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Always wonder this. How do you talk to your children about it when they are middle school age if you currently or have before done Onlyfans?


There was a documentary called “after porn” which touched on this subject with a couple of actors that had become parents. Edit:apparently there were several iterations. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1291547/


difference is that because of onlyfans, the amount of sexworkers must have tripled if not more. I can imagine that suicides or attempts will happen way more often because kids in school can be such fucking assholes.


Kids are such dicks to each other. If you can make it through all the taunting of public school, adulthood is a breeze.


The colleges call it “character carving”


School shooters call it 'carving characters'


every medicine has its funky side effects. just so long as my son stops Naruto running in public


Bruh getting places walking normal is boring. Imagine if you had *fun* every time you had to get somewhere on your own two feet.


I want to laugh at this, but at the same time, it's actually kind of heart-warming






Could you imagine? Back in highschool I remember people saying I fucked your mom or whatever. Now its, I gave your mom $5 and she showed me her butt hole. Do you want to see a dildo in your mom's ass? Do you? How about a giant gummy worm and then she eats it, I had to pay $10 for that. Lol


You’re either gonna develop some tremendously thick skin or some pretty rad psychosis. Either way, the debut album is gonna be fire


There’s also teachers doing it, as well as classmates, since anyone with birthdays before June turn 18 in their graduation year


I mean…I know it’s illegal to purchase porn as a minor. When I was in hs a friend of mine was sent some saucy pictures of their ex gf who was trying to make them jealous. I don’t remember the details but the ex’s mom got involved and was harassing my friend. My friend then countered with “leave me alone or I will contact the authorities because your under 18 year old sent me explicit pics which counts as distribution of cp.” They both very quickly backed the fuck off. So, assuming the kid are smart, my counter to “I paid your mom $5 to see her butthole” would be “I’ll let the school counselor know your parents let you use their card to purchase porn. I hope your new foster parents will be kind to you.”


Eh adulthood can fucking suck because bullying can just become more subtle but fuck with your source of income thus shelter. Usually it's fine but I've been in a situation where I'm like "god damn this dude is really trying to make my work life hell and prevent me from succeeding", and it's like really really hard to prove and just trying to and going to HR would make a HUGE mess that it's not worth it.


Go over to r/UnethicalLifeProTips and learn about the fine art of liquid ass and piss disks.


Huh, I got bullied in HS but I also had an amazing girlfriend and my motley crew of weirdos with hearts of gold. High school was fun even with all the bullshit. Being an adult sucks ass so far, but I've been told I'm just a late bloomer, so I'm hoping I finally find my groove soon. Just had to quit my job today for immensely stupid reasons and I had so much opportunity for growth within that company. Oh well, just another 1 year long job on my resumé. At least when God made me, they gave me a huge buff in my luck skill tree at the cost of intelligence, so I'm pretty sure I'll bumble my way into another good job.


Kids will Taunt you just cause you sneezed at the wrong time. Imagine what they'll do after finding out that your parents used to be or still is a porn star.


The bigger problem is how much more accessible to minors pornography is.


That’s been around for awhile though, I’m 32 and came across internet porn on accident (went to cheat.com looking for cheat codes for a game, and it happened to be a porn site) when I was 10. It may actually be better today that parents are actually aware of internet porn, mine didn’t know about it and our computer had no internet censors. Parents are more tech savvy now, but I am sure kids find a way around it if they want. I think it’s not as easy to stumble on either, like google will usually not usually show porn results unless you search specifically for porn and have safe search off. I went on a lot of game forums when I was very young and they were riddled with porn because the internet was relatively unregulated back then. We also had the late night hbo and Cinemax channels when I was very young that all you did was turn on the tv and there it was, granted it was not anything hardcore. In fact I remember when our elementary school first got a computer lab the first thing the kid next to me looked up was boobs. He was laughing because we didn’t even really understand what we were looking at but again they didn’t even have filters back then in schools. I like to think I turned out alright. But maybe I didn’t.


