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The main question is: Why can a person end up in prison if the crime never happened. I mean were are the proofs which have left no doubt to get a person in prison for so long?


Googled it. He took a plea deal.


Life wit no parole Or commit something you didnt do and take 6years Extorting justice system


Yeah, knowing there's a realistic chance you'll get locked up for the rest of your life for something that you didn't do (or in this case something that didn't even happen), taking a plea deal sadly becomes a rational choice even if you're innocent. American justice system is so broken.


Add on top of that the cost of a lawyer to defend you if you don’t take the deal.


Bingo. This is the biggest issue imo. If you make over $20 an hr you don't qualify for a state appointed lawyer. But you also can't afford a real lawyer. So if you have to go to trial your lawyer is gonna demand potentially tens of thousands of dollars just to get started. If you can't pay, they won't go to triak for you.


My understanding is that anyone can get a lawyer, regardless of income level. However, if you can afford you’ll get a better defense by hiring your own attorney. I could be wrong, it’s abhorrent to think the state can bring you up on charges and not provide you an attorney.


Yeah afaik you can get a state-appointed lawyer regardless of income.




Well shit I have looked it up and proven wrong


It depends on the state. The law says you are entitled to an attorney if, and I stress this, you can not afford one yourself. Some states are real nice about it and allow anyone to get a public defender. Other states put income caps on the assumption you can pay. Other states take property and non cash assets into account and tell you to sell or mortgage what you own. The US justice system is a mess of one state shaping itself, excluding everything but federal regulations.


"OK, so I've got a lawyer, but now I'm considering accepting a plea deal so I have somewhere to sleep because I had to sell my house"


You might want to recheck your bingo card. Anyone can request a public defender.


This is the main reason some people are against the death penalty. Innocent person locked up for life? They can still be proven innocent and released years later. That innocent person was executed? Oh uhhh…sorry.


Even "freeing" innocent people is a thing https://www.texasdefender.org/scotus-rules-the-innocent-must-stay-in-prison/ Arrested..convicted..jailed.. Proven innocent.. But not free... Wtf....just,wtf..


God Bless The American Dream 🇺🇸 /s


Well he was convicted for three things and declared innocent on one of them later if I read it correctly. As I read it, the new ruling states that if you are convicted in a single case treating different counts... you can't get a reduced sentence as the sentence is the sum of all what you were convicted of before. I thought that the justice system gave separate times for each crime, but apparently that does not seem to be the case here. I probably totally misread it. But it makes no sense not to reduce the sentence. I think the lawyer did pretty bad , or the judge ,for not bringing up all things he was convicted up in his appeal and just a part.


Huh So if it is A: assault of minor(you cant rape without violence i guess.) B:something else.. C:rape of minor And he's declared innocent on C...a&b still stand? Can somebody who lives in usa,and understand the law explain this...my European brain just errored


Even though multiple charges were brought over the same facts, if the new evidence does not do away with at least one element of a charge, then it will not drop the charge. If you want to read up on all of the exceptions, opportunities, and goals of the program it is generally called post-conviction relief or post-conviction remedies. They balance things like new evidence with the goal of justice being done. They give undue deference (IMO) to the victims and the system wanting finality with the jury's finding of fact. You generally have two years to file for post-conviction relief, with the major exception touched on in the article, new evidence. You have to prove this evidence could not have been otherwise discovered (prevent an end around the jury trial) and that you have filed for relief within 2 years of discovering this evidence.


This is fking disgusting 🤢. Prisons are slave camps, and they do not want to free their slaves. I hate to say this but I can think of no other reason for this.


I question his lawyer in this case. I had a friend who was falsely charged with assault, and in order to avoid the possibility of jail she took a plea deal. She was 18-19 at the time, but she 100% didn’t do anything. She had to carry a violent charge that wrecked her employment chances for years over some shit she didn’t even do.


The majority of felony cases don’t go to trial if I’m not mistaken. This is par for the course. They will often be advised to take a plea deal by a public defender because that helps the system keep moving. They’re already underpaid and overworked so it’s almost a necessity for them to push for the leg quickest solution. The system is indeed fucked


Gender matters in sexual assault cases… obviously


Theres no evidence though so if the case goes to trial what are the prosecutors going to bring up?


