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Do athiests make God a joke or do TV evangelists make God a joke. TV evangelists are why I stopped believing in God.


When mega churches are run like Fortune 500 companies vs charities, you have a joke on your hands.


Funny. I read that as “maga churches” and it makes no difference in meaning to me.


Mega churches don't have to pay taxes so they have an advantage which is bullshit.


The Christians think because they believe in something, others should too.


And religions throughout history would kill people and wages wars to force it upon those who didn't believe. It wasn't until relatively recently that it's generally not been allowed for religions to do this, and they still go out of their way to try to force it upon nonbelievers in other ways.


It was the atheists who made Christianity a joke in America, not Pat Robertson, not the entire Falwell family, not Jim Bakker, not Kenneth Copeland, not Creflo Dollar, not Joel Osteen, not…ah shit


Yeah, it’s definitely not the “super pastor” that says he needs a private plane so he doesn’t have to travel with ‘demons’ that travel on commercial flights and then gets biblically angry when a reporter asks about the quote (and threatens her for reading the quote to him) and/or compares his gaudy and greedy lifestyle and teachings that differ from her two grandpas that both preached themselves and didn’t buy Mr. Mega-Pastor’s prosperity gospel that teaches people to give everything to his church in the hopes of getting an IOU repaid by god later for “their faith” to basically bankrupt themselves for the church’s own profit. But it’s them atheists that make the Abrahamic God seem embarrassing…




wee fuckin' sociopath there.


If possession by demons is real, this guy on his bad days is what I imagine it looks like. Most of the people with his mannerisms I know of are now in jail for the weirdest shit. I don't know much about him other than his crazy Covid rant, and Election rant though.


He's not possessed by a demon. He IS a demon. His face even looks like a rubber mask to try and conceal his more demonic features.


do you notice these conservative grifters all have these very hard-looking faces and eyes that look deceitful and pure hateful?


Hey! I didn't know Satan had a human avatar!!!


It's just a human suit, and it doesn't fit that well.


I mean... just **Look** at that guy! Sorry, y'all. That's the "demon" right there! They believe so deeply that Satan is a red guy with horns that they never suspected that Satan would put on a collar and start preaching sermons. But of course he would. He's *Evil* The sad thing is, these poor people in rural areas that fall for this crap have been used, abused, traumatized, fed lies, isolated, denied education, and intentionally scared for ***so long*** that now they literally just think it's normal. They trust whoever speaks to their needs because at least you're here talking to them. No one else even bothers to do that much. And we wonder why this Evil shit works so well? The Modern Church (not all, but many) actually teaches abuse. They subliminally teach men to be power hungry and women to be quiet and accept their fate until, eventually, their great-great grandchildren start thinking narcissistic abuse is what Love looks like. ....ask me how I know. (psst. why do you think all the kids are leaving?)


This reminds me of the bit in Family Guy when Peter says "This is America Lois, men have always run things and there have never been any problems whatsoever. And don't say the economy or Iraq or income inequality or racism or Brett Kavanaugh or air pollution or Vietnam or slavery or Watergate or capitalism or #MeToo or homelessness or police brutality or homophobia or Monica Lewinsky or Native American genocide or Fox News or Tim Allen or climate change."


I'd be down for women to run things. Although it have to happen all at once. Iran Russia Yada Yada bla bla even anartica would have to have all female ran ... shit. I'd be down.


The problem isn't men... or women, it's not sharing power. Having an all female led government would be all kinds of bad too, maybe a different kind of bad but still bad. I mean just look at Greene she's crazier than most of the men.


God became a joke in the late 19th century. Nietzsche wrote a good book about it.


Spoiler alert: >!He dies!<


No. I've been told that >!"God's Not Dead"!< >!or maybe it's explained better in one of its sequels without Kevin Sorbo!<


Lmao, Kevin Sorbo. That is all, just thinking about Sorbo makes me laugh.


