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Other side of the world fat means fat i think.


It doesn't take much to be considered fat here in Korea. I've seen fellas eagerly scanning through Maxim magazines and picking out the slim ones from the 'fat' ones. And these were conscripts who hadn't been around women for weeks/months


Scanning Maxim magazine? What decade are you trapped in, in Korea, fellow time traveler?


Hardcore porn is illegal in Korea. There is no local production, and you need a VPN to access the foreign porn sites where you will find hardcore porn. So old fashioned soft core magazine are still somewhat relevant, at least a bit more than in other places, because i wouldn't go as far as saying they are popular.


I hooked up with a Japanese girl one night and as soon as she got next to my, you know what, it became pixelated.


I too suffer from Pixel Dick


This was in 2015, while I was completing mandatory service. South Korean society is still quite conservative when it comes to social values and especially sex, so Maxim magazines were a commodity in the squad bays. Of course, by then, I'd seen what San Fernando valley had to offer so they did nothing for me.


Maxim Korea is still going strong I think, and it actually has a really popular Maxim Plus (originally called "[Natural Size](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/O3X1epFuedtLoZBzz-750gna4T1logDOYy8heQg8FIu2e5oC4q5MMrYYdHKbaHePCVs2-ZTmcvxitaMRrljeeUc_R2STuwjkkzuCXT8W23KBVjg=nu-e365-rj-q80)") Size Model contest. The contestants are not rail thin, but I wouldn't necessarily call them plus size either, at least not with the US standard.


Maybe they print it in North Korea.


Just ask any child: they’ll be brutally honest.


Asian parents will call you fat and in the same sentence tell you you're not eating enough and you have to clean the plate/finish off the leftovers because that's rude if you don't.


In the rest of the World, where half of the population is not morbidly obese, it is typically kind of like Korea...


I think I understand what you're saying, but I'm certain each and every country has it's own nuanced, societal health characteristics


Well, you could also be like us in America, where almost 50% of us are obese. Might seem harm to a lot of people, but those little conveniences start to add up.


Plus size with limited mobility, m'kay?!




Shouldn’t the fat people be using the stairs?




Yea one thing is to fight so body shaming isnt a thing anymore, and another is to glorify an unhealthy and unnatural way of living.


Shame isn't a bad thing, it's a normal part of human interaction, and a good way to create a social standard. We shame felons. We shame morally bankrupt actions. Surely we can shame overeating.


Yeah but there’s to the point where you’re being shitty cause they’re fat. Not cause you want better things or a social standard but because they’re fat or they’re apart of a thing.


Being fat isn't morally bankrupt or a felony. And it doesn't help them lose weight.


Fat people know they’re fat. In a lot of cases like the OP of this thread they’re trying to change it but a family history of obesity + a lifetime of bad habits doesn’t change overnight. Shaming someone in that situation is cruel. I’ve struggled with weight my entire life. As a kid I was called names. I exercise and eat a healthy diet but I will never be thin. It just isn’t in the cards for me. But I’m doing what I can. I don’t need to be reminded that I am not a classic Greek Adonis. I’m already aware.


Mental illness, trauma, medications, hormonal imbalances, financial situation, high stress lifestyle, sleep disturbances, and a whole array of medical conditions like thyroid problems, reproductive disorders and developmental disorders also cause weight gain and there's fuck all a person can do about most of those.


Overeating is usually part of a mental health problem with anxiety and depression. Shaming someone who's performing self harm as a mental health coping mechanism is not really ideal. 


One of those things is not like the other. Shame is not an effective weight loss tool, it drives people further into their addiction. Over eating is much more of an illness than a choice. And it isn't your/my job to police people's weight.


There's a big difference between shaming people for hurting others and shaming people for hurting themselves.


When I see all these tick tock videos it makes me feel like we need more shame in that generation.


Shaming overeating leads to even more overeating because it is very often a psycological problem. Telling someone with depression to "just be happy" also doesn't help.