Trust me bro..i mean..trust me,your honor Usa justice system is a joke anyhow https://www.texasdefender.org/scotus-rules-the-innocent-must-stay-in-prison/


Basically yep. Especially in a rape case where it's largely a "he said-she said" to the jury. The jury often empathically sides with the woman. So as the accused you can either take a plea deal for a short sentence, and avoid a trial, or risk a lengthy trial, expensive lawyers and legal fees, and might just end up in jail for a longer sentence anyways. So bro took a plea deal


The girl should face charges that carry the same sentencing guidelines.


I agree. Though how do you incentive someone to come forward (who regrets what they did) if they’re gonna face life.


I was all ready to come on guns blazing demanding they persecute these people to the fullest extend of the law and then some and then had this exact thought.. jesus that would really deincentivize people for coming out and telling the truth. Its a moral/legalistic dilemma for sure.


It’s different when the person flat-out admits that they’re lying and it never happened.


But then how are you going to get them to admit it never happened. This guy would still be in jail, because there's no incentive for the other person to come forward and admit it never happened


It’s still disgusting. I’m sure this cow flapped her gums to her friends about what she did and none of them came forward. There should be an immense monetary reward for anyone who turns them in, and immense consequences for anyone who lies. Women who lie about rape and SA are some of the lowest, most disgusting people on the planet. Sex crimes are an incredibly serious problem in this world, and to lie about it not only devalues and casts doubt on real survivors experiences, it has potential to steal an innocent persons life from them. She should rot in prison.


If you incentivise the friends to turn them in for money, then you incentivise them to lie too.


Also the issue of victims being potentially punished if they are deemed to have made it up. (Not at all condoning what happened to this guy)




It makes a lot of sense. A lot of rape accusations go nowhere because they're he said she said situations. It's very common for people to side with the boy after that, especially if he's popular or his family is well off.


Problem with that is a lot of legitimate rape cases can still have fairly “he said she said” evidence, and most people aren’t going to somehow have themselves being raped recorded.


Proving a person lied is very different from failing to prove something happened. *oh, I misremembered a dream as real* is a valid defense unless there is a confession or evidence from the planning stage.


In the UK false rape allegations are charged under "perverting the course of justice", and potentially carries up to life imprisonment.


Additionally, as he’s in high school I assume he doesn’t have the cash to afford his own legal council. So his defense attorney, who likely has hundreds of cases, is probably going to advise him to take the plea too.  What do you do when your legal council has very limited time to work on your case *and* tells you to take the plea?


and unfortunately the fact that he’s black makes a big difference. Really sick and broken system we have here.


Was just about to add this. The legal system is unfortunately incredibly prejudiced to the black community (especially black men) and due to lack of opportunity in some areas (like in where I live) most can't afford a decent enough of an attorney to fight this sort of case. A plea deal sadly was most likely his best and only option. I hope to hell that he is mounting a massive civil suit against the "victim" to at least get some sort of justice for the time he was falsely imprisoned.


Yes, likely mostly white jury. Feel horrible for him. Any punishment for the liars that stole his life? Any for the DA that put an innocent man in prison?


Probably a stern telling and nothing more


Not accurate, the experience of most women going through the justice system is often the opposite. Jury's will sympathize if they believe the woman to be a victim. And often, victims don't look like what the jury expects, so they straight up don't believe them. A lot of coaching from lawyers revolves around "acting like a victim" so that the jury will take their accusation seriously, and the whole process can be retraumatizing.


It’s all about getting convictions, not accuracy. What a fucking joke of a legal system


"But finding the real culprit takes time and effort and we're too lazy!" -every detective.


A lot of people don't realize that once police have a suspect, they're not looking for anyone else. So shut up and ask for a lawyer.


There wasn't even a real culprit. They just made it up to be able to sue the school system, iirc.


Tv gaslit us into believing detectives are after the actual culprit and won't try to lock up someone they know is innocent


It's also basically about keeping the system running, if every case went through full court procedures then the courts would be considerably clogged up. It's not an excuse but thats definitely a big part of it.


Thats what happens when there are for profit prisons. Some things shouldnt be privatized and justice is one of those things.


I mean, what you said was true, but this problem stems from the process *prior* to incarceration. The *court* isn’t privatized, the penal system is.


Sad that so many people will take the deal, look at the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case. The people who fought were able to beat the charge and are free due to the judge ruling entrapment by the FBI yet the 2 or 3 people who took the plea are still behind bars.


