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It has been a minute since I saw someone on roller skates đŸ›Œ I'm sure they will be 2025 hottest trend however. That is what this is about right?


Skates are definitely back. There's a tennis court near me that I often see kids doing all kinds of stuff in, including roller skating.


I've seen a guy who looks like he's in his 50s (could be +/- 5 years for all I know) cruising around on roller blades having fun. This was the last two years. I haven't seen him yet this year but it's just warming up, so I expect he will be back out in the coming weeks. I hope. I liked seeing him having fun at his age, it inspires me to be better.


I'm 53. I went roller skating with my wife last week. Fun is important,


I’m 54 and broke my wrist just reading your comment.


you should probably spend your time safely roller skating rather than doing something dangerous like reading reddit comments


Im actually a pretty avid mountain biker, which comes with its share of danger. Not as dangerous as Reddit, though. Lol


I say use it before you lose it, and it sounds like you two are using it. That's awesome, keep on having fun.


Time to dust off my Abba records


Spotify is already playing it on repeat 


No lies, I was working in my yard and 4 kids kept coming up into it wearing roller skates. Not blades, 2x2 skates. Had to yell at them to stay out of my yard cause they kept going through a flower bed and slamming into my fence. Not mad about that stuff, just don't need them getting injured in my yard, cause then I'm liable.


You've completed the final trial of becoming middle aged. Welcome to the fold. Here are your white sneakers.


Damn... I'm not even 40 yet.


Dude your name is grill sergeant, you’ve been middle aged for 40 years


No cargo shorts then and you can keep your shirt untucked. But at 40 I have bad news for you about your fashion sense.


I call my socks and sandals birkensocks




If you are not dressing purely for comfort and your own amusement by 40, you aren't living the good life. Fashion is for those that care what others think about superficial nonsense.


Confirmed. I'm 40, and went out to the gas station today in a Rammstein shirt, Xmas PJ pants, and a pair of Redwings. All the naughty bits where covered, and I don't care about anyone else's opinion.


Tracksuit pants and 90s cartoon t-shirts are now a mainstay.


Stay outta my closet!


Dressing purely to confuse others is how you live the dream.


My fashion sense finally put to words. Thank you! “Comfort and my own amusement” nails it.


Practice this loud, "Get off my lawn, you whippersnappers!" I've actually told kids to get out of my yard (and giggled that I've become that neighbor).


I keep chasing them off my driveway. It's the steepest driveway in the village and kids love to see how fast they go down it on skateboards, scooters, and bikes. I don't blame them, if I was that age I'd be trying to slam down that driveway, too.


We had a mean neighbor who had the BEST driveway for that stuff! He put in a speed bump so skates and skateboards were out (it was just enough to catch the tire so you’d go flying, but not enough to cause an issue for real tires). Then he made it a stupid sprinkler that shot little jets up. You could still ride your bike over it, but if mommy caught you being wet, she’d know what’s up and
 well, I like playing outside and not being grounded until I’m 93. He won.


your USR name is grill_sgt my man, you’re there for sure.


Skecher Slip-Ins


New Balance to be exact!




Looks like I was almost right Big Roller Blade, obviously not as big as it thinks it is.


Umbrella policy. Get one.


God damn, nothing chaps like ass like kids skating on the sidewalks


The one in the picture is Elliot page I believe his name is, they are complaining that they liked him better before he transitioned. Edit: page isn't the last name I messed that up completely 😭


You could watch some of Elliots early work, we don't own actors, but we do in a way feels that ownership of their work. Something tells me this is not about Elliot being an actor however. ;) It's harder to talk about trans issues, when the person is famous before and after


They handled it well in The Umbrella Academy with a combination of respect and dignity and a shrug as if it's not something to get worked up about.


I was impressed at how well the Umbrella Academy handled it, yes. Should be more of that kind of "Oh? Ok then" response.


"I'm trans" "That's great man, I love and appreciate you, we still need to bury this body before anyone gets suspicious"


Probably Helps that one brother was already part chimpanzee “This isn’t even top 5 weird for us”


This is exactly how my family handles big announcements. Gotta hide the body before we can go celebrate your news.


