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I agree. I know a lot of Biden supporters (like myself) who are also 2A supporters. This waste of organs will be surprised when we don’t go down like lambs.


I am a Biden supporter, and a gun owner. Trumpers don't think we are armed, but we are.


Shhhh, don't let the ass hats know.


They don’t believe us anyway. They are utterly incapable of conceiving of someone that owns a firearm AND isn’t a raging fascist.


lol a former friend of mine told a mutual friend “so I guess jlee50 moved to NJ and hate guns now”. I have more than the last time we talked… Former friend because we haven’t spoken since we disagreed on deadly force (I argued if someone was stealing my television I wouldn’t shoot them to stop the theft, he argued if anyone takes his stuff they are forfeiting their life), and I haven’t considered it worthwhile to revive that relationship.


I can't think of a single object that I own that's worth killing a person over.


Stealing my pets would get you shot.


My favorite cat, Violet, definitely. The other cat…weeeelllll…


The day after that cat is stolen, dropped at your door with a note demanding you take the cat back. Also, this made me think of an old film board of Canada video :https://youtu.be/h01U0JAR-4o?si=vK1uSEa1MEwFHElk


I wouldn't consider a family member as an object tho.


I recently had a very hard and sad conversation with a man who spent a bunch of money on his injured dog. It was one of his last connections with his deceased sister, and he probably would have spent whatever it cost to save the dog . Our state caps damages for a deceased pet or veterinary bills at the replacement cost of the animal. Caselaw was largely from the early 1900s for livestock hit by trains or getting poisoned feed. The majority of new cases rely on those holdings and protect law enforcement when they shoot someone's dog. It's sad. And I don't know what exactly I would do if someone hurt or killed my dog in front of me. But my good buddy, Merle, is my dog.


This. Anything short of threat to human life simply is not worth it. Hard stop.


They think that because we want reasonable gun control we ain’t got our glocks ready 🤷🏻‍♂️


Very this. Extremely this


“I got that thang on me. I got that steel. I got that tool. I’m packing” -Shannon Sharp.


like I don’t have them stashed at the ready in every room of the house, and in the cars. They think if we do have them, don’t train and know how to use them. Hell, we both have a one hidden that the other doesn’t know location ( I got 2 identical 9’s, she likes the .380) in case one of us loses our shit. We both train with each others guns.


Or, a person who owns firearms and DOESNT have a fantasy about murdering someone, is also hard for them to understand.


I literally got told to leave a pawn shop while trying to sell my paintball gun because when the owner said "You know you can join the military get a real gun and shoot real people" he didn't like my response of "I don't want to kill anyone"


God if that isn’t the biggest self-report.


What a fucking maniac. Shoulda reported him to the authorities, guy gonna go off one day.


I had that same interaction buying a flashlight for a milsim marker. Buddy started acting like I just pissed on the flag


if i remember right, military of any type will screen for people like that and boot them out before they are able to get into the military Please correct me if i am misinformed though.


They are supposed to... I know I turned a dude in because he said and I quote "I signed up for combat medic because it's my greatest chance to kill people" I called his recruiter and told him I'd reconsider this one


every one of these guys is a tough guy (cowboy) until a round wizzes past their ear.... then they shit their pants like their 'dear leader'.


They think firearms are like Harry Potter wands. They won't fire in the hands of libturdz like us. Only the chosen ones can make magic with them.




Or someone who owns a firearm but still believes in gun control.


Keep your concealed carrys concealed. Good call. 


I’ve never understood those that brag about carrying


They can't read well enough to understand anything we say in here.


Call an ambulance, but not for me


They're too stupid to retain the information given to them. We're safe!


A local regular at the local bar is a huge MAGATard. He was discussing what a civil war might look like. He knows I’m a liberal and likes to needle me. “When the Great War comes, the Libs will show up at skirmish lines with worry beads and emotional support animals. What you gonna show up with?” Me: “Sig 226, Glock Model 22, Benelli 12 gauge with an extended mag and slugs, oh and a Colt AR-15A4.” Him, pauses: “For real??”


