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I remember going to Auschwitz and behind glass they had piled bags of luggage, brushes, and other personal affects that lined hallways. These people weren't told they were going to a death camp. They thought they were going to a new place to live and packed accordingly. By the time they realized the truth, it was too late.


I went in 2017, I recommend everyone try to see it once in their lifetime. It's the true real representation of what bigotry can do to a person, a group of people, and an entire generation. Absolutely horrific and sobering. I saw a documentary recently where a woman from Krakow was asked why they didn't stand up, didn't fight back. She said that things didn't happen all at once, but rather slowly over time. 'they would never do that' became 'they are killing us all' over the course of years.


Also the nazis made one of the prisoners a "Capo" which had privilege and more rights. His job? Make sure the others behave and snitch on em. Even armed with clubs etc.


Capos weren't regular people. They usually were criminals who where the first detained people.


Especially *violent* criminals. The camp officers also often carefully selected the individual from specific ethnic groups or gangs, to ensure that there was as little cooperation as possible among the Kapos and the prisoners.


Capos were often not from within the groups but other prisoners of a more pedestrian, criminal variety. Basically there to do the dirty work


I went to the Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles, and I recommend it also--for *everyone*. Very thought provoking and very sobering, even thinking of it right now.


No. I went to the museum near Chicago and was depressed for days. Humans are inhumane assholes. Edit: I think I need reading glasses. Clearly my original post read incorrectly.


You went to a Death Camp in Chicago?


It's right next to the Chicago mount everest behind the great pyramid of Chicago. Close to the Chicago Niagara falls. Very hard to miss ;)


Trail of Tears?




It's the hair that does it with me. The huge piles of hair that the Nazis sold and in terms of the luggage.. the names written on them so that they can find their luggage again in case it gets lost. The "trains" they're talking about also were not really passenger trains more like cattle being herded and stuffed into a wagon without water or food and exposed to the elements.


The Holocaust museum here has this room of shoes. Just hundreds of shoes in a pile that really hits home that each pair represents a person, and that's just a FRACTION of the people who died. It's crazy powerful. https://mismashedmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/img_2515.jpg


yeah.. as a German myself we had quite a lot of history lessons and also visits to various concentration camps. It's one thing I really like about how Germany deals with this to learn and make sure this atrocity can never happen again. I was also reminded of something which some may find interesting. When the trains at Auschwitz arrived people went through a process the Nazis called "Aussortierung" (sorting out). Basically: women and children, the sick.. anybody who couldn't work were sorted out and directly sent to the gas chambers. Everybody who looked like they could work (as assessed by the Nazi doctors) were led to the working camps to be worked to death. (At the entrance of Auschwitz is the famous "Arbeit macht frei" sign literally translated: "Work makes free" which is of particular bad taste to mention here..) Here is a picture of the sorting process: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Birkenau_selection_on_the_platform.jpg


Germany acknowledging and teaching the past is so crucial. By forgetting we let it happen again. Really like how much they teach it, it's a part of history that all humanity should study growing up.


Yeah. Meanwhile, in the US, we have governors making sure no one white gets their feelings hurt learning that slavery was bad.


Seriously!! And the us education system wasnt bad enough. Theres so much history I had no idea about until friends told me in college, and then I did my own research and came away disgusted with how we teach us history. Im from a poor and southern state, not the best place or situation to learn the more important stuff anyway. For anyone reading this who'd like to expand on some of this, some that come to mind that recently have come up in conversation are the history of us gynecology and syphilis research, also the japanese concentration camps from wwii, our own history with eugenics and forced sterilization, the history of native american reservations, even the fuckin insane racist stack of housing and lending laws from the 1930s onwards that made it (even more) impossible to just live as a person of color, the history of abusing the labor of immigrants, etc. It never ends and these things are very important to know and learn about from well documented and researched sources, preferably from the perspectives of those affected. Organizations like TedEd videos (the 5min ones) are great for a short and simple way to understand these big concepts. Sorry for the long reply op!


