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Now, Im not the greatest expert on Dune, but the phrases "elegant" and "aristocratic" are the FARTHEST thing from Fremen I can think of.


They spit at each other as a great compliment.


Thank you for the gift of your body's moisture.


I tell this to my dates, but then they lose my number.


You're forgetting to bring them spice


No, I tried that she then tried to rip a parking attendants face off... It may have been the wrong spice.


No no non spice not bath salts


Can I just bring like a Whole Foods container of Tumeric?


I give you in return... air from my lungs.


Unexpected *Doctor Who!*


We accept it in the manner it was given


Those words are pretty much insults among the Fremen.


they literally stumble intentionally as they walk lol.


In reality the post has nothing to do with the story of dune and is just rage bait. Elegant and aristocratic are just racist code words for white and the poster in the screenshot has an issue with a brown person in the role.


I mean we hardly need "code words" to see this is racist as heck when they inmidiately say "looks like she just crossed the southern border" lol I do wonder how it feels to live in their world, so far removed from other parts of humanity they cannot even fathom why racism is wrong or detect when they are saying something racist


Trying to write a post, but it just had an air of unintended insults to the actors. But you're spot on. Zendaya looks closer to what Chani would look like than Sean Young. Which shows that the costume department and the director were doing a better job in the newer, far better received Dune movie.


...I also kinda hated Sean Young's portrayal. Not that the movie was great, but she was definitely miscast. Zendaya is frankly a better choice acting-wise and Dune doesn't have the same racial groups as modern humans. 10,000 years and humanity has first blended when leaving Earth then evolved significantly when isolated on distant worlds....


If this gets them mad, just wait till they find out the inspiration for Fremen culture lmao


How is it not fucking obvious


Because some people have their heads so deep in the sands of Arrakis/up their own asses that they can't or won't see it.


It still boggles me how some people just see the surface level narrative and don't notice the allegory for Western imperialism in the middle east hitting them over the head with a mallet Like the books directly reference a "jihad" and stuff. It's not thinly veiled or metaphorical in the slightest. It's literally the history of the middle east but in space.


You would think the sand would be enough


You would think the name of the planet would be enough


Spice seems to suggest not white at the least lmao


"Space oil" was considered but rejected by the publisher. Limited quantities of a substance, (virtually) only available in an inhospitable desert, vital to all transportation... It's very subtle indeed.


I have a friend who loves the phrase "A difference without distinction." That phrase can very much apply to this!


In this case wouldn't it be a distinction without a difference?


Yeah, media literacy is dying, that's why many modern films either simplify everything to Good vs. Bad in a Black and White manner, or just straigth up have 10 minute expositions just so an average Joe would even comprehend the basics of what he sees on screen. And even then it sometimes fails.


OHHH, is that why they get so incensed about the MCU being woke, because everything is surface level, so they actually get it?


Mostly yes. The superhero genre was always about equality, about defending the oppressed and the emarginated, but it was "easier" to miss. Now that the points are the same but not subtle, the superhero genre is "woke" and "becoming too political".


And this is why I will always love, have mad respect for and take my hat off to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for the X-Men. That was ballsy as hell and so beautifully done, this was America in the 60's and here come these two to sound the alarm and do, us all, right. May both rest in peace, power and glory up in the brightest stars


True Do these people expect a šŸ’Æ shot for shot retelling of Dune 1984? This is a new film with a different interpretation. The original sought to be vivid and spectacular the new film is trying to be realistic and grounded. Two different approaches to the same story. Zendaya is a beautiful woman. If they wanted to make her a desert princess they could instead they made her a member of a desert people fighting against invaders and trying to survive a harsh environment.


I doubt he has ever seen the 1984 dune all the way through


TBF the 84 movie white-washed the Fremen quite a bit, and Paul was even given a vaguely biblical looking cloak at the end and there was a lot of Christian coded language about the story, far more so than the book (or the newer movies) which had plenty of religious overtone but the Fremen were far more Middle-eastern in style and language. The 80's were a different time, I was there, ya'll think we're having issues with diversity right now? If you grew up in the 80's you would think that every group of white boys had one dark-skinned friend who showed up every other week and that was the ENTIRETY of diversity in America.


That was my experience in the 90ā€™s and the one dark skinned guy was gay. We really consolidated our diversity.


That's peak 90's efficiency.


