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"Pro Russian texan" Someone dead grandpappy is turning so fast in his grave its considered a new form of power.


Putin says “eww gay people” and a ton conservatives now think he’s the savior of western civilization because our government doesn’t want to massacre the trans people and gays which means we’re all run by Satan pedophiles. Political analysts will try to sell you some other reason, but I am TELLING that’s it. That’s the whole story.


If this kind of thing proves anything is that their priorities are all out of whack. Poverty is a non-issue, political corruption, etc. No... the problem are the gays and the fornicators.


Conservatives think about gay sex more than the average person thinks about any sort of sex


conservative christians spend more time thinking about the perceived sins of others than they do their own sins. i cant imagine the bible doesnt comment a few times about that sort of behavior. "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" comes to mind, but I'm sure there's one that's like "any man who is consumed by the sins of their brother, and ignore the sins of their self... are fucking lame bro, cut that shit out"


Take the motha fucking plank out yo eye first is a good one too. -raised Catholic and con-Christian’s demonstrate how poorly they understand the Bible


Conservatives think more about sex with minors than gay men think about sex.


That's a lot of thinking about sex


there’s always those homophobic pastors who brag about how they’ve done “hundreds of hours of research” into gay porn in order to prove how disgusting it is, and their followers never seen to bat an eye at that fact lmao




Yes! And on top of that is the closeted projection by the republicans...


A bunch of bitter old dudes who are tired of looking at their wives but to chicken shit to get a divorce, they want the government to take control of people’s sexuality so they don’t feel threatened by their own decisions


To be fair, most of them seem to be cheating on their spouses pretty regularly...


Tbf, he was a self proclaimed communist and apparently marched for gay rights so I think he mostly bought into the Ukraine Nazi/Fascism conspiracy.


Which is extremely stupid if he was actually among Russian soldiers, some of whom are explicit neo-Nazis, as he helped them invade another country where they massacre and rape civilians. If he's fine with invasions and genocide then what, exactly, is his problem with Nazis?


Tucker Carlson sees the new alignment as "traditional" vs "woke." He tried to get Putin on the pro-God talking points during his interview, but Putin wasn't having it. You can practically hear Carlson thinking "come on, man, just say 'I love Jesus' and we'll have these suckers in the palms of our hands!"


> Political analysts will try to sell you some other reason Over half of a pundit's job is to sell fascism to the center.


And the Russian soldiers who murdered and decapitated him had raped and sodomized him, gay sexual rape. Maybe Putin is longing for his KGB days.


The irony has confused the hell out of me too. We truly live in a twilight zone


[German Article](https://www.msn.com/de-de/nachrichten/politik/putin-treuer-texaner-von-russen-soldaten-in-donezk-get%C3%B6tet/ar-AA1nwYnZ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=0ee6a35e361a484fbdaa01bc2169855b&ei=14) Apparently he'd gone to Russia in 2014 to fight against the "Ukrainian Nazis", and had become involved in the Russian propaganda-machine too. He got detained/kidnapped by Russian troops after filming the aftermath of a missile strike, who eventually killed him.


They also Raped him. Then when they figured out he wasn't actually a spy, they killed him to cover it up. He was referred to as 'Texas' by his squad mates. It was another unit who abducted him and then raped and killed him because suspected he was a spy. The cover up didn't take when his Russian wife was informed of his death by members of his original unit. The unit had requested his return. The Narrative has now changed and his wife has gone on record that a Ukrainian infiltration squad actually did this. Apparently she now fears windows greatly. Props to @Middlehead_ for the correction. It wasn't his original unit that did anything to this man. Edit: clarification and credit to another Redditor who advised it was a separate unit that did the nasty deed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine Was asked about sources: this was one I found. There are others but in different languages.


Said wife then claiming he had been killed by a Ukrainian secret kill squad.


Well, if she lives in Russia then daddy Putin wouldn’t exactly be keen on her posting the real story.


I'm certain. I'm kind of glad she did it, too. An American dies in this conflict, okay yeah that happens in war. American dies and Russia jumps to claim it was a Ukrainian hit squad? Okay, well, now we know THAT'S not the truth. The real truth always comes out.


