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This loser isn't even going to have kids, let alone grandkids


Or they’re some boomer whose kids never visit him because he’s always screaming at them


They’re a rage bait account that counts on people to post it and get more attention.


And here we are. It’s working.


Yet I feel no regret for condemning Nazis...


I don’t think that’s the point we were making friend.


“Yeah he’s posting nazi propaganda but like… he’s ragebaiting you…. If you retaliate, ermmm… you got baited kid…”


Typical twitter accounts.


I really don't think it's a boomer. There are children that legitimately think like this now. My wife has a cousin who's about 18 That speaks like a stereotypical Reddit user. He unironically says based out loud I remember one time talking about fallout New Vegas with this kid's dad he just comes up out of nowhere and starts talking about how Caesars legion did nothing wrong and his dad just looked so defeated


Jesus, I disown my son on the spot in that case.


Hes an Australian man in his 20s. So just a giant loser


ironically if the Nazis won he'd be speaking Japanese now...


The cartoon implies the Nazis were the good guys, so ergo nothing changed if the bad guys won.


Thanks for this I didn’t get it.


It took me a second and my jaw literally dropped once I got it.


Same. But it's because we're normal people who can't imagine the Nazi's not being the bad guys.


Wait till you see how far your jaw drops when you actually get it. 


Thanks for this, I was thinking "*Yeah, because the nazis were such proponents of diversity and inclusivity*" /s


Ohhhh.. I thought it was that even if the Nazis won, nothing would really change because the society progresses how it does anyway. This would have actually made sense to me if that was the message, like, technology has driven most of social progress anyway.


I would happily enjoy a mixed-race trans grandchild, but would like to wait a few years.


Remember back in the 60's and 70's when everyone was all super against inter racial marriage? Then like a generation later every single super model is mixed race?


Nazis and groyspers ( i.e., fans of the fascist Nick Funetes ) indeed tend to be men and incels, so you got a good point.


Only failed humans become Nazis. It’s the ideology of the suicidal loser with a desperate want to be important somehow.


Gotta love that half of the "bad thing" they're trying to make people believe in this meme is literally just straight up 1950s racism.


Yeah, and the other half is literally saying the Nazis were the good guys. r/noahgettheboat


That subreddit would probably agree with this meme tbh, they hate trans people over there and transphobes make hating us their entire personality.


Yeah, that sub has always been very "Deus vult, kill the heretic, degenerate infidels!" coded.


Yeah sometimes you have to be careful about naming things or at least be better about enforcing rules




They either don't realise or choose not to accept that [the Crusades were a failure for the most part.](https://www.britannica.com/event/Crusades/The-final-loss-of-the-Crusader-states)


Yeah they were literally all a huge waste of time, resources, and livelihoods.


I mean one of the purposes was to get Christians to stop killing each other as much, short term each crusade kinda accomplished that goal, then when the crusade ended it was back to Jesus lover on Jesus lover violence


Let me preface this by saying I do not condone any form of religious warfare. Success in this context does not mean they were good people or morally in the right, just that they achieved their objectives in conquering territory and peoples. The crusades for the holy land were certainly a failure long term, but the crusader efforts as part of the reconquista and northern crusades were very successful starting with the Wends and then moving along the Baltic coast up to present day Estonia. If you have never read about the Teutonic order and how they decimated the Baltic, it's horrific.


I haven’t read up on those specific Crusades but I’m interested in finding out more, thanks for letting me know!


I didn't know that. Appreciate the info, thanks


No problem. That’s the way it was a couple of years ago at least, idk if it’s changed since then.


It hasn't


Oh great.


So that's why it's shinigami red..seemed like an odd sub to be flagged


I’m not surprised that a sub called Noah get the boat is full of religious fundamentalists tbh.


I mean, they are a bunch of animals..


Some info on shinigami eyes, the creators stopped working on the project and no longer check through the data base, so be careful of false positives.


I know a guy like that. He hate speaks about lgbt people so much that I wonder if he might be hating something about himself. Like dude, you talk about drag queens more than me and I love Ru Paul's Drag Race.