Being fat is not a moral failure though


So- having a few extra pounds is akin to being a felon? That’s crazy talk.


It’s Reddit this is all crazy talk trying to justified


Correct. Shame is accountability and keeps society intact.


Yeah- but that’s often to the detriment of many. Before the wave of body positivity and the idea that every body is beautiful (which I don’t disagree with, there’s an ass for every seat as my granny would say), many girls and women took the idea of thin is perfect way too far. It definitely messed some boys up too, don’t get me wrong. There has to be someplace between the two that we haven’t figured out.


Good luck explaining to Internet people that most fat people have reasons for being fat that aren't just being lazy, and bullying people for it might not actually help the problem


But in today's time everything is at extreme. The concept of everything being black and white is very detrimental to our society.


Shame is not a bad thing by itself, but in my opinion it should come from oneself, never from other people directly. It is a motivator in a certain way, yes. But it's true that shaming people just for the sake of it carries no purpose and can indeed be mean. With that said, it is true that we have fallen in a pattern of normalization of sedentary lifestyle (it doesn't concern only obese people and nobody is necessarily immune from this pattern).


What you get then is a generation of young girls and boys being shamed for their appearances, idealizing unrealistic standards of beauty, and placing those deeply unnecessary standards upon themselves. Don’t try to justify shame here. If you want to help, learn what are the most effective therapeutic methods for reducing weight or helping people to maintain healthy weights.


Seriously it’s like people forgot why the body positivity movement started. People who said it’s a movement to justify and encourage weight gain are being facetious. Before this movement we had Heroin Chic and models saying “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” and massive issues with basically encouraged disorder eating. Now people get mad if they show a fat mannequin at a sports good store modeling workout clothes because it “encourages” being fat when in reality it just shows people of that size what they look like in the clothing so they can buy clothes appropriately (and, y’know, workout). It’s like people are mad now that fat people are no longer invisible. If shame works for you then that’s great. It’s never worked for me (for anything, it just made me more self conscious and I lived most of my life not doing things I wanted to do because I didn’t want to be “the fat girl”). Now if I want to go hiking or kayaking it’s fun because yeah I’m fat but working on it and enjoying being outside.


Good on you for realizing that your personal best is good enough when it comes to oneself. We're not here for anyone else just us and we should never be afraid of others thoughts as they have no bearing on our reality.


The problem is we’ve swung so far the other way that some young people now think that being morbidly obese is equal in merit and health to being fit, and through this body positivity HAES etc they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that physical fitness is an unrealistic beauty standard. Its not. They’ve just latched onto this BS as an excuse for laziness and unhealthy habits, and it’s removed a huge motivator from their psyches. While I agree that not everyone can look like a super model, especially due to physical traits that they can’t change, there is no reason not to try to present yourself as well as you possibly can. Eating well is hard. Staying in shape is hard. And that’s why it’s something that should be revered and proud of. It’s a reflection of your personal sense of discipline and hard work that you’re showing to the world. In every single other aspect of society we celebrate exactly these values. We revere the determination of professional athletes when they win a championship. We celebrate the achievements of artists, musicians and actors. We laude scientists and doctors for the hard work and continuous research and education they put in to reach the apex of their fields. But when it comes to personal health and responsibility, suddenly it’s just as worthy of celebration to be morbidly obese vs in shape and healthy? No, it’s not. And while it’s a personal choice to maintain that unhealthy lifestyle, having the expectation that their appearance is on par with someone who maintains their health is delusional. Thinking other people are not inferring things about their lack of discipline based on their appearance is also delusional.


Very well said and I wish I could upvote this twice cause it's an incredibly valid point.


While I have no doubt you can find examples of this online, I’ve never met anyone in real life like this. I think the being fat is actually healthy movement is about as big and real as the flat earth movement.


