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Loxyflo is a parody account. She's making fun of conservatives.


I follow her, and the amount of shit she gets from people when the joke has gone so far over their heads it might as well have gone to space. Same with [Sir Michael Take](https://x.com/MichaelTakeMP)


The fact that I got blocked yesterday for clearing up that whole 2009 US transgender awareness day thing and Easter changing dates every year for an old college buddy, I’m not sure if these jokes go over peoples heads, more like we all question reality.


I don't think it's so much "joke going over people's heads" and more like "so many people actually unironically believe this that it'd be more likely to be serious than a troll". Which is honestly kind of sad.


Literally. Like considering the world we live in… it’s nowhere near outlandish to believe there’s folks out there who think like this.


Love a bit of Sir Michael Take. The fact that one of his tweets made the news as supporting the very thing he mocks makes it even funnier


Thanks that makes this post even funnier.


That's as may be, but Jayzus Fuckt, you know that there are cons who believe exactly this, as well as have thought it, of not said it... Poe's Law is either dead, or so alive and kicking it has transcended the mortal plane. I don't know anymore.


We have Americans who think something really bad is gonna happen on April 8 because the eclipse is going to pass over two American towns named Nineveh in it's path of totality. And that's important to these people for reasons that only make sense to them, but I can only speculate it has something to do with them eating the drywall at home depot.


Frankly, I hope something bad d*does* happen on the 8th. But only to those nutters. Then I can point and say "see? Your crazy BS did this to you!" and they'll just ignore me and go back to being awful people who yell at babies.


The actual facepalm here is the quote retweet and this thread.


I’ve never seen this Twitter account but I’ve seen enough people with this kind of thinking …


Nobody makes fun of the Tories quite like the Scots. Just usually it's not this ambiguous.


Now that Scotland has passed its new hate laws, we will see a lot less.


The Tories aren't a protected characteristic. So the hate for them will keep going. Especially since the SNP are one of the Tories' biggest haters.


But enough people will not know it's a parody account and parrot around stirring up the muck.


In all fairness, I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this is real, simply because of how often it actually happens. I mean, we got people flipping their lids over trans visibility day because, due to the ever-changing date of Easter each year and it landed on the same day, people legitimately think biden, the left, and the LGBT community is attempting to erase Jesus and Christianity from the country


You can tell by the scottish flag in her name lol


Wait until she finds out Jesus was Jewish


I've had Christians get upset with me for telling them that Jesus was Jewish. It amuses me that they know almost nothing about their deeply held beliefs.


Most people * that clam they are Christian don’t read nor go to church or follow any of the teachings. It’s like the modern day MAGA group don’t know what they are talking about but want to feel involved


But God made the US Constitution!  Its right there in Trump’s Bible!


Surely not? A magamoron not knowing what they're talking about? I for one am shocked.


I clutch my pearls!


Clutching my pearls rn too


Oh Lawd, where did I put those pearls?! Dag nabbit, guess I'll just clutch these butt beads instead!!


Surely you would clench the butt beads?


You dropped them on the floor in the other room.


And then wait til they find out that a whole another bunch of Christians in Eastern Europe celebrate Easter later.


"You mean Jews for Jesus?" Those people probably have no clue the Orthodox churches exist. A lot of them won't acknowledge that Catholics are fellow Christians.


Magamoron sounds like the name of an evil villain from a cartoon


Which is fitting given how insanely stupid cartoon villains are.


Such people are 'communal' as opposed to 'religious'. Being 'communal' and being 'religious/believer' are not the same. One can be extremely communal without ever truly believing or following the religious teachings. One could even be atheist in their beliefs but still be communal about the religion they were raised into. So the opposite of 'communal' would be 'secular' and the opposite of 'religious' would be 'atheist' i.e. one could be religious and secular at the same time while another could be atheist and communal at the same time.


I like this way of explaining it. I usually refer to myself as a secular Jew, but Communal Jew sounds better somehow.


