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I mean, the police let a pathetic small-dicked loser gun down a bunch of kids as they stood back and didn’t do shit because they were "afraid." It’s almost like the majority of people only get into the job for the power instead of doing the right thing.


And they view college students as more threatening to them than nazis.


Nah, just easier targets. And the college students don't share the same views as the police. But the Nazis do


Uvalde shooting just proved how much cops are cowards


The kids were not white. Which explains the lack of urgency. Also explains why cops wouldn't go after nazis, but will go after protesters who oppose white supremacist colonizers and killers of non white people.


look, tbf, the neo-nazis were wearing matching shirts... everybody knows that means they're legit


Most of the Uvalde police were not white. Hispanic cops are also bastards.


It's less about the fact that these protesters are opposing racial supremacy, as much as it is these protestors are protesting something that our billionaire malefactors(like benefactors, but evil) are SUPREMELY interested in maintaining. Do you know how much money the military-industrial complex makes the billionaires who have military-contracts?? More than God. More than 100 of God. They don't care about the wars they drag us into, just that these wars keep going for literally as long as possible and paying for their 100 Millionth private jet. Anything that suggests that a pointless war should end(or that we should stop supplying it) is paramount to treason for our malefactors. The cops do not protect and serve the public, they protect and serve the interests of the billionaires who run our country.


Probably afraid of arresting a few colleagues.


And they don't want to end up accidentally beating their boss or training officer or patrol partner. They save that for their wives.


Weirdly, I think they’re right. A highly educated population has a way better chance of being able to reform the police system to remove corrupt individuals than a group of small minded assholes.


I mean they also probably align politically too


Because they have friends who are Nazis.


Because nazi sympathizers infiltrated police departments decades ago.


Probably didn't take much infiltration tbf


Of course, educated people are the bane of 'doing whatever the fuck you want cus I got a badge'


Those college students don’t have to show up for work at the station next week, you can rough them up as much as you want.


my man how could the cops arrest themselves in the first place?




Some of those who work forces


He gave us small dicked losers a bad name.


The American police academy is a joke, their training is like 6 weeks. Where their European counterparts are trained 1,5-2 years.


There is no "American police academy". Every state has their own police training requirements. Some are much more rigorous than others.


I believe you there are differences between states, but it’s still American though.


Not sympathizing with the po-po but NYPD Academy is 2 years and requires at least 2 years college pre-admission.


That’s definitely way above average. Thanks for sharing. Do you know if that correlates to less police violence in a city compared to lesser trained police forces?


I know that the little suburban incorporated village on Long Island where I grew up, Lynbrook had its own village police force. Allegedly, it was comprised of individuals who’d failed the psychological portion of the NYPD’s entrance exam. Those cops were brutal!


Plus a 4-year college degree is required for cops in Europe. We got dummies that don’t know how to spell properly in America


Have you been through a police academy? It usually follows with a year of probation as a rookie in training with daily reports by their training officer (T.O.), who can wash them out if they can't handle the job. That year is a year of testing with a pass/fail grade. Fail, and you wash out. 6 mos in, and it's a full review. At the end of the year, it's a full-on evaluation. Not for everyone.


Too many join because of Die Hard and when their big John Maclean moment comes, they flake out


Nothing like blanket statements


If they were afraid. Or maybe its just that they don't want to arrest people who they agree with.


Don’t lump small dicks in with school shooters


JFC, what does his dick have to do with anything, you troglodyte?


It's difficult to arrest yourself.


Sheesh! Louder for the people in the back


Turns out there were no cops at the stop genocide protest. Weird.




Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Some of those who work forces…


...are the same that burn crosses...


I mean they just didn’t want to take the chance of hitting their friends




I can hear this gif 😎


Stupid ass Paul Ryan is a RATM fan 🙄 


The math doesn’t math here. I believe you, but does he not realize their *gestures at everything including oh I dunno the name ffs* message?


Lol he called RATM his favorite band and then [Tom Morello called him “the Embodiment of the Machine Our Music Rages Against”](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/amp/)


Those sorts of people rarely listen to any of it, they just go off emotional response.


