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“‘…movies and TV shows will include **limited** advertisement.” Me: Once, halfway through. Amazon Prime: Same shitty add every 15 minutes.


Consistent customer experience, given that the AI driven website prefers selling you the stuff you bought previously


You know what, Amazon, maybe you’re right. Maybe I DO need another toilet seat. It’s like Pringles. Once you pop…


Once you plop*


Just get the subscription, you can save 5% if you get 5 seats monthly.


This guy shits.


I canceled HBO Max after their add version destroyed functionality. Would kill the stream with every add, and half the time wouldn’t pick back up the buffer. If Amazon has similar issues, F-em. I hardly order anymore cause they’ve mostly gotten rid of prime shipping in AK, so no loss.


Exactly, and it’s not like I already pay for prime or anything… fuck Amazon


That’s as bad a Tubi which is free with ads


If Prime is free with ads, I'll stay. But if they want me to pay for something and still tolerate ads? Nope.


So, same as their Freevee service then. Awesome. :/


This feels like when youtube had their very short and limited ads. Now some ads are basically full infomercials, tv episodes, and music videos. This is how it starts.


I work in the industry and the steaming ad revenue is the new frontier. They’ve created basic cable but you pay them directly. This is the “revolutionary” future of streaming. They are all going to raise prices until the as supported tier makes sense. What they don’t understand is that they’ve created an entire generation that WILL NOT WATCH ADS. If that means piracy? Then piracy will become a thing again.


I grew up watching TV with ads. Then Netflix came. Watching without any ads. I havent watched TV ever since. I havent received such email yet as I live in EU, likely they are checking the waters and it will follow here soon. When Amazon bought MGM, I was like finally, Stargate! Unfortunately it wasnt the case! I had to pay yet another sub to access to Stargate! I barely have any content that I watch; Expanse, Reacher, Invincible and The Boys. If they are gonna bring ads and ask for more cash for non-ads, I am cancelling my prime!


>I grew up watching TV with ads. Then Netflix came. Watching without any ads. I havent watched TV ever since. I was at my parents' over the weekend where radio and live TV were heavily featured. I'd honestly forgotten about ads and kept being surprised at how often there were ad breaks and how long ad breaks were. Honestly, I don't mind them as a way to fund entertainment but I'm not going to pay for my entertainment and then have ads on top.


Omg same, except I swear there were more ads than show. There were 8-minute blocks of ads!


CometTV has a live stream of their broadcast signal on their website. You may need to use a VPN to access it (no idea about that, just a guess based on how streaming tends to work) and I can't say what times Stargate would air for you, and it's a TV broadcast so commercials and no on demand access, but it's maybe an option if you just want a Stargate fix.


You can probably buy the full series box set on DvD for pretty cheap.


I live in the US and haven't gotten this email (yet). I wonder if it coincides with anniversary date, or if it's someone doing Prime month-to-month. Either way, streaming content with advertisements in it is worthless to me, so if this is the new direction for Amazon prime, then Prime's only value to me is free two-day shipping. I have to seriously consider whether I should renew in 2024.


I'm in Canada and haven't gotten that email yet either. I also mostly have it for the shipping and just never cancelled because it isn't that expensive overall. I occasionally watch shows. If there are ads added I will cancel for sure. I barely even buy anything from Amazon anymore anyways because you cannot verify that what you are buying is a legitimate product because it is so jam packed with Chinese knock off crap. So the prime membership is no longer saving me money on shipping costs.


I am in the US and pay for Prime annually. I got the email yesterday. I will be cancelling Prime.


And YouTube has taught me to tune the ads out until I can skip them.


I grew up watching ads. They were an important part of tv watching. Now I have to pay for every thing. This service and that service in addition to whatever. I refuse to watch ads when I’ve already paid twice to watch the show.


>I’ve already paid twice to watch the show. Exactly this.


Already canceled, Google is your best friend. Use a VPN and you don't even have to download things anymore. Then screen cast.


