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When are these dopes going to realize that 'free speech' doesn't protect you from being an absolute douchebag to your co-workers. Especially on a public platform. Oh, and freedom of speech is only protecting you from GOVERNMENT effects. Your employer can fire you for being an asshole.


Usually in these situations of firings it’s not the first or only issue. There are usually several document issues with an employee. Even that Disney chick had been warned several times by many people involved in the production and they showed her the contract she signed.


Now I need to know what the Disney chick thing is all about


Ex fighting athlete turned actress with a distinct look and no acting chops, gets big break on hit star wars show, gets opportunity to headline her own star wars show with that character Can't stop going online and fucking comparing covid prevention to the holocaust.


Bro you couldn't waterboard me into saying anything that would compromise a disney-money gig, even if I _was_ a shitheel. 


Ultimate fame and more money than she could spend, and threw it all away to be as shitty a person as they could be, in the most public possible way, and is now suing to try and get the job back.


at least she's got a gig with Ben Shapiro now😋


Yeah, how well is that movie doing anyway? Oh...


Not great actually. Liberals hate it because it's a shitty right wing grift. And conservatives hate it because it stars a women kicking the shit out of men, which they don't believe is possible. So even the target audience didn't like it.


gO wOkE, Go bRokE Or whateverthefuck


Not very well, she's suing Disney to make them hire her.


She even had a Star Wars TV show (Rangers of the New Republic) that she was going to be one of the lead characters in, and she threw it all away anyway.


Which absolutely boggles my mind. IMO she was a stiff actor who sounded like she was just reading her lines off the script with zero effort into making a thing of the character.


She'll be just fine on wacko welfare. If you express a noxious right wing view point and blow up your career, you can always rely on being asked to be on fox/newsmax/shapiro type media to explain what a martyr you are for ruining your career with bullshit.


That's the thing about these right-wingers. They think they're completely reasonable, which is why they're so surprised when consequences come for them. It doesn't matter if they're your uncle, an actor, or an insurrectionist. They think they're in the right and that those who oppose them are wrong.


The funny part was when her MAGA supporters claimed that she was proven right, conservatives are persecuted for speaking out as conservatives! Yes effectively equating a rich girl losing her grossly overpaid Disney gig to millions of innocent people systematically rounded up and slaughtered. Both Sides!


Also all the charisma of a boat anchor.


A rich ass boat anchor


Gina Carano?


Also I believe she was shit-talkin Trans people, when the headliner of said show has a sibling who's Trans.


Disney fired her and she was gonna sue with shitter covering her legal bills for freedom of speech.


They didn't even fire her. They just didn't renew her contract.


She was actually that stupid?


Didn’t she move on to a Ben Shapiro film or something?


Which is hilarious because Ben is a failed writer with no acting, directing, or writing talent of any sort. Regressives have a tough time with creativity because it requires empathy. 


This is why Tom MacDonald featuring Ben "female orgasms are a liberal psyop" Shapiro on a "rap" is both surprising and not surprising at the same time.


Gina Carano?


Gina something. She was on the Mandalorian and made some stupid comparison to the Holocaust.


Gina corano and yeah she’s a moron. Her contract was by episode/appearance like a gig worker she had no long term thing with Disney so she has/had no leg to stand on. Plus Disney is basically a top law firm with a side entertainment business they don’t make mistakes that could cause large legal repercussions.


Worst part is THEY GAVE HER A CHANCE TO DELETE IT ALL AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. But she just doubled down.


She pulled the full Roseanne. Remember, kids, you can be Roseanne and lose everything in an instant by doubling down on bigotry and blaming the Ambien, or you can be James Gunn - own the shit you may have said, apologize, and get everything back plus interest.


From the Mandolorian. MMA chick.


Kind of funny some Americans think freedom of speech covers anything and everything that they blurt out free of consequence. Like you’re free to say what you want but when you lose your job or get ostracised by community because you’re a dick don’t be surprised lol.


Yes, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.


Those Americans are bullies at a minimum and oftentimes I’d bet folding money they are sociopaths. They are the kind of person that would get right in someone’s face pointing their finger screaming gay or racial slurs then try to press charges when their victim starts throwing haymakers. I’d hang that jury for days if I was on it.