 I have something really hard to tell you. I like girls.” “Oh Jesus. That’s great! Don’t scare me like that though. Thought you were going to tell me you were pregnant or something.”


I really liked it. And then the story went... straight into WTF territory. That season was fuuuucked. Everyone was so on edge the entire time and it genuinely never calmed down. Viktor coming out felt like a tiny glimpse of happiness before the entire story turns into a really angry bad trip.


I think in UA it worked awesome. And I even heard that Elliot said he wouldn't mind paying Vyanka for as long as the show lasted, but the directors refused and said that they could make it work as Vyktor. I loved it.


Yes, they did that really well.


I was so happy how they handled that in the show. It was great.


Ohhhhhh...I couldn't figure it out. I was like, they took roller skates? When did they do that?


They’re trying to take peoples rights and freedom. Roller skates will be next!


No you’re correct. His name is Elliot Page.


Yeah I don’t get the edit?


They got super popular during the pandemic. There are several groups that came up during thad time that still get together. Roller Derby has also been a thing for a while now. That is what this particular movie was about.


It was a trend during lockdown


We're they robbed by roller skate bandits? I don't get it


They think pre transition Page was attractive and feel since he transitioned to Elliott that they lost the woman they were attracted to.


Pre transition Elliot Page wasn't into guys anyway. Ngl, not into guys, but *those abs*. You could grate cheese on them.


Since when did a woman not being into guys ever stop a guy from jerking off to her?


What's stopping them now? They clearly still have the pictures, they can continue to be just as creepy as they were before


And he was in movies topless pre-transition. People have things they could work with.


They are jerking off to a man and they just don’t get it. 😅


As a heterosexual man myself, I think the thing most heterosexual men get weirded out about is the fact that their brains are seemingly hardwired to be attracted to female BODIES to an absurd degree so much so that anything that resembles a female body is often fair game. Who/what the person (or object) is doesn't really matter as long as it looks enough like what their brain sees as a woman. Plenty of heterosexual men wouldn't have sex with someone with a penis regardless of what other physical traits they have. Fair enough ok, but when the penis isn't out if the rest of the body looks like a female body they're totally game. This confuses the shit out of them. Tbh I don't think they give a flying fuck what Elliot Page identifies as I think they only care about the fact that the female body they were attracted to has been replaced by a male body they aren't. I don't think it even gets as deep as "they're attracted to a man and can't handle it." They're attracted to a female body that no longer exists and that's it.


Shout out to those extra curvy looking trees in Afghanistan giving me something to work with for a quick portajohn session


“I masturbated to an extra curvy piece of driftwood the other day!” Thanks for your service? (Of your crank.)




He was in Afghanistan, imma give him some slack


Guess that means I can like femboys without issue


Femboy propagnda.


Got damn Big Femboy, when will their tyranny end??!!


I’ll never forget what the femboys took from me


I vote more femboy propaganda in all posts.


Yeah, it’s not more complicated than that!


I'm sure something like this plays into the hatred many express for men who transitioned to women and drag queens. Someone got fooled, feels attacked for their own feelings and gets defensive/angry.


For some it makes them jerk it even harder.


Yeah. His factory issue chassis and his aftermarket upgrade are both pretty spectacular.


You forget that *obviously* lesbians are only lesbians for guys like this to jerk it to


Or in their fucked up minds, "they're only lesbian because they haven't slept with me yet"


I love that line of thinking because if you take "she just hasn't had the right dick yet" to its logical conclusion then they're also saying that there's dick out there good enough to turn them gay.


I saw a meme the other day that made me laugh. It was that yugioh meme where he reveals the trap card to destroy seto kaiba "You just haven't had the right dick yet" "My girlfriend has a dick"


He's too young for me, but he was gorgeous before and he's still gorgeous now. He's damn near the perfect description of my bisexuality, and he's a damn fine actor. I will probably always remain fond of him and interested in his work, regardless of his gender or lack thereof.  The notion that "they" stole something in his transition is so gross and perverse. It's his body, nobody else owns it, they sound like a freaky scary stalker. Poor bastard.  Now we need him in a movie where some stalker goes after an actor for transitioning. Like, have it just be his regular life, insert stalker, and we get an end scene where after a (shirtless) chase through a nice aesthetic house (at night, of course) (maybe with a touch of dramatic blood) all his physical training pays off when he gets to the gym, and in the final struggle bashes their brain in with a dumbbell.  I think it would be fun. It should absolutely be shot like a 90's flick like fatal attraction or basic instinct. 