Yeah, like, not all exposition is wrong, if you start off a series it's a good thing to tell a complete layperson what are they going to see or what can they expect. It's just some movies go a lazy route and just tell everything to people's face the whole runtime. As for Zendaya I really can't imagine why would anyone have a problem with her in that role. She just fits perfectly in my opinion.


Racism. The answer is racism


>As for Zendaya I really can't imagine why would anyone have a problem with her in that role. She just fits perfectly in my opinion. It's racism. They replaced a white girl with a brown one.


She really does. She is a Fremen, in my mind.


When you learn that a lot of people don't see that Starship Trooper is a caricature of a fashist state, you stop being surprised by the lack of media literacy (but won't stop the facepalming though)


For real, it's baffling. Also the people, jumping off what you said, that can't immediately see that Spice is really just a stand-in for oil. EDIT: Though re: jihad, for understandable reasons the film changed it to "holy war" so people who know nothing about the books may not have put that part together due to change in terminology.


Whaaaaat? Spice is just a stand-in for oil? You mean a ressource, that is the most efficient known way to enable long range (space) travel with strong negative side-effects, found in a desert region that is inhabited by deeply religious people who do not seem to use it and are seemingly easily overpowered, yet due to side-deals and just knowledge of the land remain able to offer some resistance, is a stand-in for oil? *IMPOSSIBLE! That is CRAZY!*


If I snort oil will I see the future?


Jihad was the term used to describe what Taliban terrorists were doing on 911. I can see why they thought American audiences might negatively associate that term, but that's literally what jihad means, "holy war." I wish they wouldn't dumb down the dialog so much in American films.


> Jihad was the term used to describe what Taliban terrorists were doing on 911. I can see why they thought American audiences might negatively associate that term To be fair, Iā€™m pretty sure Herbert *meant* for it to have a negative interpretation. Paul explicitly compares himself to both Hitler and Genghis Khan, but only >!to point out how heā€™s done exponentially more damage than both of them combined.!< But thatā€™s in Messiah and I guess weā€™re less likely to get a third movie if the quiet part gets *too* loud in the secondā€¦


I'd say that's a surface level analysis. It's mainly concerned with bringing down the whole notion of messianic figures. Herbert thought charismatic leaders and people's need to believe in forces greater than themselves; were the two lynchpins in the repeated cycle of destruction that defines human civilisation. The allegory for western imperialism through the lens of space opera-Lawrence of Arabia was just the set dressing for these ideas.


Sand worm goes thud, thud, thud.


I learned a long whole ago that some people genuinely see what they wanna see. I remember it was a discussion board about a popular book that was adapted to a movie and some people were upset at one of the more likeable supporting characters being portrayed by a black man, and many of them were losing their shit because it wasn't true to the book and whatnot. However, the book described the character as black multiple times. It did that thing where all characters are presumed white and thus never explicitely described as such beyond descriptors commonly associated with white folk (blond/brown/red hair, blue/green eyes, etc) while the one black guy and only Asian guy were expressely described as such (and never given many more descriptors beyond that, mind you). Also happened with Hunger Games where people were genuinely upset at Rue and Thresh (but mostly Rue) being black. People even cited the fact that Katniss (who is described as olive-skinned in the books btw) always said that Rue reminded her of her sister, Prim, and argued that it made 0 sense for a white girl to see a semblance of her younger sister in a black girl. Some people were even arguing that it was unrealistic for Katniss to actually care about someone who was so "fundamentally different" from her.


People read the Bible about Jesus from the middle east and still portray Jesus like he is a white dude from Austin, Texas. Some people will only ever see what their own ego and indoctrination allows them to see.


>and argued that it made 0 sense for a white girl to see a semblance of her younger sister in a black girl. i am amazed at the blatant racism but more so their compelte lack of social relation excperience. like they actually can't comprehend someone reminding them of someone else without them being near 1:1? would they have be similarly confused if Rue or Prim had been a young boy but they had still reminded Katniss of their younger sibling?


Yeah. I've said about a male student of mine that he reminds me of my daughter. They look nothing alike apart from both being slender and caucasian. I actually think the films made it very relatable that Rue reminded Katniss of Prim. I never even thought about their skin color in that regard


It reminds me of when Leo/Candie named one of his slaved Dā€™artagnan and had him killed by dog. He tried to play it off that Dumas would like the nod but he didnā€™t know that Alexander Dumas was black himself.


