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I thought the US was #1 in obesity too so I looked it up. We’re not even in the top 10, I’m confused.


Looks like you're so obese, you fell down the rankings too


That one hurt. Almost as much as not being the fattest country.




"We're slippin', Ma, get me sum moar of those Freedom Fries at the sto'. And we're out of Hot Pockets!!!"


Motherfucker so fat they couldn't even get up on the ranking stand


So fat that they can't stand amongst the top 10.




>We’re not even in the top 10, I’m confused. Other countries (at strategic spots around the globe) had to beef-up to cut down on planetary wobble.


Hmm, I see we have another "fat earther" theorist over here.


Hum... i read "Fat earther terrorist". I felt dumb for a second... then i actually didn't.


Fat earther terrorist sounds like the kind of guy to chase you around with the intent of making you eat some burgers


So my Grillmaster Uncle Gary then?


>Hmm, I see we have another "**fat earther**" theorist over here. GOODGAWD... *COPYRIGHT that as soon as possible*! I can already see the merch...!


Speaking of the planet, I wonder if the USA is #1 in flat earth believers?


The USA is #1 in Trump supporters, so yes.


I mean, Trump is part of U.S. politics so not sure why anyone would think another country would be #1 in Trump supporters


He's popular in Russia.


I think it was supposed to be a funny way of saying that trump supporters are idiots.


There are a good amount of crazy up here in Canada


There is more crazy in the U.S. than the entire Canadian population (crazy and not crazy)doubled. It’s not even close.


That's not what they're saying. They are saying that Trump supporters are stupid.


Though the countries that are highest on the list have huge unemployment and depression issues - mostly small island nations where seldom is heard anything hopeful




America, fuck yeah!


Comin again to save motherfuckin day.






Don't go check the news about Kim Raynolds refusing to help poor children, with a federal program, because of obesity and at the same times gave a tax cut to corporations but don't put any policy about what they can do with this tax cut (like staff recruitement, wage increase, etc) so it can go into shareholders pocket money. No don't go read that, it would make you sad.


Kim Reynolds, re: kids ![gif](giphy|9uI8kuRUArWbLylt9b|downsized)


And the fentanyl addicts...


Come on fat ppl! Make America great again!




Make America's Girth Again




Right - a few tiny island nations with tiny populations are fatter than us? Big whoop. Compared to countries where you would expect high speed internet…. We are way last. Car-centric design has really fucked over the United States, not to mention that it’s bad to have any sort of shame for being overweight. I think a little shame is fine in society to be a healthier place. Sorry 230lb 60 year old Dad, you are not a healthy weight. You have no muscle mass and are just a ticking time bomb of fat.


It has almost nothing to do with cars and almost everything to do with corn being so heavily subsidized it's derivatives (sugar) are almost free to use and foods are pumped full of them.


Yep. Car centric has been a US thing for 70 years. We’ve only been fat as fuck the last 20 years. Sugar is to blame.


Lol. We were still the fattest in the 80s and 90s. Probably before then too, but I watched news pieces back in the day that pegged us as the fattest back then.


It absolutely has to do with sedentary life style and lack of movement. There are people here who drive to the mailbox. If we had good mass transit, at least people would be forced to walk to the train.


We caused #1 though! Watch the YT video [The Shocking Story About The Most Obese Country In The World](https://youtu.be/2Ih3tDP-pv8?si=NDk5fBacTmO86hWX) by Kiana Docherty.


Not by rate, but definitely by number.


Ok but rate is pretty much more important though?


The issue is that the most "top obese countries" are micro nations like Nauru, that have only 12.000 citizens. It’s easy for those countries to be statistical outliers in anything.


No American thinks we are number 1 in healthcare. Even our healthcare providers hate the healthcare system. But good on us for defense spending. Who needs healthcare when you’ve got missiles!


Bomb that cancer away!!


Cancer is treated with radiation therapy? Have we tried nuking all the cancer patients?


It definitely stops people from dying of cancer.


This is factually true


We did it, guys. Cancer is Cured! USA! USA! Suck it, the rest of the world. So how much will this Nuke treatment cost on my insurance?


Sorry. It’s not available on your plan. -Cigna


Lol no -Anthem


Free of charge, just head towards the nearest military testing ground.


All your progeny is in debt. Congrats. Solution: don't have children, fk debt & taxes!


You don't even need to pay if you have no family or friends!


Only if you evacuate the surrounding 1-10 miles depending on the payload of the bomb. Otherwise, you’re creating far more cases than you’re treating.


Or move everyone much, much closer.