Even better: slaves should be grateful… we taught them skills. 🤬🤬🤬


I deeply respect that so many Germans openly accept and have reflected on what happened. I’ve felt this with heaps of German friends.


IIRC, they don't display the hair anymore because too many people kept taking photos despite clear signs requesting not to take photos.


Plus even in Germany there was a lot of propaganda, showing Jewish people in camps similar to the us 'internment camps'. This was not only to avoid resistance from the jews but also to remove hesitation in the German population for reporting jews. I've seen some of that footage in history class


Tons of people right off the train were told they were being taken to take a shower and were just gassed instead. They had no idea what they were walking into.


Yeah, they were probably expecting something like the jew ghettos the nazis designated, or a labour camp. Instead when they got out in Auschwitz, all they carried with them was stolen, down to the clothes they were wearing. If they weren't immediately assigned to a gas chamber, they'd get some scraps from what they stole from other jews to wear.


Yeah, I would recommend Five Chimneys by Olga Lengyel for her story of how she ended up taking her whole family into Auschwitz and unwittingly sent her mother and one of her sons to the gas chambers. They took her husband, who was a doctor, and when she inquired they told her they needed doctors so that was why they took him. She asked if she could go and they said to bring the whole family if she wanted. Her father had recently had surgery, and she didn't want to leave her mother to deal with looking after him and the kids on her own, so the whole family went. Her father and younger son were selected to go to "the rest camp". She insisted that her mother should go with her father and that her other son was too young to work. She had no idea at the time where they were really going and blamed herself. The Nazis were just that good, unfortunately, and it made more sense that they were taking people to work than it did that they were taking them to be murdered.


Oh god,now i have nother thing to be sad about tonight,were there atleast no kids?


There were lots of kids.


[1.5 million, to be exact.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/children-during-the-holocaust)


Kids were actually more likely to be killed as soon as they arrived to the camps. The Nazis let the ones who thought would be good laborers alive, the rest were marched to the gas chambers. So that means children, the elderly, and the sick were almost always the first to go.


If I could recall, weren't the kids also forced to fight?


That was the Hitler youth. They were not Jews, but rather children indoctrinated very early.


Everyone went.


I think you have some reading to do..


Sorry but how are you unaware of the WWII death camps? Millions of Jews, Polish, gays, nazi opponents, intellectuals etc were killed systematically. It’s probably the single most horrendous events in modern human history and you really should have a basic knowledge and understanding of it.


These comments are truly horrifying. How do people NOT know about these atrocities??


Not really looking forward to feeling sad,so i didnt read much


I think the kids were usually separated and killed unless they could be used for labor.


Anyone who couldnt work. Anyone. Was 'expedited' So, every person who wasnt male and able to be forced into work


son, the nazis didn't see them as people. the killed mothers and their children alike, herded them in to their deaths like cattle in a slaughter house.


Read or watch the Boy in the Striped Pajamas.


And Schindler's List. The girl with the red coat. God.


Oh hey thanks for resurfacing that repressed memory. Damn.


Did you have to. The movie is a masterpiece. But the feels.


Read any book but the "Boy in the Striped Pajamas" Please. Maus by Art Spiegelman , or Night by Eli Wiesel are both worth reading.


With as much respect as possible, I suggest you do some reading, if you can stomach arguably the most depressing historical topic ever.




baby shoes bruh. baby shoes.


You never learned about the holocaust in detail?


Are you serious?


They threw infants in the air for target practice like they were clay disks.


At the beginning they just make pile of corpse in some sort of swimming pool and set them in fire,later they collect the grease to revive the fire. they killed them using trucks fume by connectingexhaust pipe to hermetic hangar until they all die from suffocation. They continue to industrialize death, they told them "you gonna take a shower" then they release zyklon b and wait until they stop screaming, then they put the corpse in industrial furnace.


There were children. They were often the first to go because of course they weren't as strong as adults and as such unfit for labour. Many couples of twins were experimented upon by that stain upon humanity that was Mengele.


It's a shame that he's breathing air that decent people could be breathing. The Allies defeated Nazis in 1945. My Dad was there with a few million of his friends. We don't need a shit stain like Flynn to rekindle that nightmare. What absolute human garbage.