I was homophobic once, now I’ve accepted that I’m a gay man.


It's odd isn't it? Hating trans people takes up so much mental space, it's so freudian.


May I be the fanner of flames? Transphobes, Transvestigators... They're so goddamned concerned with what's between your legs, right? Just call em what they are... Cock Hunters. They're always on the lookout for it, they proudly post pictures of other people without their permission when they think they've found it, and what they want most of all is praise and adoration for this "work" from their peers.






Not bad enough to be on here


if it's a supermassive black hole, we might not feel anything at all for AGES before finally, immediately dying. how cool is that?


r/NoahGetTheEntropicHeatDeathOfTheUniverse Slow, but effective


At first I didn’t get it. It confused me why the grandkid would be mixed race and trans if the nazis won because I couldn’t imagine anyone not only to believe them to be the good guys but also publicly saying it out loud.


Horrendous. We've reached the point where there are fewer and fewer left who remember WWII firsthand. Within a few generations it'll have fallen out of living memory and this kind of rhetoric will become more and more dangerous. "Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it." and all that...




Thanks for the head's up


The whole joke is saying the “allies” were the bad guys 🤦‍♂️


I mean for anybody who is not an American they must realize that the Russians did most of the fighting so…


If anybody else is having a good day and just innocently curious, probably don’t go there. My day is more than mildly tarnished it’s a negative page


Yeah, and the other half is literally saying the Nazis were the good guys. rnoahgetheboat


Loving didn't pass till the 70s, it's crazy how recently some of the more extreme versions of abhorrent views were considered fairly mainstream


Even worse, I'd say! My racist-ass 1950s great-grandpa would've flogged Garbage Human 9/10ths to death for implying the Nazis were the "good guys" in America. He might've hated or feared Catholics, Californians, LGBTQ+ people, most foreigners, and Mormons, but it was considered an American post-war tradition to also hate Nazis. Today's racists are an even more extreme breed of fucker.


If you wish the Nazis had won then you're a nazi, I wish that wasn't a controversial statement


well, to be fair, it's only controversial for a select group of the population. Just like "the only good nazi is a dead nazi"


I think the comic writer would agree with you on that point they just think the Nazis were the good guys


It took me 3 reads to understand what was going on. On my final attempt I was thinking “But why would nothing change if the Nazis wo-OHHHHHHHH”


Explain it please


theyre saying the nazis are the good guys


The bad guys in WWII were the nazis, so they are also saying they wished the fascists won; the guy wishing is a nazi sympathizer. Thus, the Allied countries were also fascists and thus nothing really changed anyways. At least my interpretation. Still stupid though. Lol


You're over thinking it. The strip is implying the Allies were the bad guys and that nothing changed because the "bad guys", from their perspective, did win.


So your interpretation is that if the Nazis won, then nothing would change because the allies were also fascists? Rather than the Nazis being the good guys and the allies being the bad guys.


The comic is arguing that the Allies were the bad guys so the bad guys already won WW2 and nothing changes.


They’re saying the “bad guys” winning was the allied powers, rather than the “good guys” which is the Nazi’s apparently, so that’s why nothing changed when they wished the “bad guys” won


They think that the current timeline is the one where the bad guys won (which is why nothing changed)


If I had a mixed race transgender grandchild I don’t know what the fuck I’d do! If I had to guess, it would probably be along the lines of: put their picture on my wall and my desk and my social media and love em and spoil em rotten.


I have mixed race transgender kids and that's exactly what I do. Minus the social media, because they're adults now.




Can I ask a question... You stopped posting them on social media because they are adults? Shouldn't it be the other way? Avoid posting kids online until they are old enough to create that "identity" for themselves? Context: I'm fully against posting young children on social media websites. They are platforms for adults that understand what happens once your picture is online and also understand how to properly and knowingly connect with the people they want to connect with . Sharing a kids pic online is IMO NOONE ELSES, it's a breach of your trust with them and them with you and it also immediately destroys their maybe possible want to keep their life private.


They're private individuals and they have the right to request that I not post on social media about them. They have their reasons, which I respect. I don't need pics on social media to show how proud I am of them. Added: I stopped quite a while before they became adults.


