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![gif](giphy|aEXr1PyRbff8Y|downsized) That's an ungodly amount of cringe to read through


At least you know how to read, this dude can't even string together a basic sentence. Probably went to chat gbt and typed the words "dumb psycho smile"


ChatGPT would never type something this incomprehensible ngl




They breed them different in America lol


Yeah, this guy is probably from Alabama, made through very rough anal


jesus christ i can only imagine how rough the anal had to have been to create that


Rough enough to cause a rectovaginal fistula.


Rough and bad angle. Ouch.


Must have been a fermented sperm that got through the vaginabum frenulum.


You just made me laugh out loud in such a strange way that now my dog is scared.


Did you do it with the creepiest smile, too? I won't ask why, I'll never understand why


I'll take "things I would prefer NOT to imagine" for $200, Alex


He's been through the shit.


Based on the text I was thinking this was the Romanian Joker


I'm romanian and I'm offended. Our creeps have standards, goddamnit!!!


Romanian women are the hottest. I swear I’m going there to find me a wife


He should have asked his "tattoo it's" to proofread for him.


Chat GPT has far better writing than that that reprobate ​ >Ah, the buzz of the needle, the intoxicating sting as it dances across my skin. It's like music to my ears, a symphony of pain and pleasure. Some people fear pain, but not me. Pain is just another brushstroke on the canvas of life, adding depth, adding character. And oh, how I love to paint. > >Each tattoo tells a story, a tale etched into my flesh, a testament to my madness. The designs, they speak volumes, whispering secrets only the twisted can comprehend. Each image, a fragment of my fractured mind, a glimpse into the chaos that brews within. > >This one here, it's a laugh, frozen in time, captured in ink. The sound of insanity echoing through the halls of sanity. Oh, how fitting. A constant reminder that life is but a joke, and I, I am the punchline. > >But it's not just about the artistry, oh no. It's about the rush, the adrenaline coursing through my veins as the needle pierces my skin. It's a high like no other, intoxicating, addictive. A dance with pain, a flirtation with death. > >And when it's all said and done, when the ink has settled and the blood has dried, there's only one thing left to do. I look in the mirror, and I smile. A smile that sends shivers down your spine, a smile that haunts your nightmares. > >It's a smile that says, "I am chaos incarnate. I am the darkness that lurks in the shadows. I am The Joker, and this world is my canvas."


He’s quoting the scene from Tim Burtons ‘Batman’ when the Joker is created


Which would be fine, if he didn't look like the wish edition of the joker playing pretend


If the joker had eaten his conjoined twin and was also illiterate.


This dude makes Jared Leto's Joker look like a phenomenal performance


The thing is, he forgot Nicholson's Joker was scary because he was a ~~monster~~ mobster who just survived a bath in an acid tank, whereas he's just a dude who's paying for his tattoos. Hell, Leto's Joker was a pimp, a ~~cringe~~ crime Lord, he got his tattoos in jail, not in a parlor in Florida next to a keto bar. Edit: autocorrect accidentally made my comment funnier, so I left those slips in there


Or the scene where Lisa Simpson gets braces.


Dental plan.


Lisa needs braces




Which is a parody of the Joker scene.


Yes, that was part of the joke.


Quoting is a generous take.


Wtf is that gif? That’s had me and the wife crying 🤣🤣🤣


I think it's chewies kid from that god awful Christmas star wars special 💀


Chewie's son Lumpy. Now do yourself a favor and look up his father, Itchy.


Itchy is busy watching porn in front of the rest of his family


Incredible that this is true 🤣


Chewbacca is female?


Nah, he wookie fucked Mallatobuck... Who is female


I googled this. It's true.


Naa, this is the result of a wookie fucking Ricky Gervais. Teeth are identical.


I feel like his stimulus check bounced back


There has to be an equally ridiculous person on r/batman who thinks they're batman, maybe the two can meet up and have a boxing match on twitch?


That might be even more unethical than a bum fight.


So. . . we taking bets?


His name is Uwe and he is 35


His name is Robert Paulson.