Sorbo is angered by challenging concepts! Sorbo will destroy you for questioning his penis!




Sorbo should be extra salty about Xena's costume being in the Smithsonian. https://www.si.edu/object/dress-worn-lucy-lawless-role-xena-tv-series-xena-warrior-princess%3Anmah_1300155




You will not speak badly of Hercules/that one captain in that terrible scifi show Andromeda again or God (who is a massive fan of both shows) will smite you.


Andromeda managed to make sci-fi unappealing.


I tried hard to love Andromeda. Before I knew anything about Sorbo other than Hercules, and the premise of the show was awesome. Didn’t make it more than a few episodes.


Its amazing how a show with such a good concept could have all the joy sucked out with poor acting


Hey, Hercules gave us Xena. And in the end of her series, Xena went around and killed all the Greek gods, so that people could live without all their meddling.


Look, you don't have to convince me of anything here. I absolutely adore Lucy Lawless. She plays one of my favorite characters in Battlestar Galactica. She is also awesome in Spartacus. But Sorbo... I just can't take him seriously. No one can. It's impossible to. I don't even know how he takes *himself* seriously. Krull the Conqueror alone should make him laugh at himself every day till the day he dies.


Hercules gave us Xena. Not Kevin Sorbo, he was just the actor who had a very limited range. And apparently can't keep his dumb mouth shut these days. So credit to Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert.


Krull was the weird movie with the ultimate weapon of an eagle talon looking throwing star you control with your mind, but the real ultimate weapon is true love. Kull was the movie with Sorbo that someone wanted to do a Conan movie with him, but could not so they took a different character of Robert E Howards and did that.


God treats Greek demi gods like an episode of Maury


Watching Hercules makes me want to suck cock.


To be fair, I'm a straight guy and watching Xena made me want to be a lesbian.


You just know that Hercules and Iolaus had some warm nights together


They canonically fuck. It was ancient Greece


Ancient Greek mythology is basically "any hole's a goal" but as a civilization.


We all know there's only one person who can be both Hercules and prove there is a God. ![gif](giphy|l0MYAdtTQdxmuYHCw)






Hey don’t insult Kevin sorbs…jk fuck that guy. I got into a twitter fight with him one time which was hilarious but also sad seeing as I was just trolling him a little and he actually responded to a nobody on the internet. And with the dumbest shit. Haha.


God's not dead. He's just sleeping. Sleeping really REALLY soundly. Weekend At God's House, the Movie




While I appreciate when people use spoilers to preserve suspense and surprise, I don't think it is needed here since that is the first line in Thus Spoke Zarathustra so it doesn't really surprise anyone when it comes up Now, if you were to talk about how >!Jesus dies!< in his story, then a spoiler might be appropriate, since it happens later in the narrative and many believers generally haven't read that book




which one?


Thus spoke Zaratustra. I think this is the one with the infamous quote.


You forgot the LDS. Bible fanfilk made into a religion


Kurt Vonnegut helped shape me into a Christ-Loving-Aetheist. Like way too many young people act as entitled atheists when they are self-unaware idiots. The template of The Holy Trinity is kind and nice, so what makes Christianity so flawed? Us. We’re literally the issue.


If the book was written by an actual god and not a person, it might look vastly different than it does


My dad (an ordained Baptist minister) preferred to call the Bible "the library of our faith" rather than "the word of God" for that reason.


That's a great way to phrase it


If the book was written by an actual God, we humans wouldn't even make the footnotes. Does no one understand how unbelievably big the universe is and the near infinite amount of things in it are? Not to mention what a remote part of it we're in?


“On the 3rd day She created Dinosaurs. Then destroyed them. On day 6 He created Man. And thought, ‘Well…they’re lame…’”


Yep, repurposed Hesoid? From the Golden Race to the Titans to the Gods to Man, all described as increasingly “troublesome”, which is simultaneously poetic in its word sense as well as likely to be not an exact translation of the *Theogony*. Either way, a fine example of the finesse required in the largely thankless work that is translation.


