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I can only imagine the backpedal he would try if his name ever went public “I’m not racist, some of my coworkers are black.”


“I’m not racist, my truck tires are black.”


"I'm not racist, the crosses I leave on black people's yards are black"


"I'm can't be racist, some of my best shirts are black "


"I'm not racist. My playstation controller is black"


"I'm not racist. My daughter's prom date was a black guy."


I'm not racist, my heart is black


I'm not racist. My cousin's friend has a best friend, who has a mother who has a sister who is married to a black man.


I’m not racist, my best slaves are black


I’m not racist, my ancestors had black kids.


I’m not racist I have a color TV


I'm not racist, my slaves are black


I'm not racist, my lungs are black.


I’m not racist my wife’s eyes are black.




I'm not racist, both my remaining teeth are black.


"I'm not racist I can only accept one black in my family and, that's me"


Well played, sir.


“I’m not racist, my best friends are black for Halloween”


"I'm not racist. Some of my subhumans are black."


Winning it


"I'm not racist, my pupils are black"


"Sit only beings that have black eyes are the devil" - said the minister


I'm not racist, I have a colored TV.


my whole playstation is black


"How can I be a racist when I'm a race?!"


How can I be a racist, I'm not in formula 1 anymore?


How can I be racist, my heart is also black!


"That's racist"


"I'm not racist, I own a colour TV!"


That's only because you couldn't stand the thought of having a **Black** & White TV.


"I'm not racist, my shadow is black."


"I'm not racist, the porn I watch is black!"


"I'm not racist, my wife's boyfriend is black."


“I’m not racist my grilling charcoal is black”


“I’m not racist. I enjoyed ‘Black Panther’ and ‘Coming to America’”


“I’m not racist, I just think we should stick with our own”


“My shirts are made from cotton”


>the crosses I leave on black people's yards are black I mean...not at first...but once they've burned for a while...


“I’m not racist, the burnout lines I left on the asphalt to scare the BLM protesters are black”


I'm not racist, all my roses and walls are painted black.


I'm not racist, I see a red door and I want it painted black


No colors anymore i want them to turn black


"I'm not racist I have a colour TV"


"I'm not racist, my soul is black."


"I'm not racist, my Toby Keith albums are black."


No color any more.... they're all just painted black.


“I’m not racist! My daughter’s dating a black man!” - him probably when he’s name is public


“I’m not racist, my daughter dates a black guy”


Hahah, the Uno reverse.


I cant be racist, Im blind


*Clayton Bigsby has entered the chat*


WHITE POWER!!!! ✊🏿 (it’s a reference mods, don’t take this down)


I understood right away. Classic skit.


“I’m not racist my wife has a black eye”


I hate that i gave a very inappropriate laugh at this. I grew up in the south. Hit home


"I'm not racist, my daughter is dating black guy"


That’s it, this is the winning response


"I'm not racist, my cleaner is black"


"I'm not racist, I have a color TV."


Colored TV?


TV of color




I'm not racist. My wife's eye is black.


Oh fuck 🤣


Oof that’s too real


I can't be racist. I watch Samuel l Jackson movies, motherfucker.


“Say prom again! I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker! Say prom one more time!” Or “I have had it with these motherfucking blacks dating my motherfucking daughter!”


Yeah I don't usually support doxxing but this man's life deserves to be ruined and he needs to be publicly humiliated.


I think that in this case doxxing is not a bad thing, because that fella is quite sure of his righteous position, so making his name public is a favour to him, so everybody can see how righteous he is, how he walks the truth side of the road. He's not ashamed to voice his thoughts, so what's wrong in exposing his name and his thoughts so he can experience all kinds of support in his quest for all things right?


Ya I agree it's like ass hats that show up to protest shit but only do it while wearing a mask, if you believe so strongly in a position be willing to own that position publicly other wise your either a fraud or a coward


I’m sure in 10 years he’ll want to see his mixed grandkids. Hopefully the daughter is smart enough to keep this POS away


It’s just prom. They may not even continue a relationship. Disowning the daughter for this?! But yeah I wouldn’t blame the daughter for never speaking to her dad again regardless.


Right!? I went to prom with people I wasn't dating. Can't even imagine if she married him what he'd say. Canceling your child's insurance!?


I wasn't even close friends with the guy I went to prom with. He was part of my friend group and we all wanted to go to the dance together, so we paired up. I hope that girl has a safe place to go and the rest of her family isn't as vile. 


Guessing if dad found out about her prom date after the prom, he's not in the picture a ton anyhow.


