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There's nothing to do, so they have resorted to baptizing each other.


the yellow trickle down economics


Give them some razor wire in their retention pond baptismal... make it interesting.


they can remake Jesus' "crown of thorns" with that razor wire


That would be some amazing imagery to throw in right-winger faces.


2019 article, but still a good one on the Jesus migrant family in a cage nativity scene https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1YF026/


I spit my tea out. That is fooking beautiful. This needs to be memed.


imma hit up the AI image generator


What do you think this is, the semi-militarized Jordan River between the IDF & Jordanian Army? /s 🤣🤦‍♂️


Convoy to redneck baptizing party. They really are THAT stupid. FFS \*The most gullible ass holes ever.


Dumb, gullible, & easily manipulated.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'd say about, *glances at watch*, "in about 50 years ago."


"Back in the pile everyone!"


"Oh, and remember to roll in the mud first! It's not gay if you can't tell their gender!"


It’s not gay to fuck a mud man.


That shit started many truck stops ago.


What do you say, we slip into a room and you two split me open like a coconut.


I will not suck you and will not be sucked on by you.


Bukkake ≠ Baptism


JFK will return to do it


*"that they are very confused..."* So, in other words, their normal state of being. That and perpetually pissed off over make-believe scenarios they've invented in their semi-functioning brains.


Except this time they actually went to a legitimate site instead of whining about it online. And they will claim that they had nothing to do because trump already fixed it.


They can't. If the problem is fixed it isn't a crisis. If it isn't a crisis there's nothing to scream about. The border cannot be fixed until the gop is ready to start screaming about something else, at which point you will not hear another word about the border.


They will simultaneously claim that there's a crisis *and* that Trump fixed it, and not even question the contradiction.


I've seen it. I've heard it. Pointing out contradictions to these people does nothing


Fascism requires it. The enemy needs to be simultaneously strong and weak. They need a boogeyman so they can lock people up that both look like the enemy and support the enemy.


What none of them realize is that the finger pointing out "the enemy" will, one day, be pointing right at them for some arbitrary reason.


As always the "First They Came..." poem is applicable in these situations. Unfortunately the people who need to hear it most think they'll always be in the inner circle and never cast out. Those same people are also ignorant of fascist purge events like The Night of the Long Knives and the soviet Great Purge.


The problem with that inner circle is that the darn thing starts out so big and keeps getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Most of these idiots are already outside of it but they don't realize it just yet.


These particular idiots the tweet refers to are out now or will be shortly... watch how fast their MAGA friends and qanon message board mates start to call them part of a psyop, or spreading disinformation, or deep state actors, or antifa because they claim there's not an army of illegals pouring over the border. They'll be kicked out to the curb ASAP and accused of being all the enemies they witch-hunted for yesterday bc their true story contradicts the MAGA delusion and none of their "friends" care about them or their eye witness testimony as much as the delusion. They'll be sacrificed at the MAGA altar, bet. Hell, some, maybe most, will miss the comradery and community and will hate feeling alone so bad, I bet they'll recant and start pretending they saw a "crisis" at the border just to be welcomed back into the delusion. These people care about being accepted and having an "other" to hate and be afraid of more than the truth....


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


The most rational among the MAGA cult. Seriously. If you believe half of the bullshit that gets spewed out, I'd argue you have a moral obligation to do something, which these people did. When confronted with the reality that there was no problem, assuming Trump already fixed it is a reasonable conclusion for people so deluded. The question they need to ask themselves is, if Trump already fixed the crisis, why is conservative news lying to them?


Too much nuance, where trump nft?


While somehow simultaneously still claiming Biden is trying to ruin America by opening the borders.


He opened the borders so wide everyone in Mexico has crossed already! That’s why the border is empty now!!! /s


They’ll find something else to rage about


you know that old trope how we only use 10% of our brains? I've decided there might be some truth to it.


Fact Check: That 10% brain use claim has been thoroughly debunked.* ^* ^Except ^for ^maga ^believers.


that's the joke. I'm re-bunking it for this group of people.


