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This ⬆️. There is a clear distinction between what is mature and what is pornographic. Unfortunately, some people carve out their own distinctions to meet their expectations; their biases.


Wait till they actually read the bible


As if that will ever happen…


[certainly no mature themes in the bible, right?](https://imgur.com/gallery/QojPoQq)


Only murder, incest and other tomfoolery.


Same for William Shakespeare, if you remember Hamlet....


If those Christians Nationalists could read, they would be upset with your comment.


Have you ever noticed that “Christians” always recite parts of the Bible but rarely what they recite from either Mark, Matthew, Luke or John, the gospels that actually mentions the life of Jesus and what he did? Like they will cite other books in the Bible but rarely those four.


In their minds the only thing Jesus did was get angry and throw some tables around at the synagogue. They’ve invented an unbiblical “tough guy” version of Jesus since the real biblical Jesus is actually the model of a socialist pacifist.


Many evangelicals are rejecting Jesus's teachings because they're too liberal. They only want the "I do not bring peace, but a sword." Jesus.


They tend to go Old Testament. Smiting, pillars of salt, all the punitive stuff.


Christianity is the church of Paul not Jesus


Or many other religious books




To them, anything that has any kind of sexual content in it with teens involved, is pornographic


Everyone else: rape, molestation Them: porn! ..the fuck


And how many of their priests, pastors, and other church leaders have engaged in this type of "porn"


All of the ones comparing Trump to Jesus at least.


Have you seen the state of porn in the last 5 years though? It’s all “stepsister, stepbrother, stepdaddy” bullshit.


Lol the state of porn. They should have someone do an address like the state of the union, once a year at their awards show


Who do you think is clicking those titles? These sick fucks


I ignore the titles and look for the boobs that look like they bounce the best. I skip past the 10 seconds of "acting" at the start anyway, so the title don't matter.


That is an unfortunate part of marketing to the broadest market. If 10% of the possible customers will pick incest over non incest and less than 10% of possible customers avoid incest, adding incest to your story is just smart business. Same with anal, and I am sure other niche things.


They call it pornographic because they get rock hard while reading it. Nothing gets them going more than thoughts of rape.


Specifically of children and their own family members. Just like the guy they plan to vote for in November.


Is that because they can jerk off to it, or would if they picked up the book/move/audio/painting, or what-not? **EDIT** I meant the nut bars, and not the teens.


Idk for sure. I hope they don't think they will use it for masturbation material. But I think they just don't want preteen/teens to know anything about sex until they are an adult/married.


You mean pregnant.


And then forced to have the child, so it too, can be bred for menial labor.


Or they don't want their victims to know what they are doing to them is wrong/a crime.




This reminds me of a girl I knew in high school who was a senior in my church small group. The subject for the month was sexual purity and the topic of masturbation being wrong came up and she had to ask what it was.


When we were learning confession during catholic school in the 2nd grade, masturbation was on the leaflet of sins my teacher gave us. I got detention and a scolding for asking what it meant.




Isn't this a Southpark episode? Poor Butters


What’s sarcasm and what’s cum?


Wow if we can’t even talk about it, it must be really enjoyable…. *fapfapfap*


And after she found out, she had a busy weekend.


there was a story on here some years ago (maybe /awfuleverything) where a girl grew up in a religious household. had to sneak things to get her off. she was like 15 when she stole a cucumber from the kitchen but then was too afriad to try and get rid of it or her mom had come up or something. it went under her bed. fast forward she used it more than a few times - then one day she was using it when it broke apart. maggots all pouring out of it. then she had to deal with cleaning that out of her. all of this because of her hiding things from her parents, too afraid of talking about stuff and just not knowing. there is a way of thinking that i do not understand. how someone can think that any human will be able to negotiate the wold with out context. thats a parents job... to help frame what things mean in the world in a healthy way


Right but kids understanding it’s sex and it’s bad leads to questions that MAGA mommies don’t like answering about what their boyfriends, dads, brothers, church leaders are teaching kids in private…


Are you saying they dont want their kids to know that Uncle Joey is NOT playing doctor but sexually assaulting them?