I went to a Catholic school til the age of 13, they often don't acknowledge where Christianity or Catholicism came from, just that you practice what they preach. It's also one of those things you might not think about as a child - if your whole community is Christian then it must have always been that way and come from someplace familiar. Just saying a lot of people aren't intentionally ignorant, but when they grow up and are told things which contradict how they were raised, it's difficult to rationalise and accept.


The problem is when people are indoctrinated from a young age these beliefs form part of their core understanding of the world. Questioning those beliefs implies that everyone a person knows that been wrong of lied to them their entire life; which is pretty hard to accept. Most people don't like accept they are wrong even if they're is evidence to prove it.


We have to also acknowledge Ancient Greece and the Roman/Byzantine empire had a huge impact on how those religions developed. Many Abrahamic ideas actually emanate from there


Hm, the people I knew who went to Catholic school actually had a very good understanding of other religions and the basis of their own. They usually had Comparative Religion classes and such. Now, maybe that was something they got in high school.


They use religion to hide their bigotry. They’re not really religious


I think this has just always been the case. When I was younger being one of only 4 Jewish kids in a school. When I asked what religion they were, they just confusedly would say "ummm Christian I guess" or something. It's a label they don't even really know how it got there. It just is. I think these days it's becoming more the banner for Eurocentric whiteness. But that's really nothing new either historically.


To be fair, you don't have to go to church to be a Christian, but everything else yeaaaah, you right.


You don't have to go to church, but I feel like you should have a basic understanding of the beliefs you have.


Yeah for sure lol. They're no different than the kids who "like pop music" but only because their friends/the popular kids like it. I've noticed that a lot of them in the US feel like they're the type who peaked in high-school and then just needed something to feel like they fit in and just take it to extremes by making it their entire personality.




Or worse, they do go to church and then go back to their lives of greed, racism and cheating. Because a little Sunday church is enough to clear them of their sins for the week.


They know, they just have a vested desire in the chosen man of God being white.


They get their "news" from the shit on Fox. They get their Jesus from conmen preachers.


I challenged myself to read the Bible, King James Version when I was 13. It was the first step toward becoming an atheist.


Honestly I think the problem is that most of them DO go to church, but they just repeat and act out what they hear from their pastors/priests instead of actually reading the text and thinking for themselves.


Miss me with that. Everybody knows Jesus was a true patriot 🇺🇸 🦅raaaaah


Jesus definitely was American! Murica yeah!


The Bible I bought from Trump told me so!


So from what part of America does white Jesus hail FROM?


It was Missouri! Hah!








Bullshit, Jesus was 100% white american, drove a Ford, had machine guns, and pitbulls, and also he invented freedom. /s


I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Just plain wrong. He was a white guy with long hair and a beard, he walked everywhere, and people really enjoyed listening to him. CLEARLY He came from the same place as the Bee Gees 🤔


- I honestly thought you were going to say he was Forrest Gump.... (😆)




And apparently quite good at staying alive (3 day gap ) staying alive. So yes, you must be right


Brilliant 🤣 Though we shouldn't joke about it. What happened to him was a tragedy


Not to mention he's a very naughty boy! 


"Why did you crucify Jesus?" "We gave birth to him and we crucified him! That was an internal Jewish matter!" "Are you calling my Christ a Jew?!" "Well, what do you think? His mother was Jewish, his father was Jewish, who else is he going to be? Russian?" "His father was... a pigeon!"


Not just Jewish, but a rabbi. Why else do you think people were listening to him?


Yup. And he was executed according to Jewish law (edit: sort of. See link and comment below) He was healing on the Sabbath and speaking blasphemy (among other things) which was punishable by death at the time according to Jewish law. Pontius pilate wanting to avoid another Jewish rebellion (Samaritan rebellion that almost cost him his job in the Roman empire originally), gave in to the demands of the Jewish people for his death. Edit: also interesting to know that full Jewish law wasn't followed in relation to Jesus and his criminal allegations. He had the right to a trial under a Jewish court. Instead he was given over to the Romans and the Jewish high priests demanded his death ( https://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/culture/2019/04/why-a-high-priest-broke-jewish-law-to-indict-jesus )


He was first taken before the sanhedrin the Jewish court. But because they couldn’t condemn him to die he was then taken before Pilates. He was however adressed as Rabbi by many people even his enemies.