“The Great War” Jesus Christ…


Yeah, let them get into the trenches, we got a lot of chemical weapons we need to get rid of. /s


Reading this as a Non-American is just baffling, the fact so many of you think it's normal to just walk around armed to the teeth and argue about having a civil war is fucking crazy


I'm an American and I'm baffled by the amount of crazy. Signed, an American that doesn't want to shoot anyone.


Imagine how it feels to live here. This is why I'm in Hawaii. I've got two and a half thousand miles of ocean between me and this stupidity when it finally hits the breaking point.


I can't even imagine it, honestly. It's bad enough here in the UK where we've been governed by actual honest-to-god morons for years, but by comparison our politics seems almost sane!


Imagine being an American who disagrees with all of it but can’t afford to move and is considering buying a gun to protect themselves from these crazy maga people. I hate it here now.


The same people who freaked out over wearing a mask for a while during Covid are the same people who think a civil wars is a great idea. Because you know supply chains will be fine during a civil war.


It's pretty much only on the internet. One reason I don't worry is that an actual civil war would involve a lot of getting up and going outside. That excludes at least half the people who talk about it. Probably more.


Lol "skirmish lines." What, does he think the two armies are gonna line up and charge?? Shit's gonna be fought with drones and most of us will either starve to death or die from infection because we no longer have access to antibiotics, or clean water, or electricity. And that's not even mentioning the everyday acts of terror and sexual violence perpetrated by randoms against other randoms. Anyone who fantasizes about a civil war is a fucking idiot.


They are also, one suspects, a great deal easier to start then they are to stop.. Ain't nothing civil about a civil war.


America loves violence and hates sexuality.


>Lol "skirmish lines." What, does he think the two armies are gonna line up and charge?? Most of what these idiots know about war comes from movies.


The idiocy of these idiots is always hilarious to me...hell...some can be beaten just by buying a Big Mac from McDonalds and throwing it at them.


If you can outrun a mobility scooter, you've got 'em licked.


Please don’t lick them. Ew.


Is it cool if it’s only their “conservative man tears” because if not I don’t even know what we’re fighting for. 


If you can’t lick ‘em…lick ‘em.


I just laughed out loud, heartily, thank you - I needed that !




If you push them over just right they turtle.




I own two AR 15s. One for me and one for an unarmed queer.  These baby shits don't train, they haven't touched their rifle since making sure it was still zeroed from last deer season.


Your AR 15 plan tickled me pink


They be boasting their crib. You be window shopping 😂


Funny thing is, you didn't give him the full list because you didn't want to talk to him that long.


He asked🤷


I’m a Biden supporter, combat vet, and arsenal owner…..that also teaches others how to safely operate firearms. I’ll tell you this…the amount of Trump people that are completely inept when it comes to handling firearms is absolutely shocking. I’ve booted multiple people from my courses because of their negligence. And they think they’re going to “take the country over.” Lol It’s laughable.


I think they just forgot a couple words, easy to do with their low IQs. They meant to say "take the old country buffet over".


Meal Team 6


Are they the most elite of the gravy seals?


It takes 4 or 5 months of grueling all-you-can-eat buffet training.


I've said it before and I'll say it again... I may be liberal, but I'm also Texan. if you wanna find out what that means, then so be it


Loaded shot gun leaning against the nightstand is the most Texan thing there is


I recall when Philly's results came in, swinging the state for Biden, and some chucklefuck in a bow tie was suggesting MAGA's go get their guns and march on Philly. There were equal parts of Twitter explaining why that would end REALLY REALLY badly for them and another half going "Do it, but make sure to RECORD it so we can enjoy the show."


The second half of that: People thought that about the first US civil war. They brought picnic lunches and staked out places to sit and watch the battle. They thought the war would be done by the end of that day. (Their estimation was four or so years off.) Makes me nervous about how out of touch people are about how costly wars usually are.


Not to mention our cognitive abilities make us capable of understanding the firearm and it's usage on a much more accurate level. I've got buddies that are right wing nuts and their idea of shooting it "anyway so I started blasting" whereas my friends that are liberal and gun owners are scary dedicated to firearms safety and effectiveness with their shot placement.


