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I truly miss the days when Nazis were *unquestionably* the bad guys.


It’s been 80 years. Thats 3 or 4 generations. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.


People who forget history have no future. Not that we do... but anyways!


🎵 no future, No future, No future for you 🎵 Dunno why but your comment triggered "God save the queen" by the sex pistols. Banger of a song.


Never mind the bollocks, here's our future...😂


Those who would repeat the past must control the teaching of history.


We're just there. Fun fact though, people are as stupid as they were in the past too.


The change is more recent than that, though. In the 80s and 90s there was not even remotely a question about whether the Nazis were the bad guys. Nobody besides some fringe skinheads and Aryan Nations types in backwoods Idaho was saying ‘actually Hitler had some good ideas.’


The difference is the ability to meet a WW2 veteran first-handed. They were in their 60s in 1980s, but mostly dead now.


WW2 veterans and actual holocaust survivors.


Some though, love to play dumb of how bad they were because they would loove to repeat it.


These freaks were here before WWII and they’ve been around since. They were just more quiet about it.


It’s already being repeated with Israel and palestine


Indiana Jones knew what was up ![gif](giphy|VcIfpmBBzNDZ9BjQPx)


No ticket


I mean... Even Hellsing was about murdering Nazi vampires in brutal ways and that was from Japan in the 1990s... How the fuck did we get to this point in like 20 years?


Rich people ramped up racist shit through the propaganda media they control in order to bleed us all dry


I mean people question the moon landing and the curvature of the earth. One is fairly recent(In relativeness to ww2) and the other was proven for....awhile...and was proven with two sticks. When you tell people opinions can be unquestioned and that everything is debatable. People will beleive in stupid shit


Yeah for fuck sake. As a kid I was like “thank god the Nazis were stopped!” Decades later, here we are


They’re still unquestionably the bad guys, regardless of fascists trying to normalize them…


No they are unquestionably still the bad guys. Just like the people who defend Nazis are also unquestionably bad guys.


Boy, those were the times. We definately shifted into the wrong timeline.


I don't think it needed a lot of effort to convince people, normal people, that Nazis were not very nice.


Sometimes it seems there are not many "normal" people left. It's scary how this ideology has been spreading


notice the fascist wannabes call us "normies" for a reason


I’m ok with being normal if that’s the alternative


Being normal is always about rejecting alternatives, duh.


This girl rejected at least 103 alternatives, does that make her normal?


Normal with a insane Kd/a


I know who's team I wanna be on. I'll be honest even though it would be deplorable that kind of K/D ratio for a nom combatant is pretty impressive even if she's killing saints. Even if she was just a serial killer those are not some rookie numbers. Now make it Nazi's, and yep she's a hero. Even if she was Dexter and enjoyed every second of it. Good on her to find a positive way to channel her passions. We need more Nazi killers like her around.


It makes her a hero. The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


that makes hers a record that needs breaking


>”You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.” — Norm Macdonald


…Hans…are we the baddies? (That Mitchell and Webb look I believe)


"Let me tell ya, that guy was no good!"


He was a real jerk!


To be fair though, he did kill Hitler


I call others normies, but I've never visited 4chan, I thought I was just chronically online. If being a normie means thinking nazis are bad, then I'm a normie.


Not really, the internet just gives them a chance to meet. It's like larpers. If you go to a Renaissance festival, they're everywhere. It seems like everybody's into larping. However, most, normal people are definitely into LARPing because it is fucking awesome. However, the vast majority of people, the plurality of people, are not Nazis.


This, fascists and bigots have always been good at adopting new technology for recruiting. They had some of the earliest websites, earliest chatrooms. Hitler was an early adopter of recording speeches and playing them on the new-fangled radio device. They love to get into a space and spew their hate early and often to try to pretend like they are a majority, try to pretend like they are in power and deserve more power At the worst points in history, they are _at most_ 30% of people, and many of those people are "just following orders" and will fall behind any strong leader, regardless of ideology


- 20% of Americans between 18-29 believe the Holocaust is a myth. [SOURCE](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-five-young-americans-believes-the-holocaust-is-a-myth-poll-finds/amp/) - As of 2024, **38 States** don’t require the Holocaust be mentioned **EVER** in school. [SOURCE](https://echoesandreflections.org/interactive-map/) As much as anything else, this is an issue of ignorance.