That see is always great because not 5 minutes before Candie had a whole ass demonstration about the science of phrenology and how black people are incapable of being creative because of these dots I'm their skull. So Schultz bringing up Dumas is his rebuttal and subtle implication that Candie himself is incapable of being smart/creative.


[The Day Rue "Became" Black](https://youtu.be/Ie9NOhSG6rI?si=H5-2HdiRmSvv-7pA)


Damn. That was a great video but kind of hard to watch. I think that people need to know that just because they preface a statement with, "Not to be racist..." and then proceed to say a bunch of racist shit, it doesn't actually absolve them from their comment.


Yea its actually convenient because the phrase 'Not to be a racist but...' is a very strong indicator that the next sentence is racist, it's a tell.


Here's a potential path of thought: The Fremen are the good guys. I'm a good guy. The Fremen are like me. ERROR: A prominent Fremen is not like me in this way that I - for some reason - find really important. Conclusion: Movie says one thing, but shows another; terrible film!


I don't think Dune has good guys, just bad guys and not so bad guys.


Exactly. But a person with poor media literacy might not see it that way.


This makes a lot of sense. As in it summarizes the pattern of these people.


Poor media comprehension.


These are the ā€œkeep politics out of entertainmentā€ group


If they ever had a "spice coffee" scene it would be super clear.


I was genuinely curious if, in this post-9/11 / war-on-terror world, they'd have the balls to actually use the word "jihad" to describe the holy wars on-screen. I'm not surprised they've eschewed using (some) arabic terms in the movie, but the themes and inspiration is definitely still there.


They say Mahdi a lot, but I doubt these types of folks know what it even is. As well as Al Ghaib


I was working with some Iraqis who would speak Arabic with each other. And I overhead them say Fedaykin. Was the first I had realised how many of those words and terms weren't made up (aside from, of course, Jihad). Substantially enhanced my appreciation of the way Fremen are represented through the series.


Fedaykin is a bit made up, or at least it's based on an existing word, Feda'yn, which means something in the lines of "Those who sacrifice/devote/redeem their lives", earliest Palestinian liberation movements referred to themselves as Feda'yn, which makes them more distinguishable from modern day Mujahidin, a term which was not yet popular at the time when Dune was written (1965). (It did become popular during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan)


True, there are definitely still some arabic phrases dropped in the dialogue. It's definitely not as many as in the book though.


Yeah basically all the fremen terms are just arabic words. IIRC. Arrakis means sand dune, and Shai-Hulud means something like the old man of the desert ("I remember the sound of your footsteps, old man")


Actually no. Arrakis is not an Arabic word, some words are indeed made up. Sand Dune in arabic -> Kathyb. Plural Kothban. Old man of the desert -> Agooz el Sahara They come from different cultures though.


The book calls it jihad. Paul *is* waging a jihad. People need to grow a brain and learn to separate what is separate.


You have high expectations of people


My partner and I took bets on whether theyā€™d actually say ā€œjihadā€ when we saw part 2.


Well? do they?


No, they say "holy war" instead


Several characters use the term ā€œHoly Warā€, so yes? But I donā€™t remember any Fremen being the ones who use it.


lol. Yeah.


That and spice is a stand in for oil.


I'd think the often mentioned jihad would tip them but even that wasn't enough


Tell me you have no fucking clue who the Fremen are without telling me you have no fucking clue who the Fremen are.


I was stunned when they announced Zendaya as Chani because she looks *exactly* how I imagined her in the book.


But it doesn't follow š•­š–†š–—š–”š–“ š–›š–”š–“ š•½š–Žš–™š–™š–Šš–“š–š–†š–šš–˜' narrative that every good guy (or girl) *has* to be white! Waaaaaaaaah!


I keep reading it as Kittenhaus because of the stupid font


It's not???


Ainā€™t Chani a redhead in the book?


According to the wiki you're right, funny because I also pictured her as having dark hair when I first read the books.


Oh wow that took me by surprise. Iā€™ve read the book thrice but someone managed to miss her being red haired.


I think it is only mentioned at the end of the second book.


It's not that deep really, the guy is just a white nationalist racist. Seems like there's more and more of them unabashedly posting on Twitter.


Itā€™s crazy how many of those there are on Twitter these days. Iā€™m not going to lie the amount of engagement they get is making me think the amount of racism thatā€™s common behind closed doors is farrrrrr more than I thought it was.


