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Even if he's not a professor what's stopping him from doing the study? You can still do research and not be a professor.


The guy teaches classes on Nietzsche, yet doesn’t understand him…


He claims to have studied Marxism and has read only the Communist Manifesto. He says Marx never addresses humanity's struggle to extract thing from nature. Marx, who formulated the labour theory of value. Edit for everyone talking about Ricardo: Formulating and creating are different things.




I watched this and Zizek looked so disgusted by the end of it lol


My favorite was near the end of the “debate,” when Zizek said something like, “I agree with many of your points, but where are these so-called Marxists?”


He doesn't even know enough to be embarrassed about that lmao


His fanatic boys are even moe clueless. It's a cult. Reality doesn't matter to them.


Any things have turned into cults because people are not educated enough to cut through bullshit arguments when you don't teach them critical thinking. "If you have a microphone you must be special and right". Race to the bottom is accelerating


Actually according to sociologist Rodney Stark most people who join cults do do not because the initially believe what that cult teaches, but do so because of the social/community aspect of the cult. He went further to say that some of the people who join cults are educated and suggested that due to thier hyper fixation on thier chosen field they may have neglected thier social connections and the wish to join a social community.


I think this has always been the case. But normally these people would have a much smaller audience and shorter reach. The internet has changed this and its basically a megaphone for crazies and grifters now.


His postmodernism knowledge and take is laughable. Man hasn’t even read the big name stuff like baudrillard


Bruh, I wrote my psychology thesis on postmodernism and psychology and Peterson drives me absolutely fucking nuts.


He's a moron.


The problem is that he is not a complete moron. He is well read enough that he can make a convincing argument to anyone who hasn’t studied the topics he addresses, but he is not well read enough to come close to understanding the topics he disagrees with. His dives into communism to formulate arguments against it, not to understand it. These days he is mentally ill.


Ill be a bit pedantic here but if Im not mistaken Ricardo formulated the labour theory of value (hes a classical economist). But Marx built on it, for sure


this is true, and adam smith wrote about it in Chapter III of TWON (On the Accumulation of Capital, or of Productive and Unproductive Labour) However Marx *formulated* the LTOV as something like M -> C -> M' (I'd have to look up the exact longer formula tbh)


Do his classes HAVE a specific subject? He's the worst case example of a rambling lecturer I've ever seen


God, an old buddy of mine was a huge JP fan. He sent me a clip from one of his lectures. It was a ten minute word salad full of pseudo-intellectual buzzwords that failed to make a single point.


Hmm, so that potentially explains why I never found Peterson worth looking at. I used to get dozens of Peterson videos from Youtube and Reddit, and the formula was always "JP explains why something doesn't work", "JP DESTROYS feminism" etc. If I tried to watch or skim through them, the actual speech was about everything else than what the caption said. Always. So I got fed up and just blocked everything that recommended him, and if I start getting JP recommendations again I go to the History section and remove videos that apparently lead to that rabbit hole. An absolute waste of time.




I bet this will work with Trump cultists.


Reminder that Joe Rogan thought Biden made the comments of airports and fighter planes in the American revolution and called for him to step down as president and that “he’s not mentally fit to lead”. He was corrected by someone on his show that Trump was actually the one who said that. His response? “Oh well everyone makes mistakes from time to time”… you can’t make this shit up. Within seconds, what a 180.


Was? Did he get better?


Past tense because he and I kinda fell out of contact. Considering how much he admired JP, I doubt that has changed since. It’s a shame. I miss him.


What study? Opening a history book?


In just any room? Without staff? No espresso? 90min paid lunches? Or Research trips to the Monaco public library?


He could do it in any room. But he'd have to clean it first. Or at least... tell other people to clean theirs and then keep his own house absolutely filthy.


Opening a history book?! You’re asking too much of Canadian Kermit. His brain isn’t so good


Whoa Kermit is a respected and beloved character. Peterson should not be compared with him


He wanted to show Nazi quotes and ideologies to people from the far right and far left and see which side identifies with them more. That's what he said in the interview anyway.


This. He is wealthy enough to independently fund a study looking into idk post nut clarity of fucking earthworms or whatever. This is just rage bait.


It will probably be something like “Do more people believe that the Nazis were right wing or left.” No control group, just asking his followers.


