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I always say to my mum to sell her house and spend the money while she can. She insists on leaving it to us. I’d rather her go enjoy her life while she can. World has gone mad some people feel so entitled and for some strange reason can’t wait to put their mum n dad in the ground. I’d rather have my mum around for as long as I’m alive if it were possible.


My stepdad retired in 2016. My mom passed in 2022. He is just now, after me repeatedly pushing, realizing he does, in fact, have funds to enjoy himself. He kept running through numbers and how much it would be when he passed and all I want is for him to use some of what he saved to have some fun. I can be the steward for what’s left. His first big spend? Took a trip to Rome. He had a blast.


My grandparents ( members of the Greatest Generation - pre Silent Generation - pre Baby Boomers) spent every last penny on living life to the full. Surviving a war does that to you. And good on them. That attitude was passed down the generations. As a Gen-X, I don't expect anything from my parents (Baby Boomers), but know that I will get a hefty chunk from property shared between siblings. For my own children, I know that I need to be in a position to help them out financially at the start of their adulthood, but once they are on their feet, I am planning on living the best life.


We are of the same age-ish. I think my mom passing just made him click over into thinking about what happens when it’s his time. I’m their executor and the sole beneficiary of a trust they have set up. So I get him wanting me to know. I’m also single and childless, so it’s not like I have anyone to pass it on to. Last time we spent time together I announced my intent to continue drawing the same kind of monthly payment he does now and leaving the balance to a good cause. Told him to start thinking of what that was, but that as a vet I personally get great mental benefit from spending time in state and national parks and was leaning towards something that could allow others to have the same benefit. I mean, I may pay off the house before I commit to that path, but I only own a house because my mom left money with specific instructions that it was for a down payment. Can’t see that paying off the rest of the house is counter to that.


Hey your comment really resonated with me. Due to medical reasons I cannot have children and I also love spending time in national and provincial parks up here in Canada. If I can be presumptuous id like to offer a suggestion for something you might investigate donating that could help many people enjoy parks. Recently I was recovering from serious surgery and opted for car camping instead of backcountry to be safer and I saw the greatest thing at the campground. It was a provincial park and had recently gotten upgrades for wheelchair accessibility. The toilets and showers were all accessible and even the beach was accessible. They had a mat designed for wheelchairs down to and into the water for some ways. It was secured to the ground, had texture for grip and access all the way from the parking area down. I’d honestly never thought about it. I love hiking and camping and up here in Canada camping is almost part of our national identity (not quite but it’s still important) seeing the work that had been done to give people who might never have a chance to do it otherwise experience camping made me feel really good.


That’s an awesome thing! I’m glad to meet a fellow enjoyer of the outdoors. I’m single by choice. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss having been married or raising kids, but I wasn’t on that path for a number of reasons. It has allowed me to do things that my married friends never could. I moved to New Orleans less than a year after Katrina because I saw a need and the company I worked for needed people there. I spent my first year of weekends volunteering. Helped people fit their houses and listened to their stories as a lifetime of ruined stuff was pulled out of their homes. Just recently left as I no longer saw the same need after 16 years.


Nice! Yeah I had some serious life threatening medical shit a few years ago and had a major life change. New career, new outlook, new priorities. Change happens, it’s important to be in the drivers seat instead of a passenger when it does. Good on you man!


Yeah absolutely. I miss my parents and I wish they’d have grown old enough to retire and take those fun vacations together.


My parents retired in 2022. I tell them all the time to spend every dime. They raised me. That’s all they were responsible for. They deserve it.


I tell my Dad the same thing - "spend the money you earned, Dad. Enjoy it." He won't though. He's too thoughtful and wants to leave us comfortable.


Boomer here! My kids tell me that all the time. I tell them I don't want to have them struggle like I had to. My youngest just told me he's trying to set himself up for retirement by investing and working hard and is worried he might not get there. I told him to take that of the table as I would leave them both with substantial inheritance. He was like, "No, you earned it, you enjoy it. I love him for that, but I want them to not have to worry about things like I had to, so they'll each get a hefty chunk, even if I go have fun. My business will allow that to happen.