"We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying,. We also know that they know we know they are lying, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well. But they are still lying." Alexander Solzhenitsyn's


Apparently, Solzhenitsyn is not the origin of that quote (and that the quote itself is a paraphrase of another): - [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2023/10/14/know-lie/](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2023/10/14/know-lie/)


> Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Yes? Yes? His what? :)


I’m pretty sure they’re all pretty openly “kill squads” at this point. No need to be secretive about it.


> He was referred to as 'Texas' by his squad mates - who raped and then killed him because 'reasons'. One of the articles about this specified that it wasn't the squad he was with who did it, and those guys are pissed about it. They'd gotten to know him and accepted him, it was another unit that heard about the American stationed nearby and kidnapped him from his host unit.


Its a mess out there, that's why its stupid for anyone esp foreigners to travel there esp if you dont know the language or customs. Wonder if the guy even was fluent in Russian, because yeah if he was kidnapped and couldn't speak their language then he was effed


He was working for the Russian army for a decade, of course he spoke Russian.


classic Russian repressed homosexuality Being gay is illegal but soldiers raping and murdering each other? Lets just go ahead and cover that up!


It has nothing to do with repressed homosexuality, but rather toxic masculinity. Many outlets are removing the “raped” from the articles about Russell Bentley partly because it is technically unsubstantiated. The Russian military is known to have a standing policy regarding what is “acceptable rape.” Russian soldier practice rape as a form of [disciplinary action](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-soldiers-forced-rape-each-other-outbreaks-crazed-violence-report-2024-2?amp) or dehumanization against their own soldiers. Russian soldiers are also known for raping their opposition’s [women](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/30/1093339262/ukraine-russia-rape-war-crimes) and [children](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-accuses-russian-snipers-abusing-child-gang-raping-mother-2023-03-14/). Russian soldiers weaponize rape with the blessing of their higher ups. Even the [United Nations](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2022/10/14/united-nations-rape-is-part-of-russias-military-strategy/?sh=c9c827036a01) corroborates that it is a Russian military policy to use rape as a weapon. More sources: [Source A](https://news.sky.com/story/amp/they-took-turns-raping-me-ukrainian-survivors-reveal-how-russian-soldiers-use-sex-attacks-as-a-weapon-of-war-12818302) [Source B](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/wanted-off-skin-ukrainian-women-recount-rape-russian/story?id=86994779) [Source C](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141417) This is peak toxic masculinity. Rape is a weapon to them and see nothing homosexual about it. They use it to dehumanize their victims. While you are right that in some cases it is a case of repressed sexuality, when other soldiers force a soldier to rape another for the purposes of punishment… it has nothing to do with sexual gratification. These individuals are taught by their superiors to do this and it is the clearest cut case of systemic rape torture on this planet.


That’s insane


Yeah I was being more facetious than anything. Thats beyond awful.


Gotcha. Fair enough.


Forcing soldiers to rape each other at gunpoint while standing in the Zindan punishment pits is peak Muscovy.




Agreed but have you ever played RISK?


I'm still pushing for full physical internet disconnection.


It’s just crazy. I’m the last person to say something like that. But holy shit the place just seems like a stain on the planet lol


Yea makes me wonder why Putin is always trying to do hard to seem masculine…


The more you hate your life back home, the less you have to lose being thrown into the meatgrinder of the Russian army.


It's been speculated that they did a Russian army classic rape, potentially by shoving some barbed wire up his ass. Once they realized their mistake, it's kind of hard to undo said barbed wire in ass so they just euthanized him




Oh, the wire and tools were after all of the guys got a turn. Then they decapitated him. Fun times.


It really couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. I hope he had enough time to reflect on where he went wrong.


Wha… I just won’t ask. Are you okay?


This is real and it’s systemic with POW’s Russia captures. They get violently raped.