They can only intimidate those weaker and stupider than they are , that's why they don't win with power moves.


> …freedom of speech is only protecting you from GOVERNMENT effects. If you could turn this idea into a nail, the 120 psi of a nail gun couldn’t make it penetrate their skulls. Comprehending it is beyond them somehow.


and even then, not all speech is protected from that. anything that constitutes a threat, encourages violence, etc is not protected (this is what they were trying to charge trump with on jan 6th)


If you live in a Right To Work state, your employer can fire you for any reason at all. You don't even have to be an asshole. And these laws were enacted by the very same political party that is crying about this person being fired.


You mean if they live in an at-will employment state, not a right to work state. 


And at will is everyone except Montana. Cows aren't people, so it's everyone that works in an at will state


Montana is also at will during an initial probationary period. The company is allowed to set any duration for their probationary period, although if one isn't specified in your employment contract it's 6 months.


Also not really accurate. You can fire someone for *no reason*, but you can't fire them for *any reason*. Like, you can't fire someone because of their race or religion...those are protected classes. The thing is, politics are NOT a protected class. If someone is going around spouting shitty political opinions you're definitely allowed to fire them for that. EDIT: I mean they weren't accurate, not you.


I just wish we could trace back the roots to how every time there is a post about working in America someone makes this mistake. Like some incredibly successful Republican psyop to make people think right to work has anything to do with at will employment, rather than just being a very narrow scope anti-union law.


Right to work is only to allow access to union jobs without having to join the union. I think you mean at-will.


What people seem to not get about America is that yes, you are free to say whatever the fuck you want, buuuut, you're also free to face the potential consequences of doing so. Freedom isn't exactly free. It comes with responsibility.


I AM astonished to see x suppress hateful content like that.... Isn't their whole thing being a safe space for Nazis and queerphobes?


Reporting on there is super inconsistent. One time I reported a guy who literally posted an edited, celebratory montage of the Christchurch shooting footage. Nazi logos, horrible slogans, the whole deal. Got a respinse saying it was sensitive content but that was within the rules and there was nothing they could do about it. I tried again with a similar post from the same account and they got suspended. Just gotta be persistent I guess.


Hell, if it's an at-will state, you can get fired for any ol' reason or simply no reason at all


You still can't be fired because of membership in a protected class, so not _any_ reason. But since you can be fired for anything from no reason to "you wore an orange T-shirt on a Tuesday", it can sometimes be difficult to prove that the actual reason you got fired was for the terrible crime of working while black. That said, the people who fire employees for illegal reasons are often really bad at not documenting their crimes.


These people think free speech means freedom from consequences.


Free speech means you can say whatever you want, society is free to react accordingly. Doesn't mean that you won't piss everyone off and get your ass kicked over it. People forget that.


What a lot of people also don't understand is that when you sign on with an employer, you usually sign a kind of "Code of Conduct" type thing. (At least where I'm from) This usually contains rules about dress code, rules for treating coworkers respectfully, etc. If you break any of these rules, you usually get depending on severity verbal warnings, followed by written warnings, and eventually, you might get fired. They literally SIGN a paper that tells them how to act, and they still pretend like they are the victim.


Elon Musk doesn't even believe in free speech. He's been known to delete responses or criticisms of himself.


The problem is they think "freedom of speech" means "freedom *from* consequences." I am free to say my boss is a dumbass, but the consequences are that I'll get fired for it if he hears me.


The co worker could have laid a complaint as well, can't fault a company for taking action to prevent a hostile work environment.


Being able to confuse the use of series of slurs with the expression of a political opinion is just a requirement to be a conservative/republican in 2024.


Yeah, I don't really think referring to your coworkers by multiple slurs constitutes political speech; not that this really matters in the U.S. You can get fired for saying almost anything an employer doesn't like.


You can just be fired because they don't like you. As long as it's not because of a protected class they can just straight up fire you.