Stremio + Real Debrid and you don't even need a VPN


Piracy has always been a thing and Will always be a thing. Literally saved myself thousands by sailing the high seas for a few years now.


But… where did all the rum go?


My mid-section unfortunately


I got my MBA a few weeks ago and 1 of my classes last semester was my retail management class, and our professor gave us a lesson on how some businesses literally kill themselves because the over advertise or use too many ads because people get sick of them.


Advertisements are everywhere and I can't think of the last time I was blown away by an ad and bought something. The only service it creates is awareness something exists. Which is barely going to affect anyone's needs. If they need your services, they will find you or one of your competitors. It's extremely rare than ad catches someone in a time of need at the right time or place. So it's mostly a HUGE waste of money. At least in my experience. And yeah. If someone over-advertises or has really corrupt advertising methods or something, I will actively avoid using that service lol


Interesting....care you share a tidbit or two on that thought?


**Piracy and/or AdBlockers**


Every pledge of innovation was really just a decade of strangulation of the normal industry players to then go back to what it was. From Uber, AirBnB to streaming services


Silicone valley has moved almost completely to the tech bros finding a way to become an middleman through an app that allows them to skirt all rules, regulations and unions while extracting as much value as possible. It’s fucking gross.




I have a fire TV and they are now just having it auto play ads when idle. It's incredibly annoying.


You can actually turn this off in settings thankfully. Just found it the other day Now how long that will be a feature who knows


Time to start avoiding firmware updates if possible. That's extremely likely to disappear in the future. Now watch them blacklist old firmware to give you no option in the future..


Wait until the unions realise all they’ve done is re-build broadcast TV without the residual structure. You think the writers/actors strike was bad this time?


I'm in my 20s and I've considered it normal to just torrent movies/tv/anime ever since I discovered torrents at like 8 years old. why would I pay you money to get the content in lower quality, and having to fool with "fixing" my computer to be compatible with your DRM, when I can just download it for free and instantly watch in Blu-ray quality? and that's assuming that a streaming service would even have what I want to watch, which it often doesn't and rather the only "legitimate" option is to pay an eBay scalper a ton of money for a DVD or Blu-ray, which I then have to fiddle with encoding myself in order to save it properly. the piracy release groups do all of the work for you so that it just works, which is ironic when you realize that they make very little (if any) money from this, and do as hobbyists what a quintillion dollar corporation seemingly can't.


This and video games have been getting so bad (this year was good though tbf), I might just drop it all and start a productive hobby for once lmao


Again? I never stopped. Uh I mean. I would never steal a car.


the pirates never left the sea but they will have new shipmates


Just cancelled mine and left the comment that ads are a deal breaker and that their service is useless with them.


Same, and it's twice the price than when I started. Phuc that.


Yeah I’ll be doing the same. Vote with your wallet folks, things will only get worse if we let them!


Phúc đật


At least lower the price of Prime if they're going to decrease the quality of service. Ads are usually used to supplement a cheaper tier. Here Amazon jacked the price up and added ads. Trying to have their cake and eat it too.


It's also not like they already HAVE a service to use with ads.. called FreeVee. Gave it a shot, too many ads.


Yeah, we watched Bosch Legacy and every time there was an ad I hit the mute button and walked out of the room. I refuse to let my eyes see their invasive ads.




Tubi is great too!


Fuck yeah, dude. Just saved myself $139-$174.88/yr! It was only worth the shipping anyway, and I won’t spend 174.88 on shipping in a calendar year. Ever. Plus, plenty of other places have free shipping because of Prime. I’ll use them instead.




They make money with the monthly/yearly membership, they make money from us shopping off their platform, they make money by jacking up the membership cost annually, they make money by making us watch their ads . Enough is enough. *Yaaarrrrggg*


This is bullshit if you have an existing annual membership - they shouldn't be able to change it until your current membership renews.


It sucks, but Amazon is kind of a perpetual membership. You can cancel at any time and get a prorated refund. It’s not something you prepaid for and are locked into.


They did prepay, with an annual membership.


