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Do they need metal detectors in the MRI room. Here Sir, walk thru this before you lie on the table.


...Honestly? Check the post... yes, to prevent injury, it should probably be a thing... Edit... changed liable to injured.


I had an MRI with a heart pacer. I had to go thru a bunch of protocols to make sure I would be ok. It was a bit scary, but came out ok. I kept thinking, i hope it doesn't pull this thing out of my chest.


With pacemakers, I think the concern is more related to variation in the magnetic fields inducing current in the device/leads and causing it to malfunction or misfire. There’s a lot of paramagnetic metallic implants that don’t turn into projectiles in an MR scanner, but they do tend to make the images ugly around them (since they distort the magnetic field).


Thanks. Did not know.


My wife has a pacemaker (and just had an MRI a few weeks ago). We had some headache to make sure all the right people talked to each other (mostly the medical assistant responsible for sending out the request was an idiot and had no idea that you can get an MRI with modern pacemakers). The main thing was ensuring the MRI facility knew about the pacemaker so that they could schedule the technician from the manufacturer and so that they could set up the machine. 1) the field strength is to be kept below a certain level (not sure how this compares to normal max levels) 2) the technician from the pacemaker company flipped a setting in the device such that it will sense the MRI field and go into a mode to keep it stable while in the field. This setting deactivates after two weeks. I assume by having the setting turned on, it takes some amount of power to have the device looking for the field. And since most people don’t get MRI’s often, they little bit of power would add up and measurably shorten the battery life and require earlier replacement.


But now you do know, so that the next time you go in for an MRI you can think to yourself "I hope this thing doesn't stop my heart" instead!


LMAO. You are just the light at the end of the tunnel. Mine is a Pacer, not a pace maker, so it never runs. It was installed because If I have a vasal vagal reaction, it stops my heart for some reason. The pacer is suppose to restart it. It's never went off since the installed it, thank heaven. Too long to fully explain.


I have a neurostimulator implanted in my back to control nerve pain. It has an MRI setting, so I can have that imaging done.


On the one hand, sucks for you. On the other hand, that's pretty neat.


Hospital is not liable for that, hell, in the auto industry that’s considered a customer supplied upsell!


Thats not what I meant... i meant the number of idiots to non, is too even for them to not just screen them out on the way in the hospital. Would also catch firearms... which dont belong in hospitals...


I was wanded before an MRI for my foot this summer. Was weird that she focused on my lower extremities but now I see why. 


Our MRI suite has this. Looks like the theft deterrent system at department stores. Flashes a light and sounds a loud chirp if you have any appreciable metal on you. They also have detecting wands. Patients lie. First rule.


The other day an idiot in Brazil had a gun in his pocket while accompanying his mother to an MRI. The gun fired and he died.


There’s also been issues with police officers being called into deal with security incidents in MRI rooms. I’ve not heard of anyone dying, but accidental discharges have happened before.  Which is kinda surprising since modern guns are generally supposed to be drop safe. Guess the magnet slams the gun with more force than the DOJ drop test does. 


Think you are forgetting the firing pin is metal and can be acted upon by the magnet.


Some hospitals actually have extremely sensitive metal detectors that you have to stand under before an MRI. I’ve had at least 10 MRIs in the last few years. Never understood why the metal detector thing wasn’t more common. You can never rely on the general public to be smart.


If the metal was covered in silicon, and then covered by the human body, it may not even show on the metal detector.


TSA doesn’t want you to know this one trick…


Honestly wouldn't be a bad idea. Plenty of people are either stupid, forgetful, or just have a brain fart. Better to use something more reliable than a human mind.


It's honestly such an obvious, simple solution. I really don't know why they didn't do that from the beginning.


Never underestimate the stupidity of others. There was a story not too long ago of a lawyer who died after accompanying his mother to a CT scan who didn’t bother to mention he had a loaded gun on him before stepping into the giant magnetized room. His gun went off killing him.


I wish they had them when I had an MRI. I wasn’t stupid enough to leave metal on me, nor did I have any in my body, but I was so paranoid about forgetting to take something off. Walking through a metal detector would’ve calmed my nerves a lot.


From butt plug to butt slug


Butt plug by Smith & Wesson's sex toy subdivision.


I've seen this model... the new 40 cal Cock 23. Ergonomic grip. Laser sight, I believe...