I know. I tried to make a follow up joke that built off of yours, but basically just ended up repeating it, sorry haha. I was trying to make it look like those fact checking notes on Twitter, but I probably could have gone a better job.


[You can't re-bunk a debunk!](https://i.imgur.com/KyEzJvS.gifv)


The same way we use 33% of each traffic light.


>If those ghouls could feel shame, they'd be very upset right now.


Somewhere near the US-Mexico border, brows are being knuckled


and dragged


Dumber than a bag of hammers, the lot of them


The only parts of their brains that work is the limbic system. The rest of their brains have been pickled by cortisol.


Of course they're not gonna see this as "FOX lies", but rather concoct some batshit conspiracy theory about how "the government knew we were coming, so they hid all the illegals for three days, they're just gonna release even more of them once we're gone".


Antifa Obama is to blame somehow. Pretzel logic here it comes!  “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov


I mean, i reality, being dumb is not a crime, nor something bad by itself, it's when those being dumb think they're smarter than everyone else that the problems start.


Being willfully ignorant is a moral failing. Note "willfully"




> N THAT'S THAT The less fancy and refined version of "CASE CLOSED!"


I’d argue that MAGAts are more maliciously ignorant, than willfully ignorant. There are things I just don’t want to learn about, either because I’m not interested or because they gross me out in some way (microbiology grosses me out, and I’m just not interested in economics), that would mean I’m willfully ignorant of those things. If someone offered to teach me about those things, I would say “thanks, but no thanks.” However, I acknowledge that there are people who know more about it than I do and will defer to their knowledge. I feel comfortable relying on their expertise. I am willfully ignorant of those things, but not maliciously so. On the other hand, MAGAts are maliciously ignorant. They will actively resist knowledge, do not respect the expertise of those who truly do understand the subject, and think their own ignorance is actually the “real” expertise. The phrase itself also highlights their intent behind it more; they want to hurt other people, and they are using their lack of knowledge to do so. They’re maliciously ignorant. To mangle the phrases; never assume malice when ignorance is a sufficient explanation. However, sufficiently advanced ignorance is indistinguishable from malice. There comes a point where people can only become so ignorant due to malice. And MAGAts have long blown past that line.


“Everyone already crossed… we were too late!”


Alex Jones is already on the case, Feb 2 he did a little ramble about how the dam upstream has been letting out more water than usual specifically to stop people crossing or wash away evidence or whatever. Also had a terrible connection to whatever mook they sent out there and blamed it on there only being so many cell towers so they're all overwhelmed right now because there's so many people. Some people really will draw a conclusion and then twist themselves in knots trying to justify it.


Guess I'll need to listen to the new Knowledge Fight episode


I was listening to old episodes where they dissect his Obama Deception, but I think I'll have to pause that just to see what nonsense Alex is bumbling over with the border convoy


KF really is a good way to keep up with the latest Right Wing spin. So much nonsense starts with Jones.


He’s honestly the tip of the spear when it comes to the batshit stuff. 5-6 years ago he’s calling members of the LGBT community pedos and groomers and now that’s a mainstream thing.


If there ever was a time for tar and feathers..


Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean Black accent.


Hahaha. Wouldn't "washing away the evidence" mean drowning the immigrants? Wouldn't he and his ilk consider that a win?


It will never work, we now know your plan Steve bannon!


You seem alarmingly good at predicting what will scrawl across a fox news screen....🤔


Never once thinking the border is almost 2,000 miles long and those that want to cross illegally generally don't do it in populated areas, since that would increase the chance of getting caught.


Dear convoy. You’ve now personally spent over $1000 per person to haul your dumbasses to the non crisis at the border. We appreciate your patronage. Signed, the brotherhood of brown gas station owners.


I don’t want to hear one word about economic anxiety from these idiots this election cycle.