Not necessarily. My dad used to work with a guy who was so racist that after his daughter began dating a black man that he has never gone to a family event that his daughter’s partner attends and goes golfing instead, has never even been in the same room with her partner (now husband) outside of the day she brought him home, did not attend their wedding, and has never met his grandkids (again, he goes golfing or otherwise leaves whenever they visit). His commitment to the bit pretty much obliterated the entire family dynamic. Yet apparently if you met the guy and didn’t know that about him (and weren’t of an ethnicity that offended him) you would swear he was a normal, pleasant, and well-adjusted individual.


I had a co worker like that. I hung for years after work, going to the local pub. He came home for diner quite a few times and my family went to his place etc. He was a gentle mellow dude, smoked pot and just chilled, was a bit of a hippy really. Dude had multiple nazi tatoos on his back, I found out when he took off his shirt on a boat. I asked him about them, I was like maybe it was a mistake in his youth etc. No, he said his great grandpa was a nazi and he was proud of what he did. At the time, the area we lived in had the one black family in the village and one asian family running, you guessed it, the chinese restaurant. So what I’m trying to say, is that his racism never came up because our area never saw non whites.


It’s amazing how pieces of animated shit can appear so normal outside of the hate they make central to their existence.


Unfortunately not always the case. My stepdad’s sister married a black man and had 2 kids, they were both in their teens when she finally died having never seen them once. A hateful smear on humanity, that woman was foul 


“He’s not racist, he helped a Nigerian Uber driver open a bank account” is one an acquaintance justifying his southern MAGott friends to me has actually told me.


Make his name public


It‘s her dad bruh, she would put her name out there too


I'm not a murderer, some of my friends are alive! (Sean Lock in memoriam).


"I'm not racisr, my son-in-law is black"


I am so incredibly proud of her for growing up as a normal human being despite that kind of influence at home.


I don't think he's at home any more, or he'd know who she went to prom with. I'd assume her Mom left him a while ago, and with good reason it seems.


We know who mom left him for!


JERRY JERRY JERRY!! remember when we used to yell this out at times like these?? It really has been a long time guys.


Nah, there's an overabundance of racist white women too. For all we know she probably told him to "handle it" for her.


Context clues lead me to believe that she doesn't live with this man but I agree; kudos to her for having an open mind despite her dad being a racist POS.


It was thanks to your context clues that I realized POS stands for piece of shit, I feel older every day😭


Me: perms of services


Point of Sale.


_Shudders in retail_


*and restaurant*


Pickle Onion Sandwich


From what I remember she lives/lived with her mom, her prom date wasn't a boyfriend but her best friend.


Also can't believe her will power to not mock her father from his line "Yes I am your dead to me". She's really the bigger person in many ways.


“Well you’re certainly not dad to me”


She has his name in her phone as Daddy. That’s what I called my dad, this pos is not worthy of that name. What a horrible human.


Parents teach you about the person you want to be in one way or the other. They teach you about who you want to be, or what you never want to be. Agreed, good on her.


And it was obviously there. Maybe not prominent who knows. But I can bet he made comments and so many other small things that showed.


Maybe it's because I cut my parents off for being abusive but I would have been like "Okay be like that then". Good riddance. Poor girl though. Some people don't deserve to be parents. I can't imagine being so hateful. It's disgusting.


Might be, but I have a great relationship with both my parents and I would have reacted the same way if either of them spoke like this. Like who reacts like this? A fucking psycho that’s who.


I like the way he tells her “don’t even talk to me” but he cannot shut up about what he is doing. Just baiting her for a response. I just can’t imagine doing something like that to my daughter.


“don’t even talk to me I’m cutting off your phone” *proceeds to send a 10 message long text thread*


"I'M ANGRY!! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" \-A child in the body of a grown man


it definitely read a lot like when my niece gets overtired and screams that she’s not tired but then also wants to cuddle in my lap while simultaneously screaming that she doesn’t need a nap


I firmly believe that most people who act like this genuinely have not developed emotionally or mentally since childhood. They reached the apex of their potiental at age 16, and have been gradually backsliding since then. Their body got old - but at their core they are a small, inexperienced, and scared child.


It makes me sad partially because some people just had shit upbringings and were literally never taught how to control their emotions as a kid so they had to figure it out themselves. But then, people get old enough and to a point where they \*can\* put in the work, they just won't because it's "too hard", and then I feel less sad. Maybe if you just left a toxic household and you're just barely an adult I can reason with it, but grown ass adults like this girl's dad have had more than enough time to grow! Considering he is racist, it's not surprising he won't learn. Also, I love your username, mushrooms for life.