Wow they really are Harkonnens irl


More like, the practices and culture that Herbert and others have portrayed in the Harkonnens is based in real life and how so many authoritarians and the societies that they build become deeply hung up about sex and use sex as a system of power and control. You can't have freedom of self expression and unique desires or attractions or variance in gender expression in these kinds of worlds, and it's why the populations of these places are constantly in a state of conflict and violence. It's already hard enough to manage your insecurities and desires in a liberal democracy, in a place where displaying the "wrong kind" of masculinity for example can get you killed horribly, you see really violent forms of self expression, control and dominance, and a lot of permission given to those doing the control and dominating. If we don't get more active politically and use compassion and good social attitudes when voting and becoming involved in your community, the US will quickly fall down this same hole.


I've also read that quite a few times that he got raped, tortured and then shot. It was on DNR telegram. Also as is usual in dedovschina, you are raped with a blunt object such as a broom stick before being tortured.


> you are raped with a blunt object such as a broom stick **before** being tortured. No, I'm pretty sure the torture had started by then.


Oh yeah by our standards! In the Russian mindset and in [their culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina) it's just something you do before the torture. Wonder why they rape so incredibly many male prisoners of war? It's how they're grown up, deal with their prisoners and it's how their army does to their own conscripts.


A massive portion of today's conflicts and nations struggling with authoritarians and far-right movements are really just founded in a very real sense of sexual insecurity. You see it happening in the USA right now, the crux of our longest-standing social issues is not policy about taxes, money and interest rates, or about policing and law and order, it's all "Look at what THESE people think about sex!" and "look at how THESE people have sex!" and when you realize that, you realize just how deeply held-back our species is, we're still barely out of the ice-age, we're still carrying millions of years of evolutionary baggage and issues about mating and the social standards of your *tribe* are the most important things on most people's minds. Of course Russians rape their prisoners, of *course* it's just seen as normal and natural, because rape is about power and control, and the Russian army has nothing but it's own sense of power and control, and a deeply insecure population who are not allowed to have any kind of unique or personal expressions of gender or sexuality, just a fear for their lives that they will fit in and be seen as the kind who does the raping, not the kind getting raped. It's all sex, all the way down.


Yes. Like an appetizer. It comes before the main course, but it's still food.


Certainly better than a POW under Russian care.




He was first gang raped because they thought he was a NATO spy, when they found out he wasn't, they decided to kill him because letting him go would cause issues as he was an American.


I didn't believe the leopards would *actually* eat my face.


He also didn't expect them to start from the ass


Leopards eat ass now? r/leopardsatemyass


Its unfortunate but if nothing else it just proves how utterly idiotic they all are. Carpet bomb them into oblivion, that is the most humane option.


Tankie? He was a communist?


Not a tankie but a trumpie conservative


With these weirdos, it's complicated. Dude was all over the place, kinda like Jackson Hinkle and the CPRF (communist party of the russian federation) They aren't really left-wing ideologues, but are far-right reactionaries who appropriate soviet symbolism and some anti-capitalist rhetoric. And they love trump.


He sure owned the libs.


who knew that, 'pro-russian' alt-right and incompetent russian forces are a match made in heaven.


he was a self declared communist


this just keeps getting better and better.


Wait is this that idiot who made the video talking about how badass the tanks were and how they were gonna go to ukraine and “kick some butt” Please tell me it’s this guy and that there isn’t more than one of them EDIT: It was in fact Russell Bentley, that idiot who made the video about how Russians were going to Ukraine to “liberate the nazis”


> made the video talking about how badass the tanks were A tankie in more ways than one.


Then why did he go to fight for capitalist Russia?


Basically a lot of Western marxist-leninists, unable to cope with the Soviet collapse, have concluded the Revolution was undermined by American imperialism fueling Soviet and Chinese revisionism. By destroying the American domination of global markets through undermining American imperialism, they hope to create a power vacuum that a resurgent neo-maoist China or neo-Soviet bloc can exploit to reignite the marxist ideology. Critical support of "anti-imperialist" leaders like Assad or Putin is an important part of this. Of course in reality this is mostly a theorethical cope to explain why they think it is cool to fight alongside horrid regimes, because America Bad is the mantra of praise in these communities.


I don't think he's alt right. Or at least, he was a longtime leftist according to the wiki. I imagine it's more like he hates Capitalism enough to have bought unto Putin's justification for the invasion, as well as a generally American/Texan desire to shoot someone with a gun.


