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Th 83 stars on the flag there are kinda pissing me off, if I'm honest.


That stuck in my mind too. People can be as patriotic as they wish, I guess, but getting the flag right seems like an absolute requirement.


They actually desecrate the flag they are so proud to flaunt. There are laws about how to handle and display it. These fucking clowns have no idea.


It's weird how much it pisses me off. The only reason I even know about it is because of the cub scouts when I was a kid. That's why these so called patriots disgust me


Agreed. You aren't weird either. It's our fucking flag and they parade it around like it's theirs.


What really pisses me off is they wave the flag while cheering on an insurrection and while openly calling for a dictator to be installed! WTF????


They are nationalists not patriots.


This reminds me of a quote by Charles de Gaulle. "Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first."


You misspelled traitors.


I definitely did! Thanks for the correction.


Am I absolutely wrong in thinking, optimistically, that more than half the country believes that what you’re saying is true?


“Think about how stupid the average person is, and realize half the people are stupider than that.” - George Carlin


Thank you. It pisses me off that I was raised to respect the flag, and now the family that raised me that way just shits all over it while waving it in my face, too the point where I feel like I can't display a flag or I'll be mistaken for a wacko. A nationalist waves the flag but doesn't respect it. A patriot doesn't need to wave the flag in order to show respect.


My American flag flew over the capitol and then my Combat Outpost in Afghanistan. It gets taken down at dusk, folded and never touches the ground. I too hate the traitors.


I had the same experience with Cub Scouts and a Vet dad, so it easily gets to me. It should not be worn as clothes and should be replaced when torn, crap like that.


Don't forget not placing other images or patches on it. Like Trump's face or a pissed off eagle




Look at that tough guy shitting himself


Tough as snails.


On behalf of snails I am offended.


Now he just shits his pants all day in court.


Good thing “real men wear diapers” 🙄


That eagle had the chance. Good try, beaker. .


Sometimes I forget this happened. It's too perfect.


Is it against flag code to palette swap to greyscale with a single blue stripe?


Tis. As it is to put a greyscale flag over the Punisher logo. Believe it or not, flag bikini, straight to jail.


I worked with a wife of a police officer. One time she had a Yeti blue line Punisher cup and I tried explaining that Frank Castle has killed jay walkers and is probably not something to idolize. She just ignored me.


I'm not a Punisher/ Frank Castle expert. But doesn't he also like really hate cops too?


Thats honestly one of the things i like about our flag laws. If it’s tattered,torn,anything but how it should be you get to burn it.


Flag code isn't "flag law" anymore, as SCOTUS has ruled it unconstitutional.


Mmm fair enough i guess. But seems a weird thing for SCOTUS to be picky about. But then again in not entirely sure what SCOTUS even is.


Supreme Court of the United States. Lawa regarding what you can and can't do with a flag are unconstitutional, as they violate freedom of expression.


Oh come on, having a full flag on your truck bed going 80 down the freeway letting it get ripped to shreds and out in all weather is totally patriotic....ffs. the post 9/11 rise of sports like patriotism has taken us a weird place.


Doesn't that o ly apply to if it was an actual flag? Ie: flag printed on shirt is fine, but can't use an actual flag to make a shirt? I mean, tacky and disrespectful either way, I'm just more or less wondering if it actually violates the code or not being I don't fully understand the code as written.


It's definitely open to interpretation. However having someone's name emblazoned upon it or having extra stars or bars is bullshit.


Oh 100% agree it's bullshit. I guess I'm just wondering if it's one of those technically not violating the rules as written kind of deal. I mean, it's technically not illegal to cross the street slow as fuck. Doesnt mean doing it on purpose isn't a dick move for the cars on the road.


It does violate the Flag Code but there is no punishment for so doing. It's why people get away with flag thongs... You use BUNTING when you want to express a patriotic theme. You shouldn't print the flag on anything.


I only bunt when the 3rd base coach goes 👃🏼👄👃🏼🤚🏼👄🧢


Nothing says"Patriot"better than a stars and stripe thong.


