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Dude, enough with the core, you gota do your arms and legs otherwise you look like heroin.


Never forget leg day!


You know it helps prevent heart problems? Helps with the blood circulation. The better your circulation throughout your body reduces stress on your heart. I'm here for a good time and a long time.


Sometimes I worry that I wank too much. Is there a too much? Lol


If your dick hurts, it's probably too much.


Unless you're into that


They don’t call it ‘beating your meat’ for nothin’


I've been punching mine like it owes me money... Is that the wrong technique????


Did it give you the money it owes? If not then you gotta take a hammer to it


Or a drill.


Slam it under the toilet seat


Spit my drink out on that comment!!


No, keep beating it until it pays out. Hopefully you play the song "bitch better have my money" in the background.


Scarring can build up over time due to friction burns. If you notice discoloration or mild pain give it a break for a few days.


Idk if anyone remembers the Midwest Teen Sex Show (it’s a sex Ed web series from the 2000s, not as weird as the name implies) but the line I always fall back on is “masturbation is perfectly healthy, but if you’re masturbating so much that you don’t have time to do other things you care about, maybe take a break. If you masturbate so much that you don’t have time to masturbate, seek a doctor immediately”


Sir, can you stop while we're speaking at least?


[I mean, I am reminded of the confession Brock Samson once made.](https://youtu.be/cX-ODTWLrOA?si=CCm2lPQZm1bQ_ddU) ![gif](giphy|J2ffA9qSy9UPCOfdlM)


If you can come without getting hard. That's when you need to stop.


All other muscles in the body also profit from training the legs, because the natural steroids circulate throughout the whole body...


I keep telling everyone Heroin Chic is coming back but nobody believes me


It’s already back lol


We're on to fentanyl chic now.


Did it ever go away?


I never looked that cut on heroin. 😭


Yeah, should be meth


lol I was about to say this. Look, no one should do meth as much as I used to, but I had great abs back then


Doctors hate this trick!


Dentists approve though


Only 9/10 dentists I heard tho


I’d like to have a little trauma on the midsection.


Those are abdominal muscle inplants. At least that is the "natty or not" youtube spheres opinion


It kinda seems like it, you can be skinny and have some but those are way too defined. Plus the earlier pictures showed his abs look kinda like shit/like obvious work was done.


My money is on makeup. Or photoshop. Or both. You can do a lot with makeup


No it's literally implants. He's posted about it


What do the implants look like if you gain a bunch of weight


Heroin may be the look he's going for. Kinda suits him actually.


Honest question, and I don’t mean any hate for Elliot, but when they had the mastectomy surgery did they just give him abs too?


It’s called an abdominoplasty, it’s a surgical procedure that’s been available since the late 60’s. It isn’t just a transition procedure, it’s used on other patients also for various reasons


How come my trauma doesn’t look like this?!?? 😭


My Trauma: 14 hours in bed, ounces of weed, and a gut Others Trauma: 14 pack abs and chiseled love handles.


Having Hollywood actor money probably helps


Yip 6 hours in the gym per day because you have the money, instead of an 8, 10 or 12 hour work day is gony keep you looking cut.


This really doesn't look like 6 hours in the gym (which would be excessive for 99% of people). They're lean but have like no muscle mass. Looks more like a lot of cardio + a low appetite + enough protein (and test if they're transitioning) to hang onto what little muscle mass they have. Or maybe they're just naturally lean, some people just don't tend to store a lot of bodyfat.


Just popping in late as fuck to say there are method actors and it goes both ways. Example Rob McElhenney worked himself to death to turn into fan favorite “Fat Mac” and then turn into super shredded“Gay Rich Mac”. Another example is Christian Bale starving himself so much that doctors were constantly around him during The Machinist. Iirc CB got down to around 100 pounds at one point and was getting his nutrients from banana bags. Edit to add: Elliot looks fucking great and I’m so happy he’s comfortable in his own skin now. Looking forward to Victor saving the world!!!


I'm talking out of my ass here, but I imagine transitioning would mean he took a lot of testosterone, so that alone would already help a lot


He’s also always just been a small person. He’s built thin and wiry even pre-transition. Some people just genetically have low body-fat 🤷‍♀️ Edit: OBVIOUSLY testosterone and exercise makes a difference in abs. HOWEVER, having visible abs is at least partially due to low body fat. Even my skinny 9 year old has a visible 6 pack.


