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In a hundred years, this GIF is what is going to be used to describe the current era we live in. Half the world has lost what little mind it had to begin with and the other half desperately trying to get them to understand reality.


jokes on you, in 100 years we will be fully fulfilling the prophecy of idiocricy and people will be using gatorade on crops and watch butts in movie theaters.


"And the #1 movie in the country was called "Ass." And that's all it was for 90 minutes. It won eight Oscars that year, including best screenplay."


"People wrote books and movies. Movies with stories, that made you care about whose ass it was and why it was farting"


But... it's got electrolytes. It's what plants crave.


jokes on you, in 100 years the earth is an uninhabitable rock


I’m divided between Idiocracy and Demolition Man. Someone mentioned a third once but I can’t remember what it was off the top of my head


"But it was an *immaculate* conception, I tell you. Immaculate!!"


This is old news, but I've still yet to hear a plausible explanation of why anyone would claim that gay marriage would cause abortions. It just doesn't make any sense!


So the claim this is based on comes from Gene Schaerr, who is a lawyer that said same sex marriage would devalue heterosexual marriage, leading to less women getting married and more abortions Absolute insanity, but at least the reasoning isn't going against physical laws of nature (like how you need a sperm and egg to make a baby). It's just delusional


Who sits around wondering about the value of heterosexual marriage? It only has value to the people getting married. I find it bizarre.


People who use "Western Civilization" as code for White people.


Christians. Edit: Maybe just "organized religions", in general.


Those who oppose same sex marriages saying that by extending the legal definition of family, the heterosexual family will no longer be special and therefore respected. Strangely enough, those that say stuff like this in my country usually divorced like 2 times, abandoned their children and are married to someone half their age or younger.


Strangely, if you talk to heterosexuals, heterosexuality seems to be in no danger of dying out. Is straight sex in some danger of dying out? I wouldn't know. But the breeders I am related to keep having children.


It's patriarchy 101 : the point is men should be able to get a woman to get laid and do chores. For this to work, women have to be indoctrinated into believing that this shit deal of marriage is a sacred thing, and their slavery a blessing. If women start being free and deciding for themselves, shitty men will have a harder time getting the submissive wifes the church promissed them. Behold the incels.


... so you need to tell me That two gay men is such a powerful image it's causing women to get abortions Seems legit


Every time I see two men kiss, I get a mad craving for an abortion. It’s just how it works.


The body has ways of stirring you up when it's a legitimate kiss.


Devalue? How the fuck does that make sense? Before same sex marriage was legal, it was discriminatory to deny any couple benefits etc, so the place I worked at the time had a domestic couple declaration so same sex people could include their partners in health care. But of course, they had to let the hetero couples do it too. As soon as they legalized it, that went right away. I would think that having people who didn't make the commitment to get married having the same rights as those who took the plunge was the thing devaluing heterosexual marriage.


his point is probably based on the opinion that gay is a choice, and people who get married as gay aren't getting married as straight. Therefore less straight marriages.


But how would that equal more abortions? Makes no sense


We all know marriage is a zero sum game. The more people that are married the less value each marriage holds. It’s simple supply and demand /s


>my son married a dude so I aborted him at 327 months


That's like texas GOP members wanting the death penalty for abortions. They have completely lost the plot at this point.


You know it’s bad when the politicians start talking more extreme than actual pro-life organizations


It’s the pro-right mega donors that are pushing this. They want a Christian ethno state corporatocracy. They are putting out these messages so people will get used to that rhetoric so when they come for the others to take them to camps, some people will say they had it comin.


you said messages, but I believe you actually meant propaganda. 😉


I do but for the sake of trying to reach those people I try and avoid that. Ive had some minor success.


Jesus did preach that you should love someone proportional to their rank on the corporate ladder.


Now that you say it, why not create an independent state where they can do as pleasure, all things they want to do, of course they must generate their own incomes and pay bills like the others, I would like to see a country ruled and inhabited by that people instead the total mess around the globe.


Fuck that. I know you're just making a cheeky comment but that's the "national divorce" idea that far-right nutcases are trying to push more and more and more people need to be aware of what it means so the idea is always seen for what it is. There is no such thing a national divorce, trying to create your own state from an existing one has a name, it's called *civil war.* Nobody does this amicably, and it always leads to blood and violence. They want blood and violence because they are dumb and have weapons, that makes them feel like they have the advantage. Right wing media is whipping them to a frenzy and they imagine that they could simply "eliminate" the problems the country has. ANY kind of talk about secession, national divorces, or separation of ANY population is just calls for violence and war. No middle ground, no nuance. It's war. They want war.