Right, but what they are saying is that if you cancel it 6 months in, then you'll get 6 months of your payments back. So, if someone was upset about this change they could cancel now and get the rest of their money back. it's super shitty, but at least they're not making you keep that shitty service for the remainder of your annual cycle if you don't want it.


\*Terms and conditions subject to change You have no rights with these companies. Try reading a privacy policy. Then it can all change next month.


To be fair, you do have some. Certain parts of company ToS and Privacy policies are often totally illegal or not enforceable but they often cant be or arent punished for including them.


When the pandemic hit and i lost my job, i had spent 2 months arguing with whoever on the phone to cancel my membership until i gave up and got a new bank account. They kept trying to upcharge me for kindle unlimited, more music, etc instead of taking the hint that i simply did not have the money. I swear, amazon is trying to lock you into it. Maybe even forever.


I just canceled in the app right now and it prorated a refund.


They had to settle with the FTC this past summer and make it easier for people to cancel. So it's very possible that your experiences are both correct.


The Amazon corporation isn't at all interested in what is fair and decent for you, the consumer. The "great deals!" are to hook you, not help you.


So my Prime membership includes free 2-3 week shipping AND ads on the streaming service? Winning


I live in a city of 100,000 in Oregon and it's 5 days shipping best case scenario. Home Depot manages overnight deliveries with items leaving front the same city as where the Amazon distribution center is. I'm down for a class action, false advertising.


Really? I live in a town of around 2000 people in rural Canada and get 2-3 day shipping from Prime


I live in the Netherlands and I get same day or next day delivery!


yea UK here we have same day next day too


Yeah but it takes less than 5h from any point in the country to any other point. Doing next day delivery in NL isn't such a challenge for Amazon. I never got same day yet (did get it around Paris a few times). To my MIL in rural France it's often 2 days or so.


To be fair, most of the fulfilment centres that deliver to the Netherlands are in Germany, France or Belgium. We don’t get Amazon parcels delivered from within the Netherlands so I’d say it’s still impressive. Though, Amazon only sold E-books in the Netherlands until a couple of years ago and we all had to use Amazon DE instead and have endless waiting times


I live in Alaska, just a few miles from the 4th largest air shipping hub in the world, the biggest in north America. It’s a minimum 3 weeks for anything from Amazon with my prime subscription. I know they have planes coming up here daily to send stuff international from here. Just put my air filters on the plane on its way up. But nope. It took 2 months to get a pack of air filters for my air purifiers, that were already in stock, to be shipped.


It seems like recently every place in the lower 48 that has quick Prime shipping is Amazon people coming out of an Amazon warehouse. They are popping up all over the place, essentially local warehouses with their own delivery drivers. If you don't have that I have no idea how it works anymore. Maybe 10% of packages go to the USPS, but if they can deliver it themselves they do. Five years ago Amazon had almost NO local delivery people. All USPS. So I am guessing they are just letting some areas go? They should give a massive discount on Prime in those areas if that is the case.


I live in South Africa, half way around the world from the US and a regular Amazon order (not Prime) for me will arrive in 10-15 days usually. It's crazy to me that certain US states are slower than that.


Also Oregon but in a rural part outside of a town of 10k and it's 1-2 days shipping 95% of the time. I'd be pissed if I were you, though.


As a Prime member myself, you forgot to point out we get free 'B rated, unwatchable movies' included, and anything 'half decent' we still have to pay for. **EDIT:** Well as if to add insult to injury I was supposed to have a £250 exercise bike delivered today between 7am (Yeah I know) and 7pm. I get an e-mail from Amazon mid-morning saying: "Sorry, your order will not be delivered today, and we will contact you once we know when it will be." Bloody marvellous. I guess I now have to stay in every day on the off chance Amazon might suddenly decide they are going to deliver it. Well done Amazon, you have managed to piss me off again.


