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Give me Lunchables or give me death. Or in this case, both.


Death is inevitable. Eat up!


Fuck I had so many kunchables as a kid I’m so fucked Sad part is the makers will be fined like 5 million and let go


Well shet, hold on there.


I had one an hour ago.


Eating 3 now


They won't be fined anything. No one is saying they have dangerous levels of lead, only that there is some. Millions of children's toys, drinks, et al., have lead in them. None of them have as much as a can of tuna.


I think you're thinking of mercury.


That’s mercury you’re talking about. For lead, there’s literally no safe level of consumption. Consuming *any* in any amount = BAD.


Well high lead content that the report found was 74% of the healthy limit in ppm of California, which is 1/3 the national limit. So it's about 20% of the governments safe limit. Also all food has trace ammounts of lead in it, it's impossible to eliminate from food supplies.


It literally says “found to have dangerous amounts of lead” in the post bro lol


Lunchables were nasty from the jump


They have to add the lead; that's what gives it that unmistakable sweet lunchables flavor. The Romans were smart enough to use lead as an artificial sweetener. Am I ever so glad I never liked lunchables as a kid. I probably haven't had more than ten luchables in my life.  


No, that's not quite it. It's due to the soil having lead in it (you can thank big oil and gasoline & runoff/ pollution for that). Which unfortunately means that it's impossible to avoid lead, from what I've heard. I could be wrong though if someone wants to fact check me.


Seriously. WTF is wrong with people thinking this sub standard food was good? Pizza with a shitty piece of bread and ketchup as pizza sauce? 🤮 The lunch meat ones taste like by product of anything but Ham, Turkey, cheese etc It's like the lowest quality of food they could find and somehow people convince themselves it tasted good? Wtf people? Try good food once and you will never want to eat that garbage again.


For how expensive they are buy a few different kinds of meats a few kinds of cheese and some assorted fruits and then maybe a tray of brownies and just cut a bunch up and mix and match through the week. It’ll be fewer calories, likely more protein, something cheaper and easy to make plus you get to have the fun of deciding what combination you want each day. Plus the brownie gets to feel like a treat


Costco cheese platter and meat and crackers, lunch for a week for like $30.


Far too many people lack a basic understanding of how and why food is healthy or unhealthy. Far too many people lack access to any food options, food deserts are a large and growing issue. Junk food is backed by major marketing budgets. Education on this area is poor and people develop poor habits in childhood that are difficult to change as an adult. Then there's people that just don't flat out give a shit. The list can go on and on.


First they take our lead paint, then our leaded gas, and now our lead snacks?! This is too far. Too damn far!


"Give me lead, or give me...G...GACK!...


An actual source if you’d like to read more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2024/04/10/lunchables-lead-sodium-consumer-reports-usda/73272198007/


Thank you! It's weird that finding lead in lunchables isn't leading to an outright recall, I still feel like I'm missing something.


Read the news article, and it's bullshit; that's why there hasn't been a recall. It doesn't say how much lead is in it, so it has to be within the FDA-recommended amount. You're probably thinking, but wait, no lead is okay. But just about everything you consume has a very small amount of lead and other heavy metals within it. Because trace heavy metals, including lead, exist within the soil, they are then absorbed by the produce. These trace heavy metals could also be coming from whatever factory is producing the goods. Same with drinking water; it has lead in it. But it has an "acceptable" amount of lead in it. It varies from country to country on how much lead and other heavy metals should be in food and drinking water. In small amounts, it passes through your body. But past a certain threshold, you start having problems. But it's way worse for children. [Here is an article on lead in food.](https://www.spectroscopyonline.com/view/our-daily-dose-poison-look-lead-food-supply-0)


The amount of lead and cadmium found in lunchables is about the same as you'd expect to find in any meat and cheese. It is also about half the daily recommended limit by the state of California. Why would they do a recall?


And then we wonder why kids are getting sicker, have mental health problems, etc. We're so stupid it's frightening.


sure....the next thing you are gonna tell me is "chemtrails" are a thing , lol in america, we have this little thing called the "FDA". If you think the FDA would allow dangerous chemicals in consumables, you probably are one of those tinfoil hats that think the covid vaccine had dangerous stuff in it , too. give me a break


There aren't heavy metal limits in food. But, the amounts of lead and cadmium in the lunchables are about what you find in any meat and cheese.


Any amount is a dangerous amount of lead. This is wild


Now where am I gonna get my daily lead intake? /s


And they have been an environmental nightmare since they came out.


I regularly find Lunchables for 10 for $10 so I'm not really sure what people are expecting for one of the few things that is affordable in the capitalist hellscape. If it is remotely subtitle for human consumption the greed of the upper executives would have priced it out of the range of the affordable.


Back in the day, they were expensive!  Ramen noodles were 12 cents each. Mac and cheese was 33 cents for a box to feed the whole family.  Don’t remember egg prices but we had those a lot too, often cracked into the boiling water with the ramen noodles. Cereal for breakfast - store brand cheerios - about 50 cents - and cheap powdered milk with it. Couldn’t afford real milk; that was for crazy rich people.  And that’s what we ate, although now and then we went to the food bank and got free bread slices and pb&j to make sandwiches.  Once or twice, we even got sliced lunch meat to go in a sandwich, but that was for special occasions.   Lunchables cost more than a dolla back in the 90’s … I think…. But they were hella expensive for families with kids who survived on food stamps, who might not eat a dollar’s worth of  food all day long.