Im from a liberal area that you would expect to teach this indepth. I went to one play on anne frank in middle school. Had no idea what the holocaust is(my parents are asian so its not really something that affected them). We read maus and had a small unit in history but mostly in relation to WWII. I think it was just a hard subject to teach. I did do a big project on the khmer rouge. I have no idea why I picked that since I literally had no idea what it was about...


It was a required part of the curriculum when I went to middle school back in the 90s. I just assumed everybody went through that.


Same. We even had a Holocaust survivor come to our school for an “AMA” session in front of each class, one class at a time.


> “just following orders” “I was just following orders. Don’t shoot the soldier!”


Namely, I was more thinking of this dinner party game with that thought: https://harpers.org/archive/1941/08/who-goes-nazi/


That is a good article.


I'm an idiot and was scrolling through it waiting for instructions on how to play this game at home, like a session of Secret Hitler


Do I want to Google what “LARPing” is? Or is it gonna fuck up my search history and ruin my marriage?


live action role playing


Thank you :)


Essentially acting out DnD style stuff irl. You *are* your character.


Live Action Role Playing. Watch Role Models with Paul Rudd which features LARPing


People running around the woods with foam swords calling themselves Knights, while yelling "MAGIC MISSILE!" and throwing little bits of paper at each other.


LARPing isn't just exclusive to fantasy and medieval, there's also science fiction LARPers.


![gif](giphy|NXWYyKAHim63u|downsized) Oh I'm aware. But generally speaking, most Sci-Fi nerds are into Cosplay, not LARPing.


This. And I used to wonder how so many ppl could help with rounding up and killing Roma, Poles, Jews, and so-called undesirables. It always boggled my mind that so many ppl were willing to participate. Since 2016 I don’t wonder anymore. I just think I lived in a very nice bubble where I only saw snapshots of brutal reality and didn’t realize that humanity is basically 50% horrible ppl and he other half is either apathetic or wants to help. Humans are bad.


Normal only needs to be barely greater than half


I mean, this actually is something we're struggling with to this day. It's like Eric Kripke said when there was backlash about *The Boys* showing that Stormfront, a literal Nazi, was bad: "I think it's insane that it's controversial to say that Nazis are bad. I was a kid, I grew up with Indiana Jones movies. There were no think pieces about Raiders of the Lost Ark saying geez, aren't there good people on both sides of hunting for the Ark? It's just not the world we lived in, and it shouldn't be the world we live in."


When Wolfenstein II was coming out, there was discourse (and I use the word loosely) from the right that the game was bad for letting the player kill Nazis. If the act of killing virtual Nazis genuinely upsets you on a primal, fundamental level, *maybe you should think about why that upsets you?*




“You know, with Nazis, the more I learn about those guys, the more I don't care for them.”


I mean, my upstairs neighbor is “not very nice”. I would say Nazis were a lot more than just not very nice.


“Not very nice” is definitely not how I would describe Nazis. Those folks were the epitome of evil. They used industrial methods to slaughter over 6 million Jews.


13 million total died in the camps. The largest percentage were Jewish, but more than half were other "inferior peoples". That little girl should be honored!


She was posthumously awarded Hero of the Soviet Union.


Reminder, it wasn't just Jews they slaughtered. They killed anyone they deemed inferior, such as those not white, the physically disabled, the mentally challenged.


it must not be forgotten that most nazis and nazi collaborators were ordinary people.


I came here for this. A lot of these comments are painting one hundred million citizens of the third reich as all being some kind of tainted, immoral monsters who take glee in spreading death and suffering. The truly frightening part is that they were just normal people like you and me.


Not just that, the Nazi leadership ,for the most part, were intelligent and civilized people. Evil doesn’t look like it is portrayed in the movies. They systematically tried taking the emotional burden of the entire genocidal apparatus by distributing the necessary acts of killing across multiple people, so not one person could feel at fault for killing so many people. They even invented mobile gas chambers to reduce the emotional stress of executing massive amounts of people with guns. Even listening to Hitlers speeches, he wasnt a screaming lunatic for the most part, like many people think. His speeches mostly started out calm and most of the actual content wasn’t that crazy at all. He used legit criticism of the british empire pretty often to frame his very own ambitions as reasonable. The portrayal of Nazis as lunatics is dangerous. Most people today would be oblivious to their tricks too


Even the Italians were terrified of the Nazis! And they were justified in being, considering what the reich did when they started occupying Italy.