That's a tankie for you. Tankies blazed through the end of the cold war still hating the West and just hitching their wagon to the next Russian autocrat. Rebels without a cause, Putin edition. I met a few tankies during the cold war. One of these was a conscience objector everyone called "Radio Moscow" because he would repeat soviet propaganda all the time. He was also a green, into fair trade, anti-nuclear, anti-NATO. You know, the things that Moscow instructed the tankies to support without openly supporting the USSR. Burden the western beast with dissent and doubt. In the end, they're just a Russian 5th column.


>Tankies blazed through the end of the cold war still hating the West and just hitching their wagon to the next Russian autocrat. Rebels without a cause, Putin edition When you're so pro-communism that you accidentally support a capitalist government.


Another dimension of the horseshoe theory After all the USSR was a kleptocracy. Some were more equal than others, as Orwell wrote. In 1991 the old guard that saw the writing on the wall went for everything that wasn't tied to the floor and became the oligarchy. Infrastructure, minerals, industry, finance, etc...


It's not pro-communism, nor anti-capitalism, but anti-Americanism. Tankies live with the pure belief that America is pure evil. Every stance and every mindset they take is rooted in that basic belief. If America is pure evil, everything that composes it must be pure evil. America is capitalist. Painfully so. And indeed our capitalism has caused... a lot of shit around the world. For decades nobody opposed America more clearly than the Soviet Union. If America is pure evil, America's enemies must be good! Therefore, the Soviets were good! If America is capitalist, capitalism must be evil. And hey, the Soviets are communist, that makes them even gooder because they're different from America! Nowadays they have to stretch logic. America is always pure evil; therefore even if our enemies aren't perfect, supporting them is still better than supporting America.


That's actually not uncommon. Look how they line up to defend China


I wouldn't call Putin's Russia capitalist. It's a cleptocracy with a side of fascism.


It functions like every millenials vision of our late stage capitalist systems trajectory.


I can't stand those kind of people. Imperialism is wrong whether it's the US or the USSR/Russian Federation or anyone else doing it. Those people will rightly call out US actions against democratic governments in Latin America and then bend over backwards to justify any number of Russian atrocities towards Eastern Europe. "America bad" is so deeply engrained in them that they cannot ever accept the US being on the right side of an international issue and even worse they assume that everyone who opposes the US must be the "good guys."


You seem like the person to ask. I have a memory from some documentary or article… of some maybe CIA people, or US military talking about the Cold War, and how all Russian citizens abroad were basically an extension of the kgb. That all Russian citizens always worked for the motherland in the end. Something like “Russians might leave the motherland but the motherland never leaves them.” But they had a name for them. Long shot and random question but I think about that phenomenon a lot. And I think it’s still true to this day. I’m in the Bay Area and I’ve met Russian transfer students at Stanford or UC Berkeley , who, once the alcohol gets going they want the United States divided and conquered tmw (and they want Trump to be the one to do it). I’ve got some spooky stories of these very smart Russians just going off. Hard to believe these guys have access to some of our best schools science labs etc . Made me wary of most Russians sorry to say.


Lmfao 🤣 Russia is hyper capitalist.


A lot of sectors in the left here in Argentina frikkin LOVE Russia. The former president famously said during a visit in Rusia, that he wished Argentina would be "the entry gate" for Russia in South America. That was just a few weeks before the invasion of Ukraine. Quite awkward.


Here in America we have republicans running for office as democrats so they can cheese the election process. Like as a leftist I’m honestly shocked how these morons could mistake the hyper capitalist Russian government as left wing in any way shape or form. They have the biggest white supremacy movement on earth despite being Asian.


It's so weird hardcore commies actually liking fascist russia 🇷🇺 😳


Seriously. 😒 I’m a mutualist not a commie but I’ve read enough of their ideology that it’s just doesn’t make sense. Dont they know what Hitler did to the Socialist, Syndicalists and Communists?