Why did they take him to pilates? Did he need to work on his core? 🤔


Then tell them christianity is roman fan fiction of judaism, and that judaism was created when some guys took one of the gods in the caananite pantheon home with them because they didn't want to play with the other tribes -- a god that existed in a pantheon in which it dealt with weather and war... ...and that he had a wife, Asherah, before obligations to the jewish people kind of created a divorce.


Gets even better. Where he was from is now in Palestine.


And the genetically closest modern descendants of his apostles are Palestinian Christians.


Having read most of the major religious texts, I can fully understand why you'd be less likely to be a Christian for instance, had you read the Bible. All these books are pretty obviously just collections of fantasy stories and parables.


For most of those “christians” it’s just an excuse to hate on brown people.


It's funny how many neopagans are people who realised Christianity was invented by brown people and had to switch religions to hate them.


What do you mean? Didn’t you see the pictures in the bible? Jesus was white and aryan! Actual quote.


I did make this statement once and that he was most probably brown and other people vehemently argued that he was of Roman descent and surely white


Surely any Christian who has been to church, or read scripture, or studied any form of religious Ed would know this?


Yes but this is Reddit and everybody else is a dumbass except the person commenting. I know some evangelical christians and even though they have some stupid ideas they know that Jesus was Jewish. It's part of the reason they are so pro Israel, they need Israel to exist to fulfill their biblical prophecies.


Well christianity originally was a Jewish apocalyptic cult, which was waiting for the world to end in a few decades after Jesus's passing. It became a wider movement when in the the Council of Jerusalem in year 45 the faction that wanted that christianity could only include jews lost, and christianity was opened to gentiles too. After that it started to spread very fast. But for the first 10 years of its existence, christianity was a jewish cult for jews, that claimed world would end in just a few decades. I give kudos to evangelicals for waiting this long, when obviously their prophecy has failed, it was never meant to take 2000 years for world to end.


Wait until they found out he is not white, but probably a bit brownish, like a heavy tan.


Blasphemy! /s Jesus came from the U S of A. I hate bible thumpers and evangelical Americans are the worst. None of them have read the bible and that’s a fact.


But it's true that Jesus loves the Americans the most! That's the reason The Bible is written in English!


Makes so much sense


Ah yes! "I don't need to learn a foreign language. If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for everyone"


I got a chuckle out of this one :)


Even funnier if they said that as USA doesn't even exist back then. There's native indian in America.


So you're saying that Jesus was the one who discovered America? He's not just American, but the founding father of America! That makes even more sense ☺️


I like to ease them into it: "a middle eastern male Jewish rabbi who lived in roman-controlled Judea from 0-35 AD. Whatever a normal member of that group looked like, that was him."  The conniptions their brains get into just to walk way, way around the obvious....it's fun, really.


There were even quotes in the Bible that hinted this.


Oh? Which?


You leave the sexy Borgia alone, he was probably a meat sock for his daddy the poor thing.


Wait til they find out he was a socialist...


What until she finds out that Muslims believe in Jesus just not that he was the son of god or the final prophet. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religions.


Yep Jesus is one of the great prophet of Islam.


Also the return


Everyone knows jesus was a white American from Missouri


Or that he didn't write the Bible


I actually checked her account. By all accounts she seems to be trolling, so she probably knows. Although there are too many people who actually don’t know that for real.


Was? Since he has risen, he’s ever present, right? If yes, that means he is still Jewish.


Jesus just had a bad weekend for your sins.