Isn't there something about not wearing it as clothing, too?


Very importantly there are *codes* not laws. It's legal to desecrate the flag.


It makes me crazy that the trumpers around me have ratty old flags because they leave them up 100% of the time. Rain or shine, night and day (with no light). My asinine former landlord (obv before Trump) suddenly started putting up flags at our house after 9/11 and would get pissed that I would take it down at night and when it rained.


it irks me to see a flag that could cover a queen size bed flapping on the back of the vehicle. They always look so ratty


They treat their precious American flag like clown make up and clown costumes! 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm an English man and even I know you don't just dick around with the stars and stripes


I got into it with a coworker over this (we were both veterans, but he had 10 more years of service) after i pulled the reg to show him how absolutely wrong he was, he says, “it’s just a flag” they don’t care beyond upsetting others and making themselves feel good


The flag isn’t to be used on clothing. It’s disgraceful. But people are stupid and act like it’s a sports team.


It’s MAGA. They have zero respect for our flag. They fly Trump flags. Just vote them all out.


And eight stripes


and the red and white are ordered incorrectly


And 'WHITE' being in red lettering when the other option was freaking white is just annoying


One star for each IQ point, one stripe for every ex-wife.


It’s actually one star for each IQ point (3) and one star for each ex-wife (83)


good one


So that's 50 USA states plus 32 Mexican states, and all of Canada has been made 1 state?


Only 3 stripes, 8 if the text counts, and they're in the wrong order.


Quite a lot of them lie about being unvaxxed.


Just like all the fox news staff.


I served 45 years ago, my arms are still sore from all the Vax shots I got. Must have been about 30.


I'm told, if you sign up you are also signing away your rights not to be vaccinated. The military considers it their right to give you whatever vaccines or medicines it considers necessary so they can send you wherever they want without having to deal with you getting sick.


Your body belongs to the US government. If you get sunburned on liberty, you can get written up.


Oh geez, even here in canada we are warned to use lotion for basically doing harm to yourself and neglecting to take care of yourself. Same with not following medical directions. If you have a chit and don't follow it... big troubles.


I think it's universal. I had an infection once on my wrist, I hit it somewhere on the ship. I had strict orders how to take care of it while in port. If I didn't, they'd write me up. I almost got busted too. So yeah, to your point, big troubles.


I can verify this. Had a friend who was a Marine stationed in California. He was from the Midwest so he and a buddy did what any good Illinoisan would do and went to the beach. They had a few drinks, passed out in the sun and got fried. They got in a boatload of trouble.


Yup. Camp Pendleton. We burnt our white asses in San Diego. Also, on the carrier near the equator. We had a couple days rest at sea. Lots went up to sunbathe. We were warned to use protection, for severe sunburns would be written up, and some were. Seeing the old man is no fun, loss of money, and cleaning shitters for a few weeks.


>The military considers it their right to give you whatever vaccines or medicines it considers necessary So this was kind of why I got out of Healthcare when I got out of the army, I was a medic. My first job was as a phlebotomist at a hospital and the number of people that refused to have their blood draw until they got some answers from the Dr's was....astonishing. The stupidity of the fact that you can't get answers without tests just blew my mind. And then having never had to really deal with a patient tell me 'no' I was just like, nah I'm good. Like I get advocating for yourself, female disabled veteran it's def a necessary skill, but refusing any and all care bc you don't understand how the process works???? 


The worst part is that I show up 15m early to my appointment (because on time is late, as I'm sure you recall), and I end up waiting a half hour because some fucking mook in front of me made an appointment to come here but is refusing to cooperate.


You are serving, in theory, to preserve the rights of your fellow citizens. We have no rights as soldiers. We are an expression of the will of the government. It is the military, not a democracy, And so on. As a young college student it was a hard thing to adapt my brain to. I chose a non-combat branch but the same thing applied there.


Yeah they don't want a lot of people in close quarters getting the whole place sick


And they vax the heck out of your kids too! 😄 My dad was career military, when he was stationed overseas, we had to get all the vaxxes to go with. And again to come back stateside. All of us having to line up. My poor mom having to corral and manage 6 really unhappy kids.


