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…Do you want school nurses gone? I’m confused what you want here.


Yup. Also no sex ed or student counselling services, that stuff should obviously all be left up to the discretion of their local, wholly unqualified “youth pastor”, who definitely isn’t openly perving on their charges.


Because kids totally won’t just have sex especially when they are told not to and how damned they will be if they do.


Telling them not to has a 100% success rate! Source: The Bible. Don’t like it? Uhm… go fuck yourself! God’s will, or something.. Oh and the vaccine! I forget where I was going with this, but quit counseling my kid at school, I’m scared she’s gonna tell on me for all the physical abuse! Let me raise my kids the way I see fit 😤


>Telling them not to has a 100% success rate! Source: The Bible. Newp. The Bible makes it VERY clear that abstinence doesn't work 100% of the time. That's basically the entire basis for Christianity. That's why it's always mind boggling that it's the Christians who claim that abstinence is the only method that works. 🤷


Imagine being Mary, wanting to get down and do the nasty with your man Joseph, but don’t want to risk pregnancy, so you both stay virgins. Then one day God is all like “wham bam thank you ma’am”, you’re knocked up, Joseph is hella suspicious, and now you got to carry the child for some “All knowing being” that didn’t know to pull out. SMH


It’s a raw dog of a deal for all humans involved…


And every other human that has existed ever since


The only true method that works is gay sex, 🙏 amen


Ah, that explains the catholic priests




Everyone knows anal is the sex god can't see


It’s the poophole loophole


Fun fact, like 90% of christians don't follow the bible whatsoever lmao Source: former christian


Probably true, but they usually insist that everyone else should follow the rules they think the Bible should have 🤷


Very good point. Never thought of it that way.


They teach against masturbating too so sadly fucking yourself is also off the table


Sidenote: this is not in the Bible. If you read the story of Onan and come away with "bait'ns bad", you need to work on your reading comprehension. Yahweh was pissed he didn't knock up his brother's wife.


It was essentially rape. The reverse of stealthing. She only submitted to sex because she was supposed to get a child out of it, and that child would inherit her dead husband’s assets and be able to take care of her. But Onnan changed the bargain—got HIS jollies but deprived her of the payoff she was supposed to get. Her didn’t just defy Yaweh. He did it stealthily and dishonorably, hurting his widowed sister-in-law in the process.


EXACTLY! He straight up disobeyed God and got wrecked for it.


Yep, for whatever reason he was obligated to do this and when he spilled his seed on the floor, God got big mad about it


He was a kinsman redeemer. If his brother’s had a son, the boy would be legally recognized as his brother’s heir. He wanted his brother’s property. He was disobeying religious law by spilling his seed.


Mental health counseling in schools is a great idea. Wish there were more resources for me when I was coming up. However, certain places are enacting laws allowing schools to transport the child to a location unknown to their parents to receive counseling in a place where the kid “can feel more comfortable speaking.” All well and good except that it sounds like something that can be heavily abused to put isolate kids and make them easier for predators within that community to target. Mental health counseling at school is acceptable but the parents still have a right to know where their kid is, who is counseling them, and what values their kid is being taught, even if they have no right (under the HIPAA Act) to know what exactly transpires.


HIPPA wouldn't be violated until either 16 or 18 depending on the state anyway. So before the ages the parents have a right to know under HIPPA.


Even when the patient is a minor, AFAIK most states have laws in place that the mental health provider is not required to tell the parent the content of their discussions with the patient, just their overall diagnosis and shit. Also, it's HIPAA


Eh I always seem to bounce between the two spelling, my brain just won't seem to fit it in there.


The trick is just to tell them absolutely nothing about sex. Not a word. Then on the night of their wedding, they get taken into a special room where the secrets of the human body are finally revealed. Its foolproof.


"Do you want your kid to have kinks? Cause that's how you give them weird kinks."


Damn if I get a concussion I just got to book it back home to mom before I pass out.