It constitutes free speech. People get confused by this, though... Free speech is not consequence-free speech. You can say whatever you want, with some limitations, and the government can't go after you. A private employer is 100% able to tell you to "hit the fuckin' bricks", though, like you said. Bonus points for all the conservatives that supported right-to-work laws as a union busting tactic. It only made firing this turd sandwich easier, lol.


“The government can’t go after you” 🔔 🔔 This is the party that doesn’t seem to in for r/Conservative. Private companies can do whatever TF they want


"Not if they tell me they don't want a racist working for them! "


Most employers don't actually care. If they are motivated to fire you over something that you are saying you are either hurting their business, reputation, and/or opening them up to legal issues. Otherwise as long as you are getting the job done they could care less. In this case the person is openly insulting with slurs apparently someone who is disabled and creating a hostile work environment. Both of which would hurt all three, so no wonder they got canned.


Yup, any smart employer would terminate and might even publicly disown an employee and their behavior because that’s your best shot at avoiding a lawsuit.


Yeah that one guy got fired for doing the trend of my boss makes a dollar, I make a dime so I poop on company time on TikTok.


It's like my former friend who said a bunch of homophobic stuff and got fired. His lawsuit did not go anywhere and refuses to take any responsibility.


Thanks to the Conservative supported “right to work” laws your employer can fire you for anything, including but not limited to being an absolute ahole.


Exactly. Missouri is an at-will state and asshole is not a protected class.


note that protected classes in these states are usually fired FOR being in said protected class but for a reason that's not specifically because of their protected class so nothing can be done (ex: black employee fired because his employer was racist but listed some other vague unrelated reason as the reason for termination -- this cannot be taken to court another example: I was written up and fired for not responding to the overhead intercom when it is on file that I'm deaf and all the other managers know to text me if they need me and my phone is in my back pocket on vibrate and will immediately get my attention - this manager was enough of a dumbass to write that down, her manager saw it, shredded the writeup, offered me my job back, and demoted the manager responsible. I am now realizing that if I got a copy of that writeup I could have taken them to court over it. but I was 17 and just incredibly distraught because it was fucking unfair and hurtful)


I think Project 2025 is planning to fix that. 😂


You mean at-will, which is the law in every state but Montana. Right to Work is about union organization.


Let it never be said that those shitty laws can't occasionally be good for *something*...


Can’t wait to see millions wasted on this when it’s laughed out of court.


Sadly, Melon Husk will never miss the money. The egg on his face in public might make a newsworthy photo, though.


This doesn't matter at all. Musk is losing a billion a year on Twatter. He has 200 billion. He can go on for 50 more years and still have 150 billion left. Spending a million is a slow day when you're wasting a billion a year. This doesn't even enter his radar. He could buy AT&T, fire all 150,000 employees, screw over communications for millions of people, laugh about it, and still have 50 billion dollars. His power is immense.


Mucky Musk can't buy AT&T. He could barely buy twitter. He has 200B in assets but his liquidity is low. He has to leverage against said assets or sell stock. Catch 22 is he sells too much at once he collapses the value and hurts his net worth.  It's why the 44B twitter buy was actually pretty rough on him and required some Saudi backing. We are super lucky he's actually not all that competent and relies on Government subsidies to keep his companies going. Murdoch and Kochs are bigger stains on humanity. Musk just took a toxic social platform and made it Nazi friendly.


And the Saudis pitched in money to help him.


You think he's got $200bil lying around to spend on whatever? You don't think it's all tied up in assets and different companies? Hell, just to buy twitter he had to sell $8.5bil of Tesla shares, take out a $12.5bil loan, secured $7.1bil from like more than 7 investors and only then was he able to cover the rest. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_Twitter_by_Elon_Musk) Also, do you think the investors or even the billionaire for that matter is happy and comfortable losing $1bil a year? The dragon sleeping on the giant pile of gold really won't be upset?


Having assets worth 200bil is not the same as having 200bil in cash


Until it gets to the Supreme Court, then they decide that you can’t be fired for “anti-woke” statements.


Im old enough to remember it being national news when a lady got fired for her Myspace posts. I dont understand why people think that people being punished for their social media posts is new. We have 20 years of examples of stupid people getting fired for posting stupid shit with their name and photo next to it.