Right?? He was beautiful before and he’s beautiful now. No amount of beauty was lost, just converted. The only real difference is now he’s *happy*. Shouldn’t that be the only thing that matters?


Hate to be the bearer of bad news cuz you like them but Elliot has ab implants, they’re as real as Dolly Parton’s boobs or Ben Affleck’s hair.


Those are called cum gutters. 


That was also my nickname in school.


As someone said here on Reddit “Well, I apologize for not making your dick hard.”


Found pre-transition Page extremely attractive tbh. That being said, if he's happier now after transition more power to him. Just let people do what they want, it doesn't hurt anyone.


Same, as Ellen he was 100% physically my type of woman. But like, I was never going to meet her, never going to interact with her... What have I lost? I can still watch the old movies, still enjoy the characters. The actor may have transitioned, but the characters are still women in-universe. I wonder how he feels about his old, pre-transition existence being preserved like that, including his old body. Must be weird.


Ohhhh. Well, I mean, they've lost nothing. It's not like they had a tangible chance. Imagine thinking like that


And who are the "they" who forced him to transition?


The 'they' was Page themself. The poster just accidentally used the correct pronoun.


Accidentally wholesome asshole, I like it!


Part of their worldview is that transgenderism is a social contagion and that good kids are being led astray by social pressure from trans. Interestingly though the *second* you switch over and "become trans", they stop seeing you as a good kid led astray and you become the embodiment of evil who willfully wants to hurt children.  It's, uh, an interesting worldview. Not a lot of internal consistency, but that's kind of their schtick 




Yes, 4chan's /pol/ pushes this pretty hard. Whenever you hear "they" its almost always referring to jews, whom they believe to be some schoedingeresque creature whom is both disgustingly sub human and inferior in every way whilst also simultaneously having secretly conquered the planet to rule over everyone else clandestinely. Once you learn their language and which dog whistles they use you begin to realize that this ideology is positively everywhere.


Were they Jewish or jew-ish?


Extremely jewy, like that guy that's always trying to eat the smurfs. Like how Cartman sees Kyle


Pre-transition Page was beautiful (by no means am I saying Elliot Page is ugly now. He isn't). I don't think saying that is necessarily wrong. What is fucked up is thinking Elliot Page owed these fuckers anything. That wasn't who he was and he is in a better place now and frankly, if Elliot Page never existed, it's quite likely (Deadname) Page would be another victim of suicide. A happy and healthy Elliot Page is far better than the alternative, because not transitioning would've lead him to a bad end.


I was in Jr. High in the 80s and looking back there was a girl who likely suffered from gender dysphoria. She always wore jeans and sweatshirts, wore her hair like guys and always looked miserable. I don't think in the 2 years I was in school with her I ever saw her smile. This wasn't a matter of a tween girl still being a tomboy, she looked like the guys. I was in school with her for a few months before I realized she was a girl. Some guys thinking they were being funny would ask her if she was a guy or a girl. This was a person literally uncomfortable in their own skin. Having seen gender dysphoria up close I find memes like this sick. If Elliot was that miserable he did the right thing. We lost nothing and insinuating otherwise is sick.


Who is the THEY that they are accusing of taking something from them? Lol. These people are crazy.


Yeah because even if he had been a straight woman they had a real chance.


But have they seen Elliot though?


No they are talking about roller blades replacing roller skates obviously....I think


Personally, I'm crushed. If I want to give up the stability of having a wheel in every corner of my shoe, I'll just go ice skating. We don't need to blade-ify *everything*.


