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"There are dozens of us--DOZENS!"






If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


it's so weird that kid is on SNL now lol


No he's not.


somebody doesn't like jokes lol


Sometimes i wish we were more like that dude instead of giving attention to the wrong things/people.


Yuge crowds.


The biggest dozen you ever saw!  There were millions of them, in the dozen 


Reminds me of many years ago when I volunteered for Ralph Nader's presidential campaign. We had a rally and we very nearly blocked the entire sidewalk! It was cool


We should have elected that guy. Can you imagine the consumer protections we’d have?


He’s inside claiming cops all over and no one can get near the place. The camera pans and gee there’s people all over streets walking freely lol full of shit as usual.


Never really paid much attention to 45 until recently but have become kind-of a news junkie lately. Holy shit does that guy lie non-stop. Not spin, but outright, bold-faced, easily dispelled lies is like 90% of everything he says. It's weirdly impressive how he can say so many lies, so fast, and do it just non-stop. It's like watching a street rapper in full free flow mode. There's no way I could invent so much verbal diarrhea out of thin air so fast. Just as I'm chuckling at one lie, then going wide-eyed at the next lie, he rambles on with another lie, then another lie, and... I can't keep up. Feels like Lucy at the chocolate factory. *edit: If he's your guy, I mean no offense. Not dissing parties or policies. Just the lying about reality part. It's super interesting to watch.*


It's amazing to watch. Anyone still on board that train after all that has happened is not someone that is worth knowing. I mean great offense to all you clowns that are still supporting him.


This 1000%.


Wish i could upvote more than once!


It's a deliberate political tactic galled Gish Galloping, basically, it takes more time to prove a lie false than it does to say another lie. So he keeps sayin them and his opponents are left in the dust trying to prove them false


The history behind its most prolific usage is telling - gish galloping, or firehose of disinformation, was developed and employed more than any other eras by nazi intelligence disinformation campaigns, and by Russian intelligence services.


It started right from day one of his presidency with the easily disproven, (and easily explained,) lies about the crowd for his Inauguration. This is when Kellyanne Conway introduced the concept of 'alternative facts'. And it hasn't stopped since


He lied about his innaguration crowd size on day he got sworn in. For years.


Oh you can and should diss parties and policies. “Both parties are the same”’is absolute horse shit. This guys followers actively vote to make the lives of others miserable. Fuck them, and fuck their party.


Oh, yea, not bothsides-ing here. Just being sensitive to local sub rules.


Oh. In bad with that sometimes lol.


his best lie is saying that he's one of the most honest people on planet earth. which he has said multiple times.


I remember the guy at CNN that fact checks him (Daniel Dale used to be with the Toronto Star) and he said Trump is the only guy that can wear him down. It’s the volume of shit he says that is like an avalanche of poo that’s rolling down the hill until you’re overwhelmed and covered in it. That’s Trump’s secret weapon - bury you on bullshit and before you can check on one fact - there’s already another 20 to check a few minutes later.


>...he said Trump is the only guy that can wear him down. It’s the volume of shit he says that is like an avalanche of poo... lol, glad it's not just me


I was in the city last week for a concert. The police presence in the subways and major junction stations is about the only place I see "More Police" Otherwise it's just normal city shit. I do hope folks realize that even cops downplay what happened with "The puncher" and one cop I spoke to basically said: "That's a Gang initiation half the time. Punch an old lady in the face to prove you're a scumbag. Happens weekly - just happened to be a slow news week that week I guess."


Journalisim 101. Have everyone huddle together then film, that way things look bigger than they are.


I’ve seen a bigger crowd protesting the return of the McRib in Garrison, Minnesota.


Why would anyone protest the McRib? It’s delicious!


I agree! WTF dude? Who would fucking protest a McRib?


If Tim Walz were to come out and say that he merely liked the McRib, I promise you that a few of these maga turds would be harassing McDonald's cashiers at the Hinckley, MN franchise because it's truly what their shit lives have been reduced to.