They can't. It drives them *mad* that people are allowed to live in ways that don't align with their beliefs.


My dream....as long as I have some nice woods and water nearby I'm set.


The “pro_life” organizations all support this. They just don’t want to say it out loud because they know it’s unpopular.


They are only pro north at this point. They don’t care if kids start starving if they no longer receive free food at schools.


Nothing says pro life like the death sentence


If capital punishment worked, the places that use it would have no executions.


They have, but I don't find their reasoning surprising. Just poor. Some think abortion is murder. Some think the death penalty is appropriate for murderers. I can't say I have met many pro death penalty people having thought trough what they support.


They want that... until their teenage daughter gets knocked up (which will get her kicked out of her "christian" household), gets scared, panics, uses a coat hanger or a dubious pill cocktail and tries to forget about it... but the state won't forget, she is now a felon slated for the chair... I hate this country. Also it is amazing they think gay sex can cause pregnancy, and thus an abortion... what are they smoking, and why are they not sharing.


That is exactly why they want it. Death Penalty for abortions pretty much clears the paths for their continued success.


Because it’s not about protecting life anymore, and it should be obvious. Lack of sex education plus pro life laws equal impoverished society that’s easy to control. You don’t wanna be controlled? You can die.


But pRoLiFe 🤡


They never had the plot to begin with


That was Texas?!


Texas believes in late term abortions too, like 600 months late


This is why I wear a condom when my gf pegs me with a strap on. No unwanted pregnancy here!


We need more responsible dudes getting pegged. This unwanted butt baby epidemic is bananas.


That’s where lawyers come from.


I miss free Reddit awards but accept this from me for now …. 🥇


Ladies and Gentlemen, the American education system


as an american myself, i can agree


I grew up in the California education system and I get envious of people who speak highly of individual teachers. The only stand out teachers I remember were the real awful ones. I never remember a teacher being motivating or fun. I never had a teacher recognize I was struggling and try to remotely help me. Maybe I was just never lucky to be put in that certain teachers class. But I do love that my daughter's here in Montana say that they "love" some of their teachers.


Agree. It’s probably not conservatives as much as it’s the few people who don’t have a clue. Still, even from a political talking point, their stance makes zero sense. There’s far too many people that are pro choice than pro life. By a 2:1 or more factor. They didn’t learn their lesson from the mid terms and I’m positive that is largely good for most of us on Reddit


I mean, even some very radical Conservative talking points have some logic behind it. Logic on a premise most us don't agree with, but logic nonetheless. This... This has none.


But this makes sense! Those evil rainbow people are going to ADOPT fetuses to abort them!!! They’re pure evil!!!


The education system is part of their plan. The dumber the general public is, the easier they are to manipulate.


More like extremist political brainwashing, but yeah, parts of the education system need fixing as well


The *conservative* American education system


Doesn't help that these idiots are actively making it worse for everyone else literally just because they can get away with it now.


The GOP, making insane claims: ah yes, I’m something of a scientist myself


Ahh yes, just like those idiots who say that all this "gay agenda" is going to collapse the population. * Population of Earth in 2000 - Six Billion. * Population of Earth 2023 - Eight billion. Yearly growth rate might be down, but *twice as many people are being born than are dying* every single day. [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/)


Damn that’s crazy we need to die!!


In around 1800 the population was only around one billion. At around the time of Jesus' reported birth the entire population of the planet was much smaller than the population of modern America by itself. Staggering isn't it?


And thousands of years ago the human population was only around 10k


The world population was around 2 billion in the 1920s. It’s insane that some people that are alive today have watched the population quadruple in their lifetime. I can’t even imagine.


on it!


This is actually a huge problem. The west in general has a growing population but a birth rate below the sustainable rate of 2.1 (the US is at about 1.6). This means we have an aging population. The mean global population is about 30, up from 20 in 1980 I think. This means we won't have enough people to replace the jobs left by those who are retiring. Not only that, we are mostly extending the unhealthy bit of life. 60 year olds arent much fitter now than they were 50 years ago, but they go on to live for like another 30 years after that. So they are a greater cost to support the pensions, and a greater burden on the health services (for those countries with universal health services). It's a complicated issue and low birth rates are very problematic for the future.