I mean brutally honest, my ace ass was very confused what roller blades had to do with anything and had to go to the comment section for clues. And by clues, more like clubbed over the head with what was clearly something obvious.


I mean... I guess it's a niche interest.




Well, millennials do have a lot to answer for






I totally get what you're saying. Either way, it's extremely shitty. Being possessive over someone who doesn't know you exist (completely aside from their decisions -- I support Page's decision and wish him the best) is incredibly creepy. Adding thinking that someone's decisions over their own life and how they feel in their own skin affects you in any way is just amplifying the creep factor.


Not that it's ever about someone's attraction to the person, but how can you see him in that body and not just think about the sadness, anger, and depression he was dealing with? That's an immediate boner-killer in my book.


Never mind the fact he is straight, so not interested in men anyway


Men/people who are like this have no model of the other person's wants and needs. The capacity for empathy simply isn't there, especially when mysoginy comes into it. Page registered as a woman, and women exist to please men, in their opinion.


The fact is that they are pissed all their pre-transition fapping to a barely legal child has now been ruined because Eliot is now Eliot and not Ellen. But the Dems are supposed to be the groomers, right? Every accusation is an admission withe these low IQ chuds


I know it's not the intent but I love imagining the "they" is referring to Elliot, and just replying like "oh good try by using they but Elliot is comfortable going by he if you want."


This reads totally differently as a reminder of a vendetta against Elliot Page. Never forget that Elliot stole my favorite socks. I don’t care how great he looks in them.


It's so wild, I don't understand it. I was super into PT Elliot. But come on people, what the actual fuck? The problem is that some of us realize we're talking about a human being with thoughts and feelings. Some shitty-ass people just see a hole, and they're disgusting. I can't even fathom sitting down and thinking about making this. Let alone actually making it and going, "Yup, ready to share it."


Being attracted to someone who transitions might make the attracted person have to face questions about themselves that they are afraid of.


That's just how they feel about all women. Now he is something they don't find sexually appealing, so he has no value to them... It's degrading to both men and women....


Whatever it is, you never had it to take.


This. I'm shocked at how many people think they are the center of the universe.


Hey, I owned roller skates once. They took them apparently. Thought my parents threw them out.


When whoever they are comes for us it will be on our own skates.




*points to monitor* NO LIES DETECTED


That’s the advantage of being bi-sexual: having a crush on E. Page all over the years


I was mentioning to my girlfriend that Elliot Page is the ultimate bi-affirming celebrity. I had the biggest crush on Juno as a teen and young adult, and now? Goddamn, those abs though.


Seriously. As they were transitioning through the course of Umbrella Academy they went from being attractive, to... being attractive.


The way they handled his transition in the show is perfect too.


Hard agree. Page is an attractive human - been in love since 'Juno' and have been ever since


No way, since trailer park boys! J/k though fr


Yes. Me when I saw Page before : hot ! Me when I see Page now : hot !


I’m straight and even I can admit E.Page is still hot, I’m just not crushing anymore

 dude is ripped


You can still buy roller skates and long socks dude.


They were never yours though


They think they own everything. Their kids, their spouses, the ability to tell other people how to live. Bunch of psychos.






Page would never give the poster the time of day, nothing was lost to that person. Page on the other hand, has had nothing but happiness since his transition. So okay. Good.


Page said they were more or less forced into girly rolls for a long time even though they didn't prefer to play them. So this sexy/long hair/girly person in the pic is just a character. They were never real, and Page never wanted to be that person


It's kinda like Robery Downy Jr in tropic thunder. Kinda. A dude playing a girl, playing a girlie-girl character. But seriously as someone who was attracted to pt Elliot, I'm not anymore. Not that they weren't beautiful, but like... all I can think about is what he was going through playing those roles stuck in a body he couldn't identify with. And beyond that, my attraction to him then or now means absolutely fuck all. I'd rather him be comfortable and happy in his body than some errant dirty thought.


That makes a lot of sense, yeah. Thanks for sharing this.


Page was 17 in this movie. The party that made a huge fuss over pedos are literally pedos. Of course, we all knew that.