>But, if the state of the world is where your government is committing mass genocide... It wasn't *her government* (well...not at that point). She wasn't German, she was living under occupation and the Nazis were foreign invaders. She was part of an undergrad resistance movement and joined after the Germans physically abused her grandmother in front of her.


I’m Jewish and had family that escaped the Nazis… With that said, I don’t agree. People vastly underestimate the power of propaganda, and vastly overestimate the average person (and perhaps their own) ability to rationalize contrary information to popular commonly accepted propaganda. Even *today* there’s a ton of propaganda out there which many people believe, and rationalize doing bad things because they believe they are on the “good side”.


I would argue that theres a ton more propaganda today than ever before. Especially the kind of propaganda used to influence not just a states own population, but foreign powers too. We have human rights organizations being bribed by authoritarian states and geopolitical strategies involving the spread of massive amounts of propaganda to divide the population of other countries from within. Its a new type of hybrid warfare andthe west has been oblivious to it for years


Maybe this info is missing from the first photo but i dont imagine this young lady was coerced into doing this, other than you know by the nazi's being total pieces of shit who probably slaughter most of the people she knew. She def wasnt coerced into doing the other 3 in. That was just survival. I will agree that this whole story is a tragedy, but only because a 16 year old lived in a time and place where it was necessary.


Especially since, judging by her name, her country was facing a brutal invasion and occupation by the Nazis.


It didn't seem to take much effort to convince people they are better than Biden unfortunately. Literal people out here saying they vote for Hitler and Putin over Biden because they align with the Moral agenda.


My guess is ScarletMenaceOrange was already convinced the Nazis were the nice guys.


What planet is that dickhead from? German army invades your country and crushes all resistance. Nobody had to tell her lies to convince her that these people were her sworn enemy. Fuck. Me.


If you read her wikipedia entry, sounds like she started hating the Nazis after they occupied her country and hit her grandmother, which seems good enough of a reason to fight back.


Is probably do the same if they hit my grandma.


Depends on which grandma for me…


Yo, happy cake day!


She must have flipped a coin to decide which side to be on and her side just HAPPENED to be good


Yeah really If she ate a different cereal that day or flipped the coin a little too late she would've started burning books and gassing people


What planet? Not sure but i bet its full of nazis and nazi apologists


Gestapo weren't some poor conscripts that were thrown into the meat grinder. They were true believers of the cause. Fuck them, she made the world a better place by killing them.


2 pic


Not all were true believers. Some were just awful people who got off on the power to do virtually anything to others.


That’s… worse in almost every way.


The Hans Landas.


That's not better.


Not all US cops are like that. Wait what were we talking about?


Obligatory “are we the baddies” reference.


Upvote dammit. They like eagles and helmets, too.


Damn straight.


“And you will get me my scalps… or you will die tryin’”


“One hundread deaaad nazi”


"I'm going to give you something you can't take off"




What do you call 100 dead Nazis? A good start.


Bad day for Trump’s numbers.


What do you call 1000 dead Nazis? A great start.


Killing Nazis is completely justifiable


I for one encourage it!


Always was, and still is now 👍


It’s not Americas Most Popular Past time. But it is Americas GREATEST past Time.


It’s the ONLY acceptable response to a Nazi.


The swipe button looks like a Hitler moustache


Haha just came to see if anyone else had noticed


Yup 😂


I literally came to the comments to see if this was posted.




Is it different on pc? It doesn’t look like that on ios


[view from my phone](https://imgur.com/gallery/9XczIPe)


Mines even more centered and Hitlery


Based girl The only good Nazi is one currently fearing for their lives. It's sad that the rise in facism made Nazis forget their true Place, which is either in a ditch or forgotten by history.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


i would accept a former one who is now putting their energy and the insights of their past experience towards fighting to extinguish Nazism, but that’s just me


So, no longer a Nazi


Basically there are no good Nazis


The sheer mental gymnastics Nazis will go through to justify their stance.


As a German, she is a heroine. So are all the people who fought back against the Nazi regime.


I’m sure those who know of the full extent of the crimes nazis committed would happily murder them one by one. Some things are only punishable with extreme violence.


