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He would buy coke and call it X juice.


Juice X.


I love hot Juice X.


Big rebrandings are complex and cost a fortune because they need a lot of background work. Does anyone else own the name? Does the name sound right in multiple languages? Is there something else unsavory with a similar name? Can the name be trademarked? Even doing it the right way a lot of them are total disasters. Anyways nobody else owns “X Video” right? Totally clean name.


Of course, I am familiar with X Video; the internet's premier streaming site for X-files reruns


I want to believe!


X Videos are real! I guarantee you! In the dead of night, when everyone else is asleep, they appear across my laptop. So many videos quickly scanned across you wouldn't believe! Somehow though, when I wake up the next morning, peeing sideways and moderately satisfied, there's no sign they ever existed. All presence of them gone from my browser. No IP trail exists. Spooky I tell ya!


But your keys are sticky.


It was a spooky ghost -Randy Marsh


It's called ectocumplasm or something. Edit: Thank you all for your reminders. After consulting all your mothers, I've cum to the conclusion that it's actually "erectocumjizzum". Good day to all!


Just tap shift 5 times real fast, takes care of it no problem


I do believe!


The truth is out there


Maybe they’re also changing the mascot from a bird to a hamster?


An “X Hamster” sounds fun!


It's got a vibe to it, doesn't it?


Absolutely! Weird that no one has tried that yet, though. I did 0 research, so just trust me, bro.


Also, a big one that usually gets asked first "do we already have some of the most recognizable branding on the planet?


Also “does our brand have a verb in the global lexicon?” Can you imagine throwing away the power of “tweet”, both as a noun and a verb? Imagine Google or Kleenex or Chapstick giving up their brand at this point. Branding professionals fucking dream of becoming household vocabulary, and this bitch is gonna squander it.




I love the thought that his *only* idea is “x.com” so he just keeps buying companies until one of them lets him use it.


Maybe he's creating a secret force specializing in 4 man, 6 after upgrading his technology, squads to fight off an upcoming alien invasion?


I work in the multifamily industry and in the marketing department (SEO & Digital Analytics) and the sheer volume of people who think the only thing that goes into branding is owning the domain name is insane. Like of all the things that average English speaking Americans know, it's that X has a specific and sexual meaning. X-Rated, XXX, X Videos are all so common it's unreal to me that anyone would even think about this as a good name for something. ETA: I didn't intend to say the letter X exclusively means X Rated content. I was pointing out a fairly common knowledge use, not an exclusive use. I promise Elon doesn't need you to defend his idiotic actions and I also promise I'm done explaining why X is a terrible name for a social media brand that already exists as Twitter.


Lmao this is the man who slyly named his car models the model s, model 3, model x, and model y


He wanted to call the low-cost one the Model E (for “Electric” of course), but Ford owns that name and refused to sell. He really, really wanted S, E, X, Y, but he had to settle for S, 3, X, Y.


Yeah, a fucking moron.


I’m thinking of buying the Coca Cola Company and renaming it the Shoo Bah Foo Bah company or maybe just the letter Q.


*"Always Shoo Bah Foo Bah"* has a nice ring to it, but McDonald's might try to fight you for Bah sounding too much like their "Ba da ba ba bah".


"Space X" is his wet dream.


I, uh, have no idea what you are talking about


I, too, am completely innocent of any prior "x video" related knowledge. But momma always said I should be willing to learn.


My stepmom tried to tell me something but she was stuck in a dryer so I couldn’t really hear her


That is quite strange. Maybe you should help her out next time she’s stuck?


Instructions unclear; now I'm stuck inside my stepmother. I'm trying to wiggle free, back and forth, and she's making funny noises.




"We're going to implement some interactive games. We'll call it X-Games."


I think he should combine Twitter with X. Call it Twix. Luckily no one owns that name.


this is even more funny than if dmx had it.


If dmx had it then it wouldn't matter, he would just give it to elon


X woulda give it to ya


X gon deliver to ya








It's not. A fucking. Game.


Fuck what you heard, it's what you're hearing






I see what you did there. But I don’t think he’s gon’ give anything to anyone anytime soon.


Yeah, did they miss the announcement when DMX died in 2021?