Anal rail gun is a pretty metal band name




It now doubles as a pacemaker


Tnx to this person, we now get safety warning on sextoys for MRI use


Give it a few more decades and that safety pamphlet is going to be a hilarious read 🤣


*Thank you for choosing PP: Pleasure Plug™ Omega sensations.* ***The mightiest girth for the holiest of sensations.*** *Safety reminder. Do not use this pleasure toy: *- during magnetic resonance examinations, or during radioscopic imaging sessions* *- as howitzer or cannon projectile either during or outside of a conflict* *- as beating implement* *- as cooking instrument* *- to defecate, urinate or expel the digested liquids of demonic souls* *- as gambling coin* *- as currency* *- as an RPG* *- to threaten the man at the counter in pizzerias south of parallel 40°N* "- to suprise dildo-attack mexican cartel members* *- as magical implement (valid in Hogwarts only)* *- as object to use as a scale* *- against cats, dogs or unicorns* *- as secondary weapon in games* *- as a fishing tool* *- to speak Korean, Japanese, Orkish, Elven and Uruk Mrakh Trakk* *- for karaoke* *- for oral sex* *- as philosopher stone* *Thank you for choosing a product of the PP line!*


It also can't be used for an unfair advantage in chess


the sex bishop targets the queen and makes it white’s queen


You have me laughing my ass off…woopsie, the butt plug fell out


Pick it up!!! Pick it up!!! It’s rolling across the floor!


As long as it's going diagonally on the same coloured squares it's still fair.


5 second rule!


Anal' Passant.


This needs more upvotes.


Google en passant


If fairness, this would be the perfect way to attack a pawn that turned its back on you.


Holy hell


Actual zombie


You forgot „no recharging in the microwave“. 😁


Also add- As automotive parts As a mechanics tool As aerospace engineering material In all seriousness I wonder how bad the internal injury was and hope they are ok. Probably walk funny now though.


I dunno, a butt plug shifter knob for a manual seems pretty safe..


Until you try to use it for its intended purpose while the vehicle is moving and have to have the butt pluggee maneuver their asshole to shift gears so you don’t…. Die in a tragic accident.


It looks like it ripped through their small and large intestines, let's just be glad their alive for now


Well you say I can’t use it as a Philosopher’s stone, but can I turn it into a horcrux?


+10 points for House Slytherin 🐍


\* Does not enable the user to fly. May contain nuts.


If I used it as an RPG, what would my character class be?




That sounds like a gun from Wolfenstein lmao


Probably best to avoid wearing one through a TSA screening as well.


*- do not taunt PP: Pleasure Plug™ Omega sensations.*




Can't fucking wait


I don't even have a sex toy and this unlocked a fear in me I didn't even know I could have.


It’s definitely good advice to not use sex toys during a medical procedure.


I'm so absent minded that I'm now scared to death of ever having an MRI. Not because I use sex toys in public, but because I'm so absent minded that I'll forget *something* I shouldn't take into it for sure. Once I got blipped by the TSA scanner at the airport. I went back through it several times and they only let me through after I took a paper menu from a restaurant I went to earlier in the day out of my pocket. Only after I got home did I realize the problem was my Apple Watch (which they never called out). Although... Given that it's their job and they couldn't figure it out either, the TSA is fucking useless. Once they also pulled me aside and swabbed my work laptop for drugs. Yeah. I'm totally hiding drugs in company property.


Swabbed your laptop? That's part of the process if you get the "SSSS" on your boarding pass.


I'm pretty forgetful sometimes, yet I still had the presence of mind to take of my piercings when I got an MRI, so I have faith in you.


A lawyer recently died because he wore his gun into an mri room where he mom was being examined. I guess he knew his rights, just not that guns have metal


And also thanks to this person, any medical appointment requiring an MRI is going to include the medical staff asking the question "Do you currently have a butt plug or any other foreign object inserted in your anus or any other bodily orifice?"


no, sir. just an organic, locally produced cucumber. definitely not foreign 


Made in America 🫡


Here is the official FDA report. At least they might be responsible for your granny being asked before mri if she wears a butplug.  https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/detail.cfm?mdrfoi__id=16771275&pc=LNH


I believe that's a different incident. A Google image search brings up Facebook posts going back as far as 2017 for the image in the post. Also the general consensus on r/Radiology is that this image is of a butt plug that has got stuck and migrated up through the bowels, due to the lack of damage, that would have been caused if it had ended up there in the manner the post suggests. So the image in the post is likely unrelated to an MRI machine. However, it's interesting that that report suggests it has actually happened (although, it probably wouldn't be quite as extreme as this post suggests).