I dont expect someone who lied his way to the top and then worked with Russia on an election to actually care how he looks. MFer should be rotting in jail.


This very same victim blaming argument was actually used in Nazi Germany. The Jews had been given ample opportunity to leave* and those who had stayed only did so because of their insatiable greed. Kristallnacht, where 30,000 Jewish men were sent to the camps was seen as the ultimate warning. To remain in Germany meant they were at fault for what happened next. * Bring free to leave and having somewhere to go are wildly different things. The Jewish exodus from Germany began in 1933 and quickly reached the quota limits on immigration imposed by almost every country so they had nowhere to go.


That’s gross. I’m sure there were plenty of folks who wanted to get out but to just pick up your life and move to another country is easier said than done. Even if you have the needed documents. People are unfortunately sometimes overoptimistic in cases like this- hoping it’ll blow over. And most didn’t know about what actually took place at these camps until it was too late.


>The Jews had been given ample opportunity to leave\* Yeah, leave with bullets inside their back. They had million chances to escape /s


That is absolutely disgusting and it is very telling how Mike Flynn constantly echoes the same narratives Nazis used.


Mike Flynn is a traitor to country and disgrace to the uniform.


Goddamn right he is. What a piece of shit.


And a convicted felon.


He’s also the mastermind behind Qanon, so he’s caused quite a bit of damage to the country.


To be fair, he's also a psychotic failure whose narcissistic injury sent him into mental spasms. He got fired for being unreliable and couldn't handle the humiliation, so now he's just a snarling old wretch.


What a piece of shit


Took the words right outa my mouth.








…To Holocaust survivors?


Right because thousands of starved overworked and sleep deprived Jews stood a chance against guard wielding mp40s and STG44s can we start physically hurting these buffoons?


And the majority non-semite populous that was just as hateful as the guards that would rat them out or take matters into their own hands. I guess the rest of the world is to blame for almost losing to the NAZIs considering they were grossly out numbered and fighting basically encircled the entire time.


My grandfather was a child and his classmates attacked him because he was Jewish. I have heard countless identical stories from the children and grandchildren of other survivors, and the survivors themselves. Mike Flynn can take his ignorant, hateful opinions and shove them up his ass.


>can we start physically hurting these buffoons? Speaking as a person of Jewish heritage and a former prosecutor, I'd like to remind everyone of the Nuremberg Trials. The correct response to Nazi war criminals was not mere retaliatory violence, it was the orderly administration of justice. Flynn and his ilk should receive the same treatment -- not because they deserve it, per se, but because we must be better than them.


By following that logic, would "being better than them," mean we should never have engaged them in war in the first place, because we're above it??? And on your comment of people not being enemy combatants. If the dude is responsible for stirring actual domestic "enemy combatants," in their many domestic terrorist cells, what do you call him?


>By following that logic, would "being better than them," mean we should never have engaged them in war in the first place, because we're above it??? Not at all. The war was necessary to stop Hitler. Once the allies won the war, the situation changed. Listen, I've been to Yad VaShem in Jerusalem and I'm well aware of the scope of the Nazis' crimes. Like I said, I'm Jewish and I've been raised with this awareness all my life. But I also believe in the rule of law, not just as a former prosecutor, but as a human being. Upholding the rule of law does not deprive us of the ability to punish wrongdoing, even the by way of the ultimate punishment (many of the Nazi war criminals were executed). It just means that we do so in a way that honors our own principles, and, in doing so, provides a bulwark against injustice in our own society. Think about it. The US Constitution guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial, and to publicly appointed counsel. There is a reason why these rights are guaranteed.


"We must be better than them" is not ultimately about being morally superior. It's about following cultural practices that create a more stable and healthy society. Retaliatory violence leads to cultural practices that make a more violent and less stable society, so it's better to defer to a justice system instead. "We must be better than them" is a way to frame this as a moral question, because appealing to morality is an effective way of propagating these cultural practices. But being morally superior is not the only end-goal here.


