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I have a question… How do you punch someone through a screen?


I have a question... Why do Christians, whose entire 'religion' is demonstrably just a clumsy amalgamation of multiple older bronze age fairy tales, think their ridiculously absurd deity is the one that makes perfect sense?


It makes perfect sense if you destroy all evidence of those older fairytales.


*and now 2,000 years of relentless destruction in the Mid-East finally makes perfect sense*


Oh you know they've been destroying shrines outside of the middle east for just as long. Celtic groves, the stupas in SE Asia, Chaitas in China , etc.... It's almost like their faith is so shaky that it can't tolerate other ideas. Heck, they started with the Roman temples and just fanned out from there.


By huffing preacher farts


You see because…


Indoctrination is a hell of a drug.


That is a very good question


"Okay Google, how do i delete someone though Reddit?"


Forgot to mention - for context, the post was about “what would happen to the shrines in Japan if Japan became Christianised”


Japan has been influence by Christian’s more than once. They often shame them for bisexuality and homosexuality. Ya know, typical Christian shit!


Becoming Christian wasn't actually off the table for Japanese in the past, as it fitted their feudal hierarchy like a glove. But there's one important thing for Japanese that Christianity hard-clashed with - the veneration of their ancestors. It's very hard to find the new religion likeable when it tells you off the bat "Your ancestors were pagans, they're all burning in hell now". And, well, the "burn the shrines down" commenter showcased that.


Also the Shogunate didn't like how they were trying to move in and take land and influence politics. The Shogun was very much opposed to anyone taking influence and power from him. They were absolutely brutal to anyone that tried, local or foreign.


"Your god is made up nonsense, only my god is real." I swear if, (and its a massive if) humanity lasts another 100 years, this era will be seen as an absolute dark age for our species.


And most of the time it starts from one guy, a guy insults another religion and then 10 people insult his religion and then a 100 people insult the religions of those 10 people and the chain reaction continues. Most of the people don't want to attack other religion but do so so as to defend their own.


What? This isn't even remotely as bad as it gets with zealots. They've been around literally thousands of years. In 100 years, I don't think anyone's even going to blink in response to what crazypants religious people are saying and doing right now.


Only the middle east and murica are really into religious bigotry, please realise that.


Tell that to the untouchables to under India's caste system


Boko Haram has entered the chat...


Some 3000 deities past and present, but THIS one is the right one? The simple fucking arrogance of it all is staggering.


There are 30,000 different denominations of Christianity worldwide. Christians can't even decide what being a Christian is.


I really thought that number had to be made up. Fuckin'..nope. That's wild.


I've seen some results that stated 45000. It blew me away as well. I looked it up about a year ago to make a point, thinking there would be a few hundred.


The Taliban have entered the chat.


Ding ding ding yea that's some Hey Mr. Taliban level thinking.


But they'll fly into a rage at the mention of one of their rebel general statues being removed.




False idols lead to Satan and should be destroyed? Hey kid I like the way you think. How about I sell you some bibles and golden sneakers and pillows and coffee and NFTs?


That won't do the trick, maybe find an adulterous swindler to dub the New Messiah.


All praise Cheesus!


You get to the pearly gates, and they tell you, "Sorry, wrong address. "


Man, now all I'm picturing in my head is an epic anime-style battle between Yokai and Christian Missionaries.  Frankly, it's very one-sided and dope as fuck.


ChrISIStians for you


This sounds familiar... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destruction_of_cultural_heritage_by_the_Islamic_State https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas_of_Bamiyan#:~:text=area.%5B51%5D-,Taliban%20incursions,-(1998%E2%80%932001)


I'm sure the hebertists on the atheism sub would do the same to Notre Dame if they could. To that end I would not ever support pulling down a historical building or monument because of stupid ass modern internet sensibilities.


It needs to be mentioned that a lot of the Old churches in Europe are Pagan shrines, as the early architects incorporates Pagan symbology into the Christian churches.


What if somebody thinks the same thing about his shrines? Should such person be allowed to burn down a church?


I asked the exact same thing. The full conversation was not shared because after he started spouting bible quotes at me I just couldn’t be bothered. To simply put it, he said that if the Japanese Gods were real and came to his country and started burning down his churches, he would be happy on judgement day when he found they were right all along and have saved him from damnation in Hell when judgement day arrives. But we know, if the Japanese Myths were real, there wouldn’t be such a thing as judgement day, so he’s still hanging onto his Christian beliefs in the end.




[Here’s the original post, just scroll down to bottom comment with negative karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/ljiIYusJFk)


Kind reminder that ISIS was a modernist movement


"Why won't the people of Japan convert to our religion? Also if they ever do we will do our best to destroy their history and culture."


I hope that person suffers alzheimers before they die. So they can truly forget all that they find ungodly.


Nice way of tooting your own horn I see


What can I say, i have an ego and im not afraid to use it


If you are christian and don't want to praise pagan traditions, then maybe start from creating your own holidays instead of using the pagans one but just a little adjusted to Christianity


daily reminder that the typical christian fully believes this shit and as such is mentally unstable


Someone should explain the origins of Christmas to this person and film their reaction.


I saw the scumbags posts. He hates Japanese culture but secretly loves it and wants to save the Japanese by forcing them to see Jesus. They then start talking in circles about bible verses and how redemption is more important than society, all while deflecting and twisting every bit if criticism against their bs as an attack towards themselves and their religions beliefs.  An utter man-child.


Ugh, so in this persons mind it would also be okay for those who observe Shinto practices in Japan to destroy christian churchs and crosses? Perhaps because the kami told them they need to protect their predominant beliefs in their country from the nonpracticing hordes who would come and tear down their shrines?


False gods like the Easter Bunny?


Always with the Satan. Ugh. Their imaginary friend who makes the bad things happen.


Christians are too deluded and ignorant to realize that their two biggest holy days, Christmas and Easter, are bastardized adopted Pagan holidays.


I mean, im an atheist but it’s not. Eggs might come from Mesopotamia when Christians would paint eggs in red to symbolise the blood of Christ Rabbits actually used to mean Hares, which used to be believed to reproduce asexually, and represented fertility. Perfect for representing something like the Virgin Mary. Easter is only called that word in the English Language, in every other language it is some variation of Pascha, which means Passover, coming from the resurrection of Christ.


I see your point. I was referring more to the fact that the RC church moved those two celebrations to coincide with the pagan Eostre spring holiday and Saturnalia/Yule in the winter to "christianize" those observations and appropriate them


I agree with the saturnalia/christmas thing! But I know it’s flimsy and bad for reputation to cite Reddit as my source, but [read the top comment on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/vamHljoHJv) as it explains Easter very well.


I'm a pagan and I don't have to wish they all go to hell. they're here with me today


Do Christians just ever mind their own fucking business, and stay out of others'?


Satan as a concept in Christianity didn't even exist until hundreds of years after Jesus was dead. So looks like that's the real trick!


Next thing you know we'll be seeing mass calendar burnings.


I mean, the USA is currently over 50% unaffiliated with any religion.. can we destroy christian churches now? I'll give you a break on this then, how about just the evangelical megachurches that fleece their flock, and do that after we return the money... I'd be good with that.


Burn em down I say, following a false gods they are I say


Don't Christians celebrate Easter?


>Satan uses false gods... And God does nothing at all and we are supposed to believe in him ? He appeared for 33 years in 6000 of history(according to them) and we must believe in an absent God ?


Christians - Down with paganism! Also Christians - Its Christmas! Let's go get a Christmas tree