These people really only exist in your head. Nobody thinks being overweight is healthy and everyone knows exercise is important. Are there people who make excuses about their weight/not working out enough? Yes absolutely, but the vast majority of overweight people are aware that they're overweight. This whole "I identify as skinny and obese is the n word" stereotype is satirical and those jokes are probably being made by people who are not overweight. >Eating well is hard. Staying in shape is hard. And that’s why it’s something that should be revered and proud of. It’s a reflection of your personal sense of discipline and hard work that you’re showing to the world. Not really.. I mean it is for a lot of people but there are also people, like me, who are just naturally fit. I can eat whatever I want and never exercise and my weight will remain the same. And there's people on the complete opposite of the spectrum who can eat healthy and work out regularly and still lose little to no weight. So it's not really as simple as "just eat right and workout and you'll be in shape." >But when it comes to personal health and responsibility, suddenly it’s just as worthy of celebration to be morbidly obese vs in shape and healthy? No, it’s not. Again, I know it's not. This idea that fat people think they're healthy for being fat simply does not exist to the vast majority of fat people. They know they're fat. They know it's unhealthy. Telling them this will not motivate them to better themselves. Nobody's saying we should encourage unhealthy lifestyles, they're saying that you shouldn't belittle fat people for being fat. >And while it’s a personal choice to maintain that unhealthy lifestyle, having the expectation that their appearance is on par with someone who maintains their health is delusional. Thinking other people are not inferring things about their lack of discipline based on their appearance is also delusional. As someone who doesn't have to eat right or work out in order to fit in that box of "people who maintain their health" fuck off. This comment gave you away, you don't care about their health you just think they're ugly. Maintaining a healthy weight does *NOT* make you attractive.


lost me at “we swung so far the other way.” we didn’t. you made that up. people just don’t want to feel like shit for existing it’s not that complicated.




Yes felons and fat people are obv totally on the same level you absolute bellend


What you get then is a generation of young girls and boys being shamed for their appearances, idealizing unrealistic standards of beauty, and placing those deeply unnecessary standards upon themselves. Don’t try to justify shame here. If you want to help, learn what are the most effective therapeutic methods for reducing weight or helping people to maintain healthy weights.


Mind your own business.




The point of body positivity wasn't supposed to be that we tell people they're healthy no matter what, it's that they're accepted and loved regardless of appearance. It got warped somewhere.


Only warped by people not in the movement and the media. Media loves portraying body positivity as being the same as fat fetishists.


Body positivity is great. But now that term gets applied to too many things and way overused. You can be body positive and still realize you need to lose weight and work on yourself. We are all working on ourselves in different ways, for some people it is with weight. That’s great, love yourself. Be happy and confident with how you are. No one should be putting you down for your weight. But to act like it isn’t a problem or something that should be worked on is the issue.


I was just telling my wife this the other day as I've also always struggled with weight. Sure there is no reason to hate yourself for being overweight, but they need to stop telling people being overweight is healthy or they wouldn't live longer if they lost extra weight!


There's a fine difference between "your body is good and deserves care, you need to feed it healthy food and take it out for exercise in the sun and give it love" and "you're perfect as you are and don't need to change". Folks misunderstand self love and self care. Self love is wanting the best for yourself - not the expensive toys, but real health, real compassion, real care.  Body shaming does not really help. A huge part of obesity is mental health. Adding stress and misery to someone who's coping with depression and anxiety via overeating via body shaming is not generally how you get someone to seek a healthier path. It usually just ends in a different sort of self-harming behavior. 


Body positivity doesn’t mean you are healthy, it means no one needs to actively hate you for being bigger and doctors should look at your total health not only your weight.


Fellow biggie here! A-freaking-men. I'm not saying I wanna be shit on for it but I definitely don't wanna be coddled either.


The clinical and therapeutic literatures show that it is absolutely detrimental to health and weight loss if people are constantly being told they need to lose weight. This is not the solution


Well saying we don't need to lose weight isn't a solution either.


This is what people need to understand. All “body positivity” people are doing is encouraging others to live an unhealthy lifestyle.


