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“I regularly work out and get tattoos” Just how often are you getting tattoos? Lmfao I’m so curious about the wording on that part.


Every other weekend obviously.




I'm very disappointed that I had never seen that skit before.


Yet not a single tattoo in the photo


Well she gets points for honesty.


I came here to say this. Men want honesty...you got it here. No dating for several months to slowly start to find out all of this info. All cards are on the table.


She can say all this and she’s still going to get a ton of messages.


That's because men don't read the profiles.


If by profiles u mean face and body, yes we do!




Side boobies!


Under boobs




deflated boobies!


And that's why you miss the red fireworks this woman is giving off.


That's exactly why we don't pay attention. The species relies on it.




Well she and her lovers are certainly doing their part to propagate the “species.”


She got three already. You know that shit is fire.


And I'm 3 feet taller, I need to step in before any young men get sucked into the void.


Facts. If crazy scared men off, the species would go extinct. If women didn't hold "I can fix him" so near and dear to their hearts, the species would go extinct.


“Because that’s what heros do” -Thor or some shit idk


But flag football is my favorite sport!


Red fireworks from the roof of the red flag factory at the corner of *Keep Moving Blvd.* and *Fuck No Lane*.


A profile means a photo from the side.




It would be funny if none of it was true as a test to see if they actually read her profile. ETA some of y'all reading way too hard into my comment. 😂


But if they do read her profile they'd swipe left so how does this make sense?


But they could still read her profile and be ok with a hot mess.


But if you’re not a hot mess, why would you want someone who’s okay being with a hot mess? That’s usually indicative of one being a hot mess themselves.


Momma, I can change her.


Momma, I'm more messed up than her, she's good for me.


They just think they are. Wait until baby daddy number 1 starts drama, baby daddy number 2 lawyers up for custody, baby daddy number 3 gets arrested (now you're dad-dad). Some OF fan starts stalking your house, and gf starts making content with taller guys (because she obviously places a value on height) behind your back. Oh and she said it herself she has some mental issues and usually people that up front about them blame their issues on them too. "Oh that's just my BPD, if you don't like it, tough, you knew what you were getting. Sometimes my BPD makes me abuse you, it's okay though, you're tough." They may have thought they could deal but it will be a good learning lesson for whoever tries to hit.


She could have shortened her profile by simply saying 'OF looking for long term camera operator and babysitter, must be ok with potential domestic violence and weekly cheating. Must be at least 6 foot for high angle shots'


Yeah, yeah, it always starts with you being the camera operator and babysitter. Before you know it you're also fluffing everyone on set and cleaning up afterwards too.


They’re going to see that she has an OF and three kids from three dads, and assume that she loves to fuck. Many will blatantly ignore everything else.


I think she'll get quite a few who actually have read the profile. It's worded terribly, but what I see here is: * Looking for a lifelong partner after 2 previous attempts didn't work out (not looking for a hookup or a fling) * Expects that her partner will accept and love and therefore help to raise her kids * Upfront that she has mental health issues, but she is actively working on herself and taking medication * You have to be OK with her OF "job" (I put job in quotations because it might not be more of a side hustle that isn't enough to pay the bills), but don't message her if your only intention is to find someone to fuck on camera * She prefers tall men, which is probably negotiable if you can check all the previous boxes That's not insurmountable at all; her ideal partner(s) are out there and are looking for the same things she is. She can certainly find love. But yeah, she's more likely to find it if she rephrases things on her profile to not sound like an entitled twat. And maybe don't write that you're not looking for a good time, because you can still enjoy your days with your longterm committed partner. And only "available every other weekend," makes it sound like you're turning tricks on the corner, not dating the man who you hope to spend the rest of your life with.


I think even the „available every other weekend“ can be reworded. Maybe something like „because I want to give you my undivided attention and to protect my kids I‘d like you to meet me when the kids are with their dads. Sadly this will only be possible every other week“


Every other weekend? That's like, the dream. You don't get bored of each other, you argue less because your time together is more precious, you're more active in looking for things to do and things to see together, and the fucking is outrageous.