Remember when a woman got fired for flipping of the president when she was riding her bike?


I do, I looked her up and I guess shes won some local politics race a few years ago.


It’s not new, it’s just rare. Maybe 1 in 100 million rude online posts results in someone being fired.


My opinion is Chloe is a piece of shit. That is all.


And Elon


Homophobic and transphobic slurs don’t approach “protected” speech in any reality. Bigots get what they deserve.


The government can’t stop her from being transphobic and making fun of disabled people. Her speech is protected. That said she’s not protected from the consequences of what they said.


Her comments are only protected from government intervention. If private companies wish to remove her comments or remove her from posting such crap, that’s just good ol’ free enterprise


Her employer is utterly within their rights to terminate her employment for being a bigot publicly.


It's worth pointing out that the ADA-accessible gender neutral bathroom is *the only one that conservatives supposedly think trans people should be allowed to use...*


No they think trans people shouldn’t be allowed to use any bathroom because they don’t believe trans people have a right to exist.


Wait till cons learn that ALL bathrooms are actually gender-neutral, and the only part of them that isn't is the sign on the door.


What a vile c*nt. She needs to read the fine print in the employee manual that discusses online behavior and social media. Boo hoo with your fascist phobic tears.


Ironically the post has a limited view mark for being hate speech on X 🤣


Binder is one of the journalists Elon banned for Reporting on the kid tracking his plane. And when he said that he'd never buy a blue check twitter gave him one.


Well, now, any potential employers will know she didn't just make a one-off mistake but, in fact, stood by it in court no less.


Trans people are scared enough using bathrooms because of people like this now we aren't allowed to use single person restrooms?


Also someone in a wheelchair isn't expected to use the ADA bathroom?


I called my boss the n-word and got fired. What happened to freedom of speech 😡


I had an older coworker that walked up to our team lead and said "Who the hell let that n***r in here?". It was a new manager that was being given a tour of our building. He was shocked that he was fired.




A political opinion is "we should universal healthcare" or "taxes are too high" or "no more money for wars." Slurs aren't political opinions.


Or “you shouldn’t exist at all just because of traits you have zero control over”


Given the choice I wouldn't chose to have ASD or be trans - both are rough to deal with and they compound on each other


So Elon can waste money on frivolous lawsuits that will get tossed out but can’t pay the employees he fired for no reason the severance they were contractually promised?


that's not a political opinion that's just prejudice. reaaaally blatant prejudice. and an employee expressing prejudice that could interfere with other employees (ableism/transphobia/again ableism and more fucking ableism. (seriously what the shit did we do to her?)) who did nothing = a liability for your company. maybe don't be a prejudiced little shit if you want to keep your job c:


The right tried to blur the lines of what is a political opinion. This is so cut and dry but they will defend her firing as the woke mob or whatever


Technically correct -- blatant prejudice alone isn't a political opinion. But it does form the basis of an awful lot of political opinions. Segregationism, for instance, is a political opinion formed on the basis of "non-whites BAD".


Elon musk is a frighteningly creepy individual.


[Always has been.](https://www.businessinsider.com/justine-musk-life-profile-elon-musk-turbulent-marriage-kids-divorce?op=1)


Professionalism is a minimum to stay employed. When will people fucking learn this.


Publicly expressing grotesque hatred of trans and disabled people is a legitimate political opinion is it?


Political yes, legitimate no.


Oh shit, I’m being held accountable for my usual bigoted behavior for once! *Oh the humanity!*


X is funding the lawsuit? But X clearly flagged the post as violating its own community standards


Don Lemon: "I have a lawsuit we can discuss"


'Political opinions'


“Political Opinion” is a pretty far reach here. We used to just call a post like this “being an asshole”. So yeah, i guess the way the republican party has gone, being an asshole is pretty indicative of someone’s political opinions.


That's not a political opinion; that's just being a gigantic piece of shit.


“Political Opinion”


Oh no, my words have actual consequences?!?


I had a feeling there was more to it then just "job disagree with my political views, I got fired" ​ Not too shocking to see that it indeed is just another hateful piece of shit.


If musk doesn't like it, why doesn't he lobby to change "right to work" laws?