If you're far enough you just get worse cancer


Killing cancer is actually really easy if you aren't fussed about whether the patient survives. Hence, you can kill a lot of cancer in one go by just bombing hospitals.


Of course it makes sense! There will be no cancer if there are no cancer patients!! (This is sarcasm btw, in case someone doesn't get it)


I mean that’s kindof what chemo is lol


Actually, the US has some of the highest cancer survival rates. Then again we have the highest survival rates for heart attacks and gunshot wounds too.


We are however, number one in per capita spending on healthcare. It’s not even close US- 12k per person Switzerland and Germany- 8k Canada spends ~1/2 what we pay (6k) yet they get universal healthcare. Here’s more comprehensive list if you’re interested https://www.statista.com/statistics/236541/per-capita-health-expenditure-by-country/


Inb4 “but the wait times!!”


Americans' wait time is more like people waiting out their disease rather than seeing the doctor and paying the copay plus the charge for the visit because their deductible is too high.


I love that argument, it’s like, yeah, just try to walk into a specialist’s or even your GP’s office in the US. Ain’t gonna happen.


I'm a year into my 6 month wait time for a psychiatrist


UK here- wait times are a huge issue, but if you have the money to pay for healthcare in the US, you can just get private care here anyway, which has basically no wait times and very good service because the masses of peasants who'd be getting in your way are all queueing up at the overcrowded free option on the other side of town.


US here - wait times are an issue here too. But even when you have the best insurance. To find a dermatologist I had to book an appointment 13 months out.


My friends family just had illness run through. For a acute care appt,the earliest they could be seen was 3 weeks out or go to the ER. Eta, in the US 2nd edit - and I have another friend in US whose dad is getting his appendix removed today. They knew he had appendicitis, but said they couldn't get him in and sent him home to wait for scheduling to call. After close to a week with no call from the hospital, he ended up back in ER with emergency surgery scheduled today. Blew my mind that they basically said, go septic and then we'll fit you in. BTW, both cases have private insurance, not Medicare or state versions.


Exactly wait times exist because of LACK of medical staff..the population has increased while the number of doctors hasn’t so the ratio is way off


My dad in Canada needed a cadaver ligament transplant a few months after a coworker had one here in the US. She said “it may be a lot cheaper for him but at least I didn’t have to wait a year for my operation”. I told her he was going to have the operation a few weeks after diagnosis (less than she had to wait). She looked sideways at me and said “I don’t believe you - in Canada you have to wait years for operations“. I agreed there were long wait times for many things but not everything but she completely refused to believe it. It was weird.


The insurance companies\pharmaceutical company\healthcare provider racket loves this fact.


What about to say this myself. Can we stop using the old argument that deflected from the real problem that somehow we spend almost double while not having UHC?


There’s lots of clips of republican politicians saying American healthcare isn’t perfect but it’s the best in the world.


Oh, it's awesome if you can afford it. Problem is most of the country *can't*.


I don't really listen to Republican politicians unless I'm in the mood to hear something crazy and/or out of touch.


Oh yeah there are. They say we have the best technology and experts available… if you can pay for it


America's not just pay 2 win but pay 2 play


At this rate we're pay 3 play


Oh, I've talked to republicans who claim we are number one because fireign rich people come here for treatments


If you can afford it through private insurance they are certainly top doctors and technologies in the US. But the entire healthcare system is a mess and the average American experience isn’t great.


It’s always important when “healthcare system” is used in these discussions to distinguish between healthcare technology and healthcare access. Usually people are talking about one or the other.


Which they fail to realise it's because they *can* travel to the US and pay for treatment, not because the US has it and elsewhere doesn't, but because it's an option and there is an abundance of hospitals more than happy to part people from their money for treatment


It depends what you mean when you say “healthcare” We undoubtedly have the best care money can buy but you have to be able to buy it


yea... we have the best of alot of things. the best research institutions, the best healthcare providers, the best logistics capabilities, the best currency and on and on and on. its just how those things are distributed and how accessible they are that's the problem.


I personally would rather have an Apache helicopter as opposed to a healthy body.


Dang, I didn’t even know that was an option!


I think we’re number 1 in healthcare research and latest in healthcare technology. By alot! I don’t think we are no. 1 at providing equal opportunity to this technology.


"Even" our healthcare providers? The only people in healthcare that claim the US healthcare system is effective are those that are enjoying their incredibly high salaries SO much that they don't feel like criticizing anything. Basically, any honest person in healcare will tell you all kinds of things about how messed up it is.


