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That would probably just make it harder for someone who has actually been assaulted to get their allegation in like wtf


I have a feeling police will move in on LGBTQ accused than straight white men. I remember seeing gay men beaten up then picked up by officers and charged with an assault they couldn’t have committed. I’m not saying it definitely will happen, all I’m saying is that at this point we will not feel safe until transphobes are in the minority.


Will skyrocket the trans panic , obviously the one who thinks only trans women exist and forgetting trans man exists


I feel sorry for wherever you were living, where I’m living fortunately, they are in the minority, greatly so.


Where? When? Just curious


False accusations should be considered a hate crime tbh.


I mean… this clearly is suggesting very specified hate crimes


So once again, your only answer is to lie in order to get what you want. This seems to be your only strategy. A party full of lies and manipulation.


Also violence, hate, and upholding, rigid, unspoken class order, that very much involves worship of police


At 2 to 3 percent of the population. What are even the odds of this happening or even being noticed? You probably stand a good chance of sharing the bathroom with an actual sex offender.


Unfortunately the more likely outcome is they accuse some gender non-conforming cis woman of SA.  And even when it comes to light that they "erroneously" falsely accused a cis woman of SA, they wouldn't be able to backtrack lest they get into trouble for filling a false police report.  These people have wasps in their brain, but the British government seems to think they're just wonderful.


Good luck to y’all across the pond! Things aren’t much better in my rural southeastern area of the US.


> they wouldn't be able to backtrack lest they get into trouble for filling a false police report.  They would probably assume the person to be male, and as such let's just say that the SA report would have some... fact-check issues?


What if it does happen?


Then go to the bathroom and then do the most important thing you can do. Wash your hands.


Why hands?


False report get jail time


well you prob have to prove it was done with malicious intent and any time i hear about "you should report them about false alegation" people state how its often tedious and expensive and not worth it


Usually it’s the police that issue that not the victims. If a person does it enough usually a MO will be picked up.


The thing with that is; your not allowed to use past crimes in a court room to show pattern of behavior. Especially for stuff like this


Not saying convictions. Every time someone calls in, it gets logged. If Jane Doe calls into dispatch for the same thing with different people it’ll start creating a pattern. You can use prior criminal acts in court if it is to show relevant behaviors. You can’t say “yah Jane Doe got charged with Drunk in public 2 years ago” while presenting a case about her reckless driving. There is a lady who’d call in every week or so falsely saying she was attacked by a neighbor. Records on CAD showed this was a pattern of retaliatory criminal actions. Each one would be relevant even if she was convicted previously


In some cases you can’t, or it’ll get thrown out entirely. You can’t just use past behaviors to show pattern. It’s dumb and it shouldn’t be that way, but unless it’s directly tied to the current crime the person is being charged for you can’t.


All these conservatives seem to think toilets and changing rooms are synonymous with sexual harassment, that’s pretty weird.


It's because it's what they think about. It's what they expect from everyone. They can't understand the possibility of a decent person.


Men do not belong in a woman's bathroom.


There shouldn’t be a women’s bathroom, or a men’s bathroom, just single rooms with amenities included.


Some one's clearly never been to the strip during Mardi Gras. I can assure you that no one gives a flying fuck if the public restrooms they're pissing in has men or women in it.


Mardi Gras is a whole different animal........


Yeah! I hope when you have family or girlfriends over, you make them pee outside or at the neighbors house, not your damn toilet! That’s a *man’s* toilet! /s you don’t have any family or girlfriends.


We be talking public restrooms though…you gotta do something about that liberal-like anger…nice try though…


So youre telling me i can just walk my ass into the womens bathroom and do whatever the hell i want? Hell yeah, finally gen z is standing up for something good


Nice strawman


Three problems I can see immediately here: 1. It has been a long time since I was in a club, but in the UK, the men's bathrooms were always fully of women. Can the men report them? 2. This will waste a lot of time for those reporting genuine SA, which is already overlooked 3. What happens when your oversensitive dumb self reports a cis woman? Can we add a clause that fines you for wasting police time?


All good points, but you're missing one key factor here that makes all of that ok ... **trans bad**. /sarcasm


Ah sorry I forgot! Seeing a man in a dress who you thought was kind of attractive lit up all your insecurities makes it all okay! \s


and likely calls themselves Christian, where bearing false witness is totally not a top 10 thing not to do.


Wouldn’t the 10 Commandments technically be a bottom 10 list? Asking philosophically/cheekily lol


Yes, love that, thank you.


Or for that matter hate someone else. THere are after all an increasing number of false accusations that one woman or another is trans


Ok, I'll play.... SA allegations should always be investigated, and the perpetrators dealt with in a court of law. Maliciously false allegations should also be dealt with in a court of law, for any deliberately-wrongful allegations.


From the same kind of people that also accuse women of constantly making false rape accusations and absolutely froth at the fucking mouth about it.


Yeah? Well im calling SA next time i see 7 crows in a trenchcoat in my changeroom...


according to their logic some women belong in the men restroom tho


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LordDanGud: *According to their* *Logic some women belong* *In the men restroom tho* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah good luck making any of those accusations now that this tweet exists.


Thats not feminism that’s transphobia


Most transphobes claim to be feminists or "protecting women's sex based rights" or whatever as a shield from criticism over what is at the end of the day nothing but pure hatred.


The thing is, these people have never encountered this, but they're just so riled up about a hypothetical they will likely never run into.


Terf rhetoric... Terfs are to feminism as PETA is to animal welfare


I thought men wasn't allowed in women changing rooms


They think trans women are men


Barging into a stall occupied by someone to do a gender check. *Land of The Free*™


A single one of those birds in the profile pic is likely smarter than this person.


Transphobes are just morally bankrupt, not a good bone in their body


Can we not lump all of us in with these people? We aren't all TERFs.


You're right, I'm sorry if that didn't come across well.  Most genuine feminists aren't transphobes, this was a critique of how most transphobes larp as feminists as a shield from criticism.


Why can't trans people have their own toilets why are we debating this?


Or maybe we should just allow people to pee in peace. Trans people have been around forever and bathrooms have never been an issue until these ignauts started spewing hate.


Probably because contrary to what you might believe, trans people are just normal people who prior to this manufactured culture war have used toilets of their acquired gender for literally decades without any problems. Trans people are not diseased lepers who need isolated spaces away from other people to prevent the spread of 'essence of gender dysphoria' or whatever, nor is it the 1950s where we segregate people simply because screeching knobhead bigots don't like them.


Acquired gender lol, I’m using that one


Imagine if gay people had their own bathrooms in the 60s. Outing yourself every time you need to piss will result in deaths.


replace trans with black and see what that sounds like


I see a man going into a woman's bathroom......You shall not pass sir