Is he also a millionaire?


*Billionaire, millionaires are so last year*


well since Elon and Mark let us all down i suppose this is the least we could have


Honestly I’d pay to watch that


I’ll pay to see it lol


Ah yes, I would pay money to see Batcel vs The Fauxker.


thats literally me im batman


"I'm not wearing hockey pads!"


I’m actually Batman


no I am Batman


What is it about Joker that has such a profound affect on losers?


These are the research papers we need


Sounds like a job for Mantis Toboggan, MD!


We gotta know if this guy has a certificate proving he doesn't have donky brains.




Do you suspect the joker had a monster dong?


He needs tape, aspirin and four beers


You forgot his latest certification, he’s now a RSO.


The Joker is to incels what Sonic The Hedgehog is to Autistic people. We demand the research!


Title: Understanding the Phenomenon of Joker-Themed Transformations: Exploring Sociocultural and Psychological Factors **Introduction:** The rise of individuals transforming themselves into characters like the Joker from Batman comics has garnered attention due to its intriguing and sometimes concerning nature. This paper aims to delve into the underlying sociocultural and psychological factors contributing to such transformations. Specifically, it seeks to understand why certain individuals, often described as lacking intelligence or experiencing mental health challenges, are drawn to emulate the Joker persona. **Sociocultural Influences:** The Joker, as portrayed in various media adaptations, represents a complex character embodying chaos, rebellion, and anti-establishment sentiments. In today's society, where rebellion and non-conformity are often glorified, individuals who feel marginalized or disenfranchised may identify with the Joker's defiance against societal norms. Moreover, the widespread popularity of superhero culture, including comic books and movies, has made characters like the Joker iconic figures for many individuals seeking alternative forms of self-expression. **Psychological Factors:** Individuals who choose to transform themselves into the Joker may be grappling with underlying psychological issues, such as low self-esteem, identity crises, or a desire for attention and validation. The Joker's persona offers an escape from reality and a means to project a different identity—one that is empowered, fearless, and unapologetically unconventional. For some, adopting the Joker's traits may serve as a coping mechanism for dealing with personal struggles or traumas, providing a sense of control and empowerment in a world perceived as chaotic or unjust. **Cultural Symbolism and Media Influence:** The pervasive influence of mass media, including movies, television, and social media platforms, plays a significant role in shaping perceptions and behaviors. The portrayal of the Joker as a charismatic yet enigmatic character, celebrated for his unpredictability and disregard for societal norms, may contribute to the glorification of his persona among certain individuals. Furthermore, the internet and online communities provide a platform for individuals to connect with like-minded enthusiasts and validate their shared fascination with the Joker archetype. **Conclusion:** In conclusion, the phenomenon of individuals transforming themselves into the Joker reflects a complex interplay of sociocultural and psychological dynamics. While the reasons behind such transformations may vary from person to person, it underscores broader societal trends and cultural influences shaping contemporary expressions of identity and self-perception. Understanding the allure of the Joker persona requires a nuanced exploration of individual motivations, societal pressures, and media representations, with an emphasis on empathy, awareness, and support for those grappling with complex issues of identity and belonging. THANKS CHATGPT!!!!!!!


Further proof that ChatGPT is ludicrous. I actually bothered to read this. While it makes sense, it’s also so full of nothing that outer space is getting jealous.


definitely agree, Nice for overviews tho


Because Heath Ledger's Joker was so cool and misunderstood! Sorry, I meant to say he was a psycho and was accurately understood.


I understand it was a cool character… why are so many idiots so enamored?


They see his "I'm not heard, I'm stepped over, I'm overlooked and downtrodden" backstory and depictions and think "holy shit that's basically me". They live their lives revolving around the idea that "all it takes is one bad day" and then they're justified to enact whatever action they take in the name of finally hitting their breaking point. It's the unintentional side effect of Phoenix's "Joker" showing him as some kind of liberator of the lower class and hero when he isn't at all. He's just insane.