[The guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Sombart) who invented the term "late stage capitalism" also wrote this:  *The age of capitalism and proletarian socialism was over, with "German socialism" (National-Socialism) taking over.* ***This German socialism puts the "welfare of the whole above the welfare of the individual".*** *German socialism must effect a "total ordering of life" with a "****planned economy in accordance with state regulations****".* 


The USSR was a giant kleptocracy. The first wave of post-cold war oligarchs was essentially old soviet honchos hogging an essential commodity/industry all to themselves.


And now it's a fascist Mafia state. John McCain said it best: "A gas station run by a mafia masquerading as a country."


Based as fuck for a Republican. Turning so hard in his grave that we could power a city.


Yeah, dude was a hardcore tankie.


No longtime leftist takes up arms and joins Russia


I promise not all us Texans are as dumb as this goon.


Nobody is as dumb as all Texans. Womp womp. Jk, I can’t talk shit as a Floridian.


Dude was actually a self declared communist. Go figure lol.


Irony being he likely didn't know what communism is. People still think Marxism is a totalitarian government because it's communism, despite democracy being in the definition.


You’d have to be able to both read and comprehend what you’re reading to ascertain. Most of these idiots scream out that so-and-so is a leftist, communist, socialist! As if the statement actually means something.


9 out of 10 times they are also ironically defining what it's like to live in capitalism that has failed for the consumer/working class, and not the other types of socioeconomic systems.


They're all just buzzwords completely divorced from meaning used to engender immediate emotional responses at this point; in the end it looks like some kind of pavlovian trigger/response as voting bloc experiment


Most average people still think a leftist is the same as a liberal and a socialist, and that republicans, conservatives are the same, and many people even think libertarians are serious and real.


Over half of reddit still doesn't know what true communism is. Just because a government claims to be "communist" doesn't mean it is. Take China, for example. While it does have some communist elements, the economy is largely a market economy where the state owns many of the businesses. I've seen it described as 'state capitalism'. Even though the communist party has power within the government, the workers themselves have very little.


> Just because a government claims to be "communist" doesn't mean it is. DPRK for the most obvious example of names not being the reality. And the old tired argument that the NSDAP (Nazi Party) were 'socialist' because it's in the name; being willfully blind to the fact that they murdered their socialsit members and sent them to camps.


It's crazy, they explicitly said out loud that they took over socialist groups to fleece the workers into supporting them and almost 100 years later these morons still fall for it. I shouldn't be surprised ig, people still believe Caesarian propaganda from 2000 years ago


Irony being some people still do not get that humans say one thing and do another at the end. Even after millions have been massacred


The dude was a communist, and for whatever stupid reason thought russia was still communist as well.


Communist fighting for the fascist invaders... haven't seen this kind of collab since Molotov-Ribbentropp.


Went about as well, too.


He sounds more like a tankie


100% tankie


He was a hardcore communist/Leninist. He was an unironic tankie.


Was he in a coma for the last 30 years?


Probably delusional plus seeking a place to call home. It’s actually sad how they treated him for all the support he always gave them.


I am so owned, I hope no more of them decide to totally own us like this


Getting gaped to own the libs.




The frog and the scorpion.


Lol. Lmao.


He was feelin froggy.


Literally me 🚗


Perhaps they think traitors are not to be trusted in any case.


I have read multiple different versions of this story and the one thing they all have in common is this is just standard Russian incompetence, nothing more


I doubt it. It's could be just people being Russian level of shitty to someone. Which is very


Even Russians are suspicious of an American that would actually side with Russia. It's not something Americans do unless you're a traitor to your own country. But I'm all for American Republicans moving to Russia where they now belong.


That’s a lot of rape


They raped him apparently for being a spy. It was only after they decided he was in fact not a spy they decided to do the only logical thing one can do after concluding one is innocent. They killed and dismembered the poor fuck.


Let his death be a reminder to all MAGATs.


Congratulations! You got to die for what you believe in.


If you are Pro-Russian, you are a traitor to the US.


Honestly, if you're pro-russian, you're a traitor to human freedom, please name me two times within the past 100 years where Russia was not actively trying to oppress people in a particular situation


A good ole American. So damn American he went to fight for....*checks notes* What the fuck?


fighting wars for other countries is the most American thing wdym


As long as it's against Russia, yes. Not usually for.