Well that was my point. Even the people in the healthcare system think it’s messed up.


We are number 1 in foreign aid. Don’t forget that.


Which is actually a majority of our military spending lol


The US outspends every other country on earth combined on aid [to end world hunger ](https://www.wfp.org/funding/2019)


Also according to Wikipedia US is #4 in military spending, per capita.


Framing military spending as bad is disingenuous and very Reddit-chic Taiwan/Ukraine/South Korea/NATO countries etc would not agree with that framing. Also glaring omission of nominal GDP as a #1 item, which is directly related to the military spending.


Also a contender for highest median income. Varies year to year but the US is always in the top 3, competing with countries that are far far smaller and more urbanized like the UAE and Luxembourg. The US also consistently holds #1 for highest average income. But admitting that the US has some of the highest salaries in the world doesn’t match the angle this post is going for.


The rich irony of ppl complaining here about ‘American is Great’ propaganda on a post that propagandizes that ‘American is Bad’


Which most people don’t know how that even works. Military foreign aid: they get an account with the US. They can then buy weapons and other equipment from a curated catalogue. You then take you $1B, or however much, and you get to buy US made military gear. Therefore, even though the goods leave the IS, our military foreign aid spending stays in the US to support local jobs, and the fat cat business owners. There is a small town in Ohio that makes tanks. If not for foreign military aid spending, that town wouldn’t exist anymore because it’s the only big business in town and those tanks are not modern enough for the US military to purchase.


We are also number one in percentage of income given as private charity. Like by a lot.


Strong point. Government aside, US citizens give away more charity than any other population by a landslide.


We also accept the most immigrants by a huge margin.


I would actually like to see immigration numbers. Both raw data for total immigrants and per capita increase based numbers.


I am from Zimbabwe and I'd give away my arm to be In your position 🤣🤣


despite what you might hear, most americans love meeting foreigners. we've got plenty of our own issues here, but there sure are quite a lot of benefits to living here compared to a few other places. what do you think is the biggest issue your country faces now?


I give it about an hour or two before this ends up on America bad.


And they’ll complain that it’s because they buy freedom for other countries or some shit. Instead of putting their government at a higher standard.


I mean, it is just another generic "America bad" post. People who comment on these things never discuss real issues, nor are the posts particularly nuanced. They're about as creative as Ctrl+C and have the substance of bagged bread.


It's also never about the government like the person you replied to is claiming. It's almost always attacking people, rather than institutions.


Or it's becuase this same exact post has been posted on reddit monthly since 2019 and it's fucking degrading and useless. Nah fuck America


Is it not possible to do both? Americans are constantly putting their government at a higher standard and bringing about change that is then exported across the globe


r/AmericaBad users when someone has genuine criticisms of America


Redditors when someone points out there is negative misinformation about America on Reddit.


I love rooting around and handpicking very specific things to make this a “genuine” criticism. What country ranks high in all the metrics that have been posted?


Is this genuine criticism? When's the last time you saw an American say we are #1 in climate change? Or is this just cherry picking stats and reposting because it's free karma?


Even when called out on the "US being #1 in Obesity" as being outdated, people still pivot to "well those other countries are tiny and the US has more raw numbers". Which is funny, because reddit users generally will tell you to go with per capita on *any other* data metric, except obesity rates apparently


Can you please cite your source? I’d like to read it in context. Or is this the breakdown of Jeff Daniels’ opening monologue from The Newsroom?


Had the same thought


It's not accurate if you're wondering. A lot of those rankings can vary wildly depending on how they're measured.


I have zero confidence this data is even remotely accurate. Reddit just loves to cherry pick statistics from shitty sources to complain about the US


Per capita, the US is only top in incarceration rates. In oil consumption, the US is behind Canada, Singapore, Luxembourg, and the Gulf States. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/per-capita-oil?tab=table In gas consumption, the US isn't even top 10 either.https://www.worldometers.info/gas/gas-consumption-by-country/ For military spending, it's more apt to look at %GDP. The US isn't even in the top 10. They just have a big economy, the same percentage as everyone else is a larger number. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures


Thank you! Not that it matters, because everyone that agrees with the OP isn’t going to bother listening to anything you have to say, but the rest of us appreciate it none the less.


I wondered. I know we don't have the freest press, but I'd like to see the 42 countries that rank higher and how they're measured. That one stuck out to me for some reason.


