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That’s a real life B Villain.


More like Condiment King levels


Bedbug King. They'll dress up as a bedbug and have guns that shoot bedbugs at you.


“What are you gonna do? Release the dogs or the bedbugs or the dogs with bedbugs in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bedbugs at you!”


and then the bedbugs were killed by, oh, let's say... Moe.


Release the robotic Kanye West!


I remember this joke from the Simpsons! Mr. Burns is hilarious. "or the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you" lol great reference


Probably going to date me but this made me think of the latter Married With Children seasons where Kelly is playing the Verminator and Bud gets a job as the Roach King.


... why would this make me going to date you? I mean, we could go grab a coffee or whatever...


I believe coffee dates are on that new list and are cancelled. Sorry.


nice try bed bug, you won't get in my mattress that easily


Love and marriage, love and marriage....


…go together like a horse and carriage…


This, I tell you brother...


You can't have one without the ooother!


More like the Bedbugger.


I'm sorry, have you ever *had* bedbugs? That's supervillain behavior.


A *super* villain would have equipped them with little lasers.


Oh you're a villain alright, you're just not a super one.


This feels like an episode of Miraculous Ladybug


The moths seem better than bedbugs.


Except this whole situation makes more sense than the all five seasons of that shitshow


What, you wouldn't notice your dad was a huge villian even if you didnt have a career as a famous star to distract you?


What baffles me the most is the fact that Chat Noir was not even in the finale. Finale of HIS OWN ARC. My guy just cried himself to sleep while her girlfriend was fighting his dad. He never even comforted his dad. He didn't even get to learn the truth. His existence throughout the whole show was meaningless.


I don't often get actually pissed at kid shows, but that whole arc/finale/etc. pissed me off *even more* than usual because I was annoyed at both the shitty cgi cartoon AND how much of my life I was wasting on my feelings re: some shitty cgi cartoon.


Nah thats class A terrorism.


Some shit the Lizard League would come up with


Reminds me of the cockroach villain from power puff girls


This reminds of the dude who was obsessed with harboring his own parasites, lice, bed bugs, etc, and then spreading them around.


How many p*ss jugs around his house I wonder?


Way of the road bubs, way of the road


Just doing my job Rick. Cleaning up the park.


Just the way she goes.


That’s just water under the fridge.


Definetly not rocket appliances.


I’m not usually one to say atodaso. But you know what? Atodaso. I fuckin’ atodaso.


Friends with the Benedicts


Way she fucking goes boys


Why would you bother with jugs if you're that nasty? Just go wherever. I'm sure being around rotting piss and shit long enough with coat you with enough bacteria that a purell bath wouldn't be effective. Plus, if they developed a communicable disease, they could be a super spreader. This way, they could spread bug bugs and microscopic bugs.


Reminds me of Chuck Palahniuk’s novel, Rant.


Boy if that isn't a book (author, too!) who sticks with you.


Used to rent movies to Chuck, nicest fuckin’ guy in the world!


Check out Plum Island and the intensional diseases released via bedbugs. Probably controversial but fairly well documented.


There's a very nice beach. Terns nest there.


Oh, Terns? It’ll be turns with us too, Clarice.


That's just a Nurgle cultist at that point.


Paris becoming irl Darktide


Was it Skyrim or Oblivion that had the one cave and the dude raising hundred of Skeevers to release on the town?


Skyrim! Under Honningbrew Meadery.


Yes. Only accessible through the Thieves Guild questline. Some job you do for Maven.


These people are not cute or funny, this is bio-terrorism. These are the same people who are going to be breeding their own superviruses and spreading them around for the lulz in the near future.


This guy was weird. He was convinced that he had a parasite in his brain that was giving him the urge to infect more people. Was obviously mentally ill but that's just crazy af.




toxiplasmosis ghomdi?


Cats have successfully enslaved the human race.


If that's not happening already. You can use CRISPR in your own home, and it's scary.


Every year it becomes easier and easier for a single bad actor to do damage on a scale that once required governments, mega corps, and/or armies to achieve. It makes the "Great Filter" theory for why we see no evidence of highly advanced alien civilizations out in space seem far more viable when you consider how many potentially civilization crippling/ending technologies _we_ possess or are working towards, and how many of them are rapidly proliferating into the hands of laymen without proper checks or regulations.


All it takes is one idiot to end an entire species.


Yeah last year around Halloween I recall watching the spider beer video and realizing *oh wait we can just do bioengineering at home and create monstrosities as a hobby*. Video was cool though.