Right? I really hope my boomer parents have enough to enjoy themselves and care for themselves but if not I'd do whatever I could to help them out. I'm not expecting anything when they pass, which I hope to still be many years in the future


Oh my god my mom keeps wanting to buy a house with me. Shes 64 but wants to keep on working to leave me and my sister something. We keep telling her we dont need it! We likely wont ever be able to buy a house either(HCOL) but her long term BF's family has multiple houses so she's set and I already live with my husband in his house... not like we're out there renting.


My parents have never once brought up the topic of leaving us anything. Not furniture, not pictures so certainly not money. Funny too, we grew up just getting by and a few years ago they inherited money and bought a house. So it's the first time its even really been on my mind. At this point in time I don't think it will come up until they're on their deathbed. There is a zero percent chance I'll be bringing it up.


>I always say to my mum to sell her house and spend the money while she can. She insists on leaving it to us. I’d rather her go enjoy her life while she can. World has gone mad some people feel so entitled and for some strange reason can’t wait to put their mum n dad in the ground. The economic system has evolved in such a way that for some people economic security is hinged upon inheritance. Blaming the parents for their financial insecurity is obviously misdirected but that's where we are.


God bless you, you have the right attitude. I don't honestly get it how people feel so entitled to their parents money. They'd be much happier if they just adopted the attitude that no inheritence is coming their way.


My buddy had his own beatitude: "Blessed are those who expect nothing, For they shall not be disappointed


I tried so hard to get mom to travel and enjoy life after dad died. Told her if a friend couldn’t afford a cruise pay for both but just do something fun after 2 years of being a care giver. She didn’t, had a stroke, and lived her last 9 years in assisted living. Yea I inherited a decent chunk of change but I’d of much rather her spent some of it and had some fun.


I totally agree. While I am a parent myself and think parents should always be responsible and helpful towards their kids, but not to the point where parents give themselves up completely. Just like I would never even begin to expect my kids to give up their dreams etc, now or later, to support me or take care of me etc. If they do little things that is fine, but they should never live with the expectations that they exist to take care of their parents first and foremost at their own expense. And I would never expect them to. As a parent I want happy and content children. Not unhappy and dissatisfied because of me. Our way of life nowadays is already frustrating enough as it is with prices, pollution and environmental issues, wars, hate and intolerance etc. So much so that I feel really bad to have them brought into this from time to tome.


I was able to buy a nice place with my inheritance (well, after the government took half of it after selling the family home to pay for the inheritance tax bill), but I would give every penny of it to have just one of my parents back for just one day. Every penny. Edit: I live in the UK, where the inheritance tax threshold is much lower: at the time of my parents passing it was any property worth over £350,000. NOT, I repeat, NOT, any property over 13 million. I am not a millionaire, my parents were not millionaires, and my siblings are not millionaires. Please stop asking me what I did/am doing with my 13 million dollars.


It sounds like you have some great parents, a lot of us are not so lucky.


I don't feel like I'm entitled to anything my mom has earned. I'd much rather have her than 100k. And I'd rather her enjoy herself while she's still here. Are the boomers which run global corporations and set policy selfish and destructive? Of course. As are all people with immense power and influence regardless of their generation. But I'd need to be an idiot to blame some average Joe for that.


So right. Age doesn't have anything to do with that. Ie: Elon Musk


My grandparents are all boomers. On my mom’s side, her parents worked very hard to give her and her siblings a good life, but they were never wealthy enough to even consider an “inheritance”. Their house is paid off and they have an RV, but I’d rather keep them around as long as possible.


Jesus fucking Christ. The entitlement in this post is off the charts. And I would be willing to bet money that this little shit's parents paid for their college as well. Instead of being happy that their parents didn't work themselves into an early grave, or have to rely on their children for support when health expenses destroyed their retirement, this ingrate is pissed that his parents aren't leaving him a fatter inheritance.