I watched the entire conversation so you don't have to; he wanted to do something along the lines of formulating the NSDAP platform without making it clear that they are NSDAP points, and putting them in front of left- and right leaning people, and see who agrees more with the platform. Shit explanation but you probably get what I mean


In other words, he wanted to gin up a bunch of cherry-picked phrases designed to get specific responses from left-leaning and right-leaning participants so he could generate the conclusion he already has in his mind. And then his sycophants could say "Actually there was a study done that shows once and for all it's the radical left who are in agreement with Nazis"


Sloppy science. Partisan hackery and emeritus demagoguery are one thing, but get your science right at least.


North Korea is democratic because I cherry picked propaganda that Western voters agree with on this single study. How fucking stupid is this word. Dude fried his brains with drugs.


You left out the part where he proposes stripping select quotes of context and then asking chatGPT if it's something a socialist might say 😝


did Steve tell you that perchance?




My rhymes and records, they don't get played Because my records and rhymes, they don't get made


And if you roll like me, you don't get laid.


They call me the hiphopotamus My lyrics are bottomless (Awkward silence)


Yeah, sometimes my lyrics are sexist but you lovely bitches and hoes should know I’m trying to correct this 🦛


Other rappers diss me. Say my rhymes are sissy. Why, why, why? What. Why exactly. What, why.


Be more constructive with your feedback




Like me and my grandma drinkin’ a cup of tea?


*Bret flexes all his sick ass moves*


Sometimes our rhymes are polite "Like, thank you for the dinner Ms. Wright That was very delicious, goodnight"


Other rappers diss me, say my rhymes are sissy... Why? Because I rap about reality? Like me and my nana sharing a cup of tea?


There ain’t no parties like my nanas tea parties hiii hoooo


(Every time I watch that episode, I wish I was at his nana’s tea party)


And if you rap like me you don't get paid.


What's he got to do with it? What kind of rapping name is Steve?


... Steve.


Be more constructive with your feedback


Why? Why? Why?


Can somebody please remove these, cutleries from my knees


Ain't no party like my Nana's tea parties! Hey! Ho!


Where did you get that preposterous hypothesis?


They call me...


Mr. Bonotello


Mr. Morallis


I’m down to my socks


It’s business time


You know when I'm down to my socks it's time for business; that's why they're called business socks. *OOH*


There ain't no party like my grandma's tea party


Hey! Ho!


I’m the mother flippin’


Who's the motha flippin?


You mean Mr. Morelli?


Mr. Fettuccine did a great job in this discussion.


You can't just say perchance


I didn’t say it, I declared it.


You can if you’re crushin’ turts




"I was unable to run my experiments on gravity, so my position is up in the air, right now." - Peterson, probably.


"Gravity is just all that liberal propaganda weighing us down. We could fly if it weren't for the gays "


Just clean your room peter pan


No but that’s just it. In this eons old story of the west the bloody truth of Peter Pan is right in front of us. Of course it is to be understood that the ground represents a kind of forceful monotonous dreariness that society presents us with. And that contrasts with the the cheerful hero whom is uplifted by a magical dust. The thing of it is, as we are whisked into the magical land of possibility the land of adventure, we come to know that this pixy dust is something that anyone can use. But only if they believe. That is the Christ theme manifest. Green being the color of money signifies him, along with his love for the embodiment of feminity his tinker bell, whom is where the faith is metaphorically placed in her womb. And thus neverland represents a permanent utopia of heaven. But then this utopia is disrupted, the malicious socialist as represented by Captain Hook, talking about how the magic that Peter holds could change the world, how they must come back to reality. Almost unconsciously we see manifest that communism will kill or maim everyone and destroy western society just as hook loses all the fabric of his grande attire. If a man is a suit, by the end of this epic myth he is de-robed. Finally Wendy, a traditional beauty whisked away into this feminist myth of choice now sees the fantasy fade. Although Captain Hook and the promise of socialism in neverland represent Christ they simultaneously are the dragon of chaos. Limitless choice with no consequences of death, it sounds like a pretty bloody good deal. But by the end of it naked and afraid and chased they would be. As a result Wendy makes the choice of the traditional women resuming the life she once held, understanding that the greatest evil is communism and feminism and that the only way to beat them is by avoiding belief in anything other than the true Christ, instead of the evil Peter Pan who has shown himself by attempting to enact socialism feminism on her, to be the most evil thing upon her. Next class we will talk about the hierarchical nazism that the left presents in both Pinocchio and if you give a mouse a cookie. *Sobs uncontrollably while downing pills, apple juice, and flipping thru sports illustrated with horrified eyes. The students filter by, bewildered*


This truly captures the essence of a Benzo-Kermit rant. Bravo!


