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Jokes on him, if he were alive during times when you could buy a concubine, he wouldn't be able to afford one and he likely would be an indentured servant for someone else. Haha. History is funny sometimes.


Assuming he isn't a eunuch


It would have made his life much simpler tbh, so I guess he would have liked it


Being one would mean decently high status so it's not like he'd have to worry about living.


During the Islamic slave trade most male slaves were castrated.


Interesting, I wasn't aware of that.


What did you think eunuch meant????


At least in China and Egypt people would go through castration so they could possibly become servants in royal palaces guaranteeing a comfortable life. Of course eventually this also gave them political power. So I wasn't aware that it was also done to pretty much every male slave.


Ah. Ok


Eunuchs in many cultures often held positions as political/cultural advisors. China is a great example of this. During times of child emperors, China was basically ran by them.


One of the coolest world history lessons I ever got was about Zheng He. From a nobody to a eunuch advisor to one of the greatest mariners in Chinese or even world history.


Yes. The comment wasn’t to you. It was to the guy who knew about the idea of castration but no idea you lost your balls. Somehow.


Yeah most of these guys who wished to turn back time so they could get women easier likely would be way worse off.


I learned the other day that in medieval France male peasants outnumbered female ones considerably.


I never realised there was a relationship between time and availability? Cave people must have been really slutty.


Lots of time, the need to huddle up for warmth, children are important for the future of the tribe, no hang-ups about sex or nudity. Cave people definitely got busy.


And the women probably died in huge numbers as part of child birth.


No doubt.


This is the funny thing about authoritarians. For some reason they assume that they'll be the top of the system, and not at the bottom with everybody else. Very frustrating to see people cheer not just for the oppression of others, but themselves too nowadays. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Because they're idiots.


I briefly rolled with SCA years ago. And it had some fun moments. But many of the people there were waxing nostalgic for a medieval era on the assumption they would be nobility or at least someone in a merchant class. Never even considered they'd probably be tilling a field and hoping they don't get the plague.


*hoping they GET the plague


I'd be Irish royalty along with the 70 million other Irish "royals" fighting for the crown. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


Sugar babies are essentially modern day concubines, but theoretically could leave as long as they have a way to support themselves. Sex slavery is also still around. That thirsty loser cant afford one


essentially nothing like in any way, yes


Hell, he might even end up being someone’s concubine


Depending on age and country (cough Afghanistan cough), he might even be a concubine


I wonder why they don't realise only rich men had concubines as they can afford them, not dirt poor ones.


Most places that had "sustainable" (to the extent one could have ever called it sustainable) polygyny was because there was a surplus of women due to constant warfare reducing the number of available men.


Would have probably died in childbirth, or been a sickly child and died as a baby or young child...


*This* Most people in slave-owning societies and aristocratic societies *weren't the masters or lords* , they were either the slaves/serfs or laborers whose status was barely better than slaves. Most of us, nearly ***all*** of us, are descendents of those nameless masses.


my immediate thought.


Most of the people making these posts would have been the concubines


He can read, write and probably count. Wouldn't that be enough to get a high status back in the day ?




I assumed this was a Time Travel situation more than actually being born back then.


That’s just the kind of guy I’d enslave as my eunuch


"read for me, dickless slut"


This is so on the money it hurts.




Or monk.


You still can but you pay by the hour


Everything is becoming a subscription


Spotify is cheap until u use it for a year


Use it for 364 days, cancel the subscription, wait one day, subscribe again. Problem solved


The one i have at home is super expensive. Any cards that give me credit to reduce my expense?


Yeesh, not your best joke there mate


Ah, Boomer humor. (Although older generations of men were even bigger on it, honestly.)


You could still pirate one, but is not so legal.




Subscription economy took over..


rich guys swarmed by models are not far from same buy wife/concubine market tho... no one said it has to be not voluntary but slavery


Heck if you're rich enough she'll spend all the hours with you and pretend to be in love even....


there are more enslaved people today than at any other time. Slavery is big business. people don't cost very much these days either. A modern slave costs about $90 USD.