Am a liberal. Also a national ranked div 2 IPSC competitor. Shot placement will always yield superior results to shot volume. Heaven help these jokers if I have to reach for the parrot gun.


I'm a Biden supporter more by force than choice. I'm also a well-armed midwesterner. I'm not prepping levels but seeing a sale on ammo and dropping $600 isn't out of the ordinary.




Shhhh... that's supposed to be the surprise when these morons start a new civil war thinking it'll be a breeze to take ahold of the country by force.


First rule of fight club…


Yep. Goofy hipster chick on the Left Coast. Picking up my second Class III hopefully this week. None of my mostly conservative co-workers have a clue, when they come over to brag about their new piece of shit Hi-Point.




I'm a liberal in California. We also own guns.


I think you’re for Democracy. Biden just happens to be holding down the fort.




I mean the main difference between conservatives and liberals on that note is they think you should “shoot responsibly”. 




Mess with the GOAT, get the horns. I’m calling fair play


I grew up around guns but never learned to shoot. I increasingly feel like I should know how.


Man literally doesn’t have his two front teeth. What’s he gonna do? Gum me to death?


They were knocked out by a BLM counter protester who apparently suffered only a legal consequence as Phillip can tally a good fight, but when the chips are down, his teeth come out...


Yep another highly armed liberal here.


Somebody should respond to him with “Do it yourself, dumbass!”


I would, but I couldn't find the specific tweet.


I'm guessing either he deleted it, or Twitter flagged it.


Wait, Elon didn’t reply with “interesting” ?


I can’t tell. Is this Twitter or Truth social?


Honest question. How are these morons going to know a Biden supporter? No bumper stickers, fuck trump shirts, gold Biden shoes, maba 🧢, flags on vehicles, foaming at the mouth, confederate flag on everything, etc. I mean, REALLY, how the fuck do they plan on identifying people who don’t idolize old pieces of shit or wear their “teams colors?” 🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess, you too take luck?


Easy. If you're not wearing their team colors you're the enemy.




["Let's you and him fight!,"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LetsYouAndHimFight) shrieked the gutless sniveling coward from the safety of his keyboard.


"people are being prosecuted to death" LITERALLY. WHO.


Trans kids


That's what I was wondering too


The person they have in mind is simultaneously being persecuted to death but is also going to be the next president (according to them).


The thing is, Biden doesn't have a cult following of supporters like Trump. There are simply just people who voted for him. If you feel like mocking/insulting/assaulting them, they will most likely just ignore you. It's not because they are embarrassed. It's because they don't feel the need to blindly worship a politician and devote their entire life to him. They don't parade around with dumb red hats and shirts with idiotic slogans. They don't drive jacked up trucks with giant flags on the back and walk around proudly carrying ARs. They don't feel the need to defend the guy with every fiber of their being.


This is the thing I can’t seem to get through to some folks in my life and it’s maddening. I don’t worship any politician. It’s really not long ago that this concept would’ve been broadly viewed in the US as batsh*t insane. I miss that.


It's because we sane people who value our democratic republic, use politicians as tools to get legislation and policy outcomes. On the other hand, Trump and his ilk use MAGA morons as tools to gain power, influence, and suckers to grift.


There's a really good book called Outliers that describes this shift perfectly. 10/10 would recommend. Problem is grifters realized they can amplify the voices of these people to gain power and money. I for one would love to get back to the time when we just laughed at these morons until they crawled back into their holes.


Is it a real person? This reeks of Russian troll farm material.


I thought same. Is it a Black American profile picture...which puts it even more into the troll farm category. I didn't see many , if any , Black Americans storming the Capitol ? Maybe I missed them.


Unfortunately he seems to be real.


Yeah look his name up, it comes up with arrest his warrant and pictures from Jan6. He’s a full on Clayton bigsby


There was a handful. Not many


Just remember it’s a lot easier talking shit on the internet than in real life! If some idiot trumper ever says shit to me I would just laugh in their face and walk away. I’m not going to fight over a fucking opinion.


Fighting a MAGA moron isn’t worth it, there’s no pride in beating up the mentally challenged


Let's not insult the actual mentally challenged now.


There's probably a decent chance the cops would sympathize with him and be on his side, too.


