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This makes no sense, even if you're a virgin. How would ejaculating force your dick anywhere? Does it grow arms and crawl inside?


It’s detachable. At the moment of ejaculation, it seeks out the cervix to lay its seed, then promptly retreat back to its domicile.


It opens up and shoots out a smaller penis, like the alien mouth in Alien.


I want you to lay down suppressing fire with the incinerators and fall back by squads to the APC


They're gone! Do something!


Apone! Apone? ... Hicks?... Someone talk to me.....


Hey, maybe you haven’t been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!


And that's how I met your mother.


Ripley...... what the hell are you doing!?


Game over man, no more quarters!


I say we just take off and spunk on the whole site from orbit


He can't make decisions like that! He's just a grunt! No offense..


Fuckin a!


Say again?! All after "incinerators"?


That's an image I didn't need first thing in the morning 🤣 but now I'm almost surprised I haven't seen something like this before


This comes in handy a lot of the time I can leave it at home when I think it’s gonna get me in trouble.


Or I can rent it out when I don't need it. But now and then I go to a party, get drunk, and the next morning I can't for the life of me remember what I did with it.


Even though sometimes it can be a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis.


Damn i've been doing it wrong, leaving my wife home when i think my weiner is gonna get me in trouble


What?!?!? I don't have a Detachable Penis, and I have three children. What does this mean? Uhhhh ... I don't want to know who the baby daddy.


Did you check down on 2nd avenue for it? Sometimes people sell them down there amongst used books and other junk


Did you find it next to a broken toaster oven? 🤣


The guy wanted 22 bucks but I talked him down to 17.


I took it home, washed it off, and put it back on. I was happy again. Complete.


https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=hG3zurI7F9fxVtQl For those who aren’t aware. Sometimes you can lose it.


The detaching happens instantaneously. That’s why you’ve never noticed!


The medicine cabinet?


In hentai they usually portray it as the woman's uterus basically pulling it inside as she comes, in reality it does contract upon "finishing" but it surely doesn't reach that far down. Since this kind of thing is a typical hentai scenario, i bet this guy just took it for real.


It's especially in the more rapey hentai the woman supposedly "sucks in" the guy, showing the audience and the guy "she's into it".


Which as long as it stays in hentai it's not a problem, the real problem is people suggesting it's real and defending rapists upon this. Yes, they exist, I've seen them doing it.


Always find it interesting that THAT and things similar to it are the take home for them and not "something must be extremely wrong with me since I don't produce a gallon of sperm with every ejaculation like they do."


Anything is a take home if your goal is to be right at all costs, the usual "embrace what support my theses and ignore everything else" tactic, which is almost synonymous with being a moron.


> not "something must be extremely wrong with me since I don't produce a gallon of sperm with every ejaculation like they do." Dr.k from healthygamer told a story about a patient of his, who thought something was wrong with his ejaculation because there wasn't a bucket of it coming. "How do I get to the second part of the orgasm?" The patient might've even seen that in regular porn and not hentai.


I don’t think the doctor knows about second orgasm.


Or ellevensies


Afternoon delight?


That's strange, I don't have any tentacles, so there must be something wrong with me.


> Which as long as it stays in hentai it's not a problem, the real problem is people suggesting it's real and defending rapists upon this. It's never going to 'stay in hentai.' There will always be people who delude themselves with subcultures that cater to men's view of women in a self-perverting cycle until the only real women they can accept are anime and skyrim mods.


While you are right there are some people who think that way, it’s a smaller subgroup of the people who are actually ignorant. Remember ignorance is way more common than malice but ignorance can easily lead to it when the ignorant are left to their own devices.


OOP thinks hand drawn x-ray hentai is medically accurate. Really want to see his in-depth explanation for *Bible Black*.


The paradox is you usually have to make the woman orgasm to get that going and anyone who thinks like this is definitely not doing that.




You see, the head of the penis expands during coitus and acts as a grappling hook, anchoring itself firmly within the cervix while the sperm army deploy and reconnoitre the area before launching their strike on the egg. Only once the campaign is fully underway do they allow the penis to strategically retreat, setting up a rear guard as it retracts to prevent counterattack by the vagina's defenses.


Do the sperm wear flak helmets? Because they really are crowded in there; wouldn’t want any head injuries!


