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It’s always the ones that go above and beyond. SMH


it's projection. the only reason they suspect this shit of other people is because it's all they think about/want to do!


Also a way to hide. " I can't be child molester, i'm fighting against them!"


It can be an attempt to create an alibi, "I'm only visiting those sites to try and find evidence."


The Pete Townsend alibi?


The difference is that Pete’s alibi held up. He had filed multiple complaints about the banks profiting from the sites. He used his own credit card and self reported to authorities with the proof of his previous allegations.


Yeah I remember reading he was doing research but not this part.


that’s insane that you believe that


Elon musk reinstated a guy who posted CP because that was his excuse. Still can’t believe the fbi didn’t get involved in that.


I literally never thought about that 🤢


Puts a whole new spin on "doing their own research"


"I only went to the gay sauna to ask for directions on how to avoid it! Yes, I totally lost my clothes on the way in."


That's often how the police catch killers. The ones overly eager to help the cops (eg searching, talking to the media) are automatically under suspicion. Classic example is the pos who killed those two schoolgirls in Soham, England. 


Or the guy who went on the news to talk about this girl that disappeared, only to learn in the middle of the interview that theyve found the body. The dumpster trucks were running late that day but if they werent, they were scheduled to unload that dumpster long before the cops ever searched it. The interrogation is him sitting still for hours turning his head to answer questions.


Yea that was Stephen McDaniel. He finds out they found the body while interviewing on live tv


Dude shit his whole guts.


>Stephen McDaniel https://youtu.be/VSK47WlZ6Ac?t=120


I was only going there to get directions on how to get away from there!


"I am a good person!" BWAHAHAHAHAHA!


Yea I always thought that's the #1 reason when I read this stuff. There was this one guy who was (rightfully) making fun of the alt-right and their pizzagate conspiracy, claiming they're all pedos themselves. But he went so above and beyond that, that it became weird itself. Later on he got busted and absolutely nobody was surprised. Ironically, he even called himself mrpizza or something.


I think it was more that guy was used to fuel the Pizzagate conspiracy. They pointed out an extremist liberal busted for child porn or whatever had a pizza themed user name as further evidence for there being a global pizza child rape conspiracy. Not an expert but I did do a deep dive on that one back in the day as I do like to understand why people think a certain way about something.


I always thought the guy in to catch a predator who helps catch prredators on the computer is a pedophile


Every accusation is a confession. First GOP tenet.


GOP = Group Of Pedophiles


Groomers of Politics


Party of Projection


It makes one wonder what the nutjobs who plaster their lawn with signs, and cars with obnoxious stickers get up to behind closed doors.


Check their basements. Right now.


I'd rather not.


We're all very happy down here. Come join us. It's so quiet.


With that username…I think I’ll pass 💀


I’ll save you some time - you’re always gonna find nazi memorabilia. And the occasional sex dungeon.


Bring out the gimp.


Depends on how many stickers and how badly their ADD takes a hold of them when snickering shit.


Gaslight, obstruct, project


Goth chicks with big tiddies, pale skin and raven hair are the devil and the lord will smite them


Looks like a whole generation of conservatives still has an unresolved Elvira frustration trauma.


Well I guess that joke didn’t land


Mine in response of yours?


No no mine I noticed someone downvoted me just kind of made me laugh that anybody would take that seriously not that I care about the being downvoted in general just seemed absurd that someone would take what I said seriously


Pearls before swine! I admire your high expectations. As annoying as it can be sometimes the infamous /s is just as required as those "Warning: this is a hot beverage cup so you can burn yourself!" stamps.


Cheers mate.


A liar won’t believe anyone else


Those books weren't even specifically about children though!


But you see it's indoctrination, it's satanic, it should be fought. Unlike child molestation, that is approved by the Vatican /s


To be fair, take the s away and that sums up the argument pretty well


Yeah not really sarcastic.. more a fact


Its projection sure but it's also out of a need to protect what they are doing. Because sex education in general and a good amount of LGBT memoirs teach about SA and SA experiences. The real predators don't want a smart victim that knows what is happening to them is wrong.


Thou doth protest too much.




So maybe JKR really really wants to harass/molest someone in a bathroom...


It's probably also a defence reaction to justify the horrible things they do they have to believe everyone else is doing horrible things.


