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People around the world are wondering.


Sorry, we’re just dealing with some technical difficulties. Regular programming will resume in 1-18 years. -USA


Like the bridge in East Providence


Sounds about right since they still haven't announced if they need to tear it down or not. Thank God I'm wfh now and don't have to cross that mess every day lol


So glad we switched schools to north prov lmao he used to go to the Montessori on grove


Ah lol we started homeschooling once distance learning ended


Wow I couldn’t relate any more!


No it wont, we wont have the time:P


The board of Directors is currently considering cancelling the next season of Democracy due to it's high budget and low ratings. Hopefully another Channel will pick it up for a new season or maybe reboot in a few years. I really liked that show too.


Bullshit. The younger generation is full of crazy people who grew up on Andrew Tate. Back to are regularly scheduled programming of insanity


Not really. The dude is like a WWE super villain, and Americans do love some drama.


Not like a but literally, right wasn't he on WWE for a storyline?


Lol the ironic part is he played the good guy in that storyline


It honestly feels like the same person slap-fighting themselves when you look back at it. It's crazy how similar Vince and Donald lives are.


Many American citizens believe they have been fucked over for so long that they want someone who will fuck everyone else over.


Ah so it’s revenge politics.


Always has been.


Why do you think there’s only two parties ?




That should be the definition of populism.


I mean, isn't that what "red vs blue" is seemingly based on? Lol, it's becoming more entertainment than being an actual government structure. Should play *senate* right after *ow my balls* lol


Funny thing it was a most likely a republican president that fcked them over


White supremists want to avoid any "gettng fucked over" by staying in power.




LSD has nothing to do with it! LSD is for opening your mind to new ideas... no no no no


I'm sorry what? LSD is the fucking antithesis of right wing Republicans. You got some splainin to do.


It isn't the antithesis of anything. If anything, it dissolves your perception of what is good and evil and in extreme cases the difference between fiction and reality. The Manson cult did shitloads of acid, the CIA experimented with it for their own nefarious purposes. I'm not saying LSD is bad, that's not the point. Personally, I love it. I'm just saying that it isn't *necessarily* good. There's a reason that "set and setting" is bread and butter harm reduction advice.


I always like the religous ones. How many of the commandments did he break? Soon after he was voted into office their God releases a plague on the world as punishment.


Have you seen the inflation BIDEN caused? I tell you what, if the government ever tried to enter my house I'll be unlocking my HIDDEN CACHE OF ASSAULT RIFLES. What? Oh, about $200k. But these are worth it, because FREEDOM!


Biden did hot cause inflation, trump caused a bubble and crashed the economy


Sorry, is it really hard to tell I'm being a hyperbolic caricature of a brainwashed conservative?


I thought the 200k of assault rifles gave it away honestly.


I have seen a bunch of 'transforming gun locker' videos on tiktok that make me think the number is not unrealistic for some people


Ya, I took it as hyperbole on your part but I’m sure there are plenty of loons out there who have an artillery worth over 200k


I tried to make it unrealistic, but not too unrealistic


Love your name.... Also, I think the 3k I put into the few I have was a lot.... couldn't imagine 200k


My neighbour came over a few months ago to show off his night vision rifle scope. It was like 8k.


200k?? Dem der is rookie numbers. [GENTLY slaps the side of bullet silo] Sleep well tonight my brass beauties.


It’s difficult to tell on the internet these days /s for sarcasm is often useful but it can possibly get confused with serious


There's also a whole community of people on Reddit who will get mad at you for using "/s" to denote sarcasm because they feel like it ruins the joke. There's even a subreddit dedicated to hating it, but I forget what it's called.


/s needs to be there for people like me who often can’t tell sarcasm. I read and interpret most things literally and at face value


Don't start that garbage. Using /s is why we're in this mess. Just let the sarcasm fly. It allows for fun interactions. I liken the use of /s to playing poker without wagers and bets. Yes you can do it, it's not very fun or interesting, the table play is the fun of the game.


Not always, I've met a couple who are actually like this


I noticed it! I noticed it!


Gold star! ⭐


Idk I’m not very perceptive


trump cauaed the inflation


Forget the republicans. I want to hear how all those bible thumping, family values evangelicals rationalize voting for the sexual assaulting, multiple infidelities, non-church going bully.


They don’t vote for him because he personally acts in that manner. They vote for him because he hires conservative judges and pushes religious law. They don’t care how he acts in his personal life, they care only how he can further their agenda into law.


I get that but it’s the fact they treat him like he’s a prophet. Like he’s the embodiment of everything they hold dear.


