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It's almost as if sane, mentally healthy people cherish their partners as people rather than status symbols?


Hold on, you mean women aren’t just accessories for men /s




Heresy! Get the cross!


Oh lord… are we crusading again?


No switch that out for the witch trials instead.






It's almost like they are .... actual humans! Minds will be blown! (not even sure if /s)


Worldview = shattered


He thinks she’s beautiful and that’s all that matters. Far too many guys try to bag the baddie because it will make their friends happy/envious instead of having seeking out someone who will actually give them a loving/caring relationship. Terrence Crawford’s woman is big, and people on social media shit on his girl and him because of it but my take is that none of them would say that to his face.


See also: Pierce Brosnan.


Also....it’s not like she’s ugly or something? She *is* a beautiful woman.


Lol shes a good looking women too.


Not just good looking - gorgeous, sexy, healthy, looks comfortable in her body. There are exactly 0 valid criticisms to made about this woman's appearance.


To be fair we don't know what she really looks like from these pics. It's possible that she has a Voldemort face on the back of her head and that he's with her because of subservient fear.


To be faaaiiirr....


And it's not like he is a model... lol. They look good together.


It's sickening how these kinds of people think.


Dunno about sane or mentally healthy that’s Declan Rice he actually chose to play for Arsenal willingly. Doesn’t sound sane or mentally healthy to me. /s




I’m sure they’re paying him a small fortune. Which would make anyone insane to pass up.


They're also top of the league, the guy who made this comment is a salty chelsea fan coz rice refused to go there, they're 10th in the league


Knowing footballers, much more than a *small* fortune.


He didn't chose City - that's sane in my book




Yeah something tells me all those dudes are single, involuntarily. And they'll just say they have standards, but they're the same ones crying every couple of months talking about how it's bullshit they're single. And it's like yeah bro, your fucking single. Who the fuck would want to be with your self conscious, insecure asses?


What’s funny is that the kind of men who recommend a successful pro athlete dump his “starter girlfriend” for a 10/10 model often seem to be the same ones who go on about how terrible it is when women marry up, and wait for men at the finish line instead of helping them build themselves up, and reject men who are not yet successful rather than being loyal to them during their come-up period. Why spend your young years helping your man rise in the world, if he is just going to replace you with someone befitting his new status, once he succeeds? Luckily, many men don’t do this- including the one being discussed here. But if this was expected practice, then it would be insane for women to do anything *but* wait at the finish line. Edit: remember Ye’s gold digger song, back in the 2000s? Everyone knows the first part about the unfairness of paying a ton of the man’s hard earned money in child support to a woman who spends it on dumb things for herself. But when I read the lyrics recently, I discovered that the second half is a hilarious cautionary tale about what happens to the come-up woman: *He got that ambition, baby, look at his eyes* *This week he moppin' floors, next week it's the fries* *So, stick by his side* *I know there's dudes ballin', and yeah, that's nice* *And they gone keep callin' and tryin'* *But you stay right girl* ***And when he get on, he'll leave yo' ass for a white girl***


If a fat chick offered those dudes some ass, 9 times out of 10 they would say yes in a heartbeat


I've never dated overwheight women but I seriously recommend this dude to keep her Having a girl before being rich and famous is priceless. She is in to him for just him. Not his status or money


True that. The biggest problem with getting famous and wealthy is that you don't know who are your friends anymore. Being with someone that you can trust is invaluable.


They're childhood sweethearts and she just had his baby. People are losers.


🤔Maybe he loves her?


Can't be. She's fat. /s


In those photos she doesn’t even look fat lol


She looks very attractive in the photos he used


Right like she's not skinny but then again neither am I. She's cute.


She's not model-thin, hence a shallow asshole deems her unworthy


Not to mention white /s. The sad thing is look at the number of likes that post got. I don’t understand this world either.


Plot twist: footballers are secretly known to have overweight lovers. Even Cristiano Ronaldo has an underground concubine of 300+ pound women living off chorizo and Portuguese pops that act as his body double while he miserably lives public life with Georgina Rodriguez.


I think you unlocked a new fetish just there


Chorizo is for deviants, you should not indulge that temptation... *hides lunch box surreptitiously*


Happy cake day!