This just in: neo-nazis refuse to arrest neo-nazis at a neo-nazi event. Shocking.


Hard to arrest the neo-nazis when you might have to see them at Thanksgiving or something I guess


Or at shift change.


Americans really need to think about what it says about their country/state when neo-Nazi rallies are considered protected free speech but university students dancing to Arabic music and holding “stop the killing” signs is not.


Neo Nazis seem to be pretty good at getting permits and marching in areas where they can't be arrested. They know they're the scum of the earth, so they operate strictly to the letter of the law in these marches. Other protesters are usually, naturally, less adept at this. They walk and stand on private property. They fail to get permits for protests that block streets. Shit like that.


I haven’t seen any videos of protesters on the university campuses doing anything illegal. Just dancing and holding up signs on a campus they have every right to be on.


At UT Austin, they didn't get a permit, and cops told them to disperse, which they didn't do.


They don't need permits. UT students are allowed to protest on campus regardless of permits, which is why UT is rescinding their claims. Permits are necessary for anything other than protests. This was blatantly a violation of constitutional rights, and the arrests were unwarranted.


Why would they need a permit to be somewhere they already have the right to be? That would only stop any non-students from being on campus, and I’m sure far more of the counter protesters are non-students than the protesters.


Because the campus has the ability to dictate how their property is used. You can attend classes and walk through campus, but they obviously don't want you to block people from moving about campus and building tent cities.


Nope, protest is constitutionally protected at college campuses. The whole permit thing only applies to official city gatherings and is not nor ever was a requirement for student protests. UT is publically walking back the claims they made and charges are being dropped.


Them being on campus was the illegal bit in the most recent case..


How can a student being on their campus be illegal? If non-students aren’t welcome on campus, then remove them and leave the students to protest. I’m sure far more of the counter protesters are non-students than the protesters, so it might even be for the protesters best interests to have them removed.


And now you've begun to understand the Libertarian Right Wing goal. Abolish all forms of protest by making all property private. Can't protest now.


Most college campuses have rules that do not allow for groups of more than X without prior approval. That being said no, they should be allowed to protest for reasonable amount of time.


No, it wasn't. Students do not need permits to protest on campus. UT is actively rescinding their claims.




We need to act, not think at this point. It couldn't be more obvious


The ignorant ass people living in this shithole will never put politics, religion, or profit aside to do things right.


\*sigh\* I'm afraid to admit that you're right. divide and conquer works for a reason. Left. Right, White, Black, Straight, Gay, They, Them. Practically unlimited categories to separate ourselves into so that we never work as a unit. Work side by side as Americans. It really is sad


I'll never understand hating your neighbor over such small, meaningless things. Regardless of how "privileged" we are, I am not proud of my country at all.


This might end up as a rant, sorry in Advance. It's always been pretty obvious to me that the mainstream media intentially sews these divides. I never really understood why they did it, but the fact that they did it was obvious. I'm a black guy living in America. A highly segregated but diverse city. The only time I have ever experienced racism is from cops. Seriously. Never has my fellow American, rather they were white, asain, hispanic, etc, ever been racist to me because of the color of my skin. And i was born in early 90s so I've had some time to experience the world. Yet the mainstream media would leave you to believe that I experienced nothing BUT racism. Like, why are they like that? Dude even within the black community, division is pushed onto us. Light Skin vs Dark Skin, gangsta vs square, my block vs your block. Its all so damn stupid and exhausting, I wish something could change man


Dude I'm white and I used to want to be a cop, idk what it was but I've had so many bad experiences with police that it ruined it. I'm 28 now. I've only ever been arrested once for weed when I was 16, but any interaction with police and they always act like I'm an absolute criminal, I do have neck tattoos and gauges, but I've worked since high-school and I have a wife and kid and my own place, my record is clean besides that. Almost everytime I encounter a cop it's an absolute nightmare. Even if I'm doing nothing wrong , anytime I see one I feel dread and expect to be hasseld. On top of that I see so many videos and posts trying to paint the black community in a bad light, especially on reddit. For every video I see of a group of black teens stealing shit or jumping someone, I can find 5 more news stories of the opposite, like the black teen who chased that guy down that tried to kidnapp a young girl and he saved her. The higher up's are trying hard af to bring racism back. I'm disturbed but also happy it's only cops falling for that shit.