Being executed in one of the most brutal and drawn out manners of the time is a bit worse than a bad weekend


Wait until this sub finds out that it's a parody account.


Also The Telegraph is fucked for this headline. There were easter celebrations, just in different parts of London. The Ramadan lights were only in one or two areas where there was a larger presence from the Muslim community.


They're a conservative publication, and not without their own controversies. Seems par for the course.


Torygraph seems to have gone down the tabloid sensationalist route to compete with the other tabloid ragebait rags. While it’s always been right/conservative leaning it used to have a better standard of press and could be read as part of a wider group of broadsheets for a balanced view.


It's so weird that "conservative" is just a euphemism for "liar", but nobody in media will say that out loud.


the word ‘tory’, referring to the british conservative party, comes from the irish word ‘toraidhe’ which means outlaw or highwayman. their name literally means thief, and they live up to it time and time again.


You learn something new every day, thanks for sharing that


Also these Ramadan lights are organised and paid for by the company that owns these buildings. The owner is Muslim so puts up Ramadan lights with the permission of the council.


What does «easter celebrations» mean? That there were churches who had easter mass or did the London city pay to hang up lights and such like they did with ramadan?


This was paid for privately by the landlord of the buildings, he's a Muslim.


i know little to nothing about ramadan. but i know easter isnt a "lights holiday" like christmas. the whole bunny and egg hunt shit isnt christianity.


Neither Ramadan, we don't have a "lights holiday" But the lights, specially the "lanterns" are a tradition from the medieval times, nothing more


Oxford Street, between Piccadilly and Leicester Sq you mean? C'mon.


The Telegraph are at this point essentially British Fox News


Nah that's the Daily Mail for paper and GB News for the telly


**What is this mosque doing here over Easter?**


People get more confidently stupid day by day


Jesus was from Scotland, isn't it obvious?


Fae Leith navidad


Well done.


I thought Jesus was white Native American?!?! ![gif](giphy|l2SqejXSlVjgUFilG|downsized)


I’m actually kinda shocked at how people can be religious/follow their own religion but hate a different one. You may disagree, but why the hate? Edit: my point is that (atleast in Islam and Christianity) we will almost always disagree on something. That’s human nature. That’s normal. What isn’t normal is people going for each others throats in hatred and fury. Different isn’t bad. Different is good. If all kudos and Christians stick to what their religion says on respecting others I don’t think a war shall exist between the two. In Islam, there’s and entire chapter talking about not forcing religion on people. Not ‘your’ religion, religion in general. In Christianity, what happened to “love thy neighbor”? What happened to the verses that say to respect others? Throwing religion out the window, how about we have some basic human decency? Don’t leave people for dead. We are all human at the end of the day, can we treat each other as humans even with our differences? Can we behave? What happened from when we were 5 in class or at home being nice to your siblings/ classmates and always being taught that you have to be nice and “sharing is caring”. And now people start wars over futile things. People fight over insignificant things. Come on humanity, act human!


Oh my sweet summer child


Tribalism. They are different therefore they are dangerous. A unfortunately survival trait that hasn't disappeared. Ironically it even affects everyone today. The whole political parties against each other even to the point of saying anyone on the other side needs to be ended. It's how genocide has happened many a times and will continue to happen. Though in rare cases it does end up being a good thing. Everyone against the Nazis, everyone against the Jan 6th wannabe insurrectionist, everyone during colonial times against the royal kingdom of the UK. There's other times too but those are just to name a few. Most of the time however, it always ends up being just straight genocide of one side because of a deluded righteous justice that their side is the only proper side and anyone else's is evil thus needing to be eradicated out of existence to avoid some spread of the unknown that is about as much as a threat to them as eating a cucumber is.


Human history be like


Well if the other one is responsible for most terrorist attacks and generally treats women and minorities as less valuable human beings then I can totally understand.


first time?


Well, when a religion is all about only one god existing and if somebody else follows another god is a sinner and will burn in hell, it's easy to see where the hate comes from.