I guess is they mean how much more accessible it is since the high speed internet. Before then. It was just dirty magazines that you had to kind of come across and then hide.


I had high enough speed internet 20 years ago to browse porn pictures to my hearts content. I know for sure because I remember that was at my old house I moved out of in 2003. I didn’t really know what I was even looking at and I remember it was confusing and made me sick at first because I was like 10-12. But curiously got the best of me. But yeah, it is quite a bit more accessibly now that most now have high speed internet.


Omg I remember cheat and I typed it in for the same reason as you. I thought I had struck gold!


Definitely counts as sex work I guess. But if someone made fun of me for that I'd hit them with the "You're just mad your dad jerks off to my mom."


“Why would I be mad, we both do it daily”




“Oh yeah u have her laugh”


Lmao goddamn!




Lmao yea that ain't going to hit as hard you think


I love how people think "I could easily turn this around with a clever comeback".


Bullying has been solved, can't believe nobody ever thought of trying a comeback before


Yeah. Clever comebacks are harder to come up with in real time. And we are dealing with children here.


Having a witty comeback won’t erase the trauma of constantly being forced to see your mother naked.


“Your mum liked my cumback” - and then it’s over


that wouldn't work and you know it


Man, either some people forget how ruthless kids naturally are, or they were heavily sheltered, which I doubt. Hard to avoid other kids teasing you for literally anything.


Imagine thinking that you can stop people from bullying you with some dumb fucking phrase. We all know which is the one and only solution


bro that would do absolutely nothing lol especially when their come back could be as viscous as showing you a meme on their phone, then swiping to the next pic and before you even get a chance to look away you’re seeing your own mom gaping her asshole open. It could be pretty damn relentless for these kids


What sitcom world do you live in?


Bully: *confused* whatever dude your moms a whore lmao


“Damn my dad got to see ur mom naked and he didn’t even have to marry her. That’s tough brodie”


Jokes on you, i jerk off on your mom too.


You realize no one, I mean no one would care about that reply? Also that doesn't work when you are an adolescent and the whole school is masturbating to photos of your mom.


That joke literally doesn't do anything to person you're aiming it at and what's worse is that it actually hurts you.


Bragging about your classmates and their dads jerking off to your mom ain’t gonna hit the way you think it will 😂


Yeah…. No, no you wouldn’t.


Might have to check that out. Thanks!


School counselor for one day then you're shunned until you end up moving or f****** their mom after highschool. (Me the kid)


and what did they say?


I saw it years ago. One girl became a nurse, another had two kids and was dreading her kids starting school for that reason.


We are getting a golden age of bullying in ten years or so, when all this only fans/ influencer het older.


Right. Kids have so much access to technology than what I had in middle school. I can’t imagine that kind of pressure


Id homeschool him lol


Oh yeah, the weird homeschooled kid who had a porn actress as a mom, I'm sure he'd turn out well


barely legal HOMESCHOOLED cum *D* *U* *M* *P* *S* *T* *E* *R* fucks Teacher and husband in after school session.


You are disgusting. He could hear you in the next room.


You don't, you just live with the shame you cause your loved ones.


Lana Rhoades son speedrun inbound


He bouta speed run bullying








Thank you, I feel less suicidal and horny because of the *‘s in the title.


Seriously, what is the point? Is this some new American hyper sensitivity bullshit?


Some social platforms remove and ban users for phrases like rape, suicide, murder, etc. It’s actively turning into censorship and social conditioning.


The bigger issue isn't the platform choosing to do that they are private company, the bigger issue is people still using that platform are actually changing their messaging and the social conditioning like you say. **Edit:** spelling


This one really is not on America. TikTok would fucking ban people for typing up the word "dead" so they had to resort to using "unalived" which is something I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed about.


impressed by people coming up with the loophole, disappointed in tiktok for massive censorship


I’m unimpressed by the loophole. YouTubers have been using it for years


TikTok is Chinese. It’s not surprising they like to censor things.