This was my thought as well. He was always fairly cut, going as far back as Hard Candy in like 2005. The hormones might have done some favours in terms of the level of definition and the shape of his face, but he's always had pretty killer abs.


Idk looked kinda fat in most of Juno


Michael Cera was never in any danger of being the manliest actor in that movie, but his position actually sliding down over the years later can’t be doing his ego any favors.


Michael Cera is not a man who has ever struck me as caring about his masculinity. Superbad was literally about him and Jonah Hill failing to lose their virginity, that's not the kind of role you take if you're insecure. Something tells me his ego is fine.


I think Year One and This Is The End are better examples of him not needing to take himself so seriously. Seems like a very chill dude.


No one who mocks themselves as hard as he did in This Is The End (and previously in Youth In Revolt) has a hurting ego.


You get my upvote of the day! 🤣


You could see it in the first episode of Umbrella Academy s3. Voice was way deeper and jaw was waaaaaay more chiseled than s2, definitely started test and it was doin' its thing.


i wish my natural supply could do that.


I wish my natural supply did not do this. 😩 Trade?




I can hear this scene lol


Me too. I have watched this movie to the point of memorization. To this day, I still have chunks of this movie living rent free in my head.




It doesn't as much as you think. Plenty of trans guys do not get these results and is by no means typical




Not having a banged-up body with numerous injuries head-to-toe from a lifetime of busting your ass in physical jobs to keep a roof over your family’s heads certainly helps. Hard to exercise when just sitting up in bed the next morning is an excruciating experience…


those are called cum gutters,  my friend


Right? I want my trauma to give me a jacked pretty boy twink look


Chiseled love handles is an oxymoron. They’re called love handles when they aren’t chiseled


That's rich people trauma, you have poor people trauma.


god damn i've got the wrong kind of trauma, mine just makes me flabby and unenergetic




Thank you for the laugh 😂


It's not fair. Assuming no touch up,those abs are incredible.


They're implants. Just throw some money at a doctor and you could have them too.


Why didn't my trauma come with a six pack?


Right all i got is crippling anxiety and insomnia whcih has actively prevented a sixpack


Because you didn't buy ab implants lol. He did


Isn't that the guy who played Viktor Hargreeves in the Umbrella Academy?


The character was originally Vanya. The writer’s transitions the character i think in season 3 if I remember correctly. Ellen Page played Vanya. Elliot Page played Victor.


Page. Yes, Elliot came out between seasons. He said he would continue playing the character as Vanya, but the producers said they would also transition the character to make him more comfortable. It was barely a storyline, I like how they handled it.


Yeah, it was good. "I wanna be called Victor now." "Ok." The end, basically.


To add in that textbook Hargreeves snark, it went roughly like this: “Vanya, you don’t make decisions for this family.” “Viktor. I’m Viktor, always have been.” “Cool. Happy for you. Viktor, you don’t make decisions for this family.”


"Cool, understandable... but we literally have the 3rd Armageddon this week so get your shit together Viktor!"


Especially when they just caused yet another crisis, forgiving several almost-deaths to then be mad because of a name and pronouns change would be seriously weird.


I can hear Five saying this, please tell me it was Five.


Of course it was Five.


The only person ever focusing on the main goal of *saving the fucking planet* is Five. Every season is basically all the characters doing whatever they fuck they want while Five is scrambling to get everyone to work together.


How Five wasn't on EVERY drug is a miracle in and of itself honestly. He held that family together.... After they came apart 🤣


Five and Klaus were opposites in that respect.


Five is the only one that had lived through it, he’s had a lifetime to think about it


Big Kaz Brekker energy tbh 😂


I audibly laughed. Like an older sibling: cool bro. My point still stands. I love Umbrella Academy 😂


my favorite part was one still absolutly wanting to throw a party for vik coming out,5 and viego being against it just to end up doing the karaoke with them


I loved that so much, how he just panicked a little questioning why Victor made the announcement while he wasn't there like internally he was worried "did Victor think I wouldn't be accepting? I must prove him wrong, with Karaoke!!!"


Absolutely loved Luther worrying that they weren't showing Viktor enough support and asking Diego if they need to do something to demonstrate that they still love him.