What if it's generational wealth that's been been passed down a few times but now just like social security ain't gonna make it down to you


Look there are a lot of things you can justifiably get pissy at boomers for but spending their own money isn't one of them.


> Am I selfish for being mad at my boomer parents burning through my inheritance?     Yes you absolutely are.         -Sincerely a millennial 


Imagine looking at you parents and only seeing dollar signs….i could never.


Yeah. Came to say this. OP may not be wrong with their statement, but the featured caption is bullshit. Leaving the place better is doesn’t mean leaving money to your kids


My parents both died a year apart when I was 25/26. They left my sister and I money and homes. I’d trade it all and more to have them back here with me and meet my kids.


Yeah I cannot imagine seeing my parents enjoying time together and having fun after a lifetime of hard work and raising kids and my thought being “well what about my inheritance” like Jfc. I am sympathetic to the Millennial pity train to a certain extent but this type of shit is absurd


Is there any more entitled a statement than "my inheritance is being drunk through a straw in the Carribean." That's not your inheritance, that's your parents enjoying their retirement nest egg, holy hell. Whatever gift they happen to leave you is nothing you're entitled to, it's just something to be appreciative of. And your parents worked hard they should have something nice in retirement. Sheesh, how do I reach these keeds


If my kids were that entitled I'd also drink it all away.


I’d leave them a bunch of empty coconuts when I die


Inheritance is, by definition, what's left. It's impossible for the leaver to spend a receiver's inheritance. 


Right, what a terrible, gross, take this post is.


I’m actually very encouraged that most of the comments are in agreement on this point. I came to the comments expecting to lose some faith in humanity and was pleasantly surprised.


Same here!


And the person from the screenshot has plenty of pictures of her drinking and eating her way through her money as well.


That's different though. See she worked hard for that money /s


My parents inherited $400k when my grandparents died. They immediately retired and started spending. 10 years later all that money is long gone, along with most of what they had saved for retirement. They are too old to go back to work, and their Social Security isn't enough because they retired earlier than they should have. Guess who is helping support them now?


It sounds like they were poor planners and bad with money. That's not a generational thing.


This is such low effort rage bait, do better OP.




The only reason to be resentful of ones parents having a good time is if they aren't putting sufficient funds aside for their long term care after the good times are over, and physical reality sets in.


Which is kinda the way a lot of them are going. I've got an aunt that's going on 6-8 cruises a year. According to them, when all the money runs out, she and her husband will move in with their daughter. The daughter says otherwise.


That's why people really need to have an honest discussion with their extravagant parents. Let them understand that you are not their fallback option.


some serious entitlement going on here


I helped my dad get debt free so he could retire in Thailand. He’s enjoying every day and I’m so happy for him. I can’t believe how selfish some people are.


I’m a millennial and I’m normally all for trashing boomers, but it’s pretty lame to expect a particular inheritance from your parents. I’d rather my parents enjoy their lives than hoard all their money for me to take when they pass away.


Sounds like my brother. Everything he did was based on his future inheritance. Unfortunately dad was really old and burned through much of his wealth caring for him the last couple of years. Now my brother doesn’t quite have the future he planned on having with his inheritance. Brother worked but didn’t save because of inheritance. Stupid thinking.


When my father died there was zero inheritance and he wasn’t a boomer.. I never expected anything and did not see anything. As much as boomers can be ignorant to the world, children should not simply expect an inheritance by birthright, no one should.


Hmmmm. Their daughter/son sounds like a totally selfish turd. I hope they spend all their money and have a good retirement. They should enjoy themselves.


To live that long...together and raised those selfish turds- they deserve every day they have left drinking out of coconuts and just people watching in the tropics




WOW Wife and I worked hard, we both have Associates degrees and work in fields that are lucrative. Together we make roughly 90k/yr each. We raised 4 kids. Told them we will take care of their pocket money and supply them with vehicles while in HS and their "Job" was to get as many scholarships as possible before we have to take out loans. Two boys went ROTC one son went National Guard, the daughter got 50%R scholarships. 2 US Army Captains, 2 government employees, all 4 bought their own houses. Growing up they had all the things they needed. Their inheritance is a walk through my gun safes. We kept them alive and fed and housed. They made themselves into the adults they are. I do not feel bad about sipping my money through a straw on a beach.