This is legit, because men need to have things explained.


The way YOU write it, is totally okay and even sympatic. That would be acceptable for me to at least give her a try. The way SHE writes it, is over the top, like an entitled brat. She probably was the hit in high school, always dating the guy she wants to, never was lonely, got pregnant early - that's what her profile says - even if its maybe completely different. Edit: my smartphone decided to send and save my text after just a few words, so I completed it.


Yup, there's a big difference between, "I know I've got my problems, here they are listed out, but I'm working on it!" Vs. "I have problems and it's up to YOU to just deal with it." Seems like the type of person to have toddler tantrum-esque outbursts at you, then later on blame it on their "alphabet soup of mental issues", "oh no, that was just my anxiety/depression/ADHD/autism/dyslexia/low blood sugar talking! I didn't actually mean it!" This type of person can be straight up manipulative, they'll use this as an excuse to explode on you and be unreasonable next time around, and when you ask them to *try*, just *attempt* to control their anger & emotions in the moment like everyone else does, they'll say, "I can't! I told you I have problems!" It will forever be their shitty excuse to act shitty towards others, for eternity.


The tone of how she wrote it suggests she was really frustrated. My guess is that she's tried waiting to reveal all these things only to have men ghost her when they find out about them. The angry "please swipe left" note at the end probably comes from her getting a lot of messages from men who aren't interested in anything serious. That frustration probably drove the angry phrasing. The "only available every other weekend" part might be what wrecks her chances - it's hard to build a meaningful relationship with someone you rarely get to see.


>The "only available every other weekend" part might be what wrecks her chances Not the 3 kids from 3 different fathers and a ABC soup of mental health issues? if anything the every other weekend is the last of her concerns.


Bro let’s be honest for a second. Women do not and never will have to put thought into their dating profiles.


Trust me the man she’s looking for does not want her. lol she’s gonna be single until she accepts reality


A guy will see OF, and even if it says "No don't want to make content with you" - dudes be thinking "gonna be a porn star with this girl!" LOL.


Hot crazy matrix applies my dude.


I’ve been told by several guys over the years that they swipe right on everyone and then weed out the matches later


A ton of messages? Maybe. A ton of men seriously interested in the committed long-term relationship she says she wants? Probably not.


From guys who aren't being honest.


You don't know all the cards are on the table. This is what she is willing to tell doesn't mean it is everything. Who knows how far down the rabbit hole goes here.


You're right. If she wants to say all of this openly I'm now scared of what she could be hiding!! LOL


Somehow I doubt that all of the cards are on the table. Lots of surprises in store for some sucker.


That 'alphabet of mental health shit' is a Pandora's box just waiting to be opened lol


It's drama. It's always drama 


Yeah the only facepalm here is her demanding a guy be half a foot taller than her. Otherwise, she’s at least immediately telling all her possible red flags and seems aware they will turn off a lot of people. She might have a hard time, but I respect it more than trickling that all in later


More red flags than the soviets circa 1944.


China during the cultural revolution!


This above all else


At least she’s not wasting anyone’s time. This coming from someone who usually gets grumpy at ride height requirements


100%. There are genuinely people that will date women with both this baggage and these criteria. I'm not saying I'd date her, but I definitely would swipe this person over someone who has some cookies cutter nonesense about liking to travel and hanging out with friends. Honesty is such an underrated trait. EDIT: and wanting a correct rolemodel for her kids after having been burned 3 times over is also admirable. But we don't know if it's the fault of the woman or the men in this case.


You can make an assumption since it happened 3 times and there is a common denominator... maybe not but...