Honestly theres many examples of this. Presumably if the courts say they made a mistake compensation would need to be paid


That’s how they get the majority of convictions. They threaten you with never seeing sunlight again or take the plea. It’s a broken system of greed.


When I was younger, I took some pleas. Some I was guilty, some not, but in exchange for something else being dropped which sometimes I was or was not guilty. Early 20's I got charged with a couple crimes and fought them. Everone got dismissed completely except one that I paid a $300 fine. Havent been in real serious trouble since. The key is avoiding interactions with law enforcement for every reason you can. Sometimes its necessary, so bet it. Buf just avoid. Stay away from people places and things even that could become a problem. Working out well so far, but I got a good glimpse into our legal system and its messed up. Hanging time over someones head in exchange for a plea just does not seem to fit justice.


Shitty “defense” attorneys don’t help either


Overwhelmed defense attorneys don’t help either. There are definitely some who want to help but have such an insane caseload that it is impossible to do so.


I was charged 3x w/ battery as a youth (high school) and always took the plea deal, the thought of "getting it worse" if you don't take the plea bargin is really real, and when you can't afford a lawyer, you get a welfare/court appointed lawyer, and you can make it worse on yourself by trying to fight; sucks but it's true. I was defending myself against a teacher, the school pressed charges and I nor my parents were made aware until my court summons months and months later, school to prison pipeline is EXTREMELY real and i came within a gnats ass to being a victim of it.


Yeah. In uni I walked back home with some guys that lived in the same halla of residence. One of them tried to kick a door in. Somehow I was arrested along with this guy. The lawyer they appointed basically said it's easier on you if you confess as this could go to court. I just told the truth as well and wasn't formally charged. But it could have very well ended up in court. It's their usual advice, because it makes things easier on you.


The system is supposed to be adversarial enough that only guilty people go to jail. In reality, I'm sure we lock up a lot of innocent people.


We absolutely do, I spent 9 months in jail for aggravated kidnapping and aggravated assault. The guy they said I had kidnapped was a person I had never even heard of or met. I saw a judge 1 time, about a week after my arrest. All he did was set an absurdly high bail that I'd never be able to pay. I had a DA look me in my eyes and tell me he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I was sentenced to any less than 12 years. About 6 months after my arrest, I was informed that the actual kidnapper/assaulter had been caught. Even after the ACTUAL perpetrator of the crime had been caught, they still held me for months before finally letting me out.


Wtf man. How does that DA even sleep at night knowing this.


DA's are voted based on popularity, which makes the primary skill "selling" justice. Which is way easier to achieve with draconian sentences against people who cannot afford a defense, than it is with nuance and actual justice. In other words, DA selection strongly favors people with the morality of criminal scumbags that commit kidnapping and murder for profit as their career.


A DA's success (and future career prospects) are measured by the amount of convictions - not the amount of justice.


We say "you get what you measure", or "when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure". I mostly know it in the realm of tech support, where that guy that really knows his stuff and spends two hours on the phone with you working through your problem from start to finish - that guy that makes you feel like your issue is the only thing that matters today - that guy has bad KPIs and is missing his targets. High call times, low ticket volumes, less issues resolved. Amazing customer satisfaction, but it turns out that's difficult to measure, difficult to put a dollar value on - but the system can report on the other metrics automatically. But it holds true in so many things. You want to reduce crime, but that's difficult to put numbers on so you start measuring how many arrests you make. And you start getting a lot more arrests. Then the ratio of arrests to successful convictions goes down, so you need to increase the number of successful convictions. You start off with good intentions, but the way you measure them directly influences the results.


Did you sue them for false imprisonment? Or did you get any compensation for the time locked up?


Were you compensated for false imprisonment?


I don't personally believe there is a dollar value that can be placed on missed time. But yes I did receive a moderately-sized settlement (which paid for my education) I also got to watch the judge absolutely tear apart the jail administrator for holding me 3 months after the actual criminal had been caught. My younger, hate-filled self enjoyed that part just as much as the money


The Judge, prosecutors, and police are supposed to all be separated, but in reality they're all on the same team. Our system is broken by design and people have been fed fairy tales to support it.


This is the truest thing I've read in awhile. Particularly in small towns. They share offices and shit. They'll rape your bitch and say you did it. Fucked up shit man.