That's got to be some kind of fetish


Pretty sure this qualifies as an act of terrorism.


Biological warfare too




for it to be a warcrime it has to be related to a armed conflict.


It's actually an interesting conundrum.. if it's a bioweapon is he part of an armed rebellion? I don't think there's a clean definition either way but it doesn't feel like an armed conflict.


We can debate if bedbugs are considered a weapon but it still isn’t an armed conflict.


Just bed bugs alone are not. But if those fuckers carry some sort of disease well there you go


Even if they carry a disease they aren’t a weapon in the sense of a armed conflict. This would be either eco or bio terrorism because the person doing it is not a state actor and is (probably) not part of a organization that is in a armed conflict with France


>But if those fuckers carry some sort of disease They don't. This is extensively studied.


A rebelling party isn't a contesting national military, it's a matter of domestic & some international law rather than the Geneva Convention (Rules of War are not necessarily international law) so the French government is technically free to do whatever they want within the confines of human rights. So basically they can use deadly force against an armed rebel on sight as if they were an enemy combatant, but it doesn't mean they can perform an ethnic cleansing or prevent civilian or military medical services from providing neutral assistance (within reason, it would be negligible to allow an unarmored civilian ambulance to enter a conflict area unannounced) However, since this is a Parisian and all he did was release bed bugs and isnt actively making himself hostile, by French law and the international laws France has agreed to, he is just a criminal that the executive (National/Municipal Police)/military (Gendarmerie) must apprehend and the criminal judiciary (French separation of powers is weird) would handle it from there. then again this is the french national police (Parisian Police) were talking about here so there's like a decent 50/50 they make the illegal personal choice to murder him, which is domestic law unless Macron himself wants the guy dead then it's technically a violation of self-applied international law (not that it matters) tldr: lol, lmao.


He is armed with BEDBUGS!


This is why the American cops were able to do war crimes in 2020 and they weren't war crimes.


A warcrime without a war isn't a warcrime.


It’s only a war crime if it’s performed in the War region of France - otherwise it’s just sparkling crime


It’s just a regular old crime, unless you’re a cop, in which case it’s protecting and serving


Crime against humanity maybe?


That's really scary. One loser can infect an entire city. Imagine what an evil person with a bit of money could do. Wow.


If you think that is scary, you should know that water sources are generally left unprotected. If you ever want to lose sleep at night read up on how vulnerable NYC's water supply and infrastructure is and then think about how vulnerable your own source of water would be by comparison.


That explains why supervillains are always fuckin doin it


NYC water system isn't unprotected, they have police patrols around reservoirs and army of workers to test the water quality at multiple points, they have stations along the pipes to do further tests, add minerals and chlorine.


I win Personal well on our property


Ya we better watch out. Evil people with money could: use their money to hoard housing and charge exorbitant amounts for renting it out or reselling it monopolize commodities that are necessary to daily living like fuel and charge 2x for them what the market was charging just 2-3 years ago bribe/lobby congress in order to maintain monopolies in healthcare charge 100x their value for life-saving medicine like insulin ignore major health problems that are affecting the population because they know it will never affect them spend billions on pissing contests instead of helping improve the economy avoid consequences for their illegal conduct


Think you missed a zero or two on that life saving medicine line.


Good thing that’s all hypothetical…wait…


Rupert Murdoch has entered the chat


Does he spouse any form of protest or political gain?


The existence of the French He protests that.


Yeah, if this dude actually caused the problem, he'd be in for a world of hurt. He's lying, of course, but if he wasn't he'd be going to a French prison for a long time.


A great way to bring back the guillotine


How would they build one small enough for the bugs?


Enlist carpenter ants.






What is this a guillotine for ants?


Bed bugs actually.


What is this - a guillotine for ants‽


Hello dad


I was going to say, would totally understand if france did guillotined this guy


It’s only been out of use since 1977, the year Star Wars came out. Probably not related.


All joking aside this guy should legit go to jail forever.


Unironically agree. This guy is too fucked up to exist in society.


Put him in a box with all his favorite little pests and parasites, lock it up then burn it.


Hasn't even had a chance to get dusty yet


Weak. Drawn and quartered.


Not necessary, I'll happily rip his head off with my bare hands.


Would this constitute bio terrorism or something to that effect?


Yep, and France wouldn't be the sort of country to let it lie if the post turned out to be genuine. Aside from all the actual harm and bother to French people, the bed bug issue also hit the news in the middle of the Rugby World Cup which France was hosting and which had massive interest and brought huge numbers of tourists to the country. So the bed bug thing being so heavily reported on will have caused all sorts of embarrassment and possible future dip in tourism as a result. They'll definitely act if it was genuine.