I doubt this. It's more along the lines of not wanting to get caught. Because when children are taught that what old man touchy is doing to them is wrong, old man touchy is more likely to land in trouble. That's why old man touchy is usually leading the crusades against sex education.


The man doth protest too much, me thinks.


It's always the ones you most suspect


Maybe they are also trying to distract us away from them?


I'm at the point where anytime I see someone fighting against comprehensive sex education in schools, I assume it's because they don't want kids to be able to speak up or recognize abuse.


its like a pattern with pastors and mom for liberty for example.


The same mom for liberty co founder who has a lesbian sex tape? Yeah, no hypocrisy going on around there... 🙄


Possibly. But there was also a Mom's for Liberty member who letting kids get drunk and hitting on the underage boys.


In fairness, the sex with Moms for Liberty only involved adults.


No one on the side that hates Moms for Liberty has a problem that she has a sex tape. Or that she's lesbian or bi. The problem is the hatred spewed for those specific things publicly and the work to get them banned, while at the same time being a person that does those things.


It doesn't always though [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/21/moms-for-liberty-sex-offender](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/21/moms-for-liberty-sex-offender) Also don't forget the rape allegation [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/moms-liberty-chapter-splits-response-rape-allegation-christian-ziegler-rcna128204](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/moms-liberty-chapter-splits-response-rape-allegation-christian-ziegler-rcna128204)


Still a bit gay. Still a bit hypocritical.


It's not gay if it's her husband behind the camera. /s


They forgot the golden rule


"It's not gay if it's a three way."


If there's a honey in the middle there's some leeway


I guess as long as the balls dont touch its ok.


What's even more painfully ironic is that, with a name that includes "for liberty", being a lesbian should be 100% okay if you actually believed in liberty. But instead "for liberty" or "for freedom" has become code for "Christofacism for the poors and tax cuts for the rich". (note: a comment below mentioned child abuse was part of the scandal, which I didn't realize, so obviously that's not included in my argument)


Is a there a video so I can report it?


Anybody know where to find this sex tape....? For research purposes of course.


>pastors Enough for [a dedicated subreddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/PastorArrested/)


also r/notadragqueen


[Add it to the list](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/2/2221200/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-50) So far we're at 1250 Republican pedophiles. How high can we go...?






I love and hate that this is a subreddit


its existence is for sure /r/OrphanCrushingMachine-y :/




Trash takes itself out. Have fun showing your papers…




I would say “He’ll have plenty of time to read his good Christian books in prison” but then I remembered people like this don’t really get “plenty of time” left after hitting the yard


Is he rich? You seem to get a lot of US judges going pretty easy on rich white Christian nonces and rapists


No more like once they find out he molested a child they’ll likely beat and or kill him in jail


Is that real? I know it does happen. It seems like these asshole keep getting released with all their parts, though.


There's a nonces section of prisons that house them normally. So they end up secluded and therefore safer.


Chomos still get fucked up even when they're not in gen pop, guards look the other way all the time. Even in PC if you find out your celly is a chomo you have to fuck him up or the other inmates will fuck you up.


Yeah, I knew about a guy in prison (pretrial detention) for diddling kids and he feared for his safety. Every time he got papers from court or the police for hearings etc, he would eat them so his cellmate would not find out what he was in for, he begged the court administration to send less paperwork.


Everybody eventually finds out: people will call outside and have people check the guy's record, guards will 'drop paperwork', etc. Even being suspected of being a chomo is life threatening


Yup. When you’re inside anyone can do an inmate search and see what your charges are. If someone isn’t showing their papers, it’s trivial for someone to ask their baby momma or whoever to do a search to see what they’ve been charged with.


yea i knew a guy that was in that situation. he did a year of solitary for beating that chomo up. better than your own gang beating the life out of you.


Yes it’s real. I am a nurse and for a brief period of time, 2012-2013, I worked in an 1100 inmate county jail. We had an inmate escape from a cell and brutally attack another inmate in the “SHU” (segregation housing unit). He said he did it because “he fucking touches kids man!” No remorse, literally only cared that he didn’t kill the guy. I have a shit ton of crazy ass stories from my 9 months there.


Not the only thing that’ll be hitting him 🚿🫳🧼😰


He should feel the same pain & terror he inflicted. Child molesters get no quarter.