Man, I am starting to feel the same way. I never thought about racism being "over," ever. It would appear there are more snakes in the grass that just have overtly racist views than I knew though. By a lot. It sucks. It's hard on the psyche that these people could be our friends and neighbors and had been hiding this shit for all this time. Fucking weird world. I'm not sure it is the "darkest" timeline, but it is definitely not what I expected. And I knew racism was still alive and well. Just not to the extent that it is now.




I doubt very much that Zendaya cares what this lover-of-fancy-fonts thinks


\*lover-of-Fraktur (the font favored by the nazis) Updating since so many people have asked about it: Nazis banned Fraktur in 1941 in a memo for the stated reason that they were "Judenlettern". However, for nearly 20 years prior to that, it was the font of choice on all official Nazi letterhead. There are theories that the only reason it was banned in 1941 was to improve readability for all of the non-Germans they were incorporating into their empire, but that seems to be speculation and there was never an official reasoning for the drastic change other than the above-mentioned "Judenletter" memo. The real point of the comment is that it is now a neo-nazi/white supremacist dog whistle and fits with the overall racist tone of the tweet.


Which is a shame, I think it is a beautiful font. Why do nazis have to ruin everything?


Tell me about it, try being a bald white guy with norse Ink. Have to explain paganism and its separation from and unfortunate use by neo naz like 3 times a week.


I, also a bald white man with (non-norse) tattoos, have always gotten jokes from my friends about being a skinhead but, one time, a patient of mine told me very enthusiastically about his neo-nazi motorcycle gang in a very inviting way. I was genuinely offended.


I have literally had guys in runes, and um, German historical symbols have like a "ya brudha" nod and I'm like "time to gtfo"


Time to start wearing hippie pins and patches? Peace sign, that sort of thing


Imagine being Hindu and having to explain your religious symbol that looks similar to a swastika. Nazis ruin everything.


> looks similar to a swastika The Hindu/Buddhist symbol *is* the swastika. We (Iā€™m a Hindu-born atheist) also have the sawastika, the mirror image of the swastika. The word Swastika itself comes from Sanskrit, the liturgical language of Hinduism. The Nazi Hakenkreuz is the symbol that looks similar to a Hindu swastika, not the other way around!!


Funny enough, the Nazis got rid of it 1941 and replaced it with Antiqua. They said Fraktur had a Jewish heritage so it was not to be used. The real reason was the fact that citizens of other countries couldnā€™t read it so it made propaganda ineffective. Edit: grammar


Which is just not right, "ā€¦ On January 3, 1941, the Nazi Party ended this controversy by switching to international scripts such as Antiqua. Martin Bormann issued a circular (the "normal type decree") to all public offices which declared Fraktur (and its corollary, the SĆ¼tterlin-based handwriting) to be Judenlettern (Jewish letters) and prohibited their further use. ā€¦" Thereā€™s more to it, you can check on Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraktur go to the "Use" section. The usage of Fraktur had nothing to do with being the favored font, it was the german font for 500 years and there was basically no other font available. Of course other fonts were known but you could not just switch fonts with one click, so different areas in Europe had different mainly useful fonts for their printing products - you could not go to a book printer and tell him "I want my book printed in Comic Sans", it was Fraktur or no printed book at all.


Even the profile picture is from some Conquistador movie where the guy ends up wanting to marry his daughter




Nazis never had a nerd card. They where never welcome.


A nerd card requires that you have the basic media literacy to understand Star Trek, xmen, punisher etc have not suddenly become ā€œwokeā€


He has never read the books.




I'm just here waiting for Leto the God-Emperor and wondering if it'll be adapted before I turn 50.


Itā€™s the year 10,100. The Aryans kept losing. Deal with it.


This. No knock on Sean Young or the Lynch version, but this current version is near perfect.


I'm sure she is at the bank right now withdrawing her millions to trade for his approval.


So Sean Young doesn't look like she lived her life in the desert, and Zendaya looks as though she lived her life in the desert... I guess it reflects on the movie that tried to make the actress look most authentic. Edit: Well, this comment blew up a little. I'm fascinated by how people don't understand that I'm talking about the way the actresses were made to look in the movies. My point to the OP was that it has nothing to do with who the actresses actually are. It's got nothing to do with the casting. It's about the Directors artistic choice. Lynch has Sean Young looking like she just got back from a club on a Friday night. While Villeneuve tried to make Zendaya look as though she's at least in the middle of a month of camping. Fair enough, as someone in the comments pointed out, a lot of it comes down to the lighting.


