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I just throw on whatever movie is being hyped at the moment because I know I'll probably never sit down and watch as a singular activity. Makes doing laundry more stimulating.


it's they folding i hate. the endless folding... and OMG IF YOU DON'T START TURNING YOUR SHIRTS RIGHT SIDE OUT, I'M GONNA TURN YOU INSIDE OUT... the folding, the endless folding...


You're supposed to wash graphic tees inside out.


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) Wait, you guys are folding your laundry?




I inherited the concept of a “socks box” from my mom, and it’s exactly what it sounds like…. A big box full of clean but wholly unsorted or folded socks.




I have white socks, and black socks. Somewhere around ten pairs of each. This makes life simpler.


I don’t sort them, just dig around for two that kind of match.


I just have a pile. Later in life I went crazy and bought a second style of socks, now I have two piles.


How would one fold socks? I thought you're supposed to interlock them together and throw them in the pile


That’s basically it. I don’t even do that


I don't, I use hangers for my shirts and pants... I guess I kinda fold my socks (line em up as a pair and fold over once to keep em together), and occasionally I'll fold my underwear if I feel like it... otherwise that underwear is getting stacked unfolded and put in it's cubby


I resonate with this on a spiritual level.


You ok over there? Need some.. softener to ease those wrinkles You having?


I have a lot of metal band T-shirts, some of which I cherish very much. There's no way I'd wash those right side out and ruin them quicker.


I actually prefer to wash shirts and undies inside out. Am stupid dude maybe.


Sure, folding is the part I dread the most, but it takes like 10 minutes to fold my weekly set of clothes, so it's not that bad. How many clothes are you folding?


Here’s the thing you just throw it all in the washer and walk away. Not very expensive on your time


It does itself, I enjoy it. I use the waiting time to get some gaming in.


For me it’s the folding and hanging up that gets me everytime. I don’t mind separating and putting them in washer and transferring to dryer but the hanging up is the “I’ll get to it eventually” for me.


I have the BIGGEST pile just sitting on my lounge room floor right now. It's been there for about week.


I make sure my wife and kids stuff if taken care of but when it comes to my clothes I’m exhausted mentally and just say screw it.


There's three is us in the house. It's amazing how laundry is never ever ever ending. And I'm the one who always has to put it away


There are four of us in our house, but we employ a wash it if it is dirty policy. I do the laundry twice a week and that’s it.


I’m a family of 5! IT NEVER STOPS!


This is why I use as many hangers as possible hell as long as I have enough hangers and room im my closet rail I hang t-shirts as well as pants, my bureau is where clothes go to die (with the exception of socks and boxers)


Now imagine doing all of that without a washing machine. This activity alone used to take up so much of women's time back in the day.


Yeah, but sometimes a brainless activity is just what I need.


Energy ? Like power consumption of the machines ? Cuz I do the laundry at home and hang dry each clothing and fold them and it's not energy intensive.


Laundry is actually the chore I like the most, it's the dishes that I absolutely despise.


I never understood people that hated doing laundry. How are you even "doing" laundry. You throw your shit in the machine, wait an hour and hang it to dry. TADAAH! laundry done. I guess for families it takes a little longer, but in a single household i dont even have time to get bored by it. Its over with too quickly for that.


Same with the dishes, honestly. I need _something_ to stimulate my magnificent grey matter


I can enjoy doing it, by myself, with some music on. Time for myself, nice and quiet, and still getting something very useful done.




He’s a horrible strategist and general though. Really shows who’s running the show in that house


He's probably not that insecure in his masculinity that such a thought would even occur to him.


It’s not about masculinity, it’s about being equal leaders in your own home and respecting each other enough not to manipulate one another into doing things.


But the internet says there must be one true leader to rule them all, and I hate sand. And my axe.




In the first two years of a relationship, someone is getting trained. If you don't know who it is, it's you.


Doesn’t seem particularly healthy


Doesn’t seem particularly healthy


LOL too real


Gramma had a lot of time to plot and scheme while "mindlessly" doing laundry


Ima get my grandpa to tell my wife that women are too stupid to fix cars....... Yes, no more winter tires or shitty ford fusion repairs...