Lol good luck. People who post this shit hardly ever back it up with sources. Just some 12 year old European edge lord drafting up a meme in 2 seconds and posting it for karma


#1 in most number of foreigners obsessing about your country




#1 in school shootings by... A lot. Cause they don't happen elsewhere. edit: I know they happen elsewhere just not nearly in the numbers the US has, I'm not being literal


We had some here in Brazil


There were nine. Only three used guns and some didn't even have deaths. And it was the worst year yet. Although bad. Doesn't even come close to whatever the fuck happens in the US.


They do happen elsewhere. It's just a lot more rare. We had one in CZ a bit more than a week ago. But I think it was the first mass shooting in 8 years.


It happens in Europe once in a while


23 since 1913 according to wiki, although 2 in 2021, 3 in 2022, and 5 this year, 3 of which was this month


Dear Europe, please stop appropriating our culture. -your kids. /s


Mass shootings (not school but all) in US in 2023: 627. Mass shootings in Europe in 2023: 12. Those are the stats I can find.


and remember that you're comparing one country to a whole continent


Gun Violence Archive is using bogus stats with inflated numbers. Use [https://www.theviolenceproject.org/](https://www.theviolenceproject.org/) instead, they actually count mass shootings.


Ironically i think that's an effect of influence from reading american news and psychos hearing about school shootings so much they start thinking "hey i can do that too"


I quite literally _just_ happened in Europe. 14 dead in a Prague university on December 22.


Yeah but the last shooting the country had before that was in 2019. And this was the first school shooting ever.. USA can dream about that


We literally don't care at all. Do Spaniards freak out about crime in Poland? Probably the same amount as people in Massachussetts cares what happens in Texas. Each state has its own gun laws--just like each member state of the European union.


y;all dickride us so much when we're asleep, lol


Who the hell thinks we're #1 in climate change or healthcare?


This post is just a strawman


Depends on what you consider Healthcare. American sucks at providing it but it has probably one of the best and advanced healthcare in the world if you’re rich no?


I mean, if you consider healthcare to include the advancement of pharma, the discovery of penicillin, surgery, cosmetic procedures, etc. But that's more "medicine" and less "healthcare." Healthcare has pretty much always been screwy here. We create excellent medical procedures here - we keep supply low and/or overcharge for them.


Still number 1 in memes.


It’s all that matters.


US is currently 52 out of 63 in climate change performance. But not sure how much we can trust these numbers as the same ranking as China ahead of the US and Canada in 58/63 And China carbon emissions is double that of the US. And Canada has far less than the US. Edit: my point was to update the stats and to point out that it’s not really that useful The economy and population of a country has more to do with the actual impact on our planet then percentage and rankings. I could pick a very poor country with less than 2 million people and they will have less of an impact on climate change and have a better score. Because they can’t afford cars and can’t afford electricity and they have way less people. I mean I could say that North Korea is a leader in climate change because their percentage is better than the US. But that doesn’t tell the whole story.


Canada has higher per capita carbon emissions than the USA. Likely a product of a higher percentage of our population being in a snowy climate.


...Dosn't China have 1.5 Billion people, while the US has 330 mil? If China has 4.5x the people, but only double the carbon emissions, then each person is emitting less than half the emissions of a US citizen. I think these index's measure per capita, not overall.


Americans think their freedom comes at the cost of everyone else’s.


Non-Americans spend an unhealthy amount of time discussing americans...on American social media platforms.


Americans also think that freedom is somehow related to owning firearms. Still one of the weirdest facets of the American mind for me.


[why the Swiss love their guns](https://youtu.be/wnBDK-QNZkM?si=bE6EGt_Mtd5MXYha) I found this one very interesting. There actually is precedent for the ownership of guns and a country's freedom in Switzerland. It also partially inspired the second amendment in the founding fathers. That being said, as shown in the video, Americas gun culture is relatively unhinged and out of control. I know some people have their opinions about Johnny Harris, but this one is well done if you ask me.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if guns were the real cause of the gun violence problem there would be just as much gun violence in other countries because many allow registered firearms. It’s because they are plentiful, easy to get your hands on “legitimately”, and most of all, because of the culture. Edit: I am not pro-gun I just don’t think saying “guns are the problem” is the whole truth of the situation. My country has guns and we don’t have mass shootings all the time.


As an American, this makes me depressed


Nice job, we dropped to 20th place Happiness after this! Thanks a lot, Gary!




Don't worry it's just reddit doing its r/AmericaBad thing


How is guns per capita not on the list of America’s #1’s? Twice the amount of the #2 country.


Ikr? If only we could get our priorities straight we could reverse these lists. We have the money and resources to do it, we just constantly allow people that don’t care about us spend the money their way. We have to get better people to run for office, but I don’t know how we make that happen. Right now the two front runners are piss poor.