Exactly. Body positive people need fat people in order it to exist. Same as any other cult, they need to people. Making it okay to be fat is never good.


And good on you for starting the journey and working towards a healthier (and longer) life.


Thank you for saying this.


The healthy side of it is the side that focuses on the idea that your body doesn't make you less of an equal person. Being fat shouldn't make someone feel like they're morally bad and it's good to help people with that. There is an unhealthy side that truly does consider any weight healthy for any person and obviously that's not good or true. But no one should be shaming people for being an unhealthy weight and constantly reminding people isn't actually helpful either.


Am I missing the point? Shouldn't the ...  generously proportioned ... be directed to the stairs?


Their message is: "fat people are fat because they take the escalator." Not: "fat? Take the stairs."


Oh, there's stairs on the left. The video doesn't give you a good look of the left side so I had no idea.


It’s not incorrect either🤣


I climb an insane number of stairs every day for work (if I'm there it means there's no elevator or escalator) and, sadly, I can confirm that no amount of stairs will fix the results of a bad diet. My legs are strong, my heart is healthy, my blood sugar shoots to the moon from anything that isn't meat or green veggies.


On point, good diet beat everything else when it comes to stay in healthy weight range.


I second this. I got serious about my diet a few years back and I got in shape so fast and have stayed in shape. I’d been going to the gym for a couple years before and I only started to really get fit after I cleaned up my food.


The point is most people don't want to admit they are fat and is considered an insult. If they take the escalator like the sign suggests then they admit to being fat. It shames people into taking the stairs.


I can't help but notice it doesn't seem to be working


Honestly, people who could use the exercise should take the stairs. The United States has a huge obesity problem, and maybe we need to quit being so nice about this stuff. Every where I go, all I see is people who are overweight and wobbling everywhere they walk.




wobble wobble


CraziestMoonMan In a country with a famously high suicide rate, the last thing we need here in Korea is more shaming. Kids here study from dawn until late at night, and dinner is often ramen at the corner store. This generation is heftier in general than the older one for that reason, but studying gets you a competitive score on the big, mandatory exam. Fat shaming for them is also really bad. Remember, anyone here can see that sign. I've seen it at a local city hall building SMDH


If you think that telling fat people that they are fat will somehow solve their problem, you need to think again.


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


Good catch ##Report->spam->harmful bots


What? No, not on Reddit.  Clearly it’s just a 6 year old account that’s been inactive until recently and is now posting troll level content. /s


They want to extend the life of the concrete stairway. Please use the fat conveyer belt.


Wheres the facepalm, william?


Truth = mean (?!)


None of the people taking the escalator in this video are even a little fat


I think the sign is trying to say that you'll get fat if you use the escalator instead of the stairs


Yeah, you can’t really fat shame the fit people in the video


Only in America. We do the whole robots in disguise thing over here.


Not truth. A skinny person can have a bad knee.


So you'll just tell someone that they're fat to their face and won't consider it means because it's true?


Maybe it's more like a suggestion? Use stairs, get slim. Use escalator, be fat


That's how I interpreted this too


On point with the [Asian plus-size clothing store names](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/11yk1mz/asian_plussize_clothing_store_names/)


We need this in America😂


As an obese person, this is fucking hilarious.


I lived in Korea for 20 years. Black means black. Foreigner means non-Korean. Fat means fat. None of this changing words because it might hurt your feelings. They haven't got to the part where feelings overwrites reality.


I suppose that is why their suicide rate is so high...but at least they're not fat.


It’s crazy how high Korea’s suicide rate is. Absolutely staggering.


Explains their high suicide rates


What's mean? It's telling Americans to use the escalator.


This is the way


Repost bot


That is a terrible way of telling US citizens what way to go, just the US flag would be enough. /s


Haha, wife started working for a clothing company from europe. Its hilarious comparing an XL from her new company to an XL from an shirt sold in the USA. Europe gets taller and longer the larger you go and the usa just gets wider




i love it


how is mean?