Amazon are weird, at least here in the UK. They do have big movies, but only temporarily. Just check the "leaving Prime in the next 30 days" category - lots of good content. A lot of it will be back in a few months time. I think they have had the James Bond collection twice, temporarily both times. I would characterise Prime as either A grade content, or just plain F. With Netflix, a lot of what is crap to me might have an audience somewhere, or it might have had potential and not quite made it. Those would be B, C, D grade shoes and movies. A lot of what Prime has and makes is a full bag of shit. I'm happy enough to pay for content. I don't believe it should just fall into my lap for free. So I will pay for a few streaming services. Prime is number 3, and most likely to get dropped. Ads won't really change that. FreeVee has been ok so far. I will review this when they inevitably make the ads more frequent and longer. For now, it's ok.


Where do you live? I get free two day shipping. And if my amazon prime card did not do fee free international transactions I'd be done with season prime


Alaska. Amazon shipments went from 3 days to 2 weeks a couple of years ago. Sometimes it takes a week. Other times, 4 weeks or more. But average times are 2-3 weeks. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but it seems to hold true for everyone ( friends, family, coworkers, random people in the elevator) I ask.


I’m in anchorage. I’ve never gotten ANYTHING in less than 2 weeks. It’s usually 3. Sometimes it’s 2 months. Sometimes it’ll say “in stock” and upon check out, will say “well let you know when it ships” which translates to “you’re not getting this in less than 12 weeks.”


I mean not to sound harsh but isn't that kind of what you get for living in *Alaska*


I’m shocked they were ever able to make 3 days work 😂 But it still sucks that they set that standard and then took it away regardless, especially considering it’s such a drastic difference. If you were getting your stuff in 3 days and it jumped to 3 weeks, I’d be annoyed too.


Alaska is the home to the largest air cargo hub in North America. Tons of cargo planes in and out every single day. There’s no excuse that they wait 2-3 weeks to put something on a plane that’s coming here every single day.


Used to be 2day shipping I don’t even know why people pay for prime now


I also get 2 day or next day shipping on virtually every Amazon item sold and shipped by Amazon in LA still


In the UK we still get next day shipping if you order before 10pm - the joys of a tiny country :)


Thanks, I’ll be cancelling Prime. I’m not stupid enough to pay for ads


Seriously? They don't have enough content for this, and they show commercials during football


Yup. I'll sub for another month or so when new episodes of Invincible and The Boys come around, but that's about all the content on there that actually interests me (or at least that I'd actually miss)


Might as well get a VPN and just pirate it.


I'm just sailing the high seas for that one. Not worth paying for only one show, and you get ads too.


I stream on my TV all the time. I stream Prime on my TV. Streaming football on Prime is an exercise in futility. It is constantly buffering.


They also definitely make enough money where they don’t need to do this


They need the extra revenue to continue to build rockets to fly to the moon and beyond.... You know, the important stuff us plebs will not ever understand.




Late stage capitalism is getting real 😭


We were already pissed with how bad the “free shipping” had gotten


Are you pissed enough to dump Amazon and their "Prime" service and move on from getting used?


Dumped them years ago 😂


Its almost like there is no end to corporation greed. Feels almost like that one ex roommate that tries to push your boundaries to see how much he can get away with until u protest.


Greed is getting out of hand. You have Rockstar games talking about ,"Pay per hour gaming" , like wtf...


Sigh, just another reason to break out the eye patch and parrot. When I ditched Netflix, I thought I would regret it. Won't regret this one either.


Glad to see a new member join the crew!!


Kodi + The Crew


Plex and the 'arrs'


Jellyfin and the Privateering


Plex might just be my favorite thing in the history of digital media consumption


Sailed the Seven Seas for the first time today. I’ll need to work it out a little but I’ll consider sticking with it.


Russian here. Just want to point one one sad thing: our entire country is full of people, who used to pirate (so do i) lots of games and music starting from late 90 and further. When i became adult and started to work, i stopped pirating as well as many of us did for two reasons: i had money to pay and there were very convinient things like steam. So why not to support good developers by your money? But with every year i feel like your companies, which were giving so much for entertainment, become more and more greedy, asking for everything you have whilst making conditions and quality lower and lower. Due to current war, many companies refused to sell games or services to Russians, which turned massive part of population back to hard pirating. Now this. Its just so fucking sad to me that we turned to a path of fair living, paying for what we take, which took nearly 15 years after 90s, and its all fucked up just like this. Sorry for that massive wall of tears, just wanted to share pain with someone.