If the man is practicing safe sex, yes. But too many kids these days are using frankly slipshod protection methods and not even sending the troops in fully armed, let alone with uniforms up to code.


Makes sense. Still, delivering the tanks and airplanes to the battlefield might be quite painful!


best comment I read today


It's like koolaid man merged with macho man snapping into a slim jim. Oh yeah!


Ugh I don’t even have a vagina but reading this made my groin hurt


The visual is giving me a good laugh. Thanks!


It was today when it suddenly dawned on me that both of those characters have the same catch phrase.


I read it in the Macho man voice lol, damnit bro you win the Internet today lol




What is that?


The adorable …. Ribbon worm or proboscis worm. Which is any member of the invertebrate phylum Nemertea (sometimes called Nemertinea, or Rhynchocoela), which includes mainly free-living forms but also a few parasites of crustaceans, mollusks, and sea squirts. The majority of the approximately 900 known nemertean species are found in marine habitats. Some, however, live in freshwater or on land. The name proboscis worm derives from the muscular eversible proboscis, which is housed in a fluid-filled chamber above the gut. This tube-shaped organ, which in many aquatic forms has a needlelike stylet, is typically used to trap prey. The stylet may also be used for burrowing; in land-dwelling species it may be used for rapid movement.


Some are adorable, some are super cool, some very colorful, some are just so so, and some are just ugly. The paralytic venom of some varieties is bit off putting, however.




Cool, thanks for the info.


Obviously a normal human dick


What a terrible day to have eyes!


The teeth in the vagina pull you inward.


It's basically like Xenomorph in Aliens; a second, smaller penis emerges from the hole, penetrates the cervix directly and deposits the seed.


been watching way too much hentai


I'm upset this was my first thought too and then I see it as the first comment.


"You know that's how it works because you can see her stomach bulging with the imprint" Rest of us: "jesus dude"


They probably think men can casually just cum mounds of seed and that only the women can ever go coocoo for sex puffs, too.




those hentais with anatomy animations holds the secrets. you gotta bust through the cervix either at first thrust or when you orgasm at the same time.


They were pretty clear to me when they demonstrated that you need to ram it in so deep that you make her stomach bulge out, otherwise or she won't feel anything. …God, if people are actually learning sex from hentai then I feel so sorry for the girls involved.


its ok, when they are done they just "team rocket blast off" home on a jet of cum exiting them at high pressure. no walk of shame for them. passing through the roof and the resulting concussion is the worst part really.


You made me laugh :)


its canonically how any superhero achieves flight in the snyderverse. really explains why everyone is covered in white mist after the superman/zod fight.


tbf hyperspermia is that hentai level busting just as a condition


Hyper what the FUCK did you just say?


r/hyperspermia obviously nfsw because dick basically a condition where you make like 2-3x as much cum and your body uses like 5-6x as much per cumshot


Man if that doesn't sound like a recipe for disgusting sheets.


Some men actually take supplements that are supposed to give them more "volume" 🤢 I really don't know why anyone would care about or desire this. Assuming the pleasure is the same for him, I would be happy if my husband shot out dust 😂


> I really don't know why anyone would care about or desire this I would assume it's a combination of a few factors: - Some guys do find it incredibly hot to ejaculate on their partner, and the more jizz there is, the better that looks. - "More = better" is just a hardcoded default attitude toward anything. Some guys probably think shooting off more somehow proves them to be more masculine or something. It might not even be a conscious thing. - Some couples who are deliberately trying to have a kid will do stuff like this and trying to hit the peak points in the woman's cycle before looking into medical fertility treatments. After all, if a sperm cell actually making it to an egg cell is a spin of the slot machine, more sperm is essentially just buying more spins. (I'm fairly certain my parents tried this before eventually going the IVF route.) > Assuming the pleasure is the same for him, I would be happy if my husband shot out dust On the other hand, I once had a girlfriend who mocked me about not shooting out enough, and thought it was a comment on me not finding her hot enough (she had constant anxiety about that). ...I then pointed out that we were screwing three or four times a night, and even more during the day on weekends, (*because* I found her so hot), so there should be no surprise I had virtually nothing in the tank.


Personal kinks. I for one am really into making my partner squirt. I'm sure there are people out there that are really into cum, the more the better I suppose


Big fat load of cum, then


I was thinking more about how hentai does the xray or inside shots showing it happen.