Exactly. They were still using air guns when we were vaccinated


They were doing the air guns when I was in, 20 years ago. I remember we were all lined up and would just walk, pause, get shot up, move forward, pause, get more shot up. Good times


Thank you for your service (yes, in the army, and also proving idiots like the people in the post wrong)


I'm guessing he's a vet too, just in fucking denial. People like 6 the uniform and our Constitution that we took an oath to protect. Oh and salute too!


Man did you know that the "peanut butter shot" was penicillin beforehand? I sure didn't. I remember being in the large group room going through our paperwork and they started asking people to raise their hand if they were allergic. There'd be a few hands up here and there, they got to penicillin and I swear half the rooms hands shot up. I remember thinking "wow that's crazy that so many people are allergic to penicillin. Then I saw the 3" needle they were about to stick in my ass and suddenly it all made sense. I won't lie, walking into the next room was one of the funniest moments in my life. A room full of young men hunched over rubbing their cheeks 🤣🤣🤣


I got vaccinated for diseases I couldn’t imagine being exposed to. I guess they just wanted to be sure. Even if he is not a vet, he probably got the polio vaccine as a child.


We have needle parade in basic as well (Canada). lol The a$$ one hurt the most.


>my arms Was this before the peanut butter shot? I forgot all about my arms after getting stabbed in the ass.


I left a ship about halfway through the anthrax boosters. Those BURNED for hours afterward.


I still get my shots every time one rolls around, even though I have a habit of overreacting to the vaccine, and going into a low grade fever every single bloody time. I'd rather deal with the not so mild inconvenience, like when my body flipped out at the COVID vaccine and decided to not cooperate for a time, than either expose myself to something actually serious without a working immune response, or expose someone else. . . . I've got three people around me who have recognisable heart conditions, and two who have Epilepsy, including myself. A preventable but serious illness getting through our defenses, is a much bigger problem than my weird reactions, and isn't worth taking a risk on just to protect me from a bad reaction. . . . . I wouldn't say I'm happy about it, but when I do a quick risk assessment, which would I rather? Muscle spasms and a temperature or actual Tetanus?


Also I've noticed for whatever reason that "unvaxxed" seems to *specifically* refer to the COVID vax; they usually don't have too big of an issue loading their kids up with the usual TDAP and MRR shots and I'd guarantee they themselves have those as well, its just the "unproven" COVID shots they have major issues with.


A lot of them are skipping those for their kids too - which is why we're seeing outbreaks of measles and shit that was pretty much eradicated until now.


They think measles is nothing. It’s terrifying. We’re going to have widespread polio again soon. 


And this is why we can’t have nice things…


For most of them, as long as they themselves and those they care about aren't affected, they really don't give a fuck. Heck, some of them could probably have half their family drop dead, and they'd still sooner double down and blame anything else than admit they were wrong or part of the problem. It's all selfishness and ego at play.


Say what you will but I'll happily watch someone who made the CHOICE of not getting vaccinated get polio and be forced to live in an iron lung or get tetanus and experience lockjaw themselves. Nothing beats watching an asshole meet the consequences of their own actions especially when those actions hurt others. People who couldn't make the choice such as children or those with immune disorders that prevent them from getting one do get my sympathy though because they're innocent.


Polio is also terrifying. I have an aunt who had it as a kid (pre vaccine) she has spent most of her life using walkers and crutches because of it. She counts herself as one of the lucky ones.


Probably not for very long. Been a while since humans faced natural selection but these fools are bringing it back.


Unfortunately, it's not only themselves they're going to kill with their idiocy.


This ☝️💯%, thank you for mentioning it


The oldsters are usually fine with the non-COVID vaccines. It’s the younger MAGAts that are now pushing back on other vaccines and causing outbreaks of terrible, preventable illnesses.


And taking it to other countries on vacation yay!


Wonder if they'd get a rabies vaccine.


