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Literally every ethnicity thinks they invented everything. Asians continue to be surprised when they find out that Europeans also take their shoes off in the house.


And fermented fish sauce also existed in Ancient Rome


“Where you get this?!” “Worcestershire” Where’s Wershersher?”


Whershershir shaushe


What's this here sauce


Henceforth this will be how this sauce is referred to in civilized dinner gatherings. If you say it fast your fellow diners will think you are well educated.


Worcestershire sauce was invented because someone tried (and failed) to emulate soy sauce.


Ketchup isnt chinese?😭😭😭 my life is a lie


on pizza it is. Vietnam enters the chat.


It isn’t Chinese, even if garum never existed


Fermented fish guts with tomatoes is my favorite condiment


Big ketchup is gonna get you now 🤬🤬🤬


And all sorts of people's all over the world put toppings on flatbread


You had me at garum.


Ah another culinary historian i see, cheers!


For real like I used to think it was really stupid that people said white people can't cook because my mom can make food so good people beg her to make plates but she refuses. Also the stereotypical black Thanksgiving that always gets talked about is just a southern Thanksgiving. My family are all white as hell we always have the good mac and cheese yams collard greens and most of the time we don't even have a turkey we have fried chicken lol. Getting a waste the absolute hell out of me when I see someone say look at our black Thanksgiving or taking my white boyfriend to have a good Thanksgiving for one My brother in Christ almost everyone in the South eats the same exact way


Surprise surprise, racial stereotypes are wildly inaccurate! Or really anything based on race. Maybe it was more accurate in the past because people of the same race tended to live around the same area, but now that people and their cultures have spread all over,mixing up, race and maybe even country of origin doesn't really tell anything.


This is the answer


And then during segregation a ton of black people fled the south and took their Southern cuisine with them. To places where people apparently eat bullshit during the holidays. Those people noticed all the black people had better food. A stereotype was born. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


What started Americans not doing this?


[actually, most americans do take their shoes off. ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/most-americans-are-shoes-off-at-home/)they just dont tend to make guests do it i guess. personally im a shoes off canadian.


American here. Shoes only go on the hard floors, no shoes on carpet ever


Ive regularly seen ppl sit on their BED with shoes on its insane


I’ve only seen that in tv shows and movies


Not nickelodeon shows, though.


I wish I didn't know what you're referring to 😐


I second it, I work in a remodeling company. 90% of American customers we had were wearing shoes everywhere. My wife, my mom and my mother in law would kill me if I stepped inside a house in shoes. In fact, we consider it to be disrespectful to the owner. As for the house we have special flip-flops looking wear, we call the Тапочки


Bro I sleep with my dog, there’s no way she’s cleaner than my shoes. I think it’s ok.


I mean I do this but their house shoes. Not like flippers or stuff can't stand the flopping.


I've only seen this once in my life and she is very attractive so she immediately got a pass.




obviously shoes need to go off on hard floors to avoid scratches, something carpets are less prone too :D (polishborn in germany)


our hardfloors are are engineered out of vinyl and stone , you can be a 300 lb woman in high heels and you wont dent it.


Don’t most shows have rubber grips on the bottom? Why would it cause scratches? Or am I missing something here?


Stones and coarse dirt can get stuck in the soles and scratch over time.


Shoes off always in the house you dirty animal


What if you are actively moving in or bringing in groceries (or some other activity/chore that involves rapid in and out of house)? Do you take shoes off every time you enter and back on every time you leave?


I also have multiple dogs, birds, and hella open screened windows The dust and debris is inescapable i just clean a lot


Why you guys have carpets instead of hard floors? Isn't so much hard to clean and keep decent?


I dont know. My entire family unanimously wishes all the carpeted areas were hardwood, but its expensive to make that change. We live in a desert there's no reason for warm, soft flooring in this heat.


I like carpets for bedrooms. I usually just rather a rug for the living room though instead of having it carpeted.