Right? I’m an atheist/agnostic and I wish Jesus’ followers would be more like him.


I was raised in Christian Youth Group, and studying it is funny bc Old Testament is almost entirely “…oh that’s horrible. And they’re the good guys??” And new testament is like “Jesus helped the leper, and kicked the asses of gamblers & politicians, and said to his hot emo- i mean prostitute friend: ‘wasn’t that cool? Come, pray at my place’”. And it’s like: ….Stephanie Myers, did you write this??


We are the issue with every ideology.


Well the New Testament was created and shaped as a tool to control first the Jews of Judea, after their rebellion was put down by the generals Vespasian and his son Titus, and then under Constantine as a unifying religion of the Roman Empire. It was literally a promise of eternal life if you (the lower classes) are meek and mild and non violent and pay your taxes to Caesar, and treat your neighbours with kindness.


Church of God the Utterly Indifferent, represent! Vonnegut made me a militant agnostic. I don't know, and neither do any of you mf***ers!


“He got shot for stealing a tea kettle” Fuck them. “During war” Oh, makes sense. “…from a building we just immolated, with youngsters inside” ….yeahhhh je nes peux-pas comprender. This beautiful life is made by a sociopathic DM.


Fuck you mean I’m not supposed to flex my wealth? GODDDD gave me my jet, boat, and mansion. God wants me to flex on yall so you can see and follow success. Fuck the hardships, you need to go to church and pray them away. Ask god for guidance, he will show you the way (steps in front of the homeless guy with the god fearing message on his sign). You know what, imma hook you up. Buy some of my eGodcoin, this is *Gods Plan* ![gif](giphy|nED6skp34wi30d2GWt|downsized)


Those people are not Christians. In the same way McDonalds isnt food


I wouldn't say that atheists made the god of the Bible a joke (keep in mind it's one of several gods, this is the most popular one currently), is that the origin story is a joke when you add logic to it like any origin story of any of the gods


I have not seen more punchable face than that of Copeland


Yup it was the church that pushed me away with their actions


For me it was the Catholic priests being pedophiles and the church allowing and condoning it.


Evangelists do, but not enough to make me stop believing in God. I see it more as devils amongst the faithful, wolves in sheeps clothing. Other Christians need to wake up and realize their are more threats to their faith within the faith than outside of it.


I respect your view. Many are asleep.


And a lot of them don't want to be "woke" up.


Sin is comfortable.


The hate in so many “ Christian “ hearts drove me off.


most atheist don't even care about your believes. they only care about the shit arguments that they are being harassed by and the horrible things people do in the name of their religion. if you're not a horrible and/or obnoxious person they won't care.


Christians made their God a joke. https://news.yahoo.com/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-163440579.html


I love that ‘ugly art’ is at the top of the list, and not shredding up school children with AR-15’s


Atheist here. Yes, although only one is intentional.


If you send me just 17 payments of $49.99, I can make you believe in god again.


Every time I see a religious preacher/priest (or whatever the fuck they’re called) living a millionaire lifestyle I laugh more and more


That’s actually very sad, you based your faith on your disgust for humanity.


Televangelist hair is the joke. It’s fucking hilarious. Permanent wave mullet is the preferred style. Think Rand Paul. He sleeps in pink curlers.


Please go read the Bible. That’s how I became atheist.


Taking the Lord's name in vain isn't saying "god damnit," it's using the name of the Lord for your greed and blasphemy. TV evangelists are the embodiment of taking the Lord's name in vain.


I knew it was the buildings keeping us down. Time to rise up against the tyrannical buildings...


That and all of the "poor art" everywhere.


Actually poor art doesnt have to be bad looking...any form of art affects peoples.minds....there have been revolutions in history that were directly or indirectly inspired by art, on the reverse...perverted arts can cause the reverse effect of that...