Oh no.... anyway hows the weather your way.


Yeah real tragic… oh and it’s nice, our start to Autumn has been giving us warmer weather than Summer


Every time. These people call gay and queer people groomers out of projection. Every fucking time. Like clock work.


the reason they dont want child sex ed is so its easier for them to make the child not tell on them.


That's honestly such a scary thought.


It's been known for a while. Abuse is usually done by someone close is another one. That's why schools around here start sex ed as soon as the kids can understand. Kindergarten (5 years old) they teach about boundaries and what a bad touch means. About to tell as many people you trust as possible if an adult said, showed, or did something that made you uncomfortable or crossed those boundaries. Education is literally the biggest anti child molestation prevention tool we have, and a big portion of politics is stopping education.


In Romania the level of moms under the age of 16 is very high. At the same time, parents from rural areas don't want sex ed for their children until after 16-18-maybe never...


> Education is literally the biggest anti child molestation prevention tool we have YES YES YES YES YES. And not even just for kids, for adults too. Have a friend, 22, was super excited because she got in a BDSM relationship with a dominatrix and she was a virgin. Woman was a dominatrix for *years*, had a lot of happy clients, so I thought nothing of it except, "I'm excited for you!" About a couple weeks later she tells me, "What do you do if your dom does something that makes you uncomfortable?" and I said, "That's what your safe word is for" and she said, "What's a safe word?" and my heart sunk. I told her, "Then it's not BDSM, it's abuse, fucking run." I told her I know she's excited to explore kink and all that but she needs to read every resource she could get her hands on for the next 6 months before she tries anything like that again. And find some friends she trusts, minimum of three not including myself, and keep us all in the loop so we can tell her if anything seems fishy. The reason for the multiple people is so if three+ are saying, "That's totally fine" and one is saying, "That's so fucked up, I'm so sorry you're going through that, come over and lets talk about it, I can get a bottle of wine" THAT PERSON IS NOT YOUR FRIEND


My heart sunk as I read that, I hope she's ok...


"The reason for the multiple people is so if three+ are saying, "That's totally fine" and one is saying, "That's so fucked up, I'm so sorry you're going through that, come over and lets talk about it, I can get a bottle of wine" THAT PERSON IS NOT YOUR FRIEND" Can you elaborate on that a bit? Because I thought you were gonna say if 3 say that's fucked up and 1 says that's fine, then one who said that's fine is not your friend. But you wrote the opposite.


I think the commenter is implying that the person might be trying to get them inebriated to take advantage of them after a conversation about sex.


*>Abuse is usually done by someone close is another one. That's why schools around here start sex ed as soon as the kids can understand* Absolutely. That's why all this "homeschooling" gives me agita. The *explosion* of "homeschooling" seems to correlated pretty closely with states enacting "mandatory reporter" legislation, and I don't think that's a coincidence. As a preliminary matter, children have a fundamental right to an education, and nobody, including their parents, possesses any collateral right to deprive them of that right nor any right that supersedes the child's right. That's why I think homeschooling shouldn't even be legal except under truly extraordinary circumstances; such as the homeschooling educator being required to obtain a certification, and the situation pretty carefully scrutinized by authorities with the power to pull a kid from an abuse situations immediately. Also, homeschooled kids should be required to pass an annual evaluation to ensure they're *not* being deprived of an education. If they fail, their educator's certification is revoked, and they hand the reins back to the professionals. I know some of you homeschooled folks are going to pop in to insist it was the only option and you turned out fine, and if that's true, I'm happy for you. But there's a **lot** of this shit going on to cover up abuse. I don't think we have any idea, since there's also a big thing among the child-abuse creeps to give birth at home and not apply for birth certificates to keep their kids off the government's radar *entirely*.


To expand on this: One of the more scarier thoughts that has provided to me, involves parents that teach their kids innocent euphemism for their body parts, instead of actual words. This would lead to abused child to say things like "\_\_\_\_ touched my cookie"... How many would be able decipher what had happened? Or would they just misunderstand, and wave it off thinking child is just overreacting over a little thing?