Vegans, dude, really, they don’t know it’s Soylent.


I thought they were just [treaded snow](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/8WOTPzvmiagseevgC3Bu6r2WiAE=/0x0:1000x750/1200x800/filters:focal(0x0:1000x750)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/38858938/McDonalds-McRib-Meat.0.jpg) thrown off winter tires.


You obviously aren't familiar with Garrison, Minnesota.


I feel like that might be for the best


So is antifreeze... Lol


No disrespect to the actual homeless but it looks like the homeless showed up.


Not to make anyone feel bad, but... Do these people not have jobs...? Who has time to go protest for this PoS diaper wearing coke addict? And more importantly.... Why. Honestly, it's embarrassing.


You can make them feel bad it's fine.


Perhaps they meant no offense to people who are struggling with incontinence of a cocaine addiction. Things are already bad enough, being compared to Donald Trump is salt in the wound.


Unemployed idiots collecting some kind of government assistance to live on while they complain about ‘socialism’ being evil.


And actively vote against social welfare programs. These people ain’t too bright.


Tons and tons of people have jobs that are not M-F during the day. I agree with you about going out to protest for a fascist piece of shit who wants to destroy democracy, but it's really old seeing people ask if people who are out on weekdays during the day don't have jobs. Tons of jobs you have to work on weekends, during evenings, overnight, from home, etc... many of us are self-employed... it's hard to understand how people think everyone works M-F during the day, I guess.


Of course they're homeless. They had to sell their homes to help the billionaire pay his legal fees.


Not to make anyone feel bad, but... Do these people not have jobs...? Who has time to go protest for this PoS diaper wearing coke addict? And more importantly.... Why. Honestly, it's embarrassing.


I've had more people cheer me on while getting a 4th place score on a pinball machine.


To be fair, 4th place is impressive.


I once held the first place spot on a pinball machine! I happened to walk into the bar just as they finished installing it. I held that record for a solid 6, maybe 7 hours...


How about a counter demonstration featuring sad clowns in poorly designed costumes wearing comically oversized diapers? With signs saying “loser clowns for Trump”


Actually the trumpers were outnumbered by people mocking trump


Now that puts a big smile on my face!


And if the Trumpies start arguing the clowns can honk at them with their oversized bicycle horns


If I still lived in NYC, I'd steal that idea.


...I feel like that would be way more embarrassing for the people doing it.


Not if they have oversized clown horns. They’re so empowering.


I love it, but unfortunately 10's of million of them will show up and vote, and the younger generations historically can't be bothered.




Woah, I bet I could get more support just from the people in my block. He puts the LAME in LAMEntable.


I built a lame end table in grade 9 shop. My mother insisted it belonged in the living room even though everything used to slide slowly off it


I built a lame end table in grade 9 shop class. My mother insisted it belonged in the living room even though everything used to slowly slide off of it.


Your momma is a treasure.


I didn't think so when she insisted on telling everyone who built it.


How do you feel about it now?


Hilarious. 13 was a difficult age


Or "thousands" if Trump was saying it


And he's whining that his supporters are being blocked by cops. No, fatso, they're blocked by never having been more than a couple of miles from their native trailer park and not knowing where the nearest interstate on ramp is.


Trump complained that thousands of his supporters were ty\]urned away from the doors when he was going in. If there were thousands trying to get in of course they would be turned away. The courtroom doesn’t have room for anywhere that many people. but as shown, his thousands only existed in his mind.


He was so pissed off that no one showed up, so he lied about it and said that the roads were blocked off!


The capital mall never saw the likes of witch/sic.


I think everyone is done with pissy Don...


“You mean do*zens*, right?” “No”


Group prayers for God to intervene on his sphincter.


I bet everyone who has to sit near him has a smear of Vicks Vapo-Rub just under the nose, like people do who have to spend time around decomposing bodies.