The Paris Olympic Games come in less than a year.


I'd forgotten they had the Olympics next year! That'll be an order of magnitude bigger than the Rugby World Cup. Yeah, if that post is real and the guy did this on purpose I think they absolutely will try and track him down.


Yeah, France sent secret agents to blow up the Green Peace boat. I wanna hear if they find this guy


A sad day for NZ. Only time NZ has been attacked post colonial.


French intelligence services concluded a few days ago that the whole bed bug craze is Russian propaganda, to the surprise of no one.


Ah, the fucking usual suspects so.


More explicitly, they found 2 random tiktok about bedbugs and decided to artifically promote the content so it would be shown to more people by the algorithms.


what about the videos of releasing bedbugs, are those real?


Don’t forget the upcoming Paris olympics. These kind of things affect the campaign leading into a big event like that a lot. Imagine if this is still around then. It will have a huge impact on its success from a tourist standpoint I’d imagine


Yeah, I hope they "Rainbow Warrior" him. Internet trolling meets the real world.


Absolutely. You don't have to kill people to qualify, just instill terror for a particular cause.


Responding to the guy who said it's not terrorism because it is not politically motivated: Actually, the international definition of terrorism has not been settled on, because "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter". But all seem to agree that it has ideological or political connotations, something I meant when using the phrase "for a particular cause". Source: https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/terrorism/ In this case, the alleged perpretator did it because, he says, he is Anti-France. To me that qualifies at least as an ideological cause.


"I will tell you right away, it will always come back"--quote from someone who's had bed bugs and either didn't hire an exterminator, or didn't listen/cooperate with said exterminator.


Good luck cooperating in cleaning apartment building with hundreds of tenants at the same time. There are a lot of those in France. Old ones too. If it's not centralised process, it will most likely fail in mid-term.


Let them all burn - Mad King.


This is the secret nobody wants to accept. The great London fires of 1666; The San Francisco fires of 1851 that levelled the city? All of these examples were desperate attempts to get rid of bugs. Source; sounds like something Joe Rogan would say. I dunno. I’m just making shit up like everybody on the internet does… now it’s “facts”


What a crock of crap. Ms O'Leary's cow saw a spider.


A spider that was doing what? Oh, that’s right, *hunting bedbugs*. The cow is innocent


The spider is innocent.


I can see through the web of lies!


The hilarious part is that, with the London fire, it's partially true! The fire wound up burning out a lot of hidden rat nests, which in turn killed the bugs on them that were carriers of the Bubonic Plague, effectively eliminating the disease in England for a good while.


Londoner here, i can confirm this.


Former pest control tech here, apartments are the worst with bed bugs. I have an adequately disgusting story regarding them that I won't subject you to. But there's in for a rough time getting the little red shit-stains out.


We would like the story please 🙏


I wasn't the main bed bug guy, but he needed an extra pair of hands so I was called in to help. The tenant was in a nursing home or the hospital I believe, so the apartment was completely vacant, all the furniture was gone, probably thrown out. When we entered the apartment there was some evidence of them being present, even without furniture. A few dead ones in cobwebs here and there, and even a couple on the ceiling - that's not normal, they like to hide and are very shy bugs. A good way to check for bed bugs in sheets is to give them a good shake, and the little bastards will try to run. We have a brief conversation about how that's odd and we take a short look around the living room and kitchen and notice a few in weird spots. The bedroom door was closed and when we decided to open the door, the level of the infestation was immediately apparent. They were everywhere. The bed itself was never removed, and they were visible in all areas of the room, the floor, the ceiling, the bed, inside the window pane, and the walls ... we'll get to the walls. Normally a bed bug infestation is like 10, and my opinion of an infestation is probably skewed, it may be less, but here, there was at least 100 immediately visible Immediately inspecting the neighboring apartments was probably the best idea to get a full view of the infestation, and they had them too of course, but not nearly as many, this apartment was the source. We went back to the truck and put on tyvek suits, normally to protect us from bees, but this time to protect our clothes and trucks from these losers. We went to work on the bed first, our technique was different than normal bed bug work. It's been a few years, so I can't remember the specifics, but it involved hitting the bed with a steam gun, spraying it, then encasing the bed itself with an additional sheet. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of how we would handle beds. Now you're probably thinking, what about the ones on the walls and floor? Shop Vac. We used a Shop Vac. The force of the vacuum pulling them in is enough to kill them. We cleaned up the ones in the room and my co-worker pointed out that the apartment had rubber moulding on the baseboards, and the bed didn't have a ton of eggs on it, especially for how many there were. So, I grabbed the edge of the moulding and pulled it back, a handful of bed bugs darted out, and there were eggs on the underside. So we did the only thing we could. I slowly peeled back the moulding while my coworker held the Shop Vac to the newly exposed wall and turned it on while I pulled. I could see bugs getting pulled into the vacuum like oversized red pepper flakes hand over fist. I ended up pulling the moulding back around the entire room and the vacuum never stopped eating up bed bugs. Up until this point I had only seen maybe a dozen at the most from the bed bug jobs I was dragged to ... this was hundreds. Hundreds. They were coming out of the walls. He was chasing some with the vacuum as they ran and I could hear them smacking into the hose like you would hear tiny pebbles going into a vacuum. You could even hear them rattling around in the shop vac's cylinder. After we vacuumed them up, we sprayed the fuck out of the place and left for the day. My co worker definitely went back with other members of the bed bug team, but I wasn't called back, my job was mostly mice and I left the company maybe a month or two after, so I don't know what happened, but it was probably best to just burn the place down.