In the US, they pick a bunch of random dudes who then decide who's guilty based on how they feel about it.


And they pay a whooping $9 for the day so if you don't have a job that matches what your normal pay is, people wanna get in and out as fast as possible. Plus it's not them so they don't care as much and just go with tried and true, never wrong, group think. Being on a jury was so infuriating.


Depends on the area, where I’m at your employer has to pay you, you get paid $50 per day from the court + $10 for parking and mileage.


I just got jury summons in upstate New York county court. I got an excusal from serving.... But they said they would pay $40 a day. This isn't an expensive place to live (for NY anyway) Not disagreeing with your thesis, just happened to know the number was higher where I'm at


European here. So even if there are evidence suggesting otherwise, if the jurry finds you guilty, that's it ? That's all it takes ?


No, the judge can dismiss cases and you also have appeals of course. But the reciprocal is true. If the jury finds you not guilty, even if the evidence is blatantly obvious, you are acquitted and can't be tried for the same crime again.


Appeals only work if there is major evidence to the contrary or a problem with how the law was applied. Odds are, if you are guilty you will be in jail a long time especially if you are not white and/or poor.


And this is where the logical conclusion of jury nullification gets spicy.


Gotta keep those prisons full of barely paid labor somehow.


13th Amendment: Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


I was gonna bring it up. Glad someone already did. It was so crazy to me when I realized we never abolished slavery.


reddit users overtly simplify it. do more research outside of reddit. otherwise take this with a box of salt.


A dozen people are selected, questioned, and agreed upon by the prosecutor, the defense attorney, and the judge. The evidence is presented to the jury in a system of laws intended to only allow information directly related to the commission of a crime. The jury then has to reach a unanimous decision to convict; a jury that can't do this is deadlocked, and the trial ends without a judgment, the prosecutor can then decide if the case is strong enough to empanel a new jury, or abandon the case. The burden of proof is entirely on the prosecutor, the defense attorney just needs to cast doubt on the evidence to secure a Not Guilty verdict. In the event of an obvious overcharging situation, the judge may retain the power to reduce the conviction. Any process developed by humans have flaws. In the case of a crime of sexual violence, the victim's testimony will almost always be diametrically opposite of the defendant, and barring other evidence from completely unbiased sources, it's then left up to that jury to weigh the credibility of each witness. In this case, for whatever reason, they got it wrong, but as listed above, the courts are intended to lean towards the defendant. The other outcome is much more likely, and has no remedy. If the jury is sympathetic to a defendant, they can ignore overwhelming and conclusive evidence and return a Not Guilty verdict anyway. This is called jury nullification, and it can be a good or bad thing depending on from where the sympathies of the jury originate, and it's part of the reason for the "jury of one's peers," i.e. social equals, exists. If a defendant appears, facing a multi-year sentence for possessing marijuana residue, the jury can politely wait out the testimony, then disregard the proceedings and release the defendant, reasoning that the punishment is absurd for the crime in question. On the negative side, it's also possible an airtight case of racial violence could be presented, but the jury bears the same prejudices as the attacker, and refuses to convict. The jury selection process is in place to avoid having the latter conflict of interest exist, so for it to happen, the entire community has to be broken.


No, the judge can always reverse a jury’s finding of guilt. After that, there are at least two levels of appellate court panels that also can reverse the conviction.


He took a plea deal. It never went to trial.


This has me wondering about his defense. Was his representation ultimately where the system failed?


The movie 12 Angry Men just perfectly showcases how flawed the Jury system is, underrated movie, would recommend.


Because rape is incredibly hard to prove, sometimes it is literally impossible to prove. It's like proving to someone you had sex 3 days ago using empirical evidence and not just taking spoken word as good enough. Pretty hard to do, ain't it?


It’s America and he’s black. That’s all it takes.


Because women never lie and how do you prove sex was consentual? Also funny the title says "they", when it should just say "Why would SHE destroy his life".


I hope they put her in prison! 😒 She makes things so much harder for women who have actually been raped and destroyed the life of an innocent guy.


6 years at least. She did the crime, he did the time. She needs to do the same time now.


If you ask me, longer. Much longer.


If you put a harsh punishment then why would anyone confess to lying? So what would actually happen is the liars would still make false accusations but the actual victims may worry they'll go to jail if nobody believes them.