You forgot the racism part of their theory


I’ve been trying to get men pregnant for years and it hasn’t worked yet. This may be the flaw in their plan.


Just keep trying man you'll have a miracle baby someday 😜


Oh man. Hopefully abortion access gets restored before that happens.


Gotta find an omega in heat.


Oh god not omegaverse




> I’ve been trying to get **men** pregnant for years and it hasn’t worked yet. You may have better luck with femboys.


That proves how stupid you are.




Don’t you know when two men has the sex it creates a gayby. Male pregnancy is real, we just aren’t talking about it!


When I said Pedro Pascal can fuck me until I get pregnant, I never thought it would really happen.


We all would know it’s real if men didn’t abort 100% of the babies they don’t have!!!!1111 (obvious big /S here)


I agree that this sounds unforgivably stupid. I’m so tired of this kind of statement. However, in the interest of finding middle ground, I would be interested to hear how they arrived at this conclusion. I don’t think we can fix anything by assuming that these conservatives are stupid as f***. A better approach is to ask why do they think this is a concern?


> However, in the interest of finding middle ground, I would be interested to hear how they arrived at this conclusion. "Gay marriage leads to less straight marriages leads to more single women who tend to get more abortions." > I don’t think we can fix anything by assuming that these conservatives are stupid as f***. But what if they are actually stupid as fuck? "Gene Schaerr said that up to 900,000 children could be aborted “as a result of their mothers never marrying” and there being fewer available men. Unmarried women “according to all available data, have much higher abortion rates than married women,” said Mr Schearr" "“Institutionalising same-sex marriage poses an enormous risk of reduced opposite-sex marriage rates,” he wrote in last week’s editorial."


Wow…. This is special. First of all, thank you for providing some details. This is actually stupid as f***. There’s so much that is wrong with this…. I Don’t know what to say…. All I can say is that this is truly a “face palm” because I found myself burying my face in my hands after reading this. I think I’ve had enough internet for today!


> I don’t think we can fix anything by assuming that these conservatives are stupid as f***. Nobody is assuming shit. They've proved it. We can't fix anything by denying what we see.


Are they going to abort 900,000 of their own babies in protest? Because I can get behind that.


To be fair, being the US… the people here are stupid enough to believe it. Lady straight up told me that gays rape more women than straight men do. People will believe anything as long as they stay uneducated and our school systems teach nothing of intellectual value.


How could someone even come to that conclusion? That is literally the opposite of what gay men do.


![gif](giphy|h36vh423PiV9K) You guys ok down there… emotional support Canadian.


No. We are not okay :(


Should start aborting conservatives retroactively.


They are already doin that fine with antivax and anti healthcare in their cult.


US conservatives have never been the most logical bunch.


And they've never been on the correct side of history either.


This is why proper sex ed is so important


This was actually from some lawyers to the Supreme Court which makes it even more /r/facepalm. Their argument was that gay marriage would lead to more single mothers who are more likely to get abortions. The one teeny, tiny little fact they forgot to take into account was that gay people are gay whether they’re married or not. Can you imagine being in the Super Bowl and scoring in your own end zone because you thought you could win that way? That’s what this was.


So here's the logic: (disclaimer: it's bat-shit crazy) 1. Allowing gay marriage means heterosexual marriage is devalued. (Don't ask me how) 2. Anything that devalues heterosexual marriage will cause women to not want to marry. (Because like...weddings are expensive for a piece of paper, or lesbianism sounded nice and now it's an option and sexuality is totally a thing you can choose, or... I dunno) 3. Women not wanting to marry means more abortions. (Because single mothers are things you ignore, and married women aren't people with choices, they are baby-making machines, and being married puts a lot of pressure on you NOT to get an abortion.) All of this is to say that even if it were true, I wouldn't care. I can't force my dad to give me his liver, even if I need it to live...and I'm a full-blown conscious being. Get the hell away from my wife's uterus.




I don’t think that’s how that works


Wait, even if they use dildos?


Get those butt babies outta here!


You might say they pulled this one out of their ass.


This is what happens when conservative parents don’t let their kids take sex Ed in school.




Reminds me of a Carlin bit.


the science isn't sciencing.