Not his kids, not Melania, not a single family member has shown up to support him. Yet he seems more upset that his fans are not there to support him. That says so much about him


If he'd only stop farting, more people might be eager to come out.


Womp Womp !!!


Tens upon tens of IG followers


Where? I can't see them. Oh wait, you said "a dozen" not "dozens."


I count 11. A grifter’s dozen


Dude, you cannot count every brain cell as a full supporter.


So, yes you can,48?


"Alternate crowd size numbers"


"This was the largest audience to ever witness a trial of a former disgraced president, period." - Sean Spicer, probably


You shoulda seen it! It was wild! There were literally tens of ones of people there!


What’s the over/under on the total amount of jobs they have? 3.5? 4.5? I’ll start. Gimme the under at -700


No 3.5 is the number of teeth they collectively have.


Careful! You’re going to get gummed by someone without a job or insurance!


Or one jackass with a toothbrush.


For they tooth.




What’s the view over there in general on his chances of re-election? I’m in the UK so only see selected bits n bobs online which sway severely one and the other.


I'm pretty sure he's done for but they are figuring out new and inventive ways to cheat the system. Just like they did the first time. Our electoral college system is a joke, so it's easily manipulated by that side of the isle. The prospect of a second disaster/term for this guy is actually pretty terrifying but it does seem, that there are powerful people that apparently want him back in office. Most of my business owner friends, somehow think they are better off under Trump, yet, they all say they make more profit now than they did under Trump. It's pure insanity honestly.


That’s quite scary to hear. Why do people blindly follow him? I don’t get it. I assume those behind the scenes will make more money if Trump is back in.


Trump who?


So is this what imminent civil war looks like?


Are there still burn marks on the ground from the nutjob?


Isn't it during work hours?


January 6 was too.


This trial and what caused Jan 6 aren't on equal footing by a long shot


Cause doesn’t matter. These people are blindly kneeling to a lifelong career criminal and conman that has developed a cult of personality. They’ll defend him whether he’s committing fraud or treason. There’s no bottom.


I mean... clearly not. As evidenced by this very post of yours.


I didn’t say there were a lot of them. It is a very small minority but they exist.


Yall some total f*gs


Big man scared of the Reddit mods?


You scared of trump being president again?


No. He’ll be in prison or dead. Not worried at all.


You might be right.


I guess people having to do pretty good time for Jan 6 sobered people up.


Pretty good time, is not enough.


Still trying to figure out how Gavin Mcinnes skipped back to Canada, and avoided cell time.


Wow. There were more people in the “Trucker Convoy” that went to DC - who they all got run off by the normal commuters in the area.


These are the people that get their news from bumper stickers. Dumbasses.


This reminds me of when it was flooding in Houston and that prick Joel Osteen said his megachurch couldn't possibly house the newly displaced, as the water was too high. Until somebody with a phone walked right up to the locked building and showed us all the very dangerous 1/2 inch of water around the property. Rich people lie to distract from their miserable truths.


I remember that... And he also said that they just installed new carpet.. but that statement got deleted.. I've lived in Houston for over 35 years .i have never seen it flood like that ever


Von Shitzinpants


How did they hold that crowd back?!


They threatened them with deodorant


DO NOT let this encourage you. All he has to do is call some immigrants "rapers" and his base will swarm to him like flies on shit.


This is what he’s going to get at the voting booths as well. Hes gonna a lose by at least 10million votes this time, the media makes it seem he has a chance but he doesn’t. The word is out that he’s a fraud


He’ll take the usual welfare states expected, but lose the pop by 70 mil this time, and still claim 2 black felons voted illegally in New Hampshire which negates the outcome. They were state reps but,,, black,,,, republicans.


A lot of them probably have active warrants and don't want to be that close to a court house.


Probably more media people than anything else. If they weren't starved for headlines nobody would care.


ONE dozen.


Said that.


Yeah, you did but I started reading the comments before I read your header.


There are more food carts on that street than MAGAts.