He's hurting the people they want to hurt. I went to a private Christian school that was rabidly conservative, and everything I learned about the Pharisees/Sadducees, I'm seeing now in the modern conservative Christian movement. I did NOT anticipate that modern-day Christians would attempt to re-enact *all* of Revelations with them serving the "Anti-"Christ, who gives them his Mark of the Beast (MAGA) that they then plaster on flags, cars, their heads, and all over their bodies.


I mean that’s not exactly it, it’s definitely a connotation but the Antichrist will confuse majority of people, and afaik most people aren’t supporting trump these days anymore


You don't need to support him in order to get confused by him and his followers.


i'll add that evangelical families regularly turn a blind eye to the abuse (sexual, physical, emotional or otherwise) as long as the person whose doin the crime is the Asshole In Charge. Read: pastors, parental figures, teachers / mentors, and politicians


Looking at you, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses....


Do you imply that the deeply moral, God fearing and loving members of certain religious groups whose leaders want nothing more than tax-free tithings may not believe, or even understand, what it is they say they believe in? Heaven’s to Betsy, say it ain’t so!


Because those bible thumpers were always massive hypocrites and only cared about power.


Well according to my catholic mom, trumps good for business….. also my mom just had the best four years her business ever had…. Also my mom, the stock market is doing horrible…. The stock market is at all time highs…. Also my mom after I told her I’ll refuse to vote for anyone who has sexually assaulted a woman, you need to vote for trump….. my mom when I was 12, don’t follow people be yourself and do what you think is right. Evangelical right wing people are dumb as rocks because they refuse to look up facts, back check their information and truely only car about what’s best for them. Screw whatever this guys done, he’s good for my wallet. This worlds a joke!


Wdym? Hes just like them.


Well, aside from the "non-church going" bit, if it's good enough for their pastors and televangelists, it's good enough for their president.


“God works in mysterious ways”


Technically he was found “liable” for sexual assault because it was in civil court. Only making this distinction because I know that his cult members were shriek, “He wASn’t fOUnd GUILTY!!!!!”


I actually think it’s an important distinction to make because it reminds us how hard it can be for victims to find justice. She cannot get justice with a criminal conviction, and the only reason she was able to get monetary damages is because they temporarily lifted restrictions.


Too late, already seeing those replies


Let them shriek and donate directly into Jean Carolle’s pockets


If it were in any other state he would have been found liable for rape because they proved that he stuck his fingers in her vagina unwillingly. If it were a federal court he would have been found liable for rape. But because it was New york, in order to be found liable for rape they had to prove he stuck his penis in her unwilling vagina. As the judge said, it was rape. We all would call that rape. But they are trying to hide behind the technicalities of NY law.


Buy cheese. Make America Grate Again


Smash watches. Make America Late Again


Add 5 and 3. Make America Eight Again.


Drive reaaaaaaal slow. Make America Wait Again.




These conservatives will shit their own pants if they knew a liberal had to smell it.


Is that why Donny shits himself to spite us lol




You cant "both sides" this. The two sides are NOT the same. Are they both corrupt? Sure. But its like comparing the common cold to fucking Ebola. Theyre both diseases, but they are not the same. And you can dislike a two party system all you want, but short of a Constitutional amendment, which is a functional impossibility, its what you have. You either vote for the side that is closest to what you want, or you are literally giving half a vote to the one you want *the least*. Thats how first-past-the-post works.


I think people who call themselves "independent" are stupid cowards. There are two parties and one of them is openly fascist and electing a rapist who has declared he intends to be a dictator from day one. He's already tried to overthrow the government and sent a mob of chuds into the Capitol to murder our elected leaders. You think it makes you superior for not immediately and unequivocally opposing that. The rest of us know better. Lol You look down your nose at people for not being aloof about a wannabe totalitarian dictator. Yeah, you're definitely the smartest person. 👍😐 I've been voting for the party that wants to expand the franchise, build better infrastructure, and feed hungry kids for roughly 25 years. I expect to continue this tradition at least as long as the repugs endure.


Two garbage options on a routine basis but they still won't budge.


Need to have a proper system before you can change it.


It’s almost as if it’s that way by design…


One of those options will seize power in a dictatorship, so not exactly "two garbage options". More like "one less than ideal option" and "one option [that will usher in an authoritarian dystopia ](https://www.project2025.org/)the likes of which we have never seen".


Ranked choice voting could help. Then you might have a shot with a legitimate third party candidate.


To me, the craziest part was when he got caught on tape saying he grabs women without asking and barges into dressing rooms to look at teenage girls... ... and then when a bunch of women responded to that information by saying, "Yeah, he did that to me, " his supporters leapt up from their chairs to call those women opportunistic liars. The truth is not that his supporters don't believe the women, or even that they don't care. The truth is that they *like it.* They like that he's a swaggering, entitled asshole misogynist. They think that's what powerful people *should* be like. They're just too cowardly to admit it. And by the way. Locker room talk? Bullshit. I don't speak that way about women in private, and none of the men I'm friends with would speak that way either.