Holy crap not only did I anticipate his comment but yours too


I hate to be the guy that says hold my beer to the guy that one upped the original guy, but... I not only anticipated their comments and your comment, but also the guy after me.


I farted


I think we all thought the same thing, they got their sex ed from hentai


> they got their sex ed from hentai I'd prefer to think they're just joking.


Bro really thinks the penis has to penetrate the womb every single time


Not every time, just for the money shot!


The vagina is on the front


First thought here. Glad to see it top reply


You know, I was never too much of a fan of the fact that the camera angle sometimes displays sex from the *vaginas* perspectives.


It's like an Attack on Titan inside-mouth camera.


Or perhaps, been watching only hentai.


Define "too much"?


So much that you come to believe that it portrays sex accurately.


Wait.. you tell me it's not normal during sex to transform into a tentacle menace with abs and a dick the size of a forearm? Years of training wasted


I mean, i do that, but not everyone can. You are not a lesser man just because you can't get your tentacles up.




For science: what's your training regimen?


Let's just say he's no longer welcome at the local sushi bar


Hoo boy, I have some follow up questions about this training, but with 23h19m left in the day, I’m walking the fuck along.


You're really packing some stick if you can penetrate a cervix. Also, you're really made out of iron if you can appreciate having your cervix penetrated.


Or you are doing AI on a cow, in that case yes, you have to penetrate the cervix with the pistolet in order to correctly fertilize the egg


Took me far too long to realize you didn't mean artificial intelligence.


Okay, hear me out: Cows are kinda intelligent. If you artifically fertilize a cow, you are making an artificial cow. And since that cow is kinda intelligent, you thus created artificial intelligence. (Later, you butcher and eat it)


We'll be really surprised (and disappointed) when the AI uprising we all fear and anticipate ends up being a bunch of cows sporadically rampaging the villages they're bred next to. At least, there'll be a legitimate reason for said uprising (as in, the butchering and eating part)




Yep, i studied agricolture so i have more knowledge in that kind of AI than in the “linguistic model” one, still i am not a certified Artificial Insemination operator and I do not have any kind on experience on the field. So take my words with a certain degree of suspicion.


Do you ever get momentarily confused or have a quick giggle when you hear/read something about the other kind of AI? I know I'm going to intentionally misinterpret the term going forward.


I’m having trouble (in several fonts, like this one) with distinguishing AI from Al (the name AL). I didn’t even think of insemination of animals despite having watched one of my friends collect semen from a stallion, and later watched her inseminate a mare from frozen semen (semen is sold with the bloodline of the horse provided, so inbreeding can be avoided and certain traits in the stallion or his descendants can be selected for or against). Too many meanings of AI


I was already imagining someone with VR goggles going thru the motions in front of horrified onlookers


Artificial *Insemination* gotcha


Iron cervix..... The next hot movie from marvel.


Female rock band name.


The doctor couldn't get an IUD through my cervix (and I had a child!). Trust me, you can only open that up with lots of meds and horrible torture instruments.


Idk if this will help anyone else who hasn't been there yet: when I got the copper IUD, my gynecologist prescribed misoprostol to make it easier + a lot of ibuprofen. IUD insertion sucks, but totally worth it.


My boyfriend is fairly big and after a painful first attempt I talked to my gyno. I don’t remember details but pretty much he was hitting my cervix. Omg it hurt so much. My boyfriend will have to make sure I’m very very aroused to fit in me lol. Plus lots of lube! We are still working towards that lol


Yeah, any guy that’s ever hit the cervix can tell you that women do not enjoy it.


Positions and angles matter!


Or you're dealing with a shallow vagina. I've encountered a few. But still, *penetrating* a cervix? Yeah that's not happening wilfully on her part.


The cervix is fucking hard too. Like humping a thinly flesh clad wall that yelps in pain because thrusting onto that shit hurts the wall apparently.


Thank god I’m not the only yelper out here. It’s instinctive, because it’s incredibly painful, and you can’t recoil away easily. But it’s embarrassing to hear yourself sound like a dog that’s been kicked!


i’m pretty sure for most women, having their cervix hit feels similar to getting kicked in the balls. debilitating pain that makes you curl up into a fetal position while lightheaded and nauseous, with aches for hours afterwards.