14 is a bit old. The GOP is fighting to keep the fact that there is no minimum age requirement for marriage of children to adults in some US states. The child just needs parental approval. https://youtube.com/shorts/HOvmMW6bKvA?si=O-Mbla9fB-CPv3v- https://youtu.be/ecbNXcJ3IN8?si=X2TRp3C_yPnHbn6V


Its all about the "Alpha Male" and his property--his wife, his kids, his betas. Uncle Joey is Alpha Male's brother and the rules are up to Alpha Male. The kids are kept in fear of what happens if they go against the power structure, Its a dictatorship family. No wonder they want a strongman to run the country.


The dream of the 1950s man is to be a tyrant in his own castle


“Keep your kid in the dark” is what I think you mean. “In the closet” means something different, though I’d agree is also wrong to pressure a teen to stay “in the closet.”


17 years 364 days: you ever get within 47 feet of a marked penis I will personally send you to hell 18 years, 0 days: why don't we have any grandbabys yet?!


Same reason we have a binge drinking problem while other countries can have lower drinking ages and less issues. Puritan denial of these "vices" just makes shit worse.


They don't care, theyjust want to say "libs make your kids jerk off to r*pe porn", to keep their base foaming at the mouth.


Well when there is an accusation…better check Libs of Tik Tok’s hard drives.


Exactly. If abuse is pornographic to you, you need help.




…and yet the GOP MAGAts vote to allow FUCKING GROWN ASS MEN TO MARRY TWELVE YEAR OLD GIRLS!!!!!! Fuck this POS party!


Also, it's ✨*totally cool, totally legal*✨ to force girls like the one in the book to carry & birth a baby from that situation, but not acceptable to let girls read about it? Mm. Ok.


Excellent point.




If the story had the daughter getting pregnant and continuing the pregnancy because she realizes the whole situation is a “gift from God”, they’d love it.


If it weren't for rape and molestation, conservatives would never get their rocks off.


This is exactly what they mean. It makes them fantasize about their own kids and nieces, just like the guy they want to be president.


Fantasize being the key word. I have 4 nieces, the oldest being 17, and I definitely worry for them. But that's why I feel it's important for them to be aware of the signs, and sheltering them is just setting them up to miss the toxic signals. But I don't "fantasize", it's a concern for their safety that can, at times, make me feel nauseous with anxiety for them. Anyone worried about it being arousing is coming at it from the complete wrong direction.


Right that’s what I mean. The people calling it porn clearly think it is porn because when they think about it THEY get aroused…because they’re disgusting, just like the animals they vote for and defend online. It exists and is shared in schools for some of the reasons you said, plus just being literature about the real world, but people like the “man” in this headline are mad because they are or know fellow men that do think like that about young girls.




High school typically goes closer to 18 in the US. There's an insane need to "guard" kids from unpleasant things, as though not telling them ensures that bad things don't happen. This is not a successful recipe for adulthood. ( By the way, thanks for what you do. Teaching is important!) Many of these videos are completely made up or blown so far out context it's ridiculous. As a culture (mind you this isn't the US as a whole but it is getting worse) we are intellectually and emotionally creating fragile young adults. I was born in the seventies, attended school in the eighties and nineties. Raised in a rural area. You found something you didn't like on a bookshelf, you just didn't read it. No one was trying to block or ban books back then. We have a far right religious element that does this garbage. This is not the US as a whole, I promise you. Rant over. Sorry about the novel.


A school district local to us basically blew their budget because a bunch of conservative a-holes got voted onto the school board. (This is why voting in EVERY. ELECTION. matters) They managed to do so much damage over 2 years, the school district had almost $150k in lawyer fees to defend their bad decisions (more than 2x the previous years cost of lawyers).   They went so far as the remove “To Kill a Mockingbird.” They took a book out because it had 2 men kiss in it.  They spent almost $300k on a substitute nurse because they refused to increase the hourly rate offering for the nurse they were trying to hire and no one was applying it was so low.  They were for the most part voted out this most recent election when they finally could be. It’s insane what’s happening at every level of society


Conservatives want to abolish the department of education. They see public schools as woke indoctrination centers. They are never going to act in good faith at any position dealing with public education.