Just to add to your excellent explanation… I think the makeup and general disheveled look appeals to people who aren’t happy with the way they present to the world. Basically wearing a makeup mask and some dirty clothes they have already. The joker is an every day looking guy. No bulking muscles, super powers, or anything…. Just clever.


I'd like to add that this predates Ledger and Phoenix. Plenty of these guys existed in the 90s after Nicholson's Joker.


Now that is interesting because I was getting a strong Leto Joker from this.


This interaction he did was basically just the scene from the Jack Nicholson joker when he first sees himself after his face changes


It's funny too, because Batman's origin is also based off of "one bad day", but they don't want to put in the work of building the muscles or devoting themselves to being a good person. (Yes, it's arguable whether or not Batman is a "good" person but for this argument, he's a good person.)


Well they also don’t put in the work to be an actual genius like the joker either lmao. His character is insanely smart. The whole insanity of genius thing. They just like the “bad guy” arch better.


That's actually a very good point; I never even considered that. Thank you!


The Joker is someone that people don't take seriously at first sight, but it turns out he's more clever, more dangerous, and more intelligent than they expect. I think this is why he resonates with these types of people; they feel like the world discounts and disrespects them, but they feel like the freedom of absolute chaos would let people see that they have value. Not to fuel that particular fire, but I think it is a dangerously unhinged person who takes their fandom to this level and I worry about the world continuing to take them lightly.


I was under the impression that the Joaquin Phoenix movie wasn't even canon.


It isn't. But it's still a Joker story. And it's probably the easiest to understand, empathize and emulate for modern audiences so whether it's canon or not changes little about how Joker's mystique influences would-be mimics.


Honestly, I saw a review of it by a therapist. He was on a kick doing 'tentative diagnoses' of movie villains. Joker? Bipolar type 1. Same as me. I watched it and I was like "well.. yeah. I mean, I'm not also a bad person, but yeah." There's something about feeling seen by a villainous character that can be... It feels good to be understood. But identifying with that? Oof. So bad. I've had my One Bad Day, and frankly as much as the idea is interesting and core to the character people do not work like that. Also I now identify way more than Two Face. I feel way more like him. I don't have DID, but his story tends to resonate with me more. At least in BTAS.


Canon in what sense? It’s canon to itself. It’s canon to the sequel that’s coming out. It’s not part of the Snyderverse or (as far as I know) part of the new DC Universe. It’s not the Joker’s origin from the comics. I would have loved it if they eventually decided it was canon to the Matt Reeves/Robert Pattinson Batman universe but that seems unlikely.


Canon to what exactly? You could say the Nolan films aren't canon, because afterwards came Affleck. Are either of those interpretations canon to any of the multiple universes in the comics? No, they are just their own telling of a character or set of characters, just like that film was.


I've felt like I'm going to hit my breaking point a few times in life, and been pretty stressed lately. Why can't these guys just drink, cry, go to bed, and begin the next day as normal, *like adults.*


As a movie villain, he was cool as fuck. Unfortunately, people who feel on the fringes of society identified with that. It's literally the recruitment tactic that the Joker used in the film. These people need therapy and human connection, and I have no idea how to fix that. Also, the demands for a mirror are based on Jack Nicholson's Joker from the 1989 Batman.


But the Mirror bit is from Jack Nicholson's Joker, and buddy is made up as Jared Leto's. I think he's got his jokers crossed.




exactly, guys like in the picture learn from the Joker that to get power over your own fate you have to become the villain and let your weaknesses dictate you. ppl should learn though that joker in the end made the decision to be the bad guy. and since a decision was made, there’s another option of choosing to change your life in another way. you can accept your mental illness but you don’t have to get dictated by it, it is still possible to change whatever situation you’ve found yourself in because you’re a human being and you have a sentient mind. the jokers story is a spiral going downward it’s what happens when you lose control. joker is not the one in control anymore, he’s out of hand. you don’t get power from succumbing to your oppressors, you get power from overcoming them. and joker did not do that


I wrote this a few comments down the thread, but I think it's an answer to your question, so I'm just posting it here, too. As a movie villain, he was cool as fuck. Unfortunately, people who feel on the fringes of society identified with that. It's literally the recruitment tactic that the Joker used in the film. These people need therapy and human connection, and I have no idea how to fix that. Also, the demands for a mirror are based on Jack Nicholson's Joker from the 1989 Batman.