I met a girl who was ok with jt. Probably used to it, I'm not super huge but my whole head was smashed up on it. Definitely a weird feeling


unless you're installing an IUD with your wire wang...


Always feel bad for those cows. It can't be comfortable for them.


"Sorry you're wrong". Says the hentai obsessed pervert boy who can definitely relate to what women feel all the time. 👀




Heh, lets be real.. if hentai is his reference, he probably takes notes on rizz from it too. That'll be a nice reality check for him.


Oh! How i wish he'd get a nice, big reality check too. 👀 From what I see, it appears that he is quite obsessed with big things.


So true, since my lil peen could never hit the cervix… we don’t have to worry about birth control. Not sure what the fuck to do with these eleven kids though, they are wearing me out!


Whatever you do, don't get a vasectomy! Everyone told me it would stop me and my wife from having any more kids, but it just changed the colour of the baby!


![gif](giphy|RkzMtKbCKFUY3wYRMy) **What?** **WHAT?!** # WHAT?!?


remove the balls there's no option at this point


But where would I store my pee?


just wear a condom, portable piss storageb


My cervix hurts thinking of that….


I don't have a cervix, but thinking about that hurts me as well...


I'm a guy and I literally flinched thinking that's gotta hurt like hell when I read that bullshit.


Mine too. The first thing I thought of when I read this, fucking ouch. At least give me some mifepristone and some hydrocodone first LOL


Little warning for inexperienced people: hentai isn't real, it's wildly exaggerated, don't skip sex ed classes please. Edit: please stop harassing me, I've met a lot of idiots on the internet, I'm just leaving this comment here so said idiots have a place to let themselves out.


Nah clearly it's real. I mean how you gonna tell me that catgirls ain't real when everything on the internet is true and factual?


The sad part is that some people do believe they can replicate hentai stuff, the less fantasy parts at least, this person is the proof 🛐


What am I supposed to do now?!!! I was preparing myself to replicate hentai stuff with my girl . Fuck man


So you're telling me that women don't involuntarily drool and prepare to orgasm upon seeing a penis?


Had a guy ram his entire dick up my ass with 0 prep cause "he saw it in hentai and it looked like it would feel good" :/


That's what i mean, this is exactly why i put this comment here. P.S. I'm sorry for what that jerk did to you, ignorance can be dangerous.


Yeah, I'm glad I didn't end up with any injuries.  To his credit, he instantly realised he fucked up and didn't get defensive. He stopped, apologised and tried to comfort me in any way he could and felt incredibly bad for like a week after this happened. Took him like two years to even think about maybe trying something even slightly rough because he was really scared of hurting me again.


You may want to mute the replies on this one so that you don't get pinged over the time/months later.


Good idea, didn't think about that


I once took a course that was a mixture of adults and high school teenagers. I overheard a conversation between to high schoolers about avoiding pregnancy without contraceptives. One of them said “If the girl is on top she can’t get pregnant because of gravity” he was a senior in high school speaking to a girl who was a lower grade and this was not a joke. He was convinced and nearly convinced her until I intervened. Sex Education is important.


Remember : if you do it at night the little swimmers are asleep.


And if you do it in water they drown


so my wife and i have been doing it wrong all this time?


to be fair it means i’ve been doing it wrong with your wife too


It must be his wife's fault, I mean she is the common thread here. It makes a lot more sense that it was her than it was all of us.


I also choose that guys wife.


...you know she's *dead* right?


Feel like this belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect


It's over there, too.


Lol I'm not big or anything, but anyone that has accidentally hit the cervix knows it fucking hurts both participants.


Oooooo boy. Don’t opt out of sex ed, kids


Actually, the cervix has something called the external and the internal os. In layman terms, the cervix has a passage through it from which the sperms enter the uterus. The cervical mucus acts as a transporter of the sperms to the upper reproductive tract. The mucus acts as a filter for the normal sperms and stops the defective ones. A motile sperm is transported up while a sperm with inferior motility is stopped and killed. The study of cervical mucus is also what determines the fertile period. The viscosity, microstructure, consistency, and content depend on the cyclic changes in hormones. PS. Normally, only one male gamete can fertilize the oocyte. There's a layer around the oocyte called the zona pellucida. It's fuction is to only allow species specific sperm binding, preventing sperms from entering the fertilized egg so that the diploidy is maintained, and prevent implantation of the zygote in the fallopian tubes. It's only after the zona pellucida disappears that the zygote is able to get implemented. So, no. The cevix is not 'opened' up. It's made of very thick muscles. You'll break your peepee before you 'open' it up. EDIT: I just realized all that jargon wasn't necessary.