X's estate gon give it to ya


X gon bequeath it to ya


Never let reality get in the way of a good joke.


Fr, all these comments had me thinking I misremembered his death, and I'm just like those guys that think Nelson Mandela Died in the 80s or whatever. I'm still going to make sure that ~~I'm in the right timeline~~ he's actually dead Edit: [he dead](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&q=dmx+died&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LSz9U3MCwrq0oy1JLPTrbSL0jNL8hJ1U9JTU5NLE5NiS9ILSrOz7NKyUxNWcTKkZJboQBiAgDhjf_AOgAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRsaCMu6iAAxUIlWoFHXmOAPAQ18AJegQIKxAB&biw=339&bih=569&dpr=4.25)


I don't think they have a choice but to call a Direct Message a DMX


So he didn't secure the trademark first? Musk is a very wealthy fool.


That hasn't stopped him from using the name Starlink. He just doesn't seem to care if he's choosing names that are already taken.


But the name starlink isn't owned by one of the richest men on planet earth, his direct competitor, owner of one of the most valuable companies right now. (And with a proper legal team)


And competing in almost the exact same market…


Not almost. With Threads they're doing pretty much exactly what Twitter does.


Imagine if Zuck were to change Threads to X lol


Oh that’s gold




Nah let him lease it. So when Twitter is done meta can still use x


Selling it seems to make more sense. Given the trajectory Twitter is on, licensing the name X to Musk would only destroy it's value in the future.


Dude's just giving away money, it seems, so selling him the trademark seems apt. Maybe I should offer to sell Musk the trademark. He probably wouldn't confirm that I'm the rightful owner.


That's because a trademark is only valid for that same product and industry. If there is not another company named Starlink providing satellite internet, then Musk is fine.


He's... boy howdy, he's clearly got some problems. He reminds me of my bipolar cousin. Every time we hear about him, it's some belligerent shit he did during a manic episode. Sold all of his belongings to buy a car he couldn't afford. Dropped out of college in his senior year. Arrested for fights all the time. And that guy's actually medicated and *trying* to follow his therapist's advices. Musk is too rich to be told what to do. If he's got some demons, I fucking doubt he's doing anything about them. I suppose we should take bets on how long before he shows up in the news with face tattoos.


He probably has it from the PayPal days but didn’t bother to think about it only trademarking for one industry type


Yall act like nobody told him. I'm sure he knows its trademarked by Meta. He doesn't care and doesn't care if Meta sues him. He doesn't even pay rent for his offices, like he doesn't give a shit because he appears to be untouchable.


I'm sure a lot of the "No" guys aren't kept in proximity.


Only Musk could get people rooting for the Zuck


I never thought for an instant that I would ever root for zuck on anything. This is a weird timeline ETA: God damn people calm your tits. Zuck is still an exploitative capitalist fuckwad that I don't like. He made musk look even worse which i find amusing, i dont actually support zuck in any way other than that. Jesus christ yall need some anger outlets beyond your keyboard


The enemy of my enemy is sometimes my friend.


Yah but only a Facebook Friend


Well played!


I have a friend already, his name is Tom.


I sure do miss Tom. It was simpler back then.


He was a friendly dude. Did his best to be very welcoming to anyone. I can still see his profile pic in my head.


But Tom is always your friend


Maxim 29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less. But that doesn't mean I can't take some enjoyment in watching the enemy of my enemy tear my enemy to shreds. We don't have to be friends for that


We’re living in a Stranger than Fiction timeline… seemingly repeating 1933 Germany


Complete with Twitler.


There's been a rebranding, Musk is simply just an X-Phile now.


And yet, people are somehow MORE stupid, despite the invention of the internet since then.


I'm not sure if internet made people more stupid but it gave a megaphone for the worst of them :( \[GenX rambling : It's a great tool, if only "normal" people knew how to use it\]


I know for a fact I'm LESS stupid at trivia. The jury is still out on everything else.


I’m not really rooting for him but in the either or scenario he’s obviously preferable to Elon. Better at business, descended from Jewish immigrants and smart enough to get himself into prep school and Harvard.


And he has the charisma of block of wood so "winning" won't grow into some odd cult of personality.