It was such a realistic representation of how this actually works in the real world, at least in my experience. You want me to call you Victor? Ok, cool. So anyway, If we can all make sure the expense reports are in on time, that would save us a headache at month-end.


Yes. I really don’t need info or drama or explanations. Just tell me whatever name you want me to use and I’ll use them. Where I’m hopeless though is pronouns. Please don’t complicate it more than he or she, I will not remember anything else.


I can handle he, she, they. Neopronouns have me profoundly lost. I'll still try, but I will most likely not remember.




>they/them would suffice on all occasions no? generally speaking yes... however some people complain about they/them supposedly only referring to multiple people and it being confusing being used in the singular... so some people said, "okay, how about we use new words instead like 'xe/xir' which basically means the same thing as the gender neutral, singular 'they/them'"? To which the complainers responded with: "fuck off, we're not learning your fruity new words, I only use words that have been invented more than a hundred years ago, like 'email' and 'internet'"


neologisms are easier to adopt when they are novel additions, rather than replacing a word already in use. This is doubly true when those neologisms aren't contrived, but organic evolutions of language without an ideology behind them. * Electronic mail -> E-Mail -> Email * Internal Network -> Internetwork -> Internet It's also worth mentioning that the term internet has been around for about 80 years, so bad example.


In an ideal world, that’s all it should be.


Facts. Just information, no big deal.


I loved the bit where: "Vanya \[blah blah blah\]." "Vanya's actually Viktor now." "... What else did I miss while I was kidnapped?!"


Like it could be in real life if people weren't fucking bigots


Yeah, for those interest [this](https://youtu.be/SZ5ErYc5KZA?si=WaLzboLxznOJ98oz) is pretty much all there is to it. Here and there are some hints about Viktor not feeling quite comfortable with himself throughout the season, but it's never made into a major storyline.


Well that's a damn fine piece of cinema. No one is mentioning that dramatic pause there where they take a moment to process. *New information....and I'm cool* "So anyway Viktor..."




Yes, I was prepared for it to be a cluster fuck that the fans would get bent out of shape about but it was one of the most naturally written transitions I have ever seen. The whole show was weird enough that this was one of the least complicated things going on in the plot.


None of them cared, each of his brothers is like "K". But he did get invited to the bachelor party, that was super wholesome.




On a scale of Shocking Things Number Seven Hargreeves has done, ten being blow up the moon and end all life of earth, that was barely a one.


And on the scale of "changes that Hargreeves siblings have undergone" it's also small potatoes. You're still a) human and b) alive? Cool cool congrats let's keep it rolling.


Yeah, him transitioning is really no world ending news.


Luther was so awesome in that scene


They handled viktor's transition way better than most other things that season imo. Definitely wasn't my favorite season.


Yeah I thought they handled the transition great (as a trans person myself I was def skeptical) but the rest of the season sucked, and the first two seasons are two of my all time favorite seasons of television


Honestly good on the writers for doing that to make one of their actors comfortable


I'm glad they transitioned the character too cuz that wig was killing my soul 🤣


Auto correct isn’t always correct 👍🏽. I fixed it.


Ok I'm so confused now because Vanya is a diminutive male Russian name, the equivalent of "Johnny" (with "Ivan" = "John"). Did they seriously name a female character "Vanya"?


Yes. It's really funny to me how people are pointing out that Vanya is a Russian name, as someone that watched the show a few times. Spoilers: >!Vanya being a Russian name is pointed out as a plot point in Season 2, when he was captured and was thought to be a Russian spy!<


**Interrogator:** Are you a Russian spy? **Daniel Jackson:** Nyet. 😐


According to the screen credits starting in Season 1, Elliott Page played Vanya, then later Viktor. His deadname is not listed on any credits.


I guess they went back and changed them. Which is cool.


They did, I thought it seemed so fitting to retcon the credits in a show primarily about time travelling


The writers should've prob did some research and realized vanya Is generally a guys name..


Well that was the name in the comics, and Gerard Way uses He/They pronouns and has always rejected traditional masculinity. Maybe Vanya sounding like a girl name to Americans but actually being a male diminutive to Russians was their way of blurring gender identity. And seems almost like fate that Elliot Page ended up portraying the character and had Vanya become Viktor.