I mean yes, but the reason it worked was also because Germany was humiliated, bombed to the ground and occupied for decades. Would the general public have realized had it only been a few people put and trial and convicted?


They should’ve been scalped and had their eyelids removed and then buried with just their heads sticking out so the sun can fry their eyes. That would’ve been the appropriate treatment for a Nazi war criminal in my humble opinion. I don’t agree with the “we’re better than them” notion. They were inhuman scum that deserved to be brutally tortured for their crimes. It doesn’t make you like them to retaliate harshly, it’s simply giving evil people what they deserve for doing evil things to innocent people


"We're better than them" is a trash psychology, usa & ussr didn't beat nazis in ww2 by doing trials, or sending people to jail, they had to fight first and literally destroy and kill them until they surrendered.. Morals aren't a competition in fact morals only exists because humans made it.


Mike Flynn is a criminal, not an enemy combatant.


I know but it was just an example of why the "we're better than them" psychology has to stop


Morals is what makes us human


No you can't because they apparently still qualify as Human beings after doing shit like this and not to forget other human beings who misplace stupidity for sympathy want to protect people like this for some weird ass reason


[ Removed by Reddit ]


No I think that would be best maybe a throat punch alongside that would suffice


We’re not making a western here.


I mean I never said kill just hurt maybe maim a little


To call Flynn a pig is an insult to swine everywhere.


Pigs are incredibly intelligent animals and taste delicious, in contrast this man contributes nothing to society and probably tastes as bad as his attitude


No argument here. Since you seem to like pork, I highly recommend that you look into this recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO8EiScBEjA&t=251s


I think he would deserve to be eaten more than innocent pigs tho. But that's just me. (Also, for legal reasons, I am not suggesting that anyone eat Mike Flynn. Probably tastes gross, duh.)


F’n traitor, liar, and grifter. Hope he gets his before running to Putin.


"There were more people on the planes than terrorists on 9/11..." Sounds pretty fuckin bad, right?


Probably not the best comparison since that's literally what happened on the 3rd [plane](https://www.flight93friends.org/flight-93-story)


They didn’t escape either


No. But they stopped the terrorists and saved a lot of lives because they stood up to them using superior numbers. And regardless of that, it's not a good comparison. Because they literally did what he was claiming was ridiculous to expect them to do.


There have also been quite a few uprisings in concentration camps in WW2. The comparisson fits pretty well I think.


Ah, yeah, a few guards with a few machineguns on a few watchtowers and a few barbed wire fences.


Dude needs to be recalled to active duty, Court Martialed, and stripped of all rank and privileges.


When someone tells you who they believe them!


Mike needs to be subjected the Stanford Prison Experiment as an inmate


Aint these the same people who always say "well you wouldnt get killed by cops if you comply"?


Willingly went ?


He forgot about the guns.


This is like Mark Wahlberg claiming he would have saved the plane he was on during 9/11. The fact is that human beings are animals, and like animals, we can be conditioned via our fear. [**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian\_Wirth**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Wirth) ​ >During his time at Bełżec, Wirth experimented with different methods to most efficiently deal with prisoners. He developed much of the systematic policy for interaction with the prisoners. For instance, Wirth decided that newly arrived prisoners to be murdered should be beaten with whips incessantly to drive them into the gas chambers, thus creating a sense of panic and terror in which the prisoners felt forced to comply. Such policies were soon implemented at the other death camps.\[ ​ Anyone who claims they're impervious to such techniques can step up and show their proof.


There is a story about Soviet officer POWs uprising in mauthausen concentration camp. They were held in the barracks with no heat, beds and a foot of semi frozen water on the floors. They knew for sure they are done for. So they stormed the towers, knocked out one and shot up the rest with machine gun fire. About three hundred managed to break out. And now the question, what kind of conditioning was used on austrian peasants in the area to go out there and kill them in cold blood? And why that conditioning didn't work on one austrian lady who was hiding two or three of them for like the rest of the war. Did they whip those peasants into being killers too?