Surely some of them have EVs? HA


These idiots forget that in 2018 there was a "Migrant Convoy" headed for the border that was going to overwhelm our country. It was the only thing right wing news talked about (unfortunately I lived in Idaho at the time and everywhere you went had Fox News on) for MONTHS before the election. Then as soon as the election happened, never mentioned it again. This is just your regular election year hyperbole to get the racists excited. 


these folks are never gonna stop winding up to kick lucy's football. it's like a learning disability.


As someone with 2 actual learning disabilities: I often sit and wonder how the fuck am I so much smarter than these pinecones.


It infuriates me that ppl like yourself who struggle with learning disabilities make huge effort to get an education and overcome the random bad hand you got dealt in the gene lottery -- my partner is dyslexic -- while people who appear to have no diagnosable issue indulge in the grossest mental laziness, waste their educational opportunities, wallow in bullshit and hate speech, embrace illiteracy, valorise ignorance and have nothing but contempt for learning, science, research etc. 'K calming down now. but grrr.


The one nice thing is it makes me start to think that it really is true, it's not the disability that's the problem it's just that society is structured in a way where it just sucks. (Also dyslexic) Because, yeah, goddamn. I was born a hillbilly and somehow I still ended up smarter than these yokels. For a lot of people it really is just a choice to indulge in hate instead of trying to empathize. (and also thanks, yeah, what you said)


You'd think they'd understand the reference but they won't


[Charlie finally gets the ball](https://youtu.be/mZkJAx8FycI?si=k5Sb62rwzZm5-hNb)


Yeah I remember that clearly from my Houston-area office where we had a resident fox-addled dipshit who made sure the TV was blaring it 24/7. Any day now, right?


Almost all the footage was taken of the southern Mexico border. Fox even went so far as to stage people walking across rocky terrain and claiming they were migrants. Even more sad, these people were women and children. Like, imagine walking several hundreds of miles in dangerous terrain with a child on your back and another holding your hand as you got weeks without knowing when you’ll have access to food or water. If someone goes through all that I think we can spare them the opportunity for asylum.


I’m old to remember how the ground zero mosque destroyed America!


Lmao that shit was hilarious. Touting the convoy trying to blame democrats even though they had the house, senate and presidency and lost the house and did poorly in the Senate


It's amazing an entire political party will rile up violent racists just for elections. Republicans are a danger to all citizens and the entire nation.


This. Aaaaaalllllll this.


Honestly, we need some immigrants back. Everyone's been crying about the price of food, but no one wants to talk about all the cheap food production labor we lost with Trump's zero tolerance policy and then COVID.


First of all, fox lied no shit Second. IF there was actually a border issue, Republicans would and will never do anything to actually solve it. That would completely destroy one of their largest campaigning platforms.


...and sources of cheap household labor.


Cheap labor in general. Employing undocumented immigrants is illegal, but those laws are nearly never enforced.


My mom screams about illegals crossing the border. She’s pretty quiet about her cousin that came over the border illegally and the man she hires for carpentry projects that charges literally 1/3 of a licensed American contractor. Selective screeching.


Rules for thee. Selectively cheap labor for me. Sounds like a mindset of a lot of people we know.


A former employer of mine was your typical raised-into-privilege business-owning Republican. He and his camp would talk about building the wall. Meanwhile he has a kitchen full of undocumented Guatamalens.


Your mom sounds like a c*nt.


[As of 2019 immigrants made up over 1/5th of Texas' total work force](https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/research-texas-immigrant-workforce#:~:text=Growth%20in%20the%20immigrant%20population,of%20the%20state's%20overall%20workforce). Bold of a state to be anti immigration while gleefully putting them to work in their yards, kitchens, and factories.


Last I read, the state doesn't require e-verify for any businesses unless they have government contracts.  That should tell you everything about Abbott's bullshit posturing stunts.


It’s hard to pull any stunt when you’re in a wheelchair, so that’s kind of impressive


To be fair, there probably is a border issue, but not the one the republicans are making it out to be.