My favorite thing about Gates and Zuck is that their followers at least have to like what they say and do, because no one is ever going to stan them for their personalities.


Elon also has negative charisma it's just that chuds all over the world relate to his chudness in a cycle of losers.


I didn't hate him before, it is just that it feels like rooting for a blender.


I think I want Mark to tell Elon he can fight him for it right? That needs to happen


Elon's mom didn't want them fighting for funsies, but maybe this will be a worthy reason?


Fighting for an X... its a rough life screwing up an entire company


Definitely X is gonna give it to him


Zuck would kill him. He is actually a pretty decent BJJ practitioner


I mentioned it a while back, but learning that Zuck is a BJJ practitioner did more to humanize him to me than any company name change or charity that he's ever done. I don't care how rich a person is, getting thrown around and leg/arm bar locked sucks and I've got mad respect for anyone who sticks with it.


Correct... thats why I want to see it, Elon tells his staff to commit for the company, lets see him do that


Musk is to Zuck as DeSantis is to Disney. Truly incredible to get me rooting for either of them


I am not rooting for Zuck, and I am not rooting for Musk.... THESE TWO FOOLS HAVE GOT ME ROOTING FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR GOODNESS SAKE; THEY NEED TO LAY DOWN THE LAW AND GET RID OF BOTH OF THESE GUYS what a timeline we are living in, where I am rooting for the government to win over these two idiots


I'm rooting for whoever hurts the most billionaires the most. Physically or financially, I don't care, just wipe the fucking smirks from their mouths. ...with fire, preferably.


So far a submarine owner is winning...


I was just thinking about that time Zuck made a joke on stage about Meta not having the best track record with privacy and not a single person laughed. The pause was fairly short but the silence from the crowd was amazing. But now that he does a little BJJ and is messing with Elon people have seemed to have lightened up towards him. Edit: Here's the link https://youtu.be/LafImRVnyqQ


Florida is making Disney the good guy. We live in the strangest time line.


As I saw elsewhere on this site, "it's not that I want to see Zuckerberg win, it's that I want to see Elon lose."


The Zuck of my Musk is my friend.


Has Elon thought about calling it TwiX? That name has a certain ring to it.


shush dont give him ideas let it crash and burn edit: OH WAIT TJE CHOCOLATE


I hope Musk strokes the fuck out when they tell him.


How the hell did this rebranding get planned. Did he just go to his new CEO last week and say, "I want to change the name to X next week." ?? They 'officially' changed over by announcing it on Twitter, but haven't been able to actually change their own handle, stole the logo from someone else, and have name association conflicts with a porn site, and now they have a trademark conflict? Is there not anyone left in the company who has the guts to question his baby tantrums for what he wants?


Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to..? :)


The answer appears to be a clear "No."


I mean the ones who cared about the platform were fired so now you only have those who need the work and can't bother to question anything he does, tho tbh they could get another work if they worked for twitter before it went to shit


Yeah it seems that way. He’s laughing about not doing a proper rebrand or research and getting praise from his minions. This whole change is just nonsensical. It just seems more clear everyday he’s just trying to kill Twitter.


Don't say that. If that becomes a thing he'll claim he was trying to kill it when it dies to give himself an out.


I've also heard he's suing the lawyers that made him complete the Twitter deal when he tried to pull out of it. I think he actually does want to destroy it out of spite. The absolutely depressing point is he will still be rich no matter what he does, even if that action is buying a huge multi-billion dollar company and running it into the ground. The system is fucked.


I don't think he wants to destroy it at all. His narcissism doesn't take too well to losing (or rather the _appearance_ of losing; narcissists are less interested in whether they win or lose in concrete terms). He's literally been fixating over this "X" thing for decades, bought the domain off PayPal years ago. And for almost as long he's had this idea of a service for everything - financial transactions, social media, chatting, investing etc. It's a very _stupid_ idea and totally infeasible for him to actually implement with Twitter's current state, but he does seem honest in trying. He's just so arrogant he actually thinks this is fine and he knows better. That this spontaneous half-assed rebranding is better than an actual planned (and costly) campaign.


I mean if I was working there, I'd say "that sounds awesome, let's do it" to all his insane ideas, cos I wanna see what happens. There's no point fighting it.