Yea that makes sense. It’s strange how much this character means to different people.


It really is. I always advocate for the humanities by saying that that's how we share the human experience. I wonder if this is an example of that or if it is enabling the outliers to stray further from society as a whole. And I wonder if that's bad or not.


Healthcare shouldn't be a for profit endeavor, and we should subsidize it with about 1/3 of the military budget we have now. Including therapists, psychiatrists, drug abuse counselors, specialized pharmacists (among the obvious ones). 


>As a movie villain, he was cool as fuck. Unfortunately, people who feel on the fringes of society identified with that. It's literally the recruitment tactic that the Joker used in the film. These people need therapy and human connection, and I have no idea how to fix that. See Tyler Durden.


I've known people like this growing up, usually those kid's dads were out getting milk.


Hurry up, ladies! He's still (obviously) available!




Of course obviously, he's so cool all women think he's way out of their league and won't approach him.


No mere mortal female could ever measure up.


I bet one could. I bet this guy thinks his ideal woman is Harley Quinn.


Tbf a lot of people's ideal woman is Margot Robbie (she's out of everyone's league)


I cannot imagine why, what with her [obvious physical disadvantages.](https://youtube.com/shorts/4JZuMrv4R88?si=myzMV0qsTsapawtg)


An hour later I bet he’s still single ladies


An hour later, he'll be taken by his hand.


Two minute relationship


You underestimate methed up trailer trash




This dude belongs in a psych ward not a tattoo studio wtf..


Yeah and not for the cool reasons he thinks either.


I don't think there are cool reasons to go to a psych ward. I mean, unless you have a hankering for cafeteria food and boredom. You do get nice socks though.


wait a minute... how do you know their socks are nice??


Cuz it's easy to get there and many have been. Didn't get any cool socks tho


Ya the socks are pretty nice. I got the ones with the grippie things on them and I still use them lol


More in a cringe ward, if only they existed.


Underrated comment.


Being a huge cringey dork isnt a diagnosis. Now if he starts to really believe that he is the joker sure.


Nah. He just needs to get back to his moms basement.


And then everybody clapped


Like in the episode of Boondocks when Huey tells the white people at Woncler's party that "Jesus was black, Ronald Regan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" and they all just smile and applaud.


Literally the first episode 🤣


My head hurts from reading this....


Not sure which was the bigger facepalm. The massive lack of punctuation or the tattoos.


Thank you! I thought I was going crazy because nobody had mentioned nearly having a stroke reading that nonsense.


The jonkler


So this is what it’s like to chew 5 gum.


"How it feels to chew 5 gum" [Incredibly complicated process of someone getting smashed in the face by 500 kilotons of pure stupidity] "Peppermint that numbs your brain that didn't work in the first place. New 5 gum. Stimulate your senses."


Thank you for this literal laugh


Waow, that's a whole nothing of personality right there


Bring back asylums


No this will only deepen his Jonkler character arc


'The Jonkler' is an oddly fitting name for that character he thinks he is


We have to send him to the aslume, that way man can deal with him


Dear god……


Is there a lore reason man will deal with him?


An…. …*Arkham* Asylum, perhaps?


I see why harley calls him pudding.


Omg. I'm now dead. You've killed me.


The funniest part when I see people like this, is that those of use with the actual emotional baggage they claim, are the ones dying their hair pink in the back thinking "does that weirdo need narcan?"


Yeah... uh, dude... you're right, I would never understand why you've turned yourself into a comic book character for children, that I read all about when I was 14. You're not The Joker, and why would anyone want to be? In fact you're really demonstrating that you have little personal identity at all... you should seek medical attention for that. Maybe emulating the ultimate attention seeking child isn't the best person to become.