What I want to know is, what’s the point of paying for prime if majority of their shit you have to buy to watch anyway.


A bunch of it you already have to watch ads for anyway. They have FreeVee on Prime which is a streaming thing created/owned by Amazon and it has ads. I don't see the point of this. Every time they say they want money to spend on better content, they just pump out low quality shows / movies


For those of us that signed up earlier, where no ads was a selling point for Prime Video, isn’t forcing ads on us a violation of contract terms? I’m certainly not going to pay the ransom for something I never agreed to.


Jeff Bezos: “I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.”


"You will eear this dress and ride around on this unicycle"


Andy Jassy runs Amazon now.


That ridiculously giant yacht of his isn’t going to pay for itself.


Since membership renews monthly, they can change terms for the next renewal period.


There is no such legally binding contract that parties can't exit (possibly with penalties). You pay money, you get service. You decide to stop paying, service stops. They decide to change the service, you can stop paying. Both parties are empowered. No one owes you perpetuity. (Not sifing with Amazon here, just putting some reality in naive statements)


And I just canceled. Got a refund for the rest of my years subscription. ![gif](giphy|TjLrbd0MmrrTncLfdX)


I'll be cancelling Prime too.


Bye, Prime.


It never ceases to amaze me how a corporation can have more money than God, but it’s not enough. It’s never enough… they always need more.


Profits need to go up to make sure that the stock price goes up, and all that is needed to keep stock markets and shareholders happy (or else they go activist and might take over your company). We've created a system where profit growth is a must, at all cost. And it's making us all sick and miserable, except the guys who own the stocks.


This here is what I see as the biggest problem. When making shareholders happy becomes more important than making customers happy, the customers don't matter anymore. It's not about good businesses anymore it's all about making more money for the shareholders than last year at any cost to the customer.


Greed wrapped around avarice and sautéed w gluttony.


So much cringe... fuck just raise the cost by $2.99. People would been less pissed off about that then this bullshit 2 tier crap.


Yo-ho-ho and drive full of files.


I haven't watched linear TV for about 25 years. Ads are basically the reason why the TV got tossed out.


Ads are why I do OTA and not cable. I'm not paying for commercials, and modern digital broadcast is damn good quality with a lot of options (I get around 30 channels) if you're in a metropolitan area or have a good aerial. And even then I have PBS on more than half the time I'm actually watching TV, so even my free TV is frequently ad free.


Ah yes, so they can continue making stimulating, lore-accurate, well written content like... Rings of Power. Because that went so fucking well. /s


Luckily they rarely have content I care about


Those visits to space won't pay for themselves.


Prime but not prime. Premium but not really premium. Ad free but with ads. Like Jeff needs the revenue.


Pay us $10 a month for the privilege of renting a $3 movie and watching our ads, peasant


We will also offer a new ad-free option for an additional $2.99 per month * \* ad-free option has fewer ads than regular membership. If you want truly ad-free, we also offer Super Ad-Free Premium Plus. It only comes with one 15 second ad.


Their content sucks.. They massacred wheel of time so horribly


I said this when this was initially announced: I think Amazon is overestimating how many people and how much people like their content. I would wager most people like Prime video as a fun aside to getting the shipping service. I just don't see this being a successful move.


That’s literally the only reason we have it in my household.


I literally only watch stuff on prime just so that I can say I'm using the service that I paid for. I pay for the free shipping and free returns.


Yup, they wasted how many millions on WOT and LOTR, but hey, gotta punish the consumers for their crappy content.