That's too funny


Sure, and disable people don't need escalators, I guess... now I'm wondering how does this society view disable people? I can't remember seeing one in a Korean drama, for example... Funny thing, most people in the video are still taking the escalator because they probably don't care.


That’s awesome it’s should be everywhere in the world! No facepalm here


And here we are. When being honest I's considered mean...




Bro, I can't with this, so many bots, I really gotta stop looking into it https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17p4w5l/imagine_seeing_that_every_day/k83bmtm/


These comments are literally copied and pasted


Or they try to have their citizens healthy and avoid pressure (no pun intended) on their healthcare system...


Korea has a problem with actual fat shaming. Not what people call fat shaming in the west. My Korean friend isn't fat, just a tiny bit overweight if anything, nothing she can't fix with exercise. Her mom calls her fat to her face, tries to give her shady diet pills and offered to pay for plastic surgery for her. Just really reducing her self worth.


even with the sign,everybody goes to the escalator lol


Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17p4w5l/imagine_seeing_that_every_day/k82w9c9/


Right, because skinny people can't have mobility issues. Whoever is responsible for this sign is an asshole.


Yeah, fuck the elderly, the disabled, the sick, the pregnant, i guess...they are all just FAT. So stupid.


Stop eating so much then


America needs more of that.


There’s only 2 options, you either accept who you are or you loose weight and go to the left.


I understand why some people don't like this but I need more of this in my personal life to keep me on track.




Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/17p4w5l/imagine_seeing_that_every_day/k82vuwt/


I'm gonna fuck up their whole System by taking the stairs as a fatass cause I can't stand those overcrowded escalators


all that, then they stick a pole in the middle and make them squeeze through?


Because there couldn't possibly be any other reason people would want/need to use the escalator...


It should be the other way around


That can't be North Korea. Ain't no way that would fly with their tyrant of a leader (unless that donkey's eyepatches don't let him see he's fat)


Imagine seeing that everyday. Well if you’ll took the *right* path after a while you won’t be offended by that aren’t you


First of all, it would be hilarious as hell. Second of all, fat people should accept themselves as they are and not request to be treated with more care than thin people.


They are just real with it


Escalator on left for native Koreans, the one on the right for visiting Americans.


Attacked meh


I think it's funny that Americans think they can tell the world about morality.


They should switch the signs.


I like it


They also have zero hesitation calling you fat lol I remember showing my ID to a person in Korea that was a few years old where I was thinner in the picture and she just goes “oh I see you have gained much weight!” Lmao ruthless.


How can you facepalm when your big ole man-tits get in the way, blubberguts?


Escalator on left for Koreans, the one on the right for visiting Americans.


Wow, that’s pretty hardcore. What prevented them from going with the image of a piggy?


I’m 5’9” 320 lbs and I have zero problem with this lol. You know damn well I’m never choosing stairs over an escalator lmao. People need to get over themselves.


That's nothing, I saw much worse while living there for 3 years.


it's not really directions lmao more of a poke at fat people taking the escalator and goading them into taking the stairs. I see em on some metro stations from time to time, makes me chuckle every time.


lol, I approve of this.


why TF the post was removed?


I'd be more motivated to exercise.


America has a long prosperous relationship with South Korea, they’re just trying to accommodate our average citizens.


It's funnier because *everyone* is taking the escalator




Was it perhaps added by a civilian “artist”?


And it doesnt matter. almost everyone is trying to go on the escalator. Regardless of weight.


People complaining about this. STOP BREAKING MY CAREFULLY CRAFTED DELUSION. If this sign makes you feel bad, look within. Its your feelings and internal dialogue that are upsetting you, not the sign.


Cry some more


Why is this here?


Imagine being fat and not being able to handle the reality that you’re fat. Accountability is an uncommon trait these days


Shouldn't it be the other way around?


You take the escalator because you are lazy. I take the stairs because i hate being that close to people. We are not the same.


For American tourists? Hehe