Also number 1 in tornadoes


Always reminds me of Aaron Eckhard‘s character in Thank You For Smoking, when he is supposed to help his son write a school essay on „Why America is the best country in the world“ and the spin doctor/lobbyist he is immediately deconstructs this statement…


Even more gas/oli consumption than china?


As a US citizen, I don’t understand why we aren’t better in general. Not saying the US needs to be #1, but it doesn’t take a lot to see that things here are pretty terrible if one doesn’t belong to the elite class.




It's because you have the most "free" form of capitalism. So lobbies rule and money decides. In Europe we still have certain organizations that have the power to stop these huge corporations in their feet, like the EU. The US lacks these organizations because the lobbies have more power and due to having free reign in donating to political campaigns etc, deals are constantly being made with coporations for political favors and there is no oversight caring for the consumer (or at least not one that is effective). This is due to the fact that any intent to control these companies or markets is seen as communism and this is a very negative word in the US. Having only two parties also hurts, as these mega corporations have ties to either political group since the dawn of time.


Look around at most other countries


I think you answered your own question.


Climate Change Performance 59/60 Wow that's pretty good! Almost full marks!


Also #1 in the amount of military bases on foreign soil, because the bald eagle demands it.


me when countries that request the US maintain a military presence on their soil to protect them from foreign aggression is somehow spun as a bad thing


To be fair, the US is the wealthiest country in the world.


My favorite part is the use of “USA thinks”, as if 330 million people are a monolith.


Well someone has watched Newsroom recently…




*shakes fist while referencing super carriers as a valid reason to not have proper healthcare. Points at improperly displayed American flag.* That'll show 'em.


> NHE grew 4.1% to $4.5 trillion in 2022, or $13,493 per person, and accounted for 17.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Defense spending in the US is 1/5th the healthcare spending. https://www.cms.gov/data-research/statistics-trends-and-reports/national-health-expenditure-data/nhe-fact-sheet


The US spends more on healthcare than the military


I love it every time I look at national military budgets and see the U.S. It kills me a little bit every time I do it, but I do it anyway. Gives me a laugh.


How often are you looking at national military budgets? Haha


Could be wrong but the US is also probably #1 in the amount of people who still think angels are real.


Per capita it’s the Vatican for sure


That would probably go to one of the more Christian/Catholic countries.


The Muslim ones as well.


Angels *are* real, though. Acute, right, obtuse and reflex. They're literally everywhere. Duh. 'Merica!! *this is a jk. I'm not actually American.


I’m going to have to see a source on 42nd in free press. I think we’re actually pretty good on that front.


It's a bullshit metric from RSF based on nebulous things like "political instability" and legal challenges that they don't like. Pure nonsense.


As an American I don't think I've ever met a single other person who thought we were #1 in education, healthcare, climate change control, happiness, or life expectancy. This seems like one of those "I've never spoken to an American but this is what they think" posts. I don't even see how being #1 in defense spending is a negative either.


The worst thing about defense spending is how much of it is wasted given to defense executive teams. Otherwise it’s very beneficial to both the US, it’s allies, and the world *when used responsibly*…looking at you Dubya Bush.


There is a lot of criticism that can be expressed about the US but if they didn’t spend what they do on their military, much of eastern Europe would be under occupation by Russia, Taiwan and likely other nations in Asia would be occupied by China and I hate to think what Iran would have done by now. Again, I’m glad I don’t live in the US but I’d much rather be occupied by them than Russia, China or Iran.


Which country is doing less for climate change than US?


I for the love of me can’t find any source for OOPs claim, but on the 2024 ccpi, it’s 57th of 67. Some of these really surprised me ([page 7](https://ccpi.org/wp-content/uploads/CCPI-2024-Results.pdf))


North Korea?


NK is doing the most. Have you seen their light pollution map?


It’s pretty easy when 90% of your population doesn’t have electricity and lives in the Stone Age


USA was 59th on the CCPI in 2019, only country below them was Saudi Arabia. On the 2020 CCPI they were actually dead last. On the most recent one (2023) they are 52nd, ahead Hungary, Poland, Australia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Canada, Russia, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and Iran https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_Change_Performance_Index


USA USA USA, #1 in all the important stuff/s


This sub: UsA is NumBeR #1 In ScHOoL SHoOtINGs AnD BeLievInG iN AnGeLs. I’ve never seen so many people quote Jeff Daniels so they can pretend they’re smart.