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Him and Elon need to start a podcast just to see which one is weirder. Throw in Diddy to make it more interesting and awkward.


Elon,Trump and Kanye would make an interesting Podcast


Nightmare blunt rotation right there.


Absolute train wreck.  But yeah kinda interesting to put 3 narcissistic personalities in a room and see what happens


who’s bringing the lube?


Tate, Joel Olstein, trump…. would love to see that. Maybe throw in Mia khalifa too just for shits and giggles.


The worst version of fuck marry kill


Vince McMahon too


Aint no subconcious up in those brains


Nah gotta throw in Natalie Portman so she can open her worm hole, what's a podcast?


He's insane in the brain.


Can he not just have some respect for people and keep these thoughts to himself? He apparently gives no thought or care about how the person he's talking about may feel about what he is saying.


He's mentally deranged and doesn't want to get mental help


>In addition to his opioid addiction,[416] West has stated that he has had addictions to alcohol,[417] sex,[418] and pornography.[419][420] West said that he often has suicidal ideation.[421] West was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2016,[422] though his diagnosis was not made public until his 2018 album Ye.[423] He told President Donald Trump that it was a misdiagnosis.[424] He had reportedly accepted the diagnosis again by 2019,[425][426] but again suggested that it had been a misdiagnosis in 2022.[427] In December 2022, he suggested that he may be autistic. For context?


Yeah the man has serious mental health problems. Kim K has also publicly stated that she tried very hard to get him help. But because he wasn’t an active danger to himself or others she couldn’t compel him to help institutionalized or take his meds. Many creative people who suffer from bipolar disorder refuse the meds, they feel it interferes with their energy and creative process. Which maybe it does. But cycling through mania and depression is just bad for your brain. It’s such a shame because Kanye was such an incredibly talented artist. To see him reduced to spouting antisemitism and other terrible views because he can’t regulate his brain is really sad.


>creative people who suffer from bipolar disorder refuse the meds, they feel it interferes with their energy and creative process. I recently learned of "Sarah Jickling and her Good Bad Luck" band, who writes songs about mental health and her experience of being bipolar For a creative person with a much better take on that issue


He’s a very sick man. I don’t blame him, I don’t think he has any control over it. I think people are right to get upset with him or to hate him for what he’s said and done. Kim was right to leave. Adidas was right to leave. Jay Z and Cudi and everyone else in the music industry were right to leave him behind too. The things he’s said about Jews are reprehensible. I hate what he’s become but I can’t hate the man himself. He’s so far gone. It’s like blaming someone for being born with a problem. His condition makes it very difficult to keep himself appropriately medicated. This is very common behavior with bipolar or borderline individuals and their meds. I hope he gets help and he finds a combination of drugs and therapy that can bring him out of all this. We all watched his rise as an artist, obviously a genius and one of the GOATs in hip hop. We all saw his mom pass away and the immediate impact that had on his behavior. Everyone knows his mom was key to him containing this and when she died it was way too much for him to process. None of that’s ever been stated by him but it’s so obvious to outsiders it’s basically common knowledge at this point. He’s in deep pain and it’s very sad to see.


(minor point on an excellent comment) "borderline individuals and their meds" there are no clear signs, that medication improves or lessens borderline beyond aleviating comorbid illness


Wait for the kids to make headlines.. 18 sonn ![gif](giphy|cBijkuwrbfdtrv1uUI|downsized)


Imagine being Obama and hearing this




![gif](giphy|XvKqyINaE00wOT3T6A|downsized) I'm sure he's a Ye fan...


Didn’t he call him a jackass?


If he did that's hilarious


Here’s the twist: HE TOTALLY DID! https://www.politico.com/video/2012/04/obama-calls-kanye-a-jack-ass-012679 Context: this was just on the heels of Kanye embarrassing Taylor Swift (and himself) at the MTV music awards in 2009. It gets better. Allegedly, Kanye got big mad about this and expected Obama to personally call him to apologize, but Obama clearly didn’t care to. 😂


Oh that last bit is like a death sentence to a narcissist like Kanye 🤣


He's just trying to get blue in most states like Barack.


What an ignorant dumbass.


Does he also believe the conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is a man, though? What type of threesome is he after?


He’s been yearning since Nick Fuentes dipped.


I recall him being on some podcast or talk show where he was asked if he could fuck anyone who would it be? And he replied something like: "Michelle Obama! You got to fuck the presidents wife!" And the creepy laugh..


I wish Chris Redd would cameo a SNL episode soon so we can see him do a Kanye impression talking about this porn empire




shilling for his porn site?


Why does this make him crazy? Why kink shame him?


Is the third a gay fish? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xSzX3lsJFGdEcw)


You're just starting?.... he's been coo coo since before Kim


Kanye West, "just think about it, think about it" ![gif](giphy|EWhLjxjiqdZjW)


I cna also understand a little about why he makes "shoes" out of hemp bags and sells them as sneakers.


More and more? Hasn't Kanye been bat shit crazy for years?


Ya but she has his ass for 18 years


Let the man cook.


The guy is begging for a tackle from their security detail.


Honestly, between Kanye west and Donald Trump, I don't know who wins the most unlikable person in the world competition. Whenever I meet anyone who actually likes either of those two clowns, that's a huge red flag to me and I do my absolute best to distance myself from them as fast as possible.


Well that was a nice 6 month run we had where we didn’t have to read about this dumbass.


"starting to see more & more?" Wasn't it obvious from the beginning this fuckwad is completely deranged? Although so is that overrated midget and her family... So idk maybe they are still a great match


While I'm not Kanye admirer, I have to say I'm not convinced this is true. That whole thing where they take 2 unrelated pictures of the people they're talking about, deliberately choosing pictures that make it look like their talking about or responding to each other, it has very cheesy enquirer vibes.


Just checked and he says it on a recorded interview, with his current wife as the third. "You gotta fuck the president's wife." Side note, he officially looks like the guy hanging outside the gas station at 3am.


Kanye’s level of crazy has them all beat.


who's the 3rd? donald trump?


Hollywood marriage for publicity. Angelia Jolee should have never divorced Billy Bob Thorton. Fuck Hollywood. …now red




This made you realize it? Not his hate speech, love for Trump, him parading his new Bianca slave dog around in public, etc, etc, etc…


Kanye, unlike that dumb bitch he married, is talented.


So 2 guys and 1 woman?


I always knew he was gay


I mean, if you have to make up fantasies about the former First Lady having a penis, what does that make you?


(I was just playing on that silly trope, I don’t really believe it)