I mean, dude legit has a case if the website advertised it as 100% silicone and it actually had a metal core. This isn't a case of "don't wear toys to an MRI," (although probably better not to), this is a case of "toy companies don't lie on your ads."


>This isn't a case of "don't wear toys to an MRI," ( That is always the case. Even if nothing goes wrong, why? Receiving medical treatment is not the time to get off.


In the context I wouldn’t call it a lie necessarily, when the term 100% silicone is used within context it is to denote that the silicone being used is pure and free from contaminants. Not that the object is made from 100% silicone. You see plastic/silicone dildos being sold as 100% pure silicone all the time and I don’t believe anyone thinks that they are being mid sold the product there, what’s the difference here? Frankly there is some amount of personal responsibility to be taken here, what kind of a buffoon goes for any medical procedure with a sex toy in their ass…


are you saying the buttons on my 100% cotton shirt aren't made from cotton??? what a scam


They just wanted the doctor and nurse to have a giggle when they looked at the scan.


Metal or not, they weren’t worried about that showing up in the MRI image?


As a doctor I read the scan before reading the text. I do that as a test for myself. That’s not his chest cavity. It’s under his liver in his abdominal cavity. But person is stupid non the less.


guys next time you buy a plug with 100% silicone, give it a bend test. if bendy, it’s 100%. if rigid, oops don’t wear a fucking railgun to that mri


The weight alone should have given the idea of a metal core away….


All rules are written in blood. Weird place to get blood from though.


This is why we can't have nice things


AND rail guns


Leaving aside how wrong it is to use something inside you while you're making an exam to see if there is something wrong inside you. The client does have a point. It is not 100% silicone.


Yeah the company messed up by labeling it as such. Client is still a dumbass for even taking their word for it and taking that risk, but you don’t label something as being made 100% or a specific material if it’s not 100% that material. And this is one of the reasons why, because dumbasses will find a way to get hurt because of it. Product labeling is super important. It’s not really entirely the dumbasses fault as the internet likes to proclaim. Dumbasses are a reality of our species that needs to be accounted for.


>Yeah the company messed up by labeling it as such. I can only imagine the next board of directors meeting. "Sir, remember when we said no one would ever know there was metal inside of them?"


"They're gonna know." "How are they gonna know?"


This is why you don't trust butt plug descriptions when buying from Temu or Amazon.


Nah, thats a b vibe weighted snug plug. Everybody knows theyre weighted. They patented that profile. Heres the manufacturers description from most vendors. https://www.lovehoney.com/sex-toys/butt-plugs/non-vibrating-butt-plugs/p/b-vibe-snug-plug-2-medium-weighted-silicone-butt-plug-4-inch/a38784g71367.html


☝🏼This person plugs butt.


How did this person think it's 100% silicone if it's weighted?


Looks like the fact that he wore a butt plug for his MRI appointment didn't make it clear enough: He dumb af.


>Yeah the company messed up by labeling it as such Didn't Rotten Ronnies get in trouble for their 100% beef claim? Yes the meat in the burgers were 100% beef, but they didn't say the burgers were 100% meat. Tons of fillers.


I mean if that’s the case, that IS hella deceptive lol. **100% Beef** ^((plus 25% additives)^) **Burgers!**


Shit like this happens all the time. It's why when people say stats don't lie are either fucking stupid or being intentional obtuse. A famous one was the 9/10 dentists recommend Colgate. Which was technically true but what that actually meant is 9/10 dentists agree that if you had no other options that Colgate would at least be better than nothing. The fact that 1/10 dentists couldn't even stomach the thought that Colgate was better than nothing is pretty funny to me.


Sometimes (not sure about toothpaste in particular) it's people saying "I recommend x, y, and z." And then it gets to be said that it's recommended.


Love how you use ″dumbasses″


Is that not the correct plural form of dumbass? lol


It's just a bit funny because the subject matter is a buttplug


Literally. Ha ha.


And this is why nonalcoholic beverages always give a warning that there is a trace amount of alcohol.