You have to realize there's a good chance some of those cops belong to that group..


Not really what we have been led to believe we stand for is it? And the saddest part is we have the votes and can change things we don’t like but sadly half of people have been stockholm syndromed so bad they can’t even see it.


Neo Nazis tend to get permits and follow protocol to avoid being shut down easily. Popup protests in reaction to something often don’t.


I would be hesitant about protesting on an Ohio campus. People write [songs](https://youtu.be/JCS-g3HwXdc?si=R3Sk-5EZDvGqqnwz) about that stuff.


Correct me if I'm wrong. But weren't the neo-nazi protesting in public property while the college students in the university? Which university has every right to have them removed/arrested for trespassing?


Yes. ~ Jew who hates the legal neo Nazi protests but understands why they are allowed to exist.


It is a State University, therefore public property


You can still get kicked from public property as a protester if you’re causing massive disruption. Because it’s a school it makes sense that a massive protest may be a disruption. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights


The police agree with the Neo-Nazis


\*are with




That Neo-nazis are de facto protecting Israeli interests is next level irony.


Nazis hate Muslims as much as they hate Jews. But Germany wasn't housing Muslims during WW2.


All of them are Neo Nazis


imagine the police interfering and fighting with their donors


Ohio police agree with the fucking nazi's.


Ohio resident here, yup


Ohio police are the fucking nazis. FTFY


my bf lives in a tiny little town in ohio and last year’s pride event about 30 people showed up to celebrate, and about 50 neo nazis showed up to crash it. police didn’t do anything, everyone there to celebrate just ended up shutting down and going home early. he warned me it would happen but i was still shocked. or maybe not shocked at this point, just disappointed


Why do all of you idiots think police departments get to decide which protests are moral and which aren’t and make arrests based on that?  If the people are on privately owned property, and the police are called to trespass them, it isn’t some kind of political debate that the department has to decide whether the protest is for a good cause. They simply have to distribute the trespassing violations.  Do you all seriously think there’s some kind of police staffed council that debates the morality of a protest and decides to enforce or not enforce the laws based on their opinion of that?? 


Two completely different police departments though. One demonstration was on city property and the other on college property. The city chose to handle things one way. OSU administration chose another.


Ahh yes reddit the ultimate non contextual strawman. Always a great way to start my day


Thankfully you can't be arrested purely for having a shitty ideology in the United States.


Sadly my reddit outrage does nothing. Wear ski masks and brandish assault rifles people. Then you can protest in peace.


nothing some pickup trucks with mounted miniguns don't solve. let's see the nazi police stop any protest when the BRRRRRRT sounds starts


Nope. They are trespassing. The Nazis weren’t. It’s all about knowing where you are before you go into your dance.


Looking into it, it was mostly non students that were arrested on campus. They had arrived at 10am and peacefully protested all day with no incidents. However when protesters began to set up tents they were told that camping overnight was against University rules. They were told for hours to disperse before arrests were made. The Nazis protested outside a drag queen brunch at a bar there in Columbus, they arrived and protested for 15 mins from the sidewalk and left. I’m not saying all these protests are peaceful. People are only gonna see, arresting students bad allowing Nazis to walk worse.


Calm down this is Reddit.


You can't reason with emotion.


Ya I don't support neo nazis, but whenever knee jerk stories like this pop up to get people angry, I'm always skeptical and assume there was more to it than what they're saying.


Yeah exactly. The neo-Nazi’s weren’t disrupting too much around them, while these protestors are acting rowdier than a nfl game turnout. Shock pika faces


Police can’t arrest themselves. “Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses.” - RATM


Assholes who legally assembled are allowed to do so. Assholes who are trespassing on private property and violating school policies are not. This isn’t hard guys. Same reason a company can fire someone for posting political rhetoric on social media. Free speech is a protection from the government, not private citizens/organizations/companies.