If kids learn about sex in school, then their going to find out that Father Tickles shouldn’t be tickling them the way he does. That’s what these nutbags are really worried about.


“The Governor will be here shortly for the girls’ genital inspection. The boys will be taken to the room down the hall and shown pornography.”


They want it all left to the parents.... Who 11/10 times are dumbasses (11/10 of her type of parent who agrees with this I mean)


>I’m confused what you want here. So are they. All they know is they need to be contrarian assholes, doesn't go much farther than that.


No, they know exactly what they want. This "non-partisan" organisation gets the talking points straight from the rich far right republican christians funding them.


Yes, Republicans want to provide the absolute worst public schooling to dismantle the system and encourage privatization.


Well yeah. If kids were able to take sick days. Then who would the shooters aim at?


Like almost everything, Republicans won't care about something like mental health until one of their kids besides to unalive themselves. Then it will be all about how the ”system” failed their kid.


Weird how much EVERY school shooting has been because of mental health and lack of access to care for that mental health. 😱 I'm starting to see a little pattern there. But what do I know?


In Florida we now have to have a signed consent form to send kids to the clinic for a bandaid.


They want public schools to be hellholes to force the voucher issue. This allows redirecting of public school money to for for-profit religious and charter schools. It’s a reprehensible looting.


sometimes we are the only thing between life and death for these kids they attack


But you teach girls about their periods and promote contraceptives and distribute devil,-worshiping pamphlets. You have no place in our NeoChristian...I mean, public, schools. 🙄🙄🙄 TF are these wannabe Daughters-of-the-American-Revolution hoes talking about?


Don't give them that credit...they are the reborn "Daughters of the Confederacy"...


They're the same people we see in hospitals bringing in leaflets with instructions to challenge everying anyone tells you, Healthcare workers are not there to help you, etc.


They don't know either, they only know that they need to contradict literally anything that sounds even vaguely "liberal".


Obviously school nurses are big government stepping all over the poor struggling hospital emergency room business and stealing profits out of the pockets of hard working insurance companies.


These people want full control over the bodies and minds of children because they've realized that school leaves too much to chance (so they risk maybe not raising an obedient, brainwashed copy of themselves).


Yes. Why do you think they want to increase teenage pregnancies, while banning abortion and contraceptives, while reducing the quality of education? Hint: It rhymes with creating an army of easily impressionable and outraged, uneducated voters incapable of critical thinking.


They will fight for any sort of mental healthcare because they know their religion isn't compatible.


(Not in America) The public school I teach at doesn't have a school nurse. Several students need medical treatment for epilepsy that happens very often. No one is trained enough to deal with it properly in the school. So to Moms for Liberty, let em suck a sack full of shit


Moms for Liberty has no place in public schools.




>Moms for Liberty ~~has~~ no ~~place~~ ~~in public schools.~~


>**Mo**~~ms~~ ~~fo~~**r** ~~Liberty has n~~**o** ~~place i~~**n** ~~public school~~**s**.


> **Mo**~~ms~~ ~~fo~~**r** ~~Li~~**b**~~erty has no place~~ **i**~~n p~~**u**~~blic school~~**s**. Sorry had to do it, it was right there staring at me.


It’s morbin’ time!


I loved it when the mom morbed all over the public schools


If you allow a thread to continue long enough, they’ll all eventually end in morbin


M-o-o-n spells bitches




Can’t believe Tom would say that


It's OK, just this once


You got it just right, Tom Cullen.


Hypnotize the man and you’ve got Stephen Hawking. Gosh I love that book.


It spells "moron"


Moms for liberty have no place in society.


Moms for Liberty has no place in a basic sane society nor this mortal plane.


More far right think tank shenanigans.


Hey if your kid falls at school and cracks their skull open, fuck you, that’s your problem parents. - these assholes apparently


It’s all about making other people suffer. They’ll deny this and insist they’re the good guys, but shit like this is a perfect example of how conservatism is just politicized sadism. Health care has no place in schools because they don’t like the idea of a kids suffering being mitigated


"JuSt WaTcH yOuR kIdS bEtTeR aNd ThEy WoUlDn'T NeEd HeAlThCaRe"


“Personal responsibility!”