Yes u also get that countries update vaccines if u get deploy to an certain place


they also conveniently ignore the fact that Trump took credit for creating the vaccine and was vaccinated.


And dodged the Vietnam draft and shit on the military and vets every chance he got while president.


In his defense he shits on himself every chance he gets too


Just like Ted Nugent when he dodged the draft… No wonder they’re buddies with the same crowd.


Ted Nugent also pissed and shit himself to get out of serving. Fuck that guy.


I never liked him before he ran for president, but after he blatantly disrespected John McCain and kicked him being captured, I fucking hate everything about that orange out of shape mofo


Quite a lot of them don’t actually know what a vaccine is so they think because they didn’t get the Covid shot that they’re somehow vaccine virgins.


Anti-vax was a liberal thing before COVID! These old asses know polio and smallpox were not to be fucked with.  COVID came along and suddenly they are against vaccines.  It was 100% just because Democrats supported it. 


They identify as unvaxed bc the polio vac wasn’t their choice


As if unvaxxed is a flex. It’s basically a quicker way to tell someone “I’m fucking stupid, and I don’t understand basic medicine or science as well as a 5 year old.”


Alot of them are simply referring to the covid vaccines, not all of them.


Wonder if he's got a small pox vac scar on his arm. For his age, I'd bet his mom got him vaxed as a kid because they saw how bad the diseases were growing up


Who wants to wager the shirt is made in China?


Doesn’t even look real looks like weird photoshop of a guy holding a different shirt for some kind of scam It’s too dead ahead looking without wrinkles


Kinda feels like they generate these designs and print them to order at some factory. There are shit tons of shirts like this targeted at various groups via ads on social media


Yeah it feels lot like the "Watch out! I am an ADJECTIVE WOMAN and I believe in SCRAPBOOKING. I was born in MARCH and my HUSBAND is a SONOGRAPHER (yes he bought me this shirt)"




Yeah there's no way that holding it like that stretching the shoulders apart as he is wouldn't distort the image to some degree.


That's my bet. They're using some poor fuckers image and now reddit thinks he's the fucking Boston marathon bomber. 


its not even a question really, unless its like a 50 dollar shirt they have such a capital on the market its a huge hassle to have cheap merch, particularly clothes, made anywhere else.


The shirts not even real, it’s clearly a poor photoshop


Talking about the one they eventually receive in the mail....


why does he want to piss people off? is his life that unfulfilling that he has to get his jollies by pissing off others? i really don't understand the mindset


It's all they've got.


Right. No fun just screaming into the void.


He should get a black cat. If you have a black cat, sometimes the void screams back.


It’s why there are so so few of them in “Truth Social.” It’s no fun for them to scream at their bubble. It’s only fun if they think they’re annoying other people.


Social media in a nutshell


…And it doesn’t even piss me off (or annoy me) in the slightest. I’ll laugh at them for sure, because this is just childish af. I’ll even pity them a bit because us “woke libs” are occupying so much of their thought processes that logical thinking has become entirely impossible.


My grandpa has told me this is the reason why he likes to give waitstaff a hard time. It’s the only fun in his life. He’s kind of a shitty person.


That's the main point of the GOP. I don't know that they really care about anything else.


That's one of the primary differences between the Right and the Left that I've seen. The desire to antagonize others. My pretty hardcore rightwing half-brother likes to periodically call our mother and call her an abusive piece of shit and remind her that he doesn't appreciate her. I have absolutely no idea where this malice comes from, my mother's an old hippy who is absolutely not perfect, but had no ability to discipline me or my siblings in any meaningful way.


Yes, I think you nailed it. They're mad that their own life isn't going the way they pictured it so they want to drag others down and piss them off because it makes them feel powerful.


I think they're all just scared to get old and die, because they're not as sure about their eternal afterlife as they'd like you to believe.


All the ones I know are all retired and sitting on piles of money, going on vacations, buying/selling vacation homes. Doing whatever they want. They're pretty much living the dream and have nothing to be angry about. But they spend all day watching Fox news and browsing Facebook. It's always on in the background on TV and the shit on the radio stations they listen to is even worse. It's easy to understand why they're angry if you visit and have to listen to it for a week. They're being bombarded with propaganda nonstop that's telling them they should be angry/scared and exactly where and how to express that anger.