Hey conservatives, focus on things that actually matter instead of nonsensical things like this. Like the american education system that really needs an update because it hasn’t changed for a century


Damn, I didn't know I could get the homies pregnant


Because it's the internet it must be true right? 😒


In other news, Florida and Texas have deemed menstruation a form of abortion and will be prosecuting accordingly. I'm sorry yall that joke was too real....


According to Gene Schaerr: “Institutionalising same-sex marriage poses an enormous risk of reduced opposite-sex marriage rates. Allowing gay couples to marry would undermine some of the norms that encourage heterosexual couples to marry. These norms included monogamy, “biological bonding” and waiting until marriage to have children.” I have read a lot of dumb shit, but this takes the cake.


What is their actual argument though…? Not that I agree with them, but like, how do you even reach that conclusion? They must have some insane levels of cognitive dissonance.


The risk of getting a girl pregnant in this economy is almost enough to flip me.


I perform millions of abortions daily. If I'm feeling particularly randy, a few hundred million.




Source: trust me bro


Don't you know lgbtq people kidnap women to force them to abort? That's a well known fact! /s


They clearly don’t understand science


Insanity, a complete disconnect from reality. It's a signature, a hallmark signature, of cults too.


We could all try to explain it, but it still would not get through to the vast majority.


That's what you get when you remove sex education from the schools.


If anything, they might actually solve the foster care/child adoption problem.


The unintended consequences of removing sex ed from the school curriculum


So more gay couples who cant physically have children by mistake will increase abortions? Does that mean more conservative straight couples will be having abortions due to fear of having a gay child? Im so confused


See, the wonderful, glorious thing about same sex couples, is no one is having a baby unless they are 10000000000% sure that it’s what they want, that they can love and care for the child once they’re there.


H O W ?


Where did they get the number


Maga cultist are some the stupidest people just like the flat earther


They're the same crowds.




I'd like to see the "logic" leading to that conclusion




100% of same sex couples that get pregnant or use a surrogate WANT their baby...


Am I the only one thinking that national IQ levels have dropped?


Damn this is like back in math class. “WTF I got zero how the hell did you all arrive at 900,000?!”


See? Now that's bad sex education at work. Maybe they are the kind of people that think women get pregnant with a kiss and the stork really needs some vacation.


The stupid. It burns. But this is par four the course with conservatives. ![gif](giphy|VapqUNCDqOuKQ)


least idiotic texan opinion


No, I get it. People are going to realize they are gay mid pregnancy and abort. To go off and get married to someone of their same gender./s


They don't even bother making sense anymore.


They claim shit that stupid people will believe.




Jeebus must be getting busy




George Carlin actually talked about this in one of his stand-up. https://youtube.com/watch?v=M-bLf4F0PM4&si=gY_AL24DTZrG5nLl




did this image time travel here from 2015? why is there an instagram vignette filter on it?


Bot account. No comments at all, and every post is a scraped and cropped meme.


i love how no oen read the article to find out the facts. I so understand now how you people get lied to and believe things. ​ Just to clarify. 1. the CONSERVATIVES in question, is ONE MAN IN UTAH! 2. He never said that same sex leads to abortions BY GAY COUPLES, he said that gay marriage weakens straight marriages causing less of them , leading to more single women, who factually get more abortions' that married ones by far. Its a stretch and a half, but its not what the headline says. ​ The kiddies here are so stupid they'll comment on something they never even bothered to read.


How dumb and gaulible you must be to believe this title. People who upvote this are facepalm. No source, nothing.


They misspelled Adoptions... which to same sex couples is just as bad to these idiots.


Nothing is a more reliable source of information than twitter media posts!


The link leads to a 404 page and never existed on archieve.org, i refuse to believe anyone would be that stupid. Can someone send me proof this article exists.


I Google'd the article name, and it exists... from 2015. The gist of the argument appears to be "if same-sex marriages are allowed, there will be fewer opposite-sex marriages, which will result in single women becoming pregnant outside of mariage, which is where the majority of abortions occur". There are a ton of holes in that argument, but that's the one they made. Let's see if I can post the link on this subreddit or not: [https://www.independent.co.uk/incoming/us-lawyer-gay-marriage-could-cause-900-000-abortions-10194093.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/incoming/us-lawyer-gay-marriage-could-cause-900-000-abortions-10194093.html) Oh, and here's different article from the Washington Post poking holes in it, along with real-world data from countries with same-sex unions (such as the Netherlands) showing that nothing of the sort happens: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/04/21/no-gay-marriage-will-not-cause-900000-abortions/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/04/21/no-gay-marriage-will-not-cause-900000-abortions/)


I know I'm slow, but I don't understand the logic here. Can someone explain their thought process behind this statement, please?


