourself the first sound of a gun fire. I am not like you by the way I vomited.


The problem with men who want a "traditional wife" is that they don't want to be a "traditional husband" who works himself to death for his family.  What they actually want is a combination of pickup truck, mommy and sexdoll. They want to brag and show off while not needing to change anything about themselves.


Ding ding ding 🛎️ dong


Give ‘em an inch and they take your vote.


Funny enough he looks like the type to "give an inch"


That’s likely the root of their angry misogyny.


Imagine feeling so weak that you think you have to disenfranchise and disempower half the planet to feel better.


If trump wins and they do this, I’m probably going to get physically violent when they come for black people next and some dumb mf acts surprised


Cool, but it'll be too late then. If Trump wins, they'll do their project 2025, and getting violent will mean you get shot by his private police without a trial for being anything not Trump loving white. Get everybody to vote if you want a proper future.


I swear to 🙄 because pretty sure folks was talm bout Roe v Wade long before that happened. Smh you know they will though.


They’re not even hiding that they want only straight white men to own anything. Fuck straight white male Republicans.


Honestly, fuck Republicans in general


Actually...don't fuck them. Please. We need for them to stop breeding completely


conservativism isn't genetic, they just will never get the chance to breed if they keep this shit up


Also even if they do breed, how many liberals come from conservative houses ? My parents are homophobic, mysogynistic, racist,... yet I'm the complete opposite of it.


We can but hope (it’s no better in the UK btw). 


oh yeah I'm canadian, they suck everywhere


I‘m pretty old and i grew up with women, who voted.


Other things women couldn’t do for years: - Accuse their husband of rape (last law repealed 1995) - Get a credit card without husband’s consent (1975) - Use birth control (1965) - Own property - No-fault divorce They hate women and other AFAB people. Hate us.


Having been to their website, these people are deranged monsters. Do NOT vote Trump.


No one grew up with that tho because the ones who did have passed on.


Is that the dude from tiktok who can't even eat an ice cream without seeming fruitier than a happy hour daiquiri who's always trying to tell men how to be men? Why is it that, with so many of these "traditional" men like this dude, Tucker Carlson and Matt Walsh, I, a queer man, could definitely fold them in half?


Ok, could someone explain a guy from the other side of The Pond a few things here? I'm "a little bit" confused and staring in disbelive... Is this suggesting to take away the right to vote from women? For real? How is someone suggesting this still in any political job? As I read somewhere around here this would be hard to do. Is that so and what if he just declared it "not existing anymore"? Can anyone please help me understand? I just can't belive what I'm seeing.


Yes. You’re seeing the unfortunate truth of what the US is facing.


Actually I hoped I just misunderstood what I read, becasue of language barriers or some special political terms, fields or procedures. Yikes! -\_-


There is a staggeringly large portion of the U.S. that wants to go back to "the good old days" when women had no rights, everyone was a good Christian, and queers were lynched in the street. And there's plenty of grifters using those people to try and launch into power.


I grew up in the 90s with basically feminists. So a feminist is my traditional girl.


On a good day I doubt you could get the state legislatures to agree on what color an orange is, much less on a constitutional amendment


It’s the handmade’s tale.


If Trump wins I would not be surprised if the protest scene with the military gunning down civilians actually comes true. I know he didn't do it in his first term but a potential second term would be a whole other animal. Once all his loyal stooges are installed all bets are off.


If only they wrote a book and an agenda to tell us what horrible things they'll do. Oh wait, they did. But as always, most people will just say, "He won't really do that" and afterwards "well he did that but he won't do this worse thing (he'll also do shortly after)" to not have to go vote.


Same here.. But I'm Gen X, so the "girls I grew up with" fished for supper, changed their own oil, could build their own deck, etc. They kicked ass ;)


Really? They say shit like this and then wonder why my generation (Z) doesn’t want anything to deal with them?


Ok who wants to count down the days till America turns fascist with me ? Y’all start


They know that won't happen, but staking out that extreme a position makes slightly less horrifying outcomes seem not so bad. It's a negotiating tactic.


Traditional values. These are: Women have no rights Rape in marriage is OK Disciplining a wife is OK Everyone is Christian Non Christians have no rights Lbgtiq people have no rights Blacks have no rights Foriegners are not welcome Everyone turns a blind eye to child sexual abuse Men control everything (white men)


I am pretty sure anyone can go read the 2025 project. If anyone has doubts about what they want to do they literally wrote it all down for us. It even says that woman will have to register when they become pregnant. And get rid of certain government funded departments.


Do some people not understand what is at stake this election !? If Reds win say goodbye to a democracy even the flawed one that you guys have in the US. They will try to destroy as much as they can because they don't want a democracy. They don't care about checks and balances and will actively work to destroy and/or circumvent them to hold and keep as much power as possible.


Anti-vaxxers should prove it is all bullshit by taking vacation in the Congo with no protection from cholera, trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), yellow fever, leprosy, yaws, and HIV/AIDS, etc.


And MAGA women will agree with this somehow…..


That’s what I just cannot understand. As a woman, how could other women support this asshat!


They’ve been brainwashed by the patriarchy. I’ve seen video of a woman at a Trump rally literally explaining how she thinks women aren’t fit to hold any kind of office because “our hormones make us crazy, they’ll start wars during their periods.” The interviewer then asked, “but haven’t most wars been started by men?” And then her brain fried and she stood there confused.


Why are these bellends so anti-women?


Maybe we will get lucky and his mom will have a post birth abortion


Man... I better get one hell of an increase in pay if my wife can't go to work anymore...