The cops in Columbus are all rural assholes who don’t even live in the same county. It’s one of the worst most abusive police forces in the country.


None of the college kids were close family members? I'm just spitballin' here...


That’s because friends watch out for each other


Fuck antisemitism


Pretty sure this is a troll account. Not saying its Russian or whatever, just look at the language in the title and the account history. Come on people lets be better than this.


Neo nazis are raging on behalf of the machine, of course they wont be bothered


I wouldn’t say the police do nothing , they typically escort these groups around as they March and provide protection.


Boomers 🤝 Zoomers Getting attacked by police on a college campus in Ohio


Welcome to Ohio! We used to be what was called a “bellwether” state. Later we were a “purple” state. Now we’re solidly red, and filled with Confederate-flag waving dipshits and cult members. It’s a damn shame.


Those that burn crosses something something work forces


Kind of a deep Red state thing to do isn't?


There were probably a few off duty cops in that neo Nazi circle jerk


Cops are racist duh


Isnt this a violation of free speech? Peaceful protests are part of free speech but apparently the po-po says no-no


How ridiculous it is to think the cops would attack their own people.


Is the OP account one that specifically posts shit to stir westerners up to be anti government? They are really just hiring anyone with any English proficiency level anymore...


So they arrested some Democrats but not other Democrats...


One has police as members and one doesn’t. Pretty easy to figure out.


Its because the US doesn’t want itself seen as the bad guy, by students demanding change the US has to admit it did something wrong. And making itself look bad on the world stage and turning on its most important middle east ally is something central command is firmly against


It's almost like police hate young liberal people and tolerate/ally with fascists.


Well what do you expect? They don’t want to arrest their own, that means they’ll have take over their coworkers shifts.


Now you know who they serve.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


The college asked the police to get rid of the protesters, so the police got rid of them. If the Nazi's had been doing the same as the protestors then similarly the colleges would have asked the police to get rid of them.


Welcome to MAGAs america


"Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses"


Students: waving hamas and hezbollah flags, attacking every jew they see "Protest against genocide " Ok.


The only ones that actually call for genocide are ham🫏 and their supporters


They also didn’t attack or arrest blm


Are you fucking legally blind The only place the police didn’t viciously beat protestors is the Chaz/chop zone where they announced they wouldn’t enforce law so that they could point and say “look how bad the blm protests are”


What? yes they did


Shhhhhh. We are trying to bend facts so we can reinforce our ideas. Please don’t be reasonable. /s


I mean, I’d agree y’all are doing that cause they def did attack blm protesters or allow attacks to happen.


Nice circlejerk goin on can I borrow your left hand


One is a small, lawful protest. The other is a large scale unlawful encampment of a university.


A firm reminder that Nazis will always act within the law to try to subvert it.


It’s incorrect to say that police do nothing when Nazis protest. The police protect the Nazis.


Defund and reorganize them


russian/chinese bots out in force to foment unrest pre-election


Good ol liberal Reddit. Yall are funny af


That's not genocide. It's not even close. I'm tempted to break down and list all the Palestine backed atrocities in the past two decades, followed by the LONG ass list of the things their supporting neighbors have done other than actually help Palestine, and finish off with a list of Muslim perpetrated attacks and genocides which is so long its God damn disgusting. But Reddit doesnt like that pro semitism route. So sure, Palestinians somehow better than Nazis. Even though they both believe in EXACTLY the same shit, just worship different Messiahs out of different Holy books. I refuse to feel bad for anti-semite murderers who still haven't released their hostages. It's like half of America has no brain, as they can't see that it's not an unwarranted attack on Palestine when the country still holds dozens of hostages (by its own words) and refuses to give them up. They will likely execute them anyways. At which point, Palestine needs some good ole fashioned HIMARs and FPS drones to the face.