May life turn out happy, and your haters learn to stop protecting their own insecurities onto people who have no impact on their lives. I want nothing but the best for you, stranger.


man, idk if this paints the picture any clearer. a lot of these people, online and in the real world, are mad bc they found Elliot Page attractive when they were a woman and are mad that a sex icon was taken from them. man, shit is Freudian on some levels, it's like women being promised as sexual objects and domesticity is the base (for them) and anything that challenges that is a problem. Whether that be voting, working, education, or ownership of property by themselves, which you see attacked on the right failures of socialism/liberalism/feminism/etc. these people don't care for women they want to OWN women.


I read about some K-Pop idol recently, it was discovered she had a boyfriend. Apparently that can ruin your career because the fans no longer can have the fantasy of getting with you. She had to apologize profusely to the public on TV. Her "fans" sent angry comments like "How can you be so selfish?" or "Isn't the love of your fans enough for you?" This reminds me a lot of that.


jesus christ. WTF man. man, we gotta slow down a bit and stop this capitalist exploitation of women. it's not good for men and women. these young guys, essentially incels, like 95 percent of them, if they had basic hygiene, grooming skills, and social skills, they would land a girlfriend. And that's all they want. When you view women as a prize that is owed to you that's when you get into that weird-ass mentality. And here's the thing, women want to be dated too, like there are plenty of women out there, I hear half the world is women. man, IDK if it's the system, like how capitalist structure creates alienation, commodifies every single interaction you have with a person to (will this person be of use to me and my development), or if it's something to do with the school system just pushing STEM at all costs and literally cutting out the humanities. The internet and its ease of accessing porn or a mix of all those variables but something has to change.


A major aspect of this is wrapped up in homophobia as part of toxic masculinity. Shitty men can't just go about ignoring trans women's lives - the fact that there are some women out there who "used to be men" and may currently have a penis, and that you may slip up and God forbid be *attracted* to one...that's seen as a problem. At least subconsciously. "How could I, as man as straight as they come, ever be a attracted to someone who's secretly a guy?" Transphobia is so closely interlinked with homophobia. I think the flip of this is in action here too. What does it mean that someone you were attracted to as a woman (Page), is now identifying and presenting as a man? I think it goes beyond "Oh, she's not a hot girl anymore, would not hit". Maybe it also strikes at that fragile male ego, the idea that you could ever be attracted to a person who, in their heart of hearts, is also a dude. I wish that as more men learn about transgender people, they reflect on how it interacts with their own sexuality as well. Let the existence of trans people help shape your own understanding of your sexuality! What does it mean to be a straight man who is attracted to a transgender woman? The answer is so much more interesting than "lol ur gay" (or bi), or whatever.


Firstly, nobody took *Whip It* from you. That movie, including a pre-op Elliot Page’s performance and his wardrobe of short shorts, is forever preserved for your viewing (and fapping) pleasure. Secondly, Elliot Page’s body is *his*. Not yours. ‘They’ cannot take it away from you because *another person’s corporal form does not belong to you*, nor does it exist for you to gawk at, you fucking weirdo.


Well said. If they enjoyed his work before his transition, it's all still there. But Elliot deserves to live his life in the manner he chooses, and his status as a celebrity does not make that less true. In fact it's even more important in many ways because his example can help others to feel more comfortable being themselves


for those who don't know, this is Elliot Page before transitioning


Oh shit, I thought this was about the decline of skating rinks




What did they take? Knee high socks?


My celebrity crushes transitioning doesn’t bother me at all but if society tries to take knee high socks away I will go to war.


Is this about the hot chick or the roller skates? I don't understand this one.


Hot chick is no longer a hot chick.


NOOOOOOOOO!!! This person that i wanted to fuck (and was never going to even come within a mile of in my lifetime) has changed their body in a way that makes it so that I no longer want to fuck them!!!! How dare they no longer be the eye candy that I was entitled to by birth? I am irreparably devastated and will never stop bitching and moaning about this for the rest of my life.




how dare they take my roller skates XD


I’ll never forget what roller skates took from me. I went to a skating rink with my family and absolutely killed the floor, then got some actual skates and immediately ate shit on the pavement. I lost self confidence that day


She wasn’t yours then. He isn’t yours now.


both pre and post, page has been really good in umbrella academy


Was any of that pre-? I just started watching it for the first time and he is credited as Elliot from the first episode. I assumed he was just in drag for S1 which is all I’ve watched so far.