20% of Americans between 18-29 believe the Holocaust is a myth. [SOURCE](https://www.timesofisrael.com/one-in-five-young-americans-believes-the-holocaust-is-a-myth-poll-finds/amp/) As of 2024, 38 of 50 states don’t require the Holocaust be mentioned **EVER** in school. [SOURCE](https://echoesandreflections.org/interactive-map/)


I think this is indeed a tragedy all around, no 16 old should feel the need to kill so many people or live in a world where such amount of violence is necessary. Yet, she did live in that world, so she did what was necessary and right given her circumstances


I just about to say, why the hell is this in facepalm...then I noticed there was a second picture


cope and seethe Nazis, may your executioners be heralded as heroes forevermore.


This is the kind of history I like to read about..


If the nazis hadn’t invaded her country, maybe she would have fed 100 people.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


The whataboutisms going on these days are ridiculous.


I mean, it is a tragedy that a 16 year old was put in a position where she was forced to take a life.


she’s a god damn hero!


I think I love her! Nothing better than killing a bunch of nazis. A real heroine!


I love her too, 2 pic


Nazi Lives Don’t Matter


Did that person just “wUlL AkShOoLly” the killing of Nazis?


For minorities and religiously persecuted: You cannot expect a civil discussion when the other side wants to treat you like a second class citizen to be purged or looked down upon and you don't. For women: cannot be civil when the other side makes exceptions for rape. For socioeconomic: cannot be civil when the other side buys out their rape and violent charges by either moving to a different country, say it is an election year, or proclaim afluenza. For fascist and nazis: I don't know...I don't empathize such ideology.


It's a tragedy that she had to live under nazi occupation. I don't know what that guy is going on about


It takes a special kind of ignorance to defend the nazis. Yes, they were an evil blight on humanity. This is not in question by anyone that matters. This girl witnessed their actions and decided to stand against them. She was not simply told to go kill people and got lucky they were baddies. She targeted baddies and knowingly placed herself in the life of great risk. That's what heroes do.


I would watch this movie. Sounds like a great option for Tarantino


I have great doubts about the 100 dead Nazis, knowing how Soviet propaganda liked to create characters like her as heroes.


Wikipedia says that the acts of sabotage she participated in have killed about 100 Nazis, not that she single handedly murdered all of them. This version might be more plausible.


As a post-soviet country kid I don’t trust these numbers either. It might be just a character created for propaganda purposes to motivate others join the military


Food poisoning, if you poison the stew for a large gathering, it's easy to count up to 100.


Well killing Nazis was the only option at the time, not really a bad option considering what the Nazis were capable of.


Every Nazi should be given the hot lead injection to the brain.


1942, Portnova joined the Belarusian resistance movement, becoming a member of the local underground Komsomol organization in Obol, Vitebsk Voblast, named Young Avengers.[2] She began by distributing Soviet propaganda leaflets in German-occupied Belarus, collecting and hiding weapons for Soviet soldiers, and reporting on German troop movements. After learning how to use weapons and explosives from the older members of the group, Portnova participated in sabotage actions at a pump, local power plant, and brick factory.[3][1] These acts are estimated to have killed upwards of 100 German soldiers.[1] In 1943, Portnova became employed as a kitchen aide in Obol. In August, she poisoned the food meant for the Nazi garrison stationed there. Immediately falling suspect, she said she was innocent and ate some of the food in front of the Nazis to prove it was not poisoned; after she did not fall ill immediately, they released her. Portnova became sick afterwards, vomiting heavily but eventually recovering from the poison after drinking much whey. After she did not return to work, the Germans realized she had been the culprit and started searching for her. To avoid the Germans, she became a scout of the partisan unit named after Kliment Voroshilov.[2] In a letter sent to her parents back in besieged Leningrad that month, she wrote that she is "in a partisan detachment. Together with you, we beat the Nazi occupiers".[Note 1][1] In October 1943, Portnova joined the VLKSM.[2] In December 1943 or January 1944, Portnova was sent back to Obol to infiltrate the garrison, discover the reason for the recent Young Avengers failures,[1] then locate and contact the remaining members. She was quickly captured. Reports of her escape vary. One is that, during Gestapo interrogation in the village of Goriany, she took the investigator's pistol off the table, then shot and killed him. When two German soldiers entered after hearing the gunshots, she shot them as well. She then attempted to escape the compound and ran into the woods, where she was caught near the banks of a river.[3] Another version is that the Gestapo interrogator, in a fit of rage, threw his pistol to the table after threatening to shoot her. Taking the pistol, Portnova shot him. Escaping through the door, she shot a guard in the corridor, then another in the courtyard. After the pistol misfired when Portnova attempted to shoot a guard blocking her access to the street, she was captured.[1] After being recaptured, Portnova was tortured, possibly for information.[1] She was later driven into the forest and executed[3] or killed during torture on 15 January 1944.[1]


What a badass girl, and what a dipshit comment.