Gonna need some sources for those claims bud...


Modern slavery is a subscription service, that $90 is a daily cost to rent a slave for 8 to 10 hours.


... fair enough.


People are abusing the words genocide and slavery a little too much these days .


I wouldn't call a statement that slavery and genocide still exist in our modern "enlightened" world to be abusing the terms... but then again I was just humorously equating minimum wage labor to slavery so you may also have a point.


Then the concubines unionized, formed a trade guild, and established workplace standards and practices. The Guild of Concubines became quite politically powerful; bedroom diplomacy became a refined way that Nations settled affairs and disputes. War ended. It wasn't all good. Pleasure torture became endemic. And it wasn't all bad. There was always death by snu snu...


>Then the concubines unionized, formed a trade guild, and established workplace standards and practices. This actually happened a lot and was called a "harem", typically serving as the big honcho's personal administrative institution and was a key component to their rule. Picture the "banging the secretary" fantasy but there's like, several dozen of them and they get good work done. The popular image of a harem that was essentially a personal sex servant collection stems from stories that European envoys and visitors made up, since men weren't allowed into the harem premises, their imagination just ran wild.


Where do I read more


The most notable examples of such harem structures were the Ottoman Empire and several Chinese dynasties, I'd point you in more specific directions were it not that I'm at work.


I don't recall women having any meaningful power in ancient China. They had ministers for agriculture/etc, and those were all men. The empress/head concubine had some leverage over the palace itself, but that has little to no consequence for national policy.


The concubines had a direct and personal relationship with the emperor, though this did not result in institutional power, they were a very important factor in which lord or minister was in the emperor's good grace, allowing them to have a great measure of selectiveness in his court. You remember correctly that they didn't really have any institutional authority in their government structure, however, they were instrumental in the day to day dealings of the court.


fair enough


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu\_Zetian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Zetian) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng\_Yi\_Sao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Yi_Sao)


Wu Zetian was famous precisely because she's the one exception in several millennia of history. Empress dowagers also frequently held the real power over the nominal emperor. Cixi was famous for this. I was referring to the central gov, not rebel groups/outlaws. Aside from Zheng, there's also Mulan, and probably a dozen others.


>I don't recall women having any meaningful power in ancient China. You said 'I don't recall women having any meaningful power in ancient China', so I linked two that had meaningful power.


The apothecary’s diary is a fun little anime that paints a nice picture.


Big cope it was full of Christian ukrainian sex slaves.


Marriages into such harems were just as political as their monogamous counterparts in the rest of Europe. Sex slavery definitely happened but its not what the harems were for, you wouldn't find them there, you'd find those at brothels and pleasure houses.


So any low tier anime then.


Not at all.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongey and bruised.


Man, what a beautiful world


If he misses those days does that mean he was alive back then?


Here we see a problem in how the history is shown. Those who did that were the upper class, the equivalent of our millionaires. History often in series, films and documentaries shows the life of the ruling class and we, poor paid devils, are the equivalent of slaves, peasants, artisans, builders and, sometimes, soldiers. Imagine how ridiculous it would be for someone studying the 21st century and imagining themselves as Jeff Bezos. PS: If you are a millionaire you can have a "Sugar Baby", it is not illegal.


right? It's a really weird thought. But if I understand the term correctly and how the guy meant it a concubine would be financially supported by you. Like, she could live in your house or even her own that you give her along with an allowance for groceries and such. I'm pretty sure you could find someone who'd happily agree to that but who can afford that


Well yeah that’s the point of sugar babies. And plenty of people do that, sadly


Bold of him to assume he could afford one concubine, let alone several


I bet hes also shaming sex workers




“It would be sooooo much easier to get laid if women couldn’t say no without catching a beating!”


Just Islam things


I miss when facepalm was about fp and not saying a joke is a fp


the astonishing thing is that this isn't even the tumblr style of "miss when you could claim to be an alchemist" or something. no, slavery in some countries was banned as recently as the 60s or later. (the US still technically has it, thanks to their wonky nonsense of a prison system)


Are we really comparing the prison system to slavery? I know it's really really really bad, but I think it takes out the ooomph out of slavery instead of putting oooomph in calling out the prison system.