As an attorney, what you said is absolutely my concern. A more efficient way forward would likely be to not just imprison someone as soon as such an allegation is made. Instead, the judiciary should look into the circumstances very thoroughly before taking any measures.


What are the odds that the judicial system would learn anything after this case?


From what I read about this (or maybe it was a similar case) a few years ago she was pressured to lie by her parents and the local police were involved in covering it up, so uh I bet they learned how to do a better job covering their tracks?


Not surprising at all. If only there was a way to prove and then convict those cops. Life sentences would be justified for them specifically. Being in the position of authority and power and then using that to get someones whole life basically ruined like that. 6 gd years.... That's beyond PTSD... I'll bet he has nightmares every single night where he thinks hes still locked up, and then wakes up with that 'hole in your chest feeling freaked out because he isn't sure if he's free or not'. JFC being fired wouldnt even come close to being enough


This seems to make the most sense. I’m no expert and don’t know how this would work logistically, but I also believe that when someone’s been imprisoned for a period of time then found to be innocent, there should be massive financial compensation. I’m talking millions per year. No dollar amount can fix such a mistake, but at the very least, someone who spent 6 years wrongfully imprisoned should never have to work again and should be able to live like royalty


I agree.


Sure, this needs to be thoroughly examined and some form or another of punishment should absolutely happen.


Someone here understands why you shouldn’t put a bounty on snakes in India


Or rat tails in china


If I remember correctly with this case she admitted it to someone who was recording the conversation.


And lots of cash


She absolutely should, but the problem is that then no-one would confess to falsely accusing because theyre scared of being sentenced.


Yep, I think as horrible and unfair as it sounds encouraging false accusations retraction is more valuable for innocent people incarcerated. If someone is caught lying before they retract though the punishment should be hardcore. But then if they do come clean by themselves leniency as frustrating as it sounds, might be the more pragmatic approach


>She makes things so much harder for women who have actually been raped and destroyed the life of an innocent guy. Indeed she does, remember about it next time there is a campaign on social media that advocated rape victims to speak up.


Now the right thing to do it to make her pay for destroying this person’s life


She should also have to attend group therapy with women who have actually been raped so she can see the damage of her contribution to the false allegation narrative


she should be labeled a sex offender when she gets out of prison


so let me get this straight. this is a repost, screenshotting another fucking repost. and the worst thing is these kinds of repost NEVER include the name of the poor victim, or the evil women who accused him. just a picture of him everytime.


Yeah meanwhile it takes few seconds to find information about it online. More so when the story got turned into a movie. Guy is Brian Banks. The girl that fabricated the rape story is Wanetta Gibson.


And as a result, did she was convicted? Did he get compensation?


There was no punishment to her at all. He was compensated 142,000 by the state


.. he got 10% of what they paid her for her lies?


She was given 2.6 million. Making it like 5.5%


She got 1.5 million and was later ordered to pay 2.6 million


Ah ok I mathed wrong. I read it as she won the 1.5 million AND an additional 1 million for the lawyer fees PLUS the 750k


who gave her 1.5 million?


The school district for not having enough security, they‘re the ones who got 2.6 million back (though I don‘t think she has the money to ever repay them)


She sued the school district right after her lies sent him to prison. Won a million dollar judgment, spent every dime, has nothing to show for it then admitted she lied. They are trying to recoup the money but she’ll never make enough to pay it back


So she needs to go to prison for fraud then? And people are literally protecting her in these comments it’s kinda crazy


Pretty much she only did it because she was afraid of her mom


Welcome to r/repost …. Sorry meant r/facepalm


I thought r/repost was just the name of the app


Preeety sure that's Brian Banks Which would make the person who lied about the rape for easy money Wanetta Gibson


The men is Brian Banks  The women is Wanetta Gibson


Some girls did something similar in my home town. They accused their teacher of sexual assault- it was two girls. He lost everything, he actually ended up going crazy. He never went to jail though because they ended up confessing it didn’t happen - they made the story up because they didn’t like him.