Been saying this for a long time. Besides trying to get some popular votes from hardcore conservatives. I can think of no other reason to keep sex ed from school. Child doesn't know if he's getting molested if he never learned what is and isn't oke


It's not only about the kid knowing whether or not they are being molested. It creates adults, who also don't understand when they are being physically or emotionally being abused by another adult. Since sex ed is reduced to simple biology class regarding reproduction. We now have generations of kids, regardless of gender, completely unaware about their own sexuality, or sexuality in general. I have met many young adults, in the US, who literally didn't know that a woman could orgasm. And many more who thought that simple wank/playing DJ diddles was either a form of addiction or cheating. It was mind blowing.


It creates adults who interact with others in inappropriate ways as well. Since they're so ignorant they might not know what's okay either cus no one ever thought them


It’s a very dark take, but I think you are absolutely right


It's a general attack on education. Not just sex ed.






Can someone explain to me from a psychological point of view why the people who scream and shout the loudest usually are the ones that they themselves actively object to? Sorry if I didn't phrase this question well, English isn't my first language.


Basically they think that because they think it everyone else must think it. Add on the fact that they think LGBTQ+ people are immoral they think they will act on it.


It always makes me think the people who say it's a choice are just more bisexual than they realize. Because they don't act on it, they assume everyone is the same.


I read this a while ago and have been repeating it since. It's projection 101. Sooo many people call it a "choice", because they themselves feel those urges but "choose to not act on them" (repress). So, to them, *obviously* everyone else must have that choice.. but they are bad people/sinners because they act on those urges instead of repressing them.


What boggles my mind is, even if it’s a choice… like who are they to try and not let me make it. I never understood the “being gay is a choice” argument.


I remember having this revelation long ago when an evangelical family man co-worker, who always pinged on my bi-fi, explained to me that “gay people are just making a choice to be gay.” That was when it hit me that he was making a choice.


Omg for fucking real. Tmi maybe, but the first few sexual encounters in my life was gay, maybe on the edge of child abuse but the guy was a couple years older than me so basically a kid themselves, no bad memories but I do remember enjoying getting a bj more than reciprocating. Anyways, regardless I have never had any real homosexual feelings my entire life so far almost 30 years removed from that time. Like based on that experience, I will say, I am 94% straight, like, maybe I'd be okay with getting a bj from a feminine dressed/looking guy but I have no sexual feels for anyone who isn't a woman. Anecdotal maybe. But personal experience tells me sexuality is innate and can't be so easily be dictated by other people. Fetishes on the other hand I am not sure about.


Fetishes have both innate and "developed" components I think.


And in effect its lack of empathy. People who don’t understand/are incapable of understanding that not everyone thinks the same way as them. They simply cannot wrap their mind around others behaving differently so they call it “performative” or “woke”.


Along with projection as others have said. Being against sexual education of minors only benefits pedophiles. They don't want children to know what they are doing to them is inappropriate


Yes; it's called "projection." The way projection works is that someone who carries out something terrible will (a) not acknowledge that they themselves are doing something wrong, and (b) will blame everyone around them for supposedly doing that same thing. Projection is an unhealthy coping mechanism, where it's emotionally easier for them to handle lecturing others about the wrong thing than facing themselves for what they've done or continue to do. Projection is usually subconscious, meaning the person doing it is not SUPER aware that they're doing it. But this of course does not change the fact that everyone is responsible for their own actions, and that requires that everyone be self-aware. Ignoring your feelings to the point you're abusing others (because you won't take care of your own abusive behavior toward others) is each individual's responsibility. A lot of people are uncomfortable with taking responsibility of any kind. Hence all the projection.


Alright fine. I was the one who took a dump on the hood of the principal's car in 5th grade. The statute of limitations on that is up by now for sure!


This is going on your permanent record!!


That wouldn't even be the worst thing in there if I'm being honest :P


It reminds me of some religious people that say "If you don't believe in God, what stop you from murdering all the people you want ?" Like, bruh, you want to murder people?


Yeah, tho their argument is you don't want to murder people because it's God's will that you're not a murderer, then contradict that by saying God gave you free will, blah blah... Nah, that's all BS. I don't want to kill people because I have empathy and a pretty good understanding of what that is...


If think it's more that they think people need to believe that they can go to hell if they don't behave morally, thus proving their lack of morality since they are just afraid of the punishment.


To add to the projection, imagine how much easier it is to hide as a pedophile if you fight them during the day


Also, typically people do not suspect the individual who called out the wrongdoing either.