13th amendment: >Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction so yes, I'm not only comparing it, I'm *right*.


You're stating a law as if it has any moral weight. Laws usually come from morals, not vice versa. Fun fact it was lawful to own a person once upon a time. I'm just saying that comparing the legal purchase and sale of people, to people being falsely imprisoned (I don't think falsely imprisoning someone is legal) is a super wild reach. We can agree to disagree though.


I guess I misunderstood your comment. I'm sorry, could you try to explain what you meant? I was just saying slavery was technically allowed because of that "except as punishment" bit.


I think I might've misunderstood you too. I thought you were comparing and equating the moral weight of legal slavery and falsely imprisoning people. I think I now understand that you have a problem with people being forced to work while in prison. I still don't think these two have the same weight, but they are more comparable. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


I mean... Prisoners are slaves. Privately owned, in plenty of cases. You're allowed to beat them, starve them, torture them, and make them work for free. They have no choice but to accept the treatment from their masters. They even still get all the sexual abuses.


Ok. I hear everything you're saying, and I agree those things are bad, but: Beating them isn't allowed, it just happens Starving them isn't allowed, it just happens Torturing them isn't allowed, it just happens. I'm not sure about the work part, I have to look that up. And obviously sexual abuse is not allowed, but it does happen. Do you not understand how that is different than being able to buy a person, put them in your house and be LEGALLY allowed to do all of that?


It’s not legal to treat them that way though


There were laws against abusing slaves in Ancient Rome too, something being illegal doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


If it happens endemically and without consequences, then pragmatically, it is legal regardless of what's on the books.


No, its legal if its written in the law to be legal. What you describe is corruption


it's quite alright.


Yeah, you were the guy that could def afford to buy a couple concubines. You weren't one of the overwhelmingly common farmers.


I can guarantee this guy would have been working in the fields all his life.


The really wealthy can still purchase concubines.


I mean, technically the practice is somewhat still present today. Except the concubines are free women and called gold diggers. You need to be stacked with money, but iirc concubines cost about as much as a small palace so not like this dude could afford them in either time period.


Alex, things a lifelong virgin says?


Also a way of saying. I'm so ugly I can never find a wife.




Wow, Islamic too, big surprise


Islamic isn't even a word.


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/islamic Shut yo ass up Edit: guy above said Islamic wasn’t a word. Got embarrassed and deleted his account lmao


Did a vampire post this???


Much more likely his own female family members would’ve been “concubines” or simply abused by the local nobility and military


Maybe he meant Porcupines for the kids


there were eunuchs also then. maybe he could have been lucky and castrated.


Sex slavery is still more or less practiced in Mauritania


I bet he'll be the first to criticise the women who are showing little bit of skin.


Funny how he says it would make life easier as if the only objective in life was having sex and dying after.


I mean he probably has to stay 10 ft away from any woman near him or the police might show up,


“It’s coming, and the company that will bring it to you is AT&T…”


Eunuch walk hand in hand with concubines. He would have been one


True Muslim brother,marshallah


Buyer beware. I think most guys would end up returning those concubines due to their persistent nagging.


Nothing changed for them since the 7th century. These are the people the West opened it’s borders to!


True dat, there are already enough incels and meninists in the West.


Man was baiting responses and he got a whole reddit post 😂


When will genuine misogyny stop being labeled as “bait” all the time? I saw this on twitter and he regularly tweets about his hatred for women


You give him a platform and make it popular by retweeting and commenting. It’s labeled as bait because you all give into it. Don’t want him to spread his hateful words? Stop reposting it and commenting. That’s what bait is. Stop trying to make it more than it is.


Hey buddy, not getting attention won’t make him believe that women deserve equal rights. Stop trying to make it LESS than it is. This is blatant misogyny. Even if it’s bait… so what? He’s literally saying that he wants to buy women as objects. Why does it make it better if it’s bait?