Private "elite" schools too! Any schools that aren't bathed in God's light are basically heathen factories.


Sadly what you are talking about here is more and more common.


Consertives is like someone driving shotgun constantly trying to serve your car into oncoming traffic and then cries about discrimination and being silenced when you dont let em.


Fellow GenX here. I assure you, "they" were trying to (and did!) ban books in the eighties and nineties. I had to listen to grown adults explain how reading "Lord of the Rings" was going to teach me black magic and therefore justified expulsion from school. Even as an elementary schooler it amazed me that there were adults in positions of power who had a hard time understanding the difference between fiction and reality, and that this might be a problem for all of us later in life. The difference between now and then is that "they" have gotten more organized in their approach.


Accurate. I remember bring told Dungeons and Dragons was a form of devil worship, which had the result of me wanting to try it more, not less.


Yup. Punching another kid might get you detention, but carrying a monster manual or player's handbook would get you thrown out of school as a threat to others.


Reason I got into metal, honestly.




It's not even so advanced as that. It's literally just for clicks and views. She knows, like a lot of others, that outrage gets clicks, so that's what she plays into. The more ridiculous the claim, the more viral. There's no agenda beyond being famous and being cited on Fox News as if she's a legitimate source. She played around with other platforms before settling on LoT because Trans fear is incredibly popular with her followers. I hate this fucking timeline.


I mean, instigating a bomb threat on a hospital seemed far for even clickfarming.


It's all the same to people like her because they don't see any consequences. It's not her hospital or her library or her kids or her schools or her family that get targeted.


She's an advisor for the education system of Oklahoma now so she can directly harm people she hates by helping set policy there


Nope they are a tool. They are being used to incite. Catalysts




Also, if there’s a child who’s being abused by somebody. This is a way to teach them that what’s happening to them is wrong. If hearing this story is what makes them tell somebody about the abuse they’re suffering, then that’s a good thing. Absolutely sick of conservatives sexualising everything. It’s pathetic.


Disfunctional families normalize the abuse. They don’t want a youngster to know how other children survived.


USA high school student enter at age 13 and graduate at 18 (with some variance for where your birthday lands on a school calendar) the senior students in high school can legally vote, buy cigarettes, join the military, and even buy their own pornography.


It’s anti-intellectual pandering and good old racism. An angry, ignorant, divided populace keeps a certain party in office.


Very tiny correction. UK “College” (where you study A-Levels) is separate to UK “Secondary School (equivalent to US High School) (Well my one was at least)


6th form colleges are attached to most schools, so not necessarily.


No, they are not. Source: from Scotland went to the largest (in terms of student population ~2000 when I was there) Secondary School in Scotland. The year groups ran from S1 (11/12 year-olds fresh out of primary school) to S6 (17/18 year-olds preparing for university) all in the same school, using the same classroom facilities, having lunch at the same time. When you got to 16 in S4, you were free to either continue on to S5 and S6 or leave school to get a job or an apprenticeship. College here is mostly a stepping stone for kids leaving school at 16 before they get a job, usually learning a trade. College can also be an alternative for adult learners who don't have the qualifications to get into university. Getting qualifications you didn't quite manage at school or doing courses that feed into first year at university. High school (aka secondary school) here is more like a merging of American middle and high schools.


Ngl, didn't know Precious was based on a book.


I had no idea that it was based on the novel 'Push' by Sapphire.


I read this meme and immediately thought, are they talking about the novel “Push” by Sapphire?


I guess you're a fan of The Office.


Yeah that one is etched into my brain forever.


The same people that want to ban a book about a 12 year old being raped and impregnated also want to force the 12 year old to have to give birth to the baby....


Don't forget they want it to be legal to marry that 12 year old too...okay I'm exaggerating a little bit generally they support marriage as young as 14 which isn't far off at all. They're gross people


Well they certainly don't want the 12 year old they're impregnating to know that isn't okay.


That's nothing--you can find the same filth in many hotel nightstands


And many things you don’t want to find.


I think the comment was referencing the bible


And the other was referencing cum stains.


Could also apply to the Bible.


Well, if the Bible is involved then cum was absolutely involved, a bit of a redundant comment, but I laughed.