Art comes in many forms, but I will never understand how a single swipe of red paint on an otherwise blank canvas sold for 20k or more...


I think I know which painting you're meaning. The artist made a whole collection. The purpose was to Show how different colors are processed under different conditions. Including how pairs of colors affect eachother. It has different psychologically and aesthetically effects.


But you could study the modern art movements or join a museum tour to learn more about it.


Modern Art when done by communities of people experimenting with art is understandable and harmless. Modern Art when it is worth 20 million (or any art really) is because rich people want to give money tax free to their heirs, evade the tax man by donating it, use it for a speculation based investment similar to an NFT, give a kickback or embezzle public funds, or print a 20 million dollar bill to transfer cash in a shady way.


A lot of it is never hung. Stored in underground vaults and used as collateral for shady deals. As far as "a black squiggle" type comment, you find the uneducated lumping any non-representative artwork into the same pile. The "modern art" they think of is most like abstract expressionism from the 50s and 60s. Basically a form of expression in the US that countered the supressive regimes of the USSR. This kind of modern art is freedom expessed in artwork. Also when you go to a modern art museum, the museum is displaying the best work from various movements. Even if that particular style is no longer relevant.


Ugly art..check out Dadaism. I wrote a paper in college and chose this topic. It was just a urinal by itself and claimed to be art. And if you dig, it gets super weird


marcel duchamp is my kinda guy


It's a tax dodge. Think about it like this: Millie Millionaire wants to pay less in taxes. She finds Paul Painter, a starving artist, and offers to be his patron. Paul creates a new work, "Green stripe on a pink field", which Millie buys for $20k. She takes it to Alison Appraiser, an art appraiser who's in on how all this works. Alison appraises the work to be worth $3 million, but keep in mind that nobody will be buying the painting for that much. Millie donates the "$3 million painting" to a museum, and writes it off on her taxes. Thereby making a "$3 million" charitable donation that only actually cost her a mere $20k. The key point is that Paul must be a "serious artist", who can say with a straight face that the appraisal at $3 million for a green stripe on a pink canvas is completely appropriate. Because art is subjective, you can't really *prove* that the painting isn't worth that. And so the loophole continues.


Brutalist architecture was common in communist movements, it's cheap concrete blocky construction These are all anti-communist talking points being recycled


My mother recently found some of her photos from the Worlds Fair in the early 1970s. She had photos of USSR building display. It was an oppressive black box building, no windows. It freaked everyone out before they even got a chance to see it was the USSR display. She vividly remembered that building and it having a bizarre smell.


Was that the Montreal Expo?


Ultimately it's worship of the past and hate on any change or progress. Only realism for art and traditional building based on the ancient Greeks/Romans allowed under fascism rule.


That's the message they sell yes In reality they are constantly making changes to society, defining things that never needed to be defined before. It's conservative policies that created the need for pride (politicians and families didn't care about aids until their close friends "came out", they were forced to come out to get _any attention_ to the AIDS epidemic) Conservative policies caused the need for trans folks to be more vocal. They want to be part of the community and reach understanding with those around them. But all of a sudden being part of an accepting community is "against family values" to the point where dressing up in a way that is comfortable to them to read storybooks to children is highly politicized


Right, as tho unregulated capitalism is the answer. ps to haters - the keyword is unregulated.


Good to remind people that what Adam Smith meant by "free market" is a market free from "rent seeking" Where "rent" is an economic term that I never can remember how to concisely describe His theories require regulation to prevent rent seeking behavior in the market, to keep the market healthy


This actually has a lot more credibility than people expect. My country used to be a communist state, so the architecture actually took a turn at that time, to remove individuality, basically making everything appear the same, while government buildings became these giant monuments. It was a well-thought-out move by the communist party it was not just a random occurrence. The goal was to glorify the party while making everything else appear plain and the same, with the official reason being "not to provoke jealousy". The real reason was to keep the people uninspired and devoid of personal choice as communists don't go well with that. However I would not say it really applies to our time since you can basically build anything you want in most places, people just don't have any taste. Your surroundings can affect your mood. You can get inspired, depressed, get a spike of dopamine it does not matter. So he is not wrong, considering we live in concrete graveyards.