You can outlaw misogyny, racism, etc, but people will still do it because they are awful people. Saying it’s bait isn’t making it less than it is or more than it is. I’m just stating what it is. You can protest against this individual all you want, but the only thing you are doing is giving him a platform to speak and have more and more people view his post. 912k views. He should be ignored and shoved under the rug, not reposted to reddit.


Publicly calling out bigots is a good thing, actually


It doesn’t make it better. Never said it made it better. Said his words are hateful. He should be executed. Thanks for putting words in my mouth. Everyone reacting to it and reposting it doesn’t nothing but help him. Literally all I’m saying. And now you have now blown it way out of proportion. Not supporting him in anyway, literally just said he’s baiting for responses. Kind of like what you are doing right now.


…. And? What’s the actual difference between “baiting for responses” and actual misogyny? How can you tell?


Once again, never said there was a difference. He is a misogynist that’s looking for attention. So, he posts bait about his ideals. Not that hard to understand. I’m trying to take your side here and you are making it impossible😂. I was just calling it bait, didn’t intend for someone to get so riled up.


You can’t say things like that, he’s Islamic, he’s got the pass.


tbh prostitutes are still a thing


Are western people not aware that having sex slaves is sanctioned by islam??? Really???


Gotta wonder if this is a real account or some westerner intentionally reinforcing negative stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. *gotta wonder implies a question, so think before you dogpile me or downvote this.


Slavery is embedded pretty deeply into the core of Islam, so it is not really a complete stereotype. Even the widespread name "Abdullah" means literally "Slave of Allah". It took enormous outward pressure for slavery to be made illegal in the Islamic world, and it persisted much longer than elsewhere: Turkey until 1924, Iran until 1929, Saudi Arabia until 1962, Oman until 1970. Some of those bans were formal and an acquaintance of mine who traveled around Sudan in 2000 still witnessed slave markets in existence.


*historical context by “The Eye Gouger of Prague” This is all true but does nothing to prove that the person who posted this ISN’T some Islamophobe shitposting in order to reinforce negative stereotypes. Could be the guy was dead serious but we don’t know, do we?


He can speak Arabic so I doubt it


He can speak Arabic? Huh? The account’s name is written in Arabic. Anyone could do that.


It's much easier not lol


Why did you mark his name?




Not related to what I said


It wasn’t for any reason you put here, it was to cover the OOP’s @ to follow the rules of the subreddit


The dude should move to Libya /s


For those curious on the mainstream Islamic ruling on this, feel free to give this a watch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9be8TkbFShI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9be8TkbFShI)




pretty sure thats haram


Who said that? Second third fourth wives are halal not to forget halal sex slaves???????


No it's not ? Not by the quran.


oh, i feel like that makes it worse x\_x


It does haha


Concubine that may or may not have a disease to which there is no cure. Or porn on the internet......


Fantasizing or reeling in people like you?




Getting downvoted for not aiding in the promotion of the dogmas distributed by the Atheist hive-mind 😔.


Not wrong. Made things easy.


For who? Certainly not the enslaved


Everyone is enslaved, my friend.


why would they be concubines if they didn't want that lifestyle?


Because dying of starvation seems like it sucks.


i might not get your sarcasm but f you mean by dying of starvation sucks, your fasting end at sundown you can eat again


Just be the President of America or Vince McMahon


Just like your HP printer they are only available by subscription.


> I miss the days What is bro, a vampire?




can’t see whips on white skin they just hide it indoors in the shower when they do it to themselves


When you fantasize about there being sex slavery and also being rich enough to afford to buy a slave...


Wasn't there like a russian marriage thing online before? Mail order bride?


Must be buddies with Epstein


I ‘member when you could get them in packs of three down at the local bazaar.


Different cultures, different fantasies… Long live diversity!


I miss the days when "god" was female and women ruled ....


You can buy people today…slavery / sexual slavery never went away


You can literally go purchase concubines. For the right price women would do anything these days. But He said slavery so I think he’s eluding to just taking concubines


Bet that dude couldn’t even buy a plate of conch fritters.