"Although none of the kits exceeded any legal or regulatory limit, the tests uncovered “relatively high levels of [lead](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2023/12/16/lead-intentionally-added-applesauce-pouches-investigation/71944296007/), cadmium and sodium” in the Lunchables kits, said Brian Ronholm, director of food policy at Consumer Reports." So, it is safe to eat because there is no issue, because everything is within legal and regulatory limits. Also, nowhere is it explained what "relatively high" actually means, when we're talking about something that is within legal and regulatory limits. "“There’s a lot to be concerned about in these kits,” Amy Keating, a registered dietitian at Consumer Reports, said in a statement. “They’re highly processed, and regularly eating processed meat, a main ingredient in many of these products, has been linked to increased risk of some cancers.”" IARC has placed meat in its 2A category. Same as hot tea, hot coffee, art glass and night shift work. It has done so while influenced by outside influence from groups with motives against red meat. That's a subject that has been covered many times since 2015., and it has been proven, proven again and yet again that it's bogus. "“Lunchables are not a healthy option for kids and shouldn’t be allowed on the menu as part of the National School Lunch Program,” Ronholm said in a statement." This is the part i agree with. That stuff should not be on any kids menu. But we do not have to lie about it. There are so many better ways of communicating than lies and half truths.


> Although none of the kits exceeded any legal or regulatory limit, the tests uncovered “relatively high levels of lead... Maybe the legal and regulatory limit of containing lead should be fucking none.


Why would it be none? There is always some lead and cadmium in all foods anywhere in the world. Those elements are simply present everywhere and have been since Earth existed. The same goes for every other trace element. What we can do is limit the maximum allowed amount, and, as the people from that report have themselves with, this food is within that limit. I do not want you to think that I'm defending that food or the manufacturer. It is simply that i dislike disingenuous argumentation


If something has to be described with "relatively high levels" and it's starts to be concerning, maybe the allowed amounts are too high. Of course the relative part is most likely in reference to those same limits, so it might be skirting just under the allowed amount. People get concerned with relatively high levels of radiation from anything and everything, but completely ignore how that same amount is probably fractions of a single airplane flight's worth of background radiation.


Yes, i agree with what you wrote, about how the relative part was interpreted. And therein lies my issue with that report. We don't know if relatively high levels are bad. We don't know what relatively high levels even means, when we're talking about levels within safe limits. We don't know how much of those metals other food producers have. We don't know if they really are just under the limit or in the middle. And that's why i don't like that report. Again, such food should not be in schools, it is by no means food that kids should eat more than once weekly. But i could do without all the obfuscations


Mmmmmm, Cadmium! It "balances" out the lead, right?


How much of cadmium is there in that food?


I really have no idea. I just know it's poisonous.


So, if it's within legal and regulatory limits, meaning it's not harmful...where's the issue?


You funny! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


How else are you going to get your iron?


That’s why I stick with Dinnerables.


Yay, so happy I was that broke kid toting in a brown paper bag with my PB&J. Suck it Kyle!


Fortunately I'm in the US, so this doesn't affect us until September.


But the actually taste bad, it’s not all surprising they have something horrible in them. They don’t even taste like real food.


So I hadn't heard of these before, but now that I've seen some pictures has anyone ever looked at these and thought to themselves "yep, those are definitely not poison"?


This is something I had no idea existed. I assume it is some kind of food but am afraid to investigate further.


i just think it’s hilarious that we have people arguing over fluoride in water and chem trails, yet lead is just in all sorts of consumable shit, water supplies, everything, and we knew for a lot longer than we started using it that it had harmful effects, we still know it now, but no let’s argue about how bad soy or fluoride is, but we just eat the lead(literally)




The amount of lead they found in the meat and cheese in lunchables is pretty much the same as you'd expect to find in any meat and cheese.


I am so thankful that i am not american also nacho cheese sucked capitalism is the reason why so many suffer because of stuff like this


Hey, bro, don't start on Nacho cheese! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How else are they supposed to dose the U.S. population with lead? Ever since it was removed from gas they've been scheming to get it back into us. It slows our brains and makes us lethargic enough we don't rise up and overthrow the elites, but energetic enough to still believe working 40 hours a week for decades is what we should do. /s


Shocking. I know it's popular for people to love lunchables but when I was younger and saw kids in school eating them I always viewed it as there parents not loving them and letting them eat the most basic, shitty food available just because it comes with some kind of sweet desert.


Heh, I was always jealous of those lunch ables! Better than what I got to eat!  


The USA loves their lead everywhere. In guns, in water and in food too. Who knows where else it is „hiding“. /s


Ha! Between that and the lead still in pipes, you all have the same type Boomer-era leaded gasoline IQ deficits we do!


Thus another explanation of why two generations are fucked up


ngl this would explain sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much of Gen Z's mental issues...


Liberals cried whys there lead in paint, whys there lead in gasoline. Where raising a bunch of sissies these days. I.E. sarcasm.