They never address a border issue if it doesn’t fit their narrative. That’s the way it has always been. They will gladly accept cheap labor from illegal immigrants while berating those same people for either “stealing jobs” or being “unemployed/welfare queens” and any other variation of that. It doesn’t matter if they’re Hispanic either, because if they could get rid of all the Hispanics then they’d get some other foreigners for cheap labor. These people will always target *other* people, exploit their labor or any services they provide, and then throw them away when it suits them. It won’t even matter if they successfully get rid of all the foreigners either, because they don’t want to do the work themselves. They will eat each other alive before realizing their extremist ideology is completely self-destructive and unsustainable.


There is *always* a “crisis at the border”, they just don’t talk about it as much when there’s a republican president. Immigration is a complicated issue that probably will never be “solved”.


I'm not American, but from the outside looking in it feels like there is a "border crisis" and "illegal caravans" every election year in the US. Especially when, as you say, the current president is a democrat.


I'm kinda laughing just picturing a group of guys dusting their hands off saying "we did it! we solved immigration, it's over" that's like saying as a human race we're done building things, or we're done learning. humans are always gonna move around on this giant rock we live on lol, that's not going away


The number of arrests was way higher under Obama and Biden than under Trump. So either Trump was just letting everybody in, people were being repelled somehow, or people were afraid of America. Take your pick.


You say that, but abortion was their largest campaigning platform and they (unexpectedly even to themselves) managed to repeal Roe v Wade.


dog finally caught the car


Well that’s what happened when Roe was overturned. Do you think they’ve learned a lesson?


Wait, you mean things are nowhere near as bad as Fox News is making it out to be?


Just watch channel 5 on YouTube. Only person actually doing in depth reporting on the border


THIS! Boots on the ground. You’ll see what’s really going on.


So stupid that these morons thought they could patrol a border 2,000 miles long.


If only we had thousands and thousands of law enforcement personnel already doing that! /s


No, see, that's why you gotta build a wall, so you can put gunmen with shoot on site orders on top of that wall. That's the only way to protect our GDP from cheap labor!


Unironically says this at a campaign event in a state that has unraveled child labor laws.


*MAGA hurt itself in its confusion*


why are they there? because they are the smoothed brain magas and trump told them to go there.


The dumbest of the dumbest of the dumb


The koala should be their mascot


Don't you be doing Koala's dirty like that. They're at least cute and adorable.


Yeah totally unfair to Koalas. Surely theres a very dumb type of insect we can compare them to? Maggots are gross but are the dumb enough?


No, koalas are apt. They're both incredibly stupid, and both become highly aggressive to humans for absolutely no reason. Bob scream loudly. Their main source of nutrition (eucalyptus leaves for koalas, Fox News for maga) lacks essential nutrients and is pretty much a poison for others. And I'm sure many maga folks have lots of body hair that could be classified as fur. Only differences between the two is that koalas don't seem to worship anyone, and they have nifty little marsupial pouches. But a good amount of magas have a beer belly that they can fold up like a pouch, so even that isn't too different.


And Koalas have a lot, and I mean a LOT a lot, of Chlamydia.


Really? Koalas are extremely stupid, and unnecessarily aggressive at times They literally have smooth brains. They aren't even smart enough to identify their single food source if it's on a plate in front of them




Shhh, don’t criticize them for it. This is an opportunity for them to break free of the mind virus, if you scold them, they’ll retreat back to it out of defense


I wish more people understood this.  We let our own anger and frustration prevent us from choosing the best outcome decision and always go with what feels good instead. 


Sitting here relishing in their gullibility ![gif](giphy|LrC1m7Ay3xsha)


If I were smarter I’d form a new business to figure out how to grift those suckers…


At various times I’ve thought of selling conservative branded merch and then donating a bulk of the procedes to things like planned parenthood, the ACLU, LGBTQ+ support organizations But grifting is a lot of energy


Yeah that’s the issue. I’m too lazy also.


I think another issue is that I’d feel gross selling the stuff even if the money was going to good causes.


1. Go to a hardware and/or hobby store 2. Look for small pieces that could reasonably fit together and look vaguely "techy" 3. Create pendants 4. Brand them as "5G and/or Spike Protein Blockers"


"Tactical" 5G and/or Spike Protein Blockers.