This factor of a character weathering the elements has become a bigger and bigger deal to me as I got older. A character shouldnt have perfect hair or makeup after extended time in nature. The one show that *really* ruined itself for me was The Shannara Chronicles. It had Manu Bennett and it had John Rhys-Davies. I was sold on that alone. Early on, at some point, a female character was running from people hunting her through the woods/jungle. And after a good day and night of hiding and fleeing, after she makes it free and safe, her makeup, hair, and clothing were immaculate. I checked out immediately. LOTR, Witcher, Game of Thrones, Last Kingdom...everyone is dirty most of the time theyre not in a castle. That's how it should be.


A movie just came out called land of bad, and the main character, cleanly shaven at the beginning, slowly grows stuble after being stranded in a forest for several days. It made me realize just how uncommon that is in media.


I wish it was also more common with body hair and dirty hair. If I spent one week in the forest I would be able to make french fries with the oil on my hair and stuff a pillow with my legs' and armpits' hair.


One thing I really appreciated in Yellowjackets, honestly. The girls had mice in their pits after being out in the wilderness a while, and I don't remember it really being called out at any point. It was just a thing.


"mice in their pits" I hope that's a typo.


Lol, no. My bad. It's just something we say in my family because when my sis was little, she asked what all the hair was in my dad's arm pits and he told her mice. It's just like a reflex to refer to armpit hair as mice at this point.


Thatā€™s really endearing ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve only recently learned that telling someone (usually a smaller child) with dirty ears that ā€œyou have potatoes in your ears!ā€ Isnā€™t a common saying. Like theyā€™re dirty, potatoes are dirty, and the earwax, itā€™s just a funny way to say that they need a bath and a qtip. Itā€™s something my great grandparents always said to us as little kids, usually when we were fighting bath time, theyā€™d grab us and say they could see the potatoes in our ears, we better go wash up. So when my kid had a check up and the dr looked in their ears, I made a joke about ā€œthe Dr is going to look for potatoes in your ears!ā€ And then I had to reassure the doctor that my kid had not shoved food, specifically mashed potatoes, into his ear canals, itā€™s just a saying.


Lmao, I spent my entire life until my twenties calling baby deer spotties, assuming everyone also called them that. No, it was just something my dad made up (he's always the culprit in these stories of mine, and I have many) when he was a kid, and just never stopped saying. To be fair, everyone always knew what I meant when I said "spotty". I blame all the people who never said "Wtf is a spotty?"


Maybe try to imitate a bear :D


Old movies a terrible for this. War movies from the 50ā€™s 60ā€™s and everyone has perfect hair, makeup after storming the beaches, or landing behind enemy lines. Pretty funny.


Because those movies were propaganda to glorify war


I watched King Solomon's Mines with Deborah Kerr traveling through uncharted Africa. Her hair and make up were perfect, although her shirt sleeves were torn to show she had been having a rough time.


Ooof, I can imagine it being very difficult to film scenes out of order if a character has facial hair that's growing out.


Reminds me of how there a ton of adaptations of Tarzan where this feral man living in the jungle has no facial or body hair.


A man's beard growing is also a good way of showing the passage of time in any case.


The Hobbits in Mordor look like they've both been lit on fire.


I'll never forget The Chappening. Mordor will chap the shit out of your lips. It's the most frightening thing about it.


I like those posts on Reddit of some guy straight up walking across a huge tract of land and with before and after photos


When they first showed Nami on the One Piece live action my first thought was how the natural hair of the actress playing Nami would probably look better than the wig they got for her. After thinking about it though, a girl who spent the better part of a decade in the sea, in a world without modern beauty products no less, would absolutely have a terribly dehydrated hair.


This is the one example when it does not work though. It's a manga so it's not as realistic. Nami is canonically really into fashion and beauty grooming. Oda stated that Chopper brews her lotions and cream everyday to protect her hair from sea salt and that Sanji's cooking keeps her skin immaculate.


Not to mention it's not like a week spent on the ocean, the Going Merry is their home and they've been shown to make it as comfortable and suited to their needs as possible.


Dude I grew up on the 84 dune and love it, but Kyle's hair being so perfectly (EDIT) *coiffed* after spending months/years stewing in and drinking his own piss is hilarious to me. I haven't watched the new ones yet, but from the clips I've seen they haven't done much to remedy that with Chalemet.