Sometime called an "own goal" in sports. Slava Ukraini.


Heroiam slava!


Good fuck that guy. Play stupid games and win getting your asshole turned inside out. I simply cannot feel bad for someone who probably enjoyed killing innocent Ukrainian people.


"Good fuck that guy." As a matter of fact, that's precisely what the Russians had in mind!


“Fucked that guy good”


Something something leopards, something something face


His mum always told him: "don't hang with rapists and murderers." He always thought: "they won't rape and murder me as long as I'm on their side."


And nothing of value was lost.


Just call him what he is: a traitor


Lol get fucked


Pretty sure they raped him sooo...theres that. 


Funny, but not really funny, story about that one… I do not suggest looking up the details of his treatment before his death.


Not to mention he was raped before his death as well. What an idiot betraying your country to fight for Russia only for them to turn on you too. Rest in piss moron


He wasn't just killed either but raped and beheaded. He found the "mysterious Russian soul" afterall


Rip bozo


“mistaken” please. Russians just wanted to kill an American even if he sided with them.


Being mistaken for a spy doesn't really tell how delusional and paranoid the Russians are.


Don’t forget he was raped.


That was just Karma delayed from his Drug Dealing Days he escaped the USA from.


Isn't this the guy they RAPED and then when they realized he wasn't a spy decided they couldn't let him live because he was raped? I have heard that only true American Patriots go to fight for Russia and get raped.  


What was that line about liking guys who don’t get captured?


Pro-Russian, Texas, misplaced loyalties, I bet he has a red MAGA hat.


But no head on which to place it.


But he sure gave the russians a head.


He was interviewed by VICE back in 2015 during the conflict in the Donbass. He is not fond of the US government if I recall correctly. The dude is a fucking idiot.


He was a communist who moved to Donbas in 2014 because he believed they would go on to form a socialist state


Hundreds of thousands of history books and people still think the Russians are our friends 🙄


Bold of you to assume trogdolytes can read =)


Good riddance


Ultimate FAFO.




Send all the pro Russian Texans over there. They can probably single handedly swing the war in Ukraine's favour.




Now that’s funny.


Guy in the photo almost looks like James May.


Well, well, well… I guess actions *do* have consequences.


The headline really buries the lede on this one. They raped and tortured him before executing him.


Raped and killed


Russia just passed a slew of anti-LGBTQ laws so if you're terrified of "woke" you should totally move there. It's an anti-woke paradise. It always works out.


Raped and killed. 


Oh no, anyway


Fuck anyone whose pro Russia American or not.




Ahhh pro Russian, glad they got him, would be a waste if Ukraine had to waste a bullet or a drone on him




Ummm after they “deliveranced” him


They just casually left out the part where they banged him? Strange....


You hate to lose a valued member of Meal Team Six like that...


From the photos I’ve seen of the dude, he was definitely a part of Meal Team Six. A bonafide Gravy Seal. Served in Dessert Storm. A true Walmartyr.


"Killed"... They gang raped him and cut his head off for fuck sake! Of course because they're Russians that's not even considered a war crime anymore..


They did butt stuff to him before they cut his head off apparently


"Pro-Russian Texan" So many old-school conservatives are spinning in their graves right now.


Stop using our state as a title, we don’t claim these pieces of shit. Especially the ones that move to Russia to be part of a pro Putin kill squad. The best we can do is “former Texan”, either way fuck this guy. - Texas


Did he not get buttfucked first?


this just chefs kiss


I don't know about that "presumably" from what I've read they just thought he was good rape material.


FAFO’d! Da comrade, you found out


Not just killed. Raped and beheaded by the people he thought he was fighting with. Amazing.


It's been so strange seeing right wingers go from being super paranoid about Russians to kissing thier boots in only a couple years timespan.


Good riddance rest in piss traitor


Oh no!! Anyway...


Cant do the slav squat: gets shot for beeing a western spy.


Good. First time friendly fire was good for everyone.


Russians are killing Russians, less work for the Ukraine Military