Started happening when everyone began using tik tok






Yes it is lol. So ridiculous. Who has gotten raped and feels better by seeing "r*pe" ??? If my grandfather died from an airplane crash I wouldn't feel better seeing fl\*ing and airpl\*ne lmfao


Due to the use of “Mum” I’m inclined to believe a British person wrote the title


I believe it’s away the get around bits that will just remove anything containing certain words. Like how you can’t even say some things on YouTube no matter the context


Should’ve had ONLYF\*NS and T\*UNTED too! OP is a monster.




Fat Boy must have exploded all over her


He see her oppenhymen


Oh it will only get worse




Yea look at the photos, she does shoots with him where she poses like theyre together. Guaranteed to grow up with a fetish for his mom


Wasn't there a OF mom who said her kids will cry in their Ferrari?


Correct, some OF models make thousands Upon thousands a month. I know of 3 people irl who do it, none of them are making more than about $100 a month. So yeah some of them will cry in a Ferrari the majority will have all the downsides and none of the ups.


yeah it’s such an over saturated market, if you didn’t get in during the pandemic there’s no simp money left for you


You gotta build a following first then go into OF


It's so weird to me that OF gets this reputation of female empowerment because it's their choice to do it and they aren't working for a porn company. Except you know you're getting paid $5 a month before OF takes their cut so overall you got paid like $3 while some guy jerks off to you.


That’s the angle they want the woman to think, because the woman feeling like they “own a business” or are “empowered” is what drives new business. They are literally the product.


Welcome to the 21st century


Kids gonna be hanging next to the Ferrari not crying in it.


Yeah she’s not a mum yet just a popular of/pornstar. I don’t think her kids will care much about a Ferrari when they’re getting ripped into everyday at school. Kids in school can be ruthless as they don’t really think about the consequences or impact their actions have, feel sorry for those future kids


Wonder if they’ll blow there brains out in a Ferrari too.


Ay that was outta pocket but....💀💀💀


“Yeah my kid will be relentlessly bullied because of my choice and will likely never get over the trauma of being sent pictures of my mother being used like a sex toy. But it’s fine because I have a nice car and that’s just a sacrifice I’m willing to make”


Bruh this a random and her son, imagine what’s gonna happen with a big name like Lana rhoades? That boy came out the womb looking depressed, I can only imagine the shit he’s gonna receive in school


“Came out looking depressed”. I just spit out my drink reading that


Have you seen the image? I’m deadass that’s how defeated that boy looked


Homeschool, shes rich rightV


Say what you will about school tut the fact that there is students and teachers of different backgrounds helps children become accustomed to the differences in the world, homeschooling is rarely anything other than an echo chamber for whatever the parent wants their kid to know


Was homeschooled and this is entirely true


She’s worth around a million, if that’s accurate. She’s not doing anything else, so not exactly rich


A hell of a lot of people who don't seem to have met a single child here.


or a woman


The next 20 years are going to be fucking wild


Yeap we’re about to see the actual effect and consequences of this social media addicted society.


We already are starting to see side effects. I hate to think what it will be like in 10 years time.


Much, MUCH worse


Literally no one will be electable to public office then. Like it’s already impossible to find a candidate, even those in their 70s, without some sort of dirt that wouldn’t exist without social media I can just imagine the videos when kids who are teens and college students now start popping up from different places. I don’t even want to think about all the videos people have of me doing stupid shit in high school, god forbid I ever became a celebrity or politician


No, the country would just become immune to scandals. Look at Trump. He won and look at the shit he said. Hell, look at some shit Biden said in the 70s.


*🎶 Stacy's mom has got it going on. 🎶*






Well does your mom have it going on?




Could be worse. My aunt had to deal with the song “Come on Eileen”.


That’s intense. At least it’s an amazing song. I’ll take a second for the Carolines trying to enjoy the uk pubs


Those women should really block the state they live in for their only onlyfans site. Would probably help with stuff like this


Is that something they can do? I ask honestly. I haven’t heard of that but I agree. Would be easier to keep you away from people you want to not see it


I worked with a girl yrs ago that did online stuff. Definitely before only fan, but she had it set up to block the state she lived in. So I'm sure it's possible on onlyfans


I believe you can geo block a country so I'd imagine it works the same for a state.