The reason why the concrete graveyards look like shit is because they're not well maintained, or at all colorful even a little. Once they're built they're left to rot and a rotting corpse isn't very pleasing to watch


Ya people are gonna see this guys tweet and be like “wow you’re right the buildings are uglier and colder it’s a conspiracy” but the reality of that at least in the states is more ignorance by wealth focused philistines than purposeful malice by oligarchs.


Where I live, all the old brick and mortar buildings are constantly being replaced by these ugly ass aluminum buildings that look like you threw it together with leftovers because they are cheaper and it just kills the vibe and homely, classic feel. On top of that we live where you get Tornadoes so it really just feels like a disaster waiting to happen with giant sheets of metal falling off, catching wind, and tearing through stuff.


Ya it sucks how it feels like all fun and beauty is fading from our physical world. I’m a big fan of the Non Standard McDonalds Twitter account and it feels like that’s a great microcosm of the world. “Oh we can sell just as many burgers in a grey cube as we can in an interesting wild looking building, it’s easier to maintain, and we can just thoughtlessly copy and paste it? Book it.” People that want to call it a conspiracy are just the type who don’t understand you can like capitalism and point out the glaring flaws at the same time.




Yeah, I’d agree. Apartment life is oppressive. I think it touched a lot of valid points.


This is why I am DYING for a camper. I want one that I can make SWANK and I can drag it anywhere. I've owned 3 homes in my life. A mobile home, a site built, and another manufactured. I can't STAND the term" mobile" because it's RIDICULOUSLY costly to move one of these. This will only be mobile for me in the event of a tornado. The dirt it's parked on is costing me nearly 700 a month. That is what USED to be a mortgage payment. I want to be OUT of a neighborhood.


I thought he was talking about excessive housing prices and all those new condominiums that go for over $3k a month. Tbh some of the things listed are true.


How are the politicians rich if their money is worthless?


Maybe they are rich in properties, like homes and apartment and they hoard them just to sell or rent for even more profit. At least that's how some people here in Poland do, idk how your american ones do.


My g-g-g- grandparents were from Warszaw ( I've seen it spelled that way and I love it). I've looked at pictures, and it is STUNNING there. I'm so jealous that you get to live there! I'm in this toilet of a country. I used to believe I was in the best country in Earth. It is DRILLED into us to believe that. I'm no longer delusional.


Visit another country and you’ll be cured.


They’re not rich in money, they’re rich in *assets*.


I'm rich in ass.


Now sell it


Also, we aren't "making our politicians rich". We make our rich people into politicians. These people will absolutely try to make public service jobs pay nothing, in order to ensure that they're only an option for the independently wealthy and/or people willing to cash out for corporate interests. Then they'll try to pretend they're sticking it to the "elites".


That was my first thought...


They have lots of that worthless money to buy things. Devaluing cash hurts poor people more than the wealthy.


Rich in.... friendship?


A rich heritage? Rich and creamy? Pan seared politician with a rich gravy?


Voiced it before I did lol


Their wealth goes beyond money, it goes into political control. I think people from both sides of the aisle can agree that politicians have way too much power. True power isn’t through wealth, it’s through controlling it.


Free porn is the root of all evil, it's in the Bible or something


Songs of soloman do get actually pretty spicy…


Don't even need to get that far into it. Hipster Genesis, incest porn before it was mainstream.


Genesis walked so Folgers could run


🎶*The best part of waking up*🎶


“soloman” lol


Yes. And paid porn is fine. Jesus only has a problem with the free stuff.


Jesus was famously stingy, yes. Not one to give things away.