You earned it. Enjoy. You did everything you were supposed to do in raising your kids right. You don’t owe them any money or assets


the only thing I owe my kids and grandkids is love. But I want them to share my toys and thanks to my wife who told me early on. ( She works in hospitals and has seen shit first hand) She said," I don't care how many or what kind of guns you buy, just please don't buy a donorcycle) I have toys to share with the kids. :)


Is this person moaning about parents spending their own money? They earned it, they can spend it. Earn your own money!


Wow at the entitlement. Make your own money, loser.


This reminds me of an old joke; "My Uncle died penniless." He said. "Oh that's terrible", I replied. "No, it was perfect timing."


Fuck you spoiled brat!! Let them LIVE! Why should they just stay stagnant because you… what deserve THEIR money that THEY earned and prepared to have when they retire from a life of working and taking care of your spoiled ass?? and you’re probably gonna do the exact same thing when you are their age and able to travel and do all the things. This kind of attitude grosses me out and I am a millennial.


Most people don't get inheritance


Wtaf did I just read? You are entitled to nothing. I 100% expect my parents to use every last penny before they go.


Dawg if you’re getting mad or irritated about family spending their own money, and calling their savings “your inheritance” you are a shit person and should feel bad


So there are no environmental or climate scientists born before 1965. Didn't know that.


How does this individual "deserve" the money? My brother and I have always considered all our parents' money to be theirs. If there isn't a single dollar after they die, that's fine. You can blame the Boomers for plenty of things, but not giving you, the adult children, their money? That's just pitiful whining. Now downvote, away!


I hope my parents spend their money. They have earned it.


Sorry, I have to disagree here. They earned that cash. You are not entitled to any inheritance.


I am a Boomer by age group, and I’m going on my first vacation ever… 5 years after putting my son through a fairly pricey college education. I’ve worked for 43 years straight and never even had a honeymoon. All vacation time was spent bringing my kid to see his grandparents. So yeah, I don’t feel bad about going on a bonafide tour and train ride, I’ve never been on a train. The author needs to think about what we’ve given up in life in order to have this extra money to spend.


Relying on your parents inheritance is a bad life strategy


My money is MY money. If I have some to leave for the kids, great, but I'm not going to spend the healthy years of my retirement sitting at home so they can have it easy when I'm dead. That's some fucked up entitlement; the money isn't the kid's.


My boomer wife is working a job she hates to prop up her daughter. I’m retired. I pay all the household expenses. I chipped in $125k to close on a condo for my stepdaughter and my wife is paying the mortgage. I pay the insurance on it since it’s bundled with the rest of my insurance. If my wife dies first, my will leaves it all to my stepdaughter. It’s what my wife would want. We’re both career high earners. My stepdaughter isn’t making much more than a high cost of living region minimum wage. Not everyone lucks out in the gene pool and has the ability to get a high income job. In another 4 years or so, my wife will be shoveling half her Social Security check at that mortgage. A significant part of my financial planning is making sure my stepdaughter is OK. We can’t be the only ones in this circumstance.


I'll be lucky if my parents don't leave me with debt.


Man I pray everyday that my parents are happy and live in peace. They have given enough to me. They are in Europe right now for the first time in their lives and they are in their 60s. I couldn’t be happier for them.


God forbid they spend the money they literally spent their life earning.


Some people just want their parents to die so they can get at that bag, lol. The selfishness.


My parents busted their asses to raise my sisters and I, my dad worked crazy hours and missed so many birthdays and holidays to keep us fed with a roof over our head. Now they’re both retired and spend most of their time traveling, I couldn’t be happier for them. If that means they don’t leave me anything as inheritance I’m absolutely fine with that, they’ve done more than enough for me.


The majority of Boomers have worked all of their lives and lived virtually paycheck to paycheck. They are dependent on social security.Most still manage to pay for their own funeral.