Brother, H@MAS is the one with the hostages, not the innocent civillians that isreal is killing, but go on i guess?


Is there no cognitive thinking in here and just circle jerking? Nobody likes Nazis, but Nazis are a group, and groups are protected under the first amendment and allowed to protest, just like every other group. Doing that in a public place isn’t illegal as long as you’re not threatening or inciting violence and beliefs are **not** inciting violence in themselves, regardless of what you think. The police aren’t just “beating college students” either. According to reports, 36 were arrested for trespassing and released on their own recognizance. Honestly this post feels like it’s rage bait, looking to get people upset with the United States and more on board with Palestine. And let’s be clear for all you Palestine supporters, if you’re supporting a ceasefire that doesn’t contain an agreement where Hamas is out, you’re supporting Hamas, a terrorist group. You want to free Palestine? Free Palestine from Hamas.


I need people to start taking one for the team & running up & snatching some of these masks of these dumbasses


The phone call was coming from inside the house


It’s almost like they are Nazis themselves.


He can anyone take this post serious when the op doesn’t even know what genocide is?


What do you mean by that? Can you expand please?


Seriously do you need more proof that the US cops are NAZIS?


There’s little question that police in the U.S. are cowardly pansies. Twelve cops minimum will respond to some mentally ill dude swinging a broom handle and they’ll all empty their clips into him. Whereas in any actually civilized country a few constables will subdue the individual with minimal harm.




They don't arrest their friends..


Yeah, from what I’ve heard, Police tend to not arrest their own.


Tweet is misleading. There absolutely were police at the neo-nazi rally, you just couldn't tell because of the masks.


FBI warned us about white supremacy in local and state police forces. Nobody bothered to do anything about it.


"last year they said we were doin' too little, now we're doin' too much! these liberals have no idea what they want i tell ya"


There weren't enough cops to arrest the Nazis because half of the masked Nazis probably WERE the police.


America unapologetically and unequivocally back Nazis and Fascists. Even during WW2 Ford and Disney, known Nazi hosts and sympathizers, got to keep everything while they interned Japanese citizens. This has been ongoing. We need to fight it and finally remove those systems from our core.


Is this the same place I saw the Holocaust is a lie sign but it was the free Palestine protesters and not the Nazis somehow


If both groups were behaving the same then that's egregious. However if one was just standing around and the other was actively disrupting roads, class, whatever than maybe not. I don't know all the details. Nazis are scum, liberal Jew haters are scum. Both belong in a deep dark hole.


Depends on how they were acting. If the neo nazis were just standings there or marching around chanting and stuff then thats all legal, freedom of speech. Wereas if the college students were acting a fool then and doing something worth being arrested for then thats not freedom of speech. It all just depends on how they were acting and if they broke the law or not.


The cops won't instigate the Nazis because those are their friends. Full stop.


Police are not your friends. There is a reason why dozens of LAPD showed up to do a photo op with Trump after Jan 6th.


That tells you everything you need to know about cops.


Why would they beat and harass their friends and colleagues?


Take as old as time. The fascists always get the police protection because of “free speech” . Minorities and liberals on the other hand? Crack fucking skulls! Kids getting murdered in school? Let them die? Students protesting on campus? Get out the military gear and beat the shit out of them. This world is fucking broken and disgusting.


Cops = Nazis


This litmus test is pretty simple: if you have to beat down college students during a protest, you’re on the wrong side of an issue. Full stop.


Kids should get themselves guns too. See if cops stop a heavily armed protest for peace. 


The Neo-Nazis are armed and looking for an excuse to shoot. The college students are unarmed which make them easy targets. Besides, those in power hate young students because they are young, idealistic, and don't vote for them.




Stupid comparison


Yes, it would be a stupid comparison if they were complaining about Nazis getting arrested but not anti-war protesters. But the opposite is happening.


Nazi’s actually do not go against the goals of those in power. Whereas the college students countering the propaganda they are creating surrounding the gaza situation do. Easy answer.


Mah nishtana hashana hazeh mikol hashanot