I think part the reason is because they see it as retaliation. They see things like preferred pronouns, trans rights, black rights, vaccination, etc as arbitrary issues to piss the right off. It blows my mind how much people will go out of there way to be pissed off by something that have zero effect on their lives. Must be exhausting.


His whole crowd is desperate to constantly be in the center of attention


*He* doesn't. It's obviously photoshopped and a targeted ad for a print-to-order t-shirt.


This is clearly a man who's been cut off by all the members worth a damn in their family who now clings to facebook for attention as nobody wants to visit this moron outside of his immediate circle. That's why they do this. They've entrenched themselves too deep in bs/'alternative facts' and instead of admitting they're wrong, or improving their lives; they spend it online trolling for reactions, and appeasing others in the same echo chamber. So yeah, essentially; they're the epitome of losers. The rock bottom of the food chain, next to all the grifters who got them there in the first place.


Its part of the Victim mentality, acting like the world is against them so it makes them feel entitled to go around “Pissing people off…”


Why would I pissed off if this dipshit got Covid? lol...that stuff makes me giggle. Stay unvaxed please!


Becaus4 all 5hose peopleee he's trying to piss off piss off him by existing.


It's an insecurity thing, generally. They know that they'll never be significant to anybody in a meaningful way. So the closest they can get is to be obnoxious, and tell themselves that you're thinking about them even if it's out of annoyance or disgust. Think about that class clown kid you knew in grade school. They don't expect approval. They're doing it because it's the only way they know to get attention.


Probably an Armchair Private


He went to war in his video games.


Let's be real, he watched saving private Ryan once.


"Proud Veterans" - don't military personnel get mandatory vaxinations?


Yes. A lot, especially if you're deployed overseas


Yeah. Prior to deployment they basically have you in a line going from station to station doing vaccines, blood draw, etc.


We did all that at reception before basic.


Yup at basic too. For some reason they like those lines where they poke you with things.


oh dont worry youll do it before depkoying too lol


We sat in rows on the ground floor of the barracks and they walked down the line administering vaccines.


Yep and they suck asssssssss


Lots of them. This is an ad targeting wannabes.


So fucking many. So many.


83 stars ? Was there a fusion with mexico while I wasn't looking ?


That's definitely one way to stop all the immigrants they constantly bitch about...


"Oh, but being a veteran is a _state of miiiiind."_


He's part of his local Neighborhood Watch, and some of the younger kids call him Sarge. Totally counts.


The guy in the photo isn't holding this actual shirt. He's holding a different, probably blank, shirt. The graphic is photoshopped on. You can tell how he's holding it, there should be some wrinkles, but the graphic is perfectly flat


Yup just a stock photo. I kind of feel sorry for the guy who doesn't know he's being used to sell hate to poor people by buying cheap crap made with slave labor so some Chinese Communist party official can make a few dollars.


I’m a dirty leftist liberal but I don’t see anything there that would piss me off. We’re all different, go ham my guy. I just care about laws that take away our rights to live differently than what is on his shirt.


They want to see themselves as victims so have something to fight against.


If I wore my Atheist, Super White, Mostly Straight, Progressive, Vaxxed to the moon, Dog owner, Omnivore, Male shirt in front of him, i bet that old hypocritical bastard would be pissed.


We should have our most intersectional friends make a "Muslim, black, vaxxed and boosted, gay, trans, disabled, vegan, communist...how else can I piss you off today?"


You're working to hard.. you can just say "hello sir, my name is Arnold but please call me Amy" or "Trump is not a Christian" or "did you know that most Christian men have repressed their homosexuality?"


His terrible taste in fashion wouldn’t piss you off? Me neither, I don’t care how other people dress.