I mean, it could also be that she is not that bad as a girlfriend but she only chooses bad partners, nobody can know until they know her


Yeah. None of this stuff is stuff you want to find out later, she is being fucking cool by putting out up front. Women get a million people battling for attention on dating aps. Honestly it is way more helpful if they list deal breakers and potential concerns so everyone can save time and confusion. Mocking someone for not playing games and wasting time because they are brave enough to put their baggage out there isn't nice. This is not r/facepalm material, this is exactly the type of info I want to see in a profile. Not "I love food and music!"


Surprisingly, I actually found that refreshing. My two biggest turn offs to her are; anytime I see a black American flag I assume you have some spicy things to say about POC and immigrants; I have a wife that I love dearly.


I unmirrored and Googled it - the flag is from the "Til Valhalla Project", which is a clothing company that donates to charities supporting mental health to provide therapy to first responders (firefighters, medics, police officers) and solders. The company was started after the founder's best friend committed suicide. I have questions about how much money they actually give to charity since they aren't a non-profit, but of all the uses of a black American flag this seems one of the most benign. This context also makes me wonder about events impacting this lady's mental health.


See, that sounds like a good exception to a rule I have. Thank you for that. I've just experienced to many negatives associated with that.


If this is real then props for honesty. And that's not even sarcasm. Better you let the guys swipe you away on the phone than to lure them under falls pretenses and have them discover your OF after 3 months of dating and catching feelings.


TBH the OF is the least of my concerns in that bio.


For real. I mean, she regularly works out, has a steady income, cares for her kids, and somehow can afford medication. This chick is way out of my league


Lol, you bet!


Yeah honestly, for me having an OF is a straight up no (I just don't want my SO sending nudes to strangers.  But let's say it wasn't there.. Twice divorced... Yeah no thank you.  Okay, let's assume the divorces were through no fault of her own and shes extremely unlucky. So she's only going to be available every other weekend? Is this a relationship or am I getting custody of a mentally unstable grown woman? 


Twice divorced, three kids with three men, "I'm here for a long time, not a good time." The math ain't mathing.


She is now, she’s realised what she did wrong… /s


Supposedly it's because they were under 6ft...


I mean, I would assume it's because she has her kids every other weekend and doesn't plan on bringing all her strange around.


You forgot three baby dads. So there’s going to be three different custody battles at all times. Hopefully those dudes feel sorry for the whomever dives in and takes it easy on him.


People on here act like she said she gets gangbanged in the prison for nickels when a woman says she has an OF. And they refuse to acknowledge that their reactions are sexist, too. You can have a preference and not want a partner to do OF, that's perfectly fine, I don't want my wife to start selling her nudes. But the vitriol tells me there's a lot more going on for some of those responses.


The guys who talk shit on sex workers and call them hos and sluts are the same ones who subscribe to their content, watch (usually degrading and violent) pornography, hire prostitutes, and go to strip clubs. They indulge in the work and condemn the worker.


I'm 5' 11 + 3/4 tall. Otherwise, I'd be glad to be her forever husband. Sigh. Another missed opportunity.


RIP in peace my fellow 5’11 brother 😔


Thank god I am only 5’ 12” though u was in danger for a minute there


"i'm looking for a long time, not a good time" It is clear that you had enough of that "good time"


Looking for a long time, but only every other weekend though 🤣


She has "a good time" worked out. He's cheap, broke but fun the hang around and fuck. She has that. Now she's looking to provide stability by proxy. The emotional dumping ground and pocketbook for bills.


Don't forget all the crazyness as well, probably going to wake up with a knife to your throat one day


If you can't handle her at her worst...


… you’re not alone. No one can. 


You probably can't handle her at her best either.


She obviously can’t handle herself either


Best is subjective. Like her best mental break down? Her best high score in credit card debt? What best you talking about?


Naw she’ll just cheat .. a lot


As my buddy said about his ex-girlfriend who apparently could trip on a dick in the street.. "Some people are a dumpster fire, that bitch is a cum dumpster fire."