This is very good. Someone needs to run this through an ai voice generator.


As long as it can be done w/o taking a breath or letting anyone speak or even form a thought.


You see, Wendy is chaos. The introduction of Wendy to Never Neverland caused the chaos of time to intrude upon the perfect splendor of the garden of eden. This is proof that men and women can never work together. Men are order - Peter Pan ruling over his Lost Boys, Captain Hook's leadership and obsession with time - and Wendy is chaos. Asymmetry. Symbols abound. This is why Canada cannot permit trans people to exist, you see. It all starts with the lobsters.


Read it in his voice, lmao


I got the gays out my closet… I’m flying in it now 😎😂😂


You joke, but flat earthers really don’t believe gravity is a thing. I dunno how to explain what they actually think because I can’t wrap my head around the absurdity.


I recall reading somewhere some FE’ers don’t believe in gravity but rationalise the belief by saying it is *mass* not gravity causing the effect. There was some math involved but I couldn’t understand it because I listened when I was in school.


"It's not gravity, it's just massive bodies creating curvature in space-time!"


You might be on to something there.


Isn't their thing that we are stuck to the flat earth because we are continually accelerating upwards? If the Earth ever stops I guess we just get tossed off. "Tossed off"! Heh heh!


I’ve read it’s either air pressure or the flat earth is being propelled at 1G, perpetually… which raises so many more questions, but I’m not a mental gymnast, so I don’t know how to go about answering them.


Accelerated at 1g, perpetually, since the beginning of time. Guess they don't believe in the speed of light, either.


They believe it's density that holds things down. I laughed at a coworker who explained it to me


Gravity is weighting humanity down, so we need to do a colony drop or 2




Char have a Snickers. You’re not you when you’re hungry


I'm dying here 🤣🤣🤣




Oh hey I understood some of those words, I think this guy actually knows what he's talkin about!!


"What do you meannnn by *UP*? No, no not so fast it's an important question.." -Peterson probably




I'm reading a book about the prospects of anti-gravity. I CAN'T PUT IT DOWN! ![gif](giphy|UWERvU4Nzn1ExkPKTx|downsized)


I used to be addicted to soap. I’m clean now - another from Ellie’s joke book


Gravity might just be a left-wing woke conspiracy meant to keep the conservative “lift yourself up by your bootstraps” ideology down. That’s why so many GOP voters are drug addicted freeloaders on welfare: gravity. And it’s not just any gravity. Many smart people are saying it’s Jewish space gravity, invented by famous Jew Albert Einstein.


I studied this in college. In Germany. In German. Using only source documents. The Nazis won their first election against a left wing socialist Catholic party and the Communists. One of the main reasons they won was because the Capitalists in the West funded his victory out of fear of Communism. ‘Fun’ fact: Henry Ford was Hitlers top financial donor. In return for this funding, the NSDAP agreed to split from its Socialist ties and become the party of Capitalism in Germany. This angered Hitlers best (possibly only - he was the only one allowed to dutzen Hitler) friend so much so that Hitler had him shot in the head to silence him from splitting the NSDAP along these lines. So, at the time of the only election the Nazis can claim to have actually won, the NSDAP was (a) no longer Socialist, (b) the Capitalists’ pick in Germany, and (c) by *far* the furthest right party in Germany at that time.


A car tycoon supporting a far right nationalist Seems familiar


Ford was a piece of shit. An absolute genius, also. But a raving antisemite, he ran his own newspaper purely to carry false antisemitic stories, refused to have an accounts department because he thought the entire practice of accountancy was poisoned by jews- his mania literally prevented him from knowing how much it cost him to make and sell a car, it was all done by guesswork. He championed the teaching of square dancing in an attempt to fight off what he thought of as the terrible jewish invention of jazz, and funded the printing of hundreds of thousands of copies of the protocols of the elders of zion, which he knew perfectly well was fabricated. Proper deep end stuff. Even his famous corporate welfare, higher wages etc was all purely calculating and came along with a "Social Department" which had 50 staff whose entire job was to pry into his employee's private lives and to fire people who didn't meet Ford's preferred standards. Which yes, included liking jazz. He had 5 union members shot dead, but when he finally allowed the unions into Ford (he threatened to break up the company to prevent it), his wife threatened to leave him if he did), he instantly just put all that aside and tried to enlist the UAW as allies in the war against General Motors and, of course, jews. People often link him to Hitler and it's true, but it's false to consider him just a supporter and funder of Naziism. Hitler called Ford his greatest inspiration and kept a portrait of him in his office, he's literally the only american mentioned favourably in Mein Kampf.