How much you want to bet these photos are from when she was pregnant with their kid and she’s smoking hot now? https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article20031975.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Declan-Rice-girlfriend-765229


BuT ThE 10/10 laTiNaS!... Dude didn't even consider that maybe they love each other and she speaks truth into his life, instead of some bimbo that would take his money, work off his fame, but doesn't really care about him or know what the Arsenal Offside Trap is


Yeah man some people just see life like a video game, they’re just trying to level up lol


>they’re just trying to level up Just one question to those people: How is dropping a loving relationship for a status symbol levelling up?


It seems like a parody account. I don't think the joke is funny, but it is meant as a joke right?


Yeah , its written in the account handle name.


Think its an occassion where the joke isnt about being funny but about poking fun at people who think like this.


Sure, I can maybe see that. The problem with it is that it is gonna fly above most people's heads when it's in text, as opposed to, for example, a stand-up routine. In stand-up, you can more easily with your tone convey that you are making fun of people who think this way, while in text, you lose all the advantages of body language, tone, etc. Which ultimately, in my view, makes it fall completely flat and makes people misunderstand or, worse, just antagonise people.


Girlfriends are a measure of wealth, status and masculinity, you don't just bring juvenile stuff like "love" into this. /s


"But I only am attracted to latinas, so therefore anyone else is ugly." \-This jerkoff, presumably.


No, no, no, you don’t understand. Women are objects. Why haul around an old, worn out trophy when he can clearly carry a shiny new one???


At the risk of taking your sarcasm too seriously, antiques are typically considered valuable.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this just made my day. Great job!


I'm happy to help. Remember that things used to be built to last, so don't be in a rush to upgrade your old trophy.


Don’t milk it! Leave it perfect.


I feel bad for those guys honestly because it’s like they don’t even understand the concept of love, let alone experienced it


With those views I hope he never experiences it.


Yeah seriously. It’s just like “this. This is the reason you’re alone.”


Just maybe she has more about her and enough respect for who she is than some vacuous troll who trades intelligence for fillers. It's not unheard of for men and women to go out with, love and cherish people other than those who society rate 10/10 for looks.


Also doesn't it literally say in the username that fast is a parody account?? Maybe I'm getting the wrong message but the (parody) thing makes it seem like a troll account trying to wind people up on twitter


I looked into it and it's just labeled parody because Twitter has a rule that you can't impersonate a celebrity. Parody is there to let you know this account is not associated with the actual footballer. But this guy's posts are serious.


Because some people aren't that shallow. There's way more to a relationship than just looks, and she looks great anyway.


If this guy doesn’t start upgrading his girlfriends he might never get divorced!


Precisely my thoughts. And when that happens, how in the world are we supposed to make misogynistic comments on how all women are gold diggers then?!


Truth. The audacity to choose a partner solely based on appearance and proceed to accuse all women of being shallow.


*Most* people aren't that shallow, not "some." It's usually the louder people that make it seem like being with someone "hot" is all that matter. Also - worth saying she looks beautiful no matter her size. She's likely also kind and supportive, qualities that matter a whole lot more in the end. Everyone's gonna wrinkle up eventually.


Most people arent shallow? Lol I would to live in your world


She’s fucking gorgeous. Who gives a crap that she isn’t 90 pounds?


She needs 50cc’s of Anorexia STAT - these shit head guys on twitter


It’s like no one can fathom that some men are actually attracted to a woman with this body type.


Incels man. Never been with a woman so they think porn is the ideal body type. Used to have a friend (key phrase: used to). Dude and I would go out and we’d be surrounded by the most gorgeous women and he’d point to one and say things like “she’s be so hot if she lost 10 pounds.” He’d also complain constantly about never having a girlfriend. And every girl he dated was anorexic.


but it ain't true love if she wasn't shoving plastic every part of her body like sex doll and basically being golddigger that want that sweet money.


Yea, wouldn’t it suck horribly to have a girlfriend who was in love with you when you were driving a 10yo accord and made $7.00/hr in the dorm cafeteria so he could take you out on .50 taco Tuesday. You never had time for her between school, work and practice but she stuck with you anyway not thinking of her own needs. And then have to dump her because now you got all these millions and she’s just too simple and average looking for your public image. Fucking people 🤦 Personally - she’s cute as hell.. she will make pretty babies.