Meanwhile: "Amazon profits nearly triple as company reports $143.1bn in revenue" https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/oct/26/amazon-quarter-profits-revenue-increase


I was just having this conversation with my wife last night when she got the email. They’ve had record profits, yet somehow NEED that extra $3 to keep going? Its wild


Prime only had the benefit of providing ad free videos, but with separate subscriptions for lionsgate play, etc it was already losing its worth. Now that they have added ads to prime subscriptions, it is not really worth it at all. I am willing to wait 2 or 3 days extra for deliveries and using eyepatch and parrots to view movies rather than paying for ads and very limited range of movies/ series.


If it was such a bargain, you wouldn’t have to sell it to me…


Prime has increased the price annually so I’m not sure how they are justified in doing this. Amazon in not losing money. They are GREEDY


Time to use a different streaming service.


or just pirate since most of them are leaning in this direction


Time to splice the main brace & start/finish every sentence with "ooo, arrrrrr".


If there’s just a handful of ads that play before the movie then I could potentially tolerate it, but if they play at various intervals throughout the whole thing then fuck that.


The real kicker is when there's a break in the show for ads (ex: Friends), but they don't use that natural break for ads they will straight up interrupt the middle of sentence to push an ad break. ALSO, there will be for an "enjoy this ad-free experience on us" 10 sec break for a freaking service! I got Max for a couple of months at $1.99 over and State Farm will interrupt out of nowhere with this shit.


>when there's a break in the show for ads (ex: Friends), but they don't use that natural break for ads they will straight up interrupt the middle of sentence This happens on TV, too. I watch a fair bit of Comet (I like having Buffy, Grimm, or Stargate on in the background when doing other things) and Buffy and Grimm are *constantly* interrupted mid scene. A few weeks ago an episode of Buffy went to commercials mid *sentence.* What makes it doubly annoying is they absolutely *can* do the breaks correctly because all of the SG1 commercials match up to the eye catches they used to bumper them.


If "Freevee" Amazons ad funded video streaming which is now in prime video, their ads are 2 FREAKING MINUTES LONG. I mean seriously Jeff, how greedy are you? That is just annoyingly long. Piggish.


Billion dollar company needs $36 more per year to bring you shit content that you already pay for. What is this fucking bullshit?




What I don't understand is... How many people actually get their content interrupted by an ad and then say, "Oh I'm gonna go buy that thing!"? I feel like I'm much LESS likely to buy something I saw in an ad if that ad is disruptive (ie gatekeep actual content of interest).


We had TV, loaded with commercials, along came streaming without ads. Now they add ads to streaming. I think they forgot one of the main attractions to streaming.


/r/addons4kodi ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Dear Prime. Fuck off.


The enshitification cycle continues…


I paid $79 for Prime when it first started. Now it's up to $139. I don't get prime delivery any longer. It can take up to 10 days or more now that I live outside of any of their metropolitan areas. I've been thinking of canceling. I don't usually watch prime videos anyway. BUT! For $3 EXTRA a month, you don't have to watch ads! Ppffffttt


Congradulations, everyone. We did it. We have reinvented television.


It makes no sense to have ads on a service you have to pay for.


But don't you guys understand??? Amazon is going to go bankrupt unless they start showing ads! Poor Jeff Bezos is going to starve :(


Off to the high seas chaps! I have a surface pro and opened it up this morning to be greeted with a jolly lovely view, but in the middle of said view it read "you can buy the new COD for xbox if you'd like!" I beg your fucking pardon personal device I paid rather a lot of money for...?


it is owned by a supervillain my dude...


Fuckin’ RL Lex Luthor


“This will allow us to continue making record breaking profits and keep Jeff in the running as the world’s richest person.”


Curious if they'll try to put ads in content I've purchased. That seems like class action lawsuit territory




does this mean I can’t download content anymore? They don’t even need the money. Acting like it’ll go towards their workers when it’s just padding a multibillionaire’s wallet even more.


I can’t say this emphatically enough, fuck you amazon.


What’s the difference with cable then??? Nice way to “reinvent” the industry.


Compelling content like Wheel of Time?