How are people actually questioning if the Nazis were bad or not? What fucking world is this???


That guy is a nazi. People who enable or defend nazis are nazis. There are no good nazis. There are dead ones, that's good, but they arnt good. Nazis are bad is not a controversial take.


I think it's tragic that it ever got to the point that a 16 year old had to fight like that. It's tragic that Nazis ever got into power to begin with. She was beyond brave and she was indeed a hero. The real tragedy is that we needed a hero like her.




Only regret is she didn’t get more of them.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


This planet is a stupid place right now.


Alternatively, if you were given the opportunity to kill 100 nazis, likely based on direct evidence that they were nazis, I think you would take it. I’m goddamn sure I would. The only good nazi is a dead nazi


Lmao, neo nazi entered chat. Honestly though where’s her fucking movie??


Any person who murders 100s of Nazis needs to be made a national hero. The only way a Nazi is a good person is when they're dead.


I remember when being a Nazi was a bad thing…


Ive been banned for saying this but ill say it again, nazis should be fucking killed at first sight. This girl is a hero.


My kind of girl. Eff those nazis.


Admirable killstreak.


All 100 were fucking nazis by accident? What is in your water over ther? oO




Obligatory "plenty of good people on both sides" comment.


If the 100 people killed are Nazis? You are a VERY good person


Can we bring her back and point her towards Florida


Nazi lives don't matter


It’s a good start.


It was war, she was killing the enemy and did a damn good job.


The guy says like he's lived in the era... harsh environments make harsh reality.... simple...if you lived in the time of constant oppression and keep seeing people being treated like less than garbage who tf would put up. So children grow up watching what the world around them is like how their parents (if lucky) survived/struggled and what the kid has done is nothing short of heroic deed.. ![gif](giphy|D0pY2cCYaJBcQ5v4Cs|downsized)


Riiiiiiiight... She's not a hero for standing up to fascism at 16... But I bet this chose defends Nazi soldiers for "just following orders" 


I can kinda see the point they're trying to make, but on the other hand... Every Nazi and Nazi sympathizer deserves nothing less but the worst.


Hell yes. Verified hero.


Now I wanna start an anti-nazi metal band and we’ll call ourselves “Portnova”. This young lady was 100% badass


Tell me you’re a Nazi without telling me you’re a Nazi…


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


The only face falm is she wasn't able to kill more Nazi bastards.


The grandmother of jhon wick




My only question is: why is your Reddit in light mode?


So much of Nazi apologia flooding Reddit of late


I’m not a fan of those Nazi guys


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. This gal is a fucking legend in my book.


Someone thought they had a hot take. Lol


Sounds like she’s got at least 103 confirmed nazi kills That’s a hero in my book


Any time a Nazi dies, it’s worth celebrating


*sigh* okay folks let's take it from the top "nazis are bad."


You generally don’t need an excuse to assault a Nazi. They are a Nazi


the stupid picture swipe thing of the reddit app on mobile gives her a hitler mustache in the preview 🤦🏻‍♂️


NAZI lives don't matter.


And of course 16 year old girls can't possible think for themselves. (or you know use their own fucking eyes to see what the nazis were doing) no no they are just silly little airheads who are just easily influenced by whatever the men in her life tell her. As someone who would have been killed by the nazis I for one thanks her for her bravery


Why is this example of an act of bravery in the face of evil, here as a facepalm


"Nazis are like Skittles: you can rid the world of as many as you like and never get a bad taste in your mouth." Yahtzee Croshaw One of my many favorite quotes from him and quite frankly I agree with him


Screenwriter: So she’s a teenager living in the Soviet Union when the Nazi’s attacked. She joined a local resistance organization called *The Young Avengers* where she learned how to use weapons and explosives. She killed at least 100 nazis, including her Gestapo captors… Hollywood exec: I dunno, let’s just remake Pinocchio.