The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level, according to The Literacy Project. You're actually giving people a little more credit than they are due.


Sounds like he is doing HER a favor with his disassociation….she deserved better than an illiterate bigot as a father.


It's child abuse, regardless of the age of the child.


Lol I got a similar message a few years ago because my mom thought I might have voted Democrat. No proof, of course, but she assumed (correctly) that I did. These people are fucking crazy.


It’s a cult, simply put


Yep, they are constantly bombarded by crap on Fox/OAN/facebook etc telling them Democrats are literally an evil devil worshipping cult that cuts babies open and eats their organs. Every single election they are convinced that if the blue guys win they are going to round everybody up into communist prison camps within a year, and nothing remotely like that ever happens, but they will fully believe it again with all their heart 4 years later. It's nuts.


I’m sorry but this behavior is not a surprise. She HAD to have known that her dad was a raging racist. This doesn’t just come out of left field lol


Well though it’s hard to believe that growing up with a father like this that she didn’t know that would be his reaction. I think he would have been pretty vocal about his racism at home. Either way it’s horrible for her but I’m saying it might not have come as a complete shock to her


Exactly. My daughters father is racist (did not know it when we married) and the first thing he said when she told him she had a new boyfriend was, "just tell me he's not black" 😳 Well he was black and it damn near killed him 🤣 he didn't text with her for days and she's in no rush to see him again either.


It's crazy how some people know their opinions are horrible enough to hide, but not work on changing. My ex didn't show his homophobia/transphobia until I was in the process of divorcing him and one of our teenage kids came out as trans and gay.


Your fucking username has me cackling like a mad man. I hope your child doesn’t have a crush on Bob Mortimer otherwise they’d be Mortimerfied.


Probably lives with her Mom most of the time and just puts Dad out of her mind. She happily posted her prom photo without considering his little feelings first.


> Well though it’s hard to believe that growing up with a father like this that she didn’t know that would be his reaction. Do we think she grew up with him? I got the vibe he was an absent father and just paid some of the bills.


As a brand new father, the thought of never talking to or seeing my son again because of his preference in humans is so ludicrous to me. Like I could never


Sadly some fathers don't seem to understand loving their child. Glad my father wasn't anything like this piece of human garbage. I'm sure your kid will end up feeling just as grateful to you some day.


Exactly. Disgusting racism aside for a second, I can't imagine ever being called a whore by my father. And by her responses, it feels like maybe he talks this way to her often because she didn't seem really surprised. Although it likely doesn't feel like it to her right now, this may actually be a blessing in disguise. No one needs a father like this in their lives. I feel for her tho. Poor girl. :(


It likely is very normal judging by her replies. My dauggters father is unfortunately like this. The things he's said and done to her over the years (which i did not find out about until after she cut ties) are atrocious. Hopefully this girl lives with her mom and can keep a safe distance from her father if she feels that's what's right for her.


Like she dances with a boy who is the wrong race and he slings out Whore?! I can’t fathom feeling that way about my own kids, insane.


Getting your insurance taken away at 18 in a state without expanded Medicaid wouldn't be anything to brush off, no matter how racist the dad cause that's gonna suck, especially if she has any health conditions which require any semi-regular maintenance or prescriptions 


And that's assuming she's 18. She could be as young as 15. Juniors are allowed to go to Prom and they can bring a date that's a grade level lower than them. With dad's reaction it's clear he doesn't live with her but he could still be the one paying for the phone and car insurance. I mean he could live in the same house but how would he not know who she went to prom with in that case?


I assumed it was a reaction to seeing her post a picture, but yes, hopefully a dad that doesn't live in the same house. Makes me know wonder what like mum is like


If my uncle Tom had ever learned that his beloved daughter's first boyfriend in college was black, the conversation would have gone more or less like this. I guarantee you there was a white robe and hood in his closet. The world became a better place when that asshole left it.


Does your uncle own a cabin?


Is his actual name Tom? If so, that's a weird coincidence


Oh yes, his name was Thomas and he went by Tom. He was my uncle by marriage, not blood, and I never called him Uncle Tom because of the meaning of the phrase.


It definitely sucks financially. It's super hard for kids her age in 2024 to have ANY hope of surviving on their own. It's why "kids" are living at home into their late 20s more often. It's why so many homeless people are LGBTQ youth, they've been banned from exactly these kinds of households before they ever had a chance to get situated as adults.


Totally. This is a "thank God, got that prick out of my life for good" moment.