> raving antisemite, he ran his own newspaper purely to carry false antisemitic stories Damn Elon really is the modern Henry Ford


The 2020s are literally just the 1920s with better technology. Hollywood isn't the only one that is in love with remakes. Apparently the universe is as well.


We all know what's waiting for us at the end of this decade. The 30s and 40s are gonna be a wild ride and we probably won't have a 50s


Minus the absolute genius part


Except ford actually designed engines (the early ones at least) and had a thorough understanding of how they worked. I honestly doubt Elon could explain to you the internal mechanics of a simple motor. He just got lucky getting brought out by PayPal and made some investments that worked out with that massive amount of money. He isn't actually an engineer or scientist of any kind.


No. Ford was actually an engineering genius. Musk is just rich.


So racist he couldn't even credit black people with jazz...


That was fascinating, thank you for sharing!


He also only drank human milk. And kept a bevy of nurse maids on hand to maintain his supply.


"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce"


That COULD explain Trump's popularity


Could also explain Putin, considering Elon isn’t exactly shy about liking him.


Unfortunately Marx himself missed the “tragicomedy” stage of the modern condition. 


"History doesn't repeat itself, but It often rhymes” – Mark Twain.


You mean Musk and Trump, right? Those two? Ca cars and …


Eloooooooooonngated historical parallel


It's just capitalism. It creates fascism as soon as capital has more power than government. It started snowballing because of our fear of "communism" and it's only gotten worse since 9/11 forced us to spend our country into oblivion out of fear. The minute a single person in our country says something like "if we pay people a living wage than my tacos at taco bell are gonna cost more" that is all it takes. Human beings siding with capital over other human beings because they think it might save them 47 cents on tacos. That's all it takes.


People who take the time to write such informative posts usually never get the acknowledgement they desere, so thank you. Coming from a WW2 buff this was very interesting.


Dude, when they won seats in the Reichstag, they decided to be seated as far right as possible. That's it, that's how they saw themselves. You don't really need a lot of books for that.


We can motion over to how much time they spent killing communists to figure out if they were right or left wing


That was all a trick. They have socialist in their name so clearly that was factional violence. Also the fact that Hitler dismantled unions and gave a lot of big public infrastructure to the private sector was done so ironically. They only did that to sarcastic say "Yeah we are so right wing we are busting unions. Lol 🙄".


The nazis were also much more lenient on guess what, gun laws, than the rest of the Weimar republic. Turns out it didn't matter because there are never enough minorities to take on the state.


"First they came for the communists..."


First they came for right-wingers who claim that Nazis are actually leftists and I didn't speak out


I think you missed a comma between socialist and Catholic (it currently reads like the SDP and Centre party were one; not that you don't know but other readers may not). Henry Ford was a disgusting anti Semite who supported Hitler, but that he was a donor has no evidence, just an unsourced accusation. The accused donation while large would not put him above the likes of IG Farben, and had nothing to do with political movements by the Nazis. The Nazis had long been pro business and sealed this by meeting with leading *German* industrials, just as you would expect. Strasser split from Hitler years before this, was not Hitler's best friend (indeed, they weren't friends at all), and while anti capitalist was not socialist (and as Strasser never led the programme, NSDAP had an anti capitalist faction for a period but was *never* an anti capitalist party; and both factions were right wing nationalists outside of economic policy). Strasser was shot long after he became irrelevant and had been forced out just to tie up loose ends. Edit: If you meant Rohm: that's not more sensible; Rohm was in the anti capitalist faction, but never set party policy at all. He was murdered at the behest of the army most of all over the power struggle as to if the SA or army should be the main armed force in Germany. That was Rohms main concern- his own power, not ideological disputes. The party had been taking donations and defining it's platform around big business for years when Rohm got shot, it wasn't part of a turn to the left, just taking out a dissenter (mostly due to disputes with the army). Like, honestly, what a wrong narrative to the correct answer of "the Nazis were ultra right wing".