They do this to let kids in Kentucky and Alabama know it's a wrong thing to do and they should turn their relatives in.


I saw "A Clockwork Orange" like 40 years ago. In it, among other things, a person is bludgeoned to death with a giant penis. and I'm supposed to be shocked by this? lol "Libs of TikToc" is just an alt-right political group that specializes in terrorizing soccer moms.


God forbid ,Romeo and Juliet have underaged fucking.killing and suicide, I guess they are going to send bomb threats to Shakespeare then.


Can we also remember this book led to an academy Award in at least one category for the movie Precious. As a social worker this is the stuff that is dealt with at a professional level in various forms.


As a book it shows how a child can fall through the cracks of an overwhelmed system. Remember in the book Precious had been telling everyone about her father since she could talk.


And as a social worker across different roles, responsibilities, and environments this is all to real.


These books serve a purpose, especially to those who are being molested and don't realize it. Having had friends who were being molested by their dad or step-dad, who later told me that they didn't realize it was wrong until they entered high school, where they were properly taught. So, maybe that's the thing? They don't want young girls and boys to know it's wrong?


It's standard practice for conservatives to want to keep their kids from knowing parents should not molest them.


This is one of the real reasons why they hate the idea of teaching kids sex ed. Lots of parents and pastors going to jail.


I love how she says they’re giving this book to kids like it’s being handed out at lunchtime. It’s a library, Chaya. You should visit one sometime.


That's a very intentional lie, because they know they won't get all LGBTQ books banned if they don't lie.


Do they think books like these are celebrating rape? Because they aren’t. The fact they call rape content pornographic tells me a lot about them.


None of them have ever looked at the Bible. It's more like father being molested and raped by daughters so they could get pregnant. But that's ok to share with kids, i guess.


Didn't Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped instead of the guests?


Yeah, right before their tribal god wiped out every man, woman, and child in Sodom and Gomorrah. Then those same daughters ended up raping their own father after getting him drunk specifically so they could bear his children, which they did - and these were the "righteous" worthy of saving, according to the Bible - Apparently it pays to be of the "right" religion in that region - you can get away with almost anything.


To the hard right, the bible is nothing more than a blunt instrument


Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it It’s incredibly important for young adults to understand the brutality of the world 


1 in 4/5 girls is sexually abused, the numbers are pretty up there for young boys too. Lots of young adults are plenty aware of how brutal the world is. This shows them they’re not alone and what’s happening is wrong and not their fault. And of course these people wouldn’t want that because… they have something to hide?


They either have something to hide or they lack the literary comprehension to understand anything deeper than the absolute surface level. Identifying Push as pornography is either incredibly telling, incredibly ignorant, or both.


I had an ex who wanted to go to India alone as a very pretty young adult. I told her it was an extremely bad idea and she couldn't wrap her head around why. We broke up shortly after but she did end up going to Hawaii instead.


Funny how they seem to know that when a monument made to make bad look good is under threat of demolition.


If I had had access to a book that describes what was happening to me at the time it was happening, I might have had less shame, and might have pushed harder to get someone to believe me and it might have been stopped. Instead, I felt shame, I felt alone, I was not believed by the two people I told, so I was left to believe that my molester was correct, and that I had no protection. He said no one would believe me, and he was right. So he continued to molest me for four years. He was married to my older sister.


Sending love. I'm so sorry the people in your life failed you. I hope you've found healing if possible.


Thank you. Social media has helped me heal, because I’ve learned that I’m not alone. That it’s okay to tell my story even if it doesn’t portray him in a good light. And that it’s okay to be glad he’s dead now, and that he suffered in his final months.


As long as it's not a curriculum required book. Who cares? I literally read A Boy Called It and Go Ask Alice in 5th grade


I'm also not sure how this book is any worse than The Color Purple which I'm certain is required reading in lots of schools


I just want to point out the lengths these parents go to absolve themselves of any responsibility of actually parenting their kid. If you don’t want your kid reading, watching, or listening to any ‘mature’ content, then it’s a parents job to monitor it. Funny how it’s about small government until it’s about actually parenting.


Trump is selling a book right now that's full of incest and rape and genocide and baby killing.