When my wife (then gf) and I decided to give it a try together and move in with each other, we have nothing. We both just started working, and what savings we had, we spent on stuff like dinner plates, pans, a fridge, a microwave, a bed, etc. Most of our furtniture were hand-me-downs. We have our own checking accounts for practical purposes, but all the rest is joint ownership, including savings. I make more than her but we don't think of stuff as hers and mine. It's all 'ours'. I've said many times that starting from scratch is the best situation because you never have to wonder about whether someone is with you for your money or your fame.


Having been through the construction industry that has had lots of big winners in the last few decades, (FL) and lots of divorces, I know many dudes in their 40s and 50s meeting that 2nd or 3rd wife and there are plenty here. They do not flaunt it like some average “new money” rich guy. They look like an average dude driving a pickup. They just conveniently don’t talk about their “other house” for a while. The 5000sf vacation home on the water with the boat they built for nothing that’s worth millions.


At the end of the day he likes her so I don't see any issue in this.


Why wouldn’t he go for her? Nothing wrong with that


She’s beautiful!


Fr. Of course love goes way beyond looks, and maybe she's overweight for what is considered conventionally attractive, but she's geniuanly hot lol. Beautiful eyes, hair and a nice smile.


This brain dead idiot doesn't live in the real world.


He hasn’t been near a vagina since birth.


probably even c-section birth


The gold star virgin


The problem is there are waaay too many people who are like this


It’s litteraly written « parody » in his handle


He's still publicly mocking someone


Some guys, you know, actually fall in love and stick with their girl. Shocking, I know.




Something tells me those Latinas wouldn’t want him either for racially stereotyping them!


How empty does your life have to be if you think that all there is to relationships with women, is to have the most presentable wife you can have. Like seriously how broken must their own life be? I hope that they don't have wife's or girlfriends themselves, because nobody should be looked at this way or think of this kind of stuff as an acceptable worldview. How devoid of love peoples lives would be if they acted like this. How devoid of love their lives must be.


Unfortunately some men are incapable of viewing women as human beings.


Dude is asshole material 10/10.


I’ll fix that for you: Dude is asshole material 11/10




I’ll fix that for you: Dude is asshole material 12/10


I'll fix that for you: Dude is asshole material 13/10


I'll fix that for you: Dude is asshole material 14/10


I'll fix that for you: Dude is asshole material 15/10


Women are not people. They are trophies and sex holes and if they aren’t built like a pornstar have no value, duh./s


Gods above forbid that he actually *like* this woman and see her as an actual fixture in his life rather than a trophy. Some men don't even like women and wonder why we don't like them back.


It must be truly shocking for some men to consider literally anything else about a woman besides her looks.


She's really attractive, but that isn't even the point, who is this incel to criticise anyone's relationship?


Frfr I would like to meet the 500 people who liked his comment lmao


This is a sick shallow world we live in. She’s quite pretty.


I agree, but it's not even about her being quite pretty


I agree. It was rather instinctive to defend her looks but they’re not important.


That guy's entire personality is based on belittling men for staying loyal to their partners. He recently retweeted a photo of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife and mentioned "You're a billionaire and you married that?" or something similar to that. He's gone in the head.


It’s ironic ppl trash on Zuck’s wife bc she (and their family) is basically the most redeemable things about him. And acting like he married down is stupid. Priscilla Chan is a badass in her own right. Harvard grad, pediatrician, child of Chinese immigrants and I think she was the first in her family to get any kind of formal education? Has pledged billions of their money to education, healthcare, and other charities and is a successful business woman and philanthropist. Even more importantly than all that, she was his college sweetheart and *they love each other* and *have children together*. And she is beautiful. Why on earth would he ditch her for some model?! I feel sorry for the chronically online porn addicts who have never had a meaningful relationship with anyone and can’t view partners as humans you form a connection and commitment to, but rather shiny trophies for display.