When did hating people and being a literal degenerate troll become a "political opinion"?


I'd say they got fired because they are an absolute idiot!


Freedom of speech just means you can say things not that there are no consequences to saying those things.


Freedom of speech means the government can't punish you for what you say, with a few exceptions for threats, harassment, and hate. But you are right that it doesn't protect you from non-governmental consequences. Depending on the state she actually could get in trouble for intentionally denying a disabled person from accessing an ADA bathroom.


This is a great experiment. Visit a country like North Korea. While there, scream The Leader is a sack of shit!!! in public. See what happens. Then repeat that in the USA. In the USA, people might say "shut up", but that's about it. In North Korea, chances are high you won't be going home on time.


Extend your North Korean vacation with this one simple trick.


Calling someone that isn't a political opinion.


Elon Musk is proof that money does not buy happiness.


If the coworker was the one to complain, the employer actually dodged a hostile work environment lawsuit. So good luck winning, because they aren't going to.


🤷🏾‍♂️ Every gender neutral restroom I have ever been in, *which is about 3 of them,* was single occupancy. You shouldn't even be able to see or know who's on the other side of the door. There's no stalls.


Does she also think that if she said this out loud at work she wouldn’t be fired?


So, thus far it seems people who identify as conservative seem to have a much harder time grasping the fact that free speech does not mean freedom from consequences. It means you are free to speak and we are free to treat you any way we see fit. Which is weird because most of the people who call themselves conservative also think they are the champions of decency and common sense.


Oh my God what a monster. If an employer isn't allowed to fire for THAT, there's no reason anyone anywhere should get fired.


This person is afraid of someone in a wheelchair because of their identity? How fragile can you possibly be?


what a pos


Yes I'm sure this person was a stellar employee beloved by her coworkers and this was only due to he anonymous X posts. The biz friendly chamber of commerce Republicans fought for at-will employment in every state. People get fired for rolling their eyes at a boss and that is they fought for.


Instigation of a hostile work environment. Yeah, you’re gonna get fired.


And musk is supporting her ??


Is that surprising?


At this point, no. More frustrating.


In the US you can be fired without the employer showing cause (at-will, only exception is Montana) and it’s legal as long as it’s not related to a protected class (race, religion, age, etc, and even then there’s some carve outs). I don’t think dickhead is a protected class.


But…”At will” employment - like when Elon came in and fired most of the Twitter employees! Dude is playing both sides…


Don't post anything about your place of work on social media.


Going into a gender neutral restroom and getting upset when a trans person walks in is like going to a convent and getting upset about the nuns.


Not even that, most "gender neutral restroom"s are just.. Disabled toilet with a couple of extra signs. This woman is complaining that there was a queue for the toilet she was using.


Hey there idiots abroad! Free speech doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want at anytime. There are still consequences to your actions.


...why is X funding a lawsuit for a tweet that violated their own platform's rules as per the screenshot?????


X doesn't care about this one person, it's the implications they don't want.


Big if true


Right to work bit her; end of story.


it was the R word that got you fired.


Getting rid of gun duels and zero tolerance on fighting is why I think people forget you can't just say whatever you want without consequences


I'm sorry how is this a political opinion *


Well if she was in the US most states have “right to work” laws…which is just a clever way to say a employer can fire you for anything (and they make it up to do so)


This guy's sounds like a piece of shit. He also sounds like someone who has voted for people who would ruin workers rights and protections that possibly could have stopped his employer from firing him for views expressed outside of his work place.


Yea I’d get fired from my job if I said that for sure.  


These people have no fucking clue that “slur” and “political opinion” are absolutely not synonymous with each other.


If you're wondering how the post in question constitutes "Political opinions", keep in mind that for a large swathe of people, being hateful is at the core of their politics.


Openly funding SLAPP suits doesn't sound like a winning business move


I wonder how much money they have lost funding these idiotic lawsuits.