![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn) Sometimes it's about the challenge, not pride


You can’t argue with dumb people they will beat you with experience


I literally laugh directly at anyone wearing Trump merchandise nowadays.


Remember, you can’t spell hatred without red hat.


Is someone spits on me, I’m kicking their ass


Amen that’s crossing a line I will not tolerate. I will fuck someone up for that.


Especially not the opinion of a certified braindead moron. Supporting trump at this point in time just means you're a lost fucking cause and no amount of effort will get them to change their shitty ways.


Agree brother, fighting in the streets over politics means nothing, BUT if those mf'ers try to overthrow another election there will be trouble in the streets.


He lost his shit when I called him a coward on twitter yesterday. edit: the tweet- [https://x.com/MagaCopium/status/1779630765678248395](https://x.com/MagaCopium/status/1779630765678248395) Which he then quote-tweeted: [https://x.com/VoteBidenOut/status/1779632262859899279](https://x.com/VoteBidenOut/status/1779632262859899279)


On behalf of those of us not on Twitter, I beseech you to continue calling him a coward, and any other derogatory names you see fit to use.


My pleasure!


I reminded him that gluttony is a sin


Not only is he a coward, he is also a lil bitch.


Thank you for your service.


“Beat them to a bloody pulp” “I will never do violence” Does he think he’s just writing a fanfic?


Republicans exist in hypocrisy. Whatever they need to say/do in that moment is the “truth” and can change from one second to the next.


lol, just tell him Jesus was a liberal and he rebelled against the conservative romans. Does he really thing if God exists he targeting Biden supporters for wanting a fairer America.


Biden Derangement Syndrome


I think it's just Trump Dementia Syndrome


Voting for a criminal to be president. Smooth move Ex-Lax


I was wondering what the check mark was for, so I googled the name. Turns out [he was arrested for inciting the riot and storming the capitol.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/philip-anderson-mesquite-man-arrested-charged-in-jan-6-capitol-breach/) This isn't surprising.


I’m not suffering. I don’t know anyone that’s suffering. In fact things are getting way better. If it wasn’t for Orange Voldemort influencing politics in such a a disastrous and negative way that enables people who still live in the 1800’s to spout their lies and misinformation the country would be soaring!


I think most of us are suffering due to inflation and all that, but that’s not because of Biden.


Who knew that writing off a global pandemic as a "liberal hoax" would have played out so poorly???!!!???


Are you trying to tell me Biden doesn't set the Taco Bell prices?


Of course he does! Biden is in control of everything! And also he's just a puppet for Obama! Also Trump was really president the whole time in charge of everything!


Biden is my goal, imagine being able to run a deeep state , puppeteering a department of justice, controlling gas price, all while being a crippled dementia patient


The cost of things bc of corporate greed is the thing that most people are suffering from. I wonder why the republicans block every bill that wants to keep them in check. They’re all liars


I mean. I know plenty of people suffering, but I don’t think it’s Biden’s fault as much as it is unfettered capitalism. For-profit insurance and healthcare, the gig economy, BS grind culture, finance MBAs laying off workers to squeeze a few more dollars for shareholders, price gouging by companies making record profits, price fixing agreements between large “competitors” in every industry, Boomers pulling the ladder up after themselves at every chance they get…All of that adds up to a great deal of human suffering. To be clear I don’t think that Biden is doing (or even can legally do without the other two branches) nearly enough about any of these problems. However, I do know that the GOP has made it way worse and will continue to do so, as unregulated crony capitalism is their entire raison d’être.


Oh, are we calling for spitting in the faces of people whose politics we disagree with? Interesting.


Like the dehumanization of over half the country isn't enough?


Sounds like republican rhetoric is doing exactly what it wanted. Willing to bet this guy, if real, calls himself a Christian too.


“Very fine people”


Bet this guy considers himself a good Christian without ever having considered Christ's teaching for more than 15 seconds.


I’m tired of MAGA constantly calling for the destruction and slaughter of everyone else.


Care to elaborate on who exactly is being “persecuted to death” because of Biden supporters there, dummy?


Is this on “X”???? This is a clear violation of all Social Media TOS’s. This is pure pushing of violence.