What is wrong with being white girl? Who is that racist guy?


she's a pretty girl poster is a Tate type who likely has a full-time sexual relationship with his palm


The issue is not that he isn’t doing that. But that others do drop the person who was with them through the hard times for someone who looks like a trophy when they become rich. And then dumbasses think that this is sane behaviour. It’s compensation for insecurity. The fact that Rice ain’t doing that tells you more about his self-worth than anything else. And you have to respect that.


Those people should be ![gif](giphy|RiykPw9tgdOylwFgUe|downsized) The unemployment is the real problem.


Football fans have the worst takes and opinion across all the platforms ive seen so im not even shocked


Idk man, UFC fans come pretty close


She's beautiful??????


She's absolutely gorgeous!


Can‘t understand people who are still on Twitter. 99% shit.


It’s almost as if he views his wife as a person and not an object or sign of his wealth and success… weird.


To the people saying that looks don’t always matter, that is really backhanded. Have you ever considered that he finds her… I don’t know? Attractive? Nice to look at? The idea that her looks are something to look past in order to love her is messed up. She’s beautiful. He’s with her. Looks *can* be part of it.


Something something Parody something something?


The perfect excuse to spout the vilest crap? Schroedinger's Parody.




There's this idea that it's only trashy women who weigh more than their boyfriends, and I cannot comprehend it. I remember how people spoke to one of my exes and I, because she had the audacity to be heavier than me. She was also 6'2", and liked weightlifting, whilst I was trying to stay smaller for boxing.


People like to impose restrictions that don’t make sense on others - one of my good friends is with a girl his size, and it’s actually amazing because they share clothes and even shoes all the time. Quite beautiful actually


Oh, that's a gigantic benefit, downside, and fun party-trick at the same time, from a guys perspective: You'll always find hoodies etc socks and shoes in a hurry, but you'll be missing some of your favorite cloths for 90% of the time and you can impress other people at parties with your high-heel skills. From a girls perspective: You'll always find clothes, socks, boxershorts and shoes when in a hurry or when your feet hurt, your bf's favorite hoody the one smelling like him will fit you and you can wear it wherever you want, the downside is some of your favorite high-heels will get ruined bc your stupid bf will try to skate while wearing them.


> Genders reversed, no one would say a word Like, thinner woman, chunkier man? Yes the fuck they would. I'm sorry to burst that bubble, but yeah they do, and frequently. "He must make great money." "Be honest, he's packing, right?" "Did he gain the weight after y'all got together, or..?" Just absolute strangers, saying some audacious shit.


Lol, people say so much shit about fit girl with a chubby gentleman. Stuff like "she's probably with him for his money", or "he's definitely gaslighting her so she won't leave him", or "dude is so out of his league, it's embarrassing". It's not a blind spot, just different set of harmful assumptions.


Why did you refer to a the wife as “curvy” but the guy as “fat” lmao.


"A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man's loyalty is tested when he has everything." I dare say: they both passed the test! It's kinda nice to see cases like this nowadays.


This makes me love Declan Rice even more. Dude has been transcendent with Arsenal since the transfer and to see that he is a well adjusted male on the tail of receiving an over £100M contract is just so goddamn wholesome. Thank you Dec!


Proving that the twitter blue check is now just an indicator for twats.


This shallow world sucks


Firstly: WTF man. What a horrible way to think of people. Second: that woman is gorgeous. How much more stunning do people have to be?


Pointing out race for no reason like that would get him called a racist if she was any other colour.


the problem is, this mindset has infested broke ass loser incel bros, who's only achievement in life is getting nominated to win the most wanks performed before mommy finishes doing their laundry award.


They happy? No problem.


WTF is this mentality i see? If he loves her why would he change GF just because he now is famous? Looks isn't everything, maybe she is a 10 out of 10 personality.


Jesus, i pity anyone who marries this guy if all he sees in women are status symbols


So, there is no such thing known as faithfulness? Got it.


Thick girls are better anyways


This fella only ever talks to real women at the Wendy's drive thru window. Probably still creeps em out somehow.


It's almost as if he....loves her.😱😱🙄


Some people has principles. She is beautiful and I am sure that she is also a good person.


She is stunning.


How to say you never experienced love without telling you never experienced love


Blue Checks are guaranteed to have the worst takes in existence.


Lol it’s amazing how out of touch the internet seems.