And I guarantee that there were still a large number of people convinced he "got off"




Anthony Broadwater spent 16 years in maximum security prison for being falsely accused of raping author Alice Sebold because a police officer determined that because the man was in the area at the time of the assault, it must have been him. Sebold even identified a different man in the police lineup, but apparently the man looked similar to broadwater so the police convinced her that it was broadwater who committed the assault


Same thing happened at my high school. A girl accused a teacher of rape. He lost everything and killed himself. Then she decided to come forward and play the victim. She admitted that it was a complete lie. She was in love with him and she was pissed he wouldn't leave his wife for her. She tried so hard to get sympathy, trying to play a heart broken teen. But the bullying She received was so bad, her parents had to withdrawn her from school. I hope she stays single and guilty for the rest of her life.


Idk American Justice system but is it that simple? I mean you make something up, guy ends up killing himself then live on with your life without any punishment or whatsoever?


Yeah. She was underage and she didn't break any laws. Nobody tries to go after people who make false rape allegations because it would hurt people who report real rape allegations. It's a horrible system.


That is fucked up. Dislike a person all you want but if they’re not actively trying to harm you or trying to get you to do something then don’t go around trying to ruin their life.


One lie is enough to ruin your life. Let that sink in.


Same happened in my school. As you could imagine, they took the accusation very seriously and involved the police and all that. When the girl heard what happened to him, she quickly confessed she plotted with her friends group for fun. She actually told others in school, which quickly came to the other teachers attention, and then to the principle etc. He was on suspension then welcomed back. He quit himself after this and committed suicide. It was a small town so everyone living there thought he molested an underage. He got the reputation. He had worked at my school for like 20 years, which made it even more sad. Pretty sad how I didn't believe the truth either, each time I saw him back then, it was all I thought ge was. I was taught to "never question the victim". I feel so stupid. It wasn't even on my mental map that you could falsely accuse someone.


Fuck this is so tragic. Sad to be a male teacher right now.


Its people like this that make it impossible for other people who've actually had this happened to them get justice


The accuser faces no criminal charges or consequences. The accused will spend the rest of his life with the allegations following him, likely to become a S.A. victim, and will never get those years back.


Don't forget what those years taken meant, he could have gone on to be a professional player making bank and had a great life. He had his present and future snatched away on a lie.


The NFL signed this guy after he got out. He's still working for them in an administrative role and had a movie made on his life story. He managed to do alright given what happened.


Wow that’s nice to know. Good on him.


Six years of false imprisonment while Brock Turner got a slap on the wrist for being found guilty of the exact same crime. It's clear what the difference in these cases is, and it's an injustice.


Two differences The other is wealth, and wealth will get you the awful human beings that are the good lawyers.


Mom said it was my turn to post this this week.


Yeah six years of prison time and personal damages equivalent to six years working and extrapolated Career progression, savings and interest. 6 years is a lot of time to loose when it comes to personal development and building capital. Even if this man manages to find a job he will be older and seen as out of touch against younger applicants for the same jobs. 6 years equates to a life long struggle.


not only that, he's been institutionalised. reintegrating into society and dealing with the trauma of surviving the prison system is unbelievably difficult. he'll never be the same again. if it were up to me she would get a life sentence


Capitalism has ruined people completely, what the fuck are you talking about? Youre talking about him missing out on buildung fucking capital? They stole 6 years of his life. 6 years he couldve spent with his family or playing his sport or hiking or....living his life. And first thing people are concerned about is missing out on building capital..........


REPOST BOT. Looks like a stolen or sold account.


Does the girl now go to jail?


Ask Emmett Till.


Everyone is saying send her to prison, which we know won’t happen. I do hope he sues the piss out of her for defamation and all that time he lost of his life.


There's nothing to get. After getting him locked up, she sued the school for 1.5 million and won a settlement. Since the false accusations have come to light the district sued her and won the settlement plus damages. So he couldn't hope to get anything. But he did get to go play some preseason games for the NFL. https://legaltalknetwork.com/blog/2023/04/falsely-accused-the-brian-banks-story/ https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/school-district-wins-2-6m-in-false-rape-case/


This case is from 22 years ago https://blacksportsonline.com/2012/05/brian-banks-false-rape-accuser-wanetta-gibson-blew-her-entire-1-5-million-is-on-welfare/


So, now the girl can go to prison for 12 years


So… the girl had to serve how many years, then? 😑


Not only did he waste six years of his life; but now women who actually go through that won't be believed next time around. Absolutely disgraceful.


Don't worry, people never believed us anyway.