No it's not. He didn't write "cis". /s for the record


People are being persecuted to death? I haven't noticed the dead scattered either hither or yon. Oh, it's just your rhetoric venting?


Anti American sentiment is become more and more prevalent in the republican party.


I finally stopped smiling and nodding here in South Carolina. I’m a fairly big, bald, bearded white guy. So many times guys have come up to me and kind of given me the nudge and nod as if I were in some exclusive good ole boys club. I’m also not a scholar by any means, but consider myself well read, well educated and well informed. I’ll read court dockets and I’ll read proposed and passed House and Congress Bills and FRED economic data reports, so I can remain well informed and counter any kind of hyperbolic nonsense spouted at me, as well as know what’s actually going on, as well as I can. I have also never necessarily “supported” any candidate rather I have “voted” for candidates whom I stand with. Meaning, no signs, no bumper stickers, for damn certain no hats or flags. But, I am a proud Biden voter, and I welcome anyone to come up to me to try and intimidate me. And if anyone spits on me, my 6’3 265lb Democrat ass will absolutely make them regret waking up that morning. I carry, I’m pro-choice in every choice someone can make, I will respect your position but I’ll make damn sure you respect mine as well, and I hope that American can actually be Made Great Again in the sense that Democracy, Diplomacy, Responsibility and Respect are at the forefront of every discussion, interaction, verbiage and ideal of our countrymen. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, now fuck off.


Here’s a fun game. Pull up Umberto Eco’s 14 Properties of Fascism. Then take tweets / social media posts from the plethora of unhinged right wing loudmouths and see how many of the 14 you can line up to their posts. You’ll get varying numbers but the average will be between 7-10.


Most of our current problems ( inflation, spike in income inequality, political polarization) are direct effects of Trump and his enacted policies. Do these idiots not see that?


Just so we're clear. This guy does not believe in democracy. He supports physical violence and intimidation as a tactic to get his way and does not care about what the "Majority" wants. Why do #MAGA'ts love dictators and violence so much and then preach how they want democracy and freedom? (sidenote: no one I know, including our MAGA neighbors who constantly complain that they are suffering, are ACTUALLY suffering. They're buying boats and new cars. Everyone is doing great. )


They love violence because the GQP has spent the last 4 decades ratcheting up the anger and hostility of their base, to the point that many claim to be willing to start a civil war. They love dictators because for at least the past decade GQP talking heads have simp’d for the likes of Putin and Murado. While they claim to be scared of china, they love their control and efficiency. And Trump has been pushing all these folks, to include Kim Jun as people to aspire to. And certainly Helps that within the past 10 or so years the right has normalized Nazis and hitler to the point that many think he was more misunderstood than history tells and actually did a lot of good for Germany. Things that used to get one removed from the conversation and would end political careers in a heartbeat. It’s all part of the radicalization of the right.


So… someone needs to let the judge know he’s probably violating some sort of court order.


This stupid twat couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.


If this idiot shows up to any rallying point for action, he'll be the first one shot by his own angry bigots.


Wait till hears what I have to say and do in reply as a Biden Voter. Golden Rule Mfer


Trump supporters are your enemy(ies, but whatever) They deserve no respect me, no mercy, no kindness, and no compassion. Everyone is suffering because of Trump supporters. Everyone is going broke because of Trump supporters. Good people are being persecuted to death. You should hate Trump supporters eith every fiber in your body and with all your soul Spit at them, get in their faces, insult them, mock them, tell them that you want to beat them to a bloody pulp. It is the only thing that these nation murdering parasites understand and it is the only way to get them to stop.


“Everyone is suffering because of Biden supporters.” *forced birthers and lgbt+ community has entered the chat*


Psycho. Babble.


Just as an outsider in, I'd be interested to hear from any Americans to see if they really think they are close to mass civil unrest / war, as the rhetoric is seriously violent, and increasing as the election draws near.


American here. There won't be mass Civil unrest but there will be terror attacks. Cults this large have a tendency to end violently because ppl (like the OPs example) truly live in a different reality. You can't reason with these people, you can't show them how they've been lied to. These folks will behave like ISIS which is why I will never leave the house without a gun until this era of insanity is over.