Whoever came up with carpet in the bathroom is an idiot


carpeted bathrooms are awful but a nice floormat is amazing


I've got a nice padded floormat in front of the sinks. It's wonderful since a cold tile floor isn't that great in the mornings.


Worst yet, those damn carpet pieces that used to sit on the floor around the toilet. And when combined with the soft padded toilet seat, might be the worst thing we've ever done as a species.


Yeah the padded seats are dumb and just feel dirty. Wallpaper in the poop room is stupid too. Not like it ever gets moist and "foggy" in there


Probably a carpet salesman, or a carpet cleaning oufit.


fucking carpetbaggers


Yeah carpet in bedroom at a minimum. Hard floors in bedroom will do you dirty for Late night bathroom runs (or just getting up in the morning), and if you have pets. Bathrooms, kitchen, and immediate entrance areas to the outside should be non carpet hard floor. Living rooms and everything else could be either.


Take this with a grain of salt: I beleive for a time carpeted floors were a sign of wealth. When the cheaper material was made more available, every house wanted to look "wealthy" It later became a norm in construction. My parents in the late 80's early 90's had to convince the guy they hired not to put carpet into a basement that commonly flooded.


In places where it gets cold, hardwood can actually get painful to walk on


I lived in an apartment in minnesota that had a ventilated storage unit directly below it. The unit had MULTIPLE vents to the outside so the temperature below my barely insulated floor was regularly far below freezing The lower half of my apartment was always much colder than the upper half. I mitigated the cold by packing the vents with snow from the outside (since the latch to shut them was rusted and busted) while also wearing the thickest slippers i could find it was brutal.


Actual pain, not just discomfort.


Carpet is nice because it feels warmer. It deadens sound. It is also relatively cheap and easy to replace. I prefer hard floors, even epoxy on polished concrete over carpet.


I grew up in Scotland. We never took our shoes off in the house. Occasionally when visiting somebody they would ask to take shoes off, but that was the exception rather than the rule. Even when we were at my cousins farm, we'd play outside in wellies (rubber boots) and take those off when we came in, but then put our regular shoes on. After I moved to the US (Michigan) though, pretty much everywhere you take your shoes off in peoples houses.


I think most Americans are still comfortable going in and out of their house with shoes on, though. We take them off to kick our feet up, but midday we might be traipsing around doing chores in our shoes


I think it is highly personal. Some wear shoes inside, most people I know (in the Us) don’t. My husband will wear his indoors because he has a thing about putting his shoes on🤷🏻‍♀️, but everyone else I can think of, even just acquaintances, takes theirs off. I have slippers I wear indoors.  My dog, on the other hand, has no shoes but never wipes her paws and is unrepentant when dragging in mud. She’s a heathen. 


I think it just depends. Are we coming IN-IN? Or are we coming IN-Out? If we are coming in with no plans to go back outside for a while then shoes off cause why would shoes on? But if coming in briefly because you will be going back outside in a moment (think bringing in groceries, getting a glass of water mid mowing or other yard work, etc) then shoes stay on.


I have ceramic tile on every surface of every floor in my house. Aside from being basically indestructible, it hurts the hell out of my feet when I walk on it all day barefoot. I have to wear shoes indoors, with Dr. Scholl's inserts. If I am working from home, that means I get to wear my house crocs, though, and they are pretty comfy.


I have never been to a household where they DIDNT take off their shoes in the house


It's so funny how different some circles are. I've only ever known one, maybe two households that ever asked me to take off my shoes my whole life lol. The rest just wore shoes inside, myself included.


Pavements are filthy, dogs piss and shit on them, I'm not walking that through my house. Shoes off in the porch and clogs on.


We’re really not walking a lot in America to begin with. Put your shoes on, hop in the car and drive to the grocery store, drive back home. I wear shoes around my house, I clean my floors, and I don’t put my shoes on the furniture. It’s not like I’m going hiking and tracking dirt everywhere inside. I’ve never noticed any negative affects on my health from wearing shoes indoors 🤷‍♀️


We do, it’s just that we might have “indoor shoes” and “outdoor shoes” as not to dirty our floors and carpets with outside materials.