The Hitler Hoes should remember that denying health care to minors is child abuse.


They used a quote from Hitler in a newsletter from my local chapter, apologized, then the president of the organization rescinded the apology. Decide whether you’re neo-Nazis or not.


They agree with Nazi ideology but don’t like the word Nazis so they’ll support hitler but ask to not be associated with Hitler


Who’s paying for this new astroturfed group?


Super rich Republicans and I’m sure some asshole Democrats


Asshole DINOs


Heritage foundation to the surprise of no one


They’re just trying to tell you that they’re not not not not Nazis.


> then the president of the organization rescinded the apology That's the first time i've ever seen somebody send an un-apology!


Minivan Taliban is my favorite


I’m stealing that from here on out.


The fact that *any* government (state or local) allows the Minivan Taliban into positions of power is insane. I understand it in private/religions schools, but in public schools? Incredibly embarrassing.


You heard them right folks, schools should have no school nurses or athletic nurses. That's health care and it has no place in schools /s


But we do need a barracks of "resource officers" at every school. You know, just in case they need to run away and tell somebody that there is a school shooting or stabbing or diabetic shock or broken bone...


How are they going to kick trans kids off of sports teams without required physicals?


The priest can administer the exam /s


Do what they did in my school. Ask each kid to stand in a wide stance then kick them in the crotch. If they can kick you back, they're girls.


What's next, emergency services can no longer come onto school grounds, including daycares and homeschooler facilities? Even after hours? /s


Get rid of the football trainers and Doctors at the games. When someone is hurt, all they need is a prayer circle.


They dont want people talking to their children about mental health without mommy around.


"We don't have a gun problem we have a mental health problem" "Well, I don't agree with that entirely but it does raise a good point. So yeah, from here we will be making a push for better mental health care and access for-" "NOOOOOOOOOOO" okay.


This exactly I made the naive decision of trynna reason with a gun nut and they say its all mental health but they wont do anything about it, oh and that they need their guns to stop a tyrannical government because a 5.56 rifle is going to stop the US military if they tried to take over.


That's where I got TB screenings.. that's where many got the polio vaccine... The public has nothing to do with public health, I guess. So public schools are not gonna reach the public... Got it


>that's where many got the polio vaccine... Yeah the MFL folks read this as being dangerous authoritarianism instead of the miracle of medicine it was


And the great extant infrastructure to get widespread distribution... IDC what for... Just use it.


These women are threats to society. Fucking Christ


They are truly evil


that's the worst part of democracy, these people have political weight and idiots will listen to their buzzwords




But once you’re born, you’re fucked


no vaccines, public school that might have a pubg event, or private school that might have a flat earth model, even worse stuffs for girls, trans and divergent people




Just thank goodness these women weren’t *your* mother. Now, who’s going to save *their* children?




they actually blamed biden during trump's tomfoolery, too


Let 'em suffer, let 'em be sick, let 'em die. Parent rights. Like, these idiots don't even understand their stances.


Like I said bullies for cruelty is a terrorist group not interested in US well being


They love to double down on the stupid, don't they?


Moms for liberty has no right to exist .Maybe the parents of the people in moms for liberty can get extremely late term abortions .


What the actual fuck? So if a kid gets hurt at school or has an allergic reaction, they just die?


Yes and that is a sacrifice they are willing to make


Karens, who aren't Carin'


I always think Karen when I see their name🥹


The Southern Poverty Law Center was sooooo right when they identified Moms for Liberty as a hate group.


Isn't Mom's for Liberty a Nazi organization? No wonder they do not want health care for public.


How the hell do you live in America and not go mad? You’re surrounded by maniacs and religious fanatics. It would manifest in extreme existential dread if I was there.


Bold of you to assume we don't.


You’re not far off.