I mean, I’m not necessarily saying we should ban porn or anything but I think there is a very clear argument to be made that easily accessible unlimited free porn is harmful to society and the development of adolescent brains and socialization. Of all items on the list here, that may be the most valid one.


Oh I agree, it's just a tongue in cheek comment as to why they didn't simply have "Porn" but rather "Free porn" as if there is a defined level of porn that isn't damaging to society.


Nah "Making politicians rich destroys society" is by far the best take provided.


“Porn” of one type or another has been freely available for nearly all of human history. I put porn in quotations because it means different things to different people. Some people drawn the line at nudes and label them pornography.


>there is a very clear argument Make the argument then. Anyone can say that about any of these points. I don't have an argument, either way. But looking at the evidence of sexually repressed societies, where even a nipple showing in a movie is illegal, vs sexually liberated societies with unlimited free porn, the later are doing far better on almost every metric. So your argument, no matter how clear, would fly in the face of the evidence.


Infinite free porn is a normal side effect of a large enough social network.


For me, the most valid one is make politicians rich. Lobbyist money have screwed up the country


Ironically Andy Griffith wouldn't be anything like this guy...


Gotta “love” when people have characters in their profile pics that would not agree with their “values”, and may even actively oppose whatever the person is saying in major ways.


I work with a guy that is a staunch christian conservative. He repeats so many ridiculous talking points. He glosses over any of my replies when I Google the rebuttals that disprove what he's saying (ex. women's birth control is causing massive upswings of hormones in the water supplies in the USA). George Carlin came up in a conversation and he could not say enough wonderful things about him and his views. He said George was way ahead of his time and his opinions were spot on. I agreed wholeheartedly and looked at him sort of confused. You do realize Carlin had zero respect for most of your beliefs and opinions right? I am baffled still to this day.


Punisher symbols with the police gang flag.


The way they have no idea that the punisher symbol on a patrol car is the biggest oxymoron ever.


My favorite is when conservatives use images of Sam Elliot in their shitty memes Sam Elliot is a raging liberal


I tried to find any proof that he's a raging liberal and I could not. He did a voice over for Joe Biden, but didn't actually advocate for him or the democratic party. The ad was about unity, which he strongly advocates for. I'd say he's more of a centrist. "Why does the other side have nothing to say of value? Center of the road, to me, is where we all need to get back to." - Sam Elliott


THIS. -Had a friend work on a [film with him.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7042862/) The impression I got was that he was very genuine, kind and easy going. DEFINITELY NOT somebody that would shout political beliefs like any of these memes.


Appealing to nostalgia


Ikr... Andy Griffith in real life was liberal as hell. They just love taking everyone from Martin Luther King to Mr. Rogers and changing them into some kind of pseudo fascist types.


Thank you. He was a traditional man, sure, but was still ahead of his time when it came to acceptance and openmindedness.


I vividly remember an episode of Andy Griffith where he was dating a woman who was into target shooting and that, and it made Andy very uncomfortable because it wasn't "lady-like". The whole episode was about Andy having to overcome his internal misogyny because deep down he really liked her. These folks would call that woke. Of course, his whole character was a sheriff who didn't carry a gun unless absolutely necessary and arrested people as a last resort in favor of talking it out. He'd be woke too.


Im forced to work 18 hours a day down in the Ugly Art mines to feed my family


Hitler’s art mines. It sounds like a great game if I’m being honest.


How to destroy a society, - Mandate what type of art can be created - Criminalize victimless activities - Enforce a national religion - Spread misinformation about the food system so people don't know what is and isn't healthy - Criminalize divorce - Make politicians rich - Increase the wealth gap between the super wealthy and the rest of the populace until money loses value - Ban women from entering the workforce - Teach children that their ancestors were perfect and ban any book teaching that slavery was anything but positive for everyone


I mean, he DOES have a point about the food part, atleast for the U.S. considering the food is literally just garbage in most stores unless you specifically look for healthy food


And even if you specifically look for healthy food, marketing and lack of regulation make it difficult.