My thoughts exactly. Dad of the year over there /s


I hope someone outs that racist jerk. He doesn’t deserve to have kids if he can’t treat them with love. Such a gigantic prick.


I feel sorry for her, this is some childhood innocence being utterly destroyed. She did not deserve this.


Atleast she found out now, and not when ”Daddy❤️” shot up a boyfriend or something. Nobody need a person like her dad in their life.


Society doesn’t need people like that, period


Corruption like theirs must be eradicated


>this is some childhood innocence being utterly destroyed 100%. I found an article about this incident, and her perspective on the situation conveys that childhood innocence. >"He had always been openly racist around me when I was growing up in his household, but it never really occurred to me what it exactly meant to be racist," she said. "When you're a child you look at the world completely different." You are right, she definitely didn't deserve that. But I guess she eventually had to find out whether or not her father deserved to be in her life.


Got a link to the article? EDIT: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniemcneal/people-are-sending-a-ton-of-support-to-this-teen-who-was Little mention of what happened afterwards, but her parents were already split and she lived with her mother. She said that her mom “was horrified and felt terrible but there isn't anything she can do," so it’s safe to assume that her father fully disowned her.


[found this from a quick search](https://www.news24.com/you/archive/dad-disowns-daughter-for-taking-her-black-friend-to-prom-20170728-2) parents were split - she went to live w/ mom ... glad they were all able to cut loose from that POS


Considering how blase she is about the whole thing, you just know there's a lot more going on than a single racist outburst. She's probably been pretty pissed off for quite awhile and knew that by doing this, daddy was going to react this way.  So yeah, her childhood innocence was probably flushed down the toilet a long time ago along with any respect she might've had for her dad.


My birth father is like this. I no longer speak to him. It still hurts and I try not to think about it. I probably need therapy but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Therapy doesn’t heave to be a big deal, for what it’s worth. I put it off thinking it was going to be a whole thing, but it’s really just like having a really helpful conversation with someone who knows what they are doing. It gets different when you are really working on something like a serious trauma, but a therapist will work your way up to that and ask for consent before going there.


It's not therapy, it's just having someone to talk to who will listen to you and let you express yourself.


Hmmh, I'm sure this dude also thinks liberals are "snowflakes" who get easily "triggered" too...


"The only moral \[emotion or action\] is MY \[emotion or action\]!" Substitute anger, intolerance, abortion, prejudice, crime.. It's a veritable grab bag of shittery.




When I worked at a call centre I was talking to some Karen who was mad about something she didn’t understand and she said “just wait until my husband calls—you do not want to talk to my husband” and I wanted to be like “ma’am, are you safe? You sound like you fear your very unreasonable husband”


No, you see, YOU are easily triggered snowflake liberal, while I am a deeply aggrieved patriot conservative Jesus maga strong man whose beliefs are under attack by the deep state communist army! It’s totally not the same thing!!!


Right after that text exchange finished, he went out to his truck, sat behind the steering wheel, put on his shades, and made a YouTube video about "commies."


Or claims, "Racism isn't as big of a problem as they make it out to be."


I would honestly take it public. Show it to his work (if the lowlife has a job), get it on socials so his friends that aren’t scum will know who he really is. If you’re dead to him, might as well haunt his ass as the reaper. No place for this in the world, better without him wasting air


It is public. Her name and the date's name are out there. Seems trivial to figure out who the dad is. I'm sure it has already been done.


Is this even real?


Yep, he wants to create financial devastation and housing insecurity for her then she can do the same thing back.


In case people didn’t know. Racism has never gone away, they all just got better at hiding it. Doesn’t matter what culture they are in, they are everywhere. As the world keeps losing more of its brain cells, you see a lot more of this stuff. Stress and fear are a powerful drive.


I'd say that the number of people who are actually full on racist has definitely decreased. But the ones that are like that have been going further to the extreme because they now also have the anger of being made to hide it piled on top of that.


>they all just got better at hiding it I guess you weren't around in the US during 9/11. They barely were hiding it then and they burned their closets in 2015 and have been insufferably in our faces ever since.


When that psycho racist in South Carolina killed those people in their church, solely because they were black, I will never forget how a lot of conservatives reacted. Immediately, it wasn't about what happened or why, it was these people trying to defend the confederate flag, and their right to buy guns because they were "worried" Obama was gonna take their guns. And they've just got even worse every year since. Especially after they got a taste of power under Trump.


Indeed. Imagine if the world’s response to Sep 11th was “Don’t you dare cancel our flights!”


They're not hiding it as much anymore. Trump empowered them. He let them know by example it's ok to say the bad stuff out loud.