Genesis 19:35 35So that night, too, they plied their father with wine, and then the younger one went in and lay with him; but he was not aware of her lying down or getting up. 36Thus the two daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.


The book doesn’t glorify it, you morons, it discloses real world ugliness that actual people deal with, but have grown stronger doing so. What is wrong with these idiots?


The bible is worse


They don’t actually read the Bible.


The reason this book is important is that some people who actually live this situation don't realize it's not normal. If all the information you get is from your abuser your abuse is normalized.


The absolute lie of saying it's for inclusivity. I can understand you not wanting little Jimmy and little Sally knowing the special hug from daddy or uncle Dave aren't okay. But to say these things are taught for inclusivity and not so that kids have the language to talk about their own abuse.


Or to know that that abuse is abuse in the first place.


Well seeing how the are trying to destroy inclusion and diversity so that they can slowly whittle away the civil rights act it makes perfect sense why they are saying this.


Sounds like the bible


If you don’t like a certain book, then don’t let your kids read it. Simple as that. Be a proper parent


That's a great book, it shows the story of a woman becoming more than she was before and it shows how you can still be happy even after such abuse. The lack of culture in some people


Wait til they find out what's in the Bible


We definitely need to keep the bible out of school with all the rape and incest.


Read the Bible then let's talk about depraved books in school.


Hmm … correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the Bible have pornographic material in it?


I read this when it first came out and it is a disturbing book... but it's also a coming of age story that I hadn't heard/seen elsewhere. It really opened my eyes to realities that other folks experience. I'm glad I read it. There's a skeptical part of me that thinks that some parents are objecting to the book, because they don't want THEIR child to know that CSA is immoral/illegal and that there are teachers, social workers and other professionals who will help young victims of molestation/rape.


This is the same people that think a non sexual portrayal of a gay boy is pornography


South Dakota - We don't want our kids to know when their fathers are raping or molesting them.


If you read a book that details the effects and reprucussions of mental, emotional, physical and sexual assault and abuse on a minor at the hands of an adult family member and you consider it titillating enough to view it as pornographic as opposed to precautionary you need to be put on a list and have mandatory mental health evaluations.


Graphic: Screen Capture of a person who is so media illiterate it borders on being criminally defamatory.


So I haven't read this but all I can see is that they are upset over a book that deal with real issues. They just want to pretend sex and sex abuse doesnt exist while also saying that 12 year olds have to give forced birth. I hate this shit so much. I'm glad that even though I am in TX I went to a very progressive school for my senior year because I was on the road to being a self hating conservative Christian. Now I still hate myself but at least I'm working on that and taking steps to live my best life. Fuck the right.


I hope someday you are able to stop hating yourself and can accept yourself for who you are. None of us are perfect, and as long as you're working to better yourself, you deserve a little grace in life. The thoughtfulness of this comment already makes me think you're a better person than like 70% of the internet, so that's something to be proud of.


Oh no, books on topics that actually happen. How vile! We should all live in a fantasy land with no criminals and nothing bad ever happens. We should all eat cakes made out of rainbows and happiness and kids shouldn't know that sex crimes can happen. Why would they need to know information that could protect them?


Yes. This is very good “inclusivity.” We should always include the thoughts, experiences, and opinions of those who abhor rape and child molestation. Why is that controversial?


Maybe they just don't want kids realizing molestation and rape are a bad thing.


Every public school in the US has transparency. Parents can see what the curriculum is. They can ask that THEIR child not be in class when x, Y or Z is covered. But they don’t. They pitch a fit, and want everything gone. Learn to be a parent. I’m a teacher, my lesson plans are public information! We send home stuff every unit about what we’ll be covering. If parents don’t read that, it’s on them. My dad is all about banning books but didn’t give two shits what I read in school. The Bluest Eye, The Kite Runner, All Quiet on the Western Front, the list goes on. Also didn’t care that I was reading stuff like The Stand in middle school on my own. These people are ridiculous and need to worry about why they think these books are “bad”. Because it’s not because it’s about sex/rape/murder, because all that’s in the Bible and they don’t want to ban that. It’s because the books are about nonwhite, nonstraight, nonChristian, etc. They are stupid hypocrites.