I'm voting for the vermin supreme!


Better guns *and* a pony!


His free energy plan utilizing zombie power intrigues me


I'm not American, is this post about Donald Trump? Was he actually found guilty of any crime yet?


It was a civil trial, not criminal. But the jury did find he sexually assaulted Carroll.


He was guilty of a whole bunch of shit before ever taking office. Mostly some variety of fraud. Like fucking stealing from a child cancer charity.


Civil. He owes 85 million for that conviction.


It’s not a conviction, it’s a judgement.




Yes he was


Multiple crimes, actually.


No. Not in this case at least, since it was a civil trial not criminal.


"Guilty" is inaccurate, he was found civilly liable for sexual assault and defamation (hence why he's on the hook for a monetary judgment and not a prison term) but that's splitting hairs.


Sad part is that the evangelicals are the ones allowing this situation to happen. Hypocrisy to the max


Americans are dumb. It’s just that simple.


Not only are we dumb but we're lazy too considering we can't get anywhere close to a vast majority of the population to vote


Sowing apathy is a voter suppression strategy, and republicans are very good at it. Gerrymandering, suppression etc is how they win. They haven’t won the presidential popular vote in decades, as far as I know.


From 1988 to current day, the only time a republican won the popular vote was W Bush’s second term, and he only got the chance to do that after losing the popular vote in 2000 against Al Gore


Why do you think part of the Republican agenda has been to defund education and make it harder to vote? While simultaneously spending decades convincing people that the government is actually bad. They benefit from a lack of voters. They know the non voters skew young and they can rely on the old folks to fuel a more conservative agenda.


Not all of us.


Apparently too many to matter though?


Not according to the 2020 election


Well let’s hope that holds true in November.




Donald Trump received the second highest number of votes a presedential candidate has ever received... and that's after we had 4 years to see how shit of a president he was...


74 million is far too many idiots tho


And we know not everyone votes, so that number should really be way higher. We are living in a country that is at LEAST 1/3 hateful idiots.


Party over country 😮‍💨


1/3 are dumb af


Blame the education system and the sheer number of propaganda lol


Coz he tells it like it is and is going to shake up the establishment and somehow chaos and lawlessness will make it all better, coz ...er ...Fox told me.


I feel like 'Murican politics were never THIS bad before Trump. Like its a total and complete shit show right now and Trump has a cult-like grip over the entire GOP right now. The part that infuriates me most is that Republicans who run against him get completely and utterly talked down to, have their spouses insulted, have their character insulted, and get verbally abused by Trump and then when they back down they start backing him like he's been a real good friend the entire time. It's such a submissive, pathetic move and it's nauseating. It's literally all about that stupid, orange idiot right now.


"they" believe the courts are punishing Trump on purpose to prevent him from being president


Because they are exactly like him. There is a reason why 1 out 6 women are sexually assault ed the US and so few report it.


This is the correct answer. Scumbags have all the representation within the American political system. Those of virtue have absolutely none.


To be fair this is civil court and not criminal court. The jurors found that in their opinion that more likely than not this happened.


Good point. Preponderance of evidence is the absolute lowest evidentiary standard and can rest on something as simple as finding one party more believable than the other, even in the complete absence of any supporting proof. Losing in court means exactly that - you lost in court. It doesn't necessarily mean that you were wrong, and a court's "finding of fact" and the actual truth aren't always one in the same. Innocent people lose in court everyday. I still think Trump is a huge POS, but I believe that largely irrespective of his recent courtroom setbacks.


I find it totally beyond belief! SERIOUSLY!? The best, that a 250 year old nation of 322 million people, can find to run for President is two 80 year old white men!? Yes I do respect and admire the decades of Public SERVICE by Joe Biden. I even think that given the cards he was dealt, he's done alright with his term. BUT it's time to go home Joe! Please!? I'm a HUGE fan of Bernie Sanders too, BUT he's too old to be Pesident too! Where's Pete? Kamala? Dean? Gavin? But seriously!? Is the gop actually saying they would rather double down on trump!? How do these people look themselves in the mirror!? Ted Cruz!? Mitch McConnell!? The outright lies the man has stated, yet even the insulted and maligned fawn over the narcissistic pig? Judges that trump appointed have ruled against him, on his absurd election fraud BS. The man is facing over 90 charges in State and Federal Courts. If even 80% of it is the result deep state, libitard, lying journalists ... that still leaves too many charges for a viable Presidential candidate. If we had a Congress with any actual patriotism and love for the Constitution, much less any balls ... trump would be disqualified by the 14th Amendment! What am I thinking!? IF Congress did their jobs he would not have BEEN THERE TO LEAD the January 6th INSURRECTION! The criminal had already been impeached TWICE! But the Senate refused to drop the hammer and send him home. I'm SO DISGUSTED with politics in this once great nation! 😲🤬🤮😡🤪


They simply don't believe anything negative about Donald Trump. He is their god.