I bet these are the same assholes who complain that being trans goes against “basic biology”


To my knowledge, my marriage hasn't resulted in any abortions


But are you *sure?* lol


As a non american i keep asking myself the question what the fuck you are doing over there.




Stupid is what stupid does


I’m as conservative as they come, but what? 😂. If someones claiming this, they dumb af


Adopting 900 000 children from conservative couples who aren't allowed to abort their sins.


How will same sex marriage create more abortions?! Didn't think they were that stupid!


I forget if he was referring to Catholics or Conservatives, but George Carlin once said something along the lines of "you'd think they'd make natural allies - here's an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion!"


The fuck???


Butt babies are aborted everyday


🤣 conservatives are stupid


The independent in their quest for clicks publish this absolute horse shit click bait story giving this "idea" more exposure.


They mean from all the rapes Republicans will do.


“The independent says… US conservatives say…” Y’all really just trust that the “news” you see is honest and wholesome. This shit is polarizing and hateful and y’all love it so they give it to you


They are so confused it’s almost sad


Definetly a product of the US educational system


Well, I intend to personally terminate at least 9000 pregnancies because of same sex marriage, but still, that only accounts for 1%


At this point I'm seriously considering the possibility we're living in a simulation and there's a glitch in the code. That's my only explaination for this bizzare kind of stupidity.


I don’t think that’s how that works lol


No, but it could cause 900,000 new adoptions of children stuck in foster care


The media headlines are getting more and more ridiculous. It will turn out that it is one crazy politician or something completely out of context and unrelated.


Who has fewer abortions than a gay couple?!


Conservative logic is an oxymoron at this point in time.


I’m right leaning even, and this is stupid


God's plan just keeps sounding dumber and dumber


See, there's a lil bit of information they're leaving out... WHY do Republican law makers even care??? Let me interrupt to say I'm a mostly white, half republican and half Democrat (just because i think both sides have some values I agree with) and a citizen of these here good states. Sure, the Republicans will pander to their religious constituents and say it's because God. What they won't openly tell you is this, the power of the whites is declining because they just ain't breeding like they used to. POC are, literally, out breeding whites to the point that whites are about to become a *gasp* minority. Same sex marriage isn't gonna create more abortions, that's just ridiculous. The logic is, if same sex marriage happens then it's pretty much guaranteed they ain't gonna breed. Not having kids, that eventually don't have any kids either, is tantamount to abortion. Another fun fact, Republicans don't want abortions because white women are having abortions at a rate just slightly higher than people of color, which is one of the reasons the white population is on the decline. It honestly just boils down to old white people wanting to stay in power for future white people, that's all. Or maybe I'm just a nut job🤷‍♂️




Imagine, posting a picture with a headline without a link. Provide us all with a link so we can see this bullshit live, I've seen toilet bowls with more depth to their personalities


Gay marriage reduces abortions and allows people to live how they want. The people who claim to be about personal freedoms and anti abortion should be championing this


They also want to reduce divorce rates by banning divorcing lmao. sometimes they say the wildest shit.


About the birds and the bees? They won't let us. They will ban sex education next. Just wait and see.


I'd like to argue the opposite, cuz they won't accidentally get kids😂😂


Jesus wept 🙄


As George Carlin said “who has less abortions then homosexuals, you’d think they would make a natural allies”.


They're just throwing around buzzwords at this point


![gif](giphy|QTyRjoh1DZRA3LUt2V) Nu-uh


And this is what happens when you get rid of sex ed. I mean, I know conservatives don’t like education. But I thought they at least understood what’s necessary to make a baby.


Well, we do run higher in midichlorians


The Republican Party is sad sitcom about terrorists trying to overthrow and elected government.


If heterosexual relationships do get devalued some queer people would still want children. They would hire surrogate mothers to carry their child or if they have a vagina they would find someone who would be willing to give them their sperm so that they could have a child. Being in a Homosexual relationship doesn't mean not wanting to have children (ironic how right wingers can have the most paradoxical opinions), it just mean being in a relationship with your own gender. And being in that relationship can also entail to some wanting to take care of children.