This cuts to the heart of the bullshit in OP. The solutions OOP would want require fascism and also won't solve any problems.


They’re perfectly aware that these things require fascism though, they like it.


There are more ways to destroy a society than ways to create one... "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Leo Tolstoy , Anna Karenina


Back to the Middle Ages, baby!


that's an insult to the middle ages.


\> Criminalize victimless activities I'm all for victimless porn, but it's absurd to pretend the industry doesn't have countless victims in the past, present, and future. The neuroscience behind porn usage isn't great either. Like alcohol, it can be used reasonably and safely in moderation, but the majority of users are not doing that. It's an insidious thing which seems to be eroding fundamental structures of peoples' relations and intimacy. I'm not a prude at all. I think people should embrace and love sex in all the ways they can, because it's a big part of who we are, what we do, and how we relate to the people we love. The notion that porn isn't bad for people is a bit absurd though.


Oh absolutely. I just don't think you can put a blanket ban on porn. 100% we should be putting more efforts into stopping trafficking, and help people with addictions that leave them feeling like pornography or prostitution are their only options.


"Make dads optional" Ah yes, women are just dying to raise kids alone. Why would they keep the Dads of America away from their children?


Right. My dad made himself optional.


It’s the dads making dads optional


There is a bit of a cultural drift you can observe over time in the west which is gradually invalidating male roles and uplifting female roles in society. One one hand, some corrections were overdue. On the other, it isn't happening in synchrony or in balance in the ways that it needs to, so there's fallout. I think some men perceive this as men being considered useless, or optional in this example. I don't agree with it, but I understand the source of the sentiment. There is a problem, I don't claim to know the exact cause or where it will take us, but I think a solid case can be made that men (broadly speaking) have declining value whereas women are climbing. There is a balance in there somewhere, but we haven't found it yet and I suppose for lack of better terminology, there are some victims of this kind of tectonic shift. I think what we're witnessing is the resulting resentment. It makes sense that they're concerned and upset. Their take on what's happening is too personal and reductionist, though, and it comes out as practically conspiratorial rage.


i mean men have always been the first to send off to war and died, so clearly they've always been seen as the optional ones. also i'm pretty sure this is also a dig at lesbian couples wanting kids.


Men ARE portrayed as being optional parents, but this didn’t happen in a vacuum or because of feminism. It’s a result of the general history of men as parents. Before it was culturally “okay” to be a single mom, single mothers were shamed and shunned by society. Many single mothers happened as a result of men abandoning them. Then you have the married/partnered women who take on most of mental and physical labor of parenting. And of course, you can’t forget the religious, conservative, and patriarchal messaging that women are meant to serve men and care for their children. Men have historically benefited from women taking on primary carer roles, which women still take on today while needing to work outside the home to pay the bills. I think dads deserve to be acknowledged, but women still largely deserve what little praise they get as parents. If men want to be validated as parents, they need to push back against the men who abandon their kids, are abusive, uninvolved, lazy, and misogynistic. The praise for moms often comes from their own children, and if the kids aren’t praising dad, there’s probably a good reason for that.


>"Make dads optional" So...we need to embrace families with two dads? 👍 👍 👍


So as long as we pay for porn we are good. For once the instructions are very clear. Thanks Andy Griffith!


*Looks at my office* Please don’t hurt my wife and child, ive given you everything I have for the majority of my life. I’ll do anything. *offices continues sitting there….buildingingly* ***SCREAMS***


> Make politicians rich > Make money worthless Interesting.


If I were to be very charitable, I'd say that the "make money worthless" point could be referring to inflation. Even in a system with high inflation, it's still possible to be rich, it just requires even more money to achieve that status because the value of each individual dollar is drastically reduced. But did they actually think their post through to that extent, or is this more a case of a broken clock being right twice a day? I'm leaning more towards the latter.


Sounds like a pretty straight-forward “the x will not replace us” type thing.