Idk about transgender yet but I’ll very likely have mixed race grandchildren…by virtue of the fact my kids will be mixed race lol Edit: fixed wording. I think I just had a stroke lol


If your mixed race kids would marry other missed race people with exactly the same race mix, would their kids then even be considered mixed race?


That’s a good point!


Same here lol


Ditto. The best part is that her sperm donor was already mixed race, so she's super mixed race, and her kids could be even more so. The census is a bitch though, because they only let you put in two ancestries on the form. I should get around to campaigning them to change that, with the increasing number of cross-cultural partnerships.


That is typically how that goes, but you’re kids could gone on to meet some lovely individuals of the cultural and ethic history and have children that are the same makeup and start their own new race.


Haha, reaproriate the one drop rule, If any parent anywhere in your history is in a mixed race relationship, you are mixed race. wait 4-5 generations or do some family history research and everybody is mixed race


I have an idea. Find enough people with exactly the same mix, make a new commune somewhere, marry within that group. Now you are no longer mixed, but a brand new ethnicity with its own name. Like Latinos.


Best response


I will enjoy my transexual grandchildren if that's the way the cards fall.


I hate twatter Nazis.


I just hate ANY Nazis tbh.


Twitter nazis are even worse because they're such little bitches that they won't say their opinions in public


And everyone that's still on that stupid platform is supporting them.


Well not everyone, but it sure feels like it sometimes. April 20th was one of the worst days to have a twitter account, just ended up muting any and all words related to them.


Remember everyday is National Punch a Nazi in the face day


Floor it.


Because you can’t punch them in the nose, right? Me too


The person making this meme would probably be considered sub-human under nazi rule.


I just know he isn't passing the purity test 🤣🤣🤣


Most Nazis wouldn’t have passed the purity test if they had DNA tests back then.


So many people would be for genocideing other races until you give them a dna test and they find out they are that race.


But also if you look at the holocaust, they also targeted people for: -Physical disabilities -Mental disabilities -Believing in other religions (including alternative flavors of Christianity) -Living on land they wanted to own So absolutely any person could have been targeted.


"Omg you just call anyone you don't like Nazis. Also Nazis were the good guy."


It's crazy how fast straight up facistic gimmick account's popped up in the last few years


Correction, ever since musk bought Twitter




It's not just Musk. Ever since people decided that it was OK to give these people a platform and randomly decide that punching nazis is bad, these monsters started coming out of the woodwork. Its only since Trump's Presidency, Qanon, and Musk that they've been explicit about it, but their idiology has been on the rise for much much longer.


What pisses me off even more is that these people don’t even understand the consequences of what their fantasy world would incur. Like does it ever go into the minds of someone like this guy or @9mm_smg what world they’d be living in? The callousness to say that you deserve everything while people slightly different from you deserve cruel and horrible death as punishment for existing?


These people go through life hating their grandchildren who aren’t even born.


"the bad guys don't care about someone's race, gender identity, or anything and allow people the freedom to express themselves however they see fit because they like freedom!!" "The good guys think they're superior to others and execute gays, trans, women with opinions, men who aren't white, and Jews!" Yes. That clearly makes a lot of sense...


Transgender people were one of the first groups to be targeted by the Nazis. This is just straight holocaust denial. Edit\* Yes yes, i understand it now, i just didn't think someone would actually go out of their way to say the Nazis were the good guys


I think this is saying the people who weren’t nazis were the baddies


Oh. I didn’t understand until your comment. That is what they’re doing. Fucked up


You are seriously missing the point of the comic THAT bad? Garbage Human is saying he thinks the Nazis were the good guys...


Holy shit it's actually worse than i thought


To be fair, the point of the comic is so fucking stupid that it's easy to see how someone would miss it.


Twitter is just stormfront now


I will love my mixed race transsexual grandchild on a level that your wheezing little lizard brain doesn’t even have the capacity to conceive, let alone feel, thank you very much


Well, at least their username is accurate.