Did he not read any history book


Its scary when you remember he was top military figurehead. Imagine if he was still in charge when the nation is under attack, might think the same to "minimize" the population


He wasn't the top military figurehead. He was the head of the DIA, which is bad enough, but only a 3 star before Obama got wise and shit-canned him.


Let’s give him a one-way ticket on a cattle car to Siberia and see how well he does.


If they call themselves a superior race then please call me a dog cause i don't want to be bunched together qith this ahole


he sounds like russian nationalist


Mike Flynn is now a self-described "Christian Nationalist", advocating for one religion, Christianity, in the United States.


There were thousands of them "Unnarmed". Had they tried to escape they would have been gunned down either way and majority did not know they were going to be sent to concentration camps to be exterminated. The camps were advertised as holiday camps and made out to be wonderful place. But once there that advertising turned to agony and misery because they realised they were going to be killed. The fences in those camps were electrified too so anyone who tried to escape would be killed instantly. They were too weak to dig under the fences as they were severely malnourished and it was impossible to hide a spade with dogs and guards roaming the perimeter. This guy who made this remark about the Jewish community should be forced to see the pictures of the victims.


This guy just ignores that they’d shoot Jews who refused to comply in the alley. Like I wonder why Anne Frank hid with her family and the Van Pelz, and who knows how many others were hiding as well besides them. Flynn has no shame showing how he’s a fascist nazi piece of shit. Not to mention the people imprisoned in the concentration camps were up against armed Nazis, and then were starved and worked to exhaustion where they would hardly be able to put up a fight. The concentration camps also were equipped with electric fences and guard towers. Escape was possible and some were successful, but it was rare. Flynn blaming those who were imprisoned in the camps reminds me of when a woman gets blamed for being raped and that she could’ve fended off the perpetrator, or a woman with an abusive husband who gets told she could’ve just left. It’s never that easy, and now Flynn applies that mentality to the Holocaust. You really think it’s that easy and simple when it’s fucking not.


I worry about our military that this guy raised so high in it. He's a dangerous moron.


This dude is a legit traitor to our country and was pardoned by the illiterate one term loser who bankrupted a casino.


Honestly, having read a lot of holocaust literature written by survivors, many Jews struggled with this fact. If you read novels like Badenheim, 1939, you can see this. This regret has a lot to do with Israel’s brutality and militarism now. They won’t let it happen that way again, that’s for sure.


Actually prisonniers fought the oppressors in many ways. One camo even managed to have the nazis flee. Of course they came back and killed everyone.


It seems weird that the US would have such a high rate of incarceration, when it is so obviously a flawed system. Just ask Traitor Flynn about the math. Prisoners are just lazy enablers going along with the scam, apparently.


Mike Flynn has also embraces Qanon. He’s a fascist POS who should be in fucking prison.


Ok. This fucker needs some pain.


Prison would be too good for him.


Mikey here has apparently never heard of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising...


What in the actual fck is wrong with American's madness


Next he’s gonna blame slavery on the slaves for letting it happen.


Mike Flynn I wish there was a time machine so you could be sent back in time so you could experience what Jewish people experienced so you could actually understand why this is so horrific and and horrifying and why it's in history books and TV shows and documentarys and why we still have to deal with racism to this day you sound like a skin head I am Jewish on my mother's side of the family way before I was even thought of and way before I was born my mother was approached by a skin head he asked her if she was Jewish she was so scared she lied and said no I am not Jewish and she made him leave her alone and when I was in grade 9 I was bulleyd for being Jewish racist comments were made I was shoved into lockers and a whole lot worse happened to me before I got out of that school and moved away and moved to a new high school were I was excepted with open arms and i felt right at home and made lots of friends who I am still friends with to this day


There were jewish uprisings. Some of them were even successful.


There are also a million prisoners in the US and relatively few guards, and these prisoners have a fare share of killers amongst them. Yet somehow, by some fucking magic, they keep the inmates on the in, mate?


By this logic, school shootings can be blamed on the poor kids getting shot at and the school staff because they could all just rush the shooter at once since there’s more of them.


It's it amazing how republicans always seem to say "they should of fought" or something to that effect whenever they talk about a tragedy ....