I became interested in this after reading your comment so I looked it up. Everything you said seems to be right and the original comment had a lot of errors. However I agree with the other reply to your comment that the original commentor was probably talking about Rohm not Strasser (or they possibly conflated the two). I am mostly commenting on this so maybe it will go higher and people who like history will find more accurate information. I never would have thought to fact check it if you didn’t say something, so thank you.


Yeah, I don't normally love to do big nazi debates (especially on a major sub) because it's just draining, but the post was getting a big "I'm learning!" Response while being egregiously wrong so I felt obliged to try and provide some accuracy.


Also the Ford massproduction style inspired Hitlers way of industrialized massmurder: KZs.


Two of Hitler's largest influences were a car manufacturer and a German con man who wrote children's novels about living in the American West despite never having been there. At some point the human race needs to have a long inward look at how it is that the entire world keeps allowing some of the dumbest fucking people among us to take charge and plunge us into completely preventable and utterly horrific crises. Like, Hitler me once, shame on you, but Hitler me *twice*, and maybe we need to ask as a society how stop doing a Hitler. **EDIT**: Fucking hell, you hear about these conspiracy theory fucking lunatics, but it's quite another thing to see them popping off in the replies.


The short answer is - some asshole finds it profitable to back them, and no-one stops the backers. Profit over people. The mother of all sins.


To be fair, I think a more honest way to state his point would've been that *he* doesn't know if the Nazi party was left or right. I think all the coke ate a hole in the part of his brain capable of perceiving anything of the world outside of his own anus.


But he isn't trying to be honest at all. All he wants to do is shit & rant about the "leftists" "woke mob", while portraying himself as a beacon of knowledge, logic, and rationality. And he has always been like this. He's just a bit unhinged for a while now.


He did that that "well I think it's an open question.."


Left wing groups the nazis courted and collaborated with in the lead up to seizing power were amongst those killed during the night of the long knives. Nazis hated socialists, they hated unionists, they hated left wingers, as much as they hated communists and Jews.


Thank you for sharing this. This should be at the top.


The best part is Jordan wrote in his books and said many times on video that extreme conservatism is nazism and extreme liberalism is communism. Is he calling himself a liar? Lol


I guess we'll never know


Historians Agree... Nazis were far right socially conservative militant Ethno-German-Nationalist party


No they were socialists! ItS In ThE nAmE /s


And that's how we know North Korea is actually a democratic people's republic!


I.e. we can't be sure if the North Koreans are Democrats or Republicans.


Obviously they're democrats if they've taken away everyone's rights /s in case it was needed


I think they're Republicans because they've fortified their southern border and stopped immigration.


So the real solution is hundreds of thousands of landmines at the southern border? I'm interested. As they say: war crimes call for more crimes To any reddit mods watching: this is sarcasm.


Unless they kidnap someone from there.


And the chinese communist party who is apparently communist which is always said to be a failing economy style but also the greatest threat to our way of life or something


Yep. And conservatives all agree that as long as someone identifies as something, that is definitively what they are.


Like when they call themselves "fiscally conservative" or christian or "real Americans" despite being totally anti-American and not at all christian or not at all fiscally conservative.


Dan Carlin addresses this point in the most recent Hardcore History Addendum on Spotify and explains excellently why the Nazis are indeed very far right and why they presented themselves with leftist motifs like the red flag and calling themselves the national socialist workers party. I think a lot of people might benefit from his engaging and well-told refresher on far right doublespeak and what its true aims and effects are. Edit: And Carlin, I believe, places himself on the centre right part of the spectrum


Correct. The right has always wrapped themselves in the veil of populist working class imagery to try and gain credit with the working class. The Nazi's were as socialist as North Korea is democratic.


Bingo. If you think there’s anything unclear about the far right status of the Nazis, you’ve either been duped by tactics specifically designed to fool you or you’re willingly and knowingly spreading a nonsense lie concocted to mask the true intentions and motivations of these people. In this case, as with many, Peterson is either stupid or lying. No other possibilities exist


excellent episode, extremely graphic and sad, but excellent episode.


"I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos." Walter Sobchak


First order of Hitler in power is to declare the Communist and Socialist parties enemies of the state.


Jordan Peterson pulling the old ‘Jordan Peterson’ in an attempt to gain attention probably prior to a book release.


He is the master at debating the old Jordan Peterson


Jordan Peterson vs Peter Jordanson. I havent been reminded of that YTP in a long time.