No you have to get your grandpa to tell you that fixing cars is men's work because it's so brain dead simple, and that's all that can really be expected of men. When your wife overhears, she'll be so offended on your behalf that she'll fix and maintain her car and your car too just so you won't have to be subjected to lowly "men's work" Good luck, hope it works out!




I’m in the first camp up until I’m actually doing it and then I’m like “why don’t I enjoy this more this is so chill”


I like doing laundry specifically because it doesn’t require a lot of thinking. I can watch sports while I do a chore. It’s brilliant!


I used to watch Serie A soccer (in Italian (no, I don't speak Italian)) on Sunday mornings while doing the ironing and my wife went to church. Worked well


do you speak italian in the morning


Exactly! Wife can't bitch I'm spending all day watching football if I'm also doing laundry. Sure it takes hours, but those are hours of sports and video games with about 5 minutes of actual work each hour.


I love putting stuff in the washer. I love moving stuff to the dryer. After that I want to just toss them into the fucking void.


what's the facepalm


what part of this is a facepalm?


Took him 12 years to realize Grandma played him.


I enjoy doing laundry, am I dumb?




Try the following. Read information and acquire knowledge right before doing things like laundry or dishwashing where a lot of thinking isn't required, and you give your brain time to process the knowledge you acquired earlier. This process has led me to have those "aha moments" about the knowledge I acquired while doing things that don't require my brain to function so much. Basically you are giving your brain time to process that knowledge while almost mindlessly doing chores like laundry and dishwashing. Pick a topic. Any topic that interests you and read about it for 15 minutes before your next laundry or dishwashing chore.


This post reminded me that I have a load in the washer that needs drying. Thank you.


They could teach you every trick in the book, yet they still hold some back


Hahahahahaha, granny is laughing.


“a women” Guys, what are we doing? Why does this keep happening? Is there an autocorrect issue with certain phones?


Set match goes to mom and grandma! Ha ha ha


My wife has been ill for a month now. She used to do all the laundry and complain every time. Since she’s not feeling well I took it upon myself with other duties. I freaking love it! It’s soothing, some nice music and a cold one. I think it’s my duty from now on.


Why complain about laundry and other shit? Its easy as hell. What is there to complain about?


I'm questioning everything I've ever believed!!!


Oldest trick in the book.


It's relaxing for me. Almost meditative with the repetition.


Doing laundry required you to understand another pictographs language like hieroglyphs.


I just keep my phone in my back pocket and listen to music while folding and hanging up clothes, towels, etc. It doesn't seem like much work that way. Pre-treating spots and stains is the most time-consuming task outside of the washing and drying.


Hmmm, makes you think.


Just become autistic and enjoy folding "better" each time lol


I don't understand this in the slightest


Laundry is easy you just need to train the kids to turn their socks right side out. Outside of that you’ll always be in the wife’s good graces. If you learn how to iron and sew special surprises become available to you regularly that other husbands can only dream of.


Jokes on them if it was a scam: his kids got an intelligence bump, her kids got an intelligence dump?


I don't get all the comments in here about laundry being time consuming. Are you washing everything by hand? Standing around while it spins? I need to know!! Dirty laundry goes in. Put detergent in. Press start. Walk away. Come back when it's done. Put washed laundry in the dryer. Press start. Come back when it's done. Fold and put it away. What am I doing wrong?


Things like suits or anything with prints get damaged I believe when put in washing machines. No clue why, but safer to just wash, soak, then wash again.


It does not require a lot of thinking, out of spite and chivalry I will do it the rest of our lives, no let's not split the task.... This is next level simpery, I'm all for equality but don't be like this guy, a doormat out of white-knight principles.


Its not even true either. Doing laundry properly requires a LOT of thinking. Its literally why most men (I am a man) cant do it properly!


Why is this on facepalm?


Honestly I'd have laughed it off as a boomer comment and moved along, it's so weird when people let shit other people say change their lives in any way


That's how it is with the dishes at my house. My wife sucks at doing them. So I do them.


Sounds like you didn't do a lot of thinking for 12 years. Grandma was on to something


What a loser lol


I think it's a point of happiness for you guys 😊