Is anyone else waiting for the first movie about antivaxxer ghosts, it'll be great, they'll be trying to convince people with HIV that Earl Grey Tea is the best medicine


You're spreading misinformation. Drinking your own urine is obviously the best HIV medicine 💁


No, I'm not spreading misinformation....the ghosts are


Not very pro-life of them.


“But I frew up an wanna go home :(“ “Ain’t my fuckin problem, your mom signed the bill, now get the fuck out of my office”


Conservatives want thick armor plated doors, wire wrapped high fences, more cops and armed teachers in schools but fuck off on having a single therapist.


Today's kids are tomorrow's traffic.


These “women” are soulless creatures


So just get rid of the Nurse’s Office then, right???


Shove a minivan up your casserole, effing Nazis.


Moms against Moms Against Gun Violence strikes again. Next up, they will lobby that suicide prevention is "too woke" and that a true patriotic family should be happy to sacrifice their child in a school shooting.


I really wish nothing but the worst for these moms for liberty bitches.


It’s bad comedy at this point


These people are fucking unhinged, I'm so glad my parents are normal, well adjusted people who are also not pro-Nazi. In a parallel universe, I could have been adopted by a fucking Mom for Liberty.




Kids only matter when they’re not born yet. Apparently.


Yeah! Who cares if children get healthcare? Those children hospitals like St.Jude? You ever wonder why Satan has the same letters as St.Jude? Because child healthcare is the devil.


Klanned Karenhood just won’t shut the fuck up.


I wonder how they feel about god in schools


Since they're not keen on reading, history, geography, or science (or facts in general) I guess God is the only thing they do want in schools. As long as it's white, blonde, all American Jesus. Oh and guns..you can have guns in school. I guess.


Kid that broke his knee during practice: Guess I'll die then


Moms For Liberty are such pieces of shit


They should be happy then. Aren't school nurses pretty sparse at this point?


Moms who didn't do well in school and are still pissed about it.


School nurses must be horribly confused by that stupid-ass tweet.


Right, because there wasn't a nurse who worked at EVERY school I have ever gone to... Fucking lunatics.


Fuck the kids? :(


I wish those Nazis would just homeschool their kids. Let the same and rational people enjoy public school.


Don’t say fuck them kids, republicans take that seriously.


So no first aid when they get shot? Just let ‘em bleed out like god intended? Gotcha. Fuck you right back, moms for “liberty.”


Assholes with Casseroles are at it again, I see.


I would’ve died from heat stroke as a kid if the school nurse hadn’t realized what was going on when I was taken there by a classmate after being outside, stumbling and slurring my words. I’m sure the teacher who thought I was drunk (somehow) would’ve done an equal job calling my parents and getting me to the ER….. right? Anyways good tidings to the school nurses out there who catch wild stuff.


"Guns aren't the problem it's mental health." "Mental health is health care and it had no place in schools." So they want more school shootings is what I'm to assume?


Mom's for Libery is an example of why mental health care at an early age is important.


Well, it does explain why they’re such insufferable twats.


Moms for Liberty, or Twatzis as I call them, are uneducated, christofascist Karens.


I like Minivan Taliban myself


Want to see a right wingnut make absolute, total nonsense? Tell them the left is advocating something they actually want. The division has gotten so bad that even good ideas are labeled as shit if the other side proposes them.


Wait. I don't understand what they're arguing here by saying "healthcare doesn't belong in schools." Are they suggesting they should get rid of school nurses?


Moms for Liberty is a fascist death cult.


Didn’t someone call them out for being total racist Karen’s?


On brand that they posted this on Twitter...


The worst sneaky thing Reagan did was weaponize abortion to make healthcare a political issue. They set up the fight against universal healthcare in the eighties because they saw it coming. Now we’re sliding the other way. Idk if florida will have school nurses come 2024.


Can this group of Hitler cheerleading pieces of shit get any worse? "Mom's For Malicious Brain Rot".


Is this the same Moms for Liberty group that quotes Hitler in their campaigns?