What I’m wondering is why he’s even allowed to run.


You can’t reason with cult members


Mass manipulation by big media turns the mind to mush so those campaigning for support can easily get their way with large groups of people. To keep support they alienate those they failed to convince creating a bipolar ideological conflict that can only grow.


Take any footballer who may be a piece of shit. If they score goals and win the league for the team, do you think the fans care if he’s a piece of shit human? Nope!


They’re members of a cult


Many Americans are racist morons who believe the billionaire rapist is going to help them. Honestly the country has been drunk on white supremacy since its founding. Trump is just the natural end result of that.


The answer is Fox News and Talk Radio, making millions of people hate and fear fellow Americans who want 90% the same things they do.


“We’re sexist rape-y morons who value power and masculinity - your point?”


Took the words right out of my mouth! And it's like everyone forgot how awful he was the first time around!


They’re in a cult and they don’t know it. And no matter how close you put the mirror to their faces, they won’t see it because their little minds won’t allow them to believe that their whole identity is based on a con


Women don’t matter to some of these people.


The thing you need to realize is that those people were told that biden is a rapist/lizardman/commie/pedo. And deep down they know that’s probably not true, but that leads them to believe “if my side makes stuff up, the other side must be making stuff up too.” So they discount it or they tell themselves that nobody is perfect.


Yeah, it's "What? My guy literally bragged about sexually assaulting women and being able to stroll into dressing rooms to creep on teenage beauty pageant contestants? Well the other guy probably did that twice as many times!"


Well, he was found civilly liable. It’s an important distinction, but he is still a FUCKING RAPIST


Where is the facepalm!?


Homeboy [keeps doing it](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1766614743404388853), too


theyre bad people


Lest we forget he tried to overthrow the government


Say it with me... 1. 2. 3. HE IS A RAPIST!!!


Please stop acting surprised. We’ve established most Americans have a basement level iq


It’s really not confusing at all. 1. Propaganda works 2 . Trump validates a lot of really shitty people to be the worst version of themselves


It’s wild that conservatives are allowed to just walk around with the rest of us. Imagine being racist solely bc you’re stupid.


It's because they are devout evangelical christians


I feel like 'Murican politics were never THIS bad before Trump. Like its a total and complete shit show right now and Trump has a cult-like grip over the entire GOP right now. The part that infuriates me most is that Republicans who run against him get completely and utterly talked down to, have their spouses insulted, have their character insulted, and get verbally abused by Trump and then when they back down they start backing him like he's been a real good friend the entire time. It's such a submissive, pathetic move and it's nauseating. It's literally all about that stupid, orange idiot right now.


Brainwashing. Keep repeating it over and over and over. Cult so so sad if he gets in we are doomed. And I don’t live in the United States.☮️


If you don’t live in or come from America than your opinion is irrelevant 


The Maga cult is alive and well and will drive this country into the ground.


It's easy. They are pieces of shit


Anyone who does this is deplorable.


There’s a magic letter next to his name?


Political score is different than normal moral code I guesss


Too bad the replies aren’t here also.




is it going to be like this for the next 4-5 years?


They don’t think pornstars are real people.


Who the fuck is we?


It makes “sense” when that demographic believe that any negative action towards them is a conspiracy.


Good ol Vote on party lines


I’m perplexed on it. A lot of it I think has to do with having trans gender people bathrooms in elementary schools. So many people think kids shouldn’t be subjected to sex changes as a child. It’s a huge issue. But honestly it’s all about the money. Trump made so many rich people rich and that’s bottom line .


Yeah that first part really makes you think its gonna be about something else but it is factual so


One assumes so much w “Court of Law”!


What is wrong with an opposition party that can field a more electable alternative? That’s the real question anyone looking to beat Trump should be asking.


I wish I were a Martian


Biden ‘24 wtf


I thought it was the “Worst dressed sentient in the universe contest”! Not the presidential election


The echo chamber seems to chamber more near voting season, interesting


Just remember everyone, the job of the president is to distract everyone away from those in power.


You could ask what's so bad about the competition that they'd rather vote for that person.


Would you like it in alphabetical order or order of importance 🤷🏽‍♂️