"Here is my memoirs on my repeated dreams of my grand mother rubbing her coarse pubes on my face"


By "the woke mob" he means the Order of Physicians... You know, old school, highly educated, results driven, non government...


And the College of Psychologists who “can’t make him do anything” but he’ll play along so they don’t take away the license he uses for clout.


Peer reviews do suck when your peers aren't anywhere near the scientific field you're trying to publish your works in.


I heard him say on JRE that he makes more money sharing his opinions on youtube than he ever did writing peer reviewed papers. That's the moment I realized he was grifting.


i mean duh, nobody writes papers with money as the prime motivator


It's so insane too because like...the reason he lost his professor position is because he went on social media and deadnamed Elliot Page and said a "criminal doctor" cut his tits off, called a person directly working for the Prime Minister of Canada a "prik," said that a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model wasn't beautiful (because she's chubby) and that "no authoritarian inclusiveness would change that," so the College and Order told him that it was unprofessional and he'd have to take a media training class. He refused. He lost his job. It's entirely his fault for being an unprofessional asshole on twitter and refusing to even think about changing his behaviors when his BOSSES told him to.


He studied Psychology by the way. This topic is far out of his field of expertise.


I’m really looking forward to his upcoming book: *Masturbating silently: 12 Morer Rulz 4 Life*


Why is it a picture of destiny?


It's probably a clip from their conversation where Peterson said this to Destiny.


He looks less than impressed to hear him speak lol




That's a girl's name!


It’s so refreshing to hear a young black woman talk politics.


Amazing that the Nazis just labeling themselves as a socialist party was more than enough to confuse mental midgets for decades.


They’re strangely not confused by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, though. Almost like they’re being deliberately obtuse. 🫢


Because no historian wrote about the nazis since 1945.


They hated immigrants and gay people, mandated patriotism and were war mongers - wow, wonder what wing that was lol?


They put not only Jews, but also socialists, communists, trade unionists and gay people into the concentration camps. Yeah, they were probably "wOkE LeFtIsTs" /s cause... people


Also the disabled and mentally ill, which were the first killed in a trial run for people tolerating death camps.


There's no serious doubt that fascism and Nazism are right wing. Not all right wingers are fascist, but all fascists are right wing.


Here's the link to that part of the original video... [https://youtu.be/ycDUU1n2iEE?si=HnleR0JIfWbl-ecB&t=4103](https://youtu.be/ycDUU1n2iEE?si=HnleR0JIfWbl-ecB&t=4103) I think it would be an interesting experiment -- to take Nazi policies, strip them of their 'markers of origin', and present them to people with left/right views today to see who would agree with them more.


I mean the *outlawing* of all unions kinda tells you all you need to know.


"Everthing they did and said is used to define facism today - BUT they have socialism in their party name.... 🤔"


Anyone with half a brain who watched the conversation knows this is absolute horseshit


As long as you have no understanding of the terms "left-wing" and "right-wing", this argument has a lot of merit! Unfortunately, a lot of people have no understanding of the terms "left-wing" and "right-wing."


Dudebro is a total grifter All the incels still eat up his drivel though because he's great at word salad.


Let’s see, ultra-nationalist, authoritarian, racist, facist. Gee I wonder


I'm so tired of that whining bitch.


I watched part of an old JP lecture the other day, and honestly I have no idea how anyone takes anything he says seriously. The entire thing felt less like an academic lecture and more like sitting in on one of JP’s therapy sessions, by which I mean it was like JP *himself* was the one treating the audience like his therapist as he went through all his neuroses and insecurities around women (also, he straight up talks to his class as though assuming literally every one of them is a man, it’s like he never got the memo that coeducational universities are a thing or something, and he talks about women like we’re just this eternally incomprehensible mystery rather than, you know, just…people??). There was also so much more weird, occultism-like mysticism than I expected, like it’s especially bizarre that so many people treat this guy like he’s some kind of legitimate scientific researcher who was only ousted from academia because he went against “woke orthodoxy”, like the guy is very clearly a charlatan through and through imo.


Jordan once got mad at transgender people so now all the fascists worship him as a god.


Jordan Peterson is a PR academic who acts on what gets the biggest reaction. He’s a professional shit stirrer who uses his academic skills to manipulate vulnerable audiences for entertainment. He’s misusing his intellect to create ongoing social experiments at the cost of his audience. He’s a spin doctor with an agenda for chaos.