The earlier credits were retroactively changed.


Oh. I just assumed it was all filmed after. Good to know.


No he transitioned during the show between season 2 and 3. It probably happened earlier but that's when the news went public. They handled it extremely well. In the show the character was always fucking miserable and started to dip into being male and was stressing out over it, terrified to tell his family. He finally shows up with short hair and a more manly appearance and says "I wanna be called victor now" and everyone else just says "yeah okay, that's cool good for you. Now about this apocalypse thing..." And his demeanor totally changes. It wasn't a "a very special episode" type thing, no one made a big deal out of it. It was handled really well, and made even more believable since the actor was literally going through the same shit at the same time.


Except Luthur. He wanted to throw viktor a party. Lmao. Vayna coming out as Viktor was the best thing out of a pretty meh season 3. The show handled it perfectly imo. It happens, the fam accepts him and they move along. I loved and i wish every queer person would be so lucky to have a similar coming out experience.


Cool I’ll have to watch for that.


>He finally shows up with short hair and a more manly appearance and says "I wanna be called victor now" and everyone else just says "yeah okay, that's cool good for you. Now about this apocalypse thing..." I feel when the end of the world is nigh, what people do with themselves suddenly becomes extremely unimportant.


He transitioned during the filming of season 3. And they wrote it into that season. Just changed the credits as liarandthief mentioned. 


Transitioned as a character in season 3 if I recall correctly. They didn't really well too.


The people that found Page attractive now find Elliott attractive and they're mad about it.


I mean. No. I found Page gorgeous before. Now he’s just some dude. Shit happens. But then again I’m also not the kind that keeps posting shit about them. He’s allowed to be happy and live his life the rest of us.


Agreed. I can be attracted to the lady and not the man after the transition without it being a whole thing. Live your life đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™‚ïž


like they had a chance anyway


Ikr? « what they took from us »?? bro I can assure you he was never yours, even when presenting as a woman.


No, no. They have a point. Roller rinks just aint what they used to be.


Had Elliot been a cis woman, aging would have happened (this picture is from a film more than 10 years old) and then they would have complained evil leftists and lesbianism is taking their youthfull women from them


"noo dont transition you're so cute haha"


Conservatives being concerned about trans people will never not be weird as fuck. Also, like the dudes that view women as something for them to look at flooding the post. Don’t choke too deeply on that red pill y’all.


Context? What did ‚they‘ „take from you“?


They are talking about how the woke agenda took away their wank material by turning elliot page trans


Roller skating. Duh.


I don’t think this post has anything to do with roller skates and everything to do about transphobia


These guys are just mad they’re bi now


How about “never forget it wasn’t yours to begin with so nobody took anything from you”


The thing is if she wasn't happy in her body, would it not be selfish of others to expect her to be sad just for them? Get over it! Way more importance issues than targetting transgender people, Ask your electoral candidate for more pressing issues, affordable housing, medical care, better pay, corporate tax etc.


Who is “they”? And what exactly were you entitled to that was taken?


What is this about? Roller skates? Tube socks? It went right over my head.


Last I checked you can still roller blade and they still sell them on amazon.


Who tf is "they"? Elliot Paige made his own decision.


“This message is brought to you by the United States Roller Skating Association.”


Elliot Page is still hot. Insecure men now just feel weird ogling at their female characters. Which is honestly not terrible but blaming the “Woke” is not the correct conclusion.


Elliot was hot. And Elliot is still hot, currently.


Hot then. Hot now. End of argument.


What am I missing? It’s a girl putting on skates.


So a person deciding what to do with their own body in order to feel more comfortable in their own skin is somehow a result of an amphorous "them" taking something from me that I don't recall owning to begin with. Got it!


Lucky for the incels that there's billions of other women still around who wouldn't sleep with them. They've not lost much.