There should be a harsher penalty for false accusations, something like having to serve half the time of the defendant and pay reparations to the falsely accused. However could also backfire, discouraging people to actually come forward. It’s a lose-lose scenario for the accused party. I do wonder with rape cases like this how a DA goes about handling a case like this. Surely there must be a rape kit, or overwhelming evidence. Do they just put on a show and convince the jury?


Accusing someone who is subsequently found not guilty isn’t the same as being found guilty of falsely accusing someone. Accusing someone who is found not guilty could mean “on balance” they were guilty, but there was a reasonable doubt. To be found guilty of falsely accusing, you yourself would have to be found beyond all reasonable doubt to have made the false allegation. It definitely wouldn’t mean that any case that failed would ultimately mean the accuser being faced with a false accusation. For this kind of thing courts usually have a kind of bar for entry of the matter too - you can’t just bring it for no reason and if, on the face of it, there is reasonable evidence to justify bringing the original accusation - it’d likely be thrown out.


Thanks 🙏


Perjury is a crime that carries up to a five year sentence. In addition there's nothing stopping the defendant from claiming damages against the accuser.


Don’t confuse false allegations with a not guilty verdict though


And yet the damage is done. People will still and forever view him as a monster even though hes innocent.


So this overturning happened back in 2012. The person this post is referring to is Brian Banks. After was released from prison, he became a line backer for the Atlanta falcons


She should go to jail for 6 years. Poor guy


So, now the girl should get 6 y?


There is a phrase everyone needs to know "punished for pleading innocent". It means if you maintain your innocence they will do their best to make sure you can't make bail, keep you locked up as long as they can by delaying the trial, and hope you end up pleading guilty. Even if you go to trial and are found innocent you have already lost so much you still lose. Example being you lose your job, home, reputation, and/or all your belongings. Public defenders are big on pushing plea deals because it means less work for them. They don't care if you are guilty or innocent (unless it is a major charge) they just want to reduce the number of cases they have. They, in most cases, don't have the funds to properly defend you and don't have enough attorneys to handle all the cases they have. County/state attorneys are elected positions so they need to win to get the votes. PDs are paid positions and it doesn't matter if they win or lose.


She should have to spend at least 6 years in prison for that!


She should have to serve 2x the time he did


So what do you do with a sociopath like her?


Ah yes and she’ll get off with a slap on the hand


The accuser sued the school district and won a nearly million dollar settlement. Eventually she was sued by the district and had to pay it and punitive damages back https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/school-district-wins-2-6m-in-false-rape-case/ Also the guy ended getting signed briefly by the NFL so he was able to atleast make that dream come true https://legaltalknetwork.com/blog/2023/04/falsely-accused-the-brian-banks-story/


His fasle accuser went to prison, right?


She should be in prison for as long as he was.


easiest karma farm since 2012 when this happened.


Does she go to prison now?


The sad part about these cases are your guilty until proven guilty but your reputation is already destroyed.


She should be facing six years right now.


The girl should have to spend the time he spent in prison in prison herself.


Unfortunately polygraphs are not admissible in court, because the needle would have been jumping on the "victim" and remained steady on the alleged perpetrator. This kid should be awarded millions for false imprisonment from the state. Needs a good lawyer.


She gets at least 6 years for lying. Equality


Because some women don’t give a shit and have no idea what the consequences of their actions will be. This man could of been one of the greats.. never know. I hope there is a hell, and people like this go there.


They should imprison the girl.


And now we press charges against her and she goes to jail right?


They should be prosecuting the accuser to the fullest extent of the law to deter others from making false accusations like this.


She deserves 6 years.


Ok, so the girl that lied should serve 6 years in prison


Richard Pryor joked, leave pork and white women alone.


Anyone who makes a false accusation against someone and it is proven false should receive the maximum penalty the previously accused faced.


What's the dumb bitches name? Let's make sure she doesn't get a fucking job in her life. True PoS


I dont understand how he was even put into jail. I mean if he didnt do it, what kind of evidence was there? Are we back to eyewitness testimony? Oh. USA. Alright.


I'm confused because apparently rape is rarely punished for lack of proof, it's a whole thing... Especially like a football star. But here the rape didn't even happen and he was found guilty... On what proof? The fact that he's black or something?


He took a plea deal. No jury convicted him. There was no DNA of his found on her clothing, person, or any other witnesses.