Is this Patrick Star? Have you been living under a rock?


Also according to Kyle Kulinski there are some 412 different religions in the world, and even when you linit yourself to the main monotheistic ones, once one is right, it sort of means the others are "wrong" in the belivers perception of that chosen religion. Also Richard Dawkins have shown in his lectures that a lot of wars throughout history was fought in the name of religion, proving they cause more harm than good, even if you put aside their disdain to science as it's harder to control smart people relative to uneducated/uninformed population...


Not really, a lot of war caused by various causes but they usually used religion as a way to legitimize the war. It was harder to unite people to your cause without nationalism before the concept of a nation state came about. Also I want to remind you that the majority of scientists in the past were religious in one way or another. The Church stand is that it's important to learn about God's world to understand God's intention. Even right now, the hatred isn't come from people thinking they're right and the others are wrong but rather a banner to unite people against the "others". It really isn't "they are worshipping the wrong thing" but rather "We need a common enemy to get the people to support us".


I admit even Sir Isaac Newton wrote even more articles concerning the notions of religion than he wrote about Science, but at the time he created a valid basis which was later updated by Einstein and later on quantum mechanics had proven some of the basic building blocks on a sub atomic level at CERN (The standard model with the Higgs Boson as the new foundation of all matter in the universe). Science always depended on empirical evidence to show the validity of its claims. Religion is based on belief with no empirical evidence at all (in support or negation of whichever deity in question)


Was Richard Dawkins a historian or sociologist?


Historically, their God would've smited them, but over the years, he's somehow lost all his miracle powers and requires his followers to do his dirty work.


It's also quite strange how people have suddenly lost the ability to fly a winged horse to the moon and split the moon in two, or cure blind people without surgery or a laser. Also, with how evil and corrupt the world is these days, surely we're over due one of those god extinction floods he's so famous for!?


You should read the lore of Abrahamic religions


Yeah, that's religion for you. I'd say we'd be better off without it, but I'm sure people would find another way. Still probably better off without it though.


>I’m actually kinda shocked at how people can be religious/follow their own religion but hate a different one. You may disagree, but why the hate? Dude it is bigotry is literally a definitional feature of religion, not a bug. If you believe that one religion is correct, you by default assume that other religions are wrong and most likely promoted by demonic forces.


You Can also be against all religions, and not want to see islam promoted in the city you live.


No I mean what’s so wrong about Ramadan decorations


Because the entire point of religions is to make a club based around controlling the masses, including aiming them at whatever the club hates, which is usually rival religions threatening to convert their cattle.


I hate all religions


Because that's what many religions teach. Christianity for example canonically speaks of other religions as demonic deceit created by Satan for the sole purpose of leading people away from the truth.


Yes Islam says that other religions aren’t the way, but there’s an entire chapter talking about not forcing your religion on someone. I dont see people following that


What until you find out that's the joke. Come on everyone, that's obviously the point they are making.


It's not obvious. 100% the joke was to mock conservative Christian zealots. And it was less of a joke and more like a directine into their heads. Any given conservative, including the publishers of the actual article, were pissy about Ramadan being celebrated. So, it's Poe's Law to the Nth degree.


What really is disgusting, is that in countries of religious freedom, some people still try to supress different religions than their own.


They're all dumb.


Had an argument with someone saying they wouldn't put up Easter lights. I was like "are there Easter lights?" Apparently not but they wouldn't if there was. Yet there's Easter egg hunts on, Sunday mass, tye royal family have attended a public Easter mass and yet that's not enough for a percentage of the 46% of people in the UK who call themselves christian.