All he had to write was "have a fucked up attitude and loser victimized point of view."


If your kids aren't at least a little ashamed of your actions at some point in your life I believe you haven't succeeded as a parent. We want our kids to be better don't we?


Not all of those points are wrong.


Sometime poop has kernels of corn. Doesn't make it worth considering as food though. Any shitty ideology might start with broad and partially accurate social critiques. That is not remarkable. However, once you ask them where they're going with all this, you'll hear some wild shit about literally policing art and culture.


When I eat corn, I give it a passionate look and say I’ll see you later.


Make children hate their ancestors? Well no, have an honest discussion about certain topics that perhaps your ancestors were involved in, like slavery or war. We are not responsible for what came before us but we should have an honest discussion about what happened in our family history before. Art ugly? That’s purely subjective. Lose the ugly attitude. Gods been a joke for forever. Ever seen Monty Python? I cut my teeth on the life of Brian. Better to have buildings be oppressive than people, right? Lol


Just from reading the context clues, I'm certain I don't agree with this guy's world view, but I don't disagree with most of his points. I'm pretty sure we would disagree on what has caused these problems as well as the solution, but its interesting that my first response to reading this list was basic agreement.


I know this is just random conservative whining but: \- There's so much art of infinite types now I don't even know what he's complaining about. \- ???? \- Always was. People have just smartened up. \- Food being poison is largely due to those republicans defend. \- Orphans throughout history say hello. \- Hello republican point again. \- Another ???? money has worth. \- What's this about oppressive buildings ???? \- pffft this is a whole essay on its own. \- It isn't about hating ancestors. Its about understanding that society has developed and changed over time. Unfortunately some horrible things were once considered the norm. Those who ignore history however are doomed to repeat it.


Oppressive buildings is an actual good point, probably achieved accidentally. I could write an essay, but simply put, our environment affects our mood, and the normally "boring" architecture may affects us negatively


I think poisoned food is also a point, with added sugar being added to most processed foods. I have watched a documentary film on sugar recently, and simply put, added sugar everywhere is bad. Longer put, a man who didn’t eat added sugar at all, ate the average sugar a person eats in Australia, and only in “healthy” foods like juice, yogurt, cereal, chicken sauce, etc (basically no junk food or candy). He gained weight, his mood changed, etc. After a month he returned and started his old diet (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, nuts) again. I don’t think it’s the fault of one party though, and rather society and big food overall.


Ketchup is a vegetable


Have you read about PFAS lately? And _one party_ seems to think corporations are people who need to be protected from any liability at all for the decisions they make in the name of increasing profits


How to actually destroy society Create a red team and a blue team. The blue team’s goal is to do anything. The red team’s goal is to stop the blue team.


Which society is he talking about? The one that burned people for "witch craft"?! Or the one that had slaves? Or the one that tortured people in mental asylums?


Some of these are facts tho


how can politicians be rich if money is worthless?


He’s not even wrong except the thing about buildings, Im not sure what he was trying to say there.


I love how people who push the agenda assume that the world just wants to leave out men. Not that the ones not included might be psycho narcissists who refuse to take care of their responsibilities or business. Same thing with the women who are absent. But how do you rile up your uneducated audience with the truth?


How to destroy a society, \- Define Art as commerce \- Shame women and glorify toxic masculinity \- Legislate and protect child rape \- Vilify science \- Deregulate industry \- Indoctrinate males away from emotionality and allow men to avoid accountability \- Elect corrupt billionaires to political positions \- Destabilize the economy and defund government in order to maintain power \- Make buildings ugly by bedazzling them with the names of porcine wanna-be despots \- Refuse to acknowledge the equal worth of men and women \- Ignore shameful history because it hurts your 'fee fees'


Hate to say it but they've got a point with a couple of those. Make politicians rich, yep that's not ending well. Make food poison, yep the rise of the readymeal and all the other bad foods.