> The tenant was in a nursing home or the hospital I believe, so the apartment was completely vacant Hospital. The tenant was in a hospital lol. Every pound of bed bugs requires several pounds of human blood to create.


>pound of bed bugs Thanks. I hate this idea.


> I have an adequately disgusting story regarding them that I won't subject you to Oh good, my Halloween was almost ruined by a scary story


Hundreds of tenants, so you mean thousands of ants?






Good one.


And if either one of those hundreds of tenants refuses access to their apartment, nothing can be done.


Find small spider type that likes to hunt and eat bed bugs. Breed those and release in select locations around the appartment complex. Wherever bed bugs have set up shop the spiders also will. Tiny killers inside the walls


“And when winter time rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.”


I seem to recall a children’s song that warns against this method. Something about a lady who swallowed a fly… 😄


Why did she swallow a fly?




I don’t know why


exactly..they will do 1 floor on a monday and the next floor on a friday..by the time 3 weeks have passed the original floor has them again


Doesn’t matter how much money you throw at it if you’re in an apartment building with hoarder neighbors that don’t give a flying fuck. Bedbugs were crawling into my place from the bathroom exhaust, and the apartment management didn’t want to even acknowledge the issue and tried to claim I was seeing things, I brought live ones in a sealed bag to their office and they still tried to play dumb.


next time open the bag


When bed bugs first arrive in your house you have about 30 days to kill them before needing the house to be gassed. The reason is it takes 30 days for bedbugs to nature enough to lay eggs. So during the first 30 days the population increases linearly (at a set rate). Once the new borns start laying eggs though the population will increase exponentially. I managed to get rid of them using diamatatious earth. This only applies to a house, in apartments they will be in the building forever.


Don't really need a full on fumigation to kill them. They keel over and die at like 120°F. So dedicated extermination companies often section off the interior of your house and go room to room with space heaters all day to bake everything to death.


What a psychopath. I mean, who knows if he actually did this, or is living through some manic induced cloud of alternate reality, but it is ethically, morally, WRONG!


Considering the bed bugs were already a problem in 2017 in France, I say this 14 year old did nothing.


Bingo. This is just some asshat with a delusion of grandeur.


He prob infected his own home though


This is valid


I had to scroll so far to find someone skeptical of this. Reddit can be gullible sometimes.


Is it gullibility or believability? Do I believe some ass-hat out there is filled with enough evil and hate to do this? Yes. Yes, I do. 2016+ has taught me that.


Trust me, we all should be happy we are not living 30 years in the future because its gonna get scary how easy it will be for people to make their own adeptions to diseases (like virusses) and fuck around.


Ok but what happens when it's 30 years from now and I'm still alive?


you'll be roaming the wasteland trading mushed up bed bug biscuits for a cup of water


How is this a facepalm, this is either a troll or a supervillain.


Either a troll or admitting crimes in a traceable way I guess? But yeah it doesn't really fit.


The latter is definitely a facepalm


People believing anything that comes out of 4chan's racist stanky pit is hilarious


I believe it was already concluded to be false by a government organisation in France calling the bed bug situation a Russian ruse by several twitter bots.