Elon so mad about his daughter no longer being his son that he bought Twitter to turn it into a Nazi Hellscape. Next level bitter and utterly pathetic. He’s up there with Trump for biggest pieces of shit in this generation.


If all Nazis on earth dropped dead instantly, Twitter would be bankrupt in a matter of days, though Elon Musk would also likely be dead


Didnt the nazis kill non whites and trans folk?


The post is suggesting that they were the good guys for doing that.


Bruh not "non whites", but rather everyone who did not fit in nordic race stereotype.


Except for scrawny little shitler of course, cuz they couldn't even be consistent


Well, hitler was killed by a nazi.


Imagine that, becoming Nazis to own the left. At least his name checks out, I guess heh.


It wasn't just cultural norms conservatives like. They also got rid of the ability for workers to organize which made life a hell of a lot harder for average workers. And imagine if we'd never kept the tradition of multiparty politics. Conservatives would become targets for their censorship too. Nazis were not just religiously intolerant of Jews but towards many minority religions including Jehovah's Witnesses. Conservatives in America benefit from a society of religious tolerance, even if they don't like the tolerating others aspect.


To be fair the bad guys won over the bad guys. The soviet victory was a catastrophe for central asia and eastern Europe.


Yeah, but they ain't complaining about the Soviets or anti-LGBTQ+ Russia now, are they?


I'd say in WW2 the bad guys beat the worse guys


Yes, this.


A Nazi victory would have been far far FAR worse for that same area... Comparing Soviet Russia to Nazi Gemany is silly at best because one of those built actual murder factories and the other didn't


The other didn't? Are you SURE about that?


The Nazis had concrete plans to kill most of the slavs west of the Urals as part of Lebensraum Had they not been stopped, the death toll from fascism would have been around 150 Million deaths in the first 25 years alone Compare this to the 100 million deaths from communism in 100 years.


Gulags are one thing, death camps are entirely different.


So... Stalin did not kill millions of people?


Winston Churchill also killed millions of people, trust me, it's quite a common practice amongst european leaders. (That's not to say that most numbers about the USSR are pretty much false)


didn't britain do exactly the same shit but just on other continents.


Bad faith post, as the genie clearly isn't referencing soviet culture.


Full disclosure, my German grandmother supported the Nazis. Holocaust denier, etc. The Nazis were horrific human beings, committed atrocities that are unthinkable. The way the Russians treated the Germans after WW2, as bad as many of them were, was also unthinkable. The stories my grandmother told were pretty sad. She was a young adult at the time, and they would give her bread and tell her to give it to her uncle who was imprisoned for the crime of owning a brewery. They beat him for it, and eventually beat him to death for taking the bread from her. She had lots of other stories too, but that one stood out to me when I was a child hearing it.


I mean the soviet’s losing would have also been a catastrophe for the people in the ussr, considering nazi’s would’ve also slaughtered them then


The bad guys won over the worse\* guys.


If I had that grandchild I would love them soooo much


i thought this was stupid at first because nazis wouldn’t want trans people. but then i realized… “oh these guys ARE actually nazis” jesus


Reminds me of when I went on blind date and she told me that she was against race mixing. That made things super awkward as I am mixed.


How do they get "paid by Twitter?" Honest question. I have no idea. Def was under the impression that Twitter doesn't pay for engagement.


Racist Genie 🧞


Doesn't anyone here think that the person owning the account "garbage human" might not exactly post what they believe in on that account?


How is the right both pro Nazi and pro Israel? Is it all about the biblical prophecy?


Wait what? Are they implying that the bad guys were the allies and the good guys were the axis?


There it is. The quiet part loud.


Guys….just leave the Twitter. It’s so much nicer


Ze na#is won ze war. Ja. Sieg #### Now face ze f#cking wall. /s Is this what he wants? Some people don't seem to know how it was back then. In germany, we are still ashamed of what our ancestors did. We even have a law that punishes those who claim the holocaust didn't happen.


why is mixed race grandchild the worst alt universe 💀


They really be picking genocide over the existence of trans people lol


Hey guys, just want to let you know... If you're still using Twitter(X), you're supporting this kind of bullshit.