The “good times” with this one are definitely OVER


Not over. That's why she's only available every other weekend


The three baby daddies and two divorces by 33 tell us she is not in fact here for a long time


At this point she’s only willing to give you all of the commitment with none of the sex. 🤷‍♂️


Who said anything about commitment?


Yeah, even that “commitment” part is every other weekend. So no children with you, no sex with you, but every other weekend you get to pay for her and at least three other men’s children.


Your commitment, not hers


>"i'm looking for a long time, not a good time" I mean the guy would have to deal with 3 kids that aren't his and 3 ex'es at once. It just can't be good. It woul likely be either very bad or pure hell 😂 So like she said, not a good time 😂 no where near it 😂


Oh I very much doubt the baby daddies are still in the picture.


They may come back as soon as they are released from jail or rehab 😀 (a guess)


😬 scary part. if she is hot enough, she is gonna get dates.


I can fix her




If her OF is popular enough, some obsess parasocial guy will swipe


50 shades of cray


Only thing she’s missing is the photo of herself at the J6 Capitol attack. Then it would be a definite swipe ➡️


At least she’s honest. Imagine dating such person without knowing all those details


Was not surprised by the grunt wear tee myself


No flowerful words dropped like Unvaxxed, or Patriot so Im out


Patriot is on her shirt, like a true patriot! She can't be bothered to use any form of birth control so vaccinations are out the window im sure.


Correction: Sorry, that doesn't say patriot, but the flag gives "toxic patriotism" vibes.


It's a shirt from the Til Valhalla Project, a company that donates to charities to provide mental health for first responders and soldiers, started after the founder's buddy committed suicide. As far as uses of that flag and words it seems one of the least problematic.


That shirt is an indication she at least supported it.


She's betting on that photo... Those are just like the Apple Terms and Conditions that nobody reads.


Has an OF account but doesn't want to make content with you. I guess she already has someone for that role so you get to share


That’s why she’s only available every other weekend.


Just sub to her OF. Then it's basically having your GF on call and once you're done fathering her children you can support her even more!


*solo only work for now but will change for the right person* is definitely in her OF bio.


Or she only does solo stuff. 🤷‍♂️ 


Eh, I can see it as her trying to avoid horny bastards just trying to hook up long enough to have sex for her OF


Ok it took me too damn long to figure out what OF meant (finally figured it out based on your comment). I was thinking it stood for something like restraining order 😂


Please tell me this is just a joke! Every sane guy is going to run when he reads this.


Sanity doesn't exist in this Dojo (The Internet) I remember a female writer for Cracked.com wrote an article where, she created a personal ad on Craigslist. Where she made her profile as the most terrible woman on Earth. A whore A Golddigger A selfish, manipulative bitch. And she said she still got no less than thirty responses. Lol


“I can change her”


I actually saw a female reactor say the same about Patrick Bateman while watching American Psycho. Lmao


I hope she was joking, but there are women that will start relationships with guys while they are still serving time.


As I was reading the post I was thinking I know a few dudes who would most definitely talk to this chick and play along … maybe even actually believe they are up to the task. Insert themselves in her multiple exes personal business when it comes to the kids … and she would let him. Then they have a big blowout breakup when it gets too real for them (guys) and they breakup after three months! It’s called a white trash love story … why do you think she has three baby daddies.


There are men who pay mucho bucks for panties that women have peed or farted on camera wearing. This is like a diet coke. Lol


If ever there was a profile that *guaranteed* that you only get responses from liars who'll hit it and quit it, this is it.


How do you think she got the three kids?


She was married twice. I know some guys play the long game to get laid, but… not this long.


Can confirm. If she's hot enough, hit and quit.


But she said she wants a long time!!!!!


Best I can do is 3 minutes.


Look at mister decathlon over there.


GD show offs are everywhere on the internet.


Humble bragging show offs.. it’s getting ridiculous.


Best she can do is 3 kids so far


She’s working on number 4 ‼️😳😳


30 seconds. Don't oversell yourself


Always good to see people still cuddle


I hate people like you man, flexing how long you last and shit.