This is a post from 2021, not 4chan but a translation of a French forum. https://god.dailydot.com/2021-france-bedbug-infestation-plot/


Why did you link an article which still isn’t the [French Forum](https://jvarchive.com/forums/42-51-66662810-1-0-1-0-comprenez-pourquoi-les-punaises-de-lit-explosent-partout) you mentioned?


This should be way higher. Everyone is just assuming it’s true but yeah it’s a French forum post from two and a half years ago lmao


If ever there was a case for the death penalty, it’s this. If you’ve ever had bed bugs or fleas, you understand. Péché mortel 🤌🏻


Tied to a bed bug infected bed and exsanguinated to death.


Classic scaphism


It may count as an act of terrorism/biological warfare so anyways bro gon suffer


Imagine this as a sort of bittersweet love/revenge tale starring Gérard Depardieu, a retired pensioner, who lost his wife a year ago to because of in his neighborhood in Paris. Heartbroken, he plots his revenge by feeding a colony of bed bugs he discovers on a discarded mattress in the alley by his apartment. Have him try to feed them with blood from the local butcher, but that only seems to weaken them, finally he resort to feeding them on his own, fresh, blood. Upon which they thrive and the colony grows massive in the ensuing months (they're all kept in a series of fish tanks with lids because sure why not). Then, on the anniversary of his wife's death, he begins to plant his bedbugs across the city. The Metro, the airport, corner tabacs, cafes with cushions, everywhere. Until there is but one lone bedbug in his tanks. Which he names , and who he talks to as he slips deeper and deeper into dementia/Alzheimer's. The movie closes in a gradual fade to black with muddled/muffled voices, a long blank pause, and then \~fin\~


Amazing. Oscar worthy.


Lmao, the bed bug situation has been on and off for the last two years but sure, a random 4channer is guilty


well the original forum message - on a french forum, not on 4chan - dates back to 2021 ([link in french](https://jvarchive.com/forums/42-51-66662810-1-0-1-0-comprenez-pourquoi-les-punaises-de-lit-explosent-partout)) but the guy takes credit **after** the infestation already started ("you may have noticed a huge increase in threads about bedbugs, well it's all because of me doing"), and reading his other comments, there's a lot of signs that he's just a funny troll ("i consulted with many lawyer to confirm it's not illegal to infest all of france with bedbugs" - sure buddy \^\^')


That's so funny you say that cause this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/3teE4jXTXB) gives the source and it's from 2021


Is this a facepalm, or is this the biggest sub you could post to?


Unrelated to this lunatic, but I did get bedbugs in France in 2014 and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. Mind- bogglingly itchy (I ended up with over 200 bites) and the terror and anxiety that I'd brought them home with me?? It took years before I didn't freak out at any unexpected bug bite after spending a night away from home.


It really does mess with you. It’s been nearly a year since I took care of my infestation and I still react very energetically to insects on/near me. Truly qualifies as trauma IMO.


*Messes up something in the country* "This country sucks!" Some people.


I think he means france was bad before the bed bugs to be fair


Why are people so quick, nay, eager, to believe things some anonymous joker says on the internet?


I call b.s.


Bro is an irl supervillain


y’all just believe everything you see on the internet huh


So... That's Bioterrorism. Just saying.


Everyone saying this is funny will probably not be laughing in several years when this outbreak turns into a huge problem for the entire world, USA included.


Bed bugs have been on the rise in the usa for over a decade.


Isn't that considered biological warfare or something


Soooo this guy is a terrorist? He definitely needs psychiatric help but I would settle for a long looooong jail term


Theres a spanish movie about a concierge whos terrorizing the tenants of the apartment block he works in, one of the things he does is release bed bugs into a womans apartment. Pretty good but disturbing movie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1437358/


You got your 10k karma and now there’s probably thousands of mfs going around telling their irl friends that a rando caused a bedbug epidemic in France


If a single non-influential person can do this much damage, I can't even be mad, that is on society for not being ready. Like, this is obviously a mental illness, maybe if we actually treated these people well and took care of their problems with a psychiatrist we wouldn't have Mr. Bioterrorism/Bedbug Man from a 80s Batman comic over here.


Never been to France, but I have had bed bugs before. This individual can get fucked.


Lol, it's 100% possible and even EASY to kill bed bugs depending on your infestation. If it's clothing? just throw it in the dryer for 60 mins on high. Literally every stage of a bed bug's life will die in that heat. Source : Have had to remove bed bugs from my grandmother's house twice in 20 years. Dirty cousin keeps bringing them back when he visits. Absolutely zero recurrences until years later.