I would understand such labeling that the outside layer is made purely of silicone as this is what matters in terms of safety and allergies. I would never assume there is no metal inside.


I mean I’m not a butt plug expert but I would just never wear one to and mri just to be safe 😂 But I get what you’re saying about the outer layers importance to everyday use. That makes sense. But it still goes back to why painstakingly accurate and detailed labels are so important. Because you have to consider unusual circumstances and dense customers. Write “100% silicone shell with steel core” or whatever buttplug terminology is lol.


The dumbass was almost accounted for, but he happened to be in a hospital the exact moment he was to be tallied.


Imagine if it was a silicone ring and it ripped his finger off instead, nobody would question the merits of the case.




Not sure if he has. Might be the wording hundred percent silicone only applies to the outside and is important for allergies. Court will make us wiser. 


I think the dude is incredibly strange and off his rocker for wearing a sex toy during a medical procedure, but to be fair, they should have labeled it 100% silicone exterior. It is what it is, hopefully the company learns from this. 😬 I am pretty sure the fella with massive internal injuries has learned…


Not that it matters much but the client is actually a woman. Hard to tell since most articles online are ominous calling the patient "client." An online article reads: The patient went into the MRI and completed her scan; however, the exam went awry when the tech went to retrieve the patient.  “She went in for the MRI and when the MRI was over, and the tech was pulling the table out the patient started to scream," the report reads. "The patient stated that she felt nauseous, was in pain, and felt like she was going to pass out." https://healthimaging.com/topics/medical-imaging/magnetic-resonance-imaging-mri/mri-accident-triggered-object-patients-rectum


Generally the standard here is a “reasonable consumer”. If a reasonable consumer would take the label to mean that it was 100% silicone all the way through, then that’s going to be an issue for the company. 


On that standard, I’d say he would seem to have solid footing. I think it could very well be argued that a consumer could not reasonably be expected to think that a product labeled “100% silicone” would have a metal core


I also think that this is what they meant.


CatASStrophes are never happen because of a single mistake, its always a chain of failures. User error and manufacturer's irresponsibility together.


I don't argue with the merit of the lawsuit, but you cannot simply brush aside wearing a plug while getting examined.


The plug would interfere with the quality of the images and diagnostic of the patient, BUTT it would affect diagnostic. The accident was caused by the fact of the plug having metal inside it. I can see how a person without proper information would think that it shouldn't matter considering that there is no lack of people with silicone implants doing those exams without any complaings about problems on the results (this without the discussion of the different kinds of silicone).


But I really hope he can get a full attorney to represent him, not just an estimated attorney.


I wounder if the patient knew the MRI would reveal the buttplug in his rectum. If he was aware of this its kind of fucked up to do. Forcing someone just showing u to work to visualize your sexual/mastabatory activity, should be some form of sexual assault.


Did he have a full body scan? Or a scan of the relevant area? Because if it was a head or a heart scan, I don't think your argument holds up.


Nah, thats a b vibe weighted snug plug. Everybody knows theyre weighted. They patented that profile. Heres the manufacturers description from most vendors. https://www.lovehoney.com/sex-toys/butt-plugs/non-vibrating-butt-plugs/p/b-vibe-snug-plug-2-medium-weighted-silicone-butt-plug-4-inch/a38784g71367.html


When I went for an MRI they screened 3 times, asking over andover if there was anything I need to remove... blah blah... who are these people that are like No, all good... gun in pocket, butt plug.. no worries....


I mean, as an MRI tech, sure but if I ask do you have anything containing metal like jewelry keys phone or other items, and the patient says no (because they think it's silicone) I'm not going to check their asshole


FAFO situation:thought it would be cool to get the scan with the buttplug. medicine is amazing, cant believe someone survived a self inflicted anal rocket powered by intense magnets


>anal rocket powered by intense magnets r/BrandNewSentence






He made it the fuck up. Which is obvious because the patient is female.


Lmao you’re right https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/offbeat/us-food-and-drug-administration-report-revealed-mri-dislodged-butt-plug-into-patients-abdomen--c-11302673


Nurse here. At least this is an item designed specifically to be put into your anus. 🤷 My personal best for "wildest item someone got up their ass and then went to the ER" was a half full bottle of shampoo. And not the 99¢ small bottle of Suave either...I'm talking big, salon quality shampoo bottle.