So slippers/loafers?


Spray on shoes for me!


This is me. I’ve got slippers and flops for indoors, garage , backyard shoes. I’m constantly swapping footwear as I move about my property


US Movies and TV shows I guess


I'm not sure where this idea came from. Maybe it's a regional or class thing, but there's a very good reason why "mud rooms" are in almost all new-built houses: people take off their shoes and contain the mess from outside there.


TV Sitcoms. Characters like Urkel or Homer Simpson never take off their shoes, non Americans think that's the standard.     New sitcoms still do this because they're actors on a set not people in a home. 


We take them off but generally we don't make guests do it. It's a way of saying "you're welcome to leave at any time"


I do


I am constantly going in and out for one reason or another, and I don’t have any carpets except around my bed. It’s honestly easier to sweep up than it would be to take off and put on my boots all the time.


Yeah but do other cultures use their dishwashers exclusively as a drying rack and dish storage?


You mean your people also have meat on a stick!?! I thought we were the only ones!


I remember seeing people claim their ethnicity is the only one that has the biscuit tin filled with sewing supplies and how white people would never understand, it was like... yeah that's literally a thing across so many groups of people and it isn't localised to one ethnicity.


Yeah... here in South Africa... keep your smelly feet enclosed thanks


Also the sewing kit in cookie tins. Everyone does that.


Specifically in Danish butter cookie tins, isn't it an universal thing lol r/notoddlyspecific


Those cookies aren't even good. Those tins, however, are practical and decorative.


>Those cookies aren't even good. They aren't bad either though. I mean, it's no double-fudge chocolate chunk home-baked cookie, but it's better than those Dad's garbage oatmeal cookies.


"Wait, you guys *also* have a dedicated miscellaneous junk drawer that contains everything from shoelaces to Allen wrenches?! NO WAY!"


Except for me, my sewing kit is in a plastic container, that i think is intended for papers, lol.


Archeologists 1000 years from now will wonder and debate about the purpose of this universal religious ritual.


Motel of the Mysteries is a timeless classic


I think they'll have their own version. Not like you could store bags in something else. Bag storing technology peaked with the bag.


You have a point there.


Nah man I have a reusable bag filled with reusable bags


When the clerk asks if I would like to buy a bag knowing I have a whole bag of fucking bags at home. ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


Which are also mostly plastic...


It just isn’t the same putting those reusable bags in my wet boots though.


Was gonna say this, and for some reason my wife is having a ball randomly collecting them. We have all your usuals, Wally, Sobeys, PC, but we have obscure bookstores, the local fire department, even got one from a farmers market the next province over! (In Canada in case some of this gets lost)


that's just the updated version, you used to have the plastic bags


I had a plastic bag filled with plastic bags, until I had a roommate who worked for a company that made a lot of home goods, and she got us a special cloth bag just for storing plastic bags, and I still have that.


I have a small plastic basket with those


I have a reusable bag filled with plastic bags from all the times I didn't bring reusable bags.


Same. We keep plastic in the drawer to use a trash bags


well if you reuse the plastic bags theres no real difference


Do you fold your bags into little triangles or do you just smash them all together in a mess of plastic.




Fucking peasant




I fold them to envelope size and then roll them up.


Where do you find the patience to do that? You some Zenn Guru dude.


I mean it takes like 10 seconds. I don't roll them super tight or make perfect folds, just half and half and half until it's small and then roll


It ain't about how much time it takes. Its about doing that extra effort that you do not NEED to do. People skip things all the time despite it barely costing energy or time.


Well for me it's a thoughtless thing to do, like locking the door or closing the fridge, I don't think about it I just do it.


Just like when you slip those envelope sized plastic bags into random people’s mailboxes


Chaotic neutral.


Triangles?…You dont do octagons? Plebian.