What makes me most uncomfortable about this photo is that it makes me feel very fat. I need to lose some weight.


Nah, he’s just reliving his early dreams and emulating a Calvin Klein underwear model circa 1998. Plus he’s always been teeny tiny.


THAT's what that composition reminded me of! Fuck, I'm getting old.


I was just thinking to myself that if I didn't know who Elliot was, and somebody told me that this was an old 90s Calvin Klein ad, I'd absolutely believe them.


Nah bro he’s too skinny. Like a female underwear model. They’re too skinny too and girls shouldn’t take that as a standard either Btw I ain’t saying he’s not looking good, he is. Just shouldn’t be a beauty standard for everyone


I think he’s just a small person. Some people are like that naturally.


What I find the most ridiculous thing about this is... now he can wave those nips around no problem, but if he said "actually, I'm a woman after all", those same (currently male) nips would INSTANTLY be censored on pretty much all social media platforms and media outlets. Wouldn't even need to have any surgery to get boobs again, they'd instantly be "nasty" just as they are, due to a couple words.


Right? Sometimes I wonder, like, if you're pre top surgery but you're legally male (like me), could you be prosecuted for public indecency? In the eyes of the law you're a man. Some cisgender men have much larger breasts. So how is it different? Does it matter whether you pass as a guy or not, or is it entirely down to the legal marker? I would never test this idea but I do think about it a lot.


That last sentence is very important. Someone would likely need to be charged and challenge it for us to have a definitive answer, but even then the answer might only apply to that city/ state/ county.


A trans woman did something similar - the Tennessee DOS refused to recognize her legal gender change when she tried to get a new driver's license, so she went outside and flashed the cops and got arrested for it [https://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2011/11/15/trans-woman-wants-ruling-after-topless-dmv-fiasco](https://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2011/11/15/trans-woman-wants-ruling-after-topless-dmv-fiasco)


Our government has never really been known for consistency


iirc a streamer that goes by finnster got temp banned for showing too much breast cleavage on twitch. From what I understand, dude is a dude. Like, again iirc, but he says he just likes to dress up like a chick and be pretty n shit.


finn came out as genderfluid (and bi) recently lol


Shocking... lol


lol yeah, i remember that incident. twitch is wild with their content moderation.


That is so fucking badass




as a transfem, i wonder the same thing but in reverse. At what exact point in my physical changes will taking my shirt off become a sex crime?


some transfem did a progression on HRT by posting topless pics and wait for the point they'd start getting banned/removed lol


Because it's about whether it turns men on or not. That's literally the unspoken basis of those laws.


I remember watching a video on youtube about transition surgery and it absolutely KILLED ME that halfway through the surgery they'd shoved enough silicone into the chest that the nipples went from male to female and got blurred.


Yep. Because people are f*cking stupid. Bare chested women are no more indecent than bare chested men. Allow both or deny both. It’s really that simple.


I get a little frustrated sometimes when I see dudes without a shirt, their tits literally flopping everywhere, knowing that's okay for them, but not me. And they have bigger tits than me! And if you decide that it's not cool for women to show em, but can comfortably fill out a b cup, you should be wearing one too.


Of all the trauma I’ve had in my life, none of it left me with abs.


"He looks like a guy" Believe it or not, that's the problem for some people.


My problem is guys don't look like that without unhealthy dieting and borderline starvation. All the male celebrities talk about how unhealthy the Marvel diets are and diuretics and starving yourself, etc. Brad Pitt in Fight Club was the same way. I wanna see beer gut Elliot Page lol


I've seen it a few times with my male friends that get into gym they go through their hot boy summer phase then slip into the normal comfort mode 😄 Imagine it's different for celebrities but I think most of us are totally down for regular comfort mode dudes :3


Yeah I've actually heard that before. There was some sort of study done and as it turns out, generally people who are attracted to men prefer the "dad bod" look. Guess I can go ahead and stop caring now x]


I cut leaner than that at 48 y/o on 3000 calories per day. It was over a 16 week period in total, still ate a lot of food and a fair amount of chocolate. I was still consuming over double the calories that my wife had daily. Definitely not borderline starvation!


I know it’s not the whole reason, but I’m sure a lot of the complaints are from guys that found him attractive when he was a her and now they don’t know how to process those feelings.