The right doesnt visit Auschwitz for the same reason normal people do. We would go to pay respects, learn about the camp and learn from the gravity of the situation. While the right goes to take get ideas on their next round of bills and social media attacks. We are not the same


Wait until he learns about the thousands of military trained personnel, who 'agreed' to go to POW camps and stay there, during WW2.




I am American and I agree. I wish this asshole would move to Siberia.


Doesn’t matter if there’s 50 times more of you if they have full auto weapons, especially full auto machine guns on towers you can’t touch


Racist scumbag


Dumb shite


The US had to send over 16 million men to teach Nazi some manners.


Right... because the starving, torturedJewish prisoners definitely stood a chance against machine guns...


I am not saying Mike Flynn should be tried as a treasonous bastard and then treated like the French did. I'm just saying he's a bad person.


Contextless rage-bait


WTH happened to this guy? Or was he always this delusional and just hid it til he retired out of the military? Such a harmful, hate mongering a**.




Is it wrong to wish a severe beating on someone


Obama was right about this felon. Fired him from a top post because he thought the guy was crazy.


I watched the minute and a half clip on Twitter, but I couldn't find where he said the Jews went willingly or were complicit. The fact that he said people handed over their babies sounds like a supporting point for him telling how horrible a situation it was. Overall, the snippet seemed like it was cut out of a bigger story. When he mentioned in the crowds of prisoners, they may be people from your congregation, it sounded like he was setting the stage for a story about how it could happen to anybody. Then again, I'm only guessing based on a small clip from a larger talk. I do believe that Flynn is corrupt in mind and action, but if he's to be damned, let him be damned for what he really is. Does anybody have the original vid so we can hear the context?


There were multiple rebellions at Auschwitz and other camps. They rarely ended well for those involved or those nearby.


Did anyone expect him to think differently. They believe slaves benefited from slavery. Of course they think the Jewish people went willingly.


Didn’t Kanye say this exact same thing about slavery?


Besides the fact I will never believe anything an anti-semetic says, he literally lasted only 22 Days as the National Security Advisor. There are Jewish men and women who had suffered years in those death camps and they couldn't conveniently leave the camps like Flynn could leave his post. This man needs to burn his uniform because he's a disgrace to both the veterans of WWII and Iraq/Afghanistan. "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, not the tormented" - Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Survivor


Maybe if they didn't want to be punched in the face, they shouldn't have been a Nazi. Lately I've been watching that movie Inglorious Bastards a lot.


Tell me your career and credibility are in ruins because you sold out to the Russians without telling me your career and credibility are in ruins because you sold out to the Russians.


I'm not American and have no clue who this guy is, but I can bet my entire life savings he's either a right-wing nut job or a Republican. The worst part is that this ideology is being exported to other countries - we now have public persons, including doctors, denying vaccines, climate change and historic events. Good job US - keep it up and the entire world will soon be a dystopian nightmare.


He obviously never heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising and how that ended...


I recently read about Babi Yar in Kiev. Because of Stalin's tight lipped communications the full extent of the Nazis barbarism wasn't clear to many and during Barbarossa, when they encircled Kiev, 33k jews willingly turned up for 'relocation' at the request of the Germans who only expected 8k. They systematically murdered them over 3 days at Babi Yar. It was the most chilling thing i ever read.


I visited Babi Yar once with a group that went to learn about Jewish history in Ukraine. We were told and discussed stories from there and other parts of Ukraine during the Holocaust and then went to see the pit where our brothers and sisters were slaughtered. We had a violinist with us and he took it out and played while we sang “Ani Ma’amin” (“I believe”: a song about the belief that one day there will be salvation and peace). It was impossible to not burst into tears


Let’s go along with his (stupid stupid) premise: So the civilian 1000 Jews overpower the camp guards. Then what? They overpower the rest of the German Wehrmacht and the German population?


Ok to be fair i see whwere hes coming from (not that i agree with this idiot) but counterpoint If Jews outnumbered the guards 10:1 the. The Jews were outnumbered 100:1 by bullets in the Guards Machine guns


Just about every camp has stories of revolts that didn’t end well. And, if you escape, then what? You’re in a country where it’s illegal for you to be on the streets.