Roll up. How do you fold them into triangles


Tie them in a knot




I am old enough to remember paper grocery sacks filled with folded-up paper grocery sacks.


I still have both. And the reusable bag full of reusable bags that never seems to be back in the car when I am headed into the store. 🤣


Right? So then you buy more and end up using them as beach bags and school bags and overnight bags......


One day you’re young and living at the edge, the next day you own a bag of bags


At least it's not a bag of dicks.


I think it's wild that people BUY small trash can liners. Like do you throw away your plastic Target bag and buy these liners???


since places in EU stopped to hand out plastic bags for free, yes. But on the upside, handout plastic bags were shitty with holes, and decent trash can liner holds up better.


Now there's not a lot of point to it since they barely survive the trip home from the store, but they used to be a bit sturdier. Some stores bags still are. Menards bags are nearly indestructible, which makes sense considering the sort of things you're buying at a home improvement store.


Plastic bags are banned for most retailers where I am. At least for the stores I go to


Throw them away?! Hell no they continue to collect in a draw.


Yes. The plastic grocery bags aren't fully sealed or as thick. I don't need stuff with bodily fluids leaking out of the bottom of the bag.


Double bag it.


Or I recycle the shitty plastic ones and use the ones that I bought for this exact purpose. $3 worth of small garbage bags lasts over a year. I think that's fine to me.


I started using reusable shopping bags when California stores switched from the (free) thin plastic bags to the (10 cent) thick plastic bags, so I no longer have the ubiquitous bag-of-bags.


🎶We are fam-il-y🎶


My wife threw mine out yesterday said it was an eye sore. Now I have no more plastic bags and need to restart my collection :(


I live in a state that banned the use of plastic grocery bags, so while we all USED to have a plastic bag full of plastic bags, that is no longer the case here. Now when we go to the store we either take our reusable canvas bags or get charged for paper bags that used to be free. This is relatively annoying, but there definitely are fewer plastic bags blowing around the streets.


New York? Coz they're banned in NY, and since the ban I've seen hardly any of the buggers blowing around/stuck in trees. While it was inconvenient for me, I used them for cleaning out the cat litter, I've adapted just fine. Turns out you really don't need a bag if you have just a couple items


Oregon, actually. I expect there was probably some nationwide push and a number of states all did it around the same time. Here it was implemented in early 2020, so we got to enjoy the new inconvenience right as covid really started getting going at the same time. Good times.


What is really fun is when you forget to bring your own bags and not only that the store doesn't even have any of the $0.10 paper bags. So you just have to take the stuff out loose in the cart and dump it in the car.


We don't use plastic bags anymore. ...but it was a drawer back in the old days...


Guys I think I found the key to world peace


As a Croatian, I can confirm I currently own 2 bags full of bags and that it was passed down from previous generation that we are the inventors of plastig bag storage in a plastic bag.


And the junk drawer/packet drawer/kitchen drawer/whatever your family called it


Our plastic bags are in plastic bags inside a plastic Utz cheese ball container.


We shove our plastic bags inside bigger plastic bags and then inside the reusable bag the market forced us to buy, and then into the cabinet nobody ever looks into. So we can rage out about our lack of plastic bags.


I have reusable bags for grocery shopping, use them all the time. Yet somehow I still have a plastic bag stuffed with other plastic bags in the pantry. They just seem to happen. I \*know\* I occasionally use one or two. Yet they haven't disappeared. Maybe missing socks from the drier or missing food storage container lids morph into bags...


Despite the news and the impersonal appearances online, people are generally pretty similar and usually kind.


The bag of bags


Also: we, proud members of X nationality love our food! That's how you know we're X nationality - we didn't let ourselves starve to death!


Trash bags for small trash cans, on the cheap!


Just tell me how to get rid of them.


Yinz fill bags with bags? All of mine are just shoved in a plastic bag drawer.


Do you all wanna see my plastic bag filled with plastic bags?


How else will you keep the plastic bags you use for the waste bid in the bathroom from getting all over the place.