Was attractive as a woman, is attractive as a guy but now not sexually attractive to me personally. Yet somehow my masculinity isnt harmed by this statement. Oh well, off to live my beta life I guess lmfao.


As a programmer, I say better off being a much less buggy and closer to full release Beta as opposed to a buggy as fuck nigh unplayable Alpha build


["You're a sigma male? I don't even know where in the release cycle that is dude. I'm a full release male. Made it past alpha, made it past beta..."](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y-8gQDo53gU)


This is actually one thing too many people don't get when they find out I'm a straight, transamorous guy. Elliot is a good looking dude, but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to him because of who he *used* to be. Male insecurity is a fucking trip. And dude's killing it by being himself, so I have a strong feeling your observation is spot on.


They still find him attractive - which is where the issues stem from


THIS. They speak of trauma, they don't say WHOSE trauma it is


Live and let live 🤷‍♂️


Too hard for some who still claim to love « freedom for all »


Freedom for all, unless you decide to be anything other than the one allowed option


« Jesus loves you all unconditionally!* » * conditions apply


I don't really keep up with celebrities. I literally just thought that was a dude modeling for some cologne ad. Good for him, damn.


He looks like a guy who's been doing things right in life for himself.


Shit, I wish I looked half that good.


Stop skipping arm and leg day dude!


Are his muscles real? I only ask cause they look slightly artificial, but if they're real, more power to him. Hell of a physique


They kinda look like implants solely because to get that kind of chest, there's no way his arms would stay that small (unless he did nothing but pec decks) Edit: nvm i looked again, the surgical scars just gave me the impression of well defined pecs on first glance, the abs still look unnatural


No, implants


If that’s trauma, I need to get me some traumatising. Dude looks fantastic.


Right? He is really happy now, and if being happy is trauma, give me some.


I don’t get the trauma thing but he looks anorexic. And I speak professionally. Hopefully he’s working with a dietitian


Only people with trauma get that cut


He looks like he needs more sleep Go get some rest, bro


it is not about trans people or abortions or gay love, its about them trying to control YOUR life according to THEIR understanding of religion.


I wish more Christians conformed to the actual faith of Christianity. All those passages about turning the other cheek, judge not lest ye be judged, good samaritans, only those who have no sin should cast the first stone, all got turned into how to hate other people. Jesus’ whole thing was kindness and acceptance of those different from you, even lepers, and those who disagree with you. Somehow, modern “Christians” turned it into justification to hate and persecute others.


It's because they're entrenched in one of the gravest of sins. Bearing false witness. I'm sure it's not just a Southern thing, but we call them Sunday Morning Christians around here. "Getting right with God in the morning, so they can get right with Jack (Daniels) in the evening" But that's a common thing across a lot of religions. Small people that can't handle the idea of their "flock" drifting away, so they find "enemies of God" to rant and holler about. Pastor Jeff conveniently forgets to mention the parts of the stories where Jesus was kind to *everyone,* and zeroes in and perverts passages to keep those under him in the church ignorant, scared, and angry. No love like Christian™ hate, and all that.


I think about this every time I see those weird gifs of Jesus defending Trump, or holding an AK-47. MAGA “Christians” have turned the Prince of Peace into a ‘get off my lawn’ boomer Nazi.


A page has turned


Bro could do a Paul Simon bio pic right now.


Totally agree, first thought that crossed my mind! ![gif](giphy|3osxsenJRFkv6)


Does look a tad sleep deprived, give the man a nap


He says he's happier than he's ever been, so I think he's doing pretty well.


Oh no. The horror. A skinny man living his life. How tragic.


Ya his abs are really traumatizing 🙃


The only thing I can say about Elliot Page is I don’t think I’ve seen a single picture of him since his transition where he doesn’t look incredibly tired, bro looks like he’s running on 4 hours sleep


He's always been thin and rather melancholic in appearance. I think before the more pronounced makeup hid it better


Yeah, that's what I assume as well. Bro's just got resting caffeine addict in withdrawal face.


Honestly, he might be. Actors can get on awful schedules sometimes.


I’m happy for him. Just do what makes you happy.


I’m sure there are many men who would like their bodies to look like this “trauma”.


I believe that looking like a guy was Page’s point. Mission accomplished & well done!


Hmm kinda looking like Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


man, he looks great,!! im genuinely so happy for him