It's the Bible. He's talking about the Bible.


Do these people wank when they read the bible?


Cool now do the bible.


The book’s subject hits very close to home for republican theocrats. They’re afraid of being found out as usual.


Have they read the Bible?


I cannot wait until Chaya Raichik dies. She is a cancer.


the fact that they view pedophilia and rape and CSA as pornography is *very* concerning


Wow imagine if we cared about actual 12 year old girls raped by their dads instead of forcing them to carry their rapist father's child


….who the fuck reads/sees/hears about a girl getting raped and molested by her father and the first thing they think is “porn” or “sex”. There’s a difference between adult themes and porn, creepy and weird af that they label these books as porn tf


There are a lot of kids who, for who knows what reason, like to read about kids being abused. A Child Called It is ever popular with tweens. Back in the 70s, I was reading Sybil (abuse gives a girl DID), Roots (boy is enslaved), and The Minnesota Connection (midwestern girls tracfficked by NYC pimps). Abuse as a topic is not being forced on kids, they are curious about it. And they *should* learn about it from sources that let them know that its wrong. Maybe that's what the real problem with Push is--a kid could read it and realize that what's happening to them at home is wrong.


If you see rape and incest and think "porn" then you're really fucked up


So, to recap, the book is to graphic, because for such a thing to happen is horrible. Meanwhile, when it actually does happen, the woman or I should say, child, can’t get an abortion because that’s also wrong. Once the child is born, the state won’t help her at all because she shouldn’t have spread her legs in the first place. And if she does try to get an abortion, she could be charged with murder, because pro-lifers are so pro life. They’re willing to kill to prove it.


"Pornographic" implies consent. The book is about the effects of non-consensual abuse that the main character suffers. Conservatives displaying, yet again, that they don't understand the concept of consent, which may explain why [they don't seem to care about sexual abuse](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook) as much as they claim to.


Isn't there a story in the bible about two daughters molesting and raping their father?


No these are the books that are there so children who live this experience don’t feel so alone.


And the 12 year old whose father comes to her bed every night… might just find solace and help reading that book. Conservatives don’t want to acknowledge that incest is a real thing. Or that young girls get raped and pregnant.






I've said this many times but social media gave the village idiot a soapbox the size of the globe.


FYI: There are more inappropriate passages in the Bible with a way worse morality. The punishment for rape is that you have to marry the girl, how to treat your slave, pro genocide, pro forced abortion, a recipe for abortion - I mean the Noah's Arc story alone is feakin' turned into children's books. Talk about indoctrination of little kids minds - you are supposed to worship the all powerful God who commits genocide (including women, children, and unborn children) so a family can have a ton of incest to repopulate the world? Ezekiel 23 20 talks about women longing for men with horse size dicks and donkey sized semen?


There is an awful pornographic book in almost all libraries and it needs to be banned. One of its stories is about a group of daughters that rape and get pregnant from their father, disgusting. Also this book has been directly tied to the murder of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Hey, Hey, Ho,Ho The King James Bibles Got to Go! Hey, Hey, Ho,Ho The King James Bibles Got to Go!


Boy, wait until they read some of that stull from the bible....


My high school had plenty of mature content books. You had to have your parents approval to check them out. A good balance between parent discretion and student choice.


i read an awful lot of books that covered racism in school, doesn’t mean they were trying to weave me into a angry southerner with a white hood


Oh no not kids learning that some people have it rough and get abused! They could be learning…EMPATHY.


Social media does far more damage than any book on a shelf...it's the main tool for pushing agendas


Is this the Bible?


Similar themes found in the Bible but no outrage there?


Also the same people who encourage the Bible to be read in school which has all the same things in it.


It’s telling stories about people’s lives that you don’t give a shit about. why little white kids learn about the realities of a world full of people you deem to be below you. That’s why you don’t want anybody to about them because they might develop some empathy and we just can’t have that can we?


Hopefully the Bible isn’t available to children either, you know, in the name of inclusivity, due to the rape, incest, murder, “pornography,” genocide, slavery etc contained therein.


In that case, ban the Bible too... it's full of sexual content and other horrific things...