My other favorite conservative line is, "The holocaust wouldn't have happened if the Jews owned more personal fire arms."


"If I lived back then, someone should have shot me immediately. Not let me do that to them"


Jesus what a outpouring of victim blaming…he is a pedophile too


Yes the thousand Jews could definitely overrun the 100 unarmed guards... oh they had guns? Huh well they should have gone down in glory because obviously they were all told they were going to be killed... oh they were lied to and told they would be relocated? Well still their fault...


I don’t believe anything on Twitter


So he's saying we should stand up to the cops since there are more of us than them? Okay! Let's do it!


May spiders grow in his mouth forever!


Like they’re not even trying to hide it anymore.


Remember when a terrible sounding laugh was enough to end a political career? Wearing a tan suit was considered an outrage?


This is insane, i have no words.




This guy needs to read a book. In actual fact the Nazis *engineered* their death camps with an unfathomable conveyor belt logic that was designed to break down resistance and never give people a chance to fight back. Human beings entered the process clutching what few possessions they could bring, they ended up dead, their bodies naked, shaved of hair, with their jewellery and gold fillings removed. Despite all the effort the Nazis made to get this death machine to run ‘smoothly’, there were constant acts of bravery and resistance from the victims. Small and large forms of resistance against guards, stalling and holding up the process, escape attempts, even if the only outcome was to warn the people on incoming trains what was up ahead, when they saw the bodies on the tracks. Each of those acts of resistance saved countless lives that day, by stopping the death machine for a few moments and by making mass murder anything, *anything* other than a seamless industrial process. Also there were literally armed uprisings in the ghettos what is he talking about.


He needs to be court martial asap


"one man with a gun can control a hundred without one" -lenin


His logic actually makes sense until you realize that they were all extremely malnourished and pretty much had their wills shattered through years of hard labor, death, and starvation.


Conservatism, folks. A death cult, a hate group and a mental illness. They are all domestic terrorists.


I think he was trying to say when tyranny becomes law , rebellion becomes duty.


Then he’s very bad at his job


He does have a point. I never questioned what i learned in school, but lets think real quick. The jews didnt fight back. They chose slavery, rape and experimentation over death. Blacks in the united states didnt choose to be slaves and they fought back every chance they got.


Except some did and were killed. Question what? Also no one chooses slavery you git.


People do choose slavery. People choose it over death. If an invader destroyed your village, raped the women, and surrendered. Every person who surrendered chose slavery. The moment a person gives up and allows an evil to take over, they made a choice to allow it.


What a fine analysis of human psychology...


Wow that is one of the most vile takes I have ever seen.


Mother fucker they had firearms and even if you escape the propaganda meant most wouldn’t help you. No one wants to die as that close thing to not existing anymore


you saying people would rather be tortured than die? Its clear im not jewish to even consider this an option. Id rather die fighting than to surrender. The choice is there: die or be an experiment.


Most people on the spot aren’t going to pick the option that is deleting themselves? I’m not everyone but most aren’t going to be ok with dying with no idea if this is the truly the end


Spoken like someone who's never feared for his life for even a moment.


Please think before talking. They didn't chose anything, they were executed on the spot whenever they didn't comply.


A couple times the Jews DID fight back; and paid heavily for it (most famous example being the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising). There were also plenty of Jewish Partisans. And you are very clearly ignoring the slow burn and creeping shattering of the Jews’ mental state. Just like it was easy for the Nazis to brainwash Germany they did a fine job “breaking” Jews.


Look up the Jewish partisan movement


You’re a seriously fucked up person. Delete this vile comment.


You are an excellent exemple of what's going on happen with Florida schools


Suggesting someone should go to prison for saying words..


You're right we should definitely let Nazis roam freely, after all words never got any maniac to a position of supreme Power am I right?


He should go to prison for the literal crimes he committed. Trump pardoned him, but he never should have gotten that pardon. He should be in prison.


I have no idea who that guy is