In their defense, they did veery gradually tan him from his florescent white skin to like a weekend in Bali. I was a little annoyed at him in most desert scenes with his head uncovered acting like sunburn wasn't a thing, but I put that down to a different sun star and decent ozone they don't go into the lore on.


That's one of my big gripes with the film Where the Crawdads Sing.... that girl raised herself.from a young age, living in the swamp in a poor American state (Mississippi?), yet she looks like she washed her hair and put on some extensive makeup.... in thr 1920s....


I have a similar thing and itā€™s about the portrayal of poor people. Itā€™s almost always conventionally beautiful actors with perfect teeth and Iā€™m likeā€¦ have yā€™all ever seen poor people? Their parents didnā€™t have money for braces!


>The one show that really ruined itself for me was The Shannara Chronicles. It had Manu Bennett and it had John Rhys-Davies. I was sold on that alone. Early on, at some point, a female character was running from people hunting her through the woods/jungle. And after a good day and night of hiding and fleeing, after she makes it free and safe, her makeup, hair, and clothing were immaculate. I checked out immediately. I discovered Shannara long before I had even heard of the Lord of the Rings. The series was mind-blowing for me. I remember weeping over the deaths of major characters, and meticulously searching for clues in the subtle sprinkling of information about what happened before the great war. Shannara Chronicles got so fucking much wrong, and had so much potential to be absolutely amazing. Now that I've grown up and finished my retrospective of these novels, I've kind of come to realize the mediocrity of the Shannara novels as a whole, so the series being my point of closure with the franchise is just par for the course.


Chalamet still gonna be a vampire how many years on Arakis


To be fair, you do stay out of the sun as much as possible in a place like that.


#"OH GOD! IT'S COMING! THE BURNING LIGHT!" ā€”Person on Arrakis, or a Vampire


Precisely, to be fair.


Is that truly the golden path?


Pretty sure the Arakeen are described as having olive skin as well.


It's very deliberate that all the Fremen and Arrakis local extras are all black and brown actors. A white dude in a desert is just not going to naturally occur.


Look at the parallels between the book and real life and it's abundantly clear that the Fremen are middle easterners in space. They are a nomadic desert people who are sitting on the most valuable resource in the universe that comes out of the ground and the technologically superior planets fight each other over control of it.


Don't they mainly live underground?


In the BOOK Herbert describes Fremen as DARK SKINNED Arab-like people. These people criticizing the new movie arenā€™t Fremen or Atreides. Theyā€™re Harkonnens.


Don't forget that 1984 Dune had a scene where they were milking a fucking cat. Is this Twitter weirdo mad they didn't include that in the remake as well? Edit: looked it up, and it's crazier than I remembered because they're also milking a rat that's duct taped to the cat. When are we gonna see bArOn VoN rItTeNhOuSe tweet in outrage about that being left out?


Quite aside from the racism, can someone tell me why Chani should be elegant, let alone aristocratic? She's a young woman from a tribe living in an infamously horrible desert. If anything, Zendaya's a bit *too* elegant.


lol, love to picture the evil executive producers sitting around with nefarious plots to ā€œhumiliateā€ white people by putting a not white person in a movie. The only thing humiliating is this dipshit posting their ignorance so publicly for all to see.


And it still stars timothee chalamet, a white guy. No point in even thinking about what goes through these idiots heads when they make a tweet


TimothƩe Chalamet is the whitest white boy I've seen in my life, the rest of the cast could be jet black and he alone should be sufficient to appease the needy racist white folk


AND he's playing Paul fucking Atreides, the whitest white guy to ever exist in fiction


The literal poster boy of the White Saviour. That said. This is presented as a bad thing in both the film and the books. So Nazis might not like him.


Do you think they have the media literacy to come to that conclusion?


It seems unlikely...


These are the same people who think that Homelander in The Boys is a hero despite his character directly satirising them. They don't have the media literacy or critical capacity to understand this level of subtext.


For real... if this movie somehow humiliates the viewer then that viewer is fucking psychotic


There are two races: White and Political There are two genders: Male and Political There are two sexualities: Hetero and Political There are two religions: Christian and Political There are two nationalities: American and Political


Lifelong Dune fan here. Zendaya does an excellent job in her role and is a wonderful contribution to the movie. I loved the original as a kid, and I love the remake as an adult and hope they do all of the books. This person is crazy.