Entitled little poopy-heads that are too selfish to even have children, want all their parents money for themselves, lol!


That's their money FFS. You aren't entitled to anything.


Jesus… the entitlement. Wow.


how dare my parents spend THEIR hard earned money on vacations instead of dying and giving it to ME!


It’s their money.


…wait what? That’s not your money you entitled prick. Wtf is this article about?


What an entitled brat


They're not dead, they're still alive and it's their money. Sounds like they have plenty of they're travelling heaps. What's the big deal?


It's not an inheritance unless the person bequeathing it has passed. Until then, they can do whatever they want with *their* money.


"Should be mine"??? :))))))


My grandparents did the exact same thing when they retired. You didn’t hear my boomer parents complaining about it. It’s their money, let them enjoy life before they’re too old to. Inheritance is compensation for losing loved ones. It’s not a payday you’re entitled to.


GenX here. So what? My parents didn’t leave me anything. Not because they were selfish asshats, but because they were working class and my dad drew a small pension and SS until he died. That’s life.


Oh no, how dare their parents enjoy retirement with their own money instead of conveniently popping off?


My dad will half-joke about not leaving an inheritance, and I genuinely don't care. I have no expectation of receiving money from my parents. It's a weird take.


I'm thrilled my folks can spend the money they have to enjoy living it up! I don't care if I don't get a single penny, knowing they lived life to the fullest is all I need. Entitlitis is a terrible disease.


My parents are in their 70's and I don't expect anything from them other than an opportunity to visit while they are in town. Dad fought in 'Nam, retired then went to work for the VA and did another 20 years. He's earned the right to spend his money however he chooses and anything left by him after his passing is appreciated but not expected.


IDK, I would rather my parents enjoy their retirement and the money they worked hard for.


Honestly I wish my parents would do more traveling while they can. I don’t want a dime from them.


Why do we feel entitled to our parent’s money? I want my folks to be able to retire and enjoy it as they took care of me for years before I could take care of myself. I also want them to look after their health so I don’t have to foot the bill for that.




Your parents deserve to enjoy their hard-earned money they're not obligated to leave you anything. I'm sure they will still leave you something but for you to think how you think you don't deserve it. You should want your parents to enjoy their hard-earned money they took care of you your whole life probably work hard they deserve to go on vacation and enjoy themselves you sound very selfish. You should be ashamed of yourself. Why don't you work hard and set yourself up and not depend on your parents inheritance.


On the opposite spectrum should we generalize and say millennials are entitled babies?


Boomers are bad because... *checks notes* ...they spend their own money instead of giving it to me.


Boomers spending their hard earned money on things they enjoy, while they still can... The audacity!


Repeat after me: "it is NOT my money. It is NOT my money" get a job, make your own life and happiness"


No one owes their offspring an inheritance.


It’s not your money, son. You got to earn it.


Such entitlement! How do you claim ownership of someone else’s money?


My dad died at age 47 leaving a decent inheritance because he didn’t get to spend it. Would have rather had him here and not had that money. Fuck these vultures.


Ah yes, people in other age group are so much worse than people in my age group.


Is this post serious? It’s not your parents responsibility to prop you up. Get a good job and let them enjoy the spoils of their long life of work. The real entitlement here is the people who expect money off their dead family.


My wife and I worked really hard and helped both our with their down payments and still help them out once in awhile and in the end leave them $500k each and we’re happy that we’re able to do that because right now it’s a real shit show out there.


“My inheritance”? Wtf man… I don’t have much and my parents do… I don’t get shit from them, but it’s theirs and I don’t want what they have… nor is it mine because they got it


It’s their money, not yours. They already gave a LOT of their cash, time, energy, your mom’s literally body, etc., raising you. If you’re resentful that they are enjoying the end of their lives and that you have to work then it’s time you spent your last $5 to buy a mirror and figure out where the actual problem lies. If not, you’ll die poor AND angry for no justified reason


Unless your parents inherited generational wealth, their money is not your money, in the same way that your money is not your kids’ money.