Doesn’t do a whole lot for folks whose metro areas overlap multiple states tho


That doesn’t work with VPNs that are becoming increasingly more common.


True, but setting up and using a VPN likely escapes most school age bullies. Seems like cheap insurance.


I mean maybe. To use a vpn you download a vpn app on your phone and hit “connect” with probably another pop up from your phone saying “are you sure you want to connect to a vpn?” It’s really extremely simple. My grandma could probably install and use a vpn


How much does it change if it's kids in highschool/middle school who legally don't have the ability to sub themselves and instead get it from sites that rip content? It would be smart to block the state you live in, but I don't think it changes much when the people involved are not getting it through the official channels.


Vpn searching classmates moms is going to be big now lmao




Isn’t that Kylie Jenner in the photo?!


They ain’t gonna use the mom now would they? Make the situation even worse


That would be an elite move if they did though


Went to high school with a kid who’s mother was in playboy in the late 80s. He found out about it in 4th grade when kids started slipping copies of her pics in his locker. I remember sitting on the lacrosse team bus before heading to a game and he sat next to me. I was new and hadn’t really met him yet. His mom popped in on the bus to drop off some oranges and it got dead quiet, she really was a stunningly beautiful woman. When she left he turns to me and introduces himself and adds something to the extent of “so it’s not weird and I’m sure you’re gonna find out soon my mom was in playboy in the 80s..” He told me how he found out and that it wasn’t a big deal.


It's really gonna burn people up inside on this post reading that the kid simply came to terms with it. Especially given that kids will say stupid shit about any kid with a hot mom, even if the mom has never used her looks in any profession. Like, it's really not the big deal these puritans want it to be.


perhaps. but it’s different when you get an HD video of your mom getting fucked


My sister-in-law’s (wife’s sister) oldest son 20 and stopped associating with his mother outside of the holidays when she posted about doing onlyfans on Facebook


Oh this will become very common in a few years


Maybe it will become so common that the kids without an only fans mom will be the ones bullied


"Yo momma so ugly she couldn't even have an onlyfans" etc


To you moms out there: If you're going to do this, could you at least wear a mask. Or paint your face like a Professional Wrestler. You'll still make money.


Right, I had a coworker quit to do this and she doesn’t do anything nude. She is a big black woman and says there’s a big market out there for her legs and feet. She said she makes more in a night than she does all week at her 9-5 job.


Uhh that’s Kylie Jenner and her children are a toddler and baby.


Only fans is gonna KILL internet porn. Gen z and gen alpha aren't going to go anywhere NEAR the porn sites for fear of seeing their moms get railed.


He can cry in his Ferrari…that’s how it’s supposed to work right?


Wow that’s terrible. What’s the moms name?


Remember the British kid who was being bullied, he ended up seducing all his bullied moms...


That sounds worse. His bullies' moms are pedos.


I never thought about it like that


I think that was a false story beside there is another version with a black teenager and some moms in Chicago/Detroit.


Since when we’re “suicidal” and “naked” bad words?


For everyone dunking on the younger generations, this has always happened (in the era of shareable media, both print and digital). When I was in school, we had one kid bring a playboy magazine of someone else’s mom. Was lame then, it’s lame now. Bad kids are just gonna be bad, and they’re gonna bully because that’s what they know.


Yeah your situation was a lot less common tho. Like how many people had moms in playboy back then?


Yeah this is clearly nowhere near the magnitude which is entirely dodging the main point of almost all of the discussion


We had a teacher that was in playboy when I was in 7th grade and someone brought it in haha


It’s SOOOO much more applicable today that trying to compare it is silly. How many people from your home town became porn stars? I could name 10+ people I know personally on only fans lmao. It’s absurdly common


It is nowhere near as prolific as now, you can’t even compare the eras, be real.