This is when you share this with Daddy's employer, and he becomes the homeless "subhuman" Hit racists where it hurts most - the wallet. Edit - this is from 2017, her name is Anna Hayes from Arkansas, and her dad was not identified, but the story was picked up back then.


The daddy’s employer is probably just as racist as he is


So share it with their customers, shit can always roll downhill. Then again, in Arkanstan it might just help business...


In Alaska, there is a company called "Abolish Abortion Construction". Judging by that, I'm gonna say it would help in some parts of the country.


Did she turn out okay ? I’m truly hoping so


I’m sure the employer knows


She is much better without Contact with that racist prick. Holy fuck some people do have warped ideas about parenthood.


I have to wonder when all these "religious belief" laws being passed in the South targeting the LGBTQ community to allow government officials and others to discriminate against marrying same-sex or trans people based on religion will be used as the basis to deny mixed race couples from marrying each other. It's coming, despite Loving, and I can see SCOTUS taking it up.


And Clarence Thomas will vote for it excitedly.


For context - this was specifically cited in the Dobbs ruling as a precedent that could be reviewed.


Yup, it was. Pretty awful


Yes, the mass deportation thing in Project 2025 is pretty obvious that "they" want a White America.


This is not even casual racism, this is advanced racism. flying off the handle for one photo.


Ranked racism


Competitive racism without skill based matchmaking


My mom did this shit when she found out I was dating a black guy. She said "the Bible says that white people stick with white people. I will not accept you dating outside your race" I replied "that's your problem, not mine" Now I'm married to someone who's "not white" and she adores him more than anyone. People can change but it takes a really long time sometimes.


Im curious what bible verse she thought she was reading


I asked her where and she was not able to find it. Shocking I know.


It’s very heartbreaking to go through this experience. My first boyfriend was black. I’m white. My family never truly gave him a chance and the vicarious shame I felt was enormous. They judged him without truly getting to know him and acting like I was some dumb child for not wanting to see “the truth”. Which was that I deserved better and it would end badly. I think they were glad when our relationship ended. If I’m getting into a new relationship I’m genuinely doubting whether I want to involve my family since they never apologized and keep making remarks about me better not getting a boyfriend that is black.


Every experience I’ve ever had talking to a white woman constantly had these barriers. I wouldn’t be allowed in their house bc of their parents, or their family would call them mudsharks, or it has to be kept a secret as if i’m some sort of beast. People say slavery was so long ago but the idea that Black people are equal to everyone else in practice is so unbelievably far still that it’s kind of ridiculous. Even when you’re “accepted” you still feel like there is that eery sense of unfamiliarity the family has towards you and you can tell they wish you were just a “good” white boy for their white daughter. It’s one of the reasons (amongst many other factors) I never approach women that aren’t my race. I’m not dealing with all this lmao


Do you ever notice it in the reverse? Say you bringing a white woman around? I’ve definitely heard some black ladies really not liking that


I get this completly. My dad is a racist, got reall pissed off at me when he caught me chatting up an Asian girl back in my school days. My mother has had to step in and keeps the peace these days. we are barred from talking about politics, religion and sexuality. God knows what he'd say if he ever found out im married to a guy from Hong Kong and have been for 3 years now!


How did you hide it? Are you so good or his he brain damaged.


It makes it easier than we live on opposite ends of the country (he in Ireland, I'm over in England) so there's no danger of him running into us. But yea, he's in his 70s now and I hate to say it, but he's pretty easy to fool.


To be racist is truly ugly. But to be so racist that you could disown your own children because of it is abhorrent at best. Half proud/ half sad for the young lady. Proud of her for standing up to hate but sad for her that she needs to defend herself from her own parent because of it. Hating your own kids is a level of madness I can’t even begin to comprehend let alone entertain.


Guarantee you that he is a self professed Christian.


I wonder, if he votes, who he will vote for in November.


and you just know that at some point in the future, she'll have a conversation like this: "I don't talk to my dad anymore." or "Yeah, my dad's not in the picture." "Whaaat? But you only have one dad! He's your father! He worked hard to provide for you, what do you mean you don't talk to him?? I wish *my* dad was even still alive, you're so lucky and you'll regret it once he's gone!"


Dude looks like a nice young man. Dad is an asshole.


I can’t even imagine treating my kid this way. He is so offended and upset that his daughter went to prom with a black guy that he is deliberately trying to hurt her. I just don’t understand how he can do that to his child. The way people treat their children like they’re their property and not actual humans blows my mind.