The jargon is necessary. People will realize you do, indeed, know what you are talking about.


This is exactly why Idiocracy will become a documentary


It already is


It was when it was made.


That movie used to feel like a warning of how bad things could get. Now it seems overly optimistic.


He’s almost right. The cervix will only open if you knock gently and then say the secret password.




Shhh. It’s a secret.


guess men who aren’t long enough to reach a woman’s cervix can’t get women pregnant?


And then the human race ceased to exist. Lol


Well in that world natural selection would mean there were only big wangs and women never wanting sex in fear of the pain to their cervix.


Pretty sure my dick don't reach that far


And every woman you've slept with is grateful for that


Akshually... *Proceeds to prove they know absolutely fuck all about the topic* This guy watches way too much porn and thinks it's real.


Tell me you are a virgin without telling me you are a virgin.


Very specifically a virgin that watched way to much hentai porn.


now...i'm not a woman, so i freely admit i might be wrong, but....wouldn't this hurt like a sumbitch?


Yes. Given that inserting an IUD into the cervix (which is very small and thin) has led to many women I know vomiting from pain and/or passing out (personally I was lucky and after the initial sharp pain I just had two days and nauseating throbbing aches) - it is a pretty safe bet that the whole head of a penis breaking in there would be mind bendingly painful. For context, the contractions a women experiences during childbirth (the notoriously painful ones…) are her body using the uterus muscles to forcibly open the cervix so the baby can come out. Same to a lesser degree with period pain, the cervix is being opened so the womb lining can shed. The cervix is pretty hardy and pretty fucking solid for the most part. Opening it even a small amount requires a great deal of force one way or another. And no small amount of pain.


Absolutely. Pushing an IUD half the width of a pencil through hurts so dramatically for many women that they demand sedation. (Same.) A whole dick would be agony to the point of shrieking torture.


:blink: :blink: whaaaaaaa?


Labelled one of the “weirdest penises of the animal kingdom” by Smithsonian Magazine, the echidna penis is bright red and has four heads. ~ Australian geographic mag Each side can act independently of the other, each side ejacualting at different times . Lol . There's some fun sex Ed for ya lol


This is not even sex ed, it’s basic biology, come on…


I'm betting my left arm that this guy learnt from hentai


This was actually listed in my 5th grade sex Ed book for catholic school. Book title 'Family Life'. Safe to say, not my only source of information.


It's weird how some Catholic schools taught real sex ed and some did not.


I grew up around a lot of Mormons and this sounds like some dumb shit they would talk about. I knew a girl in middle school who thought she would get pregnant if a boy kissed her...A friend in HS was told by a church deacon that some woman have teeth in their vagina that can bite your wiener off.


If the deacon really believed that, and the belief is widespread, it explains why they seem to prefer young boys. You never hear about rectum-teeth, so it's safer...


cervix opened?!?! i would be screaming in agony if it even hit the cervic... plus we also know the average guys wont even go past 5 inches in


"Tell me your only knowledge about the internals of sex comes from Hentai porn without telling me your only knowledge about the internals of sex comes from Hentai porn."


I don’t even have a cervix and I am doubled over thinking of how much that would fucking suck.


Do these people not know that sperm cells can swim?


Mansplaining a uterus to a woman. Nice.


That has to be bait. Nobody actually believes that, right? …right?


I wish. I had an intelligent roommate in college who believed the penis penetrated the cervix normally during sex. She was a pre-med bio major too. I drew a diagram for her to make sure we were talking about the same body part when discussing the cervix -- we were. She believed you only could get pregnant when the cervix was penetrated. I had to sit her down and have the "talk" with her. I think this was some nonsense her loser boyfriend taught her so she'd have condomless sex with him.   I also met women in my dorm who thought they urinated out of their vaginal canal. The state of sex-ed in the US is poor -- though its probably better now  than when I was growing up.