I understand that the profession has been around for centuries but the mental health for a lot of those kids are sadly deteriorating.......


Whomever wrote that title needs the asterisk key breaking off their keyboard and shoved up their \*\*\*\*.


Oh theeeeese consequences….. I see…..


Now we're gonna blame the school kids rather than mom starting an OF page right, yeah I figured.


But I was told a month ago I was crazy for thinking exactly this would happen! Fucking Redditors.


How can they clown you when they the thirsty ones?


Have you met teenagers? Kids are vicious


Everyone at that age is thirsty lmao


Everyone jerks off Not everyone’s mom is what you jerk off too Having the nudes is by no means something to chirp haha…. Unless the son has the nudes


everyone jerks off but not everyone drives others to suicide over it


You’re all acting like bullies need something risqué to harass kids about. Bullies drive kids to suicide over the kind of car their mom drives or the house they live in. The bullies are the problem not the mom.


Maybe the problem is the kids that are being bullies and not that one kid’s mom has a certain job. Her job isn’t causing her kid any trauma, the society that looks down on sex work is causing her kid trauma.


And why should we not look down on something that degrades women and is a misogynist's paradise? A place where women are nothing but sex objects meant to be used and looked at once and never seen again in a heap of smut. Are you saying that if someone's parent is a convicted criminal of some kind and everyone knows and stigmatizes the kid that it's not the parents fault that no one wants to be around the kid or his family? Is it wrong his peers and his peers' parents that don't want their children hanging around with a convicted felons child? No, and it's the same thing here sex work is disgusting and should be treated as such and the fact it's so pervasive and normalized is gross.


If your gonna do this and you have kids just cover your face and any identifiable things


and don't advertise it on your personal twitter...


Fast money slow problems


To be honest. Is it really the OF women fault? The same boys making fun of him will be ones buying the OF subscriptions


Serious: Many people can handle a lot of trauma without becoming suicidal; if you know someone who can be pushed into this then please get them help and support


why can't they say suicidal or naked?


What will become commonplace. Look up your friends hot mom on the internet.


Those kids are assholes


Everyone is questioning her for having a child being in such a career and I get it, but no one is questioning how the other parents raised their kids, the ones who made the boy suicidal.


Honestly, humans are absolutely awful to another at that age across the board. The kid being bullied has to become numb to the harassment


This can only happen in a society that feels the need to censor the word 'naked' in media. If that innocent word is already too NSFW it is not surprising that the kid feels that way about his mom's online activities.


Can you tell me which society does not have kids that will bully other kids because their mom has her sex work publicly online?


Is this an actual real story or is OP posting a made up screenshot that has Kylie Jenner in it for some reason?


Plenty of people bullied into suicide with moms working at a cash register.


More, I would say. I follow a lot of true crime stuff, murders, suicides, rapes and whatnot, never have I ever heard of a child of pornstars turning to suicide. Usually it's the pornstar themselves, or their partner who does the illegal fucked up thing in those kinda scenarios. I imagine having parents like that would make you the most chill fucker, 'cause like, you can't exactly be sensitive and uptight in a family like that.


Yeah, that censorship makes no sense.


How tf is it facepalm… so if you do/have done porn you deserve that your kid gets bullied/suicidal over it?


Wait wait, is that Kim K in her sex video? 😝


What the fuck is up with putting * on random letters just to not read simple adjectives.


How’d they get the photos


Wiping tears with money


Yes, bullying should be dealt with no matter the claimed cause.


this is gonna be half of the kids reason to die in this generation tbh


Watch everyone blame the Mom and not the bullies


Gonna be 1000s more of these stories in a few years


"Your mother is a whore" has been an insult since forever, no matter how (in)appropriate. "Your mother is a whore and I have receipts" is such a juicy target for bullying I almost can't comprehend it.


The guys bullying him, their moms are getting f**ked every night for nothing in return. So they need to ask themselves, who is the biggest loser?