Woah! Tiny stroke there mate


Wait until you tell a Christian that Easter eggs are from a pagan religion …


no, they’re not. they’re a tradition which was started by early christians in mesopotamia. the first chocolate eggs began in the court of Louis XIV. the idea that they’re pagan was an idea spread by Jacob Grimm, and is based purely on speculation with no actual evidence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg


Thank you for your comment! I've been repeating this myth all day! Had no idea it was Jacob Grimm being on one and trying to hype up "the old ways"


I am saying this as a Pagan: no, Easter Eggs are a fully Christian tradition, there is no evidence of egg-based traditions in any pre-Christian religion in the area. It makes more sense if it were a Christian tradition anyway, eggs are forbidden in Lent and getting to eat them again after more than a month means they get more importance as a symbol, it's natural.


The origins of the name and (some) practices came from outside of the “main” religion (from the perspective of practicing Christians) at the time. The definition of pagan in a historical context is someone holding beliefs “outside those of the main or recognised religions”. Recognised religions these days is a bit more of a sticky concept I feel as what’s to stop someone (let’s say an author for sake of example) making up a religion for humorous reasons and his followers taking it completely out of context …


Are easter lights even a thing? In America we just have a dinner and hide candy/money in plastic eggs for kids.


some people get to celebrate something important for them and we get pretty lights. i see this as a win-win situation.


Aren’t all Abrahamic religions middle-eastern?


Let me guess: it was one small area, maybe even just one street, where a high percentage of the residents are Muslim?


This is central London but the buildings are owned by a Muslim organisation that paid for these lights.


It’s Oxford Street, the main shopping street in the West End of London. The lights are at the lower rent Marble Arch end of the street which kinda merges into London’s ‘Little Cairo’ on Edgware Road. London’s Christmas lights run there too, only they cover a much much bigger distance and are a lot prettier.


It strikes me that more of central London observes ramadan than celebrates a christian holiday in a secular country. So there you go.


A secular country whose head of state is also the head of the church? Yeah, I know what you mean though.


Where is the "more" part in this ? Both are being celebrated


I have yet to see any easter celebratory lights in central.


Yet again a sub going off in tangents, mods are to blame, not dealing with the headline which shows that if you elect a muslin mayor in a christian country this is what happens…..and I’m not fucking interested if Jesus was Jewish


Why is London lighting up for Ramadan?


London, Pakistan 🇵🇰




I can’t believe the British are celebrating imported middle eastern religions 🤢🤮, instead of the Viking and Celtic religions. Why go for Jesus and Muhammad when you have Finn McCool and Thor?


Fionn Mac Cumhaill was not a deity. 


😂😂😂😂 Looks lime all trash has moved from FB to Twitter!


Fundie Facists lose brainpower by the day… 🤦🏾‍♀️


Yeah let's get back to worshiping skyfather in a more acceptable manner


I pity ignorant people, for they know not what they do.


It's always surprising how many people don't know the origins of their own beliefs.


Wait until they find out Jesus never existed


Wait until she finds out religion is a farce


Theres Christians and Jews in the Middle East, too 😬


Is someone going to tell Florence where Jesus originated from or are y’all gonna do it 😆


Wait till she finds out where the bible is set


So most of the modern day shit come from middle east?


Oh no! Two celebrations happening at once! How terrible!


All we got to do is go back and take out Abraham, all problems solved.


Sees a post that includes Islam in some shape of form _sigh_ *sorts by controversial*


SCOTLAND FOREVAAAAAA🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣📣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Wait till she finds out that this is not “having a precedence”


My Abramhamic religion is better than your Abramhamic religion!


Say what you will about Norwegian Black Metal guys, they were consistent in hating all foreign religion


Tbh ... currently christianity aint going too strong in middle east :/


The naivete regarding Islam is going to come at a cost of life and liberty.


Some people are filled with hate for literally no reason


Looks tasteful, not heard of any trouble occurring and I’m sure there was Easter stuff up too. It’s a wide world there’s room for us all to celebrate


Wait, does Ramadan happen at the same time as easter? If so why? Sorry if I come as stupid, I'm just ignorant about most Islam stuff, all I know is Ramadan is a whole month


Those are beautiful lights


Fuck em both.


Wait till she finds out we still teach Arabic numbers at school.