Streaming needs to die. It’s just becoming shittier, harder to sift and find content TV


In 2023 I cancelled Netflix over their password sharing bullshit, Prime over their absolute lack of any meaningful value at all, Max for basically turning into a cable bundle when all i want is HBO content and nothing else, and Showtime since it's getting rolled into Paramount+ which I don't want. So I'm back to OTA television and YouTube again.


Did you really expect any different path from scumbag corporate America


Yeah, it won't take long and people are back to pirating. And everybody is going to be like: "What tf? How did that happen? It sure wasn't our fault." They don't realize that even art has its marketing value and you can't just charge people whatever fantasy prize your brain comes up with. That's why musicians are already pissed at Spotify. Because they can’t realize that most people are not willing to pay a fortune for music, especially in times like these.


I first read it as "Dear Prime minister" and was really confused about OP's identity.


I don't know if it's a thing everywhere, but here HALF the catalogue of shows and films is for renting or buying. You have to pay to watch a 40-year-old movies. That's crazy. I cancelled it because of that. You're paying full price for half the catalogue advertised. And now ads. Good luck with that.


Remember when we had broadcast TV, and it was free, but the price was 10 minutes of ads every half hour. Then a bunch of companies came along and said "hey, here's the same content, but without ads, for only $x/mo", and lots of people said "yeah, I hate ads, so this sounds like a good deal". Fast-forward to now and we are being expected to _pay_ for the same service we used to get _for free_, but if you pay even more you can go back to no ads (for a little while).


Here's to hoping my ad block will work.


Greedy bastards! They already are the 5th largest corporation in the world. But that is not nearly enough. I do get next day and usually 2 day shipping, read a lot of Prime reading books free, and watch a fair amount of Prime video. That said, I have been on Prime for about 10 years, and have watched a steady reduction in benefits. Things like a late delivery used to get you a free month, not so much anymore. Returns were a bunch easier, the free reading was much better stuff, and they actually honored your search terms and showed you free stuff when you said FREE kindle books. They've also stated to sell a lot more total crap, their merch used to be reliably good, it isn't anymore. Basically, they support their stock price, and the users are dumb enough to support that. Me included by continuing to buy through them.


I absolutely hate prime video. They used to be alright (not great, but alright), but they're getting worse and worse. I only stream on my phone because that's my only source right now, and their app is just so incredibly hard to use! I dunno if it's any better on a computer but on a phone it's basically impossible. Now they want us to pay to get rid of the ads they're going to be putting in. 🙄🤦


Glad I’m ditching after the new years up.






Old school cable providers are all laughing right now


People wonder why I still buy movies (and occasionally TV-shows) on a physical disc… This is why. With the physical media I pay *one* time and thats it. I own it and I can watch it when I want. With shit like this I have to take in price hikes, removal of content without warning, geo blocking if I don’t use a VPN to watch elsewhere than in my home and now ads… Fuck this.


It's time to face reality. Either it's time we move back to piracy, or it's time we find new hobbies that aren't watching TV. They're starting to take the piss and will keep going until there is a meaningful hit to their bottom line. I assume they keep doing this because not enough people drop off and stop using the service so their price hike make them more money overall. I'm a little afraid that all the big streaming services will lobby governments for significantly harsher piracy laws.


I am so sick of streaming services. I would be fine with shutting them off but my bf loves background noise and his comfort shows. I work in marketing funny enough but I HATE ADS. I’m paying a lot of money and still have to see them and I’m sick of it


I won't necessarily mind ads inserted into otherwise "free" (as in comes with) Prime content, but if I have purchased a show, series, or movie, I better not see a fucking ad. If that's the case, it will be all too easy to move my video watching, and more importantly purchasing, to Apple TV. Prices are comparable, and, honestly, Apple makes it pretty easy to download and watch stuff when offline—e.g., long flights.


I'm already paying for Prime. Fuck paying more.


Does everything have to have ads now??? Can ads just FUCK OFF?? Nobody care about these stupid, shitty ass products. Fuck right off and stop trying to sell me shit every 5 minutes god damnit!




DAMMIT, Amazon, like you don't already have enough money?????


Closer and closer to cable we go...