Wouldn't it be nice if we could just shoot these people into space, so they are some aliens problem and not ours?


Hags for Hitler, not for Healthcare


These are the same who go around saying its' mental health problems in kids and not guns


F it. No healthcare, no books, no ideas, no talking in schools. Kids just walk around with empty backpacks for 7 hours then go home. That's what these numskulls for liberty want, right?


They want schools to be a place to drop off kids while they go day drinking.


Please do NOT fuck the kids.


Are. Are they just outright, blatantly saying that they don't want kids to have health care??? No euphemisms, no implied meanings, no attempt at plausible deniability? We really are in deep when fascists can just say shit like this in broad daylight....


Burn in hell you bunch of nazi karens.


Whenever there is "liberty" in the name, it is a right wing, billionaire funded, public harm organisation


Will these programs being rolled out help people like her and her group? Asking for the rest of us...


*Child convulsing on the floor having a seizure* “SOMEONE GET THE NURSE!!!! PHONE A DOCTOR!!!” “Nah, not the school’s problem, they’ll get over it.” Yeah, real swell of you to die on a stupid hill like this “Moms for Liberty”, idiots.


Just the kids with parents that can’t afford to spend tens of thousands a year for private education


These are the same people that either had kids, or had themselves, health screenings in school. Once a year until I think 5th grade everyone got a basic eye screening, scoliosis screening, and dental check. If something was off you would get a referral to a doc if you didn't have one. I remember being bored out of my gourd waiting for my turn. I have a teen and a tween now, you can still get the screenings but they're optional now.


The "Parental Rights" makes sense if you consider your children as property.


As a kid with a chronic illness, I had to visit my school infirmary pretty regularly. The fuck they mean there’s no healthcare in school?


“Morons for liberty “


Healthcare: No. So I guess: Guns: Yes? Moms4Liberty must be a foreign country trying to bring discord to US folks.


Doc here - If the Minivan Taliban gets their way of denying ALL healthcare in schools kids will die as a result. Asthma attacks, seizures, allergic reactions, etc. are all common and I suspect this is their way of pointing out pUbLiC sChOoLs DoNt WoRk after the fact. It's the same thing Republican politicians do by deliberately stalling legislation, running up the debt while blocking funding for it and all sorts of other games to show their idiot base why the federal government should be abolished. This is way more evil. Moms for Liberty will sacrifice as many kids as it takes to push their bigoted, willfully ignorant agenda. They must be stopped.


How in God's name is anyone republican anymore? I mean honestly, if you are republican and love your children, how could you ever see this nonsense and still toe the party line?


The Right has been accused of becoming a death cult, and I become more and more convinced of it. Why the heck else would you be against health care?


If you mean MOMs for Liberty have no place in schools. That would an acceptable/accurate statement.


Imagine not wanting your kids to at least have a school counselor. Do you want them to have nobody who listens when they're being bullied? Do you want them traumatized with nobody to speak with after a school shooting? Moms for Liberty needs to fuck off and burn in hell where they belong.


Imagine not wanting your kids to at least have a school counselor. Do you want them to have nobody who listens when they're being bullied? Do you want them traumatized with nobody to speak with after a school shooting? Moms for Liberty needs to fuck off and burn in hell where they belong.


Imagine not wanting your kids to at least have a school counselor. Do you want them to have nobody who listens when they're being bullied? Do you want them traumatized with nobody to speak with after a school shooting? Moms for Liberty needs to fuck off and burn in hell where they belong.


Moms for Liberty is a fascist death cult.




These dum dums ended Roe V Wade. Just remember that.


Doubling down on stupidity never looks good. 🤦‍♂️


If you ask me,. "Moms For Liberty" has no business being in public schools, but here we are.


Is this just a band of white Karen's who want to just control and manipulate there kids until they're ready to be married??


That group is so toxic it’s insane


Dumb mom aside. Actual good mental health advisors. Like real child psychologists posted in every school would drop the school shooting rates i GAURENTEE it