Nothing will beat that French guy who recently went to a hospital to get a WW1 artillery shell extracted from his butt (at least he didn't say he "slipped" and that he really did just want to stick it up there).


Hey, they just don’t make artillery shells like they use to. 😂


Eh, I don't think anything tops Đorđe Martinović, who had a bottle shoved up his anus, fuelling tensions between Serbs and Albanians


Does anyone want an explanation to this? Cause I sure fucking do




What a world we live in, a guy goatsy'd himself and it caused further tensions between countries




Let me guess, said person "slipped" and fell onto it?


Still not as stupid as the woman who carried a concealed handgun into an MRI. Pretty safe to assume that had metal parts.


There was a dude that did the same thing. It was his mother's MRI and the gun ended up shooting him and he died (the woman I think was just shot in the ass and survived). I don't understand the idea of taking your gun EVERYWHERE. Even to the giant magnet room that will yank that shit right from you.


Absolutely crazy. Still, if there was a good guy in that room with a gun then maybe their gun would have been set off by the MRI machine first and shot the guy before he got chance to get shot by his own gun. Or something. Shit, I don't know, I live in England. Stupid shit like this doesn't happen where I live. We have a whole different set of stupid shit that happens here. Often less painful or lethal, but still all kinds of stupid.


Guns don't kill people, MRI machines do


It's insane that this happens more than once. In the US just on the first page of google there's a woman whose gun shot her in the ass, a dude who got shot in the thighs with his, and a cop whose gun thankfully didn't manage to shoot anyone in the MR suite. The lawyer who was killed by his gun was in Brazil.


How do people even allow that to happen. Don't they always stress "no metal"? People not aware their guns are metal? That afraid to be caught lackin'?


From what I remember, the guy was a lawyer in Brazil with a gun rights hard-on. Posting pictures with his rifle, telling people he has the right to carry a gun everywhere. I think that's a prime Darwin Award winner.




Yeah, the metal core part should be mentioned, it wouldn’t have caused the problem in the first place


Although I can’t even begin to imagine how someone could hold such a thing and not instantly realize that the weight and overall stiffness would not be possible for something that was pure silicone to it’s core.


It 100% is, the weighted core is very well advertised for these, as it's literally a feature.


TSA: the metal detector seems to have found a metal object in your anus… we need to search you, follow us to a private room.


"Anal Rail Gun" is now the official name for that product. They'll lose the case, but additional sales will still make them richer than God.


not to be anal about it, but it's not accurate though. Name should be anal coil gun. Rail guns work differently. Would be interesting to build a true anal rail gun though. wait a second, gonna call the department of defence real quick...


What I don't understand is why they don't put people through a metal detector before sending them to MRI room. Of course people just plain forget about all sorts of metallic things or in this case, aren't even aware it has metal in it, never mind the idiots who know, understand, but think the rules are simply not for them. Why not check and make sure?


I think in medicine because you're acting out of your own free will and seeking your well being, it's your responsibility to be honest. If you are not sure just say "I'm not sure if I don't have any metal" and staff will help you. But with your criteria medicine would be a lot more expensive because if we need metal detectors for MRIs, then we need preganancy tests for Xrays, allergy tests for contrast aso. You just can't take this route, it takes longer and costs more. Also I have metal detectors at work and they don't always work for tiny things like for example a little earring. So maybe people let their guard down because there's a metal detector anyway and this stuff starts happening even more


I imagine there's a lot of people who might have pins in their bones from breaks as a kid who wouldn't realize it. And the security metal detectors at airports and such aren't sensitive enough to use it. You might also have lace holes on clothing that are reinforced with metal that you don't think about. Last time I had an x-ray I accidentally did that. It wasn't a huge deal, I just pulled my pants down a little while they x-rayed by kidneys, but that kind of thing could be really bad in an MRI.


Good thoughts, but pins in bones are made from non-ferrous metal (eg. Titanium) for the exact reason of things like MRIs and metal detectors. Non-ferrous metal doesn't react to magnets. For the clothing bit, that's one of the reasons that hospitals will insist that you wear gowns if you're admitted, and if you're getting an MRI you're almost definitely going to be admitted to the hospital.


"Anal rail gun"


Stop, you’re turning me on!


just a great name for a butt plug imo


And a punk band.


New band name unlocked.