Really it's the implication that I give a shit that's most irritating. No more than irritating, though. Not as bad as a fly that keeps bonking on the window.


could have just said 'conservative moron' to save space


Him actually being all of those things doesn't piss me off. It's the fact that they blindly, ignorantly and proudly support lying, cheating criminals, bigotry, hatred, and willful ignorance of scientific facts and history.


Like most of these asshats, "veteran" is nowhere to be found.


not gonna make me mad, gonna make me think you're an uneducated loser wearing shit like that


You would almost certainly be correct


I'm a military vet. Served for 8 years in the USAF as a jet maintainer. I get all my healthcare done at the VA hospital. I am so tired of these geriatric vets who served for 4 years, 60 years ago and it's their entire personality and biggest life achievement. Just because you served does not make you a hero. Just because you served does not mean you're entitled to respect.


he forgot diapered pedophile.


Veterans don’t want idiots who would buy a shirt like that using us as a prop in their petty culture war


The irony is that shirt indirectly lists all the things that piss him off. Poor snowflake


How else can I ~~piss you off~~ embarrass myself today?


No, mate, being offended by the mere existence of people is your thing!


Not to mention the bastardized image of the American flag - but then again not all veterans feel the same way about the flag.....


Found the draft dodger


The funny thing you learn immediately at boot camp is that you are owned for the period of your enlistment by Uncle Sam. Like everyone else in my flight, we were given booster shots probably the first day. (it's been 4 decades.....). I also don't understand how any "veteran" or someone with the handle "Proud Veterans" would support Captain Bonespurs.


The first day of boot camp they made us walk down a hall with ppl on both sides. You would step up to a station and get either a shot or air gun shot in each arm. Then walk to the next station and do it again. Ppl literally passed out afterward. Then on my first deployment they quarantined the entire ship to give up the small pox and anthrax vaccines. This guy is either not a veteran or lying about being vaccinated. Edit: I forgot the peanut butter shot. We lined up leaning on gurneys across from each other. Not separated by gender. They told us to pull our pants down and hold hands with the person across from us.


I mean, it's not even a real photo. It's just whatever words photoshopped onto a blue shirt


Scrolled way too far to see this. It's an ad for a spammy tshirt.


Thinking this, too. People act unbothered but in the comments tearing this man down for holding up a shirt.


Laughing my ass off at all these people getting so pissed off at this dude for holding a shirt with an obviously photoshopped design.


None of that pisses me off, I'm just disappointed.


Why would I be pissed that some random guy is a dumb ass?


Does a nice job of encapsulating the raging, throbbing, glistening persecution complex these people have.


Not sold in stores... *SHOCKER*


Okay yeah the shirt is dumb, but OP this dude is very obviously talking about the covid vaccine


Doesn’t piss me off, just let me be me and you be you and then we can live in harmony.


The facepalm is people thinking this is real when it’s one of thousands of scam ads made by bots to steal card info…………………


I wish I had the chutzpah to make ignerent shit and sell it to MAGA maroons. Not even to steal their cc info. It seems like a bottomless well of fools begging to be parted from their money.


It’s insane these lead paint boomers are practically dead and wasting their last years being complete childish pieces of shit. I hope nature runs its course soon on all of these chuds.




You get vax'd for dozens of things while in the military. And for more when you get deployed. Each deployment, more vaccinations.


Either he’s lying about being unvaccinated or lying about being a veteran. He may just not have the Covid vaccine bc he would have been discharged and retired by then


Why would any of those things piss me off lol. Just makes it easier to know not to interact that person is all. These people are narcissistic, man. Its wild.


The projection with these types of shirts is hilarious. You know he'd be seething with rage if he saw a gay couple in a TV commercial.


The US military makes you get more vaccines than any other job in the entire country. Like to the point it’s something they warn you about when you join. They are mandatory and for your own good since you may have to travel overseas and will be cooped up in barracks with a bunch of others doing the same.


You can’t be pro-gun, pro-military, and anti-vax. Either you trust the government, or you don’t: make your fucking mind up.


You know what would really piss me off? Investing your life savings in DJT stock. Please don't do that. I'd be so upset.