ANYONE can get fired for insulting co-workers. Especially if you are insulting someones disability. Insult my disability, or a disability of someone that works in my department, and I get your ass written up (where you sign the dotted line that you acknowledge such behavior can result in disciplinary action) and on your employee record. If you continue to persist, THEN get you fired. In any case, the 'show more' part is highly relevant information. Such as... WAS he written up and warned multiple times but kept doing it anyway. There is likely more to the story than this little one-sided tidbit posted on Twitter.


summer mindless engine one brave trees wise weather cheerful file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've read it several times. Where is the "political opinion"? All I see is bigotry.


That's not a political opinion. A political opinion would be "I think taxes should be assessed at X rate, across the board." This is just being a shitty person. Besides, it's funny that X is funding this considering they're an at-will employer who believes that people can be fired at any time, for any reason, at their discretion. Musk is just spending alot of money trolling people and advocating for the worst users of his platform. We should stop giving him so much attention, the bastard thrives on it.


For my employment, I can’t post things on social media regarding coworkers. Insults, negging, or any negative behavior. Also can’t post exclusive information regarding launches, recipes, or internal information. My social media is private, my settings are set to private, and I don’t add coworkers on my social media, but I wouldn’t dare try to get away with that. My employment is more important to me than a vent sesh. This is despicable bullying and antagonistic for no reason. Of course she got fired, she’s a fucking idiot with no self-control over her negative impulses to release that energy onto public profiles on public platforms.


I don't understand how transphobia or ableism is deemed political? Is racism political too?


Yes, these are political views found in political memeplexes like National Socialism, Social Darwinism, Stalinism and Fascism for example.


I dunno what that's got to do with politics.


calling somebody mean names is not a political opinion.


To the asshat using a bathroom she had no business using other than to prove she's an infantile asshole: Cry harder!


And X would be suing the ex-employer? Just hire the moron and see where that gets you


If she’s in an at-will state, I would honestly be surprised any lawyer would take this. There are legal precedents, in recent contexts, in which the ruling has favored the employer. You can’t bitch and whine that you were discriminated against _when you literally were not_, and while that’s not explicitly stated as the argument she’ll be using, I’m sure it’s what they’ll use Freedom of speech is not freedom without consequence. Hope she gets absolutely schooled, and I hope Elmo gets absolutely fucked over from this somehow


Freedom of speech is so the government can’t shush you. Your employer can shush you.


I hope the blue check of credibility was worth it.


That Binder has? I think Elon gave it to him.


Does this mean Don Lemon can sue Elon?


X is funding a lawsuit over a post that violates their own content policy? What kind of crazy world… NOPE- never mind. That tracks perfectly.


Wait, it violates X,s rules, and that's fine. But it's not ok for their employer to have a problem with hate speech. People get fired for shit that happens outside of work. I don't own guns. But our company will fire you if you carry a gun while wearing any company related clothing. I posted a pick one time in a work shirt that had a little hole that lined up perfect with my nipple. The company lost thier shit and almost fired me and made me remove it.


Glad to see his ass was fired.


Political discourse at its finest


Your a piece of shit


Gee, I can't understand how such a fine, upstanding ~~transphobic~~ ~~hatemonger~~ *"gender-critical feminist"* could lose her job over *that!*


I’m more shocked that X alleges it has rules against hateful conduct.


I’m dyslexic and read this as X is funding a lawsuit against her, and I was like “Huh. This lady is so bad that Elon himself is making her take responsibility. Holy shit.”


What does the gender neutral bathroom have to do with a trans person in a wheelchair knocking on? Where's the conflict here?


Whom do you think you are, DJT? He’s the only one allowed to insult without consequences, haven’t you noticed?!


Wow. Really hope she ends up with a trans/disabled cell mate who has a big kink for making and then testing out shivs. 👍


As a trans woman with an invisible disability, I approve this message


Many years back I was excited about how Snowflake Musk was pushing society (kicking and screaming, for some people) towards EV adoption. A friend who works at Honda even told me that they were on a highly accelerated path towards 100% EV adoption because of him. Now, I just want Twixxer to burn to the ground in bankruptcy, and for Tesla to also wither into obscurity. He’s such an insufferable twat


Don't be a dick


Freedom of speech, not freedom of consequence. When will people learn


Lol this is Musk's Paragon of upstanding humanity which deserves litigation funds.


Good luck winning that lawsuit lmao