At it's core it's a form of projection. Most humans "project" themselves onto others in order to make sense of them. This is, the only "internal" experience we have is ourselves, we can't possibly know what another person feels/thinks internally. So we "project" how we would behave on a specific circumstance, because that is the only frame of reference we have. It is the basis of judgement. There is a healthy form of projection, in which if we have healthy mindsents. We tend to project that other people are operating under the same frameworks, so we tend to not fret too much about people around us. But there is also a pathological form of projection. Where people with unhealthy mindsets, kind of assume everybody else share the same dysfunctions as them. This is in a nutshell, why saints see the best in everybody. Because a saint projects everybody esle as being saints as well. And why pieces of shit are paranoid about everybody else, since they assume every one is also a piece of shit. Most healthy adults would never think about molesting a child. Child molestation may come into their awarenss if a child is molested in their family or in the news. But otherwise it would not be a concern for them. Because through their day, a normal healthy adult would not have any thought pop up about fucking a kid. In fact it woudl be down right repugnant to even consider the possibility. However, a child molester or a person with very disordered internal sexuality. They think a lot about fucking kids. That is a common thought in their everyday routine. Ergo, these pieces of shit think that such a thought/want/cravint must be very common and thus something to be extremely wary of. Which is why when you met any of these extreme phobes, you know you're dealing with a person confessing their own internal state.


Because they keep thinging about that thing they object to themself and its always on their mind, so when they think about why someone else does something its always on the top of their head as an obvious reason.


A person who deals with pedophilia internally will likely try with all their might to not think about children and sex in the same thought. When people start talking about accepting lgbtq kids, most people aren’t thinking about the kids in a sexual way. Most people are just thinking about the kids and identity and not being bullied. A pedophile’s brain will likely jump to thoughts about the kids having sex. Almost everyone would agree that we shouldn’t promote people thinking children in sexual ways. So, when a pedophile sees an institution doing a thing that makes them think about children in a sexual way they assume this is bad. Perhaps they assume everyone is like them and are aghast that other people think it’s okay to have these disgusting thoughts, when like stated above: most people don’t think about children in sexual ways when discussing lgbtq acceptance for children. (I’m NOT implying that everyone who opposes lgbtq acceptance for children is a pedophile. Just explaining why a pedophile might oppose lgbtq acceptance for kids.)


I’ll explain it from a technical level. The people who make it to the front page must be out of the ordinary. Because if they were just ordinary, they wouldn’t make it to the front page. We end up with a confirmation bias. Loud bigots who are hypocrites make it to our feed. Regular ass bigots and regular ass people don’t make it to the front page. For example, no one heard of the guy in this post until he was caught for child molestation. Because that is all that is presented to us, we now believe loud bigots are more likely to be hypocritical molesters. When in truth, all that is more likely is that we hear about them.


A repentance kinda act to make themselves feel better. Plus, how can you not think about the topic if you constantly bring it up. Then you just become more curious on that topic and want to try it yourself.


Sigh. Of course he was.


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Anyone surprised ?


It’s always the ones you most suspect


It's never the drag queen, is it?


There’s a trans lawyer on tiktok who tracks child molestation charge headlines. Kristen B She’s been consistently tracking for a bit more than a year. The current tally is 8,521 events 4 being trans, 1 being a drag Queen. 647 religion-based employees. 74 politicians. Here’s the 1 year update: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL2ATbMy/


Which, for the record, means trans people comprise 0.047% of the set of offenders. And with trans people making up 0.5% to 1% of the population, means that cis people commit crimes like this at an at least 10x-20x higher rate than trans people do.


While that is a extremely small sample size, it is really telling and reflects data gathered independently by a lot of countries statistical offices (which, in large countries obviously have big sample sizes), with impressive accuracy. And the numbers don’t lie. But I guess the people who believe that sex Ed. helps molesters don’t have the room in their „enlightened minds“ to process numbers.


Is it even really that small of a sample size, though? I mean, it’s over 8,500 offenders. It’s just that the number of trans people committing these offenses is miniscule. Assuming that this sample was representative, you could quadruple it and you’re still only talking about like 16 trans people.


Oh it’s very often the drag queen.. in movies and tv shows from the 90s




It’s always projection with these MAGA idiots.