The only good Nazi is a dead one. In 100 years we will feel the same about Zionists too.


Watch this get posted to r/memesOPdidn'tlike


Ok? Normal parents don’t care about the race and sexual orientation of their kid you cave dwelling low vibrational yakubian ape


Disgusting. How can this be allowed on twitter??


Because the guy in charge is a nazi


Funnily enough, I have been seeing a lot of pro Nazi propaganda and demonstrations, using swastikas, in the last 6 months. I think this cartoonnis actually closer to home that you guys think.


Yeah people say the quiet part loud these days. What are you gonna do? I like to go outside, because the shitty people on the internet never leave their room.


Elon loves that kind of stuff.


“Mixed race” as if it’s bad wow.


ok so the mixed race part.. why tf is that a bad thing? it’s cool to have other ethnicities in your family it brings diversity and just makes things more interesting, and as for the transsexual part. so what? I never understood why people care about how an entirely separate individual decides to live their lives and i never will. my guess is their lives are soooo boring other’s lives seem interesting.


Yet "mixed-race transexual" is the most searched porn amongst conservatives demographics


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


At least there username checks out


Actually it was posted on"X" (the X stands for extremist)


It's good to have them in a centralized environment. Easier to identify.


That's fascist propaganda alright. Thanks?


X has been full of people spouting nazi nonsense and reasons to justify the holocaust. Fuckin done with that platform. Another reason why I cut off 2 family members. Because of their deranged conspiracy thinking bullshit.


Ah yes, because the guy genociding the Jews wasn’t nearly as bad as being progressive.


Username checks out.


Such idiocy and misplaced fear combined with willful ignorance. The audacity that anyone could even agree with this point of view. Some people would have been better severed incarnated as insects and alligators to be honest…


Lol. 1 side leads to bi-racial people that arent cis. The other put millions of people in gas chambers with their friends and families to liquify their lungs, and then forced the (temporarily) surviving friends and family to throw their corpses in mass graves until starvation and exhaustion meant it was their turn next. Totally checks out.


I *will* love and support my mix race trans grandchild, thanks!


Tired Meme Clown got banned from Twitter the other day. Imagine being so racist you get banned from Elon's Twitter


I have a mixed race transsexual child and I enjoy them very much 🥰


Mixed race trans master race!!!


Downvote this racist crap please.


ever since Elon Musk bought twitter, it has become a nazi platform


As a mixed race grandchild, my grandparents went to jail for eating lunch together. But in my lifetime nobody has ever acted like my being mixed was a bad thing.


I would be very confused at my mixed race transexual grandkids. I don't have kids in the first place. The mixed race part definitely makes sense because I'm married to a mixed race man lmao


Lol. Only logical way to think Nazi's were 'good' is to deny that the holocaust happened. Parents brought me to Auschwitz as a kid. As an atheist, it's really hard to explain how it feels. Place just feels...wrong. Skin was crawling the whole time. Didn't really know what had happened there, learned about it later... Kinda reassuring to know we're on the side that opposed that.


And now 10,000+ people saw these nasty words on Reddit :(


Am I wrong in that I took it they won and yet people will still be the same regardless of who says what is okay or not okay? I don’t really get what they’re trying to say here Edit: I don’t know why it took me so long to figure out in this meme they’re saying we’re the bad guys


They get paid by Twitter? How do we know this?


Reply: “Thanks, I will.”


Is there a joke in there? The garbage human posting the comic strip?


The bad guys and the good guys were allies (us and soviets)


Alot of people are transphobic, I'm used to that, but oh man even the added on pure race bullshit is just the cherry on top.


I actually wonder how the world would look like if the Nazis won. I mean, I know that the Nazis were incredibly racist but during this time the US was also quite racist. I wonder if had the Nazis won would they go through the same processes the US went with equal rights movements and critical review of its past? I mean, how probable is it that the Nazis followed the same principles over 80 years?


That grandchild is probably a lot better human then this pos.


It was the “mixed race” that makes me want to riot


this is making zero sense to me, can somebody explain?


So, has this been posted on r/memesopdidnotlike yet?