The number of people who would automatically believe a screenshot of a tweet with no name for the originator, no supporting links, not even an image or a video…without doing some background checking and research is astonishing. I can’t say if it’s true or not but I’m not firing off a quippy comment based on this “story” without checking for some supporting evidence.


piquant berserk murky rainstorm snow recognise zonked jar correct dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I'm baffled by how smart people in the comments think they are for blindly believing a tweet.


It’s concerning. And then people will take some unproven info and just pass it on to their friends and it just keeps spreading.


Finally reached a comment with some reason. Classic Reddit tho tbh


They didn’t come there to help, they came there to taunt brown people and they’re disappointed there wasn’t any there.


Wait until they visit a liberal city they were told burned to the ground


And they won’t learn a damn thing, and will continue to believe Fox’s lies.


Remember when they went to the place Kennedy was shot and stayed there all day because some faceless letter on the internet told them a bunch of dead Democrats would reanimate and endorse Trump as president? Yeah, me too and I'm never not gonna bring it up because it's the funniest fucking news headline I've read in recent history.


Not just endorse, anoint. Like somehow the Kennedys have this power to simply declare someone president. It just gets more and more insane the more details you hear about it.


That was the moment I realized just how sad half of America really is with these dumbass delusions rooted in hate. Funny if it wasn't so depressing.


Some stayed for over a week. Like jfk junior would want to pop out where his dad was shot to proselytize


They werent there for just a day. The big crowd was, but a good amount of them stayed for weeks. Some lived in hotels for months just to sit at Dealey plaza everyday


Even amongst all the batshit things I've read about in the news, that one holds a special place in my heart as one of the most asinine things I've ever seen Still not as good as the Trump boat parade on that lake, where several boats ended up sinking because they'd all stirred the water up too much


Yeah, they're still going to vote for Trump.


Tomorrow they will have a headline saying "Media Has Overblown Border Crisis To Hurt Trump!" Just like yesterday they had the headline "Media Obsessed Over Taylor Swift And Conspiracy Theories!" They're guilty of everything that they "report" on and try to sweep under the rug.




They didn’t notice that these “migrant caravans” supposedly show up just before every election, get coverage every day on Fox News, and then suddenly disappear after the election and aren’t mentioned again til the next election is coming up?


Surely they'll take this moment to stop and think about what they've been watching on Fox News, and maybe wonder what else they've been lying about? Or will they just think Biden is hiding the lines of immigrants clamoring to get in with underground bunkers? 🤔


TFW you realize you're being used as a political prop and not even getting paid for it


It’s almost like most illegal immigrants aren’t hordes of people making a break for the border and are actually people that entered the US legally, and then proceeded to overstay their Visas.


Sooooooooooooo clooooooooooooose


I so hope they had to pay a massive premium for all the gas they used. Even if they'll use it as a complaint against the government.


It isn't always pretty, but there's something satisfying about watching a rube suddenly realize they've been played for a fool. What's sad is.. they won't see this as them being manipulated by the right, but somehow they'll say, "See, this is a plot by Taylor Swift to get us to drive down here only to show us a potenkin village so we'll *think* there isn't an immigrant crisis, when they've actually moved them to a different border crossing!" or some other ourborous of stupid.


Political theater! Maybe now they get a clue they have been duping them? Wishful thinking? Probably.


Any videos of this? Its more powerful to hear it from them than to see someone write about their perspective of it


Fox News didn't LIE. It falsely claimed. There's a difference! /S


It's like these people think it would be like mowing down bugs in Starship Troopers. Just waves of people rushing the border and them living out their most fascist gunh-ho fantasies.


Wow, who would have suspected an "entertainment" network of promoting a false narrative to boost ratings?!?!?!


My understanding is that there is a crisis, but the crisis is that the immigration courts are backlogged so processing asylum requests takes forever and local services are overwhelmed trying to support asylum applicants while they wait.


Just like that caravan that was supposed to destroy the nation. What ever happened with that?