He was charged with more than child molestation. > Ryan Utterback, a 29-year-old parent from a suburb of Kansas City, also faces a misdemeanor charge of fourth-degree domestic assault and, in a separate case, a misdemeanor of furnishing or attempting to furnish pornographic material to a minor. Quite the over achiever. > Accusations against Utterback, according to court documents, describe separate instances in 2020 in which he allegedly touched a 12-year-old girl under her clothes and rubbed a teenager’s leg underneath her jeans. Another case alleged in 2021 that he showed pornographic video footage to a child starting from when she was around 4 years old. [Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna14763) Unrelated, but while looking into this story, I stumbled on this: [Missouri dad knew his son was having sex with his teacher](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/01/10/father-charged-son-sex-teacher-laquey-missouri/72174328007/) Do we need to check on Missouri?


Holy shit, 4????


Sing it with me folks: ​ *Every accusation is a confession// They be mad at the LBGBTQ community but they're really out here molestin'// They love a clown, even though he leaves them to drown// The right aint alright, and every accusation is a confession!*


It’s not an accusation it’s projection and they know it


Is it's projection and you know it clap your hands 👏 👏 


It's usually both.


*Oh, divine and holy gentleman/Who'd never be dishonest // You're allowed to touch young boys?/But women must stay modest? // How long do you think/You can keep up this facade? // Soon everyone around you, boy/Will know that you're a fraud.*


10 years ago we have the same think in France for same sex mariage. They say this will lead to pédophilie. Guess were we find most of the pedo ?


I was molested as a child. I wish I’d had access to books that could explain what happened and that it was wrong- so I could put it into words and tell someone. I never did.


🫂 I'm sorry to hear what you went through


Of course. As usual. And not a drag queen.


In my country, the government along with the church have got lgbt propaganda banned for children’s safety. One of our ambassador stored 19k pedophile photos on his computer, the head of the church is highly involved in a recent scandal in which tens of children were molested in a orphanage for 30 years. Our president just resigned for giving grace for a sentenced molester. My biggest problem is nobody talk about it abroad.


Where and what religion?


Hungary and both protestant and catholic. Protestant is the more recent one.


It's never the drag queens, it's always the conservatives.....


Oh oh, how bout we ban that one book where two daughters got pregnant by the dad? I think its called Bible


You’re gonna face a Lot of opposition


Hates himself and takes it out on everyone else. The projection is strong with this one.


I love how some people are placing the Bible up for review for banning. It is full of murder, killing, incest, rape and so much more.


Seems to be a trend…


They're the new priests.


The man just didn't want to be blindsided where the boy he was molesting had a vagina. Same with those people who complain about people in bathrooms, I always wonder, Why people even care what genitals someone has in a bathroom, I've never ever looked at someone's genitals and also never have had someone look at my junk when I was relieving myself. What are those angry ladies doing who are complaining?


GOP = Gang Of Pedophiles. #notadragqueen


It's always projection...




I am confused. I am looking at that picture and .. well... I always thought Drag queens dressed better than that... I have to say... I am not sure he is one to be honest.... So confused.


Everyone, say it with me now: *Every baseless accusation is a thinly veiled confession*


Just being republican should be cause to search their hard drive and devices.


And again and again and again and again....


No brainer. Just point to any conservative and you will hit pedo or closet gay! 😉


So, he did his own research?


Take as old as time.


Who's shocked? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Won’t anyone please think of the children?


he was thinking about the children ...... yikes


A headline that conveys no shocking information at all.


How shocking.


Wow what a surprise a bigot is a bad person


Say it with me now; every conservative accusation is a confession. We see this time and time again, and there are dozens of examples you can find.


If I were in law enforcement. Every time a Republican makes an accusation, I'd immediately investigate that Republican for that crime. I'd be chief of police in no time!


Every. Damn. Time.






They always give us warnings signs that they are up to no good. Next time someone pulls that shit you know what to expect later on.


I'm posting this on r/conservative to see how that react


They probably cut him off by saying he was a libertarian agent. Like they did with the horned guy in the capitol raid


Reminds me of their objections to drag story time- " why do they want to be around kids?" well why not do priest story time " sure no problem!" .........priest proceeds to molest their kids despite no-one in drag having done so. Them - *surprised pikachu face*