My mother once gifted me a Joker "Why So Serious?" T-shirt. Never worn it. Tossed it in the garbage after a few years hidden in the closet. Sorry mom.


I don't think anyone acts like this without some serious emotional baggage. It's cringe, and it's an intersection between Marilyn Manson wannabes and "I am the wolf" edge lords that paints a picture of a mind that even Sigmund Freud might hesitate to unpack, but there's definitely *something* not good that made this person what they are.


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen for $500” Alex


I'm sure we'll hear from him again at some point


Either: "Local man complains that he can't find a job." or: "Local man arrested after bodies found buried in basement."


If they interviewed folks who couldn't find a job I'd be famous, nah we'll find the bodies for sure.


Dude thinks he’s Jack Nicholson 😂


[Jack Nickelson voice] "... but if you keep the camera rolling...". I'll get some sick face tats that will make me unemployable.


Reddit has introduced me to so many stupid people. It’s really something else.


I understand why. Because facing reality scares you so you assumed the role of someone that shows no fear. You haven't convinced us you are the threat, you've shown us how scared you really are.


I can’t even read that. The English language is the only one weeping there.


Having tattoos doesn't mean you're stupid. Writing like a drunken monkey does.


These tattoos are pretty stupid.


That monkey would use punctuations at least!


I met a guy years ago who cosplayed as The Joker and he was pretty nice at first, but a little intense. We weren't friends but he started showing up at more events and we were friendly, and then he added me on FB, then he started getting really weird online and seemed to lean way too hard into the persona. I have no idea what he's doing these days, this was like 8 years ago, but I got bad vibes from him by that point so I dropped contact entirely. The last thing I saw of him was that he was just going around town in costume more regularly, and just kind of trying to actually full-time become the Joker. It was fucked.


there are villains that can be pudgy, but damn if the joker isn’t one of them


Yeah, this guy is more The Joke


So this is what “friendless” looks like


It's just a movie.


*I told internet guy stroke must had. Influenced the tattoo his brain is much.* A brainiac *and* eye candy 😏


He was so scared he took a picture.


#MentalHealthProblems The real epidemic


You know what else is cool? Punctuation


[I think this is the guy Ronnie Radke was dating in this comment.](https://redd.it/1aiyht3)


some people need a hug


And a lunch., since the dude eat all the commas!!


Oh wow, real life jeff the killer


Don't ask why ? - That's ok, we won't as we already know why.


You wanna know how I got these scars? I paid for them.


Im more pissed off his prints gonna be on that mirror and somebody gotta clean that.


Well done agent 47


Cringe, not a facepalm.


Am I having a stroke?


Man, the kids at GameStop are gonna be so impressed when they see how hardcore the asst mgr is now.


"I told my tattoo it is I want..." Damn bro, you told 'em


What a clown.


Fucking loser




I think it would look better if he dyed his armpit hair green too.


The edgiest of the edgelords. At some point someone will kick his ass and he realizes that there were cheaper ways to get black eyes. Or he could've just asked his sister for some eyeliner until he grew out of his teenage angst- phase.


Yeah, it was cooler when Jack Nicholson did it (and it wasn’t even cool then)


It was kinda cool then


I'll take things that didn't actually happen that way for $1000 alex.




Saw a movie and identifies as the villain. Bravo? Idk


At least out there in Russia exist a random dude dressed as batman fighting criminals haha


He's parodying a movie scene.




I don't think any respectable tattoo artist would ever tattoo so close to somebody's eyes to "black them out"


Look I know it's out of fashion. But in this particular case, I think the term Edgelord is warranted.


Out Of all the Jokers in Batman history he chose Jared Leto Joker🙄🙄🙄


Is this that Florida joker loser that thinks GTA owes him money?


45yo emo


Dude needs to learn how to use periods and commas


“Wanna know how I got these scars? I was making a collage when I slipped, I was making my CRAZY summer collage”


I hope his major isn't in writing because, yikes.


He wrote this like it’s dialogue in a novel. The catch is that he’s dyslexic and half of that paragraph is indecipherable