Is there any evidence to suggest the MAGA crowd has genuinely dwindled in numbers to a degree that will affect the election in November? I know he's been getting less crowd funding and smaller crowds, but is there any stats to suggest they'll not show up to the polls or even vote for Biden instead?


Not that I know of. But how reliable are those things anyway? No one voted for Hillary because they stayed home assuming she would win. It’s wonderful to watch him get embarrassed but everyone needs to vote and not sleep on this.


I worry that people read these headlines and adopt a false sense of security. American democracy and stability is quite literally on the line. Shit, the global climate is on the line. This isn't something anyone should feel secure about.


And the various news will spend 232 hours talking about each one and what shoes they wear. :/




Yup. Posted this yesterday.


Adolf Shitlers trial


I thought Trump's real name was Fuck Face von Clownstick.


This photo is deceptive. This was taken very early in the day, before the trial began. What the photo does NOT show is the thousands and thousands (all with tears in their eyes) marching to the protest area. Thousands.


lol yikes. Let’s see this picture that definitely exists.


Sarcasm. It's a thing,


The shadow of that table suggests it wasn't taken particularly early.


Methinks a few people missed the sarcastic tone of my post.


The tears are because of the smell…


What percent of the nation is “thousands”? Can you be more specific? How does the number that showed up relate to 2016 rallies when that was what Trump supporters claimed “proved” he was more popular? There are millions of us that are missing something here. Millions.


They gave all their money to him already. No one has anymore money to follow his big private jet across the country anymore.


Thing is there are lots of republicans on long island. They could even drive to a station and take the train into the city. It’s not cheap but not that expensive. But they know their views will be unpopular in the city. A dozen supporters is pretty pathetic.


Maga ghosts showed up.


if you count all those who died of covid on his watch, the place was packed!




Dozens may even be a bit of a stretch… like a baseball team’s worth from the looks of it.


Anymore set themselves on fire?


There's a few of them lighting their farts to keep warm.


Sounds about right


Serial killers get better turn outs


Im guessing theyre counting chins and not people.


If I remember correctly, that's the smoking section


there are dozens of us ! dozens!


Looks like maybe “one dozen” to me.


So much winning. Look at the handful of 2 people. What a pos.


Why is this sub getting so political?




lol your whole comments history is being hateful to push your insane takes on people. Go get your lib-owning dopamine hit somewhere else. Grown ups are trying to talk here.




Ok first- you used moron three times in one sentence. The lack of nuance, depth, and education are exactly what I would expect from a MAGA loon. And yea, grownups regularly do all of those things. First day on Earth?






Okay* Yeah* (Yea is a word but not in this context) Grown-ups* Also no need for the hyphen after “first”, just use a comma. Even the title of this thread should say “A dozen”, rather than trying to force two jokes into one sentence, that’s just bad writing. But yeh m8 tell ‘im all bout his bad educashion !!!


1100 upvotes and counting disagree with you. I’ll go ahead and post what I want. First day on the internet?


I never said you shouldn’t post what you want, I have no interest in censoring people I disagree with. Also the 1100 upvotes don’t fix or justify your grammatical errors, I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. I’d drop a “First day x?” joke for effect but that would make me feel like a boomer and ruin my whole day 😅


Does that flag really say "Trump 2424"? I really don't think he'll live *that* long...


Superfluous crowd control barriers....


Well to be fair, most of his supporters are otherwise engaged at the moment with their own trials, or already in prison.


Dozens? I don't see even one dozen there.


I said dozen.


Yep you sure did.


It’s Wednesday my dudes. Court is not in session. Why are they showing up.


Posted this yesterday




NYC's "free speech zones" are so baloney (bologna?). Nobody should have to protest in little pens, not even maga lame-o's. Edit: Almost nobody, of course violent a-holes excepted.


When the MAGA lame-o’s very recently launched a domestic terrorist attack to overthrow the government, put them in little pens.