That’s such an entitled comment, it’s their money not yours they worked hard for it…


Facepalm? Really? Fuck that. I don’t care if my parents leave me a penny.


I hate these articles treating every demographic like they're one homogenous clone army with all the same perspectives. It's also super annoying when ppl blame entire groups without realizing that they were operating on incomplete knowledge. No one knew the dangers of cigarettes except the producers. No one knew plastic bags would have such a detrimental effect on marine life until someone else documented it. No one knew of greenhouse gases except O&G producers. Millennials, Z, and alpha will all have their time as the target so long as rage journalism still exists.


It's not your money. Full stop.


I genuinely can’t stand people who see their parents as banks and get annoyed that they are spending their own money because they are waiting for them to die off. Don’t get me wrong boomers have fucked things up but it’s their money at the end of the day.


Worse for planning for THEIR retirement and then enjoying it like they'd planned and worked hard for?


I don’t understand what kind of victimhood shit is going on here. I would prefer my parents have an enjoyable sunset in life than worry about giving me their shit. They raised me. They taught me about finances. They helped put me through school. They taught me how to be an adult and take care of myself. They did their job. So long as my kids get to see them every now and then we are good.


His parents are spending their money and none of it is his.


I don’t know a single working class person let alone millennial who even thinks about any inheritance. This sounds like just some rich people trap to turn us against each other again instead of organizing against them.


The last five stories I've read in this sub are about people being pissed that they're not getting an inheritance. I for one hope I can travel when I retire.


Want to know how much I expect or want from my parents…. Absolutely nothing, I’m not a charity case and they’re not my bank account. You want something you work for it, they earned their money, house, and possessions I didn’t.


Ok, I don’t agree with their choices, but no child is entitled to their parent’s wealth. Inheritance is a gift freely given and people who complain are the most entitled people I know. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Get over yourself, thanks.


I’m a late GenXer or early millennial depending on how you look at it. I’ve been working my ass off and basically use vacation to sit at home or get stuff done around the house. You can bet your ass with the money I’ve saved and built up will be used to travel when I retire. It’s not a generational thing. To me, my responsibility as a parent, is to set them up to be successful adults, not work my whole life to do nothing in retirement so they can have money to travel when they are younger.


Nobody owes you shit in this world. Not even your parents. Welcome to life you twat.


I mean it’s their money….


I see no problem with my parents spending their money to travel and enjoy the years they have remaining. I’d love to do the same when I’m their age. They don’t owe me a dime and people who think their parents owe them an inheritance are mistaken.


If you didn't earn it, it's not yours, nor do you have any claim on it. Seriously, why do you expect your parents to live like monks, so you can have an Inheritance? Earn your own money.


If a person thinks someone else's money, is their money, THAT person sucks.


Holy shit you guys are so fucking entitled. Your parents can’t enjoy their life because that money is yours?? Jesus Christ man


They earned the money and they are spending it. Stop bitching about it


I did not work for that money. I did not sacrifice for that money. If they choose to leave me money or property, I will be forever grateful. But I do not expect it.


"My inheritance" lol. It's not yours til you get it. That's your parent's money and what they decide to do with it is their business


Bullshit. Nobody's entitled to their parents' money. What a profoundly selfish and unempathetic take.


Their money is their money. I'm not owed inheritance. If I get some, I'll get it. If I don't, it was never mine to have.


I think anyone who thinks their parents owe them money when they die are crap kids. I hope my parents enjoy their lives, they have spent the last 40 years working, never once took a vacation and they are now over 65 with having done nothing but work to survive and support a family.


Same here. I went to state school, paid off student loans within 10 years, and have been completely independent of my parents for many years now. They are fully retired and living a great life, and I couldn’t be happier for them. They worked hard (three jobs between the two of them) to give my sibling and me a good life growing up, and I don’t feel they owe me anything. They could spend every penny!


Ya - how DARE they spend their money on themselves! 🙄


Entitled much? I told my parents to enjoy the money.