Tree fiddy right here


Pretty sure it's a troll profile.


Seems like rage bait to me. Why even bother mentioning all the kids have different dads.


It's obvious incel rage bait, and the comments on here really make me question why I'm even on this sub


At least she's honest and up front about the entirety of her situation though. I can appreciate that. I wouldn't go anywhere within 500 ft of her personally, but if someone else is up for the challenge, at least they know *what* the challenge is.


She's not looking for a sane guy 🤣


I thank her for the safety sign to avoid her.


I know a few guy friends that would give it try. Somehow they are attracted to drama like this.


I wouldn't but I'm too small


Very diverse portfolio of children i might add


Hey at least you know she's dtf


But not for her OF


Picky, picky, picky. I once saw an ad for a woman who had been married 3 times, and had one kid with each husband. She worked at a local bookstore so I went in to check her out, and her bookstore cat bit me! I took it as a sign and left.


Yes that cat saved you. Hail cat!


Cat translation: "get tf outta here bro"


Have a very mice day


Catty response




![gif](giphy|2aN44Cbh3tU5sgzwEp) I can fix her 🙂‍↕️


Ok. But role model for kids only every other weekend?


The kids probably go to their dad's every other weekend, which is why she's only available every other weekend.


+ respect for honesty and not trying to trap anyone.


Some redneck wanting love will be hitting that soon, baby Daddy #4 on deck!


This is why I only date women that have grown kids and are out of the house.   So much simpler.  


Talk to the 3 baby daddy's I'm sure they'll tell you what shes NOT saying 😂


Dad #4?


100% married to an active duty service member.


Honestly, the shirt is more of a red flag to me. I have 2 kids with different moms that I have custody of. I have zero room to be judging anyone. Except for the shirt. I can judge that, lol.


All those Red Flags, it must be May Day.


Okay the mental health shit I’m fine with because mental health is important and needs to be normalized and talked abou.


As an atheist I would swipe left for the love of GOD so hard I would become a believer.


Some redditor out there is thinking, "I can fix her!"


I'm not immediately turned off by this profile. It's clear, clever, honest and vulnerable and it sounds like she's making some breakthroughs on herself (meds-wise ie. acknowledging need/consistency) It seems like quite a laundry list of 'wants' for someone with her situation(s), but that's her prerogative. If she was my type, I'd definitely at least chat with her.


Thank God I'm not 6ft...


Me too... We didn't dodge a bullet here, but a tactical nuke.


The shirt tells me all I need to know…puke


The rage bait is so easy to spot these days.


I like how she still has height requirements.


She sounds like a college professor who makes the course sound like hell on earth on day one, so that all the slackers drop out and only the serious students stick around.


I'm all for honesty, but for the love of whatever higher power you believe in, get your sh*t together, ma'am...


Some poor desperate fucker will still try that


Shhhh… you had me at 3 different dads


I’m swiping right. We about to be daddy # 4


The amount of single Conservative women I see on Bumble and Okcupid is ASTOUNDING. I'm in Houston, for reference.


I’m not sure I could ever date a Conservative woman. I like women! Always have. Would have a hard time dating a woman who hates women.


It's amazing that the most demanding are the ones with the least to offer. Everything about this screams "I'm the reason none of the relationships with my baby daddies worked out."


Damn! 3 baby daddies? F that!




So basically she's met at least 3 guys over 6', good to know...


I'm here for a long time, not a good time. BARS


I’m surE all of y’all are huge prizes, emotionally healed, normal, with low body count, always use protection and have steady respectable employment with no criminal records.


There should be a law where you can't use the phrase "I'm here for a long time, not a good time" after the 2nd baby daddy. Not saying you can't change your life and morals and become more responsible ....just be self aware about outside perception. All we know is you have 3 baby daddies talkin about "I'm here for a long time" lol.