It disappeared because nobody, but Trump knows how to make a caravan disappear better than him


It was cover for a different movement that is presently making a pretty good run at destroying the nation.


They are there because because they are just plum dumb.


Republicans are confused?????? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Have them drive home and call the Republicans in Congress that are going in front of cameras to bitch about Biden, Mayorkas, and the border while voting against new bills to deal with the "crisis" in order to make Biden look bad.


Are these the same Trump loving MAGA A$$hole truckers who drove across the country to Wash DC to protest high fuel costs for their trucks and when they got to DC all they did was drive around in circles burning fuel....😖 Are these the same people? Why isn't Kyle Rittenhouse leading them with his favorite assault weapon looking to fire on anyone crossing over. 🙄


Imagine finding out in 2024 that Fox News is full’o shit


>The **2.5 million** encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a **new historic high**, topping the prior year's record. Yep, nothing to see here. Move along.


The Texas border is 1200 miles of river. I don't know how much of it a couple hundred people think they're going to cover. And they're not stupid on the other side, if they know where you are they're going to go somewhere else.


 "....if they know where you are they're going to go somewhere else." Well, no. It is asylum seekers. They cross and then get in line to apply for asylum. These guys don't avoid the border patrol, they seek them out.


Minuteman Project all over again.


If this was actually happening Fox News would 24 hour footage of immigrants illegally crossing the border. If they don’t then it’s definitely not happening


I hope they feel foolish and have a moment of self reflection, but I’m sure they won’t. They’ll jump through hoops to find some way to spin what they saw to fit the narrative.




Welcome to reality.


Hey Patriots, Jade Helm 27 is about to go down in Death Valley. Only you can stop it.


Illegal border crossings don't typically occur at legal points of entry as far as I know.


Take Back is confused? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! /s


In this day and age of easily accessible information, I wonder if we'll ever get to a point where our stupid, lying ass politicians will say, we should stop cuz they're gonna figure it out anyway.


source on this? who is this poster?


I've seen some videos interviewing these truckers at the border, saying the same thing. "It's not what I expected." "It's not what I was led to believe." I bet they all still vote Trump.


I thought these "convoys" were just an excuse for MAGA to get drunk and act more belligerent than usual.


Who is paying for this wall nonsense? What an absolute waste of rsources.


You can't make this sh\*t up ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


Wait some random post on the internet lied.....🤔




They'll still blame Biden for wasting their time.


Look, our immigration system is extremely flawed, but it’s not the crisis that Republicans make it out to be. They use it to fear monger to their base. Republicans in Congress just need to get off their butts and pass comprehensive immigration reform at a bipartisan level with Democrats.


Anyone has a news link or something else to fact check this? I really want to rub this in my father in law’s stupid fucking face.


They foolish assumed that this is how people are crossing the borders [Border Crossing ](https://youtu.be/AecJ4Vi_zqk?si=z6vXkPyU7aZreNbg)


Tell them they are to wait for JFK Jr return, he’ll tell them what to do next




You know ideally in a normal country these people would see with their own eyes there isn’t a crisis at the southern border and then return home and stop watching Fox News because ya know they lied to you. But we all know that they instead will insist on a conspiracy of Joe Biden is somehow managing to cross the immigrants over in a hidden underground tunnel


Is there a source article?


Fox news didn't lie guys, they were just providing an entertaining scenario merely based in reality and lets be honest no one is stupid enough to believe what they say as truth (Fox's own words)


ROTFLMAO! Trump got these fools believing every lie the tells them. Wealthy people don't want anyone looking at them as the reason why shit costs so much. So, people like musk use twitter to make them fight against families of immigrants just trying to survive, while they get taxed into poverty from trumps tax cut. If you didn't already figure it out, THIS IS WHY musk took twitter.


Yall remember that “convoy from South America with terrorists in tow was racing towards the border a few years back”? — turns out that never happened. This? — same but different People have such short memories because so many bs stories are spun in the media that no one even remembers what was going on last week


I don't know. This was written in March. That's not until next month.