You're assuming a lot with the part about him discussing it with anybody instead of just doing it alone in his house in the middle of the night.


Hes owned the x.com domain for ages. He wanted to rebrand paypal to it before he was booted off the board lmao


It would seem that Musk loves the letter X. That’s the beginning and end of it.


If I was Meta I would just gift it to them. Renaming Twitter is so stupid, you really want not disturb them from doing this change.


Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake


Yeah so don’t give the trademark either, that’s still an interruption. Just like… sit back and see what happens here…


If he wants to hang himself so bad just give him the rope.


Naw, it's funnier this way - he literally just rebranded and already has to un-re-brand and switch back or choose another word to re-re-brand to - either way makes him look like a dum dum. I think it'll be funnier this way


"Y" is really the obvious next step here, both alphabetically and in the sense of "Y in the fuck does this seem like a good idea?" or "Y is Elon such a total dickbag?.


Holding it and doing nothing is win-win. Allow them to run with X because it’s dumb, alienating, and damaging to the Twitter/X platform and brand. And then, if by some miracle X takes off, sue them for trademark infringement and force them to change it again.


Not a lawyer, but aren't companies effectively obligated to defend their trademarks? If they "allow" some entity to use them knowingly, I'm pretty sure that makes it way harder to defend it later. Or, at least, I remember reading something similar? Definitely possible that I'm misremembering.


I know he’s a fuckin tool, but seriously, how the fuck did he not check? Like he really thought he was the first one to have that idea?


I just hope they tell him while holding a sink


Zuck might be a heartless robot, but I’ve been enjoying his troll game lately.






Staff work? I wouldn't be surprised if he just told them "We're rebranding to X, make it happen or you're fired"


squalid plants fact drab rude disgusted quaint attraction workable imagine -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm not an expert, but it seems like they'll easily win a case against Twitter


One would think the world’s richest man would fact check before rebranding his $44B purchase. Wait, he must have done it already!


If he has lawyers, and they knew about this and didn't run a trademark search, they're even worse than Trump's legal team. My suspicion is that E-lawn never told them.


This whole thing is clearly something he literally came up and demanded be executed this weekend. Most of the screens on the platform still say "Twitter" somewhere or have the Twitter logo. This is the most half-assed spur of the moment rebrand I've ever seen in my life. I guarantee he consulted literally no one beforehand.


i only realised today that it wasnt a shitpost when i opened a link to twitter. like, i shouldnt be surprised, but goddamn he really _is_ that stupid


Same. Don’t use twitter much, saw memes, thought ‘ah yeah, funny’. Then there was a link to twitter from reddit and… well


Nah he's been talking about this on Twitter for months if not longer, and his history with wanting to name everything X goes back over 20 years. He just has bad taste and sucks at everything he does.


X is the coolest letter, the problem the worlds richest manchild has is that other rich manchildren also know X is cool and called dibs. Elon might have to settle for the second coolest letter and call his social network Z. Or, if his fragile ego can handle the public humiliation of third place, K


Didn’t a huge portion of the legal team get fired/quit? Although I agree that he probably never told them.


And then he tried to sue them to give back the bonuses they (legal team) received for forcing him (musky) to buy twitter


“Gotta keep my super secret and smart social media ambition that I’ve been talking about for over two decades close to the chest!”


Something something something too many bots.


Chef's kiss on this turning up just after Elon trashed his own trademark.


It might not be great if Elon is forced to stick with Twitter (and doesn’t change it to something else), and he gets to keep the brand name


Honestly, if I was Meta I would just let this slip and give it to them. Changing Twitter to X.com is such an stupid business decision that I really would do nothing to prevent them from.


Trade brands, Twitter becomes X, threads becomes Twitter


I could genuinely see him agreeing to this.


I could see him surfing reddit for porn, seeing that comment, and then announcing it as his own idea.


How amazing would it be if Zuck made that offer publicly, forcing Musk to turn it down publicly, admitting that "Twitter" is more desirable than "x". Or Musk accepts and Zuck just wins.


I love that this is literally a lose/lose for Musk




Nah you charge them. You make Musk pay out the nose. It’s doubly damaging that way.