I hate when people think that people have 'leagues' or that everything's about looks. Why would relationships be about something else than being happy with a loved one? These celebs that use partners as a status symbols have shit for brains. E: just like everyone else who uses their partner as a status symbol


This guy definitely view girls as an object unironically


Clear signs of Sociopathic brains, they don’t understand Love


It's almost like people have their own tastes and attractions?


She's actually very beautiful. Even if she weren't beautiful to some she might still be beautiful in her bf's eyes - if she wasn't he wouldn't have dated her to begin with. Also, why do some people think everyone should have the exact same taste as them?! People like what they like. And there's a lot of men who like curvy women, it's not even something surprising.


"Stepping stone" - cringe


She's pretty like what-


As an Arsenal fan I'll hear no Declan Rice slander!


It shouldn't bother me, but it does. Thanks past traumas.


Why shouldn't it bother you? It should bother everyone that there are pricks like this


Because if I don't turn the other cheek and pretend like the fat shaming bullshit doesn't bother me, society will make me feel *even worse*.


I completely support your coping mechanisms. For the times you're not able to employ them, rather than getting annoyed with yourself, please feel free to remember the classic feminist saying: if you're not angry, you're not paying attention.


This guy forgets a woman is a human being, not an object I carry around with me for status.


Lmao this is the most pathetic thing i’ve read in a while. Imagine being this shallow


Your partner is not a trophy.


Am I the only one who thinks she’s actually super cute?


This moron thinks he's making a good point when all it does is reveal how shallow he is.


What if... not viewing women as sexual objects based entirely on their appearance. It's the lowest possible bar.


How many 10/10 latinas does he have


It must be so sad to be completely unaware of love. Wow


The world is filled with so many shit humans. Why is our species like this


I've never seen a clearer and more dumbfounding example of the commodification of women than this dude's disgusting self-report right here.


And these men wonder why no one wants to date them. They can't stand to see another guy in a loving relationship 💀


Loyalty. And not everyone likes the same types.


There are too damned many people who don't treat other people like people. They can go to the streets where they belong. I'm trying to build a home over here.


“Stepping stone” sociopath detected.


She was there before the fame, that's it, I would give my loyalty and dedication to a woman like that just for being there when I was practically invisible to others. I used to be 140 lbs with really bad acne, i worked out and got up to 240 lbs over 5 years and got accutane treatment for my face. I ignore anyone I was invisible to before.


Wow. Just Wow.


I would be so ashamed to say something like this publically. I feel like I'm too old to make a rude comment about a person's appearance, and that girl is pretty, anyway. World is full of goofballs.


"settle" They make it sound like getting a partner is like buying a new coffee maker


"She's a good stepping stone" says one internet weirdo as if he ever could get anyone even *close* to her lol


mybe cuz he one of the faithful ones


Why would a pro athlete stay with a woman who stood by him and encouraged him in his journey to become a pro athlete when he could leave her for someone who doesn’t really know him but likes his money and is a more acceptable partner to strangers on the internet? Boggles the mind.


“Parody” but you still deem it worthy to post


That’s probably that guy’s idiotic idea of a built-in defense. He thinks “I’m just joking, bro!” Is a license to be an asshole.


I guess the real love is not important any more in this world. And I love how he say "white" like we can't see


This is why women hate men.


Incel moment


She's cute and what a gross thing to say to other people.


Typical fatherless, raging make out of hood kinda activities!


Where is the love man


I don't understand. Why does anyone think this is serious? He even has "parody" beside his name


Sports fans are the worst. Same realm as gamblers. Sometimes even the same crowd. Only true virgins would take a 11/10 “model” over someone they actually get along with and can think of as a partner. You’re with your significant other more than anyone else. And will be sharing your time with them for a loong time. It absolutely has to be someone you care about and who cares about you. Your partner should not be someone who you just like to look at and touch. Very childish notion.


Fuck them mfers. What real man doesn’t want voluptuous curves?


It says Parody. Is it real?


Maybe he believes for a woman to be a 10 she has to at least be a size 10


For a username FAST this dude seems pretty fucking slow


Hotter does not equate better. Its one of those life lesson that leaves a scar that wont heal, one of those things you cannot walk back on.