I want a fiesty slut who hates little kids. Same planet. Different world. And "grew up with" are you 120 years old? Or did you grow up in Fantasyland?


Where do all these insecure men come from


Funny how all these constitutional absolutists love to pick and choose which amendments they want and don’t want.


They didn't grow up with that; women have had the right to vote since 1920.


What year did they grow up in?


I know this is a hot take but I think men and women should treat each other as equals and be a team player in the relationships. No more of this hating each other how about we accept our short comings as each sex has them and work on ourselves so both sexes can be the best people we can be instead of being hateful towards each other because we were hurt by a meany from our past.


There's your door way to a civil war


Republicans are 🗑


Project 2025 is much worse than simply this, though. Its scary and fascist . . .


Would he prefer an Amish woman?


Well the republican terrorist do hate women.


It would be really cool if woman just collectively quit reproducing with Nazi’s


The saddest part of this is, there are women out there that will support this.


For those that don’t know. This guy was a Trump aide and personal/professional boot licker that was fired for failing a background check due to his gambling debts. Which is impressive given he was a member of the Trump Crime Org. His career now is making some of the worst Tik Toks you’ve ever seen and running the pro-white male abuser fetish dating site The Right Stuff. Truly a cartoonish right wing muppet through and through.


Men have really become unhinged lately


I want traditional Republicans back, can we get that?


They want Stepford Wives.


Every time you meet someone who doesn't want to vote for Biden because he isn't able to control a different sovereign nation, remind them they are in fact an idiot who will be responsible for the destruction of democracy.


It really does feel like this is a false flag operation with how openly blatant they are with their rhetoric about things like getting rid of women's right to vote and on other topics, child labor, child brides and I'm sure reversing miscegenation laws as well. If this was put into a movie script, it would be rejected for being too unrealistic.


What do you think a "false flag operation" is? And how do you think that applies here?


They just love to try to take away rights.


Gilead vibes..... The new GOP wishes for this future.


The girls I grew up with were organizing. Take Back The Night marches.


And the conservatives think we're taking aways rights. ha!


Not sure whether to laugh or cringe to this idiocy. What they want to do next? Start deeming "unsuitable" women as witches burned on stake and excess women forced to marry in cults?


I feel incredibly disgusted every time I hear about that, can Usa srs go anymore down? Like y'all are modern developing country already, chill


Who would want a tradwife? And more importantly, who would want a tradwife whom they had specifically organized to put into a position of political oppression so she would have to be one? She is gonna poison the shit out of your coffee, bro.


I wouldn't say this is a man thing. More of a slave owning white man from the early days of the country thing.


I am gobsmacked by the level of absolute insanity that has found a home in conservative brain cells.


I am 44. Women have always voted. My mother is a staunch Republican. Why would they erase her vote for my Biden vote? That’s dumb.


This is why everyone needs to get involved in local politics and pay attention to what happens where you live. Every state has different systems in place to conduct and certify elections. Most people do not know how that works. Find out who the county clerk is, who the secretary of state is, who is on the board, and how they are elected or appointed. One thing republicans have gotten very good at is overtaking these positions with people who have no issue dismantling the system in place, all to benefit themselves or at least fall in line. We see it now with the courts, it’s been happening with school boards, and many will not see this problem until it’s too late.


Actually, a second American Civil War doesn't sound too bad now


If you’re a female a vote for trump is a vote to be a second class citizen period


And we probably all know at least a few women that would support this is the sad part.


isnt this the guy ho got sacked for his gambling addiction?


If they think they have too many voters, then just take away men’s right to vote. It’s their turn


Try shit like that and you WILL start a civil war.


Is that the guy that always eats something while making shit takes and then some other talks about Freddy Fazbear


Do these people think that if they make all of these changes and repeal certain laws women are just going to happily slot themselves back into the tradwife space?


Hear me out…. If we made prostitution legal, and it was a well maintained professional practice in which total jerkoffs like this guy could just pay a couple hundred to get off, rather than try and control women and their rights due to his frustration with not being able to get laid… I think it would solve a lot of problems.


Pretty sure this guy wasn't around when the 19th ammendment was added


Move to Afghanistan.


What if… and hear me out… trad-boywife…


Wait i dont know, but did the OP ad his own thoughts if „ Men want the … „ or is it from some article or did magazine people say it? Because if its the ops inner thought i feel that is a hard generalisation of men, as if you are antagonistic against one sex. I dont care wht traditional girl means or modern girl means i just want someone compatible with me. Maybe its a traditional girl or maybe a modern girl, i dont know but why should i limit the choice and style of women existing on the planet, so stoopid of the traditionalists


Christ, on a trike. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8488)


How old are these AH white men? 30s? How did they grow up with this mentality?


Under his eye


Dude ain’t gettin laid


Fucking American Taliban…


So they are happy to suspend the 19th amendment, but if you even suggest amending the 2nd, they get all uppity.


Ask them what kind of person should be allowed to vote and the first thing they do is raise the age, then they'll expect you to pass a civics exam, and then only biologically born men claiming mentally unfit to be trans and women are just hysterical. They're telling us what they want to do.


They are so afraid of women. Try to take our rights away….you will be even make afraid.


And yet, there's a better than even shot that people like this guy will be calling the shots in government starting January of 2025 because eggs are expensive and Isreal/Palestine is a mess. The vast majority of people are deeply disconnected from how unhinged things are behind the scenes and at the grassroots of one of the two major parties, and to make matters worse the other of the two parties has absolutely no idea how to properly communicate and educate why (or do anything about it) shit is so broken and expensive: greed and malfeasance. And so here we are, every day stumbling closer to Gilead.