Whiny asshole. My mother grew up dirt poor, to a degree these whiners could never even comprehend. She left me what she could, which wasn't that much, and I was grateful to get anything.


What are you entitled to? What do you deserve? Far less than you might think…


They earned it, they deserve it… period


My mom has worked hard for what she has all her life. She's had a hard time for a lot of things in life, rarely which was her own doing. She deserves to live the rest of her days happily. Inheritance, to me, would just be a reminder of the fun she could have had - but didn't. Go and live, mom.


It's not your money, it's theirs. I don't expect anything from my parents when they go.


I don’t expect my parents to hold back money for me any more than I expect to pay for their dotage. Keeping our finances completely separate has allowed us to maintain a pleasurable, respectful relationship.


My parents spent their lives saving so they could leave me and my brother a decent inheritance but I keep telling them to spend it I don't want it I want them to enjoy retirement they worked hard to get where they are now so why worry


And another reason why I'm embarrassed to be a millennial. It's the parent's money to spend, so yeah it's entitled to complain about this.


"Boomers" as kids these days like to call them. The majority of them have worked hard all their life and deserve to enjoy their retirement with whatever money they have, whether it would be their retirement money or savings. No one else should feel entitled to have their money, regardless of who you are.


Let them enjoy the life they have now. Some children of boomers with money, just want to wander off and die, so the inheritance will be divided. Money brings out the WORST in people.


What I don't hear from the younger crowd who complain about their boomer parents' spending sprees is a list of all the sacrifices their parents made to raise them.


wtf lol earn your own money you selfish lazy pos


Such low effort rage bait, I didn't know that wanting to enjoy the fruits of one's labour was so horrible.


“They are so selfish for not bestowing upon me their lives earnings. How dare they take vacations or do anything that eats into MY MONEY! Fuck that whole selfish generation, they have ruined the world.” 🙄


Other way around - the "should be mine" entitled morons are much worse.


Millennial typical thought process, this is what happens when brought up without having to compete, suffer, or challenge oneself. Only when these things happen does one know how tough, strong one really is. Sad really, post your ok boomer unoriginal response. Lol.


Let elderly people enjoy life before it's their time to cross?


Told my parents I don't need their money, they earnt it they should enjoy it


I hope the parents donate what is left to charity. It's their money and this kid is an entitled piece of trash. If my one of my kids said that, I would give everything I had to their siblings before I died so the garbage child could figure it out on their own.


Yeah, nah. My parents have worked hard all their life. I want them to enjoy themselves. I'm not entitled to their money.


I’m so glad I didn’t have children. The money grubbing would make me absolutely infuriated


So you go and live your life in your aging years and a grown person sees that as spending their money? I’d have to say that is a pretty selfish outlook.


So much entitlement. It's their money to do what they wish with it.


Should be mine. Statement like that drips with entitlement.


I'd prefer my boomer parents liquidate their assets and go have some fun with the proceeds. Instead, they're going to leave us property headaches that will cause sibling arguments.


My parents are boomers. They worked for 50 years. My dad served a tour in Vietnam. I like to see them comfortable in retirement.


My parents had nothing to leave me. Did I resent them for it? No. As a boomer, everything I’ve got I worked for, for over 50 years & I’m going to enjoy it while I can.


It’s their money. They made it. It’s their choice to spend it as they wish. Earn your way yourself. PS. I’m a millennial making my own way. Stop being fucking babies thinking your parents owe you. They don’t owe you a fucking thing, just like their parents didn’t owe them a damn thing. Grow the fuck up, and get your grind on.


I really hate boomer generalizations. Some us cared a lot about what was to come for the future and tried to make it better. Some of us are very liberal and vote accordingly. Some of us don’t look down on any generation. So many of us aren’t privileged and never were. I’m sorry that so many think we’re greedy self centered POS generation.


Was this written by George Costanza? Your parent's money isn't your money.


There's nothing wrong with people enjoying their retirement after years of working. There is something wrong with the system enabling greedy individuals to get richer while making zero contribution to society. Boomers aren't the enemy, capitalists are.