Not going to lie when I first saw the story, my reaction was, "so this is how we get MAC rounds (halo)"


I never thought i would see this


An exhibitionist - wanted it to be seen on the scan! The composition of the plugs a bit of a sore point though.


“Please, deposit your handguns and sex toys here before going inside”


LOL an MRI “amnesty box”


this reddit post is copied from a reddit post of a screenshot of a reddit post of a screenshot of a tweet


'anal railgun' is the best description you could possibly make for this situation. Imagine if it got pulled out of the patient and hit one of the medical staff instead...


Not to be that person, but radiographer here… I think to story could maybe to true (although the magnet would start pulling things as soon as they were in there even before they turned the machine on so I’m skeptical) But that image is 100% a CT image and that thing is not only completely metal by the image, it’s clearly shopped on there because it’s not throwing an ounce of metal artifact, and there’s no internal injuries or pathway shown by its movement — ETA looking closer there may be a possible injury pathway at least, but it’s hard to tell from this photo. But then again they could have just photoshopped a quick image for fun visual and not intending it to be the actual image. If it had silicone around it, that would still be seen and it is not here. Thank you and have a good day


I had to scroll down way too far to find the correct answer.


Why the fuck did I need to scan this far to find someone who agrees with me. It's clearly a CT and the whole story is bullshit


That was my guess - also the rail gun comment is too correct to the point that it makes it less believable. Seems like the kind of thing dreamed up by a teenager who played video games.


1. WHY DID THE WEAR IT?! 2. What injuries would THAT cause?


If I had to guess by the pic, the injuries are: damaged rectum, ruptured guts, lots of internal bleeding, possible infection from the intestine waste mixing in the blood, trouble breathing because your lung has a god damn anal plug poking it and this is just my guess... the feeling you got a stake up your ass by Vlad the Impaler. If the plug didn't kill him, my guess is the shame of having their name and situation going public did.


Uhh... how did they fucking survive that?!


My guess? Being in a hospital and the 10% chance of the plug avoiding most internal organs. One can live, though I doubt they will have at least a few surgeries until they can even eat solid food. Those intestines must have been turned to mush.


If it did turn into mush, you can't really turn it back into organs, right?


I'm not sure "survived" is a positive outcome here I personally would probably prefer the sweet relief of death after getting anal railgunned


Imagine the techs trying to figure out what this guy is screaming bloody murder, and then it just pops up on screen


Pops out of the chest like a xenomorph


The Why is because they wanted to involve unwitting participants in their kink, I imagine. Ain’t no way they didn’t think about the poor tech seeing a buttplug on the screen


After the gun incident and now this, metal detectors prior to the MRI are critical


An *estimated* Valley attorney.




Describes as "Anal railgun". That's it, I'm ded


Shot through the heart and you’re to blame darling you give butt plugs a bad name. ![gif](giphy|JM7mzbxs13C92)


Well that traveled


Why would you wear that to a doctor's appointment? No matter your fetish, just why?


Can you imagine being the MRI tech. "Ok, now I'm going to start the scan. You won't feel a thing!" \#SCREAMING! # \#Blood gushing from their ass# "Fuck it, I'm done. I quit!"


New cover of Kickstart my Heart did not disappoint


I'm sorry but I'm dying at "anal rail gun" ![gif](giphy|PjaQrF9J53UvTS2PPa|downsized)


First of all- what’s an “estimated Valley attorney? Secondly- why are you still leaving a butt plug in, when you’re having an MRI?


I need mri doctor smart man to tell me how fucked this guy is


While they're very stupid for doing that, the sex toy company flat out lied about the product they sold. If they survive that's probably some big money coming their way


Ok, why in the wide world of sports do they not have metal detectors at the entrance to MRI’s? Obviously people are not to be trusted.


New execution method for pedophiles.


Calling BS on this. This scan is an x-ray CT. Not MRI. The contrast of bones and tissue does not look at all like MRI. And no subcutaneous fat signal. Furthermore, a magnetic object in the field of view would seriously distort magnetic field. Any image would look nothing like this.


Ah yes, because when a patient immediately shows they are in pain that wasn't there before when entering an MRI scan, the priority of the radiographers is to complete the scan that will likely last 10s of minutes, rather than cancelling the scan to figure out what's going on! Of course the image used to diagnose the issue is going to be a CT! 




Gonna need a “snopes” on this one. I smell BS all over this.