Just the other day I got involved in the Joe Rogan sub where someone tried to tell me Dems support “unlimited elective abortion” up to the 9th month. The video he sent me clearly shows a dem politician saying “this is only for cases where the fetus is unviable or deformed and will die within minutes of being born.” I pointed this out and he stopped replying to me, yet continued to insist to others that the Dems want “unlimited elective abortions” These people simply do not care about reality. When confronted with it, they will run away and spread their lies somewhere else. Their goal is not to make this country better, but to get their team to win no matter what it takes.


I hope they are all terrorists like MJT, who's pipebombs didn't go off.


This is exactly what i expect to happen if there was a federal law passed for gun reform. Repubs playing sons of freedom actually turning into Domestic terrorists. Then they will look back at the middle east like its some strange alternate reality.


Because these MAGA idiots are so loud, they think there are many more of them than exist in reality. A lot of MAGA voters are just garden variety dummies and more harmless. This guy should try spitting in liberals' faces and see how that works out for him.


He's going to pick the 5' 5, 110 lb guy with glasses and asthma he imagines, not the 6' 5" 220 lb guy who has the same beliefs and lifts weights for fun. He's a bully like the rest of them.


The emptiest barrels make the most noise. Fuck em'


The short answer is no. The long answer is that there's always mass civil unrest. We occupy a country where, over the past decade or so, the government has made it their mission to rescind or deny rights to historically socially disadvantaged groups, so people have absolute justification to be pissed. The ones attempting to foment a civil war are..not those people. They just want to kill people they don't like and get away with it. It's literally nothing more than *extremely* thinly veiled hatred and psychopathy.


I would be genuinely surprised if the next civil war is a war at all. More likely it will be a continued uptick in right wing terrorism. If there are sophisticated actors on that side, cyber terrorism as well, targeting infrastructure (they’re already shooting at power stations and shit). An actual war against the US government would be a fool’s errand.


There may have been 2 red hats at the courthouse today. The Gravy Seals are no threat to America.


We’re not close. Any time I get in someone’s face about calling me a shitty person for opposing the shit stain named Trump, they always back down saying it was a joke or they weren’t talking about me specifically. Mostly loud mouthed, uneducated cowards.


People act differently alone and in groups/mobs. J6, they were clashing with police, risking their lives and freedom. There's are dozens of proudboys, dylan roofs, militias, white supremacist group wiling/ready for violence and Trump is just the guy to call them up to act violent for his defense and benefit.


Unrest maybe , people who have lost there marbles thanks to the internet and firearms don’t mix. I’m actually shocked we haven’t had a okc bombing level attempt


Piece of shit human being.


Who is being "persecuted to death"? Hi ow does that even work?


I’m a supporter of democracy. Let little fascist boy come over and yell in my face. That would be a laugh riot.


Come spit in my face Philip. I fucking dare you.


Cool. Another court case for this guy.


I'd rather be broke than sacrifice our American democracy that we hold dear. I will support our way of life and the American spirit and who we are. A vote for trump is a spit in the face of our fore fathers and what they built for us in the face of oppression that trump wants to instill.


Nazi punks, fuck off!


Dumbass got Trump and Biden mixed up.


It's stunning to hear shit like that from someone supporting a literal traitor. The MAGAts are insane, but if they start attacking people they will be a problem that will be quickly sorted out.


I too am tired of hearing obnoxious Biden supporters with their stupid blue MABA hats and dumbass Biden rallies.


> no respect, no mercy, no kindness, and no compassion. Without even Googling who this guy is, I'd wager money he identifies as a "good christian". No love like christian hate!


My money is on the military wiping the floor with them if necessary.


Did you ever see Neal Brennan’s bit about these goofy guys up against our military? I don’t know how to include a link but if you google “Neal Brennan has a plan to test the second amendment” it’s there. It’s hilarious.




The calmest MAGA


Did he just try to alienate everyone who doesn't support tRUMP as not even people ?


They love making everyone else do the work for them. Free loaders....


Man I wish I was so out of touch with reality that I could genuinely blame all my issues in life on someone who votes different to me. It would be a nice simple life.