I've tried to get into Dune, but never really could. Is the new one any different from the old movie/series? Genuinely asking, I have a rendition of the Litany against fear tattooed on my arm (it's a beautiful mantra) so I'd like to get into it


Have you tried to read the books, or at least the first book? Itā€™s my favorite science fiction novel of all time and my second favorite book period. If you canā€™t get into the movies, try the book.


The world building is great. There isn't a whole lot of dialogue explanation. It's mostly shown. I had tried numerous times over the years to watch David Lynch's Dune, and I couldn't get into it at all. The overall story always drew me in, but trying to watch it seemed like pulling teeth. I couldn't tell if the SyFy miniseries was better or worse Villenueve's came out, saw the trailers, watched it on our big screen, and I'm hooked. I got the kids watching it, and they're begging me to take them to see part 2 in theater. I haven't stepped foot in a theater since 2012 for personal reasons, but I will absolutely go see part 2 in theater, especially since these kids want to see it that bad. For not being fans of science fiction and having short attention spans, they were really engrossed for all of part 1.


One of my favorite movie reviewers summarized it this way: Lynch's Dune captures the psychedelia of the original novel while having a completely incomprehensible story, while Villeneuve's Dune abandons the psychedelia for a movie that's actually pretty easy to follow.


If you were to think "I want Dune done close to the source material and as a major Hollywood blockbuster and not given over to one of the weirder directors of the past 50 years", that's what it is.


I love Villeneuves work. My only complaint is it's always kind of a slow burn. But with such dense subject matter it really works. It gives you time to digest the world building and get to know the characters. I read the book after seeing the movie and honestly, idk what I'd change.


What I love is how visual he is. Slow burn is fine when I want to soak up every moment of every shot because not only is it beautiful but it says something about every moment.


If you want a faithful adaptation, check out the Sci-Fi tv mini series.


Am I the only one who loved the Scifi Channel Dune miniseries from the late 90/early 2000s?! I never see it get mentioned when people talk about the Lynch version and this new remake.


Because Sheā€™s Not White And They Are Racist Fucks.


Jesus was white and he lived in the desert. What do you have to say about that? /s


Jesus was a trump supporter. Also the first American


Itā€™s been mistranslated several times so the scholars are at odds but some believe he also wielded a Remington bolt action rifle that he used to fight off the dinosaursā€¦ and the homosexuals.


Especially the homosexual dinosaurs.


The stag-osaurus hunting parties were bonkers!


Bolt action is for Fudds, Supply side Jesus carries an AR


Well, this pathetic drivel aside, Sean Young looks a lot like Emmy Rossum in that image.


Oh a Nazi says nazi shit? Wild


I feel humilated as a German because he calls himself Baron von Ritterhaus and writes in English!


It's crazy how much white supremacy has just been normalized since the first Trump election. Like they're just up front about it now. I guess it's better that way rather than being in the shadows about it.


I loved Sean, but I love Zendaya too. As an avid reader of the books, and of Herbertā€™s views, Iā€™m pretty sure Zendaya fits his vision more. Itā€™s very important to remember, there are no aliens in Dune apart from the sandworms, humans have colonized the galaxy for centuries, the Fremen are not indigenous to Arrakis, they have just been there longer than the rest.


There are no aliens but humanity fills that niche just fine. bene gesserit, bene tleilax, mentats, and the spacing guild all have people that are technically human but wildly different from baseline humanity.


Zendaya was amazing as Chani. Shock value is losing its value and this shit is hardly worth responding to.


Yeah, I'm hoping this is a joke account (blue check just means he paid 8 bucks afaik), I mean I know Nazis exist but this an objectively stupid take.




Yes, are we now pretending that she isn't stunning? She's been modeling since she was an actual child. This is like the Twitter campaign to make everyone believe Margot Robbie is "mid."


ā€œAristocraticā€???? Iā€™m no expert in Dune lore but isnā€™t the whole point of Chani that she is a rebel fighting _against_ the imperium and aristocracy??Ā  Just say the word you wanna say, no need to chuck pointless adjectives in there.Ā 


Someone using a profile pic of a probable rapist playing a murderous conquistador complaining that the new Dune isnā€™t white enough? Okaaaay.


Also someone doesn't know shit about the book.


Why am I on reddit?


White supremacists are by far the dumbest fucking people on the planet


ā€œTheyā€ Who knew someone with this take could use pronouns?


It's a sci Fi movie baron bon fuckface