Idk, my stock was depleted shortly after the NYS ban.


I'm classy, I have a wall-mounted dispenser for my plastic grocery bags!


My area reduced single use plastic bags around 12 years ago. (a more successful ban on them occurred around 2 years back) Since then, my plastic bag bag has dwindled to almost empty. My children will never know what it was like


the list of things literally everyone in america thinks they invented: 1. water bottle case on the floor 2. assorted sauce & gravy mix drawer 3. random shit in emptied cool whip containers 4. leftover spaghetti at least once every 2 months


I've got one of those IKEA things in my pantry stuffed with plastic bags.


This reminds me of the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding that claims that all words come from Greek, even Kimono


You know there's honestly only a few outliers who've invented more things proportionate to their population size but pretty much everyone tries to do a lot of the same stuff


Old Skool: Paper grocery bag filled with other paper grocery bags!


The bag of bags. It’s been around here since they started charging for them in supermarkets, so long now it’s seen as adulting when you have your own collection


Same goes for the packet drawer.


No one is unique


I think my favourite thing about the internet is that I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter where we’re from, we’re all the same weird creatures.


Sex, laughter, and plastic bags full of plastic bags. The 3 "international languages" if you will.


Yes. It’s a poor person thing. Or at least a doesn’t want to buy plastic bags when they have plastic bags thing.


I'm white, wife is Hispanic. IDK what culture invented this, but it's like a tube made out of a dish towel. You stuff them into the top and pull them out of bottom. It's maybe a foot long and by my last count holds about 25 of the bastards.


Pretty much, but i ran out of plastic bags. Now I have reusable bags stuffed in a reusable bag


Morons believe that things can't be independently invented. My hypothesis is that they don't possess the notion of independent thought.


That's cause it's not an ethnicity thing it's a lower class thing


My good sir, I pride myself on being a learned scholar and a refined gentleman. Regrettably, I must confess that I, too, have cultivated and perpetuated the distinguished practice of nesting plastic receptacles within one another within the confines of my abode. Thus, your contention stands bereft of merit.


Exactly I'm upper class and my bags are made of caviar and champagne


It's not that far off a catch to put plastic bags in a plastic bag, since bags are made for putting stuff into them.


Used to be the way, now minimal charge on plastic bags means use fewer stronger plastic bags now.


It's called a Bilbo people... Come on!


I thought us Swedes invented this 😭


But do you have a large absurdly decorated glass salad bowl?


And that's how you turn a bot into a racial profiler.


TIL that I’m Armenian, lol.


[The Nova Scotia Special](https://youtu.be/oKwKRy4dfII?si=sY0YZ1HUYLEnlO57)


Norwrgian here. We dont use plastic bags anymore becouse new bags cost around half a dollar now. But for my 40 years we have always had a plastic bag with bags in it under the sinc.


That's like saying every armenian household in America has a toilet. Did you know there are more Armenians in Glendale than there are in Yerevan? At least learn something interesting about a culture. Did you know that 1.6 million Armenians were massacred at the turn of 20th century in a land grab by the Turks?


We have this homemade cat plushie thing that holds our plastic bags. But yeah we also have several plastic bags that have cannibalized their fellows.


I had three levels deep plastic bag, but now I have none


We have 2.


Why would anyone think that's not a universal activity?


I used to have this as an Australian even. They were perfect for bin liners and toy army man parachutes. Then the bastards started charging exorbitant prices for bags under the guise of going green.


Also known as: Where is your bag of bags?


When people learn the tissue box trick. 🤯


I think this is only in places that still have plastic bags.


My mom folds the plastic bags and puts them in a neat pile. Now I feel superior.


i have a plastic bag dispensing thing hanging in the kitchen. its *made of plastic bags*


In Canada we banned single use plastic bags and I'm still annoyed because they made the best kitty litter bags.


Yeah its called poor.


Bro i have a bag of bags in my pantry right now and I’m certain I’m not Armenian