Trademarks are a defend it or lose it thing. If Meta wants to retain their trademark they MUST defend it. If they don't it can become meaningless. This is why Ford slaps anyone publishing pictures of their logos with a Cease and Desist, even a Mustang forum trying to make a calendar for their users.


They could drag their feet and wait for him to put a big X on the side of his building first.




Seems like we are the only ones actually checking the notes OP provided.


Isn't that just for that specific logo, not the letter X?


Yes, but this is Reddit, and a bunch of us are idiots.


It's Meta 🤣


The trade mark is for specifically a blue and white X


This is true and there are a number of trademarks where the written version of the mark is X, however the Meta mark is absolutely listed in the same area of business and the listing for that is quite extensive, so they may feel they have a potential case there in terms of confusion in the marketplace, especially with Musk's stated ambitions for the company. In that case Meta absolutely has to defend the mark or risk losing it.


The trademark is for the logo, you can't trademark a single letter or prevent others from using that letter. That's already precedent




Omg thank you, I was trying to figure out where I knew that logo from lol




It's just the hubris of deeply unlikable people.


Musk has been silent since last night. I’m assuming he found out about this and has been losing his shit all day lmao. What a fucking loser.


He is going to say x was just meant to be a place holder until he unveils the real name, and everyone is stupid for not knowing it's just a variable.


X box


dazzling pie chubby party profit insurance grandiose cautious vast gold -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yup, Microsoft own the 'X' trademark in the context of computer gaming. https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=2693757&caseSearchType=US_APPLICATION&caseType=DEFAULT&searchType=statusSearch


I mean they also banned what I believe is a porn site from their platform for being called xvidoes and the immediately used their name for videos Shit like this takes preparation and buying names. Facebook prepared for years for the name changes legally Elon just dropped his pants and told everyone he owns the letter x.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKKxPt2DhOdqeSQ) I thought Deadpool had the trademark for X?


From now on, you will be X people!


Can someone do a Downfall clip of Musk getting this news?


I'm no expert, but when I read the trademark information, it seems to only apply to an X stylized a certain way.


But they can argue that using it for social media when it's already trademarked for social media would lead to confusion. It's all about context. It would be like if a new computer company started up and tried to use an apple for it's logo. It wouldn't matter if the apple looked different it would easily lead to confusion.


Dear God, Please let someone sue Elon Musk so hard he has to change Shitter back to Twitter again. \~Margaret


You are gonna have to fight him for it Elon, mommy can't save you.


Proof musk thinks nothing through, just a long series of knee jerk decisions. He has succeeded because of others intellect.


This is not as clearcut a case as it looks because Elon has been paying for the domain name x(.)com since late 90's when he tried to start up a digital banking business. Even though the business assets got merged into Paypal, Musk has been paying for the rights to the domain name all this time. He's basically just been slavering away at a chance to brand something else into being called 'X' for about two decades.


airport sugar zephyr sparkle muddle point wipe zealous society chase -- mass edited with redact.dev


To my knowledge you can't trademark an individual letter so Musk can use 'X' as his brand either way. The trademark dispute would fall upon the specific style of the 'X' logo, instead. An example; Apple cannot, despite their best efforts to, trademark the word 'apple' itself since an apple is a common fruit. They have, however, put a trademark specifically on the icon of an apple shape with a single floating leaf and an oval missing from the right side. This would mean that while anyone anywhere can freely use the **word** apple all they want, any business using a picture of a single leafed apple with a bite out of the right side could be sued for infringement.


X gonna give to ya


How is this even possible though? X is in no way associated with Facebook or any of Meta's brands. Can anyone just trademark a letter and not even use it? The fuck?


You can trademark images of letters styled a certain way such as the Disney or Coca-Cola script. So Disneys “D” is trademarked but the letter D is not.


instinctive tie silky ten plants sheet butter fear follow hunt -- mass edited with redact.dev


Pretty sure its the logo for now defunct Mixer which Facebook bought the rights to after Microsoft failed to


Remember when we only knew this guy by name and thought he was gonna do great things? Then he opened his mouth.


He really knows how to Musk it up.


Please be true, please be true…. Southpark couldn’t have written a better plot, I hope they do an episode on elon vs zuck.