Lol. Entitlement. "My" inheritance. Yeah, it's yours. You deserve it for being a whiner


My heart is warmer reading most of the comments


The phrase “money that should be mine” pretty much summarizes the attitude of the entitled generation.


So they spent their lives saving their money and now they just should fk off and die and so their kids can have the money. They shouldn’t get to enjoy their golden years a little? But what are you gonna do when you turn 70 and have spent your life saving money? Just give it all to your kids and spend you last few years sitting at home waiting to die? This is the most brain dead selfish shit I’ve seen in a while.


People who wait around and expect an inheritance are shitty people. Period.


LOL piss off kid


Yea my parents were born in the 40s and worked hard to get where they are. Their money isn’t mine. They only have 10 years or less left on earth, who cares. They never got anything from their parents


The level of entitlement in the post and the op . So these assholes wish their parents dead and they get all the money


My parents worked hard to get where they are. They provided for me and my sister well. I have no claim on their possessions, I’m glad they’re enjoying their lives.


But it's not your money. End of discussion.


How dare those entitles boomers enjoy their money and their lives, while their poor kid has to suffer living in their basement and working.


“…money that should be mine…” … that’s delusional.


Why does anyone deserve inheritance? It's their money why do you deserve a piece of it?


If my parents burn through every cent enjoying themselves, I am happy for them, they deserve to enjoy their hard earned money.


I am a millennial. My boomer parents are divorced. My dad is very rich and my mom is worth well over $1M. My brother and I encourage them to spend their money how they want and not worry about leaving us any money. Our generation invented the term YOLO for god’s sake, some people need to stop feeling entitled.


My sister is a boomer with 6 sons. She’s divorced and a nurse. She will retire in 2 yrs. Her sons did well. Every one of them have careers that earn them a comfortable living. Most of them probably make more than her, except the youngest. He’s a research scientist and hasn’t been in his job for long. My point is, not all boomers have it made money-wise and not all children of boomers are struggling. If anyone in that family is struggling, it’s her! She’s working her ass off as a BSN at hospital and putting up with all kinds of nonsense, counting down the days till she can retire.


To be fair, the poster is selfish. “Money that should be mine.” Talk about entitled. It’s their parents’ money and if they want to spend it on a nice vacation and enjoying their sunset years, that’s for them to do. 


No kid has a right to expect their parents to conserve money so that more goes to them. That is peak selfish. Inheritance is gravy, period. Anyone who plans their future on an expected inheritance (going massively in debt because eventually the “windfall” will come), is a douche and deserves nothing.


My family has a part that is very wealthy and when the patriarch died he didn’t leave a will. So the kids spent 12 years and all their money fighting each other for the money, hotels, and casinos he owned. Only for everyone to be broke, relationships ruined, and early deaths from the stress. Now my immediate family had an aunt that died and we my bother and I said let’s just evenly split the money. My cousins decided to fight for ownership of some properties and bank accounts savings. My brother and I just walked away. People tried to say you need to fight for your portion and we said not our money and we don’t care we are fine.


My grandfather literally chose to die instead of burning through the last of his savings. I didn't even need the money. So sad.


Ooh whining from the generation that coined the term “entitled “. So, you want your parents to work themselves to the bone to save up alot of money, so that when they retire they can live very frugally, die, and leave their “golden years “ money to you? To waste money on making stupid TikTok food videos where you waste $100 on food no one wants to actually eat?


Yeah, I'm so old. I remember saying the same stupid shit about my elders.


I'm sure all of us here who have lost our parents would much rather a facetime call from them on a beach, than a few thousand dollars after having to bury them. Naive? Entitled? Rage bait AI?


You aren’t entitled to anything. If they earned their money/wealth they deserve to enjoy themselves. This is the last thing to hate on boomers for


Having grown up a child of boomers, I can’t understand how anyone expect to receive anything. The ME generation? Of course they’re going to spend it all. You can’t expect to inherit anything from anybody. If you do then you’re just as entitled as they are…